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Integrated Marketing Communication II Analisis Situasi Pasar menggunakan Metode SWOT dan BCG
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Program Studi
Advertising dan Marketing Communication
Martina Shalaty Putri, M.Si.
Analisis Situasi Pasar • Menurut Cravens (2000), Analisa situasi pasar persaingan adalah langkah pertama dalam merancang strategi baru atau mengkaji strategi yang sudah ada. Analisa situasi ini dilakukan setelah strategi diimplikasikan untuk menentukan perubahan strategi yang diperlukan. Penilaian situasi biasanya pendefinisian dan penganalisaan pasar, dan analisa pesaing.
Analisis Situasi Pasar • Analisa pasar merupakan proses riset terhadap faktor-faktor lingkungan eksternal yang mempengaruhi kegiatan usaha perusahaan tersebut. • Lingkungan eksternal merupakan kekuatan yang tidak dapat dikendalikan, sehingga perusahaan harus menyesuaikan diri, dan juga menghasilkan ancaman dan peluang. • Perusahaan harus berhati-hati dalam menganalisis lingkungannya sehingga dapat menghindari ancaman dan mengambil manfaat dari peluang.
Tujuan Analisis Pasar • Untuk membuat keputusan apakah perusahaan akan terus menjalankan kegiatannya dengan meningkatkan produktifitasnya atau harus keluar dari pasar. • Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi pasar yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh pengusaha untuk memanfaatkan keuntungan. • Untuk menemukan peluang bisnis yang bisa dimanfaatkan. • Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi bisnis yang ada dan berapa lama suatu bisnis bisa bertahan.
Analisis Situasi Pasar • • • •
SWOT BCG Past Performance/ PLC dll
SWOT Analisis SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) adalah suatu teknik yang dirancang khusus untuk membantu mengidentifikasi strategi pemasaran yang harus dijalankan perusahaan. Teknik ini dibuat oleh Albert Humphrey, yang memimpin proyek riset pada Universitas Stanford pada dasawarsa 1960-an dan 1970-an dengan menggunakan data dari perusahaan-perusahaan Fortune 500.
Analisis SWOT terdiri dari empat faktor, yaitu: • Strengths (kekuatan) Merupakan kondisi kekuatan yang terdapat dalam organisasi, proyek atau konsep bisnis yang ada. Kekuatan yang dianalisis merupakan faktor yang terdapat dalam tubuh organisasi, proyek atau konsep bisnis itu sendiri. • Weakness (kelemahan) Merupakan kondisi kelemahan yang terdapat dalam organisasi, proyek atau konsep bisnis yang ada.Kelemahan yang dianalisis merupakan faktor yang terdapat dalam tubuh organisasi, proyek atau konsep bisnis itu sendiri. • Opportunities (peluang) Merupakan kondisi peluang berkembang di masa datang yang terjadi. Kondisi yang terjadi merupakan peluang dari luar organisasi, proyek atau konsep bisnis itu sendiri. misalnya kompetitor, kebijakan pemerintah, kondisi lingkungan sekitar. • Threats (ancaman) Merupakan kondisi yang mengancam dari luar. Ancaman ini dapat mengganggu organisasi, proyek atau konsep bisnis itu sendiri.
Analisis SWOT mencakup lingkungan internal dan eksternal perusahaan. Secara internal, kerangka kerjanya menguraikan kekuatan dan kelemahan pada dimensi kunci misalnya kinerja keuangan dan sumber daya; sumber daya manusia, fasilitas dan kapasitas produksi; pangsa pasar; persepsi pelanggan terhadap kualitas produk, harga dan ketersediaan produk; organisasi komunikasi. Penilaian terhadap lingkungan eksternal termasuk informasi pasar (pelanggan dan persaingan), kondisi ekonomi, tren sosial, teknologi dan peraturan pemerintah. Ketika semua dijalankan dengan benar, analisis SWOT dapat mengarahkan proses pembuatan rencana strategis yang baik. Analisis SWOT dapat bermanfaat dalam menemukan keunggulan strategis yang dapat dieksploitasi dalam strategi pemasaran perusahaan.
• • • •
Agar analisis SWOT memberikan manfaat, maka anda harus: tetap fokus (stay focused); bekerja sama dengan area fungsional lainnya ( collaborate with other functional areas); teliti isue dari perspektif pelanggan (research issues from the customer’s perspective); dan pisahkan isue internal dari isue eksternal (separate internal issues from external issues).
