Guide to Rice Varieties by Fine Cooking editors There are dozens of different ways to classify the scores of types of rice from all over the world, but rice is generally described as being long-, medium- or short-grained. These are some of the most common types you'll find in supermarkets and gourmet stores, as well as a few specialty rices that we're seeing more and more often. Long-Grain Rices
American long-grain white rice is the most familiar rice in American kitchens. It's often cooked by the absorption method—in a tightly covered pot with a measured amount of water, which gets completely absorbed by the rice—for a dry, fluffy texture with distinct grains.
American long-grain brown rice is the whole-grain version of its white counterpart—that is to say, the bran and germ layers are left intact, giving the rice a nutty, grainy flavor and a chewy bite. The pasta method (cooking the rice in a large pot of boiling water until tender, then draining off the excess water) is a quick way to cook brown rice evenly.
Basmati, the predominant rice in Indian and Pakistani cuisine, is marked by its extra-long grains and subtly nutty fragrance and flavor. It needs to soak for half an hour or more before cooking.
Jasmine rice, from Thailand, has long, translucent grains. When cooked, it has a seductive, slightly floral aroma and a soft, clingy texture. It should be washed before cooking to remove excess starch. Medium-Grain Rices
Japanese-style rice is used for sushi, but also served plain as a finish to a typical meal. It's slightly translucent when raw, and firm but a bit sticky when cooked (but don't confuse it with Japanese sticky rice, used for the sweets called mochi).
Bomba is the rice of choice for the Spanish classic paella. It absorbs up to twice as much liquid as long-grain rice, but without getting sticky, like shortgrain rice. Short-Grain Rices
Arborio rice is the most widely available variety of Italian superfino rice, used to make risotto (the other types include carnaroli and vialone nano). All of them have plump grains and a high proportion of amylopectin, a type of sticky starch that's responsible for the trademark creamy texture of risotto.
Short-grain brown rice, like other short-grained varieties, has a higher level of amylopectin, making it slightly sticky. The intact bran gives it more chew than white short-grain rice.
Specialty Rices
Wehani rice is a whole-grain, reddish-brown American hybrid of basmati and long-grain brown rice. Its intense chew and deep color make it popular for mixing with other rices in a pilaf. Or cook it solo via the absorption method.
Kalijira rice is a medium-grain rice from the Bengal region of India, often called "baby basmati" because of its diminutive size. It's traditionally cooked with the pasta method, and makes an intriguing alternative to basmati in a pilaf.
Wild rice isn't a true rice at all, but the seed of a grass native to North America. Despite the name, most "wild" rice sold in supermarkets today is actually cultivated (though truly wild rice can be found at specialty stores).
The long grains are deeply chewy, and add interest to pilafs and plain cooked rice varieties.
Chinese black rice, also known as forbidden rice, is increasingly available in specialty stores and even supermarkets. It's a whole-grain rice that cooks up firm, non-sticky, and tender. Its dramatic color (deep purple when cooked) makes it a particularly striking side dish or pilaf. Cook with the absorption method
Jenis Jenis beras Beras Merah Beras yang satu ini merupakan beras aromatik dengan memiliki warna coklat kemerahan serta memiliki rasa pedas dan tekstur yang kenyal. Beras ini bisa ditemukan di mana saja, baik di pasar tradisional maupun supermarket. Basmati Jenis beras ini sering ditemukan di daratan India, terkadang basmati sering disebut nasi popcorn. Basmati memiliki aroma, rasa, serta bentuk yang ramping. Beras ini pun tidak memiliki kelengketan seperti varietas beras lainnya.
