Taufik Hery Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si. Laboratorium SIG Prodi Kartografi dan Penginderaan Jauh Jurusan Sains Informasi Geografis dan Pengembangan Wilayah Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada
Information has always been the cornerstone of effective decisions. Spatial information is particularly complex as it requires two descriptors— Where is What
Longley, 2005
Sistem Informasi
Sistem Informasi Geografis
Liputan Lahan
GIS is fundamentally about solving real-world problems.
Where has GIS come from? Relative Dominance of the Disciplines of Spatial Information Technology Professionals
mainframe computers automated cartography beginning; remote sensing & GIS are mostly just concepts CGIS - Roger Tomlinson Harvard Lab for Computer Graphics And Spatial Analysis
Landsat program establishes remote sensing GIS still being developed but overshadowed by remote sensing MAP analysis program - Dana Tomlin & Joseph Berry from Piwowar, 1999. "A Brief History of Time", Cartouche, No. 34:
Where has GIS come from? 1980s
GIS comes of age: ARC/INFO, GRASS, SPANS IBM PC begins the desktop computing revolution Automated Cartography practitioners evolve into GIS practitioners remote sensing seen by increasing numbers as just another GIS data source
from Piwowar, 1999. "A Brief History of Time", Cartouche, No. 34:
Where has GIS come from? 1990s
GIS dominates spatial information technologies GISs are now being used by people who have no formal training in geography, cartography or remote sensing o on one hand, this can be seen as a measure of the success of GIS o it should also be viewed as a warning flag that some of this development may be happening too quickly: sound principles of map design are frequently abused in GIS output "Geomatics" term adopted by the Canadian government to encompass all the spatial information technology disciplines GPS becomes an important tool (see Piwowar, 1988. "A GPS Primer",Cartouche, No. 27). first-generation spatial data archives are becoming obsolete (see Piwowar, 1988. "Putting Your Data Out to Pasture", Cartouche, No. 29).
Where has GIS come from? 2000s
renewed interest in remote sensing as a suite of new generation of highresolution and hyperspectral sensors are launched (see Piwowar, 1998. "Remote Sensing: The Next Generation", Cartouche, No. 28). the emergence of seamlessly integrated "spatial information systems" which embrace the traditional sub-disciplines of cartography, remote sensing and GIS in a unified package these new GISs will also become more integrated into our everyday lives so that, in many cases, we may not even be aware that we are using a GIS (see Piwowar, 1998. "2001: A Societal GIS Odyssey", Cartouche, No. 31 and Homes Online) the internet (or its successors) will become the medium for spatial data distribution and communication (see Piwowar, 1998. "Interactive Web Map Publishing", Cartouche, No. 30 and The National Atlas of Canada Online). there will be a paradigm change in the map itself - virtual maps will become a reality (see Virtual Cities Resource Centre: www.casa.ucl.ac.uk/vc/cities.htm)
• Geographic Information
information about places on the earth's surface knowledge about "what is where“
• Geographic Information Technologies Automated Cartography Remote Sensing (RS) Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
• GIS--what's in the S?
Systems : teknologinya Science : konsep dan teori Studies : aplikasi (untuk membantu kehidupan manusia) (Briggs, 1999)
Technology for the acquisition and management of spatial information
Comprehending the under-laying conceptual issues of representing data and process in space-time. The science (or theory and concepts) behind the technology
Understanding the social, legal and ethical issues associated with the application of GISy and GISc. (Briggs, 1999)
GIS is an acronym for: • Geographic Information Systems (US) • Geographical Information Systems (UK, Aust., Canada) • Geographic Information Science (Academia)
Definitions of GIS • A GIS is an information system that is designed to work with data referenced by spatial or geographic coordinates. It is both a database system with specific capabilities for spatially referenced data as well as a set of operations for working with the data." Star and Estes, 1990 • A GIS is a system that contains spatially referenced data that can be analyzed and converted to information for a specific set of purposes, or application ... The key feature of a GIS is the analysis of data to produce new information." Parent, 1988 • "A system of computer hardware, software, and procedures designed to support the capture, management, manipulation, analysis, modelling, and display of spatially referenced data for solving complex planning and management problems." U.S. Federal Interagency Coordinating Committee, 1988
Definitions of GIS • A GIS is a computer-based system that provides the following four sets of capabilities to handle georeferenced data: input data management (data storage and retrieval) manipulation and analysis output Aronoff, 1989
• A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. ESRI, 1997
Definitions of GIS
• ‘A powerful set of tools for collecting, storing, retrieving at will, transforming and displaying spatial data from the real world for a particular set of purposes’. Burrough and McDonnell, 1998. • ‘…tools that allow for the processing of spatial data into information…and used to make decisions about, some portion of the earth’. De Mers, 1997.
