A [eɪ] písmeno A a [ə] každý Take one tablet three times a day. a [ə] před podstatným jménem (She's a mechanic) nebo podst.jménem s vlastností (It's a nice apple) a [ə] jeden, nějaký I need a car. x Can I have an apple? a lot [ə 'lɒt] hodně (příslovce, stojí za slovesem) I read a lot. x We used to go there a lot. x I've got a lot to do this morning. a lot of (C i U) [ə lɒtəv] hodně (+něčeho) There were a lot of people outside the building. a.m. [eɪ 'em] dopoledne We're open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. about [əˈbaʊt] asi, kolem It happened about two months ago. about [əˈbaʊt] o What was she talking about? above [əˈbʌv] nad (úrovní: opak k „below“) The castle stands on the hill above the valley. x fly above the clouds account [əˈkaʊnt] účet (v bance) You can send the money into my account. address [ə 'dres] adresa (emailová, stránky www) address [ə 'dres] adresa (ulice, číslo, atd.) adult [ædʌlt] dospělý (i jako podst. jméno) after [a:ftə] po (časově či místně) We went swimming after lunch. afternoon [ɑːftəˈnuːn] odpoledne I played tennis on Saturday afternoon. x In the afternoon I phoned my girlfrie again [ə 'gen] opět, znovu Ask her again. age [eɪdʒ] věk Mozart died at the age of 35. = Mozart zemřel ve věku 35 let. all [ɔːl] celý It's rained all week. all [ɔːl] všichni We were all dancing. all right dobře, bez problémů Did the interview go all right? all right souhlasím - ano (odpověď na návrh): How about going out for dinner? -- All right. also [ɔːlsəʊ] také She speaks French and also a little Spanish. always [ɔːlweɪz] pokaždé, vždy I always walk to work. an [æn, ən] užíváno místo „a:, pokud následující slovo začíná vyslovovanou samohláskou (a,e,i,o,u) and [ænd] a (spojka souvztažná) We were tired and hungry. and [ænd] a (spojka následná) I got dressed and had breakfast. animal [ænɪml] zvíře a wild animal; She supports animal rights. animal rights práva zvířat She supports animal rights. answer [a:nsə] (n) odpověď I asked him if he was going, but I didn't hear his answer. answer [a:nsə] (v) odpovědět (na) I must answer his letter. any [eni] nějaký (v otázce) Is there any cake left? any [eni] žádný (v záporu) I haven't read any of his books. any [eni] jakýkoliv, kterýkoliv (v kladné větě): Any of those shirts would be fine. any of [eni əv] v otázce: některý z Did you like any of the shirts? x I haven't read any of his books. anything [eniθɪŋ] cokoli (v kladné větě) Tom will eat almost anything. anything [eniθɪŋ] nic (v záporu) I haven't got anything to wear. anything [eniθɪŋ] něco (v otázce) Was there anything else you wanted to say? apple [æpl] jablko an apple pie = jablkový koláč April [eɪprəl] duben arm [a:m ] ruka (paže) She held the baby in her arms. as a/an [æz] jako, jak (skutečná funkce) He works as a techer. ask sb about sth [ɑːsk] zeptat se (někoho) na něco I asked him about his hobbies. ask why zeptat se, proč I askew why the plane was so late. at = @ [æt, ət] symbol zavináče v emailových adresách ... čte se jako AT at home [æt həʊm] doma He wasn't at home. at night v noci It can get quite cold at night. at sb na něho, směrem k němu I threw the ball at him. = hodil jsem balón směrem k němu at the age of ... ve věku ... I left home at the age of eighteen. at the bus stop [æt ðə 'bas stop] na zastávce autobusu (místní We spojka metAT at -thekonkrétní bus stop.místo či pozice) at the end of sth na konci něčeho (místně, časově): I'll pay you at the end of next month. at the table u stolu (místní spojka AT -- konkrétní She waspozice sittingnebo at themísto) table. at three ve tři hodiny (časová spojka) The meeting starts at three. August [ɔːgəst] srpen B [bi:] back (n) [bæk] zadní část, zadní strana Our seats were in the back of the theatre. back (adv] [bæk] zpět, zpátky I put it back in the cupboard. bad [bæd] špatný, ošklivý bad weather, bad news bag [bæg] sáček a paper bag = papírový sáček bag [bæg] taška, batoh I was carrying three bags of shopping. ball [bɔːl] míček, míč a tennis ball = tenisový míček; a ball of string = klubíčko provazu, motouzu, š banana [bə'na:nə] banán band [bænd] skupina, kapela He used to play in a jazz band.
bank [bæηk] banka I need to go to the bank on my way home. bar [ba:] bar I met him in a bar near Soho. basketball [bɑːskɪtbɔːl] basketbal, košíková bath --> baths [ba:θ --> ba:ðz] vana --> vany bath [ba:θ] koupel, vykoupání I'll just have a quick bath. be (am,is,are) být (popis někoho/něčeho) I'm Maria. I'm 16. He is German. They were ill! be (am,is,are) být (upřesnění místa) She's in the kitchen. be called sth mít název ...; jmenovat se ... a boy called Adam; Their latest album is called 'In Rainbows'. be hot někomu je horko I'm hot. = Je mi horko. Be quiet! Buď potichu! Buďte zticha! (be -- rozkazovací způsob či žádost) be sb's age ve vašem věku, ve tvém věku Their son is your age (= as old as you are). be warm je mi teplo Are you warm enough? = Je ti dost teplo? beach [bi:t∫] pláž beard [bɪəd] vousy -- bradka beautiful [bjuːtɪfl] krásný a beautiful woman = krásná žena; a beautiful scenery = krásná krajina beautiful [bjuːtɪfl] příjemný, nádherný beatiful music; it's a beautiful day; because [bɪˈkɒz] protože I'm calling because I need to ask you something. bed [bed ] postel go to bed = jít si lehnout; make the bed = ustlat postel; bedroom [bedru:m] ložnice, pokoj (kde lze spát) beer (U); a beer (C) [bɪə] pivo; C: jedno pivo a pint of beer [ə 'paint əv bɪə] = pinta piva = mezi 5 a 6 deci piva before [bɪˈfɔː] před (časově) … předložka a week before Christmas; she arrived before me; before bɪˈfɔː] před (místně) ... předložka The hospital is just before the bridge. begin-began-begun [bɪˈɡɪn-bzačít, ɪˈɡæn-b začínat ɪˈɡʌn] What time does the movie begin? behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] za Close the door behind you. x There's a hotel behind the station. below [bɪˈləʊ] pod (místně - pod úrovní) He could hear people shouting below his window. x The house appeared be best [best] (adj) nejlepší He's simply the best. He is my best friend. best [best] (adv) nejlépe, nejvíce Which of the songs did you like best? best friend nejlepší přítel better [betə] (adj) lepší He got a better job in the States. x Her English is getting better = její angličtin better [betə] (adj) zdravější I feel much better. x I hope you get better soon. better [betə] (adv) lépe I'd like to get to know him better. x Helen did much better than me in the exa between [bɪˈtwiːn] mezi (prostorově) The town lies halfway between Florence and Rome. between [bɪˈtwiːn] mezi (lidmi či skupinami) Tonight's game is between Brazil and Germany. between [bɪˈtwiːn] mezi (časově) The shop is closed for lunch between 12.30 and 1.30. big (gg) [bɪɡ] velký (rozměrem či množstvímI come from a big family. bigger [bɪɡə] větší We're looking for a bigger house. biggest [bɪɡɪst] největší bird [bз:d] pták birthday [bɜːθdeɪ] narozeniny (v angličtině jednotné č.) biscuit [bɪskɪt] sušenka (slaná i sladká), oplatky, suchary, krekery black [blæk] černá a black jacket blue 01 [blu:] modrá a dark blue jacket = tmavomodrá bunda board [bɔːd] tabule (např. ve škole) The teacher wrote an exercise on the board. boat [bəʊt] loď (malinká, s plachtami) a sailing boat = plachetnice, loď s plachtou boat [bəʊt] člun a fishing boat = rybářský člun body [bɒdi] tělo the human body = lidské tělo book [bʊk] kniha I've just read a really good book. bored with ---ing [bɔːd] unuděný, znuděný I'm bored with doing homework. boring [bɔːrɪŋ] nudný, nezajímavý The movie was so boring that I fell asleep. both [bəʊθ] oba, obě Both her parents are dead. both [bəʊθ] oba z, obě z both of my sisteers are teachers. bottom spodek, spodní část Click on the icon at the bottom of the page. box [boks] krabice, krabička a cardboard box = lepenková krabice; a box of chocolates = bonboniéra boy [bɔɪ chlapec, kluk We've got three children -- a boy and two girls. bread [bred] chléb a slice of bread = krajíc chleba; a loaf of bread = bochník chleba breakfast [brekfəst] snídaně brown [braʊn] hnědá dark brown hair = tmavě hnedé vlasy bus [bʌs] autobus a school bus business [bɪznəs] obchod Sheryl's parents run a small clothing business. but [bʌt, bət] ale The food was good but expensive. butter [bʌtə] máslo He put butter on his bread. He had bread and butter. buy-bought-bought [baɪ-bɔːt-b koupit ɔːt] I went to the shop to buy some milk. by credit card [baɪ kredɪt ka:d] kreditní kartou He paid by credit card.