Beras Lokal Sarinah Beras ini lebih dikenal di daerah Garut, beras ini ciri fisiknya bentuk panjang, warnanya terang dan rasanya pulen, beras ini juga tahan lama bisa disimpan lebih dari 3 bulan. Pandan wangi Ciri khasnya adalah aromanya yang wangi pandan, bentuk biji beras tidak panjang, tetapi cenderung bulat. Jika terdapat beras dengan biji yang panjang, tetapi wangi, maka dapat dipastikan beras itu telah dicampur dengan pewangi kimia. Selain bulat, beras pandan wangi juga berwarna sedikit kekuningan, tidak putih, tapi bening. Setra Ramos Beras satu ini paling banyak beredar di pasaran karena harganya sangat terjangkau dan relatif cocok dengan selera masyarakat perkotaan. Normalnya, beras jenis ini pulen jika dimasak menjadi nasi. Namun, setelah berumur terlalu lama (lebih dari 3 bulan), beras ini menjadi sedikit pera dan mudah basi ketika menjadi nasi. Beras ini memiliki ciri fisik agak panjang atau lonjong dan tidak bulat. Tidak mengeluarkan aroma wangi seperti pandan wangi. Seringkali pabrik atau pedagang beras menambahkan zat kimia pemutih, pelicin, dan pewangi pada beras ini. Jadi, berhati-hatilah jika menemukan beras berbentuk lonjong dan mengeluarkan aroma wangi karena bisa jadi beras tersebut telah ditambahkan pewangi kimia. Rojolele/Muncul/Toronol Biji beras cenderung bulat, memiliki sedikit bagian yang berwarna putih susu, dan tidak wangi seperti pandan wangi. Nama rojolele adalah sebutan dari daerah Jawa Tengah atau Jawa Timur. Namun, untuk daerah di Jawa Barat dan beberapa daerah lainnya, terkadang beras ini disebut beras Muncul. Beras C4
Ciri fisiknya mirip beras IR 42; sedikit lebih bulat tapi lebih kecil bentuknya. Beras ini memang masih minim ditemukan di pasaran karena jarang sekali ditanam oleh para petani. Beras Merah Ciri fisiknya sudah pasti berwarna merah, bentuknya ada yang panjang dan Bulat, beras ini lebih nikmat jika dimasak dengan cara diliwet (khas sunda). Beras Ketan Ciri fisiknya berwarna putih, bentuknya panjang dan bulat, beras ketan biasanya digunakan untuk membuat makanan ringan seperti ketan bakar
Guide to Rice Varieties by Fine Cooking editors There are dozens of different ways to classify the scores of types of rice from all over the world, but rice is generally described as being long-, medium- or short-grained. These are some of the most common types you'll find in supermarkets and gourmet stores, as well as a few specialty rices that we're seeing more and more often. Long-Grain Rices
American long-grain white rice is the most familiar rice in American kitchens. It's often cooked by the absorption method—in a tightly covered pot with a measured amount of water, which gets completely absorbed by the rice—for a dry, fluffy texture with distinct grains.
American long-grain brown rice is the whole-grain version of its white counterpart—that is to say, the bran and germ layers are left intact, giving the rice a nutty, grainy flavor and a chewy bite. The pasta method (cooking the rice in a large pot of boiling water until tender, then draining off the excess water) is a quick way to cook brown rice evenly.
Basmati, the predominant rice in Indian and Pakistani cuisine, is marked by its extra-long grains and subtly nutty fragrance and flavor. It needs to soak for half an hour or more before cooking.
Jasmine rice, from Thailand, has long, translucent grains. When cooked, it has a seductive, slightly floral aroma and a soft, clingy texture. It should be washed before cooking to remove excess starch.
Medium-Grain Rices
Japanese-style rice is used for sushi, but also served plain as a finish to a typical meal. It's slightly translucent when raw, and firm but a bit sticky when cooked (but don't confuse it with Japanese sticky rice, used for the sweets called mochi).
Bomba is the rice of choice for the Spanish classic paella. It absorbs up to twice as much liquid as long-grain rice, but without getting sticky, like shortgrain rice. Short-Grain Rices
Arborio rice is the most widely available variety of Italian superfino rice, used to make risotto (the other types include carnaroli and vialone nano). All of
them have plump grains and a high proportion of amylopectin, a type of sticky starch that's responsible for the trademark creamy texture of risotto.