Definitions of GIS Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) atau Geographic Information System (GIS) diartikan sebagai sistem informasi yang digunakan untuk memasukkan, menyimpan, memanggil kembali, mengolah, menganalisis dan menghasilkan data bereferensi geografis atau data geospatial, untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan penggunaan lahan, sumber daya alam, lingkungan, transportasi, fasilitas kota, dan pelayanan umum lainnya. (Murai S. dalam Prayitno, 2000)
SIG sebagai suatu kumpulan yang terorganisir dari perangkat keras komputer, perangkat lunak, data geografi dan personil yang dirancang secara efisien untuk memperoleh, menyimpan, mengupdate, memanipulasi, menganalisis, dan menampilkan semua bentuk informasi yang bereferensi geografi (ESRI, 1990)
The GI Science–System cycle (after Fisher, 1998)
Peranan teknologi dalam rangka peningkatan kemampuan teknologi GIS
Data Base Management System (DBMS) Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Menyimpan atribut untuk ditampilkan di GIS; Pelacakan data, penyortiran, penggabungan, penambahan, memperbarui, restrukturisasi, terkait table dan field-field.. Memperluas geometri data 2D menjadi data GIS 3D Kemampuan dalam rendering. Memperluas kemampuan GIS untuk survei tanah dan perekamannya dalam aspek legal/hukum, administrasi dan untuk tujuan perencanaan dan pembangunan. Meningkatkan fungsi GIS dalam pemetaan automatis dan peta pemeliharaan utilitas untuk umum seperti air, drainase, gas dan listrik. Meningkatkan akurasi lokasi dan obyek memverifikasi akurasi atribut dalam SIG; Kemampuan dalam navigasi dan tracking/pelacakan. Integrasi fungsi-fungsi SIG dan analisis dan hasil pengolahan data dan analisis data Sumber data Raster Integrasi GIS dan prosedur statistik Memperluas fungsi GIS untuk pengambilan keputusan
Land Information System (LIS) Automated Mapping/Facilities Mapping (AM/FM) GPS
Remote sensing and Photogrammetry (RSP) Statistical Software (SS) Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) SES (Spatial Expert Systems) PSS (Planning Support Systems) Multimedia Systems (MS) Internet-based Systems (IS) Groupware Systems (GW)
Mengintegrasikan kemampuan Expert Systems dan fungsi GIS Memperluas fungsi GIS untuk perencanaan Meningkatkan visualisasi dari informasi geografi dengan penggunaan suara, video, gambar, hypertext dan hotlink Meningkatkan komunikasi, berbagi data (data sharing), joint task operation dan layanan online GIS Mengaktifkan beberapa pengguna (multiple users) di lokasi yang berbeda untuk melakukan tugas-tugas yang terkait dengan perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusan
35.000 tahun
yang lalu, di dinding gua Lascaux, Perancis, para pemburu Cro-Magnon menggambar hewan mangsa mereka, juga garis yang dipercaya sebagai rute migrasi hewan-hewan tersebut. Catatan awal ini sejalan dengan dua elemen struktur pada sistem informasi gegrafis modern sekarang ini, arsip grafis yang terhubung ke database atribut. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistem_inform asi_geografis
Today, biologists use collar transmitters and satellite receivers to track the migration routes of caribou and polar bears to help design programs to protect the animals. In a GIS, the migration routes were indicated by different colors for each month for 21 months (fig. 2). Researchers then used the GIS to superimpose the migration routes on maps of oil development plans to determine the potential for interference with the animals.
adalah suatu data yang memiliki referensi spasial atau posisi geografis (georeferenced)
Suatu rangkaian kerja, komputerisasi dan terintegrasi
Data, informasi, keterangan
Lokasi, koordinat, tempat, alamat
Spasial adalah aspek keruangan suatu objek atau kejadian yang mencakup lokasi, letak, dan posisinya. Geospasial atau ruang kebumian adalah aspek keruangan yang menunjukkan lokasi, letak, dan posisi suatu objek atau kejadian yang berada di bawah, pada, atau di atas permukaan bumi yang dinyatakan dalam sistem koordinat tertentu. Data Geospasial adalah data tentang lokasi geografis, dimensi atau ukuran, dan/atau karakteristik objek alam dan/atau buatan manusia yang berada di bawah, pada, atau di atas permukaan bumi. Informasi Geospasial adalah Data Geospasial yang sudah diolah sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam perumusan kebijakan, pengambilan keputusan, dan/atau pelaksanaan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan ruang kebumian
Information System
+ Geographic Position
= A means of storing, retrieving, sorting, and comparing spatial data to support some analytic process.
to produce new information
accurate decision making
Geographic referencing – explicit geographic reference, is absolutely tied to the earth such as a latitude and longitude or national grid coordinate. Data from GPS units. – implicit geographic reference such as an address, postal code, census tract name, forest stand identifier, road name or county, can be included by joining tables or using an automated process called "geocoding."