by the sea u moře I'd like to live by the sea. Bye! [baɪ] Ahoj. Nashle. Bye, see you tomorrow. = Ahoj, na viděnou zítra. Též: Bye bye, see you tom C [si:] café malá restaurace a small restaurant where you buy drinks and small meals cake (C) dort a chocolate cake camera [kæmərə] fotoaparát can [kæn, kən] moci = mít dovoleno něco dělat: You can't park here. x Can I go now? can [kæn, kən] moci (+ sloveso) ... prosba Can I have a glass of water? = mohl bych dostat napít vody? can [kæn, kən] umět (+ sloveso) Can you drive? x I can't swim. can [kæn, kən] moci (+ sloveso) ... nabídka Can I help you with your bags? = mohu vám pomoci s těmi taškami/batohy? cannot [kænɒt] zápor od 'can' I cannot say (= nevím) what will happen. car [ka:] auto carry [kæri ] nést, nosit He was carrying my bags. cat [kæt] kočka catch a bus, catch a train chytnout autobus/vlak I caught the last train home. catch-caught-caught [kæt∫-kchytit, ɔːt-kɔːt]chytat Try to catch the ball. CD [siː ˈdiː] CD chair [t∫eə] židle change (v) změnit I've changed my doctor. cheap [t∫i:p] levný, laciný a cheap flight = levný let cheaply levně You can buy a used car very cheaply. cheese (n) [t∫i:z] sýr French cheeses = francouzské druhy sýrů cheese (adj) [t∫i:z] sýrový a cheese sandwich child --> children [t∫aild --> t∫ildrən] dítě --> děti When I was a child I had fair hair. chips [t∫ips] BR hranolky fish and chips = rybí maso s hranolky chips [t∫ips] US chipsy, brambůrky BR: crisps chocolate U [tʃɒklət] čokoláda a bar of chocolate = tabulka čokolády; milk chocolate = mléčná čokoláda choose from vybírat si z (většího počtu variant) There were lots of books to choose from. choose-chose-chosen [t∫u:z-t vybrat ʃəʊz-tʃ(si) əʊzn] Have you chosen a name for the baby? city [sɪti] velké město, velkoměsto, město class [kla:s] hodina (ve škole) My first class starts at 8.30. class [kla:s] skupinová výuka I go to pottery classes. = chodím do keramiky class [kla:s] třída (ve škole) - lidi We were in the same class at school. classroom [klɑːsruːm] třída (místnost) clean [kli:n] (adj) čistý Go and put on a clean shirt. clean [kli:n] (v) uklidit (umýt, vysát), vyčistit I spent the morning cleaning the house. clock [klɒk] hodiny (na stěně) There was a clock on the wall clock, alarm clock budík close (v) [kləʊz] zavřít se Suddenly the door closed = dveře se náhle zavřely close (v) [kləʊz] zavřít Close the door. [kləuz] = zavři dveře close to sth [kləʊs tə] blízko něčeho His house is close to the sea. closed [kləʊzd] zavřený (obchod, oči) The shop was closed. x Her eyes were closed. clothes [kləʊðz] šaty, oblečení (množné číslo) She was wearing her sister's clothes. coat [kəʊt] kabát, plášť a winter coat coffee [kɒfi] kafe Do you want a cup of coffee? coffee [kɒfi] U kafový prášek, kafové fazole instant coffee cold [kəʊld] studený cold water, cold weather colour (n) [kʌlə] barva What colour shall I paint the kitchen? colour (v) sth vybarvit něco He drew a heart and coloured it read. come first, come second skončit na prvním/druhém místě: Jason came first in the race. come from (a state) pocházet ze (státu) She comes from Poland come from sth pochází z,od Milk comes from cows. come to + INF přijít něco udělat I've come to see Mr Curtis. x A man's coming to mend the boiler this afterno come to sth přijít na (např. večírek) Can you come to my party? come with sb jít s někým Come with us! come-came-come [kʌm-keɪm-k přijít, ʌm] přicházet Can you come to my party? x Here comes Adam. come-came-come [kʌm-keɪm-k přijítʌm] (dopis, balík, noviny) Has the paper come yet? computer [kəmˈpjuːtə] počítač conversation [kɒnvəˈseɪʃn] konverzace a telephone conversation cook (v) vařit (obecně = připrav. jídlo, tepelně Who's cooking upravovat) this evening? x She cooked the meat in a hot pan. country [kʌntri] země, vlast European countries = evropské země, státy course [kɔːs] kurs She did a ten-week computer course. credit card [kredɪt kɑːd] kreditní karta He paid by credit card.
cross [krɒs] x = přeškrtnutí ... označení toho, že něco není správně cup [kʌp] šálek, pohárek a cup of tea D [di:] dad [dæd] táta, taťka My dad has curly brown hair. dance (n) [dɑːns] tanec have a dance with = zatancovat si s: I had a dance with my dad. dance with [dɑːns] tancovat s She's dancing with Steven. dancing [dɑːnsɪŋ] tanec, tancování dark [dɑːk] tmavý; tmavě-... dark blue = tmavě modrý, tmavomodrý; a dark blue shirt = tmavomodrá koši date [deɪt] datum What's the date today? x Please please give your name, address, and date date of birth [bɜːθ] datum narození Please give your name, address, and date of birth. daughter [dɔːtə] dcera Their daugther is seven years old. day [deɪ] den the days of the week = Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, ... day before yesterday předevčírem I saw her the day before yesterday. dear [dɪə] oslovení v obchodě What would you like, dear? co byste si přála, drahá slečno/paní dear [dɪə] drahý, milý, vážený oslovení v dopisu: Dear Amy; Dear Sir/Madam December [dɪˈsembə] prosinec die (dying) [daɪ] zemřít die from/of zemřít na následky něčeho You won't die (of/from) a cold! x die of hunger different from [dɪfrənt] jiný než, odlišný od Jo's very different from her sister, isn't she? difficult [dɪfɪkəlt] obtížný, těžký Japanese is a difficult language to learn. dining room [daɪnɪηrʊm] jídelna dinner [dɪnə] hlavní jídlo (večeře nebo oběd) I haven't had dinner yet. dislike ---ing [dɪsˈlaɪk] nemít rád něco I dislike shopping. do [duː, du, də] dělat (jako zaměstnání) What does he do? --- odpovídá se profesí: He's a doctor. do --- he does dělat --- on dělá du: --- hi: daz do a course dělat kurs (= účastnit se ho) She did a ten-week computer course. do a subject studovat nějaký předmět Diana did history at university. do an exercise dělat cvičení (v učebnici) do business with sb obchodovat s We do a lot of business with China. do exercise [du:'eksəsaɪz] cvičit fyzicky She does yoga in her spare time. do the cleaning udělat úklid I do the cooking but Joe does the cleaning. do the cooking vařit And I'll do the cooking = a já budu vařit (na výletě, dovolené, apod.) do-did pomocné slovo-otázka,zápor Do you need any help? --- I don't know. do-did-done [du:-did-dan] dělat Go upstairs