Syarat bagi analisis SWOT efektif dan produktif Sejauh mana perusahaan menerima manfaat penuh dari analisis SWOT akan bergantung pada bagaimana kerangka kerjanya digunakan. Jika dikerjakan dengan benar, SWOT dapat menjadi katalis yang kuat untuk proses perencanaan. Jika dikejakan dengan salah, akan menjadi sia-sia dari segi waktu dan sumber daya lainnya.
4 Manfaat bagi Manager dalam Membuat Strategi Pemasaran melalui Analisis SWOT yang Efektif
1. simplicity: analisis SWOT tidak memerlukan training khusus atau etrampilan teknis; 2. collaboration: karena sederhananya, analisis SWOT mendorong adanya kerjasama dan pertukaran informasi antara manager dari area fungsional yang berbeda; 3. flexibility: dapat membesarkan kualitas perencanaan strategi organisasi meskipun tanpa sistem informasi pemasaran; 4. integration: analisis SWOT dapat berhubungan dengan berbagai macam sumber informasi.
Company Background Name
Apple, Inc.
Logo Industries served
Computer hardware, Computer software, Consumer electronics, Digital distribution
Geographic areas served
Current CEO
Tim Cook
$ 156.508 billion (2012)
$ 41.733 billion (2012)
72,800 (2012) Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.,, Inc., International Business Machines Corporation, Cisco
Main Competitors
Systems, Inc., Google Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Dell Inc., LG Electronics, Lenovo Group Limited, Hewlett-Packard Company, Sony Corporation and many other companies.
•Strengths • Customer loyalty combined with expanding closed ecosystem • Apple is a leading innovator in mobile device technology • Strong financial performance ($10,000,000,000 cash, gross profit margin 43.9% and no debt) • Brand reputation • Retail stores • Strong marketing and advertising teams
• • •
Customer loyalty combined with expanding closed ecosystem. While at first Apple’s closed ecosystem was a weakness for the business, this has now changed. First, Apple now has a full range of apps, software and products that are interlinked and support each other. Second, new products and supplements will be released soon (iTV), hence expanding the ecosystem. Third, Apple has a strong customer loyalty, which increases due to Apple’s closed ecosystem, which, in turn, is supported by customer loyalty. So the combination of Apple’s expanding closed ecosystem and customers’ loyalty increases firm’s competitive advantage. Apple is a leading innovator in mobile device technology. Apple has been chosen as the most innovative business in the world for the 3rd time in 2012. Company’s core competency of producing innovative products is the strength the company builds upon and is able to bring the most innovative products to the market. Strong financial performance ($10,000,000,000 cash, gross profit margin 43.9% and no debt).Apple’s financial performance is one of the best among many companies. Company currently (end of 2012) holds about $10,000,000,000 in cash, which can be used for acquisitions, buying back company shares and other matters. It also has higher gross profit margin than its main competitors, which is equal to 43.9%. Company has no debt and is not directly affected by interest rates or credit markets. Brand reputation. Apple has a reputation of highly innovative, well designed, and well-functioning products and sound business performance. Apple brand is valued at $76.5 billion and was the second most valuable brand in the world in 2012. Retail stores. Apple’s retail stores ensure high quality customer experience; provide direct contact with knowledgeable staff and increases brand awareness. Besides, Apple’s stores are one of the most profitable in terms of sales/ft2. Strong marketing and advertising teams. Marketing is one of the strongest functional areas Apple has. It can sell pricier products, build superior stores (they are more or less built to achieve marketing goals) and advertise their products in a compelling manner
High price
Incompatibility with different OS
Decreasing market share
Patent infringements
Further changes in management
Defects of new products
Long-term gross margin decline
• • •
High price. Apple’s products cost much more than its competitors devices. Some critics argue that the price is not justified. When there’s such a fierce competition, Apple products price becomes a weakness because consumers can easily opt for similar quality but lower price products. Incompatibility with different OS. The iOS and OS X are quite different from other OS and uses software that is unlike the software used in Microsoft OS. Due to such differences, both in software and hardware, users often choose to stay with their accustomed software and hardware (Microsoft OS and Intel hardware). Decreasing market share. The less market share Apple has, the less it can influence its potential customers and persuade them to jump into using Apple’s closed ecosystem products. Patent infringements. The firm is often accused of infringing other companies’ patents and has even lost some trials. This damages Apple brand and its financial situation. Further changes in management. Apple has lost Steve Jobs in 2012 and Tim Cook became the new CEO. Scott Forstall and John Browett (chief of retail) left the company too and this will have an impact on company’s management, which, as many think, will be negative. Defects of new products. This is not current Apple weakness but one that jumps out time to time. Some of Apple’s iPod and iPhone releases had clear faults and thus disturbed sales of the products and firm’s reputation of superior product performance.
