Engels voor de nieuwe onderbouw
hv 1 Key for students www.goforit-online.nl
Jan van den Bos Marleen Cannegieter Ian Davies Anke Hulsker Aafke Moons Tweede druk
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24-05-2007 10:20:51
klas 4
TB 4 vmbo/b WB 4 vmbo/b website ll-cd 4 vmbo/b
TB 4 vmbo/k WB 4 vmbo/k website ll-cd 4 vmbo/k
TB 4 vmbo/gt WB 4 vmbo/gt website ll-cd 4 vmbo/gt
klas 3
TB 3 vmbo/b WB 3 vmbo/b website ll-cd 3 vmbo/b
TB 3 vmbo/k WB 3 vmbo/k website ll-cd 3 vmbo/k
TB 3 vmbo/gt WB 3 vmbo/gt website ll-cd 3 vmbo/gt
TB 3 hv WB 3 havo WB 3 vwo website ll-cd 3 hv
klas 2
TB 2 vmbo/bk/(lwoo) WB 2 vmbo/bk WB 2 vmbo/b/lwoo website ll-cd 2 vmbo/b(k)
TB 2 vmbo/kgt WB 2 vmbo/kgt website ll-cd 2 vmbo/kgt
TB 2 thv WB 2 hv WB 2 th website ll-cd 2 thv
klas 1
TB 1 vmbo/bk/(lwoo) WB 1 vmbo/bk WB 1 vmbo/b/lwoo website ll-cd 1 vmbo/b(k)/lwoo
TB 1 vmbo/kgt WB 1 vmbo/kgt website ll-cd 1 vmbo/kgt
TB 1 thv WB 1 hv WB 1 th website ll-cd 1 thv
Go for it! 2nd edition bouwt voort op het werk van de auteurs van de eerste editie van Go for it!: Peter Achten, Carolyn Bray, Jos Ebus, Katie Jones, Gerard Koster, Johan Lammerse, Eugène van Leeuwen, Peter Macaulay, Elona Manders, Rens Oosthoek, Vivien Reid, Joop van Rienderhof, Hugo Swelsen. Verantwoording Illustraties
Zototaal (technische tekeningen)
Karin Spanjersberg
Vormgeving & opmaak
Van Son Media
Iconen navigatiebalk
Robert Vulkers
De uitgever heeft ernaar gestreefd de auteursrechten te regelen volgens de wettelijke bepalingen. Degenen die desondanks menen zekere rechten te kunnen doen gelden, kunnen zich alsnog tot de uitgever wenden. ThiemeMeulenhoff ontwikkelt leermiddelen voor: Primair Onderwijs, Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs, Beroepsonderwijs en Volwasseneneducatie en Hoger Beroepsonderwijs. Voor meer informatie over ThiemeMeulenhoff en een overzicht van onze leermiddelen: www.thiememeulenhoff.nl ISBN 978-90-06-14463-5 Tweede druk, eerste editie © ThiemeMeulenhoff, Utrecht/Zutphen, 2007 Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen, of enig andere manier, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. Voorzover het maken van kopieën uit deze uitgave is toegestaan op grond van artikel 16B Auteurswet 1912 j° het Besluit van 20 juni 1974, Stb. 351, zoals gewijzigd bij het Besluit van 23 augustus 1985, Stb. 471 en artikel 17 Auteurswet 1912, dient men de daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde vergoedingen te voldoen aan Stichting Publicatie- en Reproductierechten Organisatie (PRO), Postbus 3060, 2130 KB Hoofddorp (www.cedar.nl/pro). Voor het overnemen van gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16 Auteurswet 1912) dient men zich tot de uitgever te wenden.
9006144635_bw.indd 2
24-05-2007 10:20:51
Unit 1 Cowley Road
hv 1 workbook A
Introduction Downing Street 1 2 3 4
In Londen Tony Blair (2007) Omdat er altijd iemand is om hem binnen te laten. persoonlijk antwoord
persoonlijk antwoord
The basics 1 New neighbours Nice to meet you – Hello In empty balloons: Hi! – How are you? – My name is … – How do you do? – Pleased to meet you – I am … (enz.)
b 1 b 2 b 3 a
4 b 5 b
5 them 6 We 7 him
‘My name is Helen Ford. I’m married to John Ford and we have a son called Nigel. Our dog is called Woofer. We are very happy that we moved to Blueberry Crescent last summer. It’s a lovely street. We have a very large garden but unfortunately I’m not a very keen gardener. My husband is always fixing his motorbike in it! Our neighbours are very nice people, but they aren’t very keen on our dog... But – umm... I have to go now, because I’m in a rush!’
b 1 am 2 is 3 are c
2 Dad tells his story
I it They He
6 To be or not to be
A new house
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
4 are 5 is 6 is
Are they our new neighbours? Is she nice to me? Is it very messy? Is it fond of pizza? Are we / you in a hurry?
7 What are they saying?
3 Can you remember?
bijvoorbeeld: A street - corner shop - post office - car(s) - bus(es) - taxi - bike(s) - man - (old) lady / (old) woman - dog B fruit juice stall - people - church - bottle(s) - fruit oranges - juice - bananas - skateboard - (baseball) cap
1 2 3 4 5
4 Make a match
8 A quick chat
1 2 3 4
c - f a
5 6 7 8
b h - d
9 e 10 g 11 -
b wife, brother, son are all family / relatives / people
5 Getting personal I you he she it we you they
ik jij hij zij het wij jullie / u ze
Go for it! 2nd edition
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me you him her it us you them
7 are 8 is 9 am
mij je / jou / u hem haar het ons jullie / u ze
Nice to meet you. Let me see. I have to go. I can’t believe it. Let me introduce my family to you.
Mr Ford 1 Hello! 3 I’m fine, thank you. 5 That’s right, we’re new here. 7 Yes, just across the road from the post office. 9 Yes, I have a wife and a son. 11 Sorry, I’m in a rush. I have to go. 13 Er… sorry! 15 Yes, see you!
24-05-2007 10:20:52
Unit 1 Cowley Road
hv 1 workbook A Mrs McPherson 2 Hello! How are you? 4 I haven’t seen you before? 6 Do you live around here? 8 We’re almost neighbours! Do you live alone? Or are you married? 10 Do you like your new house? 12 I can’t believe it! These young people … always in a hurry…!! 14 It was nice to meet you. 16 Bye bye, young man! We’ll meet again!
9 Roleplay
3 Veel mensen worden een beetje jaloers als ze het gezin samen zien en als ze zien dat ze zoveel plezier hebben. 4 Er is altijd iemand om mee te praten en het is nooit saai. 5 Er is veel ruzie en je wordt altijd vergeleken met anderen.
12 Who says what? 1 Diane 2 Jude 3 Ben 6
4 Mary 5 Siobhan Peter
13 What do the parents say?
1: 2: 1: 2:
1 2 3 4 5
1: 2: 1: 2: 1: 2: 1: 2:
Hello. Hi! Can I help you / what can I get you? Can I have a packet of chewing gum please? I’m sorry, it’s sold out / we’ve sold out. I do have peppermints. Sorry, I don’t like peppermint. I haven’t seen you before. Do you live around here? Yes, I live close to the shop. I’m going to the local school in September. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have a brother. He’s fifteen. But I have to go, I’m in a rush. I see. It was nice to meet you. Yes, nice to meet you. See you! Bye.
10 Street prizes a
1 Ingrid who hands out Postcode Lottery prizes. 2 Doreen Harrison, a winner. 3 Frank Elgie, a winner.
b 1 c 2 a 3 b
4 b 5 a 6 c
11 A large family a
1 an article from a magazine 2 The text is about large families, so about children that have many brothers and sisters (or parents who have many children). 3 persoonlijk antwoord
b 1 In Meath in Ierland. 2 Mensen zijn soms geschokt. Ze begrijpen het vaak niet en vragen dan waarom iemand tien kinderen zou willen.
9006144635_bw.indd 4
large married boring youngest attention
6 7 8 9 10
jealous compare the same downsides merrier
14 The odd one out 1 Job hoort er niet bij omdat dat woord niet met leeftijd te maken heeft. 2 To move out hoort er niet bij omdat dat iets is waarbij je beweegt. De andere twee activiteiten vinden in je hoofd plaats. 3 Married hoort er niet bij omdat dat geen familielid is. 4 Family hoort er niet bij omdat dat niet op één persoon slaat, maar op meerdere personen. 5 Nice hoort er niet bij omdat dat woord een goede eigenschap aangeeft. De andere woorden zijn negatief.
15 A, e, i, o, u a
1 neighbours 2 kitchen 3 across
4 family 5 school
1 2 3 4
5 plan 6 not 7 coast hat
dead, head, deaf
meet win rain read 8
16 Introduce yourself modelantwoord: Hi Tom / Deirdre, I am Janneke de Grooth. I am 12 years old and I live in Almere in the Netherlands. Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:52
Unit 1 Cowley Road
hv 1 workbook A I think it is great that you have so many brothers and sisters. I have only two sisters. Helma is 15 years old and Susanne is 17. I like it that we can talk about school and that I can read the magazines they buy. I don’t like it that we sometimes have a fight and that they can go out at night and I can’t. My parents are quite old: my father is already 40 years old! He is called Peter, my mother’s name is Carla. My father works at a bank and my mother is a teacher. Please write back soon! Bye, Janneke
17 What are they doing? a
1 Ze zijn een auto aan het wassen. 2 bijvoorbeeld: ze moeten het voor straf doen, de auto is van hun ouders / familie, ze proberen geld te verdienen
1 2 3 4
False True False False
5 True 6 False 7 True
18 Dear Diary... a
b a: yesterday / in the end we had thirty-two pounds c: more than fifty pounds / quite easy / five pounds
a/b/c bijvoorbeeld: 1 cars, traffic lights, trucks, bikes, trees, houses, people 2 brush, sponge, soap, bucket, cloth, shampoo, water 3 wash cars, wash windows, mow grass, sell tropical drinks, do jobs inside the house
21 You’re not very positive a b
1 2 3 4
isn’t (‘m) not aren’t (are) not
1 2 3 4 5
I am not (I’m not) sixteen years old. My sister is not (isn’t) very good-looking Our teacher is not (isn’t) old. You are not (aren’t) raising money for your school. My parents are not (aren’t) in London for a holiday.
22 My, your, his, her a
1 your car 2 my car 3 his car
1 2 3 4
That’s her horse. That’s my (your) soap. That’s their dog. That’s our teacher.
The horse is hers. The soap is mine (yours). The dog is theirs. The teacher is ours.
23 Your family a
19 Crossword b R U S H M T I L U F I E L D A M N I G S N E X T R A K N O C K U E F I N I S H
20 Words, words, words
I have two brothers and I often wear their T-shirts. They are older than me and we often have fights. Our dog is very old. My parents love it very much. My eldest brother and his girlfriend live in Amsterdam. They love it there.
24 Do you remember? a
1 In het Engels zeg je eerst het tiental, dan de eenheid; in het Nederlands is dat andersom. In het Engels gebruik je een koppelstreepje, in het Nederlands schrijf je alles aan elkaar. 2 one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight nine - ten - eleven - twelve - thirteen - fourteen fifteen - sixteen - seventeen - eighteen - nineteen - twenty
b persoonlijk antwoord
Go for it! 2nd edition
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24-05-2007 10:20:52
Unit 1 Cowley Road
hv 1 workbook A
25 Sounds
28 Roleplay
1 Onder andere: je longen, je luchtpijp, je kaak, je tong, je stembanden, je lippen, je tanden. 2 De /w/ van water, de /th/ van thin, de /a/ van pan, de /g/ van get. Dit zijn overigens nog niet alle ‘nieuwe’ klanken! 3 In het Engels bestaan de klanken /ui/ en /eu/ niet. Daarom hebben Engelsen die Nederlands leren hier vaak moeite mee, net zoals wij met de /th/.
b Serie 1 army apple ✓ 1 Africa ✓ 2 after 3 asleep 4 again ✓ 5 away 6 America ✓ 7 at Serie 2 air all ✓ 1 aeroplane ✓ 2 always 3 angel 4 aim ✓ 5 all right ✓ 6 area 7 age
✓ ✓ ✓
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
29 The Gregson Community Centre
✓ ✓
26 What’s the right reaction? It’s completely covered in mud. That isn’t expensive at all! I can’t believe it! That’s fantastic! It’s the tiny Smart car / It’s the blue car (across the road). 6 Don’t worry.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hi, I’m Thomas and this is James. Can we wash your windows? It is expensive? That’s fantastic! Yes, we only need two sponges and some soap. Thanks. It’s the large house across the street. The one with the green curtains?
9006144635_bw.indd 6
1 persoonlijk antwoord 2 Diet World - Aerobics with Fiona 3 Senior Citizens Bingo - Over 55’s Club Bridge Club 4 at the Busy Bee’s Craft Club 5 to raise money for an African school
b modelantwoord:
1 2 3 4 5
27 Raising money for the scouts
(Name)? I don’t want to wash cars. Why not? Because it’s too cold outside. And it’s too much work. What do you want to do then? I want to do jobs inside people’s houses. We can ask people if we can wash their windows. That’s not a very good idea. I don’t think people will pay for that. Of course they will! My mother hates it. And my aunt hates it too. All right then. How much will it cost? Let’s ask one euro per window. Isn’t that expensive? We can always try. That’s true. Where do you want to start? Let’s try number 54. It’s the small house with the blue curtains across the street. Fine.
This week’s special event: Halloween Costume Party Theme: Halloween – games, music, food & drink Special guest: DJ Dracula Day and time: Saturday 31th October, 9 pm – late Entry fee: £2.00
30 An answering machine a
1 False 2 False 3 True
b 1 op weekdagen van 8.30 tot 12.00 en van 13.30 tot 16.30 2 een aerobicslerares 3 de receptie van het Gregson Community Centre 4 op zaterdagmorgen van 10.00 tot 12.00
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:53
Unit 1 Cowley Road
hv 1 workbook A
31 Where are they from? a
1 Name
England / Great Britain / United Kingdom
Engeland / Groot-Brittannië / Verenigd Koninkrijk
Kendall, Michigan
USA / United States
VS / Verenigde Staten
2 X X X X
b persoonlijk antwoord
32 Ticks Dan
a Family House Park School Crime Neighbours Free time Homeless people
Go for it! 2nd edition
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Erik ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓
24-05-2007 10:20:54
Unit 1 Cowley Road
hv 1 workbook A
33 A, b or c? 1 b 2 c 3 a
My story: My name is (naam). I live in a flat with my parents and my two little brothers. My brothers are called Jan and Hugo. I like (plaats) because it is a city. There are shops and we have a cinema too. I live close to my school and I go there by bike. There is not much crime here. Sometimes people steal bikes, but not often.