and do your homework. doctor [dɒktə] doktor, doktorka does [dʌz] dělá ... He does his homework before dinner. dog [dɒg] pes doll [dɒl] panenka dollar [dɒlə] dolar door [dɔː] dveře (v angličtině jednotné číslo) Please shut the door behind you. down [daʊn] dole, dolů Put that box down on the floor. draw a picture nakreslit obrázek draw-drew-drawn [drɔː-dru:-dr kreslit, ɔːn] nakreslit (tužka, pero) She drew a picture of a tree. dress [dres] šaty dámské (ale jenom jedny!!!) drink (n) [drɪŋk] nápoj a cold drink drink-drank-drunk [drɪŋk-dræηk-dr pít, vypít ʌŋk] He drank a glass of milk. drive sb zavést někoho Annie drove me home last night. drive-drove-driven [draɪv-drəřídit ʊv-dr (auto) ɪvn] She's learning to drive. driver [draɪvə] řidič a bus driver / a train driver DVD [diː viː ˈdiː] disk DVD Is this movie available on DVD? DVD player DVD přehrávač I just bought a new DVD player. E [i:] each [i:t∫] každý Each student received a new pen. each of každý z Each of the teams has four players. ear [ɪə] ucho She whispered something in his ear. early (adj) [з:li] raný, na začátku in the early 1980s = na začátku osmdesátých let easy [iːzi] snadný The exam was easy. eat-ate-eaten [i:t-et-i:tn] jíst Let's have something to eat. = Dejme si něco k jídlu. eat-ate-eaten [i:t-et-i:tn] mít společné jídlo (v rodině) We usually eat at 7 o'clock. egg [eg] vejce a boiled egg = vařené vejce; a fried egg = smažené vejce eight [eɪt] osm eighteen [eɪ 'ti:n] osmnáct eleven [ɪˈlevn] jedenáct
email [iːmeɪl] U posílání emailů email address = adresa na posílání emailů email [iːmeɪl] C email, zpráva poslaná přes počítač: I got an email from Danielle yesterday. end of sth konec něčeho I'll pay you at the end of next month. enjoy (---ing) těšit se z něčeho, užít si něcoI really enjoyed being with him. = měl jsem radost, že jsem s ním mohl být enjoy one's stay užít si (mnoha aktivitami) pobyt (v hotelu, pobyt na dovolené, apod.): Enjoy your stay, Mr Ryder. enjoy sth [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] chutnalo mi I hope you enjoy your meal = doufám, že vám chutná evening [iːvnɪŋ] večer Are you doing anything this evening? every [evri] každý, každá, každé (+ podst.Every jméno) child needs love = All children need love. every day, every summer každý den, každé léto (časové opakování): They go camping every summer. example of [ɪɡˈzɑːmpl] příklad něčeho This is a good example of the architecture of the period. excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] nadšený happy, excited faces = šťastné, nadšené tváře excited about sth nadšený z něčeho I'm so excited about Jana's party! exciting [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] vzrušující an exciting football match; You're going to Africa? How exciting! Excuse me …[ɪkˈskjuːz mi:] Promiňte prosím, … (např. oslovení na ulici): Excuse me, does this bus go to Oxford Street? expensive [ɪkˈspensɪv] drahý, nákladný expensive jewellery = drahé klenoty expensively nákladně expensively dressed = nákladně oblékaný eye [aɪ] oko Sarah has black hair and brown eyes. x She closed her eyes and fell asleep F [ef] face [feɪs] obličej, tvář She's got a long, thin face. factory [fæktəri, fæktri] továrna, výrobna a toy factory = výrobna hraček; She works in a factory. family [fæməli] rodina My family originally came from Poland. famous [feɪməs] slavný a famous actress farm [fɑːm] farma, usedlost a dairy farm = mlékárenská farma fast [fɑːst] rychlý fast cars = rychlá auta; a fast swimmer = rychlý plavec fat (fatter, fattest) [fæt] tlustý She eats all the time but never gets fat. father [fɑːðə] otec My father and mother met at university. favourite [feɪvərɪt] oblíbený (nejoblíbenější) What's your favourite colour? - není možné stupňovat, na rozdíl od popular, February [febrʊəri] únor feel-felt-felt [fi:l-felt-felt] cítit se (+ ADJ) I feel happy. He's feeling lonely. feel-felt-felt [fi:l-felt-felt] cítit, ucítit I felt a sharp pain in my foot. x I feel that she's the best person for the job. fifteen [fɪfˈtiːn] patnáct film [fɪlm] film a cowboy film = film o kovbojích find-found-found [faɪnd-faʊnd-fa najítʊnd] I can't find my car keys. fine 02 [faɪn] dobře, prima, fajn How are you? --- I'm fine, thanks. And you? finish [fɪnɪʃ] skončit (intransitive) The meeting will finish at five o'clock. finish (---ing) [fɪnɪʃ] dokončit (nějakou činnost) Rip up this piece of paper when you've finished reading it. finish sth dokončit něco I've finished my homework first [fз:st] první Ken was the first person to arrive. fish --> fish [fɪʃ] ryba --> ryby How much fish? kolik rybího masa? x How many fish = kolik ryb? fitting room zkušební kabinka v obchodě na more oděvy often: Where can I try it on? (též: changing room) five [faɪv] pět flat [flæt] byt floor [flɔː] podlaha a wooden floor = dřevěná podlaha flower [flaʊə] květina a bunch of flowers = kytice květin fly-flew-flown [flaɪ-fluː-fləʊn] letět (letadlem) I'm flying to Delphi tomorrow. food [fuːd] jídlo, strava baby food = dětská strava; You should eat healthy food. foot --> feet [fʊt --> fi:t] noha (chodidlo) bare feet = bosé nohy football [fʊtbɔːl] C fotbalový míč a football football [fʊtbɔːl] U fotbal a football match = fotbalový zápas; a football team = fotbalový tým for [fɔː >> fə] pro Who is the present FOR? [fɔː] x It's for you. [fə] for example [fɒrɪɡˈzɑːmpl] například Some people, students for example, can get cheaper tickets. for miles, for two years vyjádření vzdálenosti či času We walked for miles = nachodili jsme kilometry; I lived with my parents for a four [fɔː] čtyři fourteen [fɔː 'ti:n] čtrnáct Friday [fraɪdeɪ] pátek friend [frend] kamarád(ka) Sarah is my best friend. from [frɒm >> frəm] z (narodil se, pochází) Where's he FROM? [from] x He's from Prague [frəm] from [frɒm >> frəm] od (někoho, kdo mi něco dal) Who are your flowers from? from [frɒm >> frəm] od (místně - jak daleko) The house is about five miles from the city. from [frɒm >> frəm] z (místa začátku) Did you walk alll the way from the beach? from [frɒm >> frəm] od (časově) The museum is open from 9.30 to 6.00 fruit [fru:t] U ovoce dried fruit = sušené ovoce; fresh fruit = čerstvé ovoce fun [fʌn ] zábava, legrace That was fun! x Going to the cinema is fun.
