Kata Sambutan/Greetings Ungkapan syukur dan terima kasih kita panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus karena atas penyertaan dan campur tangannya Retreat keluarga Jemaat IPC Randwick dapat dilaksanakan. Dan kepada seluruh panitia penyelenggara retreat telah banyak bekerja keras di belakang layar dalam mempersiapkan retreat ini sampai pada pelaksanaannya pada saat ini, kira-Nya Tuhan Yesus yang memberkati-Nya senantiasa. Penyelenggaraan retreat ini dengan tujuan utama adalah agar setiap jemaat dan seluruh peserta retreat dapat mengalami sukacita sejati yaitu keselamatan jiwa dan hidup yang bertujuan memuliakan Tuhan serta setiap jemaat memiliki kerinduan berjumpa dengan Tuhan memperoleh tuntunan dan arahan melakukan kehendak-Nya melalui firman Tuhan. Retreat saat ini dihadiri sekitar 300 jemaat (dari usia anak sampai pada usia dewasa) dan dilayani oleh 2 pembicara utama yaitu: Pdt Hari Soegianto (dosen STT SAAT Malang) dan Rev. Mark Powell (mantan moderator Presbytery NSW). Kiranya melalui 2 pembicara kita saat ini dapat memberikan berkat bagi setiap jemaat dan simpatisan IPC Randwick. Maka mewakili segenap majelis dan jemaat mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ke 2 pembicara kita yang telah bersedia memenuhi undangan pelayanan retreat tgl 9 – 11 Oktober 2015 di Wollonggong Surf Leisure Resort dengan tema: You are Precious in His Eyes. Akhir kata, selaku gembala jemaat IPC randwick berharap semakin hari semakin bertambah jiwa-jiwa baru yang boleh mengalami anugerah keselamatan-Nya dan setiap kita dapat mengalami dan merasakan pertumbuhan iman dengan kehidupan yang penuh kebahagiaan di dalam Tuhan. Immanuel! Tuhan berserta kita selalu!.
Teriring salam dan doa,
Rekan sepelayanan di ladang Tuhan 3
Contents Kata Sambutan/Greetings .................................................................................................................... 3 Contents ..................................................................................................................................................... 4! Session 1: Remember Your Creator ................................................................................................... 5! Session 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8! Session 3 ....................................................................................................................................................13! Session 4................................................................................................................................................... 18! Sunday Service: Living As A Man Of God ..................................................................................... 23! Renungan – Saturday, 10th October 2015 ........................................................................................ 27! Devotional – Saturday, 10th October 2015 ....................................................................................... 29! Renungan – Sunday, 11th October 2015 .............................................................................................31! Devotional – Sunday, 11th October 2015 .......................................................................................... 33! Map ........................................................................................................................................................... 35! Jadwal/Time Table ............................................................................................................................... 36!
Session 1: Remember your creator (Combined)
Songs Your Grace is Enough Words and music by Matt Maher
[Verse 1] Great is Your faithfulness oh God You wrestle with the sinner's heart You lead us by still waters and to mercy And nothing can keep us apart [Pre-Chorus] So remember Your people Remember Your children Remember Your promise Oh God [Chorus] Your grace is enough Your grace is enough Your grace is enough for me
[Verse 2] Great is Your love and justice God You use the weak to lead the strong You lead us in the song of Your salvation And all Your people sing along [Chorus 2] Your grace is enough Heaven reaching down to us Your grace is enough for me Your grace is enough I'm covered in your love Your grace is enough for me For me
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) Words and music by Chris Tomlin; John Newton; Louie Giglio
[Verse 1] Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now I'm found Was blind, but now I see [Verse 2] 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed [Chorus] My chains are gone, I've been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns Unending love, amazing grace [Verse 3] The Lord has promised good to me His word my hope secures He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures [Verse 4] The earth shall soon dissolve like snow The sun forbear to shine But God who called me here below Will be forever mine, will be forever mine You are forever mine 5