4 c 5 c
34 Opposites 1 2 3 4
dirty quiet suburb divorced
5 6 7 8
violent serious to lock impressive
b modelantwoord: Hi, my name is (naam). I’m twelve years old and I live in (plaats). I live in a flat with my parents and my two little brothers. My brothers are called Jan and Hugo. I like (plaats) because it is a city. There are shops and we have a cinema too. I live close to my school and I go there by bike. There is not much crime here. Sometimes people steal bikes, but not often.
35 Word groups modelantwoord: Group: city Group: nature library coast building river pollution lake houses quiet park fresh air crime weather centre warm neighbourhood area factory park trucks play town tree post office bird school shed traffic swing train rain bus sun tractor cloud car sea flat grass suburb flower smell animal busy mountain area block chemical plant
Group: persons brother father mother twin homeless younger teacher nice divorced quiet neighbours friendly parents busy important elder afraid live angry smell aunt uncle cousin
Check Unit 1 A Make a match 1 2 3 4
h g d b
5 6 7 8
i a f j
9 e 10 c
B Fill in 1 2 3 4
curtains understand introduce until
5 6 7 8
twin brother married dirty across
C The right reaction 1 2 3 4 5 6
I can’t believe it! Let me see. That isn’t expensive at all! Are you all right? This is easy! Nice to meet you.
36 I am from...
D Complete the dialogue
1 2 3 4 5 6
modelantwoord: Name: School: Place: Country:
9006144635_bw.indd 8
(jouw naam) (jouw school) (woonplaats) The Netherlands
How are things here? What a nightmare! It’s the blue car across the road. Don’t worry. That’s fantastic! I know.
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:54
Unit 1 Cowley Road
hv 1 workbook A
E Fill in the right word
3 Say it!
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
you him We them
5 6 7 8
She me us They
F Whose thing is it? It’s his motorbike. It’s their caravan. It’s her computer. It’s our guinea pig. It’s my digital camera. It’s your mobile phone. It’s his blue car. It’s their baby.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The motorbike is his. The caravan is theirs. The computer is hers. The guinea pig is ours. The digital camera is mine. The mobile phone is yours. The blue car is his. The baby is theirs.
is / ‘s aren’t am not / ‘m not are
4 Reactions a
5 are / ‘re 6 is not / isn’t 7 Am
5 What do you see? a
Personal training
1 Word snake 1 2 3 4
gordijn lawaai oudste proberen
5 6 7 8
jongste trein buren schuurtje
Is the corner shop busy? Yes, the corner shop is busy. Is the car expensive? Yes, the car is expensive. Is there a swing in the garden? No, there is a shed in the garden. Is the dog dirty? Yes, the dog is dirty.
2 Word search N
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 9
jaloers dakloos plaatselijk stil gebied
juice field serve whose library
1 No, there is a shed in the garden. / No, there isn’t a swing in the garden. 2 Yes, there is a post office in this village. 3 Yes, they are married.
b modelantwoord:
jealous homeless local quiet area
Let me introduce my son to you. Yes, I live at number 12. Nice to meet you. That isn’t expensive at all! Yes, I have to go and do some shopping. It’s the small house with the orange curtains.
b What a nightmare! persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: wanneer er iets vervelends gebeurt of wanneer je iets vervelends moet doen
G Is it? No, it isn’t. Yes, it is! 1 2 3 4
It’s the large house across the street. I can’t believe it. Are you enjoying your apple juice? The shed is completely covered in mud. This is easy!
sap weiland serveren wiens bibliotheek
6 He’s not sure 1 2 3 4 5
I I my it My
6 7 8 9 10
I Our My they We
11 12 13 14 15
He his She her you
7 Things they are not 1 My parents are not ... They are not / They’re not / They aren’t ... 2 My cat is not ... It is not / It’s not / It isn’t ... 3 My best friend is not ... He/She is not / he/she’s not / he/she isn’t ... 4 I am not / I’m not ...
24-05-2007 10:20:54
Unit 1 Cowley Road
hv 1 workbook A
8 Something to spray 1 Omdat graffiti verboden is en hij dan gearresteerd kan worden. 2 Hij vond school niet leuk en had problemen. Hij werd van school gestuurd. 3 Door graffiti kreeg hij een beter gevoel over zichzelf. 4 Ergens een grote graffiti afbeelding maken terwijl dat verboden is. 5 In het verleden, maar de laatste paar jaar niet. 6 Omdat hij dan herkend (en misschien gearresteerd) zou worden. 7 Ze weten niet dat hij een graffiti-kunstenaar is. Ze denken dat hij een huisschilder is.
9 Choose the right summary summary b
10 Describe and guess A artiest, kunstenaar ontspannen idioot
B wapens geparkeerd riskant
11 What do you think? persoonlijk antwoord
12 Call the specialists 1 2 3 4 5
graffiti verwijderen schadelijke stoffen / chemicaliën hours: uren £ is het Engelse pond-teken gratis telefoonnummer
9006144635_bw.indd 10
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:55
Unit 2 Crossbury Comprehensive School
hv 1 workbook A
Group 3: places canteen, school hall, corridor, computer room, playing field, library, staff room
What do you do? persoonlijk antwoord
4 Crossword
British schools Drie van de volgende: 1 Leerlingen gaan naar de middelbare school als ze elf jaar zijn. 2 Britse middelbare scholen hebben geen stromingen zoals vmbo, havo en vwo. / Iedereen heeft dezelfde lessen. 3 Britse schoolkinderen moeten vaak een uniform aan. 4 Britse schoolkinderen eten vaak een warme lunch op school. 5 De cijfers die op Britse scholen worden gegeven, lopen niet van 1 t/m 10, maar van F t/m A.
M I 4 D A 5 D C L E T E 6 L E R A R E B I R A C L 8 V R O E G I E N 9 G
Mark yourself persoonlijk antwoord
Where’s the canteen? What do you think of our form teacher? Where are the toilets? persoonlijk antwoord
What do you think of our form teacher? Are the school dinners any good? Where’s the canteen? c e b
1 2
Bijvoorbeeld: a girl, a bag, an apple, a boy a woman, an arm, a nose, an ear, an eye, a leg (enz.), an ice cream, a school (building), a road, a tree, a traffic light, a horse, an animal, an alien, a UFO, a bike, a dog, a clock, a flag.
4 5
science room staff room computer room A
a d
d e
classroom (history) toilets
Group 1: (school) subjects / classes / lessons maths, geography, history, Dutch, science, PE, German Group 2: people form teacher, headmaster, pupil, secretary, drama teacher, dinner lady, classmate
9006144635_bw.indd 11
1 2 3
This is the school hall. Can you take these costumes? Put them on those chairs.
3 Sort it!
Go for it! 2nd edition
You need only one word: the. You need two words: a and an.
6 This or that?
2 Where are you? a b c
K S T O E L A E S S S 7 N K A M E R A N N L T E I R A N G A E A R
1 New school
1 2 3
5 The teacher is an actress
The basics
ver weg
Mogelijke vragen: Do you like these books? Do you like those books? Do you like this pen? Do you like this calculator? Do you like these pupils / children? Do you like this / that boy / girl? Do you like this / that teacher? Do you like those girls? Do you like that cat? 11
24-05-2007 10:20:55
Unit 2 Crossbury Comprehensive School
hv 1 workbook A
7 Fabulous!
10 Favourite subjects on air
1 2 3 4 5
James: Sarah: Shaun: Emma: Khalid:
Mr Green is a bit mad. My classmates are fantastic. Jeremy is very bossy. That sounds good! The drama teacher seems nice.
8 Are you the new kid? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Hi. Are you the new kid? Yes, I’m new at this school. Do you like it here? It’s OK here, but the teachers seem strict. Yes, they are. But they’re also very funny. Really? Hey, where’s the history classroom? It’s up the corridor and then you turn left. It’s the third door on your right. Thanks. What do you think of the history teacher, Mr Howards? He’s all right. But he hates it when you’re late after lunch. Thanks for the tip. Which subject do you have now? I have maths. I don’t take maths. I have French now. That’s in room 105, isn’t it? Yes it is. It’s just across the corridor. See you later in history class!
2 3 4
science, maths English PE, computer science art maths
Je kunt experimenten doen. De scheikundige reacties zijn leuk om te zien. Je moet veel woorden en grammatica leren. Hij heeft een website met antwoorden bij een proefwerk aardrijkskunde gevonden. Hij wil bankdirecteur worden en miljonair zijn als hij dertig is.
11 School uniform a
This text was found on an internet forum.
eugh!!! – They are soooooo not me! – J – L L L – …but at least they’re MINE.
1 2 3
een kledingzaak Je hoeft niet bang te zijn dat je er niet modieus uitziet, iedereen ziet er hetzelfde uit. Stropdassen zijn stom. Alleen volwassenen zouden ze moeten dragen.
9 The timetable
12 Who says what?
Like it J Scott Sophie Julia Steven
Scott Eleanor Sophie Kaleigh
Hi, I’m ... . I’m new at this school. I have a timetable, but not all the information is on it. Can you help me? 4: Hello, I’m ... . I don’t know if I can help you. In which group are you? 3: I’m in group 1d. 4: I’m in group 1d, too! I have my timetable here. What do you want to know? 3/4: (Questions and answers about the timetable.) 3: Can you show me where the music room is? 4: I have to go to the library first, so I can’t show you. But I’ll explain how you get there. First, you go through the main entrance. You turn right. It’s the second classroom on your left. 3: Thanks a lot! 4: No bother. I’ll see you in music class later!
9006144635_bw.indd 12
Hate it L Sidrah Kelly Eleanor
3 6 1 2
Sidrah Kelly Julia Steven
Don’t know Kaleigh
8 4 7 5
13 Positive and negative words a
positive words: smart cool nice beautiful fashionable
negative words: uncomfortable old-fashioned stupid expensive scruffy ugly
persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: positive words: good, great, perfect negative words: bad, wrong, boring Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:56
Unit 2 Crossbury Comprehensive School
hv 1 workbook A c
17 Who says what?
persoonlijk antwoord
a d
persoonlijk antwoord
14 Fill in 1 2 3 4
mind old-fashioned properly fuss
5 6 7 8
prefer smart rather expensive
2 3
15 Confusing words a
here – hear buy – bye write – right for knows eight week
1 2 3
– – – –
four nose ate weak
Betekenis: hier – horen Betekenis: kopen – dag, doei Betekenis: schrijven – rechts / juist Betekenis: voor – vier Betekenis: weten – neus Betekenis: acht – at Betekenis: week – zwak
too two to
4 5 6
16 A letter to Mr Hobbs modelantwoord: Dear Mr Hobbs,
I hope you like my design. Yours sincerely,
Mr Tims Teacher Mr Tims Mr Tims
5 6 7 8
Teacher Mr Tims Mr Tims Teacher
18 Who’s telling the truth?
too to too
My name is Petra de Vries and I’m 12 years old. I’m in class 1B. I really don’t like the idea of wearing a school uniform because I think they are uncomfortable and you have to wear the same thing every day. OR I really like the idea of wearing a school uniform because they make you look smart and they are a good way of showing which school you’re at. My design looks like this: boys have to wear navy blue trousers with a blue shirt and a red jumper, no tie. Girls have to wear a navy blue skirt with a blue shirt and a red jumper. This is a great uniform because it’s comfortable and warm in winter and it makes you look smart.
1 2 3 4
De leraar is de man rechts met de stapels papieren en de schooltas naast zich. Hij heeft een in iedere hand een vel papier. De vader is de man links met het mobieltje in zijn hand en de groene trui aan. persoonlijk antwoord Bijvoorbeeld: de cijfers van de leerling, de werkhouding, houding in de klas, leerproblemen, maar ook positieve dingen die met de leerling te maken hebben!
They both tell lies. The teacher: ‘Of course I knew from the start that this wasn’t Robert’s dad’ (not true) ‘I say: ‘This is the first time this happens to me, …’ (not true) The dad: ‘He also says that he misses classes!’ (not true) ‘And he doesn’t even say sorry, …’ (not true)
19 Word search a
1 2 3 4
science note age term
5 6 7
mark rule tall
t s c i e n c e o r m t t m a a e r u l e k l a g e
20 Complete the sentences 1 2 3 4
trouble meeting mark subject
5 6 7 8
curly apologise cheat mistake
Petra de Vries
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 13
24-05-2007 10:20:56
Unit 2 Crossbury Comprehensive School
hv 1 workbook A
21 Fill in 1 2 3 4
have have has have
25 What is your reaction? 5 6 7 8
has has have have
22 Do you have...? a
1 2 3 4 5
Do you have …? Does your brother / sister have ...? Do your parents have …? Does your friend have …? Do your neighbours have …?
Yes, he / she has … No, he / she doesn’t have … Yes, his / her brother / sister has … No, his / her brother / sister doesn’t have … Yes, his / her parents have … No, his / her parents don’t have … Yes, his / her friend has … No, his / her friend doesn’t have … Yes, his / her neighbours have … No, his / her neighbours don’t have …
2 3 4 5
23 Do you remember? a
gewone zin (+) vragende zin (?) ontkennende zin (-) I am Am I? I am not / I’m not You are Are you? You are not / You aren’t He/she/it is Is he/she/it? He/she/it is not / He/she/it isn’t We are Are we? We are not / We aren’t You are Are you? You are not / You aren’t They are Are they? They are not / They aren’t.
Who am I? – Play the game b/c persoonlijk antwoord
24 Sounds: English <-> Engels a
1 2 3 4 5 6
persoonlijk antwoord
9006144635_bw.indd 14
Japan motor blind apple fruit uniform
7 8 9 10 11 12
zone type win even school grass
1 2 3 4 5 6
Why don’t you sit down? Hang on a second. You’d better do some studying. Yes, hello, this is … (name). Bye, bye. See you later. I’m very keen on sports.
26 The teacher wants a word… Gavin 1 Hello! 3 Thank you. 5 Yes, I really like this school. 7 Well, … I’m always really busy… 9 Yes, I’m very keen on sports. 11 I’m good at basketball. 13 Well, I’m also very good at tennis. 15 Yes, Mr Anderson. Mr Anderson 2 Hello Gavin. Why don’t you sit down? 4 Do you like school? 6 I’m not very happy with your results. 8 Busy in the sportsfield? 10 What are you good at? 12 Just basketball? 14 You’d better do some more studying now. 16 Off you go then! See you later!