High demand of iPad mini and iPhone 5
iTV launch
Growth of tablet and smartphone markets
Obtaining patents through acquisitions
Strong growth of mobile advertising market
Increasing demand for cloud based services
• • • •
High demand of iPad mini and iPhone 5. iPad mini sales will increase Apple’s market share in the tablet market and, will strengthen firm’s competitive advantage. iTV launch. iTV launch will support Apple TV sales and the products’ ecosystem. Growth of tablet and smartphone markets. Growth of tablet and smartphone markets is a good opportunity to expand firm’s share in these markets. Damages from patent infringements. Apple patents are often infringed by its competitors. Thus, collecting the damages from the companies that do so is a viable opportunity to not only increase the cash reserves but to damage the competitor’s reputation and sales as well. Strong growth of mobile advertising market. Apple has developed iAd advertising platform, which allows advertising on Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The growth of mobile advertising market is an opportunity which could be further seized upon. Increasing demand for cloud based services. Apple could expand its range of iCloud services and software as the demand for cloud-based services is expanding.
Rapid technological change
2013 tax increases
Rising pay levels for Foxconn workers
Price pressure from Samsung over key components
Strong dollar
Android OS growth
Competitors moves in online music market
• •
• •
Rapid technological change. One of the most severe threats Apple and the other tech companies are facing is rapid technological change. Companies are under the pressure to release new products faster and faster. The one that cannot keep up with the competition soon fails. This is especially hard when a business wants to introduce something new, innovative and successful 2013 tax increases. Tax increases in USA in 2013 will negatively affect Apple. Rising pay levels for Foxconn workers. Pay levels for Foxconn’s workers already rose 3 times from 2010 to 2012. Foxconn is the main manufacturer of Apple products and the rising pay level for Foxconn’s workers will likely raise the prices for Apple products. Price pressure from Samsung over key components. Samsung has already asked Apple to pay higher price for its application processors. Due to intense competition and no viable substitutes, Apple may be asked to pay even more. Strong dollar. Apple earned more than half of its revenues from outside US. Dollar appreciation against other currencies reduces potential profits from those countries. Android OS growth. Android OS is the main competitor for iOS in mobile device market. The domination of Android decreases iOS power over influencing consumers to join Apple. Competitors’ moves in online music market. Apple faces threat from online music stores, such as Amazon, Wal-Mart and online music subscription companies, such as Spotify.
High demand of iPad mini and iPhone 5
Rapid technological change
iTV launch
2013 tax increases
Emergence of the new provider of application
Rising pay levels for Foxconn
Growth of tablet and smartphone markets
Breached IP rights
Obtaining patents through acquisitions
Price pressure from Samsung
Damages from patent infringements
Strong growth of mobile advertising market
Strong dollar
Increasing demand for cloud based services
Android OS growth
Competitors moves in online
over key components
music market
BCG (Boston Consulting Group) • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) adalah perusahaan konsultan manajemen swasta yang berbasis di Boston, ini merupakan pertumbuhan pangsa pasar yang dikembangkan dan dipopulerkan oleh seorang manajemen konsultan terkemuka, Bruce Henderson. • Metode analisis Boston Consulting Group (BCG) merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam menyusun suatu perencanaan unit bisnis strategic dengan melakukan pengklasifikasian terhadap potensi keuntungan perusahaan (Kotler, 2002).
BCG Matrix
Developed by Bruce Henderson of BCG Group in 1970s Mainly used for Multi-product companies Consist of 4 cells Most renowned business portfolio analysis tool It has two dimensions: MARKET SHARE and MARKET GROWTH and Four Category : Star,cash cow, Dog and Question Mark
• Matriks BCG memungkinkan organisasi multidivisi untuk mengelola portofolio bisnisnya dengan mempertimbangkan posisi pangsa pasar relatif dan tingkat pertumbuhan industri dari masingmasing divisi relatif terhadap divisi lain dalam organisasi. • Posisi pangsa pasar relatif (relative market share) didefinisikan sebagai rasio dari pangsa pasar satu divisi tertentu terhadap pangsa pasar yang dimiliki oleh pesaing terbesar dalam industri tersebut. Pangsa pasar relatif dapat ditentukan menggunakan rumus berikut: Semakin tinggi nilai pangsa pasar suatu perusahaan, semakin besar proporsi pasar yang dikendalikannya.