funny [fʌni] legrační, vtipný The film was really funny. G [dʒi:] game [ɡeɪm] hra (s pravidly) a computer game; Football is such an exciting game. game [ɡeɪm] partie, zápas (při konkrétní příležitosti) We had a game of cards. x Who won yesterday's game? garden [ɡɑːdn] zahrada Dad's outside in the garden. get a job as sehnat, najít práci She got a job as a cleaner. = sehnala práci jako uklízečka get a taxi/bus/train [getə 'tæksi] jet taxíkem/autobusem/vlakemShall we get a taxi to the station? x Pojeďme na nádraží taxíkem. get better zlepšovat se (angličtina, zdraví): Her English is getting better. x I hope you get better soon. get fat, get fatter tloustnout She eats all the time but never gets fat. get home [get həʊm] přijít/přijet domů, dostat se domů arrive home = come home; x What time do you get home from work? get old/older = grow old/older zestárnout, stárnout We're all getting older. get ready připravit se We're going at eight, so you've got an hour to get ready get sb up přimět někoho vstát z postele It's dreadful trying to get the kids up on school days. get up vstát (z postele) He never gets up before nine. x I had to get up at five o'clock this morning. get-got-got [get-gɒt-gɒt] koupit, sehnat, získat Where did you get your shoes? x I got you a ticket. get-got-got [get-gɒt-gɒt] dostat (dárek, dopis) Did you get anything nice for your birthday? x Ben still hasn't got my email. girl [gз:l] dívka We have three children - a boy and two girls. give-gave-given [ɡɪv-ɡeɪv-ɡɪdát vn] (někomu něco), darovat I gave her a bike for her birthday. glass (C) [ɡlɑːs] (of sth) sklenice (něčeho) Would you like a glass of water? glass (U) [ɡlɑːs] sklo broken glass glass (adj) [ɡlɑːs] skleněný glass jars = skleněné nádoby (na zavařeninu, marmeládu, apod.) glasses [ɡlɑːsɪz] brýle (doslova: skla) She was wearing glasses. x a pair of glasses = jedny brýle go by bus/train jet autobusem/vlakem Are you going by train? = Jedete vlakem? go dancing jít si zatancovat Let's go dancing on Friday night. go for a walk / go for a jog jít se projít / jít si zaběhat Let's go for a walk. x Do you want to go for a jog? go on holiday jet na dovolenou Are you going on holiday this year? go out (for dinner) vyjít si ven (na večeři) Are you going out tonight? go swimming jít si zaplavat We often go swimming, or to the cinema. go-went-gone [ɡəʊ-went-ɡɒn] jít, jet, odjet I'd love to go to America. (opposite: arrive = přijít, přijet, dorazit) goes [ɡəʊz] chodí He goes to school. good 01 [ɡʊd] dobrý = příjemný a good book = dobrá kniha; a good read = dobré čtení good 02 [ɡʊd], good to sb dobrý = laskavý, je pomocí She's a good friend. x She's so good to me. = je ke mně tak laskavá good 03 dobrý = kvalitní The food at this restaurant is very good. good 04 dobrý = schopný v něčem Anna is a good cook. good 05 dobrý = vhodný, vyhovující What would be a good time to call? good 06 dobrý = čestný, dobře se chová He's morálně a good child x He's a good person. good 07 for sb (to + INF) dobré = prospěšné pro někoho, It is aby good ... for him to do ... good 08 to sb dobrý = je pomocí She's so good to me. Pomáhá mi tolik, podporuje mne. good 09 dobrý = velký (významem), skvělý Good evening. [ɡʊd 'iːvnɪŋ] Dobrý večer. good friend dobrý přítel je laskavý i pomocí -- významy good02 a good 08 lze těžko oddělit Good morning! (Morning!) [ɡʊ Dobré d mɔːráno. niŋ] Good night! [ɡʊd nait] Dobrou noc. grass [ɡrɑːs] (U) tráva, trávník We like to lie on the grass in the sun. great [ɡreɪt] velký (významem); skvělý We had a great time. group [gru:p] skupina (přátel) She was with a group of friends. group [gru:p] skupiina (rocková, divadelní) Why don't you join the local drama group? x a rock group guitar [ɡɪˈtɑː] kytara an electric guitar H [eɪtʃ] hair (C) vlas, chlup My skirt was covered with cat hairs. hair (U) [heə] vlasy a girl with long, dark hair hand [hænd] ruka I had my hands in my pockets. happy šťastný She looked really happy hard (adj) [hɑːd] obtížný, těžký It must be hard to study with all this noise. hard (adv) [hɑːd] usilovně, těžce She tried so hard. x work hard = tvrdě pracovat, usilovně pracovat hat [hæt] klobouk, čepice a cowboy hat have a bath [hævə 'bɑːθ] vykoupat se have a bath = take a bath; I'll just have a quick bath. have a cold mít (konkrétní nemoc): být nachlazený: I have a bad cold. have a conversation about Konverzovat, povídat si o We had a conversation about football. have a dance with sb zatancovat si s I had a dance with my dad. have a drink (of) napít se (něčeho) Can I have a drink of water? have fun bavit se (dobře) Did you have fun at the party? have got = have vlastnit, mít I have two horses. x Laura has got beautiful blue eyes.
have-had-had [hæv-hæd-hæd] mít he [hi] on When is Paul coming? -- He should be here soon. head [hed] hlava He fell and hit his head on the table. hear-heard-heard [hɪə-hз:d-hз:d] slyšet, uslyšet I could hear his voice in the distance. Hello! [həˈləʊ] pozdrav do telefonu Hello, this is Alex. = haló, tady je Alex Hello! [həˈləʊ] Dobrý den. Hello, Christina. How are you? help (n) [help] (U) pomoc Do you want any help? help (v) sb with sth pomoci někomu s něčím Dad always helps me with my homework. her [hз:, hə] její That's her house on the corner. x It's not her fault. her [hз:] jí, ní, ji, ni Where's Katie - have you seen her? here [hɪə] zde, tady Does Lucy live near here? x Come here! Here comes ... zde přichází ... Here comes the minister now. x Here comes Adam. Hi! [haɪ] Ahoj Hi! How are you? him [hɪm] jeho, něho, ním, jemu I'm looking for Andrew -- have you seen him? his [hɪz] jeho Phillip is sitting over there with his daughter. holiday [hɒlədeɪ] dovolená Are you going on holiday this year? holiday [hɒlədeɪ] den volna, doba volna the school holidays = dny volna ve škole, prázdniny homework [həʊmwɜːk] domácí úkol Have you done your homework yet? = Už máš hotov svůj domácí úkol? horse [hɔːs] kůň hospital [hɒspɪtl] nemocnice He was in hospital for two weeks. hot [hɒt] horký a hot summer's day; a hot drink hotel [həʊˈtel] hotel hour [aʊə] hodina (60 minut) It's a six-hour flight. house [haʊs] -- houses [haʊdům zɪz] -- domy We went to my aunt's house for dinner. how [haʊ] jak How big is the house? How are you? [haʊ a: ju:?] Jak se máš? Jak se ti daří? používá se často jako součást pozdravu: Hello Tom, how are you? How much is it? [haʊ mat∫ ɪzKolik ɪt?] to stojí? How much was the dress? = Kolik stály ty šaty. How old is he? Kolik je mu let? hau əuld is hi:? hungry [hʌŋɡri] hladový (= má hlad) I'm hungry. What's for dinner? husband [hʌzbənd] manžel I [aɪ] i (písmeno v abecedě) I [aɪ] já I've bought some chocolate. x I'll see you later. ice cream [aɪs'kri:m] zmrzlina vanilla ice cream important to sb [ɪmˈpɔːtnt] důležitý pro někoho My family is very important to me. impossible [ɪmˈpɒsəbl] nemožný in [ɪn] v (časově) We're going to Italy in April. in [ɪn] v, ve (uvnitř nádoby, oblasti) a shop in Manhattan; What is in the box? in pairs ve dvojicích For the next exercise, you'll need to work in pairs. inside [ɪnˈsaɪd] uvnitř, uvnitř něčeho; dovnitř, dovnitř There were něčeho some keys inside the box. x I'm cold - let's go inside. interesting [ɪntrəstɪŋ] zajímavý an interesting person into [ɪntuː >> ɪntə] do (dovnitř) Get into bed! x I went into the hotel. invite sb to sth [ɪnˈvaɪt] pozvat někoho na They invited us to the wedding. it [ɪt] tím, tom, tomu it [ɪt] ono, to Have you seen my bag? -- It's in the hall. it [ɪt] neurčený podmět It's unlikely that she'll arrive on time. it's late už se připozdívá, už je pozdě It's late - I really should be going. its [ɪts] jeho, svůj (střední rod -- např. The tohohouse města)has its own swimming pool. J [dʒeɪ] January [dʒænjʊəri] leden jeans [dʒi:nz] džíny a pair of jeans = jedny džíny; These jeans are too big for me. (plurál) job [dʒɒb] práce, zaměstnání, místo This is the job for me! = to je ta pravá práce pro mne! juice [dʒu:s] džus, šťáva the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables July [dʒuˈlaɪ] červenec June [dʒu:n] červen K [keɪ] key [kiː] klíč I've lost my car keys. kick sth [kɪk] kopat do The boys were kicking a ball around. kind of [kaɪnd] druh něčeho, typ něčeho Haddock is a kind of fish. x What kind of music do you like? kitchen [kɪtʃɪn] kuchyň a room used to prepare and cook food in knife [naɪf] --: knives[naɪvz nůž a knife and fork know / know that [nəʊ] vědět / vědět, že He knew that she was lying. x Do you know where the post office is? know-knew-known [nəʊ-njuːvědět; -nəʊn znát L [el]