Session 1: Remember your creator (Combined)
Session 1: Remember your creator (Combined)
Session 2 Indonesian – Breaking the power of sin
Songs Dia Tak Pernah Gagal Words and music by Jusuf Leonard
[Verse] Dia tak pernah gagal, kar'na Dia Allah Dia tak pernah lalai, Dia jamin FirmanNya [Chorus] S'bab Dia Allah, Raja s'gala raja Kekuatanku, perisaiku, dan gunung batuku
Bersoraklah, puji, sembah Dia Yesusku, Raja mulia Yesusku, Allah perkasa Yesusku, Allah pemenang Yesus Raja
Oleh Kuasa Darah-Mu Words and music by Ludianto, Daniel, Caroline
[Verse 1] Saat ku masuk ke hadiratMu Bawa persembahan ke tempat kudusMu Pujian kunaikkan sembah kuberikan BagiMu Allah yang mulia [Verse 2] Kau layakkanku, menghampiriMu Melihat tahta kemuliaanMu Tuhan Pujian kunaikkan sembah kuberikan BagiMu Allah yang mulia
[Chorus] Oleh kuasa darahMu Kau t'lah tebus dosaku KekudusanMu melingkupiku KasihMu mengalir Memulihkan hidupku Sungguh besar anug'rahMu Kau s'lamatkan hidupku Ku menjadi ciptaan yang baru Oleh kuasa darahMu
Session 2 English
Songs By Faith Words and music by Keith Getty; Kristyn Getty; Stuart Townend
[Verse 1] By faith we see the hand of God In the light of creation's grand design In the lives of those who prove His faithfulness Who walk by faith and not by sight [Verse 2] By faith our fathers roamed the earth With the pow'r of His promise in their hearts Of a holy city built by God's own hand A place where peace and justice reign [Chorus 1] We will stand as children of the promise We will fix our eyes on Him our soul's reward Till the race is finished and the work is done We'll walk by faith and not by sight
[Verse 3] By faith the prophets saw a day When the longed-for Messiah would appear With the pow'r to break the chains of sin and death And rise triumphant from the grave [Verse 4] By faith the church was called to go In the pow'r of the Spirit to the lost To deliver captives and to preach good news In ev'ry corner of the earth [Verse 5] By faith the mountain shall be moved And the pow'r of the gospel shall prevail For we know in Christ all things are possible For all who call upon His name
All I Have is Christ Words and music by Chris Tomlin; Jesse Reeves; Matt Maher; Matt Redman
[Verse 1] I once was lost in darkest night Yet thought I knew the way The sin that promised joy and life Had led me to the grave I had no hope that You would own A rebel to Your will And if You had not loved me first I would refuse You still
[Verse 2] But as I ran my hell-bound race Indifferent to the cost You looked upon my helpless state And led me to the cross And I beheld God's love displayed You suffered in my place You bore the wrath reserved for me Now all I know is grace
Session 2 English
Songs All I Have is Christ Words and music by Chris Tomlin; Jesse Reeves; Matt Maher; Matt Redman
[Chorus] Hallelujah all I have is Christ Hallelujah Jesus is my life [Verse 3] Now Lord I would be Yours alone And live so all might see The strength to follow Your commands
Could never come from me O Father use my ransomed life In any way You choose O Father use my ransomed life In any way You choose And let my song forever be My only boast is You
In Christ Alone Words and music by Keith Getty; Stuart Townend
{Verse 1] In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light my strength my song This Cornerstone this solid Ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm What heights of love what depths of peace When fears are stilled when strivings cease My Comforter my All in All Here in the love of Christ I stand [Verse 2] In Christ alone who took on flesh Fullness of God in helpless babe This gift of love and righteousness Scorned by the ones He came to save Till on that cross as Jesus died The wrath of God was satisfied For every sin on Him was laid Here in the death of Christ I live
[Verse 3] There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain Then bursting forth in glorious Day Up from the grave He rose again And as He stands in victory Sin's curse has lost its grip on me For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious blood of Christ [Verse 4] No guilt in life no fear in death This is the power of Christ in me From life's first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny No power of hell no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from His hand Till He returns or calls me home Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
Session 2 Sermon
Session 2 Sermon
Session 3 Indonesian – You must be born again
Songs Junjungan yang Kupilih Words and music by He Lives; A. H. Ackley; Translation by E.L. Pohan
[Verse 1] Junjungan yang ‘ku pilih, Yesusku Penebus. Yang bangkit dari mati, berkuasa seterus Kendati banyak orang mengejek, mencela, ‘ku ikut suaraNya, lembut mesra [Chorus] Benar, benarlah hidup Yesusku. Bersamaku di jalanku, suaraNya ‘ku dengar. Benar, benarlah hidup Yesusku. Dimana Dia ‘ku dengar? Di dalam hatiku!
