G. Allaert, University Ghent Urban & Regional Economy and Planning
The Benelux Center region in the Hamburg-Le Havre Range
Legend: golden triangle corridor large consumer market industrial mainport Brabant-Limburg economic shifts and radiations distinction Benelux Middengebied
Spatial vision of Flanders and Belgium
2.1. Economic Decision Power 2.2. Economic Production Power 2.3. Production environment 2.4. Access, Accessibility, Mobility, P.S.: Investment Added Value, Labour, Clustering (MNE/SME); P.E.: Consumermarket(s), Knowledge, Qualities of Environment, infrastructure, housing, recreation, nature-conditions, …
Investment Added Value, Labour, Clustering (MNE/SME); Consumermarket(s), Knowledge, Qualities of Environment, infrastructure, housing, recreation, nature-conditions, …
3. The interaction between seaport development and port city Physical processes
Economic processes
Ecological processes
•Concentration •Spill-over/relocation •Subharborisation
•Containerization •Freight integration (hub & spoke developments) •New Economy in Maritime Industrial Development
•Need for improving water & env.qualities (also infrastructures • Emphasis on urban estetics (waterfronts, new urbanism) •Growing demand for recreation & entertainment space facilities
- The example of Antwerp
Factors in port system development and competition
3. The interaction between seaport development and port city Physical processes
Economic processes
Ecological processes
Effects on transportsystem: “the battle for the hinterland” ------------------------------port city management strategies seaport -----------------------------------managementstrategies functional integration among port, port city, hinterland-accesses sustainable development approach for quality of life and economic environmental welfare
Situated in the ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network) In the ESPON interimreport March 2001 seen as an ideal spatial type concept of polycentrism
Spatial structure (core-spoke-polycentrism)
strenght diversity functional orientation historical-social-economic background SPOKE (infrastructure, networking, connectivity)
- MIDA (Maritime Ind. Developm. Area)-PLEXATION (so called VLISTERGENT) - METROPOLISATION (e.g. Lille/Ghent/Antwerp/Brusselsthe Flemish Diamond) - PORTCITIESFORMATION (e.g. from the Western Scheldt port city network to the Rhein-Scheldt-Delta RSD)
MIDA (Maritime Ind. Developm. Area)-PLEXATION (so called VLISTERGENT) – Development perspective
Contrasting cycles of policy attention in the post-war period
6.1. Making a list (an inventory) of the P.C.S.W.O.T.
6.2. Competitiveness port-city/city-port as european nodes (EDC and EPC)
6.3. Levels and Power of connectivity: local/regional/european/world, sea/land – land/sea
6.4. Port (sea) oriented knowledge: R & D and educational attainment (see the International Scheldt Faculty for the Westerscheldt-estuary
6.6. Quality (of life) Management Strategies: spatial, economic, social, infrastructure, environment 5.1. Marketing&management plan: Terneuzen 2000plus: Innovatieve havenstad aan het water Westerschelde
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hoofdweg secundaire weg spoorweg grens dijk water Westerscheldetunnel en aansluitende wegen consolidering kleine kern afbouw kleine kern stedelijke orientatie van Axel (bipolair met Terneuzen) insleuving / open tunnel spoorwegverbinding met Gent (light rail e.a.)
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Sluiskil Axel
natuurmark zeemark woonbouw met de natuur
versterking regionale stedelijkheid
ecologisch dynamisch (groen / energie)
groen-blauwe structuur
link stedelijkheid (harde grens)
verlegging tracé N61 innovatieve industributie herstructurering industrial district
water spoor weg toeristische link met Vlaamse kust (catamarans)
Voorstel: G. Allaert, 1999 Seminarie voor Survey & Ruimtelijke Planning
3. Quality
MAPPING 2. Added value 1. networking