last [lɑːst] minulý last time = minule; last week = minulý týden; last year = loni last night dneska v noci, včera v noci I slept badly last night. late [leɪt] pozdní; pozdě We had a late lunch. x We got there too late. late [leɪt] pozdní, ke konci (opak: early) in late October = ke konci října; x It was built in the late 19th century. late for pozdě do, přijít pozdě do I was late for work this morning. learn ---ing naučit se předmětu She learnt painting. learn (a lot) about (---ing) dozvědět se (hodně) o I learned a lot about computers. learn (how) to + INF naučit se zručnosti, schopnostiShe soon learnt not to contradict him. She's learning to drive. learn-learnt-learnt [lɜːn-lɜːnt-lnaučit ɜːnt] se; dozvědět se leave (work/school) odcházet; odejít I leave work at five o'clock. x She left school at 16. leave for sth [li:v fə] odjíždět do, odjet do, na They left for Paris last night. leg [leg] noha (stolu, člověka) My legs are tired after so much walking. x He broke his leg in the accident. letter [letə] dopis I got a letter from Paul this morning. life --> lives [laɪf --> laɪvz] život --> životy He had a happy life. x Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him? light (adj) světlý, světlea light blue shirt = světlemodrá košile; light green = světle zelená like ---ing mít rád (činnost, aktivitu) I like doing chemistry at school. (gerund -- změna významu) like about sth mít rád na něčem What I like about folk music is the sound of the guitar. like to + INFINITIVE vykonávat zvyklost, správnostWe like to interview candidates in person before offering them a place on the listen to sth [lɪsn] poslouchat něco I listened to the CD. x I listen to the radio while I have breakfast. little + C noun malý (mladý věkěm) my little brother = můj bráška little + C noun malý I had a little piece of cake. = měl jsem malý kousek koláče. live [lɪv] žít, bydlet They live in York. x Where do you live? living room [lɪvɪηrʊm] obývací pokoj US: sitting room long [lɒŋ] (adj) dlouhý (fyzicky) long hair; long legs; a long dress long [lɒŋ] (adj) dlouhý (časově) a long movie; x I waited a long time. look at [lʊk] podívat se na What are you looking AT? [æt] x I'm looking at you [ət] look for sth [lʊk] hledat (dívat se po něčem) I'm looking for my keys. look out of dívat se ven z He was looking out of the window. lots of [lɒtsəv] hodně (+ něčeho) He earns lots of money. love sb [lʌv] milovat někoho Last night he told me he loved me. love sb [lʌv] mít rád někoho I'm sure he loves his kids. love sth [lʌv] mít něco velmi rád He loves his music. x She loves animals. lunch [lʌntʃ] oběd I'll get a sandwich for lunch. x Shall we have lunch? = dáme si teď oběd? M [em] make noise hlučet, dělat hluk Stop making so much noise! make sth from vyrábět něco z Butter is made form milk. make-made-made [meɪk-medělat, ɪd-mevyrábět ɪd] Shall I make some coffee? man --> men [mæn --> men]člověk, muž --> lidé, muži a young man = mladý muž; men and women = muži a ženy many [meni] hodně (+něčeho) I don't have many clothes. x Were there many cars on the road? March [mɑːtʃ] březen May [meɪ] květen me [mi:] mne, mnou, mně she gave me some money. x Lydia is three years younger than me. meal [mi:l] jídlo a three-course meal; We had a nice meal together. meat [mi:t] maso I don't eat meat. meet-met-met [mi:t-met-met]setkat se (s) We met for coffee last Sunday. x I met an old friend at a party last Saturday. meet-met-met [mi:t-met-met]seznámit se (s) This is Helen' -- Pleased to meet you. = Nice to meet you. message [mesɪdʒ] zpráva Did you get my message? x I called her and left a message. milk [mɪlk] mléko a carton of milk Miss [mɪs] slečna (+ následuje jméno) Miss Olivia Allenby; Tell Miss Russel I'm here. mobile (phone) [məʊbaɪl (fəm ʊn)] obilní telefon Call me on my mobile. Monday [mʌndeɪ] pondělí money [mʌni] peníze He spends all his money on clothes. x How much money have you got? month [mʌnθ] měsíc (= 4 týdny) She'll be working here for six months. month [mʌnθ] měsíc (kalendářní) Next month will be very busy. more [mɔː] více (komparativ) It's more expensive than the others. x She's far more intelligent than her sist more [mɔː] více (počtem, množstvím) There are a lot more people here today than there were yesterday. more [mɔː] : some more / any ještě more (více) Is there any more soup? x Would anyone like some more food? morning [mɔːnɪŋ]] ráno, dopoledne Friday morning; tomorrow morning; I got up late this morning. morning, good morning Dobré ráno! Good morning, Sarah! x Morning, Sarah! mother [mʌðə] matka My mother and father are not divorced. They live together. mouth --> mouths [maʊθ -- ma ústa ʊðz] nepravidelná výslovnost plurálu: mauðz movie [mu:vi] film a Hollywood movie Mr [mɪstə] pan (+ následuje jméno) Good morning, Mr Smith.
Mrs [mɪsɪz] much [mʌtʃ] (adv) much [mʌtʃ] (quantifier) Mum [mʌm] museum [mjuˈziːəm] music [mjuːzɪk] (U) my [maɪ] N [en] name [neɪm] nationality [næʃəˈnæləti] near [nɪə] near [nɪə] need to + INF [niːd] never [nevə] new 01 [nju: ] new 02 [nju: ] new 03 [nju: ] newspaper [njuːzpeɪpə] next 01 [nekst] nice 01 [naɪs] nice 02 [naɪs] nice 02 to sb night 01 [naɪt] night 02 [naɪt] nine [naɪn] nineteen [naɪnˈtiːn] no 01 [nəʊ] (exclam) no 02 [nəʊ] (determiner) noise [nɔɪz] nose [nəʊz] not 01 [nɒt] not 02 [nɒt] note 01 [nəʊt] note 02 [nəʊt] note 03 [nəʊt] November [nəʊˈvembə] now [naʊ] number 01 [nʌmbə] number 02 [nʌmbə] O [əʊ] October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] of 01 [ɒv >> əv] of 02 [ɒv >> əv] of 03 [ɒv >> əv] of 04 [ɒv >> əv] of course [əv 'kɔːs] often [ɒftən, ɒfn] Oh 01 [əʊ] Oh 02 [əʊ] okay, OK [əʊˈkeɪ] (adj, adv okay, OK [əʊˈkeɪ] (excl) old 01 [əʊld] old 02 [əʊld] old 03 [əʊld] on 01 [ɒn] on 02 [ɒn] on 03 [ɒn] on DVD on Friday night on the board one [wʌn] only (adj) only 01(adv) [əʊnli]
paní (+ následuje jméno) Hello, Mrs Jones. hodně (množstvím) I like her very much. hodně (+ nepočitatelné slovo)How much money will I need? máma, mamka Can we go now, Mum? muzeum a museum of modern art hudba pop music; dance music; classical music; x He likes listening to music. můj Tom's my older son. x It's not my fault.
jméno What's your name? My name is Alexis. x I Can't remember the name of the národnost What nationality is she? blízko, poblíž A group of students were standing near the entrance. x I stood near the wind blízký potřebovat něco udělat, musetI (být neednucen) to speak něco to udělat) him. x I need to ask you a few questions. nikdy Have you ever been to Australia? - No, never. nový (jiný než dříve) He starts his new job on Monday. nový (nově vyrobený, postavený) Their house is quite new. nový (nově objevený, nalezený) THey have a new way of treating this illness. noviny (jednotné číslo) I read about his death in the newspaper. příští I'm leaving next week. x She'll go to school next year. hezký, pěkný, příjemný THey have a very nice house. x We'll go to the coast tomorrow if the weathe milý He is a really nice person. milý k někomu She's always been very nice to me. noc I slept badly last night. x It can get quite cold at night. navečer, večer (než jdu spát) Are you doing anything on Friday night? devět devatenáct ne (samostatné) Have you seen Louise? - No, I haven't. x Can I come too? - No, I'm sorry. žádný (před podst. jménem) We have no money. hluk Stop making so much noise! x I had to shout above the noise of the party. nos záporka „ne-“ I'm not interested = mne to nezajímá. x It's not mine = to není moje. ne, nikoliv (+ následuje podstatné It's for jméno) you, not Daniel. zpráva, lístek He left a note on her desk. poznámka (zapsaná) She studied her notes before the exam. x make notes = dělat si poznámky, z nota Music notes floated from inside, sounding like a violin, only a lot sadder. listopad teď, nyní I'm going now. x What is Eva doing now? číslo (součást násobilky) Think of a number between 1 and 100. číslo (které něco představuje)telephone number = telefonní číslo: What's your telephone number? o (písmeno) říjen patřící někomu, vztahující se k: She's She aisfriend a friend of my of my cousin. cousin. x I xlike I like thethe colour colour of her of her hair. hair. vyjadřuje množství a bag of apples = taška jablek; both of us = oba z nás upřesňující věk, datum a boy of six = šestiletý chlapec; the 14th of February 1995 obsahující a glass of milk, a cup of tea samozřejmě, jistě Can you help me? --- Of course! často How often do you go to the gym? ach Oh, no! I don't believe it! = Ach ne! x I don't think I can come - Oh, that's a sh něco chci říct, na něco jsem si vzpomněl: Oh, and don't forget to lock the door. = A nezapomeň zamknout v pořádku (zdravý, v bezpečí) Is your grandma okay now? Dobře (při souhlasu) Let's meet this afternoon - Okay. x Can I use the car? - Okay. starý (věkem, existencí) an old man x an old house obnošené (použité) You might get dirty, so wear some old clothes. při dotazu na věk či popisu věku How old are you? x She'll be four years old in March. na (povrchu něčeho) I put the book on that shelf. x He stood on my foot. na (připojen k něčemu, zakrývající You've něco) got blood on your shirt. x Which finger do you wear your ring on? v (časová předložka - se dny, He's daty)due to arrive on the 14th February. x I'm working on my birthday. na DVD Is this movie available on DVD? v pátek večer Are you doing anything on friday night? na tabuli The teacher wrote an exercise on the board. jeden, jedna, jedno jediný This could be our only chance. x You're the only person here I know. jen (= ne více než) It'll only take a few minutes. x She's only fifteen.