[Verse 2] Di mana, kapan saja KasihNya pun jelas Di saat ‘ku gelisah dihibur ‘ku lekas. Di hujan, angin ribut, dipimpin langkahku, ‘ku yakin, kami nanti ‘kan bertemu. [Verse 3] Menyanyilah umatNya, memuji Tuhanmu! Nyanyikan: Haleluya, agungkan Rajamu Harapan bagi orang yang mau mencariNya, sebab Yesusmu hidup selamanya
Bejana-Mu Words and music by Andre Hermanto; Sari Simorangkir
[Verse 1] Hanya kepadaMu kubawa seluruh kehidupanku S'bagai persembahan yang kudus Dan yang berkenan kepadaMu Karna kasihMu Kau memilihku Kini ku datang kepadaMu penuhi panggilanMu
[Chorus] Ini aku bejanaMu bentuklah sesuai kehendakMu Tuk genapi firmanMu Oh Yesusku jadikanku alat yang indah di mataMu Bejana yang sempurna sepertiMu
Session 3 English
Songs Jerusalem Words and music by Jonny Robinson; Rich Thompson
[Verse 1] See Him in Jerusalem Walking where the crowds are Once these streets had sung to Him Now they cry for murder Such a frail and lonely Man Holding up the heavy cross See Him walking in Jerusalem On the road to save us
[Verse 3] See Him there upon the cross Now no longer breathing Dust that formed the watching crowds Takes the blood of Jesus Feel the earth is shaking now See the veil is split in two And He stood before the wrath of God Shielding sinners with His blood
[Verse 2] See Him there upon the hill Hear the scorn and laughter Silent as a lamb He waits Praying to the Father See the King who made the sun And the moon and shining stars Let the soldiers hold and nail Him down So that He could save them
[Verse 4] See the empty tomb today Death could not contain Him Once the Servant of the world Now in vict’ry reigning Lift your voices to the One Who is seated on the throne See Him in the New Jerusalem Praise the One who saved us
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) Words and music by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel; Chris Tomlin
[Verse 1] I stand amazed in the presence Of Jesus the Nazarene And wonder how He could love me A sinner condemned unclean
[Verse 2] He took my sins and my sorrows He made them His very own He bore the burden to Calvary And suffered and died alone
[Chorus] (Singing) How marvelous how wonderful And my song shall ever be How marvelous how wonderful Is my Savior's love for me
[Verse 3] And with the ransomed in glory His face I at last shall see T'will be my joy through the ages To sing of His love for me
Session 3 English
Songs The Saving One Words and music by Jon Neufeld; Mia Fieldes; Tim Neufeld
[Verse 1] What mercy was revealed What selflessness and peace My fate was surely sealed Until He rescued me His pardon for my sin His bounty for my need From slavery and shame I am redeemed [Chorus] And heaven can't contain The glory of the Son Jesus is the Christ The Saving One His love has made a way The grave is overcome Jesus is the Christ The Saving One
[Verse 2] No fear can hold me down No darkness steal my joy For blood has been poured out The enemy destroyed Death could not hold Him down The cross was not enough To steal away His love For He is God [Bridge] And anyone who calls upon His name They will be saved They will be saved Anyone who calls upon His name They will be saved They will be saved
Session 3 Sermon
Session 3 Sermon
Session 4 Indonesian – We are the reason
Songs Hatiku Percaya Words by Sari Simorangkir; Music by Handy Iskandar
[Verse] Tuhanlah kekuatan dan mazmurku Dia gunung batu dan kes'lamatanku Hanya padaMu hatiku percaya Kaulah menara dan kota perlindungan
[Chorus] Ku mau s'lalu bersyukur S'bab cintaMu padaku Takkan pernah berubah Hatiku percaya Walau bumi bergoncang Gunung-gunung beranjak Namun kasih setiaMu Tak pergi dariku
Erat Dengan Hati-Mu Words and music by Jonathan Prawira
[Verse 1] Betapa ajaib dan dahsyatnya Tuhan Kejadianku Kau menenun diriku serupa GambaranMu Sungguh berharga di mataMu Tuhan Kehidupanku Kau membawa hatiku mendekat Erat dengan hatiMu
[Chorus] Ku mengangkat wajahku Memandang keindahanMu Yesus Syukur bagi kesetiaanMu Di sepanjang hidupku Dan kuangkat tanganku Ke tahta kasih dan karuniaMu Tak sekalipun Kau tinggalkanku Yesus sahabatku
Session 4 English
Songs Man of Sorrows Words and music by Brooke Ligertwood; Matt Crocker
[Verse 1] Man of sorrows Lamb of God By His own betrayed The sin of man and wrath of God Has been on Jesus laid