Short-grain brown rice, like other short-grained varieties, has a higher level of amylopectin, making it slightly sticky. The intact bran gives it more chew than white short-grain rice. Specialty Rices
Wehani rice is a whole-grain, reddish-brown American hybrid of basmati and long-grain brown rice. Its intense chew and deep color make it popular for mixing with other rices in a pilaf. Or cook it solo via the absorption method.
Kalijira rice is a medium-grain rice from the Bengal region of India, often called "baby basmati" because of its diminutive size. It's traditionally cooked
with the pasta method, and makes an intriguing alternative to basmati in a pilaf.
Wild rice isn't a true rice at all, but the seed of a grass native to North America. Despite the name, most "wild" rice sold in supermarkets today is actually cultivated (though truly wild rice can be found at specialty stores). The long grains are deeply chewy, and add interest to pilafs and plain cooked rice varieties.
Chinese black rice, also known as forbidden rice, is increasingly available in specialty stores and even supermarkets. It's a whole-grain rice that cooks up firm, non-sticky, and tender. Its dramatic color (deep purple when cooked) makes it a particularly striking side dish or pilaf. Cook with the absorption method
Jenis Jenis beras
Beras Merah Beras yang satu ini merupakan beras aromatik dengan memiliki warna coklat kemerahan serta memiliki rasa pedas dan tekstur yang kenyal. Beras ini bisa ditemukan di mana saja, baik di pasar tradisional maupun supermarket. Basmati Jenis beras ini sering ditemukan di daratan India, terkadang basmati sering disebut nasi popcorn. Basmati memiliki aroma, rasa, serta bentuk yang ramping. Beras ini pun tidak memiliki kelengketan seperti varietas beras lainnya.
Beras Lokal Sarinah Beras ini lebih dikenal di daerah Garut, beras ini ciri fisiknya bentuk panjang, warnanya terang dan rasanya pulen, beras ini juga tahan lama bisa disimpan lebih dari 3 bulan. Pandan wangi Ciri khasnya adalah aromanya yang wangi pandan, bentuk biji beras tidak panjang, tetapi cenderung bulat. Jika terdapat beras dengan biji yang panjang, tetapi wangi, maka dapat dipastikan beras itu telah dicampur dengan pewangi kimia. Selain bulat, beras pandan wangi juga berwarna sedikit kekuningan, tidak putih, tapi bening. Setra Ramos Beras satu ini paling banyak beredar di pasaran karena harganya sangat terjangkau dan relatif cocok dengan selera masyarakat perkotaan. Normalnya, beras jenis ini pulen jika dimasak menjadi nasi. Namun, setelah berumur terlalu lama (lebih dari 3 bulan), beras ini menjadi sedikit pera dan mudah basi ketika menjadi nasi. Beras ini memiliki ciri fisik agak panjang atau lonjong dan tidak bulat. Tidak mengeluarkan aroma wangi seperti pandan wangi. Seringkali pabrik atau pedagang beras menambahkan zat kimia pemutih, pelicin, dan pewangi pada beras ini. Jadi, berhati-hatilah jika menemukan beras berbentuk lonjong dan mengeluarkan
aroma wangi karena bisa jadi beras tersebut telah ditambahkan pewangi kimia. Rojolele/Muncul/Toronol Biji beras cenderung bulat, memiliki sedikit bagian yang berwarna putih susu, dan tidak wangi seperti pandan wangi. Nama rojolele adalah sebutan dari daerah Jawa Tengah atau Jawa Timur. Namun, untuk daerah di Jawa Barat dan beberapa daerah lainnya, terkadang beras ini disebut beras Muncul. Beras C4 Ciri fisiknya mirip beras IR 42; sedikit lebih bulat tapi lebih kecil bentuknya. Beras ini memang masih minim ditemukan di pasaran karena jarang sekali ditanam oleh para petani. Beras Merah Ciri fisiknya sudah pasti berwarna merah, bentuknya ada yang panjang dan Bulat, beras ini lebih nikmat jika dimasak dengan cara diliwet (khas sunda). Beras Ketan Ciri fisiknya berwarna putih, bentuknya panjang dan bulat, beras ketan biasanya digunakan untuk membuat makanan ringan seperti ketan bakar