Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
SAMBUTAN Dear participants, On behalf of the committee, it is a great pleasure to welcome all of you to annual program Hardrock Festival 2015. The program was organized by SEG (Society of Economic Geologists) Student Chapter Universitas Padjadjaran. Hardrock Festival is a series of events consisted of paper competition, national seminar, and fieldtrip. This program aim to provide valuable information about the importance of learning the potential of mining in Indonesia to the participants. Sincere thanks to the organizer committee and in particular to our honorable judges and speakers, without whom the realization of this event would not be possible. We would also express our special thanks to PT. Newmont as our sponsor along with our media partner Pikiran Rakyat and Tambang Magazine for the ongoing support throughout the process of arranging Hardrock Festival 2015. The committees really appreciate all supports and helps given in this event. We expect that Hardrock Festival 2015 could provide new insight and enlightenment about Indonesia’s mining crisis and potential. Hopefully through this program, participants can have better understanding about mining condition in Indonesia. Warm regards, Adinda Erma Sovianty
Chairman of Organizing Committee Of Hardrock Festival 2015
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Hardrock Festival 2015 Hardrock Festival 2015 adalah serangkaian acara yang terdiri dari kompetisi paper, seminar nasional, serta fieldtrip yang akan dilaksanakan dalam waktu 3 hari. Kompetisi paper terdiri dari beberapa tahap, yaitu penyerahan abstrak, penyerahan full-paper dan presentasi. Sebagian peserta yang lolos tahap awal akan mempresentasikan paper di depan dewan juri pada hari pertama rangkaian acara Hardrock Festival. Dewanjuri di antaranya yaitu Ir. Rusman Rinawan, A. Fachrudin Arif, Ir. MS, dan Ir. Agus Didit Haryanto, MT. Seminar nasional akan membahas mengenai permasalahan dalam pertambangan di Indonesia. Seminar tersebut akan mengundang pembicara antara lain,yaitu Yoseph C.A. Swamidharma ST., MSc. (Chief of Implementation Dept. KCMI), Ir. Arif Zardi Dahlius, M.T. (Chief of MGEI Indonesia), dan Ir. Yoga Suryanegara, MAusIMM (CPI IAGI). Kegiatan fieldtrip akan berlokasi di lokasi tambang PT Cibaliung Sumberdaya. Fieldtrip tersebut akan mengkaji mengenai deposit low sulphidation di daerah tersebut. Selain itu di dalam fieldtrip peserta akan diperkenalkan dengan kondisi pertambangan emas di lapangan.
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Waktu Pelaksanaan Kegiatan presentasi kompetisi paper Hardrock Festival 2015 akan dilaksanakan pada: hari/ tanggal
: Selasa, 25 November 2015
: 08.00 - selesai
:Ruang Kolokium 4 Fakultas Teknik Geologi, Universitas Padjadjaran
Kegiatan seminar nasional Hardrock Festival 2015 akan dilaksanakan pada: hari/ tanggal
: Rabu, 26 November 2015
: 08.00 - selesai
: Bale Santika, Universitas Padjadjaran
Adapun kegiatan fieldtrip akan dilaksanakan pada: hari/ tanggal
: Rabu - Kamis, 26-27 November 2015
: PT Antam, Cibaliung
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Denah Lokasi
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Paper Competition No Acara
Briefing dan persiapan
Registrasi Ulang
Safety Moment
Presentasi 1
Presentasi 2
Presentasi 3
Performance band SEG
11. Presentasi 4
12. Presentasi 5
13. Presentasi 6
14. Penutupan dan foto bersama
National Seminar No Acara
07.30 - 08.00
Opening ceremony
08.00 - 08.30
08.30 - 09.10
Seminar sesi I: Gold Comodity
09.10 - 10.10
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Sesi tanya jawab
1010 - 10.25
Coffee break
10.25 - 1040
Seminar sesi II: Coal Comodity
10.40 - 11.40
Sesi tanya jawab
11.40 - 11.55
11.55 - 12.50
10. Seminar sesi III: Nickel Comodity
12.55 - 13.55
11. Sesi tanya jawab
13.55 - 14.10
12. Kesimpulan
14.10 - 14.15
13. Penutup
26 November 2015 No Acara 1. Berkumpul di gerbang BNI Berangkat menuju PT Cibaliung 2. Sumberdaya