[Verse 3] Sent of heaven God's own Son To purchase and redeem And reconcile the very ones Who nailed Him to that tree
[Verse 2] Silent as He stood accused Beaten mocked and scorned Bowing to the Father's will He took a crown of thorns
[Bridge] Now my debt is paid It is paid in full By the precious blood That my Jesus spilled Now the curse of sin Has no hold on me Whom the Son sets free Oh is free indeed
[Chorus] Oh that rugged cross My salvation Where Your love poured out over me Now my soul cries out Hallelujah Praise and honour unto Thee
See the stone is rolled away Behold the empty tomb Hallelujah God be praised He's risen from the grave
The Love of God Words and music by Frederick Martin Lehman; Meir Ben Isaac Nehorai
[Verse 1] The love of God is greater far Than tongue or pen can ever tell It goes beyond the highest star And reaches to the lowest hell The guilty pair bowed down with care God gave His Son to win His erring child He reconciled And pardoned from His sin [Chorus] Hallelujah (x3) O love of God how rich and pure
How measureless and strong It shall forevermore endure The saints and angels song [Verse 2] When years of time shall pass away And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall When men who here refuse to pray On rocks and hills and mountains call God's love so sure shall still endure All measureless and strong Redeeming grace to Adam's race The saints and angels song 19
Session 4 English
Songs The Love of God Words and music by Frederick Martin Lehman; Meir Ben Isaac Nehorai
[Verse 3] Could we with ink the ocean fill And were the skies of parchment made Were every stalk on earth a quill And every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of god above Would drain the ocean dry Nor could the scroll contain the whole Though stretched from sky to sky
Jesus Thank You Words and music by Brooke Ligertwood; Matt Crocker
[Verse 1] The mystery of the cross I cannot comprehend The agonies of Calvary You the perfect Holy One crushed Your Son Who drank the bitter cup reserved for me [Chorus] Your blood has washed away my sin Jesus thank You The Father's wrath completely satisfied Jesus thank You Once Your enemy now seated at Your table Jesus thank You
[Verse 2] By Your perfect sacrifice I've been brought near Your enemy You've made Your friend Pouring out the riches of Your glorious grace Your mercy and Your kindness know no end [Bridge] Jesus Lord of all, I want to live for You (x4)
Session 4 Sermon
Session 4 Sermon
Sunday Service: Living as a man of God (Combined)
Songs Crown Him with Many Crowns Words by; Matthew Bridges; Godfrey Thring; Music by George Job Elvey
[Verse 1] Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne, Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own. Awake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee, and hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity. [Verse 2] Crown Him the Lord of life, who triumphed o'er the grave, and rose victorious in the strife
for those he came to save. His glories now we sing, who died, and rose on high, who died, eternal life to bring, and lives that death may die. [Verse 3] Crown him the Lord of love; behold his hands and side, those wounds, yet visible above, in beauty glorified. All hail, Redeemer, hail! For thou hast died for me; thy praise and glory shall not fail throughout eternity.
Your Grace is Enough Words and music by Matt Maher
[Verse 1] Great is Your faithfulness oh God You wrestle with the sinner's heart You lead us by still waters and to mercy And nothing can keep us apart [Pre-Chorus] So remember Your people Remember Your children Remember Your promise Oh God [Chorus] Your grace is enough Your grace is enough Your grace is enough for me
[Verse 2] Great is Your love and justice God You use the weak to lead the strong You lead us in the song of Your salvation And all Your people sing along [Chorus 2] Your grace is enough Heaven reaching down to us Your grace is enough for me Your grace is enough I'm covered in your love Your grace is enough for me For me
Sunday Service: Living as a man of God (Combined)
Songs Blessed Assurance Words by Fanny J. Crosby; Music by Phoebe P. Knapp
[Verse 1] Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. [Chorus] This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.
