HASIL KONFERENSI KEPENDUDUKAN DI KAIRO: IMPLIKASINYA PADA PROGRAM KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI DI INDONESIA Dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, SU.M.Sc., Sc.D* Abstract The Word Population Conference in Cairo has received substantial attention and comments from the mass media and a large circle of experts, althought a more basic explanation is still needed due the result of the conference. Since abortion is considered a very important issue which dominates the field of reproductive health, it needs ato further analyze the relations between abortion and the 'new concept' of reproductive health. This paper broadly analyzes the objectives and the agreed result of the conference. It also proposes several implications on the reproductive health program in Indonesia. Even thought, as the mass media reported, the Cairo Conference seemed to be conference on abortion, the theme of the conference was: Population, Sustainable Economic Growth, and Sustainable Development. Indonesia takes a very active role in the preparation of the world's population conference, including to conduct and initiate the summit population conference of the non-Aligned ministerial levelprior the Cairo Conference. The Cairo World Population Conference, has resulted in a substantally broad population Action Program, in which the implementation needs serious consideration on the heterogeneity of the respective countries to the priorities of development, cultural considerations, norms, religion, and law that prevails in the respective countries, yet the confenrence should consider the norm of the universal human rights. Out of various materials covered in the Population Action Program, reproductive health problems have become one of the important controversial sources. For this reason it has thus been agreed to accept a "new concept" of reproductive health programs emerge, particularly the family planning program of the country which should be expanded and qualified. Even thought the "new concept" of reproductive health covers sexual reproductive rights, it has been wholly agreed that abortion would not be promoted as one of the implementations of the family planning method. The target of quality in various field could be optimistically achiefed except the maternal mortality decline. Without a breaktrought effort in the new reproductive health sector the quantitative aims to reduce athe maternal mortality rate in Indonesia could never be achieved.
Dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, SU.M.Sc., Sc.D., adalah staf pengajar jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta dan pada saat ini diperbantukan pada Kantor Menteri Negara Kependudukan Bidang Pengendalian Kuantitas Penduduk.
KEBUTUHAN PENELITIAN UNTUK PENINGKATAN PROGRAM PELAYANAN KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI Firman Lubis* Abstract One important matter to be faced in improving the reproductive health is how to increase the coverage of KIA-KB service (Mother-and-Child Health Family Planning services) at the Puskesmas (Community Health Center) level. The Puskesmas also has the position of a reproductive health reference for the fieldworkers and facilities underneat it such as the traditional midwives, the Posyandu (Integrated Health Service Post), and the village midwives. This article puts special stress on the fact that the improvement of coverage and quality of reproductive health service have become subtantially important due to the still high maternal-and-infant morbidity rate, and the fertility rate. Besides, the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of the community towards reproductive health is still considered very limited. For this reason , a more specific study is advisable to be carried out to be able to provide certain inputs on how to increase the coverage as well as quality of KIA-KB sevices trough the existing health facilities.
Firman Lubis adalah staf Bagian Kedokteran Komunitas Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
BEBERAPA ASPEK ABORSI Prof. Dr. Masri Singarimbun* Abstract Abortion is prohibited by the law in Indonesia and it is permitted only on narrow medical grounds, i.e. to save the life of the pregnant woman.The Moslem religious leaders hold the same view. The incidence of illegal abortion is unknown. However, research findings in hospital show that induced abortion is increasing. Contraceptive failure is one of the important factors for married women which is associated to the motivation to have a relatively small family. Another factors is the changing sexual behaviour of unmarried women. People are much mobile nowadays and are experiencing more sexual stimulations through the mass media, films, and various entertainments.
In orders to prevent abortion among the unmarried there is thus a growing need for family planning information and services. It is, howevers, a very sensitive issue, and is unlikely that the government or the non goverment organizations would provide such services. Even those who experince contraceptive failures in the government family planning program have, in general, no access to save abortion.
Prof. Dr. Masri Singarimbun, adalah staf pengajar Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Gadjah Mada, dan Staf peneliti senior Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan Universitas Gadjah Mada.
KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI PEKERJA WANITA Muhadjir Darwin, Ph.D* Drs. Mahendra Wijaya, M.S* Abstract As a society becomes more modernized, the role of women in a working place is increasing, A quite large number of women work in various sectors: agriculture, industry, and services. While their participation contributes to the welfare of their family and society at large, the heat implication (particularly on reproductive health) needs condiserable attention. The study shows the incidence of various reproductive health problems in a working place and low attention given by the employer to this problem. Statutes and government regulations have been made to protect female labours from reproductive health problems, but this laws and regulations have not been implemented consistenlyby the employers. This sudy proposes to increase the government control on reproductive health service and protection given by employers to private industries, and to give the workers the right to organize themselves so that they can obtain the power to have reproductive health service as well as protection from their employers.
Muhadjir Darwin, Ph.D. adalah staf peneliti Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta dan staf pengajar Fakultas Isipol Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.
Drs. Mahendra Wijaya, M.S. adalah staf peneliti Pusat Studi Kependudukan Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. 3
PERAN DUKUN BERSALIN TRADISIONAL DALAM PERAWATAN KEHANILAN, PERTOLONGAN PERSALINAN, PERAWATAN PASCA PERSALINAN DAN KEPERCAYAAN Dr. Lestari Handayani, MPH* Abstract Delivery mortality rate is still considered high. One of the main reasons is the high rate of delivery assistance conducted by traditional midwives. To anticipate the problems and to obtain safe delivery, the government has decides to enact a program to appoint midwives to work int he village. A study was carried out on trained traditional midwives who play their role in the villages in the hope to study their role and development of these midwives in the future. The sudy was conducted in six village of two subdistricts in Tulung agung Regency. An interview and a survey were carried out to six traditional midwives and mothers-of-children-below-five years respectively in the study area. The Study shows that 67.1 percent of delivery case were assisted by traditional midwives. The role of traditional midwives during pregnancy care was considered low, yet was considered high during the delivery itself, the post partum services, and the belief in relation to pregnancy and delivery. The fact shows there is a considerable healty relation of social and delivery cooperation assistance between traditional midwives and trained midwives. It is sugested that improvement in knowledge and skills on delivery assistance be intensified. Besides, it is also suggested to improve the role of traditional village midwives to cooperate wuth trained midwives to guide the former in becoming the agents to convey the health program to its targets.
Dr. Lestari Handayani, MPH. Adalah staf peneliti Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesehatan Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
KONSEKUENSI PSIKOLOGIS DAN SOSIAL-EKONOMI KEHAMILAN TAK DIKEHENDAKI PADA REMAJA Dra. Yayah Kisbiyah* Abstract The improvement os sex information sources through various cahnnels has lately increased the knowledge on sex among the youth. This fact now become the basis of various sex pratices which is particularly due to the status od youths which is sensitive towards every external influences. Young people are a transitional position from childhood to adolescense. The field od reproductive health among the youth is one which is directly influenced by the process of the change. The extramarital sexual intercouse which has lately been increasingly popular has now become a serious problem. As a consequence, unwanted pregnancies have been an important phenomenon in the life of the youth. The paper describes the above tendency, and discusses the psychological and socioeconomic consequences caused by unwanted pregnancy among the youth.
Dra. Yayah Kisbiyah, adalah alumnus Fakultas Psikologi UGM. Kini bekerja sebagai dosen di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas muhammadiyah Surakarta, dan konsultan di Biro Konsultan Psikologi Alfafa Insan Utama, Yogyakarta.