27 Roleplay modelantwoord: 5: 6: 5: 6: 5: 6: 5: 6: 5: 6: 5: 6: 5: 6: 5: 6: 5:
Hi. Hi, I’m (your name). I’m (your name). Do you like this school? Yes, I really like this school. / No, I don’t like this school. I really like this school too! / I don’t like this school either. Which class are you in? I’m in class ... I’m in class … (too). Which subjects are you good at? I’m good at … (maths, science, English, French, geography, history, arts, etc.) I’m good at … (see above) Which subjects are you bad at? I’m bad at … (see above) I’m bad at … (see above) What are your hobbies? I’m keen on … (playing football, tennis, listening to music, reading, watching TV, etc.) I’m very keen on … (see above) Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:56
Unit 2 Crossbury Comprehensive School
hv 1 workbook A
28 School menu a
1 2 3 4
grilled – roasted real – proper cook – chef
broodje hamburger maïs aardappelpuree ananas
33 The artist in you… persoonlijk antwoord
a chicken curry with salad from the salad bar (or a side salad) and some yoghurt for dessert
persoonlijk antwoord
34 An interview in the newspaper modelantwoord:
29 I’m starving! a
1 2 3
b c c
Nihad says about Sally: silly Sally is going to have: pudding, salad Sally says about Nihad: pig, terrible Nihad is going to have: double portion of chips
30 Choose the right alternative a
an interview
persoonlijk antwoord
1 2 3 4
gezonder kok best leuk rommel
5 6 7
alle nooit aardappels
31 In English, please 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Feed Me Better in the kitchen coriander, courgettes, chillis, peppers, red and white onions because they are getting in her way like a battlefield because the children just kept moaning 500-600 kids persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: vegetable cannelloni / fish in a creamy, curry coconut sauce / lemon roasted chicken / sausages with creamy mash and gravy / cheesy pasta with leeks / tortilla wraps
32 Synonyms good for you – healthy well known – famous to offer – to give to change – to make different stupid – silly Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 15
Changes at Kidbrooke from our editor Kidbrooke School in Greenwich. As most of you will know, this is the school where ‘Jamie’s School Dinners’ was filmed. At this school all junkfood is now replaced by fresh and healthy meals. But is everyone happy with the changes? Today I spoke to Amy who is a pupil at Kidbrooke School. This is what she said: ‘Before Jamie Oliver introduced his healthy meals, we always had chips and hamburgers. The menu was not very healthy. Jamie and his film crew were always very nice to us. I think the menu as it is now is better than the old menu. It’s very healthy and I enjoy the food. What I would like to see on the menu is lasagne, because it’s my favourite food. At home I eat healty food too, but sometimes we have chips or pizza.
Check Unit 2 A Trouble at school 1 2 3 4 5
geography good at bad at cheat teacher
6 7 8 9 10
rules trouble mark fails apologises
B Make a match 1 2 3 4
d h e a
5 6 7 8
g b f c
C What do you say? 1 2 3
b a c
4 5
a c
24-05-2007 10:20:56
Unit 2 Crossbury Comprehensive School
hv 1 workbook A
D Reactions
3 Just ask
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Why don’t you sit down? Je kunt deze zin bijvoorbeeld gebruiken als iemand bij je op bezoek komt.
I think he’s a bit mad. Yes, he hates it when you’re late for class. Yes, I heard he is very keen on sports. Yes, he really likes this school. Sounds good. Ok, see you later.
E Tick the boxes 1 2 3 4 5
an a an a an
6 7 8 9 10
a a an a an
4 5 6
that these those
F Choices 1 2 3
this those This
G Yes, I have... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Do you have a big dog? No, my sister doesn’t have a friend called Urma. Does your brother have a car? No, Sam and Judy / they don’t have the same phone. Do you have a famous uncle? Yes, my mum / she has black hair.
Personal training
4 On the phone 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
adult term maths subject
9006144635_bw.indd 16
5 6 7
tall lunchtime early
Robin has bad manners. Robert doesn’t have dark, curly hair. Does Mr Owens have the wrong notes? We have drama lessons in here. I don’t have any pizza left. Do you have many friends? I have a good mark for French.
6 Paco’s room 1 2 3 4
This those that this
5 6 7
these these that
7 A or an? a
a playing field blue blazer rule unit stupid mistake clever pupil
an actress order hour adult
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
Bijvoorbeeld: I see pupils, a school dinner, a (tall) boy, trousers, a blazer, a tie, (a girl with) curly hair, (a girl with) short hair, a skirt, chips, a sausage, gravy, a (mobile) phone, a boy, a girl, a canteen.
1 2 3 4
It’s me. Sounds good. They’re fantastic. Hang on a second. she’s a bit mad. Bye, bye. See you later.
5 Make sentences
1 What do you see?
2 Word snake
Are the school dinners any good? Do you like it here, Jon? Is she a bit mad? Why don’t you sit down? Is he good at history? Does Rachel like school?
an a a an a
a a an a
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:57
Unit 2 Crossbury Comprehensive School
hv 1 workbook A
8 Bully or bullied?
11 Dear Kelly
1 2
1 2 3
Jay Probleem: Jay vond het leuk om een jongen in zijn klas, Carl, te pesten. Op een dag bleek dat Carl zichzelf pijn had gedaan omdat hij zo leed onder het pesten. Oplossing: Jay heeft ChildLine gebeld en met zijn oom gepraat. Die heeft hem geholpen om zijn gedrag te veranderen. Nu helpt Jay mensen in plaats van ze te pesten. Hij heeft ook zijn excuses aangeboden aan Carl.
a brochure to inform people
Sam Probleem: Sam was nieuw op school. Een groepje meisjes zorgde ervoor dat niemand meer met haar praatte toen ze hen geen geld wilde geven voor sigaretten. Oplossing: Sam heeft ChildLine gebeld en met een oudere leerling op school gepraat. Die stuurt de meisjes nu weg in de lunchpauze en heeft ook met de leraren gepraat.
persoonlijk antwoord persoonlijk antwoord persoonlijk antwoord
Dear Kelly, What a terrible story! There are some things you can do to stop bullying. I think you should talk to someone, like your parents or a teacher. They can think of ways to make this stop. It’s also a good idea to write down what happens to you. This way you can show others what these girls do. Finally, if I were you, I would stop giving them money. Stay in a group if you don’t feel safe: there’s nothing they can do then. I hope this helps! Best wishes, (your name)
9 What does it mean? 1 2 3
L, pijn doen L, sukkel L, voor gek zetten
4 5
J, dankbaar L, terugpakken
10 Tell someone! 1 2 3
True False False
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 17
4 5
True True
24-05-2007 10:20:57
Unit 3 Willow House
hv 1 workbook A
3 Find the word
At your home a b c
persoonlijk antwoord persoonlijk antwoord modelantwoord: Dear Gary, Thanks for your email. I’m going to tell you something about my house now. It’s a semi-detached house and it has a living room, a large kitchen, a bathroom with a shower and three bedrooms. Outside there is a small garden with a shed. What I like about our house is that it is close to school. And also that we have nice neighbours. You must come and visit us sometime! Bye, (your name)
n e e a c c s d a r l i f r u i n s c
d o w n s t a i s u r b r a i n s
u i g t r l n e
n t s t c h o n r u m s
a c d t
t t o a
e i w l
d o n s n l
The word is: downstairs
4 Fill in the right words 1 2 3 4
calm down need create fault
5 6 7 8
brains sure switch on instructions
The Queen’s home
Extra words: magazine – tijdschrift, mush – moes
1 2 3
5 More than one
in Londen ongeveer 395 mensen De hoofdkeuken is zo ver weg dat het eten opgewarmd moet worden. flamingo’s en paarden
Welcome to Chatdanger – a site all about the possible dangers of interactive services online like chat, IM, online games, email and on mobiles. Click on the icons below to read true stories and find out how to chat safely.
The basics 1 Home computers a
persoonlijk antwoord
1 2 3 4
Mum Dad Mum David
5 6 7 8
Mobiles picture phones, meeting people, bullying and how to look after your mates… Chat find out what can happen to you in chatrooms and how to make sure it doesn’t happen to you… Email see our tips about keeping safe and what to do about bullying and spam… Messenger who are your buddy’s buddies? How to protect yourself and your friends on IM… Games see a true story about a boy’s close encounters and learn how to stay safe using online games...
Dad David Mum David
2 A few questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Because the computer doesn’t work and he has to do his accounts by tomorrow. (Calm down and) ask David to help him. Upstairs in the bathroom. Because the CD isn’t in the drive. Because he doesn’t know where the CD is. / Because he didn’t know the CD wasn’t in the drive. Under his Sports Car magazine on the desk. All you have to do is ask.
9006144635_bw.indd 18
How to keep safe while chatting online
1 2 3 4
apples pupils churches countries
5 6 7
pencils children boxes Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:57
Unit 3 Willow House
hv 1 workbook A c
1 2 3 4 5
six houses three dogs two cats two women two babies
6 7 8 9
five children two bicycles / bikes four shirts seven birds
10 My pet goldfish a
1 2 3 4 5 6
But we knew, Goldie and I knew
6 Interview questions
People say that Goldie is a small fish. Goldie eats a lot of fish food. Goldie the Goldfish dies. ‘Mum’ says that goldfish don’t feel any pain. The ‘I’ in the poem buries Goldie. The ‘I’ in the poem has to cry.
persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: Who’s your singing teacher? What are your hobbies? Where do you live? When will you make a new album? Why do you like singing so much? How do you feel about your new album?
7 The right reaction 1 2 3
d a e
4 5
c b
8 Complete the dialogue 1 2 3 4 5 6
I don’t have time for this! What’s the problem? I’m fed up. I don’t have a clue. I don’t know. You’re joking.
11 Are your parents FBI investigators? a b
persoonlijk antwoord an article from the Internet
12 Text questions 1 2
zusje (van ‘sister’) Waar ga je naartoe? Wat ga je doen? Met wie heb je afgesproken? Omdat kinderen steeds meer privacy willen als ze wat ouder worden. persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: ja, omdat ze mijn telefoongesprekken afluisteren, of: nee, omdat ze mijn kamer soms opruimen, maar nooit mijn dagboek lezen Het licht moet om half negen uit. De volgende dag op tijd thuiskomen en iets speciaals doen (afwassen) om te laten zien dat je dankbaar bent / de vrijheid waardeert.
3 4
5 6
9 Roleplay modelantwoord: 7: Calm down. What’s wrong? / What’s the problem? 8: I’m fed up because there’s a fault with the printer. It never seems to work! 7: Is your computer connected to the printer? 8: That’s obvious! Yes, my computer is connected. 7: Is there enough paper in the printer? 8: Very good Einstein. Yes, there’s enough paper in the printer. 7: Is the ink cartridge full? 8: Yes, it is full! I don’t have time for this! 7: Is there an error message on your computer screen or on the printer? 8: No, there’s no error message. Tell me something new! 7: Well, is the printer switched on then? 8: Switched on? 7: I see the printer is not switched on. 8: It isn’t switched on? You’re joking! 7: Let me switch it on for you. 8: Thanks! Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 19
13 Synonyms 1 2 3
d a f
4 5 6
e b c
14 Word search A
The sentence is: My teacher drives me nuts. 19
24-05-2007 10:20:58
Unit 3 Willow House
hv 1 workbook A
15 Syllables
19 Odd one out
One syllable: when, you, were, the, rules, now, that, are, and, make, your, own, what, is, fair, don’t, they, made, five, years, like, lights, out, by, (half ), (past), eight, may, not, be.
2 Two syllables: little, almost, always, followed, older, wonder, parents, sometimes, ago, (thirty).
Three syllables: decisions, realise, anymore.
Four syllables: reasonable.
16 I’m fed up!
modelantwoord: Dear Elsie, How are you? I’m fed up with my family because we had another huge row yesterday. They’re all nuts! My sister always reads my diary. My mum always tells me I should work harder for school. And my father never lets me watch the TV programmes I like. I try to talk with them and discuss the rules, but all they do is moan. They say that I never do anything around the house and that I am never home in time. But that’s not true! Tell me, are your parents as bad as mine? Tomorrow I’m going to sneak out to go to the movies / to see a film with Jay. I hope I won’t get busted!
20 What’s missing? – – – – – – –
1 2 3 4 5
1 ... before Dad comes home. 2 Aunt Ranjita arrives tomorrow. Explanation: deze persoonsvormen (werkwoorden) krijgen een s omdat het onderwerp dat erbij hoort (Dad, Aunt Ranjita) steeds een derde persoon enkelvoud is (een ‘hij’, ‘zij’ of ‘het’ is).
1 2 3 4
17 Redecoration plans De juiste volgorde is: 1 - behang en verf, 2 - TV, 3 - bed, 4 - plattegrond, 5 - afwas.
18 True or false? 1 2 3 4
False True False True
5 6 7 8
False True False False
shower - douche wardrobe - klerenkast desk - bureau attic - zolder plan - plattegrond dog - hond guestroom - logeerkamer
21 Present simple
Bye, (name)
To talk hoort er niet bij omdat je geen pen en papier nodig hebt om te praten, en om te tekenen of schrijven wel. Kitchen hoort er niet bij omdat een keuken niet bedoeld is om in te slapen. TV set hoort er niet bij omdat een tv geen meubelstuk is / een stuk kleiner is dan een kast of een bureau. To admit hoort er niet bij omdat dit een werkwoord is (iets wat je doet) en de andere twee niet. / omdat dit niets met klussen te maken heeft en de andere twee wel. To take a shower hoort er niet bij omdat dit geen huishoudelijk klusje is. / To take out the rubbish hoort er niet bij omdat je daar geen water bij gebruikt.
9006144635_bw.indd 20
like wants need discusses
5 6 7 8
arrives choose show kiss
22 Habits a/b 1 2 3
And I tell you almost every day that ... I mean things you really need. I never get what I like. ... before Dad comes home. Aunt Ranjita arrives tomorrow.
Does Sheila read the paper every day? No, she doesn’t read the paper every day. Does Sheila wash the windows every day? No, she doesn’t wash the windows every day. Does Sheila eat breakfast every day? Yes, she eats breakfast every day. Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:58
Unit 3 Willow House
hv 1 workbook A 4
Does Sheila play a computer game every day? No, Sheila does not play a computer game every day. Does Sheila do her homework every day? Yes, Sheila does her homework every day.
11 12 13 14 15
Well, you can choose from these! I think these are ugly / awful / terrible. That’s enough. If you don’t choose one, I will. Can I think about it? Sure. You can think about it while you do the dishes!
23 Do you remember?
27 What about your room?
1 2 3 4 5
my my Our / My Your His
6 7 8 9 10
Mine our their your her
24 Sounds: the letter c a
1 2 3 4 5
k k s k k
e, i, y
6 7 8 9 10
k k s, k k s, k
25 Find ways to say... a
Do you have a minute? Can I just talk to you for a moment? There’s something I want to tell you. I’ve got some great news. I would like to (show you these samples). I want to (choose my own wallpaper). I wish (I had the room in the attic). I’d really like to (have a new TV set).
persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: I’d really like to have a game computer in my room. I wish I had a Jacuzzi in my room. I would like to have a cinema in my house. I want to have pink wallpaper in my room.