[Verse 2] Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels, descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. [Verse 3] Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) Words and music by Chris Tomlin; John Newton; Louie Giglio
[Verse 1] Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now I'm found Was blind, but now I see [Verse 2] 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed [Chorus] My chains are gone, I've been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns Unending love, amazing grace [Verse 2] The Lord has promised good to me His word my hope secures He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures [Verse 3] The earth shall soon dissolve like snow The sun forbear to shine But God who called me here below Will be forever mine, will be forever mine You are forever mine
Sunday Service: Living as a man of God (Combined)
Sunday Service: Living as a man of God (Combined)
Renungan – Saturday, 10th October 2015 BERKAT TERBESAR DARI ANUGERAH KESELAMATAN Yesaya 65:17-25 Pada ayat-ayat sebelumnya (65:1-16), Yesaya bernubuat mengenai hukuman bagi para penyembah berhala dan keselamatan bagi mereka yang setia kepada Tuhan. Dalam perikop kita hari ini, janji keselamatan itu diungkapkan secara lebih jelas dan rinci. Pemulihan yang Tuhan janjikan bagi umat-Nya itu juga digambarkan sangat dramatis, mengingatkan kita akan masa-masa awal penciptaan langit dan bumi. 1. Ay. 17-19. Mengapa keadaan pada masa pemulihan itu digambarkan seperti “langit yang baru dan bumi yang baru”? Suasana apakah yang dilukiskan dalam ayat-ayat ini? (Cobalah hitung berapa kali kata-kata “girang” dan “sorak” digunakan di sini) 2. Ay. 21-23. Apa yang dikatakan mengenai umur mereka? (bandingkan Amsal 10:27) Apa yang dikatakan mengenai pekerjaan mereka? Apa yang dikatakan mengenai keluarga mereka? Apa yang hendak diungkapkan melalui semua kondisi itu? 3. Ay. 24-25. Apa yang diungkapkan mengenai hubungan mereka dengan Tuhan? (ay. 24) Dan apa yang diungkapkan mengenai hubungan antara sesama mahluk? (ay. 25) 4. Melalui bacaan hari ini, hal apa saja yang dapat Anda pelajari mengenai keselamatan? !
Renungan Begitu sempurna keselamatan yang dianugerahkan Tuhan kepada umat-Nya. Yesaya menggambarkan, ketika Tuhan memulihkan umat-Nya maka keadaannya seperti ketika Ia menciptakan langit dan bumi yang baru. Gambaran ini juga menegaskan bahwa semua penderitaan di masa lalu tidak akan mereka alami lagi. Suasana yang penuh sukacita meliputi umat-Nya. Karya keselamatan yang Tuhan kerjakan ini akan dialami secara nyata oleh umatNya. Mereka akan merasakan berbagai bentuk berkat Tuhan. Mereka akan hidup dalam kesejahteraan sehingga mencapai usia yang panjang, menikmati hasil pekerjaan mereka, dan keluarga yang bahagia. Namun, lebih dari semua itu, mereka juga menikmati persekutuan yang intim dengan Tuhan dan dengan sesama. Melalui bacaan hari ini ada beberapa hal yang dapat kita pelajari mengenai keselamatan: 1) keselamatan yang Tuhan kerjakan adalah sempurna, 2) berkat-berkat keselamatan itu juga sudah dapat kita nikmati selama kita di dunia, 3) puncak dari 27
keselamatan itu bukanlah kesejahteraan material, melainkan pulihnya hubungan kita dengan Tuhan dan sesama. Namun pada kenyataannya, dalam kehidupan orang-orang Kristen masa kini, pulihnya hubungan dengan Tuhan dan sesama sering tidak diperhitungkan sebagai berkat yang utama. kehidupan Anda sendiri. Dari semua berkat yang Tuhan janjikan kepada umat Israel, berkat apa sajakah yang telah Anda nikmati dalam kehidupan Anda sekarang ini? Dari berkat-berkat tersebut, apa yang Anda pelajari mengenai karya keselamatan Tuhan dalam hidup Anda?