open (v) [əʊpən] otevřít Could you open the window? x Open your eyes. open [əʊpən] otevřený Most shops are open on Saturdays. or [ɔː] nebo Is the baby a boy or a girl? x You can have beer or wine. orange (adj) [ɒrɪndʒ] pomerančový orange juice = pomerančový džus orange [ɒrɪndʒ] oranžová a deep orange sunset = tmavě oramžový západ slunce orange [ɒrɪndʒ] pomeranč other [ʌðə] jiný, jiní (U or plural .... jako COther se užívá people another)) don't like it. x Ask me some other time, when I am not so busy. our [aʊə] náš, naše, naši Alice is our youngest daughter. outside [aʊtˈsaɪd] venku, pod volným nebem (nikoli It's cold v domě), outside venku today. + nemusí následovat podst. jméno over the age of [əʊvə] ve věku přes a child over the age of five P [pi:] p.m. odpoledne či večer Opening hours: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. page [peɪdʒ] stránka The article is on page 36. x I've only read 50 pages so far. paint (n) [peɪnt] barva, nátěr Have you chosen the paint for your bedroom? paint (v) [peɪnt] namalovat (obraz barvami) These pictures were all painted by local artists. pair [peə] pár, dvojice For the next exercise, you'll need to work in pairs. paper (U) [peɪpə] papír Have you got a piece of paper? parent [peərent] rodič (matka nebo otec) Her parents live in Oxford. park [pɑːk] park We went for a walk in the park. part pɑːt] (U) část Part of this form seems to be missing. x That's only part of the problem. x Yo party (n) [pɑːti] večírek, oslava We're having a party to celebrate the occasion. x a birthday party pay (v) for sth [peɪ] zaplatit (za něco) Helen payed for the tickets. pay-paid-paid [peɪ-peɪd-peɪplatit, d] zaplatit pen (n) [pen] pero pencil [pensl] tužka people [pi:pl] lidé Our company employs over 400 people. person [pз:sən] --> people osoba, člověk --> lidé You're the only person I know here. pet (adj) [pet] milý, milé (většinou zvířátko) -my ve funkci pet rabbit přídavného jména pet (n) [pet] domácí zvířátko phone (n) [fəʊn] telefon answer the phone = zvednout telefon phone (v) [fəʊn] zavolat I tried to phone her last night, but she was out. phone for sth zavolat (např. taxi) I'm going to phone fora taxi. photo [fəʊtəʊ] fotka I took a photo of Jack lying on the beach. picnic [pɪknɪk] piknik We're goingto have a picnic down by the lake. picture of sth/sb [pɪktʃə] obrázek, fotka She drew a picture of a tree. x This is a picture of a family on holiday in Afric pizza [piːtsə] pizza place [pleɪs] místo His leg's broken in two places. x Edinburgh is a nice place to live. plant [plɑːnt] rostlina tomato plants = rostlinky rajčat; water the plants = zalévat kytky plate [pleɪt] talířek, talíř Let's put all the sandwiches on the plate. x a dinner plate x a plate of biscuits play (v) [pleɪ] hrát (tenis, fotbal, karty) Sam plays tennis every weekend. x We often used to play cards. play with sb/sth hrát si s někým/něčím She likes to play with her dolls. player [pleɪə] hráč tennis players please [pli:z] prosím (v prosbách a žádostech) Could I have a coffee, please? x Please may I use your telephone? please: Yes, please. Ano prosím - zdvořilé přijetí nabídky: Would you like a drink? -- Oh yes, please. poor [pʊə] chudý He comes from a very poor family. x Modern fertilizers are too expensive for poor: the poor chudí health care for the poor possible [pɒsəbl] možný many possible things = všechno možné; x Is it possible to speak to the mana practise (---ing) [præktɪs procvičovat nějakou činnost (sport, You should hruna practise hudební juggling nástroj) every day or you'll never learn. x THey are prac present (n): the present [prezənt] přítomný čas also: the present tense problem [prɒbləm] problém I'm having problems with my computer. put sth on computer dát něco do počítače We've put all our records on computer. put-put-put [pʊt-pʊt-pʊt] položit, dát She put her bag on the floor. Q [kju:] question [kwestʃən] otázka Is it OK if I ask you a few questions? x He refused to answer my question. quick [kwɪk] rychlý I tried to catch him but he was too quick for me. R [a:] radio [reɪdiəʊ] rádio (přístroj) a car radio radio [reɪdiəʊ]: the radio programy v rádiu We heard him speaking on the radio this morning. rain (n) [reɪn] déšť heavy rain rain (v) [reɪn] pršet It was raining all weekend. read aboutsb/sth číst si o někom/něčem I've been reading about Marilyn Monroe. read-read-read [ri:d-red-red]číst (si) Read the text. = Přečtěte (přečti) ten text. x I've been reading about Marilyn reading [riːdɪŋ] čtení I did a lot of reading on holiday = na dovolené jsem hodně četl
ready 01 [redi] připravený Are you ready to go yet? x We're going at eight, so you've got an hour to get ready 02 [redi] hotový Is dinner ready? really 01 [rɪəli] velmi, hodně really happy = opravdu šťastná, hodně šťastná really strictly = opravdu přísn really 02 [rɪəli] opravdu, ve skutečnosti She tried to hide what she was really thinking. red [red] červená a red shirt restaurant [restrɒnt] restaurace an Italian restaurant rice [raɪs] rýže ride a bike [raɪdə 'baɪk] jet na kole ride a motorbike [raɪdə 'məʊjet təba naɪk] motorce ride-rode-ridden [raɪd-rəʊd-rjet ɪdn] (na kole, na koni) Have you ever ridden a horse? right 01 (adj) [raɪt] správný He only got half the answers right. river [rɪvə] řeka the River Thames road 01 [rəʊd] silnice, cesta Be careful when you cross the road. road 02 [rəʊd] ulice (součást adresy) 142 Park Road room [ru:m] pokoj, místnost a hotel room run-ran-run [rʌn-ræn-rʌn] běžet, běhat, utíkat He can run very fast. x I run about three miles every morning. S [es sad [sæd] smutný I was very sad when our cat died. x a sad book salt [sɔːlt] sůl salt and pepper same 01, the same [seɪm] stejný the same = totéž; We work at the same speed. same 02, the same tentýž (nikoli odlišný) My brother and I sleep in the same room. sandwich [sænwɪtʃ] sendvič a real sandwich is made with two slices of bread; x a cheese sandwich Saturday [sætədeɪ] sobota say-said-said [seɪ-sed-sed] říkat, říct I'd like to go home, she said. says [sez] říká school [sku:l] škola I cycle to school = I ride my bike to school. sea [si:] moře I'd like to live by the sea. second [sekənd] druhý This is my second piece of cake. see sb [si:] navštívit někoho, vidět se s někým: I'm seeing Peter tonight. See you (later). See you soon. Uvidíme See you se později tomorrow. (brzy). Tak zatím. See you on Friday. Uvidíme se v pátek. see-saw-seen 01 [si:-sɔː-si:n] vidět Have you seen Jo? x Turn the light on so I can see. see-saw-seen 02 [si:-sɔː-si:n] shlédnout (film, pořad v TV) Have you seen American Beauty? send-sent-sent [send-sent-sent] poslat I sent him a letter last week. sentence 01 [sentəns] věta I wasn't able to complete my sentence. September [sepˈtembə] září seven [sevn] sedm seventeen [sevnˈtiːn] sedmnáct she [∫i:] ona Wneh is Ruth coming? She'll be here soon. sheep --> sheep [∫i:p] ovce --> ovce (nepravid. množné a flock číslo) of sheep shirt [∫з:t] košile shoe [∫u:] bota a pair of shoes shop [ʃɒp] obchod (prodejna) a shoe shop shopping [ʃɒpɪŋ] nakupování Christmas shopping short 01 [∫ɔːt] krátký (fyzicky) short, brown hair x short legs short 02 [∫ɔːt] krátký (časově) a short visit short 03 [∫ɔːt] malé postavy a short person is not as tall as most people x OPP: tall show-showed-shown [ʃəʊ-ʃəʊ ukázat d-ʃəʊn] Show me your photos. shower 01 [∫aʊə] sprcha (čin umytí) I had a shower = dal jsem si sprchu shower 02 [∫aʊə] sprcha (vybavení koupelny) He's in the shower. sing-sang-sung [sɪŋ-sæη-sʌ(za)zpívat ŋ] THey all sang 'Happy Birthday' to him. sister [sɪstə] sestra an older sister / a younger sister sit-sat-sat [sɪt-sæt-sæt] sedět Emma was sitting on a stool. x THe children sat at the table by the window. six [sɪks] šest sixteen [sɪksˈtiːn] šestnáct skirt [skз:t] sukně a skirt above/below the knee sleep-slept-slept [sli:p-slept-slept] spát We had to sleep in the car that night. x Did you sleep well? slice of cheese [slaɪs] plátek sýra slim [slɪm] štíhlý She had a slim youthful figure. slow [sləʊ] pomalý He's a very slow reader. x OPP fast small 01 [smɔːl] malý (rozsahem) We teach the children in small groups. small 02 [smɔːl] malý (věkem) a woman with three small children smoke (v) [sməʊk] kouřit Do you mind if I smoke?