26 Khalid’s room 1 2 3
Hello Khalid. Can I just talk to you for a moment? Hello Mum. Yes, sure. There’s something I want to tell you about the plans for your room. 4 What is it then? 5 I don’t like the wallpaper you want. 6 But I’d really like to have that wallpaper. 7 I know. But your room will be too dark if we use grey wallpaper. 8 I never get what I like! 9 I would like to show you these wallpaper samples. 10 But I want to choose my own wallpaper and paint! Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 21
9: Hi! Can I just talk to you for a moment? 10: Hello. Yes, sure. 9: I don’t want my dark red curtains anymore. I would like to have white curtains. 10: I think dark blue or dark blue curtains are better because they do not let through too much light. 9: I never get what I like. Can I choose my own wallpaper then? 10: Well, I have some wallpaper samples that I like. Do you like them too? 9: No, I think they’re terrible. 10: Well, you can choose your own wallpaper then, but you can’t have white curtains. 9: All right then. Blue curtains are OK too. Can I also have a new radio? I really need one and I saw a cheap one at the Mediamarkt. 10: Well, I only have money for things that you really need, like a desk or a bed. 9: I also need a larger wardrobe. 10: OK, you can also have a new wardrobe, but I’m not going to pay for a new radio. 9: Well, I’ll buy it myself then. But I also need a new lamp. 10: Let’s go to IKEA tomorrow then and buy all your stuff for your room. 9: All right. Afspraken: de zoon/dochter krijgt blauwe gordijnen, mag zijn/haar eigen behang uitzoeken, koopt de radio van zijn/haar eigen geld, en krijgt een bureau, een bed, een grotere kast, en een nieuwe lamp.
28 What’s on the telly tonight? a
1 2
in a TV guide or in the newspaper persoonlijk antwoord
1 2 3 4
BBC News – 10:10 pm – BBC1 Match of the Day – 10:30 pm – BBC1 What the Romans Did for Us – 8:00 pm – BBC2 National Lottery Millionaire Manor - 7:50 pm – BBC1 Good Will Hunting – 9:10 pm – BBC2
24-05-2007 10:20:58
Unit 3 Willow House
hv 1 workbook A c d
34 Help out
persoonlijk antwoord
Bijvoorbeeld: rondgaan met de collectebus, auto’s wassen voor een bepaald bedrag, een schoolfeest organiseren waar mensen entree voor moeten betalen, een sponsorloop organiseren, een rommelmarkt organiseren, enz.
My favourite programme is Idols. It’s a singing contest for young people. I like it because I like listening to music and because it’s very exciting.
29 What do you hear? a
1 2
d c
30 Real life story
Message: Hello. I read an article about a boy who lives in care. It explained what living in care is and which problems these children can have. I was impressed. That’s why I want to help raise money for children’s homes. I think I could wash cars for a few euros and donate the money I make to the NCH. I also want to organise a school party. The money we make will also go to the NCH.
1 2 3
c a c
a b
Best wishes, (name).
d 1 2 3 4 5
4 5 6
c b a
A boy who lives in a children’s home. wereldwijd = in het Verenigd Koninkrijk / in Engeland. zijn moeder hyperactief is = hij hyperactief was de verveling = het pesten mogen ze niet meer naar de bioscoop = wordt hun tv afgepakt. hij zijn maatschappelijk werker heeft bedreigd = hij de auto van zijn maatschappelijk werker heeft beschadigd.
31 Choose the right answer 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
32 Crack the code a/b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
lose – verliezen explain – uitleggen scary – eng social worker – maatschappelijk werker damage – beschadigen especially – vooral angry with – boos op possible – mogelijk together – samen brilliant – geniaal, geweldig
33 Descriptions 1 2 3 4
scary fight mess up explain
9006144635_bw.indd 22
5 6 7
treat winds you up lose
Check Unit 3 A Opposites 1 2 3 4
e g h a
5 6 7 8
b c d f
5 6 7 8
fight angry with furniture solution
B Fill in 1 2 3 4
need decision especially lose
C The right thing to say 1 2 3 4 5 6
You have a point there. What’s the problem? I don’t have a clue. Do you have a minute? That’s obvious! That’s enough.
D Complete the dialogue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Do you have a minute? There’s something I want to tell you. I’ve got some great news. I don’t know. You’re joking. I’d really like to have a new TV set. You have a point there. Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:59
Unit 3 Willow House
hv 1 workbook A
E How many…? 1 2 3 4
dogs plans eggs beaches
5 6 7 8
apples children boys pennies
9 10 11 12
women dishes cities books
1 2 3 4
who what where why
5 6 7 8
when what how which
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
live gets up eats feeds
5 6 7 8
want love makes go
9 10 11 12
watches visit play are
Do we have enough time? No, we don’t have enough time. Does Gönul take the bus to school? No, Gönul doesn’t take the bus to school. Do they understand the teacher? No, they don’t understand the teacher. Does Mrs Jones drink tea every afternoon? No, Mrs Jones doesn’t drink tea every afternoon. Do I do my homework at night? No, I don’t do my homework at night. Do you go on holiday every summer? No, you don’t go on holiday every summer.
Personal training 1 Different words 1 2 3
staff discuss fair
4 5 6
a while lose a question
fathers, managers, banks, mothers, schools, teachers, houses, lakes, summers, sisters, (birthdays), (birthday) parties, years, rooms, floors, beds, desks, colours, women.
6 Who, what, where? 1 2 3 4
frustrated downstairs stuff fight
5 6 7
together remember reasonable
1 2 3
d c a
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 23
4 5 6
g b e
5 6 7 8
What where Who when
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I live in Almere with my parents and my brother and sister. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I don’t play (never play any) computer games, but I watch a lot of television. Do you often read books? My mother reads three books a week. My brother plays in a band and listens to his CDs every evening. Does your mother often cook Italian food too? I don’t like our dog, but I love our cat.
8 The Iglood Life a
1 2 3
3 The right reaction a
how What Why Who
7 In English, please!
2 Word snake 1 2 3 4
I’ve got some great news! I’m fed up. (Sorry,) I don’t have time for this. I don’t have a clue. Do you have a minute?
5 Not one, but more!
G Every day is the same a
4 What do you say? 1 2 3 4 5
F All these questions!
Phrase f is extra. Voorbeeld: Ellen says she really needs a new bed. – Well, she may have a point.
Er zijn coupletten en sommige woorden rijmen op elkaar. nee persoonlijk antwoord
J Je huis kan nooit afbranden. Je hoeft nooit de ramen te wassen. Je hoeft nooit te stofzuigen. L Het is erg koud. Je kunt geen tv kijken. Het is niet zo leuk om naar smeltend ijs te kijken.
24-05-2007 10:20:59
Unit 3 Willow House
hv 1 workbook A
9 Guess the meaning a
1 2 3 4
iglo wassen plaats smelten
5 6 7 8
miste klom haast populair
1 2 3 4 5 6
stofzuigen leuk / prettig / aangenaam schrokte rende door greep / pakte slecht / waardeloos
10 Late for school a
persoonlijk antwoord
1 2 3
4 5 6
1 2 3
e f d
4 5 6
b c a
11 Annoying habits a
Het gedicht gaat over iemand die zich ergert aan zijn of haar zus. De zus doet heel stoer en is populair, maar wordt wel van school gestuurd.
b/c modelantwoord: My brother is always chatting on MSN, I never see him go outside. He doesn’t do anything else, which is why he never goes out at night. My brother is always chatting on MSN, but I don’t think that’s great. My brother is so busy chatting, he’s never got a date.
9006144635_bw.indd 24
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:20:59
Unit 4 Victoria Shopping Centre
hv 1 workbook A
4 Descriptions persoonlijk antwoord
Money, money, money a b c
I see 17 pounds and 30 pence. Dit antwoord zal elke keer anders zijn, afhankelijk van de wisselkoers. Dit antwoord zal ook elke keer anders zijn, afhankelijk van de wisselkoers.
5 Present continuous (-ing vorm) a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
tussen (tussendoortje) hug = knuffelen / knuffel koel het beste altijd gaan hartenbrekers verhaal van whiskers = snorharen van clean air = schone lucht
Sally and Parminder are walking in the shopping centre. Are we going to Top Shop first? We’re running late. We’re doing some market research on this new yoghurt drink, Fresh. And look over there, that girl is wearing one!
1 2 3 4
is talking Is she crying? is laughing are not breaking up
2 3 4
Shopping a
Bijvoorbeeld: Lion (leeuw), King (koning) pepermunt, Milk&Fruit (melk en fruit), Milky Way (melkweg), Shout (gil, schreeuw), Big Americans pizza (grote Amerikanen), Fruit 2day (fruit vandaag), Yofresh (...fris), Vanish (verdwijnen), Head & Shoulders (hoofd & schouders).
The basics
1 Market research a
Bijvoorbeeld: daklozenkrant verkopen, vragen stellen over nieuw product, handtekening voor een actie, informatie geven over een feest, enz. 1 2 3
b a a
5 4
b b
1 2 3 4 5 6
much many fun ✓ 7 cats ✓ 8 flowers ✓ 9 crime ✓ 10 children ✓ 11 shops ✓ 12
1 2 3 4
many many few a little
1 2 3
c a e
4 5 6
b d f
persoonlijk antwoord
1 2 3 4
invite maybe mystery size
5 6 7 8
walk sold out shopping centre holiday
You say this when you like something: That’s really nice. It’s really tasty. That’s fantastic. You say this to end a conversation: We’ve got to go. We’re running late. See you later You say this when you don’t like something: That’s disgusting. What a disaster. Oh no, I can’t believe it.
The three extra phrases are: Excuse me. Can I ask you something? I’d like to ask you a few questions. You can use these phrases to ask something.
Bijvoorbeeld: I really like this pizza, it’s tasty.
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 25
much many a few
3 Fill in a
5 6 7
much many mistakes ✓ milk ✓ women ✓ sun ✓ love ✓ disasters ✓
7 Phrases
2 Let’s act! a
are having are coming Are you enjoying am coming
6 Much, many, little, few? a
5 6 7 8
24-05-2007 10:20:59
Unit 4 Victoria Shopping Centre
hv 1 workbook A
8 Chocolate bars 1 3
Excuse me. Can I ask you something? I’m doing some market research on this new kind of chocolate bar. 4 Oh, I love chocolate! 5 Would you like to try some? 6 Mmm, that’s really nice. 9 Can I invite you to try that one too? 10 Sure. Yuk! That’s horrible! 12 I’ve got to go. I’m running late.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Hi! It’s Rivka. Hello, this is Jennifer. Hi Jennifer, what are you doing? Nothing, really. I’m bored. Aren’t you doing your homework? No, the sun is shining! Oh. I’m reading a book for English. That’s horrible! Would you like to go shopping? I don’t know. Maybe Sheryl would like to come with you. No, Sheryl is seeing her boyfriend Jim again today. Really? Again? Yes, I know. But come on, just close your book. It’s that easy. All right then. I’ll see you at the Body Shop in fifteen minutes. That’s great / fantastic!
10 I do not love shopping a
Ten minste vier van de volgende redenen: Het is zonde van de tijd en van het geld. Er is nooit plek om je auto te parkeren. Je doet er een half uur over om je auto te parkeren. In de winkels is het altijd heel erg druk. Mensen lopen duwen tegen elkaar aan en lopen elkaar in de weg. De winkel heeft datgene wat je nodig hebt niet in voorraad. Je moet altijd erg lang (twintig minuten) in de rij staan bij de kassa. Deze persoon doet de boodschappen nu online, via internet. Dat gaat veel sneller.
Listening card 1 1 shopping 2 when you’re on holiday
9006144635_bw.indd 26
6 7
buy food
4 5
half an hour pushing
soup and some veg 9 more expensive 10 oranges
Listening card 2 1 don’t understand 2 on holiday 3 4 5
9 Phone your friend modelantwoord:
6 7
mad two hours of your life 8 faster 9 last week 10 read a book
time and money places have
11 Which type are you? a
persoonlijk antwoord
Gaurika: Hero of the Future John: Too good to be true Tracey: 100% Shopaholic
12 Draw and guess persoonlijk antwoord
13 Verb search a
1 2 3 4 5
hide donate spend dump lend
6 7 8 9
share treat borrow throw
Share and treat are in the puzzle twice.
14 What’s on the beep? de antwoorden staan op de cards
stressed twenty minutes Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:00
Unit 4 Victoria Shopping Centre
hv 1 workbook A
15 Its and your a
Your is een bezittelijk voornaamwoord en betekent ‘jouw’. You’re is de samengetrokken vorm van you are en betekent ‘jij bent’.
Hi! Yesterday you asked me if I knew wear (where) you’re (your) Harry Potter book was. I didn’t now (know), but I have found it! I didn’t recognise it’s (its) cover at first. Its (It’s) on you’re (your) desk now. Do tell me if it’s a good book after your (you’re) finished. I’ll sea (see) you tomorrow. By (Bye)! Ben
A friend says she likes your new hairstyle. How do you react? My face goes red and I say nothing. I thank her and say I like her hairstyle too. I say ‘I know! It’s fantastic!’
You hear two classmates say to each other that your shoes are stupid and old-fashioned. What do you say? I say nothing, but I decide to buy other shoes. I say nothing, but I laugh about it with my friends. I say: ‘It’s clear that you don’t know what fashion is’.
Do you think other people see you as a shy person? Why? Yes, because I’m quiet and often nervous. Sometimes, but only people who don’t really know me. No, because I always know what to say.
16 Make a quiz modelantwoord: Quiz: how shy are you? A little bit of shyness can be good and is charming. But being extremely shy can stop you from getting what you want and make it difficult to express yourself. How shy are you? Do the quiz and find out... 1
You schoolbag falls over and some private things roll out. Things you don’t want other people to see. What do you do? My face goes red and I don’t know where to look. I pick them up and try to act like nothing happened. I pick them up and say that they’re my sister’s things. You’re on the phone with your new boyfriend or girlfriend. Suddenly your mum comes into your room. What do you do? I hang up right away, without saying goodbye. I tell my boyfriend or girlfriend that my mum is in the room and say goodbye. I send my mum away and stay on the phone with my boyfriend or girlfriend. You have to do a presentation in front of the whole school. How do you feel? I’m sure it goes wrong and I think I’m going to be ill. I’m a bit nervous, but it will be all right. I feel great, I always like presentations.
Go for it! 2nd edition
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How did you score? 0-10 points: (very shy) You’re quiet and not very sure of yourself. People may think you’re boring. Be more confident! 11-20 points: (normal) Sometimes you’re shy or nervous, but nothing to worry about. It happens to everyone. 21-30 points: (very confident) You’re very sure of yourself! Be careful, some people may think you’re arrogant!