Berkat terbesar dari anugerah keselamatan adalah pulihnya hubungan Anda dengan Allah dan sesama. Sudahkah Anda mengalaminya?
Devotional – Saturday, 10th October 2015 THE GREATEST BLESSING OF THE GRACE OF SALVATION Isaiah 65:17-25 In the previous verses (65:1-16), Isaiah prophesies about the punishment for the pagans and salvation for the Lord’s faithful ones. In today’s passage, the promise of salvation is expressed more clearly and in great detail. The restoration that the Lord promises to His people is described in a very dramatic way; it reminds us of the beginning of creation of the heavens and the earth. 1.
vv. 17-19. Why is the restoration described as “new heavens and a new earth”? How is the atmosphere pictured here in these verses? (Count how many times the words “glad” and “rejoice” are used here) 2. vv. 21-23. What is said about their age? (compare Proverbs 10:27) What is said about their work? What is said about their family? What is being revealed about all of the conditions? 3. vv. 24-25. What does it reveal about their relationship with the Lord? (v. 24) And, what is said about their relationship with one another? (v. 25) 4. What you have learned about salvation from today’s reading?
! Reflection The Lord grants His people the perfect salvation. Isaiah describes that when the Lord restores His people, their condition becomes like that of the new heavens and the new earth. This picture also contrasts how they will no longer suffer like they had suffered in the past but they are now filled with joy. This work of salvation that the Lord has accomplished will be experienced by His people in the real sense. They will taste all kinds of God’s blessings. They will live in such peace that they will have long lives, be able to enjoy the fruit of their labour and also enjoy their happy family. However, more than these, they will be able to take joy in their intimate relationship with God and one another. There are a few things that we can learn from today’s passage about salvation: 1) the salvation that the Lord has accomplished is perfect, 2) all the blessings of salvation can be tasted in this life, 3) the climax of salvation is not material welfare, but instead the restoration of our relationship with God and one another. Although in reality many Christians today do not consider having a restored relationship with the Lord and with other people to be the greatest blessing. 29
Let us now compare God’s promises that we read from today’s passage with our own life. Which of these God’s promised blessings to Israel have you tasted in your own life right now? What have you learnt about God’s work of salvation through the blessings that you have in your life?
The greatest blessing of the grace of salvation is the restored relationship between you and God and one another. Have you tasted it?
Renungan – Sunday, 11th October 2015 IMAN KRISTEN = MENGENAL DAN MEMPERCAYAINYA Yohanes 3:1-13 Hari ini kita akan secara khusus mengetahui siapakah sosok Nikodemus yang sebenarnya berdasarkan keterangan Alkitab, walau memang tidak banyak catatan mengenai dirinya. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Ay. 1: Siapakah Nikodemus yang disebutkan di pembukaan ayat ini? Apa yang Anda ketahui mengenai golongan/kaum ini? Ay. 1: Jabatan apa yang dimiliki oleh Nikodemus? Ay. 2: Mengapa Nikodemus datang pada malam hari? Ay. 10: Apa yang biasa dilakukan Nikodemus? Bagaimana tingkat pengetahuan agama orang dengan status tersebut pada umumnya? Berdasarkan 3 informasi mengenai status dan latar belakang Nikodemus, hal apa yang bisa Anda pelajari dari kesediaannya menemui Yesus untuk belajar? Bacalah teguran Yesus di ay. 10-12, apa yang bisa Anda pelajari mengenai hubungan antara pengetahuan agamawi dan tingkat kepercayaan seseorang?