Waktu 20.30 - 21.00 21.00 - 07.00
27 November 2015 No Acara 1. Tiba di PT Cibaliung Sumberdaya Istirahat sarapan pagi dan persiapan 2. kegiatan 3 Safety Induction Pengenalan tentang PT Cibaliung Sumberdaya Kegiatan di PT Cibaliung 4. Sumberdata 5. Ishoma Melanjutkan kegiatan di PT 6. Cibaliung Sumberdaya 7. Istirahat dan persiapan pulang 8. Berangkat menuju Unpad Jatinangor 9. Tiba di Unpad Jatinangor
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Waktu 07.00 07.00 - 08.00 08.00 - 09.30 09.30 - 12.30 12.30 - 13.15 13.15 - 15.00 15.00 - 16.00 16.00 - 02.00 02.00
Peserta Paper Competition
Dian Yesy Fatimah
Characteristic Alteration
Of And
Mineralization Ephitermal
of System
Randu Kuning Prospect , Selogiri District, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java
R.D. Mahantara
The Spacial Characteristic of Th 232 with Cassiterite and its Associated Minerals in
Andi Laksamana
Geokimia Batuan Daerah Selatan Sulawesi : Mencari Potensi Kehadiran Logam Tanah
Menjawab Tantangan Masa
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Tanah Jarang
Mohammad Bagus
concept in coal mine: coalfired Powerplant Build Plan in South Sumatera Basin
Reyhan Naufal Julias
Genesis and Implication on Eco-enviro Aspect for the people Around the Mining site
Understanding Gemstones
on the
Jasper, Case Study from Tanalumand
Titip Anillahi
dari Lumut Sungai
Dareh, dan Lumut Aceh, Berdasarkan
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Aditya Arief Pamungkas
Hydrothermal sifat
Terhadap dan
Hubungannya Perkembangan
Sifat dalam dengan Jenis
Longsoran dan Rekayasa GeoteknikTerkait Longsoran di Pit Araren, PT.
Nusa Jaya, Minahasa Utara
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
The Spatial Characteristic of Th232 With Cassiterite and Its Associated Minerals in Southern Bangka, Indonesia R. D. Mahantara*, T. T. Wijaya* * Undergraduate Student, Department of Geology, Faculty Of Earth Sciences And Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung E-mail :
[email protected]
ABSTRACT The development of REE in Indonesia has been growing. Up to this day an experimental extracting factories is almost completed in Muntok area, Konsortium of REE is already established, and the exploration is still going. One of the REE which has many benefits and still poorly understood is Th232, this element is compulsory in nuclear power plant and in another application. In order to research a new ideas and method in Th232 exploration, a secondary data research are conducted and reported as this paper. This paper is a study which focused in learning the spatial relationship between Th232 and Cassiterite with its associated minerals, since both have genetic similarities, due to Xenotime, Zircon, and Monazite which are Cassiterit’s associated minerals are the host of Th232 element. The methods used in this study begin with statistical and graphical analysis of 33 composite drilling sample from the PSDG REE expedition in Southern Bangka 2013 to determine the mineral which has high coefficient correlation with Th232, and continued by applying multivariate geostatistical technique to create stochastic map of Th232 distibution. The analysis resulted that Th232 is highly unrelated with any of the minerals when the concentration of Cassiterite is below 1%. Above that threshold, Th232 has highest coefficient correlation with Ilmenit which is 0.56, while the other mineral is below 0.1, by using this pattern, Ilmenit is analyzed by using multivariate geostatistic as the covariable and Th232 as the predictant, the resulted stochastic map of Th232 shows the highest Th232 is concentrated in SW part of the map while showing anisotropic pattern NW-SW. The results concluded that Th232 is accumulated in rich cassiterite areas, and Ilmenite probably can be used as one of the tracing minerals in Th232 exploration. Keywords : Th232, Geostatistical Analysis, Exploration, Southern Bangka, Indonesia.