17 Choose the right alternative a
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
in een winkel waar kaarten en dergelijke verkocht worden vier Omdat een van de meisjes (Rani) binnenkort jarig is en een feestje geeft. a cheap card twelve films / filmstars Rani’s father Rani is having a birthday party on Saturday the funny guy in 2B, with the strange hair it’s purple
18 Which sentence…? 1 2 3 4 5 6
There are so many cards, Clarissa. So much choice. You will find a few on the third shelf at the back. But it’s not cheap, is it? I’m asking all my friends, you know. At my place and any time after half past four is OK. Er… are you sure this is the card you want? 27
24-05-2007 10:21:00
Unit 4 Victoria Shopping Centre
hv 1 workbook A
19 All mixed up 1 2 3 4
choice guy cheap floor
24 Sounds: the letter g 5 6 7 8
wedding particular picture size
1 2
go: again, bag, garden, girl, glass, good, great, sugar, leg, get, give. age: German, orange, biology, vegetable, apologise, gym, cage, gin.
well done
20 Shops a
1 2 3
bookshop – books (cards, newspapers, magazines) travel agency – holidays bakery – bread (pastries, cakes)
1 2 3 4
g f h a
5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
21 Up, in, under, out
22 Complete the dialogue 1 2 3 4
for for in of
5 6 7 8
with for at on
9 to 10 with 11 on
23 Do you remember? a
1 2 3 4
picture 1: picture card 3: eighteenth of June; picture card 4: twentieth of June picture 2: picture card 3: thirty-first street; picture card 4: twenty-first street picture 3: picture card 3: first floor; picture card 4: second floor picture 4: picture card 3: bakery on the second floor; picture card 4: bakery on the third floor picture 5: picture card 3: twelfth birthday; picture card 4: thirteenth birthday
9006144635_bw.indd 28
third thirty-first fourth Fifth
5 6 7
twentieth second eighth
c e d b
GRANDAD TAKES WHEELCHAIR ON M25 IN RUSH HOUR A nutty pensioner caused panic at five o’clock yesterday because he was driving on Britain’s busiest motorway at 5mph – in his electric wheelchair. Worried motorists phoned 999 as they whizzed past the grandad on the M25. It took the police an hour until they got behind the man – who was in his 70s – just before he was joining the M11. They took him and his wheelchair home to Palmers Green in North London.
Op de /k/. Gold klinkt dan als cold.
Belgium sausage green spaghetti dog magazine August energy
age ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
25 The right reaction 1 2 3
f e d
4 5 6
b c a
26 An invitation Michael 1 Hi Sheila, it’s Michael. 3 I’m fine. It’s my birthday today. 5 I know I’m a bit late, but... 7 Can you come to my party tonight? 9 I’m asking all my friends, you know. 11 Of course you can bring a friend. 13 At my place of course. 15 Any time after seven is OK. Sheila 2 Hello Michael. How are you? 4 Congratulations! / Happy birthday! 6 But what? 8 I’d love to come. 10 Great! Can I bring a friend? 12 But where is it? 14 And what time? 16 Super! See you tonight then!
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:01
Unit 4 Victoria Shopping Centre
hv 1 workbook A
27 Speech, speech! modelantwoord: Can I have your attention, please? There’s something I would like to say. Jack, happy birthday to you! It’s nice to be here because we’ve got all our friends together. We bought a great present for you. It’s a new computer game! We think you like it because we know how much you like playing games on your computer. Now let’s party everyone!
28 Harrods 1 2 3 4 5
6 7
c) Ground floor (begane grond) elf bij de afdeling ‘Men’s Ties & Underwear’ Ja, je kunt telefoneren in de ‘Fine Jewellery Room’. Op vier manieren: met de trap, de lift, de roltrap (escalator) en de zogenaamde ‘Egyptische roltrap’ (Egyptian escalator). (Deze roltrap is helemaal versierd en gaat van de kelder helemaal naar de 5e verdieping van Harrods!) Er zijn zes luxe restaurants (tel de rode bolletjes). Naar de afdeling ‘Cosmetics’ of naar de ‘Beauty Apothecary’.
Ram-raid on cash point machine fails Een aantal mannen probeerden in een winkelcentrum in Sydney een pinautomaat te kraken, maar ze werden betrapt en de ramkraak mislukte.
31 True or false? 1 2 3 4
False False False True
5 6 7 8
True True False False
32 Fill in the right word 1 2 3 4
damage brand reduced unusual
5 6 7 8
discover precautions incident add
extra words: prevent – toddler
29 Special offer! Announcement 1 orange juice 2 3 4
household goods Fabergé products Children’s menu
Products on sale third bottle for free turkey steaks 70% off (max) 20% off (max) free with an adult menu
What’s the offer? until March 24 from 2.55 per pack to 1.68 17-28 November this week Sunday (tomorrow)
30 News in brief
33 The odd one out
1 2
in een krant korte berichten
2 b Boy drives car into a police car Een jongen van 3 jaar zat in de auto te wachten terwijl zijn vader iets moest kopen. Hij deed de auto van de handrem en reed op een politieauto in. De jongen was niet gewond en er was geen schade. Shop apologises over 2005 crisps Een mevrouw kocht in de supermarkt pakken chips die afgeprijsd waren. Toen ze thuiskwam, bleek dat de chips al drie jaar oud waren. Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 29
3 4 5 6
Period until March 24
Guy hoort er niet bij omdat het niets zegt over hoe oud deze persoon ongeveer is. To prevent hoort er niet bij omdat het niets met (auto)rijden te maken heeft. Luckily hoort er niet bij omdat dat een positief woord is. De andere twee zijn negatief. Reduced hoort er niet bij omdat het niets met diefstal te maken heeft. Gear hoort er niet bij omdat je het niet kunt eten. Handbrake hoort er niet bij omdat het geen make-up is.
24-05-2007 10:21:01
Unit 4 Victoria Shopping Centre
hv 1 workbook A
34 Be a scriptwriter
C What do they say?
1 2 3 4
characters: Alan: old man, a bit grumpy Helen: his wife, first calm, then nervous Alan: Helen: Alan:
I can’t believe it! Have you read this article? Which article darling? Well, this article about crisps that were a few years out of date. Helen: What a nightmare! What was the best-before date? Alan: I don’t know. Let me see…11 January 2005. Helen: You’re joking! Which supermarket was it? Alan: Tesco. They say it smelt like nail varnish. Helen: Hang on a second. Just let me check something. Alan: What’s the problem? Helen: We bought a packet of crisps at Tesco’s last week! (Helen goes to the kitchen) Helen: They do not smell like nail varnish. And the best-before date is in two months. Alan: Well, you’ve opened the packet now, so can I have some crisps? Helen: I suppose so…
5 6 7 8
b g – veiligheid c d
1 2 3 4 5 6
competition picture hurt cheap discover prevent disaster cash point machine
9006144635_bw.indd 30
It’s that easy. What are you looking for? Sorry to stop you a second time. At my place of course. Excuse me. Can I ask you something? We’ll have a look.
E What are they doing? a
1 2 3 4 5
She is listening to music. They are playing football. She is reading a magazine. They are painting (a wall). He is watching TV.
1 2 3 4 5
Is she listening to music? Are they playing football? Is she reading a magazine? Are they painting a wall? Is he watching TV?
1 2 3 4
many few much much
5 6 7 8
many little many few
5 6 7 8
at up to of at
G Choices
B Crack the code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
asking all my bring some friends time after got to go
F Much, many, little or few?
A Make a match e h f a
6 7 8 9
D In English, please!
Check unit 4 1 2 3 4
I ask you running late come to my party Congratulations / Happy birthday I’d love
wedstrijd plaatje gewond goedkoop ontdekken voorkomen ramp pinautomaat
1 2 3 4
to for in next to
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:01
Unit 4 Victoria Shopping Centre
hv 1 workbook A
Personal training 1 Crossword
reach invite rip up lend discovered sold out
3 Reactions a
1 2 3 4 5
At my place of course. We’d love to come. No, we’ve got to go. Congratulations! I’ll have a look.
Any time after four is OK – dit kun je bijvoorbeeld als antwoord geven wanneer iemand je vraagt hoe laat hij/zij verwacht wordt.
4 What do you say? a
1 2 3
Excuse me. Can I ask you something? I’d like to ask you a few questions. Sorry to stop you a second time.
1 2
Congratulations! Happy birthday!
1 2
Can I invite your friend to try it? Can you come to my party?
5 Where is…? 1 2
The shoes are under the bed. The books are in the bag. The TV is on the shelf. Nick’s party is on Saturday. The clock is on the table.
6 Make sentences 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
My brother and I are doing the dishes. Rosie is not feeling well today. Are you falling in love? I am listening to you. Are they raising money for the scouts? Wesley is not doing his homework. We are running late. Is Aunt Maggie writing a book?
7 All in one!
2 Choose the right word 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
The cat is in front of the window. The plant is next to the cat.
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lisa is waiting for you. He is listening to music. Faria is talking about food. Your friends are thinking about you. She is asking for money. We are looking forward to the holiday. Peter is looking after the cat.
8 Put in the right box a
much much money much milk
many many hamburgers many people many books
little little time
few few clothes / shirts few beans
in de vakjes much en many
9 Oxfam a
Oxfam is een tweedehandswinkel waarvan de opbrengsten naar een goed doel gaan. In Nederland heb je de zogenaamde Kringloopwinkels, al gaan de opbrengsten van die winkels niet standaard naar liefdadigheid. Bovendien heb je Fair Trade Shops in Nederland, waar ze ook Fair Trade levensmiddelen verkopen.
1 2 3
False False False
4 5 6
True True False
24-05-2007 10:21:01
Unit 4 Victoria Shopping Centre
hv 1 workbook A
10 Find the words 1 2 3 4
homeware stationary profit hairdresser
5 6 7 8
dictionary holiday pop in bargain
9 10 11 12
retired fabulous cheap tricky
11 Congratulations modelantwoord: Dear Karen, Happy birthday! / Congratulations on your fourteenth birthday! I bought a beautiful bag from Peru for you. I hope you like it too! I bought the bag at Oxfam. Do you know Oxfam? It’s a shop with second-hand and Fair Trade goods. You can buy all kinds of things there, like furniture, books, CDs and jewellery. Your bag isn’t second-hand, it’s a Fair Trade item / article! I pop in every Saturday to look if they have any bargains at Oxfam. The profit they make goes to poor countries, so it’s a good place to spend your money. Well, have a fabulous day! Hugs, Sashi
12 Great gifts 1
2 3 4 5 6
Een nieuwe geschenkencatalogus (op internet). Je kunt er cadeaus bestellen voor mensen in ontwikkelingslanden. Een klamboe of een pakket om mee te nemen naar school zijn voorbeelden van goedkope cadeautjes. Een duur cadeau is een enorme schoonwatertank voor duizend mensen. Als je naar school gaat, kun je later werk vinden en heb je meer kans op een betere toekomst. Een geit voor iemand in Afrika of bomen laten planten in Honduras. persoonlijk antwoord
9006144635_bw.indd 32
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:02
Unit 5 Hillside Park
hv 1 workbook B
Introduction In Britain 1 een multicultureel festival dat wordt georganiseerd door Pakistaanse en Indiase immigranten in Groot-Brittannië 2 Je kunt genieten van muziek en dans, een kermis, een markt met handgemaakte spullen, en veel interessant eten. 3 persoonlijk antwoord
b ‘I’m at the station. I see a boy who is robbing an old lady. The robber is fairly short with long blond hair. He is stealing a red handbag which is shaped like an apple. While the robber is running away, he is looking at some vans. He is running towards some black vans with cameras on top. I think the robbery isn’t real. The victim, the robber and the officer must all be policemen.’ station → park – boy → woman – short → tall – He → She – red → purple – he → she – vans → bushes – He → She – cameras → satellite dishes – policemen → actors
In the park persoonlijk antwoord
5 Crossword
The basics
1 What next?
1 persoonlijk antwoord 2 De beroving blijkt niet echt te zijn, maar in scène gezet. De politieagent, de oude vrouw en de berover zijn allemaal acteurs.
False True True False
p l e a s e
p l a y g r o u n d a 6
5 6 7 8
False True False True
c 8
‘I’m at the station. I see a boy who is robbing an old lady. The robber is fairly short with long blond hair. He is stealing a red handbag which is shaped like an apple. While the robber is running away, he is looking at some vans. He is running towards some black vans with cameras on top. I think the robbery isn’t real. The victim, the robber and the officer must all be policemen.’
9006144635_bw.indd 33
e x
a i
t h
Crime location: park Name and address witness: Pete Robbins, 21, Pimlico Drive Describe the stolen article: a purple handbag shaped like an apple Describe the robber: tall woman with long blond hair Describe the victim: old lady
4 Another witness
v a n
6 That’s …!
Go for it! 2nd edition
t 5
3 Notes
2 True or false? 1 2 3 4
r o b b e r y
1 2 3 4
great interesting extraordinary / strange strange
b persoonlijk antwoord
7 Questions and answers 1 2 3 4
can isn’t, he can does, she
8 Short answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, he can. / No, he can’t. Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Yes, they are. / No, they’re not. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 33
24-05-2007 10:21:02
Unit 5 Hillside Park
hv 1 workbook B
9 In the past
14 Let’s hang out
‘An old lady was walking along the path. She had a strange handbag. It was shaped like an apple and it had a strange colour. Suddenly the old lady was robbed. The robber was a woman. She had blond hair. She was running towards some vans. They were all big black vans; some of them had satellite dishes on top. There were cameras too. It wasn’t a real robbery. The old lady and the robber were actors.’
1 persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: rondhangende jongeren. 2 persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: omdat je op de foto jongeren ziet die in het park zitten en omdat er ‘kids’ in de tekst staat 3 persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: een plek waar jongeren bij elkaar kunnen komen 4 persoonlijk antwoord
10 Fill in
15 True or false?
1 2 3 4
was had had Were
5 6 7 8
was were had Was
1 2 3 4
True True False False
5 6 7 8
True True False True
11 The right reaction
16 Behave yourself!
1 c 2 a 3 d
1 dropping litter 2 vandalising things 3 scaring other people
1 2 3 4 5
4 e 5 b
12 Complete the dialogue 1 2 3 4 5
What’s up? Oh dear, how awful. It was shaped like a car. Could you say that again, please? / Beg your pardon? That’s a relief!
13 Roleplay modelantwoord: 11: Hello Officer. I’ve lost my bag. I think it’s stolen. 12: Hello! How awful. Let’s first have some details. Can you give me your name? 11: Yes, it’s (name). 12: I’ve got that. And what’s your address? 11: My address is (address). 12: All right. And where were you when you lost your bag? 11: I was sitting near the pond. My bag was next to me. 12: Could you say that again, please? 11: I was sitting near the pond. My bag was next to me. 12: Really? And can you describe your bag? 11: It’s red and it’s shaped like a heart. 12: I’ve got that. We’ll let you know if we find it. 11: Thank you! Bye! 12: Bye!
9006144635_bw.indd 34
Brownie Rebecca Polly Matt Kay thinks there is enough to do in her town, although she would like a few more youth clubs. 6 Lisa thinks there are annoying older teens in the park. 7 Emily thinks good hangouts do not stop children getting into trouble.