Renungan Nikodemus adalah seorang dari golongan Farisi, sebuah kelompok religious di dalam Yudaisme. Golongan ini memperjuangkan pengetahuan yang mendasar tentang Taurat dan tradisi nenek moyang (Misna dan Talmud). Mereka menuntut penafsiran yang paling keras, terutama tentang Sabat dan ritual. Golongan ini biasanya memisahkan diri dari masyarakat untuk menjalankan setiap rincian hukum Taurat. Sampai di bagian ini kita melihat Nikodemus sebagai orang Farisi, bisa saja ia merasa bersih/suci dan benar dan tidak perlu berurusan dengan Yesus yang dijauhi orang Farisi pada umumnya. Bahkan sebagai pengajar Israel ia bisa menyombongkan diri atas semua ‘kebenaran’ yang diketahuinya. Tapi Nikodemus bersedia datang menyatakan kekagumannya pada Yesus. Nikodemus juga adalah Pemimpin agama Yahudi, anggota Sanhedrin (lembaga peradilan tertinggi orang Yahudi). Salah satu tugasnya adalah memeriksa dan menangani siapa pun yang dicurigai sebagai nabi palsu. Dalam jabatan ini, bisa saja Nikodemus melihat Yesus sebagai orang yang berbahaya setelah apa yang Yesus lakukan di Bait Allah (2:15). Namun ternyata Nikodemus datang bukan dengan tujuan itu, ia datang pada malam hari untuk menjaga agar tidak ada orang yang melihatnya dan menyangka ia berpihak dengan Yesus. Kita bisa mengacungkan jempol dan meniru semangat belajar dan pengorbanan Nikodemus untuk bertemu Yesus dan 31
mengetahui lebih banyak tentang Yesus. Tidak pernah ada kata cukup atau berhenti untuk mengenal Yesus, ini adalah hal yang harus terus kita lakukan seumur hidup, tanpa memandang seberapa banyak yang sudah kita ketahui tentang Dia, status/jabatan rohani apapun yang kita miliki. Namun teguran dari Yesus kepada Nikodemus dan percakapan yang terjadi sekaligus menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa tidak cukup hanya menjadi orang yang banyak tahu mengenai agama atau pengajaran Kristen, sebab yang penting adalah dari apa yang kita ketahui itu, seberapa banyak kita dapat mempercayainya. Setiap pengetahuan yang bertambah harus diiringi dengan tingkat kepercayaan yang bertambah pula.
Iman Kristen bukan sekedar mengetahui tentang Yesus, tetapi mengenal dan mempercayaiNya.
Devotional – Sunday, 11th October 2015 CHRISTIAN FAITH = KNOWING AND BELIEVING IN HIM John 3:1-13 Today we will specifically get to know who the real Nicodemus is based on the facts recorded in the Bible, even though there are not many descriptions about himself. 1. 2. 3. 4.
v. 1: Who is this Nicodemus mentioned in the beginning of this verse? What do you know about this group? v. 1: What position did Nicodemus hold? v. 2: Why did Nicodemus come at night time? v. 10: What was Nicodemus’ job? What is the expected level of theological knowledge for people of his position? Was this level of theological knowledge commonly seen at that time? Based on the 3 information about Nicodemus’ status and background, what are some of the things that you can learn from his willingness to meet with Jesus and to learn from Him? Read Jesus’ rebuke in vv. 10-12, what can you learn about the connection between religious knowledge and the level of someone’s belief?
! Reflection Nicodemus is one of the Pharisees, a religious group in Judaism. This group fights for the basic knowledge of the Law and also their ancestral traditions (Misna and Talmud). They demand the most outspoken interpretation, particularly about Sabbath and rituals. This group usually separates themselves from the public to observe every detail of the Law. Up to this point we can see that Nicodemus as a Pharisee, could feel as though he was clean and holy and didn’t need to relate with Jesus whom the Pharisees normally avoid. Moreover, as Israel’s teacher, Nicodemus could have boasted about all the ‘truths’ that he knows. But instead he is willing to come to Jesus to express his admiration of Him. Nicodemus is also a Jewish leader, a member of the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ruling council). One of his duties is to examine and handle anyone who is suspected to be false prophets. With this role, Nicodemus could have treated Jesus as being someone dangerous; considering what Jesus had done in the temple (2:15). But it turns out that Nicodemus comes to Jesus not with that kind of intent, he came at night so that no one could see him or think that he’s on Jesus’ side. We should give the thumbs up and mimic Nicodemus’ enthusiasm to learn and the sacrifices that he made to meet with Jesus and to know more about Him. There should never be the word “enough” or 33
“stopping” in knowing Jesus; this is something that we will need to do for the rest of our lives without looking at how much we’ve known about Him, or whatever religious status/position that we may have held. Jesus’ rebuke to Nicodemus and their conversation point us that it is not enough to be a person who knows much about religion or Christian teachings, because the most important thing is how much of what we’ve known do we truly believe in. Each added knowledge must be accompanied by an added faith.
Christian faith is not simply getting to know about Jesus, but knowing Him and believing in Him.
Jadwal/Time Table