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
CHARACTERISTICS OF ALTERATION AND GOLD MINERALIZATION OF EPITHERMAL SYSTEM OF RANDU KUNING PROSPECT, SELOGIRI DISTRICT, WONOGIRI REGENCY, CENTRAL JAVA Dian Yesy Fatimah*, Fahmi Hakim, Anggara Widyastanto *Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Grafika 2 Bulaksumur 55281, Yogyakarta *Email:
[email protected]
ABSTRACT Randu Kuning prospect includes Jendi village, most Kepatihan and Keloran village, Selogiri district, Wonogiri regency. Randu Kuning prospect is identified has porphyry system deposit in sufficient depth. The local gold mining by local people which is done by following the shallow vein path way indicate the epithermal system that is formed in prophyry deposit environment. This research aims to understanding characteristics of alteration, ore mineralization especially gold, and genetic formation of epithermal deposit. The method that is used in this research are field study that include the observation of lithological aspect and geological structure, laboratory analysis method such as mineragrphy, petrogrphy and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), Fluid inclusion analysis and ore geochemical analysis by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) method. The result from this research show that the main lithology in this area is diorite that intruded by microdiorite and there are andesit breccia and lithic tuff too. Geological structures that control in this area are reverse fault with W-E trending, Sinistral strike-slip fault with SW-NE trending that approximate to N-S trending and Dextral strikeslip fault with NW-SE trending. The alteration that occurs in Randu Kuning prospect are prophyllitic, phyllic-potassic, argillic and advanced argillic alteration. The epithermal veins has main orientation to N-S. Ore mineralization that occurs in this area are pyrite (FeS2), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), sphalerite (ZnS), galena (PbS), go ld (Au) in electrum and native gold form, chalcocite (Cu2S), covellite (CuS), bornite (Cu5FeS4), magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (Fe2O3). The epithermal system deposit that formed can be classified as epithermal low-sulfidation system that overprint with porphyry Cu-Au (Porphyry Related to Low Sulfidation) with Quartz-Sulphide Au and Carbonate base metal Au type deposit where the epithermal deposit is generated from new heat source supply or from the intrussion with diffrent period that showed by the cross cutting relationship of epithermal veins with porphyry system. Key words : Hydrothermal alteration, Gold mineralization, Epithermal deposit, Selogiri
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Economic and environment efficiency concept in Coal Mine : Coal-fired Powerplant Build Plan in South Sumatera Basin Mohammad Bagus Pranata, Clarista Angela Department of Geological Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Diponegoro University
ABSTRACT Indonesia’s first quarterly coal production on 2015 is 97 million tons or 12% lessened than 2014. Not only that, the price reduction also made 331 coal producers in Sumatera stopped their production (Ministry of Resource, 2015). Economy, environment friendly technology, and cleaner fuel made many countries stopped using coal which successfully powered industry revolution. This research suggests a potential system to restore the passion to use coal in Indonesia by solving the economic and environment problems. South Sumatera Basin is selected to be our research object, and it has Kasai, Muara Enim, and Air Bekanat geology formation which has coal to 1000 meters deep with thickness variation from centimeters to more than a meter (Amanda Putriyani et al, 2014). Methodology used in this study is combining literature study and research report with suggested new concept. Literature study and research report produced data such as stratigraphy condition and research field’s well log whilst our suggested new concept is to build a coal-fired power plant on coal mine site to supply electricity to its own site and the surrounding region. The emission from power plant will cause global warming, which will be solved by combining the coal-fired power plant with CCS (Carbon Capture Storage) to unmineable coal seams. Economically, this concept will reduce coal transportation costs, reduce the company electricity cost, even bring about income from producing 2000Mw electricity for outside mine’s electricity needs. Environmentally, coal-fired power plant emits 4,000 tons CO2 per year which can be reduced up to 100% by using CCS system. This concept can even produce methane gas, with the total of Gas In Place (GIP) 1.49 Tcf. Realizing this concept will be a hard challenge but if applied well, this concept potentially able to make coal an economic and environmentally friendly resource in the future. Keywords : Coal-fired Powerplant, CCS, Economy, Environment, South Sumatera