17 Make a match a
1 - d 2 - a 3 - f
4-b 5-c 7-e
b persoonlijk antwoord
18 Fill in a
1 2 3 4
run down equipment difference tidy
5 6 7 8
embarrass freedom vandalise annoying
19 There, their, they’re 1 2 3 4
there their they’re They’re
5 6 7 8
there their there they’re
9 there 10 their
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:02
Unit 5 Hillside Park
hv 1 workbook B
20 What do you think?
26 Some and any
your comments I often meet my friends in the park. We hang out near the skate park. When it rains, we go to a friend’s house. We watch TV or play computer games there.
21 The right order A B C D
6 4 7 2
1 3 5
22 Missing words
1 2 3 4 5
Listening card 8 (1) skates - eight - fetch - time - fine (2) going - hear - great - easy - this
23 Choose the best summary Answer c is correct. Answer a is not correct because Simon does want kneepads and a helmet. Answer b is not correct because Simon and Anne hire skates for half a day.
6 7 8
trick to trust nasty to look
5 6 7
size hire mankind
25 Hints a
1 2 3
d e a
persoonlijk antwoord
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 35
1 2 3
some any any
1 2 3 4
any any some some
5 6 7
any, some any some
4 5
c b
She has a skateboard. / She doesn’t have a (bike). They have kneepads. / They don’t have (helmets). He has a book. / He doesn’t have a (computer game). They have bikes. / They don’t have (cars). He has an ice cream. / He doesn’t have a (bag of chips). They have a basketball. / They don’t have a (football). She has a handbag. / She doesn’t have a (rucksack). He has long hair. / He doesn’t have (short hair).
28 Sounds a
1 2 3
no r English r English r
1 2 3 4
We want to go roller-blading for three hours. Are you sure this is a good idea? You’re going faster than me! Let’s try some tricks.
24 Word search 1 2 3 4
We have some nasty falls sometimes. So, do you want any helmets or kneepads? Just some kneepads. We don’t need any helmets.
27 Do you remember?
Listening card 7 (1) hire - five - sure - easy - Trust (2) hang - up - try - really - big
1 2 3 4
4 5 6
no r no r English r
29 A conversation 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hello! Hello, can I help you? I’d like to buy a pair of skates. Then you’re in the right place. What size do you need? I’m a six. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. / Can you speak up? / Beg you pardon? / Could you say that again, please? 7 I’m a six. 8 I’ll just go and fetch the right size. 9 You’re joking, aren’t you? These skates are far too big! 10 Stop worrying! Please try them on. 11 I’m amazed / I can’t believe it! I look smart with my skates on! 12 I guess so! 35
24-05-2007 10:21:03
Unit 5 Hillside Park
hv 1 workbook B
30 Play the part
34 Choose the right answer
a/b 1 2 3 4
14: Hello, this is London Bike Hire. 13: Hello, this is (name). I’d like to hire a mountain bike for two hours. How much is that? 14: It’s two pounds for an hour, so that’s four pounds. I have a special discount – five pounds for half a day. 13: I don’t want to spend more than four pounds, so two hours, please. 14: Would you like a crash helmet? 13: Could you say that again, please? 14: Would you like a crash helmet? 13: I don’t want to wear a helmet. 14: In England, you must wear a helmet when you ride a bike. 13: Why? Is riding a bike in London dangerous? 14: Beg you pardon? 13: Is riding a bike in London dangerous? 14: No, you don’t need to worry. You’ll be fine! 13: Are you sure? I’m a big wuss. 14: It’s really safe. We never have any nasty falls. 13: All right then. I’d like to hire a mountain bike for two hours, please, from two o’clock to four o’clock. 14: So that’s a mountain bike for two to four o’clock today, and a crash helmet. That’s four pounds then. 13: Thank you. See you at two o’clock. Goodbye! 14: Goodbye!
31 Hillside skate park a
1 in or near a skate park 2 persoonlijk antwoord
b persoonlijk antwoord
32 Skate park rules a 1, 2, 5, 7, 9 b Ten minste drie van de volgende regels: Don’t bring a scooter. Don’t bring alcohol or drugs. Don’t play loud music. Don’t sit, stand or hang out on the ramps. Don’t leave any litter. Don’t do graffiti. Don’t skate after dark.
33 What sort of text is it? 1 b 2 a 3 c
9006144635_bw.indd 36
F E - C
5 6 7 8
35 What did they say? 1 2 3 4
Ryan Shawn Ryan Skyler
5 6 7 8
Shawn Ryan Shawn Skyler
36 Difficult words a
1 pakte op 2 besteedt 3 erachter komen
4 sfeer 5 enkel
b persoonlijk antwoord c
persoonlijk antwoord
37 A day in the life of a skateboard pro 1 wake up 2 insane 3 reason
4 ramp 5 disappeared 6 Twice
38 Skateboarding competition modelantwoord: Skateboarding competition! location: Hillside Park, the new outdoor skate park date: Saturday, 20 April time: 2:00 pm Our special guest is the famous Shawn Mendoza, with a spectacular show! Competition with the best skateboarders in the area! See lots of great tricks and stunts! Fantastic atmosphere! Admission is free! Everyone is welcome!
Check Unit 5 A Make a match 1-h 2-g 3-e 4-c
5 - b 6 - i 7-a 8-l
9-f 10 - j
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:03
Unit 5 Hillside Park
hv 1 workbook B
B Fill in 1 2 3 4
hire pond past path
5 6 7 8
antisocial comfortable drop litter gate
9 make sense 10 get along
C The right reaction 1-c 2-e 3-f
4-a 5-b 6-d
D Complete the dialogue 1 2 3 4 5
What exactly did you see? You’re joking, aren’t you? I’m amazed. They had a strange colour. now you mention it
E Short answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No, I am not / I’m not. Yes, he can. No, I have not / I haven’t. Yes, they do. No, he is not / he isn’t. No, they’re not / they are not. Yes, she does. No, I can’t. No, I don’t. Yes, it is.
F What happened? 1 2 3 4
Were had, was were, had was
5 6 7 8
had Was was Were, had
5 6 7 8
some some any any
Personal training 1 Good or bad? J comfortable decent great interesting safe
2 Which word doesn’t fit? 1 2 3 4
some any any any
somersault equipment describes reason
5 6 7 8
trust fetch giant van
3 What do you say? a It seemed a strange handbag to me. It was shaped like an apple. It had a strange colour.
4 Make a match a
1-c: 2-a: 3-b: 4-e: 5-d:
b Beg your pardon? Could you say that again, please? What do you mean? I can’t hear you. Can you speak up?
It had a strange colour. It seemed a strange handbag to me. It was shaped like an apple. I’ve got the hang of it. You look smart with your helmet on!
b modelantwoord: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
G Some or any? 1 2 3 4
L annoying antisocial insane nasty run down
She looks very angry. He has (got) size ten. / He’s a ten. He has (got) strange / interesting / great skates. The house is shaped like a boat / a ship. She has (got) a small bike / tiny bike. He has (got) size four. / He’s a four. He seems very strong. The radio has (got) a strange shape. The house seems / looks run down.
5 Short answers a Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 37
1 2 3 4 5 6
Yes, there is. / No there isn’t. Yes, we do. / No, we don’t. Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 37
24-05-2007 10:21:03
Unit 5 Hillside Park
hv 1 workbook B 7 8 9 10 11 12 b
10 Find out for yourself
Yes, we do. / No, we don’t. Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t. Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
persoonlijk antwoord
persoonlijk antwoord, één of meer van de volgende drie: I’m not a park person. / I’m a relaxed park person. / I’m an active park person.
6 Complete the story 1 2 3 4
was was had was / had
5 6 7 8
had was were was
9 10 11 12
had had were was
7 Some or any? 1 2 3
some 4 any 5 some
any any 6 any
8 What do you see? a b
persoonlijk antwoord summer; a park
9 Where to go? a
Voor mensen die niet goed weten naar welke mela ze zullen gaan.
Preston Nelson Bolton
to pass (line 2) the latest stars (line 3) somewhere across the country (lines 5-6) the main stage (lines 9-10) at the front of the stage (line 12) and beyond (line 16) It was about time (line 18) turned up (line 27) chilly (line 34) still (line 36)
11 To the mela! modelantwoord: Hello Susan, How fantastic that you’re coming with me! I’ve chosen the London mela, because it’s so big. That means there’s lots to do and see! It’s on August 14. We can fly from Schiphol to Heathrow early in the morning. Then we take the train to London. We need some snacks and drinks for the day. I’ll bring some sandwiches and chocolate bars. Can you bring some music to listen to on the plane? See ya, (name)
12 Tickets, please! a
1 2 3 4 5
Saturday August ante meridian (= in the morning) park number
1 2
plaats In een park heb je normaal gesproken geen plaatsen. Britse pond toegang
3 4
13 Make your own ticket persoonlijk antwoord London
c d
persoonlijk antwoord persoonlijk antwoord
9006144635_bw.indd 38
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:04
Unit 6 Powerhouse Gym
hv 1 workbook B
3 James’ e-mail
How sporty are you? 1
2 3
1 swimming 2 table tennis 3 hiking 4 ice skating persoonlijk antwoord persoonlijk antwoord
5 6 7 8
baseball judo cycling basketball
British sports 1 2 3 4
voetbal football = soccer caber tossing = paalwerpen hammer throwing = hamerslingeren Nee, ze worden op diverse plaatsen over de hele wereld georganiseerd.
1 2 3 4
3 4
in een (karate)sportzaal van een sportcentrum Hij wil zich opzettelijk bezeren zodat hij het wiskundeproefwerk van de volgende dag niet hoeft te doen. de instructeur en de moeder van James Nee, het is niet echt gebroken.
1 2 3
True False False
4 5
5 Past simple a
It’s not always the best player who wins the game. Last week during a friendly football match, something special happened. FC Bickley player Henry Burns entered the game which was going into extra time. He kicked the ball back to the keeper. But as he jogged out of the penalty area, someone shouted ‘Jump Henry’, and without turning round he jumped. The ball bounced on the back of his head, knocked him flat to the floor, rolled over the goalkeeper and into the empty net. What a way to win a game.
1 2 3 4
moved posted walked lived
Did we move to Bristol last year? No, we didn’t move to Bristol last year. Did I post the letter to you yesterday? No, I didn’t post the letter to you yesterday. Did Lenny walk to school this morning? No, Lenny didn’t walk to school this morning. Did we live in a caravan when I was young? No, we didn’t live in a caravan when I was young. Did you want to play rugby? No, you didn’t want to play rugby. Did Amir injure his leg last week? No, Amir didn’t injure his leg last week. Did my dad join the fitness club last week? No, my dad didn’t join the fitness club last week. Did Pete laugh when I told him the news? No, Pete didn’t laugh when I told him the news.
False True
2 Grandad’s story a
b 2
Something strange happened today. My daughter Monica came round and asked me if she could borrow my walking stick. It was for James. He hurt his ankle doing judo. At first I thought she was joking, so I had a good laugh. But later on I understood it was quite serious.
3 4
5 Today I had a phone call from my daughter. She asked me if I could lend her my wheelchair. She explained it was for James. He had hurt his leg at the sports centre and he couldn’t walk. I laughed my head off when she came. Monica got angry with me, she said I shouldn’t laugh about someone else’s pain.
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 39
join experience ankle broken / injured
bijvoorbeeld: A main hall - people - talking - boy(s) - girl(s) - laughing - man / instructor - belt - kick(s) - bench - bag - mobile phone - clock - half past one B main hall - people - talking - boy(s) - bench ambulance - woman / mother / mum - clutching ankle - walking stick - bricks - wheelchair - injured broken - clock - half past two
1 A trial lesson 1 2
5 6 7 8
4 Can you remember?
The basics a
fool to have a go main hall accident
6 7 8
5 6 7 8
wanted injured joined laughed
24-05-2007 10:21:04
Unit 6 Powerhouse Gym
hv 1 workbook B
6 A postcard from Paris a
Hiya! Paris is a great city. Yesterday we (1) was (were) at the Eiffel Tower and we (2) haved (had) a beautiful view over the city. I (3) meeted (met) a really nice couple there. Last night we (4) eated (ate) out in Montmartre. The food (5) were (was) lovely. This morning I (6) buyed (bought) a nice T-shirt with ‘J’aime Paris’ on it. After that we (7) drinked (drank) a cup of ‘Café au lait’ and (8) writed (wrote) a couple of postcards. And here’s one for you! Bye, Sigrid persoonlijk antwoord
7 The right reaction 1 2 3
c, d or e c, d or e a
4 5
b c, d or e
8 Complete the dialogue 1 2 3 4 5 6
Excuse me. May I join the lesson? Well, all right then. Thanks a lot. You’re welcome. No, absolutely not.
9 Ask and answer persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: Hello! May I go to the cinema tonight? → I don’t think so. → Why not? → Because you have a lot of homework. Hi! Could I have pizza for dinner? → Of course. → Thanks a lot. → You’re welcome. Excuse me. → Can I borrow your book? → No, I’m sorry. → Why not? → Because I need it for my test tomorrow.
10 A rising star a
breakfast, gymnastics, music, home schooling, the Winter Olympics 1 2 3
b a a
4 5 6
b b c
11 Help!? a b
in a magazine 1 line 2: I sprained my finger 2 line 18: it often happens 3 line 40: everyone has talents 4 line 28: I really hate PE at school
9006144635_bw.indd 40
5 6 7 8
line 5: my parents are really counting on me to be on the team line 10: everything around me disappears lines 48-49: there are hundreds of people out there with the same bad PE experience line 7: Sports are always very healthy
12 What’s the problem? Keuze uit A of B. A Moet ik bij het team blijven? Ik ben net lid geworden van een basketbalteam en ik houd erg van basketballen. Maar ik heb in het begin mijn vinger verstuikt en kon daarom niet spelen. Nu kan ik wel spelen, maar de anderen zijn niet echt aardig, en ik denk dat de trainer een hekel aan me heeft omdat hij altijd tegen me schreeuwt. Ik wil stoppen, maar mijn ouders rekenen erop dat ik in het team blijf. Wat moet ik doen? B Ik haat gym! Mijn probleem is dat ik gym op school haat. Het maakt niet uit welke sport we doen, ik word altijd als laatste uitgekozen. Onze leraar kiest altijd uit wie de aanvoerders zijn (altijd de populairste mensen van de klas) en alle andere leerlingen moeten dan op een rij staan. De aanvoerders mogen dan hun team kiezen. Het is zo pijnlijk om daar te moeten staan, wachtend terwijl iedereen al gekozen is. Ik ben niet goed in het gooien en vangen van ballen en scoor meestal geen punten. Maar er zijn meer mensen die niet erg goed zijn en toch altijd vóór mij gekozen worden. Waarom? Ik voel me hier zo’n mislukkeling door.