Matriks BCG sendiri di buat berdasarkan dua asumsi utama yaitu yang pertama adalah:
• Semakin besar pangsa pasar yang dimiliki oleh sebuah perusahaan maka semakin besar jumlah penerimaan yang diterima oleh perusahaan tersebut. • Perusahaan yang sedang dalam pertumbuhan akan membutuhkan modal yang banyak untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tesebut.
Quadrants of BCG Matrix Question Marks New in the market
Dogs No Demand/ Outdated
Stars All time high demand
Cash Cows Revenue Generation
Tanda tanya (Question Mark) memiliki posisi pangsa pasar relatif yang rendah, tetapi mereka bersaing dalam industri yang bertumbuh pesat. Biasanya kebutuhan kas perusahaan ini tinggi dan pendapatan kasnya rendah. Bisnis ini disebut tanda tanya karena organisasi harus memutuskan apakah akan memperkuat divisi ini dengan menjalankan strategi intensif (penetrasi pasar, pengembangan pasar, atau pengembangan produk) atau menjualnya.
QUESTION MARK (Problem Child) – It has a small market share in a high growth market. – Question marks are growing rapidly and thus consume large amounts of cash, but because they have low market shares they do not generate much cash. – It has the potential to gain market share and become a star, and eventually a cash cow when the market growth slows.
Bintang (Star) mewakili peluang jangka panjang terbaik untuk pertumbuhan dan profitabilitas bagi organisasi. Divisi dengan pangsa pasar relatif yang tinggi dan tingkat pertumbuhan industri yang tinggi seharusnya menerima investasi yang besar untuk mempertahankan dan memperkuat posisi dominan mereka. Kategori ini adalah pemimpin pasar namun bukan berarti akan memberikan arus kas positif bagi perusahaan, karena harus mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk memenangkan pasar dan mengantisipasi para pesaingnya. Integrasi ke depan, ke belakang, dan horizontal, penetrasi pasar, pengembangan pasar, pengembangan produk, dan joint venture merupakan strategi yang sesuai untuk dipertimbangkan divisi ini.
• STAR – It has a large market share in a fast growing industry. – Stars generate large amounts of cash because of their strong relative market share, but also consume large amounts of cash because of their high growth rate.
Sapi perah (Cash Cow) memiliki pangsa pasar relatif yang tinggi tetapi bersaing dalam industri yang pertumbuhannya lambat. Disebut sapi perah karena menghasilkan kas lebih dari yang dibutuhkanya, mereka seringkali diperah untuk membiayai untuk membiayai sektor usaha yang lain. Banyak sapi perah saat ini adalah bintang di masa lalu, divisi sapi perah harus dikelola unuk mempertahankan posisi kuatnya selama mungkin. Pengembangan produk atau diversifikasi konsentrik dapat menjadi strategi yang menarik untuk sapi perah yang kuat.
• CASH COW – It has a large market share in a mature, slow growing industry. – As leaders in a mature market, they exhibit a return on assets that is greater than the market growth rate, and thus generate more cash than they consume. – Such business units should be "milked", extracting the profits and investing as little cash as possible.
Anjing (Dog) memiliki pangsa pasar relatif yang rendah dan bersaing dalam industri yang pertumbuhannya rendah atau tidak tumbuh. Mereka adalah anjing dalam portofolio perusahaan. Karena posisi internal dan eksternalnya lemah, bisnis ini seringkali dilikuidasi, divestasi atau dipangkas
• DOG – It has a small market share in a mature industry. – A dog may not require substantial cash because dogs have low market share and a low growth rate and thus neither generate nor consume a large amount of cash.
Kelebihan Matriks BCG Matriks BCG adalah salah satu alat pembuat keputusan yang paling mudah. Hanya dengan membaca grafiknya, orang akan dapat dengan mudah melihat di posisi manakah perusahaan mereka berada. Matriks ini memusatkan perhatian pada arus kas, karakteristik investasi, dan kebutuhan berbagai divisi organisasi. Divisi dapat berubah dari waktu ke waktu: anjing menjadi tanda tanya, tanda tanya menjadi bintang, bintang menjadi sapi perah, dan sapi perah menjadi anjing. Namun yang jarang terjadi adalah perubahan yang searah jarum jam.