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
[email protected]
ABSTRAK Logam Tanah Jarang (LTJ) merupakan lima belas unsur dengan nomor atom 57 sampai 71, dari lanthanum sampai lutetium (lantanida), ditambah itrium (39), yang secara kimia sama dengan unsure lantanida sehingga termasuk dalam LTJ. Meskipun permintaan industri untuk unsur ini relatif kecil dalam satuan tonasi, unsure ini sangat diperlukan dalam pengembangan peralatan teknologi tinggi. Peralatan tersebut dapat berupa magnet, campuran logam untuk baterai, dan peralatan untuk membangun energi alternatif, seperti kendaraan listrik, lampu hemat energi dan turbin angin. LTJ juga digunakan daalam system pertahanan dan pengembangan kualitas material lainnya. Ekspektasi LTJ akan menjadi bahan pendukung berkembangnya industri energi alternatif menggantikan energi migas yang cadangannya semakin berkurang. LTJ seperti logam lainnya bersifat tidak dapat diperbaharui sehingga pencarian sumber LTJ terus dilakukan. Mengingat pentingnya unsur tersebut, maka penting untuk mengetahui lokasi keterdapatan dari unsur LTJ ini. Berdasarkan data tambang LTJ di dunia, maka secara umum penemuan LTJ didapatkan dalam batuan karbonatit; endapan rombakan batuan karbonatit, granit alkalin, dan batuan alkalin lainnya; batuan granit alkalin; hasil sampingan dari pengolahan suatu komoditi, seperti timah; residu pelapukan batuan granitik, seperti kaolin; dan batuan agpaitik. Secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa LTJ lebih banyak ditemukan dalam batuan alkalin dan hasil pelapukannya. Di Indonesia sendiri, batuan alkalin dapat ditemukan di Bangka Belitung, Pegunngan Tigapuluh, Parmonangan, serta daerah lain di Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Papua. Keberadaan batuan alkalin di Sulawesi dapat ditemukan pada daerah Mamasa, Masamba, Polewali dan Palu dengan area yang cukup luas. Singkapan batuan yang ditemukan sebagian besar telah mengalami pelapukan, Berdasarkan penelitian geokimia yang dilakukan oleh Adi Maulana, et. al, batuan tersebut mengandung SiO2 51,1% - 65,7% dan Al2O3 13,2% - 25,1% untuk daerah Mamasa SiO2 52,9% - 67,8% dan Al2O3 13,3% - 23,0% untuk daerah Palu. Pada penelitian yang sama juga diketahui bahwa jumlah LTJ total dalam batuan tersebut berkisar 83,1 ppm – 493,1 ppm untuk daerah Mamasa dan 140,6 ppm – 314,3 ppm untuk daerah Palu. Hal ini mengindikasikan kehadiran LTJ pada daerah selatan Pulau Sulawesi. Kata Kunci : LTJ, Jenis Batuan di Selatan Sulawesi, Kadar LTJ
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Genesis and Implication on Eco-Enviro Aspect for the People Around the Mining Site: an Approach on Understanding the Gemstone Resources of Jasper, Case Study from Tanalum and Penaruban Village, Purbalingga Reyhan Naufal Julias, Farchan Nauval, Akbar Suhada Geological Engineering, University of Diponegoro
ABSTRACT Purbalingga is one of many cities known as pancawarna and nagasui handcraft producer in Indonesia. Those kind of handcrafts are made from Jasper. Jasper is a part of the Chalcedony group which has hardness from 6 to 7 at Mohs scale. It is formed in intrusion body of andesitic-basaltic magma as veins by the process of hydrothermal fluids, forming green jasper and red jasper veins which are associated with quartz vein. This new approach of research purposely made to understand its exploitation process and the impact for local people. It’s very important to know the differences between 2 sites and their characteristics which consist of type of the source (primary or placer), the exploitation method, the product quality and the implication for eco-enviro impact. Field observations and people interviews are executed in both primary and secondary type of source.The primary one is at Tanalum Village and almost all outcrops are in the waterfall area. The second site located in the Klawing riverside at Penaruban Village. In Tanalum, the primary mine, mining activity is done traditionally by taking jasper from rock’s fractures using traditional tools. That activites causes unstability in nature. Miners are able to obtain 5 kilograms a day, a kilo priced 20,000 rupiahs. Placer mining in Penaruban village is done by using peeper made of PVC pipe to see jasper pieces which washed away by river’s current during transportation from the provenance. This method deemed safe for nature because no damage made to the outcrop. Moreso, placer sediment tends to have better quality because the jasper boulder has gone through washing process, leaving only resistent parts of it. From both methods related to sustainable development consideration could be known that the best mining site is the placer mining one at all aspects. Keyword : jasper, field observation, Purbalingga