13 Opposites 1 2 3 4
d h a e
5 6 7 8
g c b f
14 Hangman persoonlijk antwoord
15 Let’s look at the ‘q’ a
1 2 3 4 5
quiz queen square equipment equal
6 7 8 9 10
frequently liquid require conquest squash
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:04
Unit 6 Powerhouse Gym
hv 1 workbook B b
Quiet bestaat uit twee lettergrepen, quite heeft maar één lettergreep. (Een ezelsbruggetje om dit te kunnen onthouden is: The e comes quite at the end. Een andere mogelijkheid: De e in quiet is allesbehalve stil.)
18 True or false? 1 2 3 4
False False True False
5 6 7
False False True
16 A letter
19 What’s the word?
1 2 3 4
A I’m afraid of the ball! I hate all ball games. I’m very bad at throwing and catching balls. When we do a ball game at school, like basketball or handball, I always walk away from the action. I never score any goals for my team, so the other people in my team yell at me. What should I do?
bet suit rather touch
5 6 7 8
20 Crossword 2
B I can’t do it! We often play baseball at school, but I’m very bad at it. I can’t hit the ball, so I never score any points. My teammates just laugh at me. It makes me feel like such a loser. When we’re playing baseball, I often say I’m ill. Do you have any tips and tricks for me? C I want to grow muscles! I’m very small and thin for my age, and I want to grow more muscles. I go to the gym every week, but I don’t see any difference. I asked the people at the gym for help. They said that I shouldn’t give up. Do you know how I can grow muscles in a short time?
D I’m a bad loser! I love playing tennis, but only when I win. When I lose a match, I get very angry. I try to tell myself that it’s just a game, but it doesn’t help. So I just walk away when I lose. Other people think it’s stupid. I want to change my behaviour. Can you help me?
persoonlijk antwoord 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
dinsdag blauw skipak hij eruitzag lang, dun niet zien het is niet de jongen die Britt bedoelt wat drinken / naar de bar saaie en lelijke met hem te gaan praten / naar hem toe te gaan
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 41
G O 3 T O 4 U F G R A L 7 N O T I C E R S 9 H 10 S E L A R A O V P P E R Y E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Britt’s skis David Pring’s helmet the most boring boy of the class the snowboarder’s sweater the fast guy’s goggles the top of the slope the baseball players’ muscles the zipper of the ski suit
22 You’re the best a
21 Of and ‘s a
17 A slippery slope...
W O N D E I 8 R O O F F I 11 M U S C U U 12 S L I T
muscular wonder shy slippery
He skied better than anyone else. (It’s difficult to tell if ) someone’s skiing down the slope faster than anyone else... It’s more difficult than it looks! (He’s in my class and) he’s the ugliest and most boring boy I can think of!
24-05-2007 10:21:05
Unit 6 Powerhouse Gym
hv 1 workbook B b/c Bijvoorbeeld: Tim is taller than Harold. Tim is more muscular than Harold. Harold is a better basketball player than Tim. Harold’s shot is better / more difficult than Tim’s. Harold is more popular than Tim. The girls are more interested in Harold than in Tim.
27 Eye witness a
1 2 3 4
Het betreft verdachte nummer 3. Het feit dat hij bij het plegen van de misdaad een petje droeg, hoeft natuurlijk niet te betekenen dat hij dat op de politiefoto ook doet!
23 Do you remember? persoonlijk antwoord
d g e h
5 6 7 8
b c f a
9 j 10 i
24 Sounds: de combinatie gh
28 Tahoe Extreme Sports Summer Camp
1 2
b kayaking on the river
1 2 3 4 5
acht jaar in Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe, California, USA Dan is het verblijf gedurende het weekend gratis. vier tot zes mensen Er is één begeleider per vijf mensen en er is altijd begeleiding aanwezig bij alle sporten. Flying Trapeze, Glider Flights, Hot Air Balloon Rides, Parasailing, Rock Climbing, Ropes Course, Ultimate Rush Giant Swing. Jet Skiing, Kayaking on the River, Swimming, Wake Boarding, Water-skiing, Whitewater Rafting.
In dit woord hoor je een /f/ 1 thought 2 through ✓ 3 enough ✓ 4 tough ✓ 5 rough 6 although 7 daughter 8 naughty ✓ 9 cough 10 plough 11 weigh 12 bright
Betekenis gedachte door genoeg moeilijk ruw hoewel dochter ondeugend hoesten ploeg wegen slim, helder
25 The right thing to say 1 2 3
a b a
4 5
c b
26 Watching tennis a/b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 c
Kevin: Hi. Rishi: Hello, Kevin. Come in! Kevin: What are you watching? Rishi: It’s tennis. The Australian Open. Kevin: Oh, right. Who’s playing? Rishi: Maria Sharapova against Justine Henin. Kevin: Nice match! Henin is winning, isn’t she? Rishi: Yes, she’s playing very well. Kevin: So you are enjoying yourself. Rishi: Absolutely, I love watching tennis. But what’s up? Kevin: I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go skating, but I guess the answer is no. Rishi: Sorry, mate. This is more interesting. Kevin: OK. I’m off, though. Rishi: Yeah, see you later.
29 Q&A session a
Q = Question, A = Answer. Het is dus een ‘vragenrondje’ of ‘vragensessie’ (‘vraag & antwoord’).
b/c 1 2 3
Yes Yes Yes
4 5 6
No Yes No
beschikbaar maatje kruisen verklaring
5 6 7
deelnemen lesgeld duik
1 2 3 4
30 A quick glance a b
c d
persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld Olympische sporten, de volgende Olympische Spelen De tekst gaat over een aantal ‘vreemde’ sporten die door de IOC op een lijst zijn gezet en misschien toegelaten zullen worden tot de Olympische Spelen. persoonlijk antwoord The writer is not serious about the new sports for the Olympics.
persoonlijk antwoord
9006144635_bw.indd 42
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:05
Unit 6 Powerhouse Gym
hv 1 workbook B
31 Correct the mistakes 1
2 4 6 7
het steeds minder om uithoudingsvermogen gaat = er steeds meer sporten worden uitgenodigd (om deel uit te maken van dit evenement). Golf, rugby, beachvolleybal en taekwondo = Beachvolleybal, taekwondo en softbal. honkbal = ijshockey zwemmen = reddend zwemmen Groot-Brittannië goud won = dat er werd touwgetrokken
Check Unit 6 A Positive or negative? a
d g a h f
6 7 8 9
c e i to rule out - b
33 Words, words, words a
1 2
Bijvoorbeeld:belt, taekwondo, kung fu, judo, karate, fighting, trainer, match, points. Bijvoorbeeld:sea, swimming, swimming suit, diving, wave, water, (swimming) pool, sailing, (wind) surfing, water polo. Bijvoorbeeld:excellence, athletic, football pitch, sportsmanship, fast, cool, rich, famous.
34 Unusual sports a
to laugh (lachen) cool (gaaf )
B Fill in 1 2 3 4
ignore usually difficult have a go
5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Can I have the day off school tomorrow? Well, all right then. Do you know what he looks like? He’s rather tall and thin. May I join the lesson? No, absolutely not. What’s up? I’m off, see you later.
D Match the parts
Yours faithfully, (your name)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dear Mr Chairman, I believe football should no longer be on the Olympic programme. Football is such a popular sport that there are already too many competitions to watch: the Champions League, the European Championship, the World Cup, and so on. Not many people watch the Olympic football because it is not as exciting. Therefore it should make way for another sport.
except heavy shy wonder
C Questions and answers
Dear Mr Chairman, I believe karate should be part of the Olympic programme. Many people do this sport and enjoy it very much. It deserves a place in the Olympics because it asks for great sportsmanship and athletic excellence. It’s exciting to watch too.
L negative to worry about (je zorgen maken over) to laugh at (uitlachen) daft (gek) broken (gebroken) embarrassing (beschamend, pijnlijk) accident (ongeluk)
worthy (waardig) athletic (atletisch) amazing (geweldig) handsome (knap)
32 Make a match 1 2 3 4 5
J positive good-looking (knap)
1 2 3
c e f
4 5 6
b d a
E Make sentences Connie carried the bag yesterday. You played the piano last night. I talked to Mrs Brown on my way home. My sister phoned home at seven o’clock. Sarah walked to school when she was young. John and Sue cycled in France last summer. I listened to the teacher this morning.
F Fill in the right form a
1 2 3 4
took slept bought told
5 6 7 8
taught were had saw
Yours faithfully, (your name) Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 43
24-05-2007 10:21:05
Unit 6 Powerhouse Gym
hv 1 workbook B b
1 2 3 4 5 6
I didn’t see that film last weekend. Did you take a picture of me? George didn’t write a card to his girlfriend. Did they live in New York in 2002? Manchester United didn’t win the game last night. Did you wear that blue jumper yesterday?
Personal training 1 Word search
G Combinations Ten minste twaalf van de onderstaande combinaties. Je krijgt één punt per correcte combinatie en één punt aftrek per foute combinatie. Je kunt maximaal 12 punten en minimaal 0 punten halen voor deze oefening. 1 Uncle Charles’s / Uncle Charles’ bike Uncle Charles’s / Uncle Charles’ house Uncle Charles’s / Uncle Charles’ painting 2 my parents’ house my parents’ painting 3 the artist’s bike the artist’s colours the artist’s house the artist’s skirt the artist’s painting 4 Monica’s bike Monica’s house Monica’s skirt Monica’s painting 5 the days of the week the menu of the week 6 Sam’s bike Sam’s house Sam’s painting 7 the colours of the rainbow the painting of the rainbow 8 the cat’s tail the cat’s colours
H Comparing things 1 2 3 4
earlier cheaper worse best
9006144635_bw.indd 44
5 6 7 8
most expensive funniest more important smallest
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
captain – aanvoerder (van een team) experience – ervaring goggles – skibril concentrate – concentreren notice – opmerken deserve – verdienen brick – baksteen sheer – puur roughly – ongeveer persuade – overtuigen divide – verdelen join – meedoen
2 Make a match 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
c a f h d g e b
main hall = grote zaal ski suit = skipak good-looking = knap martial art = vechtsport life saving = reddend zwemmen tug-of-war = touwtrekken black belt = zwarte band walking stick = wandelstok
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:06
Unit 6 Powerhouse Gym
hv 1 workbook B
3 Describing people
8 Karate Kid Carly
1 2
a girl who’s doing karate persoonlijk antwoord
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6
He is very muscular and he is wearing / wears sunglasses. She is pretty and has long, curly hair. She is rather small and fat. He has an average build and has a tattoo on his arm. She is rather skinny and she has / is holding a walking stick. He is rather small and has a moustache.
4 When do you say this? 1 2 3 4
f h g b
5 6 7 8
d e c a
3 4 5
6 A table
bad impressive fair heavy dangerous daft dafter great healthy b
(2) bigger more embarrassing worse more impressive fairer heavier more dangerous daftest greater healthier
persoonlijk antwoord
7 What did you do?
9 Expressions 1 2 3 4
c e f h
5 6 7 8
a g b d
the brother of Mary = Mary’s brother the main hall’s other side = the other side of the main hall the team’s part = part of the team the team of Fran = Fran’s team Frans’ teammates = Fran’s teammates
a (1) big embarrassing
10 Interview
5 Find the mistakes 1 2
4 5 6
(3) biggest most embarrassing worst most impressive fairest heaviest most dangerous greatest healthiest
How it all started I started playing football when I was six years old. I chose football because all my friends played football. Success story I’m a very good keeper. Our team wins lots of matches. Problems I sprained my ankle a while ago. I couldn’t play for a couple of weeks, but it’s OK now. A true professional I try to play like a professional football player, but I’m not sure if I’m good enough. It would be cool to play for the national team, so I do my best. Never give up I considered quitting football, because I’m often busy with my homework and other hobbies. But my friends tell me I should stay on the team. What the future brings I’d like to be a professional football player. But if I’m not good enough, I’d like to become a doctor.
11 Playwell Webstore 1 2 3 4 5 6
een boksbal of bokszuil de bokszuil vullen met water of zand b de instructeur je totale lengte opmeten in centimeters limited stocks (= beperkte voorraad)
persoonlijk antwoord
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 45
24-05-2007 10:21:06
Unit 7 Sandy Bay Beach
hv 1 workbook B
4 Which word?
Let’s go to the beach! a
Bijvoorbeeld: swim, eat ice cream, lie in the sun / sunbathe, read a book / magazine, play beach volleyball, build a sandcastle, go surfing. persoonlijk antwoord
British beaches a, b persoonlijk antwoord c Er is geen ‘echte’ Rivièra. Vroeger werd deze term vooral gebruikt als het ging om de mooie (toeristische) stranden in het zuiden van Frankrijk en in Italië. Maar tegenwoordig kun je ook naar de Turkse, Bulgaarse, Mexicaanse of dus Britse Rivièra.
1 2 3 4
Aunty Anne
goes swimming;
in Harwich;
in October;
in the morning
1 2
My sister never talks about school. We are going to the beach tomorrow. / Tomorrow we are going to the beach. Jack bought some ice cream this morning. / This morning Jack bought some ice cream. I often go swimming in July. My mother saw them in the shop yesterday.
cold, windy, cloudy(, freezing)
1 2 3
b c b
4 5
6 Do you remember? a
1 2 3 4 5
Last year when Judy told me the news usually a few days ago in 1985
1 2 3 4 5
organised felt studies went got married
2 Back home
1 2 3 4
John Rob Rob John
5 6 7
John John Rob
3, 1 (or 1, 3), 5, 4, 2, 7, 6
3 Emotions a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
boos verrast bang jaloers vol vertrouwen geïrriteerd trots bezorgd eenzaam blij
persoonlijk antwoord
persoonlijk antwoord
9006144635_bw.indd 46
rowing wet foolish to sink
1 Let’s go for a swim a
5 6 7 8
5 Word order
The basics
beach walk off exercise making them up
Rob John Rob nobody John John John Rob nobody John
6 7 8 9 10
6 7 8 9 10
saw When every day, is last week never, (makes)
Did John and Paul tell did you buy does took drinks
7 Beep! 1 2 3
c a b
4 5 6
a c b
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:07
Unit 7 Sandy Bay Beach
hv 1 workbook B
8 A good idea? a
2 3 4 5 6
c a d f e
7 8
h b
13 Criss-cross puzzle
No, that’s a silly idea. The weather is too good to sit inside! Okay, what would you like to do then? Let’s go skating in the park. Don’t be silly! It’s too hot to go skating. It’s not that hot! Well, I don’t care how many times you say it, it’s hot! Oh, come on, I’m sure it’ll be fun. Hmm. You’re probably right. I’ll go and get my skates.
9 Roleplay modelantwoord: 17: 18: 17: 18: 17: 18: 17: 18: 17: 18: 17:
Let’s go to the movies! No, there aren’t any good films. We can play a computer game. No, it’s too hot inside. Let’s visit John. He’s on holiday, remember? All right, let’s go skating then. My skates are broken. Let’s go shopping then. No, I don’t have any money. Let’s help my father in the garden then. Maybe he’ll give us some money for our work and we can go shopping then. 18: All right then.