smoking kouření snow (n) [snəʊ] sníh Children were playing in the snow. snow (v) [snəʊ] sněžit It snowed all day. some 01 [sʌm, səm ] trochu (ve spojení s U) some tea = trochu čaje - má funkci neurčitého členu u nepočitatelných podst some 02 [sʌm] nějací, někteří (v mn.č.) Some people don't like this. some 02 of [sʌməv] někteří z, některé z, některá zSome of his ideas were very interesting. something [sʌmθɪŋ] něco As soon as I walked in, I noticed that something was missing. son [sʌn] syn They have two sons. Sorry! [sɒri] I am sorry. Promiň. Mrzí mne to. Sorry I'm late. x Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. soup [su:p] polévka chicken soup speak English/German mluvit anglicky/německy = být schopen se dorozumět v angličtině/němčině: Do you speak English? speak to sb muvit s někým Could I speak to Mr Davis, please? speak-spoke-spoken [spi:k-spə mluvit ʊk-spəʊkən] She speaks very quietly. x There was complete silence - nobody spoke. sport 01 [spɔːt] druh sportu winter sports x team sports sport 02 [spɔːt] U fyzická aktivita - pro radost či fyzickou She usedkondici to do a lot of sport when she was younger. start ---ing začít něco dělat (delší interval)I hope to start driving as soon as I'm eighteen. start to + INFINITIVE začít něco dělat (okamžitý stav) I'd just started to write a letter when the phone rang. start work začít pracovat OPP finish work; We start work at nine o'clock. station [steɪʃn] nádraží Dad met me at the station. stay [steɪ] zůstat The weather was bad so we stayed at home. stop ---ing přestat (s nějakou činností, aktivitou) Stop whispering, you two! (gerund -- změna významu) stop [stɒp] zastávka We need to get off at the next stop. stop to + INFINITIVE zastavit se, aby (jiná činnost) Maria and I stopped to get her some flowers. street [stri:t] ulice We live on the same street. street [stri:t] ulice (součást adresy) 221B Baker Street student [stjuːdnt] student(ka) Jennifer is one of my best students. x a law student study sth [stʌdi] studovat něco I studied biology before going into medicine. subject (n) 01 [sʌbdʒɪkt] předmět (ve škole) Chemistry is my favourite subject. subject (n) 02 [sʌbdʒɪkt] téma (článku, apod.) The subjcet of the programme was mental health. sugar [ʃʊɡə] cukr coffee with milk and sugar summer [sʌmə] léto We usually go away in the summer. sun: in the sun [ðə sʌn] na sluníčku (světle, teple) I can't sit in the sun for too long. sun: the sun [ðə sʌn] slunce, sluníčko Sunday [sʌndeɪ] neděle sweet (adj) 01 [swi:t] sladký The sauce was too sweet. x It's sweet as honey. = je to sladké jako med swim-swam-swum (mm) [swplavat ɪm-swæm-swʌm] I learnt to swim when I was about five years old. swimming pool [swɪmɪŋpu:l]bazén T [ti:] T-shirt [ti:'∫з:t] tričko table (n01) [teɪbl] stůl The plates are on the table. take a picture of, take a photo vyfotit, of fotit něco I take photographs of my dog. x I took a photo of Jack lying on the beach. take-took-taken [teɪk-tʊk-teɪvzít, kən] brát I always take my umbrella with me. talk [tɔːk] mluvit Can the baby talk yet? talk to sb about sth mluvit s někým o něčem What were you talking to James about? tall [tɔːl] vysoký He's tall and thin. OPP short tea [ti:] čaj Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? teacher [ti:t∫ə] učitel a science teacher television 01 [telɪvɪʒn] televize (přístroj) I switched the television on. television 02 [telɪvɪʒn] televize (programy) I mostly watch television in the evening. tell sb (about) (---ing) říci někomu o něčem I've got something to tell you (about). tell sb sth říci někomu něco Katie told the judge the truth. tell-told-told [tel-təʊld-təʊld] říci, říkat; vyprávět He told me about his new school. ten [ten] deset tennis [tenɪs] tenis test (n) [test] test, písemka You have to take a test. = musíš dělat test than [ðæn, ðen] než Sue's car is bigger than mine. x It cost less than I expected. thank you [θæŋk] děkuji ti/vám Thank you very much for the birthday card. thanks for díky za Thanks for all your help. Thanks. [θæŋks] Díky. that 11 [ðæt] ten (+ podst. jméno) How much is that T-shirt? that 12 [ðæt] tamten (+ podst. jméno) Have you seen that man over there? that 21 [ðæt] ten, ta, to (bez podst. jména)) That looks heavy. that 22 [ðæt] tamto (bez podst, jména) What's that in the corner?