Kelemahan Matriks BCG • • • • •
Hanya menggunakan dua dimensi yaitu pangsa pasar relative dan tingkat pertumbuhan pasar. Kemungkinan sulit mendapatkan data pangsa pasar maupun tingkat pertumbuhan pasar. Terlalu menyederhanakan banyak bisnis karena memandang semua bisnis sebagai bintang, sapi perah, anjing atau tanda tanya. Dalam metode ini, diasumsikan bahwa setiap unit bisnis tidak tergantung pada unit bisnis lain, padahal dalam beberapa kasus, unit bisnis “anjing” bisa membantu unit bisnis lain untuk memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif. Matriks ini tidak menggambarkan apakah berbagai divisi atau industri mereka bertumbuh sepanjang waktu, sehingga matriks ini tidak memiliki karakteristik waktu, sehingga terdapat variabel lain yang penting seperti ukuran pasar dan keunggulan kompetitif. Matriks sangat bergantung pada luasnya definisi pasar. Suatu unit bisnis dapat mendominasi pada pasar yang kecil, tetapi memiliki pangsa pasar sangat rendah dalam industri secara keseluruhan. Dalam kasus seperti itu, definisi dari pasar dapat membuat perbedaan antara “anjing” dan “sapi perah”.
BCG Matrix
Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin – Stanford University Ph.D. Students The domain name for Google was registered on September 15, 1997, and the company was incorporated on September 4, 1998. Google hosts and develops a number of Internet-based services and products, and generates profit primarily from advertising through its AdWords program. The company's mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful“ Google runs over one million servers in data centres around the world, and processes over one billion search requests and about twenty-four pet bytes of usergenerated data every day
Why only Google…?
It came from misspelling of the word "googol” .
What does it mean?? A googol is the large number 10100; that is, the digit 1 followed by 100 zeroes 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Few Figures about….
Type Public Traded as - NASDAQ: GOOGFWB: GGQ1 NASDAQ-100 Component S&P 500 Component Industry- Internet, Computer software Founded - Menlo Park, California, U.S. (September 4, 1998) Founder(s) -Larry Page, Sergey Brin Headquarters- Googleplex, Mountain View, California, United States Key people- Larry Page (Co-founder & CEO) Eric Schmidt (Executive Chairman) Sergey Brin (Co-Founder)
• • • • • • •
Revenue - US$ 37.905 billion (2011) Operating income- US$ 11.632 billion (2011) Profit- US$ 9.737 billion (2011) Total assets- US$ 72.574 billion (2011) Total equity- US$ 58.145 billion (2011) Employees -54,604 (2012) SubsidiariesAdMob, DoubleClick, Motorola Mobility, On2 Technologies,Picnik, YouTube, Zagat Website
Products offered by Google
Potential Users
Service & Products
Launched/ Released Year
Potential Users
• • • •
Students Office workers Professionals Elders
2006/ 3
• • •
Students Office workers Professionals
• • •
Students Office workers Professionals
2005/ 8
Communicate & Share Docs
Business Solution
2000/ 10
2003/ 3
2005/ 11
•Commercial customers
• • •
Office workers Professionals Commercial customers
Cash Cow
The Search-Ad business is Google's Cash Cow, and at the moment makes all the profit Google earns - they have a very large (dominant) market share, but over time it is a slowing market (relative to the rapid growth of technology sectors and under increasing competitive pressure).
Question Mark
Most of Google's acquisitions tend to be in the Question Mark camp - small market shares but in rapidly growing markets. No doubt the strategic thinking is that the Google infrastructure will be able to rapidly ramp up the growth of these small companies. In the pst, Google has been quite good at this, and refined the offerings before finally launching - problem is that by and large it hasn't worked more recently, and many of the acquisitions have withered, finding themselves becoming...
Dog these are plays that lose market share and/or the sector declines. Google places some bets early so the sector fizzles out, which is fine - low cost option plays are a creditable achievement. The problem is when too many Google acquisitions look like Jaiku - it was a decent competitor to Twitter but died as Twitter exploded, forcing Google into some far more high cost/high risk plays (such as Buzz) later in the day. Chrome could be a dog - the browser market is mature, they have a low market share - if the current consumer Ad campaign doesn't massively increase market share then its likely to be another failure.
the aim of all the acquisitions is clearly to become Stars, those businesses that surpass the old business and launch Google into new areas. GMail / Google Docs and YouTube are the current successes - but none of them make any money, in fact YouTube would be spectacularly bankrupt if it wasn't for massive subsidies. And Stars have to make money eventually - very large services that lose money are a millstone around any company, and may well attract regulatory attention for being anticompetitive. So right now, these ain't real Stars, given their unprofitability they are more like black holes. So Google has to engineer something more here.
Terima Kasih Martina Shalaty Putri Pane, M.Si.