34°26'41.00"N 119°48'26"W
6°29'30.00"S 106°50'58.00“E
• 80% of all information held in databases anywhere in the world contains some kind of geographic element, Ron Brigs, 1997. • an estimated 90% of all information used by government has spatial characteristics or attributes Joep Crompvoets, 2003. • Data from most sciences can be analyzed “spatially” (ESRI)
DATA SIG (Geographical data)
Grafis Vektor
Data Attribut (Attribute Data) mis.: *.dbf
(Geometric Data) • Titik (Point) • Garis (Arc/Line) • Poligon (region/Polygon) • Permukaan (Surface)
Qualitative Data
Quantitative Data − Ordinal − Interval − Ratio
Smart Map
(linking a database to the map)
- Siapa/Apa ….. ? (What is at …. ?) - Dimana ……. ? (Where is it … ?)
Components of geographic data • Three general components to geographic information
Behavior Rules Streets and highways may not intersect
DATA GRAFIS (GRAPHIC DATA) • continuous: elevasi, curah hujan, salinitas air laut • area: - unbounded: penggunaan lahan, area pasar, jenis tanah, jenis batuan - bounded: batas kota/negara, persil - moving: massa udara, kumpulan binatang, kumpulan ikan • networks: jalan, pipa/kabel transmisi, sungai • points: - fixed: sumur, lampu jalan, alamat - moving: mobil, ikan, rusa
DATA ATTRIBUT (ATRIBUTE DATA) * Categorical (name): - nominal • classified, no order • 0...255, whole values contoh : tipe penggunaan lahan, kelas tanah, nama kota, daerah administrasi - ordinal • classified, no order • 0...255, whole values contoh : succession stages, income groups * Numerical : - interval • tidak mempunyai nilai nol mutlak • tidak dapat dikatakan lebih dari 2x contoh : temperatur (Celsius atau Fahrenheit) - ratio • mempunyai nilai nol mutlak • dapat dikatakan lebih dari 2x • disajikan dalam tipe integer atau floating point [decimal fraction] sehingga dapat dipergunakan untuk perhitungan aritmatika contoh : pendapatan, umur, curah hujan
data type
description attributes
0 (false), 1 (true)
classified, no order
0...255, whole values
classified, order
0...255, whole values continuous, lineair 10exp(37)...10exp( 37), real values 0 to 2 pi (radians), or to 360 (degrees), continuous, and -1 (no directional direction), real values local drain direction 1...9 (codes of to neighbour cell drain directions)
example suitable/unsuitable , visible/non visible soil classes, administrative regions succession stages, income groups elevation, temperature
drainage networks, wind directions
• Vector – points, lines and polygons • Raster – gridded, classified space
Representations of Geographic Data
Conceptual and logical abstraction levels
* Titik (node/point): 0-dimension • koordinat tunggal (x,y) • area/luasan nol contoh : pohon, sumur minyak, penempatan label
* Garis (arc/line): 1-dimension • dua ( atau lebih ] koordinat x,y yang dihubungkan
Contoh : daerah/propinsi, danau
1 7
Point: 7,2
2 Line: 7,2 8,1 1
contoh : jalan, sungai
* Poligon (polygon/region) : 2-dimensions • empat atau lebih koordinat x,y yang dihubungkan • koordinat awal dan akhir sama • area yang tertutup
Polygon: 7,2 8,1 7,1 7,2
1 7
• Header : berisi informasi penting mengenai kode file, jumlah band data yang dikandung, baris, kolom, tipe data, dan sebagainya. • Data : blok data layer raster. • Ancillary : berisi informasi tambahan yang biasanya meliputi data statistik citra yang bersangkutan. • Layer raster disimpan dalam format standar BIP (band-interleaved by pixel), BIL (band-interleaved by line), dan BSQ (Band Sequential), serta fomat kompresi RLE (run-length encoding)
STRUKTUR DATA RASTER Contoh penyimpanan Layer(s) Raster:
Compact data structure Good for complex analysis Efficient for encoding Efficient for overlays topology Data structure common for True representation of imagery shape
Complex structure Large datasets Overlay operations difficult Topology hard to represent Might imply false sense of Maps less "realistic" accuracy
Source: GAO (2004), p. 5.
7 (tujuh) fenomena geografis
1. Perangkat keras (hardware)
Komputer (komputer tunggal, komputer sistem jaringan dengan server, komputer dengan jaringan global internet) dan periperalnya. Perangkaat keras untuk SIG mepliputi perangkat keras : pemasukan data, pemrosesan data, dan penyajian hasil, serta peyimpanan (storage).