that's fine souhlasím (při domluvě něčeho) Shall we meet at eight o'clock? --- Yes, that's fine by me. = u mne je to v poř the 01 [ðiː, ðə] ten (věc známá nebo už zmíněná): Can you pass the salt? the 02 --- (použito, pokud existuje jen jedna věc toho druhu): the Eiffel tower, the world their [ðeə] jejich It was their problem, not mine. them [ðem] nich, jim, nimi,… I'm looking for my keys - have you seen them? then 01 [ðen] tehdy Call me tomorrow - I'll have time to speak then. then 02 [ðen] pak, potom Let me finish, then we'll go. there 01 is, there's [ðerɪz, ðeəz]; there are, there're [ðerɑː,je, ðeə] existuje: There are three of us = jsme tři. Is there a bank near hear? Je ta there 11 [ðeə] tam I've never been there with a friend. x We live in New York because my wife w there 12 [ðeə] támhle (+ ukazuji) Put them in that box there. these [ði:z] tito, tyto, tato (držíme v ruce) = množné číslo od „this“ they [ðeɪ] oni, ony, ona I saw Kate and Nick yesterday - they came over for dinner. thing [θɪŋ] věc I need to get a few things in town. things [θɪŋz] věci (mé věci) I'll just get my things and then I'll be ready. think 01 -thought-thought [θɪmyslet ŋk-θɔːt-θ (si)ɔː-t] očekávání I think we've met before. x Do you think it's going to rain? think 02 of sth myslet si o (názor) What do you think of the book? thirteen [θɜːˈtiːn] třináct this 01 [ðɪs] tento, tato, toto (+ podst.jm.): Most people don't agree with this decision. this 02 [ðɪs] tento, tato toto (+ podst.jm. -- držím předmět v ruce): How much does this DVD cost? this 03 [ðɪs] v tomto (týdnu, roce), dnes (odpoledne, večer): I'll see you this evening. those [ðəʊz] tamti, tamty, tamta (v dálce): These apples look much nicer than those. three [θri:] tři Thursday [θɜːzdeɪ] čtvrtek ticket [tɪkɪt] jízdenka, lístek; vstupenka; cedulka Are there any tickets left for ... Jsou ještě nějaké lístky na ... x We'll send you ticket: a ticket machine automat na lístky time n01 (C) [taɪm] čas (okamžik na hodinách) What time is it? tired [taɪəd] unavený I'm too tired to go out tonight. to 01 + INF --- (před infinitivem) I want to learn Spanish. to 02 [tu, tə] do (časově): It's five to three = je za pět minut tři (doslova: je 5 minut do tří hodin) to 02 [tu, tə] do, k (místně, časově) I ran to the door. x The museum is open from Monday to Saturday. today 01 [təˈdeɪ] dnes Today is Friday. today 02 [təˈdeɪi] dnes = v dnešní době More young people smoke today than in the past. together [tə'geðə] spolu, společně They live together. Together or separate? Dohromady nebo zvlášť? tə 'geðə ɔː seprət? (při platbě v restauraci) toilet [tɔɪlət] záchod, WC tomato --> tomatoes [təˈmɑːtə rajče ʊ] --> rajčata tomorrow 01 [təˈmɒrəʊ] zítra It's my birthday tomorrow. tomorrow 02 [təˈmɒrəʊ] zítra = v budoucnosti the children of tomorrow = děti zítřku tonight [təˈnaɪt] dnes večer, dnes v noci What are you doing tonight? too 02 [tu:] také Do you know Jason too? tooth --> teeth [tu:θ --> ti:θ] zub --> zuby You should brush your teeth twice a day. town [taʊn] město It's a small town in the north of England. train (n) treɪn] vlak We could go by train. travel (ll) [trævl] cestovat; cestování I spent a year travelling around Asia. tree [tri:] strom trousers [traʊzəz] kalhoty a pair of trousers = pár nohavic (= jedny kalhoty): These trousers are too big Tuesday [tjuːzdeɪ] úterý TV [tiː ˈviː] televize What's on TV tonight? twelve [twelv] dvanáct twenty [twenti] dvacet two [tu:] dva, dvě U [ju:] under 01 [ʌndə] pod (místně) a dog lying under the table x She pushed her bag under the table. under the age of ve věku nižším než a child under the age of; oproti: a child over the age of understand-understood-understood [ʌndəˈstænd-ʌndəˈstʊd-ʌndəˈstʊd] rozumět, chápat: She didn't understand so I explained it again unhappy [ʌnˈhæpi] nešťastný, nespokojený university [juːnɪˈvɜːsəti] univerzita, vysoká škola Cambridge University until 01 [ənˈtɪl] až do We danced there until midnight. until 02 [ənˈtɪl] dokud ne-(+ sloveso); dokud není We walked until it got dark. up 01 [ʌp] vzhůru, nahoru go up = jít nahoru; She looked up and smiled at me. up 02 [ʌp] vzpřímeně, rovně He stood up = postavil se. x He sat up = napřímil se v sedě. us [ʌs] nám, nás, námi She gave us all a present.
use (v) [ju:z] >> using použít >> používání, používající Can I use your pen? V [vi:] vegetable [vedʒtəbl] druh zeleniny very [veri] velmi, velice very tired = velmi unavený; very lazily = velmi líně very: not very good ne moc dobrý The movie wasn't very good. village [vɪlɪdʒ] vesnice She lives in a small village outside Oxford. visit (v) [vɪzɪt] navštívit Did you visit St Petersburg while you were in Russia? W [dʌbljuː] wait for [weɪt] čekat na Are you waiting for a taxi? waiter [weɪtə] číšník waitress [weɪtrəs] číšnice, servírka wake-woke-woken (up) [weɪvzbudit k-wəʊk-wə (se) ʊkən] Wake up! It's nearly ten o'clock. walk (n) [wɔːk] procházka Shall we go for a walk? = Co třeba zajít si na procházku? walk (v) [wɔːk] jít pěšky She walks to school. wall n01 [wɔːl] stěna (místnosti) There were several large paintings on the wall. wall n02 [wɔːl] zeď (rozdělující území, atd.) a garden wall want [wɒnt] chtít He wants a new car. warm [wɔːm] teplý It's nice and warm in here. = je tu pěkně teploučko wash [wɒʃ] umýt (se) Dad was washing the dishes. x Have you washed your hands? wash up [wɒʃ 'ʌp] umývat nádobí I can help to cook and wash up. watch (n) [wɒtʃ] náramkové hodinky (jednotné číslo) watch (v) wɒtʃ] sledovat, pozorovat The kids are watchingTV. x I watched him as he arrived. water (n) [wɔːtə] voda hot water, cold water water (v) zalévat water the plants = zalét rostlinky, kytky we [wi:] my My wife and I both play golf and we love it. wear clothes mít na sobě šaty She was wearing her sisteer's clothes. wear-wore-worn [weə-wɔː-wnosit, ɔːn mít na sobě He was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. weather [weðə] počasí The hot weather will continue through the weekend. website [websaɪt] webová stránka Wednesday [wenzdeɪ] středa week 01 [wi:k] týden I've got three exams this week. week 02 [wi:k] pracovní týden (od pondělí do pátku): I don't go out much during the week. well 01 [wel] (adj) zdravý = dobře v zdravotním smyslu You look well! x I'm not very well = není mi moc dobře. well 02 [wel] (adv) dobře He's doing well at school. x I thought they played well. well 02 done [wel dʌn] dobře propečený (steak) well 02 done [wel dʌn] dobrá práce (= pochvala) I passed my exams --- Well done! well 02: as well as ... a také ... They have lived in the Unnited States as well as Britain. well 03 [wel] (excl) no, ... (začátek věty) You'll go, won't you? --- Well, I'm not sure. what 01 [wɒt] co, jaký What is this? x What time is it? what 02 cože? (neformální) Do you want a drink, tom? --- What? (zdvořilejší je: Pardon? nebo: Sorry? when 01 kdy I don't know when it'll happen. - v předmětné větě je „will: where 01 [weə] kde Where does she live? white [waɪt] bílá a white T-shirt x white walls who [hu:] kdo; koho Who told you? x Who is that? why [waɪ] proč I wonder why he didn't come. wife --> wives [waɪf --> waɪvz] manželka --> manželky will 02 [wɪl] chce, je schopný Ask susie if she will take them. x The car won't start. wind n01 [wɪnd ] vítr A cold wind blew. x THe wind blew her hat off. window [wɪndəʊ] okno Open the window if you are too hot. wine [waɪn] víno (nápoj) a glass of wine winter [wɪntə] zima We went skiing last winter. with s Emma lives with her boyfriend. x a woman with brown eyes woman --> women [wʊmən --> žena wɪ--> mɪn] ženy a 30-year-old woman word [wз:d] slovo „Hund“ is the German word for „dog“. work n02 (U) [wɜːk] práce (= zaměstnání) He had an accident at work. work v01 >> working [wз:k >> pracovat wз:kɪŋ]>> pracování, pracující Helen works for a computer company. work v01 as pracovat jako I've always wanted to work as a lawyer. work v01 for sb pracovat pro (firmu), pod (vedoucím) Rupert isn't a bad boss to work for. x Helen works for a computer company. world [wз:ld]: the world svět Everest is the highest montain in the world. worry v01 (about sth) dělat si starosti s I'm very worried about Tracy. x She's always worrying about sth. would like 01 sth [wʊd, wəd]rád bych si dal (v obchodě, restauraci) I'd like some bread, please. x I'd like a return ticket to Oxford, please. Would you like a drink? Dal byste si něco k pití? wud ju: laikə driŋk? -- nabídka něčeho -- Would you like to eat now? (např. v Would you like another drink? Dal(a) byste si ještě něco k pití? wudju: laikə 'naðə driŋk
write-wrote-written [raɪt-rəʊt-r psát, ɪtn] napsat writing [raɪtɪŋ] psaní, psaný projev wrong [rɒŋ] (adj) chybný, nesprávný, špatný X [eks] Y [waɪ] year 01 [jɪə] rok year 02: be ... years old mít (věk) ... let yellow [jeləʊ] žlutá yes 01 [jes] ano (vyjádření souhlasu) yes 02 [jes] ano (reakce na zavolání) yesterday [jestədeɪ] včera you [ju:] ty, vy, tebe, vás, tebou, vámi young [iaŋ mladý your [jɔː] tvůj, váš Z zoo [zu:] zoo
Write your name at the top of the page. Speaking and writing are important parts of learning a language. the wrong answer x We're going the wrong way.
He joined the company a year ago. Her son is six years old. Can I borrow your pencil? ---- Yes, of course. Jack! ---- Yes? I went to see the doctor. I love you. x You said I could go with you. young people Can I borrow your pen? x It's not your fault. zed (amer: zi:)