10 Pirate’s Bay a
1 2
1 2 3 4
twee mensen Ze zijn strandwachten. / Ze zijn bij de strandwacht. False True False False
5 6 7
C L I F F A 2 P V 3 F A R M E R R 4 5 A C S 6 7 D A G H O S T I R O E 9 8 S M U G G L E R C R 10 E O E R A B B I T E S 11 P E N A L T Y K O O R
14 Is it a …? persoonlijk antwoord
15 My fine pie my why type try shy cycle by
1 2
c b
1 2 3
vaak de meeste alledaagse
True False True
veel groter broer gevaarlijke
12 Choose the right alternative 1 4
c c
Go for it! 2nd edition
9006144635_bw.indd 47
2 5
b a
3 6
b b
bright tonight right might fight tight
Hi Joan, A large ship with cargo (tobacco, gin, tea) passes the island tonight. Light a fire near the beach so the ship crashes onto the rocks. Ask a local farmer for help. He can carry the goods onto the shore. Be at the beach at eight tonight. Be there! Be careful because it can be dangerous. We make some money with this lovely stuff! Fyn
b 4 5 6
pie tie lie tried
16 A secret message
11 Choose the right answer a
fine nice fire library life child recognise
FYN AND BLACK JOAN FINALLY CAUGHT On the 17th of October dangerous smuggler Fyn and his sister Black Joan got caught on Looe Island. They were about to store about 90 pounds of gin, rum and tobacco in a cave. John Kerry, a local farmer, was supposed to help the pair. But he was feeling guilty and he told the police about the action. 47
24-05-2007 10:21:08
Unit 7 Sandy Bay Beach
hv 1 workbook B Fyn is sent to prison for ten years. Black Joan, who is not only a smuggler, but also a murderess, is going to be transported to Australia for the rest of her life.
17 Put in the right order
23 How much do you remember?
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
The right order: 1 f 2 d 3 c
op het strand Gary, Troy en Seth Gary: Amerikaans, Troy en Seth: Brits
4 5 6
1 2 3
am trying drinks rains
many much a few a little
4 5 6
5 6 7 8
is writing are saying goes
a few much many few
24 Sounds: word pairs
a e b
Als je geen onderscheid maakt, dan klinken de woorden hetzelfde.
18 Which words are missing?
persoonlijk antwoord
1 2 3
25 The right reaction
c b b
4 5 6
a c b
Phrases card 1: Reactions: 1 Never mind. 2 Here you are. 3 I’m sorry about that. / We’re so sorry. 4 I didn’t mean to frighten you.
19 Make a match a
1 2 3 4 5
d g h j i
6 7 8 9 10
c b a e f
persoonlijk antwoord, bijvoorbeeld: We watched the clever lifeguards rescue a swimmer in trouble. The soft drinks at the ice cream car beyond the lifeguard station are one pound each.
Phrases card 2: Reactions: 1 How much are these soft drinks? / Can we have three of those, please? 2 I’m sorry about that. / We’re so sorry. 3 Never mind. 4 That’ll be £3 then.
20 Describe and guess
26 At the ice cream parlour
persoonlijk antwoord
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
21 Orders a
Seth Gary Troy
Now keep this hat on ; don’t run away! Don’t be so clever, Seth. Just don’t forget about me! Oh, relax, Gary.
persoonlijk antwoord
22 Do you remember? a 1 2 3 4 5 6 48
9006144635_bw.indd 48
verb takes is surfing have are swimming panic loses
clues? every morning right now usually at the moment always never
Hello. Can I help you? Hi. How much is an ice cream? A small, medium or large one? I mean a medium ice cream. That’s £1.50 per ice cream. Can I have two ice creams then, please? Which flavours would you like? Vanilla and chocolate on both, please. We don’t have any chocolate left. I’m sorry about that. Never mind. Just make it vanilla and banana then. That’ll be £3 then. Here‘s five pounds. And here’s your change. Thanks. Thank you. Bye. Bye.
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:08
Unit 7 Sandy Bay Beach
hv 1 workbook B
27 Roleplay
Er was een fantastisch welkomstfeest. Hij heeft er vrienden gemaakt. De leraar windsurfen was aardig. De avonden waren erg gezellig.
modelantwoord: 19: Hello! 20: Hello, can I help you? 19: Can I have one cheeseburger and two hamburgers, please? 20: Cheeseburgers are sold out. I’m sorry about that. 19: Can I have three hamburgers then? And also a fried haddock and four portions of chips with curry sauce? 20: OK, but I don’t have curry sauce. 19: Ketchup is OK too. I’d also like two small salads, one large salad, two banana milkshakes and two diet cokes. 20: I’m sorry, banana milkshakes are sold out. We do have vanilla milkshakes and chocolate milkshakes. 19: Never mind. I’d like one vanilla milkshake and one chocolate milkshake then. 20: That’ll be £14.40. 19: I only have a twenty-pound note. 20: No problem! Here’s your change. Your food will be ready in a minute.
persoonlijk antwoord Mogelijke keywords zijn: escape, freedom, action packed, dynamic, chilled out, relaxed, welcome party, beach games, exciting, pool, beach party, chill-out zones, races, competitions.
1 2 3 4 5
13- to 16-year-olds Tennis, (beach) volleyball. Dinghy sailing, windsurfing, yachting, (swimming). No, you can decide on arrival (bij aankomst). Talk (gossip), relax, have a drink, chill out.
persoonlijk antwoord (de data moeten overeenkomen met de tweede week van juli)
29 My summer holiday a
1 2
3 4
Naar een zomerkamp dat Beach Team heet. Hij vond het een beetje spannend / Hij dacht dat het moeilijk zou zijn omdat hij er alleen naartoe ging. Ja, hij raakte bevriend met een jongen uit het dorp waar hij zelf vandaan kwam. Ten minste drie van de volgende redenen: Je kunt er leuke dingen doen als windsurfen, zeilen of gewoon een beetje op het strand spelen.
Go for it! 2nd edition
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c a, b b b
5 6 7
a, c b, c a
30 Sailing a
persoonlijk antwoord
First half of the text: Jack is een jongen van 12 jaar. Hij logeert samen met zijn moeder en zijn zusje bij familie in Amerika. Ze gaan een zeiltocht van een week maken. Jack heeft nog maar één keer eerder gezeild. Hij is een beetje zenuwachtig. De eerste dagen van de tocht zijn erg leuk. Het weer is goed, ze zeilen van haven naar haven en de dagen vliegen voorbij. Second half of the text: Na een paar dagen steekt er een storm op. Het is noodweer, maar ze vertrekken toch uit de haven om verder te zeilen. Ze zeilen de hele dag in de storm en ‘s avonds leggen ze aan in een haven. De volgende ochtend waarschuwt de radio voor hevige storm. Ze zeilen toch verder en de zee is zo ruig dat de golven over het dek slaan. Na 9 uur komen ze weer terug in Seattle. Jack is opgelucht en zal deze zeiltocht nooit vergeten.
28 Beach team a
1 2 3 4
31 Answer the questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
In Seattle, with his American uncle and aunt. He had only gone sailing once before. He was having fun and the days went by quickly. on the third day He waited nervously for about thirty minutes. like a ride at the amusement park 9 hours relieved
32 Complete the sentences 1 2 3 4
eventually relieved luggage small talk
5 6 7
raingear excited rough
24-05-2007 10:21:08
Unit 7 Sandy Bay Beach
hv 1 workbook B
33 Spot the differences differences: Picture card 5
Picture card 6
The boat has two windows. The sail is up. The sea is rough. There are high waves. It’s raining.
The boat has three windows. The sail is down. The sea is calm. The sun is shining. There are a few clouds. There is a man with sun glasses on the deck. The man is wearing swimming trunks. There’s a girl. The girl is laughing and has a soft drink.
There is a man with a beard on the deck. The man is wearing raingear. There’s a boy. The boy is seasick.
34 A postcard from…
C What do you say?
1 2 3 4 5
Hi John! Here’s a postcard from me from Disneyworld. I’m here with my parents and my brother Wayne and his friend Matt are here too. It’s raining but that’s OK because there’s lots to do here. We went to the Disney studios today and to the water park. It’s great here because we are staying at a hotel. The hamburgers are brilliant!
D Complete the sentences
Bye, bye! See you soon, Patrick
Check unit 7 A Which word is missing? 1 2 3 4
degrees take place poor towel
5 6 7 8
Besides rescue chilly excited
5 6 7 8
needle excited dig grip
B Word snake 1 2 3 4
harbour relieved degree even
6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2
3 4 5
7 8
9006144635_bw.indd 50
Phrase I’m sorry about that. That’ll be £4 then. Don’t be silly. It’s not that cold. You can do it. Here you are. The sea’s freezing You’re right.
Translation Dat spijt me. Dat is dan £4. Doe niet zo gek. Zo koud is het niet. Je kunt het. Alsjeblieft. De zee is ijskoud. Je hebt gelijk.
E Word order
And here’s your change. Are you comfy like that? This was a stupid idea. Come on, let’s go for a swim. I don’t care how many times you say it (, I’m not going). He didn’t mean to frighten you. How much are these soft drinks? Never mind.
I always go to Scheveningen in summer. I told you I was at school yesterday! (Minder logisch: Yesterday I told you I was at school! Of: I told you yesterday: I was at school!) Ramsey and Tim are always fighting. Have you ever seen a snake in the wild? The lifeguards usually place red flags around here. (Of: Usually, the lifeguards place red flags round here.) When we’re on holiday, my parents often ask us to cook. We are going to Amsterdam tomorrow. Do you normally use suntan lotion? Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:08
Unit 7 Sandy Bay Beach
hv 1 workbook B
F Make questions
2 Which word doesn’t fit?
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5 6 7
Did you have a good time? / Was the party any good? / Was it a good / great party? Did Tina get a lot of (many) presents? Did you go home very late? When did you go home (leave)? Did you do anything on Sunday? / Did you play football on Sunday? Did you win the match? Did you see (name of movie or programme) yesterday? / Did you watch television yesterday? Did you pass your maths test? / Did you get a good mark for your maths test? / Did you do well on your maths test?
G Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Do not drive faster than 50 (km/h). Do not walk. Turn left. Do not smoke. Do not swim (here). Do not drink the water (from the tap). Wear a helmet. Do not park / put your car here.
reads - is reading am usually going - usually go x (no mistake) is never laughing - never laughs x (no mistake) are often going - often go play - are playing
Personal training 1 What’s missing? – – – – – – – –
cargo = lading van een schip harbour = haven oar = roeispaan smuggler = smokkelaar cliff = steile rots farmer = boer raingear = regenpak island = eiland
1 2 3 4 5
You can do it. – Dit kun je bijvoorbeeld zeggen als je iemand wilt aanmoedigen om iets te doen.
Never mind. Here you are. I didn’t mean to frighten you. It’s not that cold. No, I’m not going.
4 What do you say? a
1 2 3
drie van de volgende phrases: 1 No way. 2 I don’t care how many times you say it. 3 I’m not going. 4 This is a stupid idea. 5 Don’t be silly. 6 You’re wrong.
1 2
I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to… We’re so sorry.
How much is this / are these …? Can I have … of those, please?
5 Do this, don’t do that …! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Get rid of it / that jumper! Add some milk / water! Wake up! Don’t eat it / the hamburger! Don’t lie to me! Tidy up (your room)! / Tidy it up! Don’t invite them / your neighbours! Watch out (when you cross the street / for the traffic)!
6 The right order 1 2
4 5
9006144635_bw.indd 51
risk in trouble freezing
Go for it! 2nd edition
5 6 7
3 Reactions
H The -ing form 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
poor frighten secret hatch
Jamie never does his homework in time. My dad usually cooks a curry on Sundays. / On Sundays, my dad usually cooks a curry. Mandy normally has her breakfast at seven o’clock. / At seven o’clock, Mandy normally has her breakfast. Jonathan is always in a hurry. We often go to the beach in summer. / In summer, we often go to the beach. 51
24-05-2007 10:21:09
Unit 7 Sandy Bay Beach
hv 1 workbook B 6 7 8
Tom was in Manhattan last week. / Last week, Tom was in Manhattan. My grandad never listens to the radio. I sometimes see them together at the library.
7 A card from Blackpool 1 2 3 4 5
am having is went has visited
6 7 8 9
bought is making don’t like am thinking
8 A day in the life of... a lifeguard! a
1 2 3
d a e
4 5
b c
1 2 3 4 5
False True True True False
6 7 8 9 10
False True False True True
RNLI staat het hele jaar door dag en nacht klaar om mensen te redden. Om een uur of 11 zijn er zo’n 100 mensen in het water. De gebieden waar het veilig is om te zwemmen worden aangegeven met geel met rode vlaggen. Om 2 uur hoort Mark dat er een bewusteloos meisje bij een ondiepe plas ligt.
5 6 8
9 Dictionary practice a 1 2
to prepare to judge
In this text the word means: voorbereiden beoordelen
3 4 5 6
to approach shallow to comfort proud
benaderen ondiep troosten trots
9006144635_bw.indd 52
Other meanings: klaarmaken, bestuderen als scheidsrechter optreden, punten toekennen, rechtspreken, schatten zich wenden tot, aanpakken oppervlakkig bemoedigen hooghartig, vereerd
Go for it! 2nd edition
24-05-2007 10:21:09
Unit 7 Sandy Bay Beach
hv 1 workbook B
10 Activity sheet Name: Mark Evans Base: Perran Sands, Cornwall Date: some day in June, probably (‘early summer’) Weather conditions: ✓ good
Rank: Senior Lifeguard On the job: from 10 am / pm to 6 am / pm
strong winds (‘fair’ is also possible)
Please record details of incidents below Time 12pm 2pm
Problem 7-year-old boy missing 4-year-old girl is unconscious
Action Contact team by radio First aid (rescue breaths), fly the girl to the hospital
Result We find boy after 20 minutes Girl makes a full recovery
11 Flags a
Safe to swim?
Er zijn strandwachten aanwezig, veilig
Zwart/wit geblokt
Gebied is voor vaartuigen
Oranje ‘sok’
Geen opblaasbare voorwerpen meenemen
1 2 3 4
orange windsock red flag red and yellow flag black and white chequered flag
Mini project Ice cream shop Voorbereiden a – peanuts = pinda’s – chocolatey caramel goo = chocoladecaramelsaus – butterscotch = een zoete, boterbabbelaarachtige saus – marshmallow (fluff ) = marshmallows (snoepjes die op spekkies lijken) – strawberries = aardbeien – wild cherry (flavour) = wilde kersen (smaak) – whipped cream = slagroom – juju-bees = harde snoepjes b
Nee, ze hebben maar 93 dollarcent.
Go for it! 2nd edition
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