2. Perangkat Lunak (software)
Perangkat lunak yang mempunyai fungsi di atas dan fasilitas untuk penyimpanan, analisis, dan penayangan informasi geografi. Persyaratan yang penting harus dipenuhi software SIG, adalah :merupakan Database Management System (DBMS), fasilitas untuk pemasukan dan manipulasi data geografis, fasilitas untuk query, analisis , dan visualisasi,Graphical User Interface (GUI) yang baik untuk mempermudah akses fasilitas yang ada.
3. Data (Data)
Data merupakan komponen yang penting dalam SIG. Keakurasian data dituntut dalam SIG. Dikenal konsep GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) sebaliknya Gold In Gold Out.
4. Sumberdaya Manusia (people)
Teknologi SIG menjadi sangat terbatas kemampuannya jika tidak ada sumberdaya yang mengelola sistem dan mengembangkan untuk aplikasi yang sesuai. Pengguna dan pembuat sistem harus saling bekerjasama untuk mengembangkan teknologi SIG.
5. Metode (methods)
Model dan teknik pemrosesan perlu dibuat untuk berbagai aplikasi SIG.
6. Network
With rapid development of IT, today the most fundamental of these is probably the network, without which no rapid communication or sharing of digital information could occur. GIS today relies heavily on the Internet, acquiring and sharing large geographic data sets.
Paul A. Longley University College London, UK, 2005
EVOLUSI PEMANFAATAN DATA SPASIAL Era Komputer/ Sistem GIS menggunakan Peta Cetak
SIG 1970
SDI 1 1990
Pemetaan Konvensional 1:25K 1:100K 1:250K
SDI 2 2000
Pemetaan Digital Seamless/Scalable/ Multi-dimensional
Information Management
? Spatial Information Management
"The Model-driven Approach to Geographic Information System Standardisation- Lessons Learned - " Dr. Arne J. Berre SINTEF, Oslo, Norway, SINTEF
• Scientific visualization and computer graphics will be increasingly integrated with GIS capabilities • Animated maps • Interactive maps • Augmented reality
Perbandingan dalam manajemen Informasi Geospasial
Pekerjaan Manual
Database digital dan terpadu
Skala dan standart berbeda
Pemanggilan kembali
Pencarian dengan komputer
Cek manual
Mahal dan memakan waktu
Analisis data Attribut
Sangat cepat
Memakan waktu dan tenaga
Analisis data spasial
Murah dan cepat
The following matrix is a comparison of digital and manual mapping with respect to key activities: ACTIVITIES: PREPARATION
DIGITAL MAPPING PAPER MAPPING Initial version tedious to prepare but Start from scratch every time quick and efficient to monitor
Digital Database Standardized and integrated, compact memory capacity Quick retrieval Automatic search and replace by computer Systematically done Faster integration of complex, multiple spatial and non spatial data sets Faster
Easier and faster to prepare Better quality Slow
Different scales on different standards, voluminous and bulky Paper maps and tables Manual check and revision Expensive and time consuming
Time and energy consuming, slow Tedious and time-consuming
1. Analysis of spatial data in a complex environment 2. Ability to integrate different databases into one environment 3. Ability to display and manage spatial data in a spatial context 4. Rapid production of specialized maps and graphic products 5. Performs complex spatial analysis
1. better work flow; 2. higher quality information for decision-making; 3. better integration among different offices / departments; 4. quicker access to information; 5. more efficient information dissemination. All these lead to possible cost reduction and cost effectiveness.
Geographic phenomena
Real world
Computer representations
Aplication computing
Simulation world
In order to bring the real world into GIS, one has to make use of simplified models of the real world (Bernhardsen)
Modelling process. The transformation of the real world into GIS products is achieved by means of simplification and models (Bernhardsen)
1. Data Retrieval 2. Map Generalization 3. Map Abstractions 4. Map Sheet Manipulation 5. Buffer Generation 6. Polgygon Overlay And Dissolve 7. Grid Cell Analysis - Network Analysis 8. Measurement 9. Digital Terrain Analysis, And 10. Output Techniques
• • • • •
Peta (Map Layout) Tabel (Tables) Grafik (Chart) Laporan (Report) Kombinasinya
Data PJ
Peta/Data Sekunder: Topografi, Geologi, Tanah, dll.
Pengolahan Citra Manual/Digital
Editing, Transformasi, Tagging
Survey Lapangan
Informasi Mutakhir
1. Pengukuran (Measurement) 2. Pemetaan (Mapping) 3. Pemantauan (Monitoring) 4. Pembuatan Model (Modelling) (Estes, 1990)
Informasi Sekunder Integrasi
Pemetaan, Inventarisasi
Pembuatan Model
Pemantauan, Monitoring
Kemampuan Lahan
Kebakaran hutan
Site Selection
Perubahan Peng. Lahan