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Pengaruh Alterasi Hidrothermal Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Sifat Mekanik Batuan dalam Hubungannya dengan Perkembangan Jenis Longsoran dan Rekayasa Geoteknik Terkait Longsoran Di Pit Araren, PT. Tambang Tondano Nusa Jaya, Minahasa Utara Aditya Arief Pamungkas1), Hasan Tri Atmojo2)* *Teknik Geologi, Universitas Diponegoro
ABSTRAK Zona alterasi hidrothermal di Pit Araren, PT. Tambang Tondano Nusajaya dapat dibedakan ke dalam 2 zona alterasi berdasarkan komposisi mineral penyusunya yaitu zona alterasi argilik dan zona alterasi propilitik. Dari hasil analisis XRD dapat diketahui bahwa pada zona alterasi argilik mineral illit dan smektit merupakan mineral ubahan yang paling banyak dijumpai, sedangkan pada zona alterasi propilitik disusun oleh himpunan mineral klorit-illit-kalsit dan klorit-illitepidot. Dari hasil uji kuat tekan menunjukkan bahwa pada zona alterasi argilik memiliki kuat tekan batuan berkisar antara 1,1 MPa, sedangkan kohesi 0,3 kN/m2, bobot isi 0,0020 kN/m3, sudut geser dalam 39o, sedangkan pada zona alterasi propilitik kuat tekan batuan (UCS) berkisar 15,8 MPa, bobot isi 0,0028 kN/m 3, kohesi 3,21/1,26 kN/m2, dan sudut geser dalam 43o. Dari hasil pengamatan pada kurva persentase mineral terhadap nilai kuat tekan, bobot isi, kohesi, dan sudut geser dalam pada batuan dapat diketahui bahwa semakin banyak persentase mineral illit dan smektit, maka kekuatan batuan akan semakin menurun. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena mineral illit dan smektit merupakan mineral lempung yang memiliki daya kembang susut (swelling) yang besar. Kembang susut tersebut menyebabkan penurunan nilai tegangan efektif sehingga nilai kekuatan batuan akan semakin rendah. Keberadaan mineral lempung pada zona argilik juga akan menyebabkan turunnya nilai sudut geser dalam dan bobot isi batuan yang berpengaruh terhadap kestabilan lereng tambang. Pada zona alterasi argilik kekuatan massa batuan lebih rendah dari pada kekuatan massa batuan pada zona alterasi propilitik. Jenis longsoran yang terbentuk pada zona alterasi argilik lebih cenderung membentuk tipe longsoran rotational sliding, hal ini disebabkan karena kekuatan massa batuan pada zona alterasi argilik yang rendah dan mineral primer pada batuan terubahkan menjadi mineral lempung. Sedangkan pada zona alterasi argilik, jenis longsoran yang berkembang merupakan jenis longsoran translasional sliding yang dikontrol oleh adanya bidang diskontinu dengan arah yang relatif searah dengan arah lereng. Oleh karena itu, perbedaan jenis longsoran pada masing-masing zona alterasi menyebabkan rekayasa geoteknik yang dilakukan juga berbeda. Pada zona alterasi argilik dapat dipasang horizontal drainage untuk mengurangi jumlah air yang tersimpan pada lempung sehingga efek swelling lempung dapat diminimalisir, sedangkan pada zona alterasi propilitik rekayasa geoteknik yang dilakukan berupa pemasangan wiremesh/judnet untuk mencegah gerakan tanah berupa jatuhan batuan akibat adanya bidang diskontinu. Keyword : Zona Alterasi, kekuatan massa batuan, jenis longsoran, rekayasa geoteknik
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition
Komposisi Mineral dari Batumulia Jenis Lumut Suliki, Lumut Sungai Dareh dan Lumut Aceh Berdasarkan Analisis Petrografi Titip Anillahi, Yolla Budiana, Ristio Efendi. Fakultas Teknik Geologi Universitas Padjadjaran Jl. Raya Bandung – Sumedang KM.21, Jatinangor, 45363 Email:
[email protected]
ABSTRAK Keberadaan batumulia kini sedang menjadi isu hangat di masyarakat Indonesia bukan hanya terbatas di kalangan geologi. Keindahan dan perpaduan warna yang berasal dari gabungan-gabungan komposisi mineral-mineral yang terdapat dalam batumulai tersebut telah membuat objek ini begitu terkenal dewasa ini. Salah satu jenis batumulia yang terkenal adalah batumulia berjenis Krisopas atau dikenal juga dengan nama batu lumuik (lumut). Terdapat berbagai jenis Batu lumut yang memiliki karakteristik khas dari daerah asalnya. Beberapa batu lumut yang terkenal di Indonesia yaitu lumut Suliki, Lumut Sungai Dareh, dan Lumut Aceh. Batulumut merupakan mineral berjenis krisopas dengan komposisi mineral yang kaya akan silika mikrokristalin serta mineral-mineral lain sebagai pembentuk corak lumut berwarna hijau-merah. Penelitian dilakukan untuk membedakan komposisi mineral dari lumut Suliki, lumut Sungai Dareh, dan lumut Aceh, dan menghubungkannya dengan formasi keterbentukannya. Analisis petrografi dilakukan pada 3 contoh sayatan tipis yaitu lumut suliki, lumut sungai dareh, dan lumut aceh yang di ambil dari tambang batumulia di lokasi masing-masing. Kata Kunci: Lumut, Suliki, Sungai Dareh, Aceh, Batumulia,
Society of Economic Geologists Padjadjaran University Student Chapter Hard Rock Festival 2015 Paper Competition