Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Entomology Department Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel: ++32(0)26274137 / Fax: ++32(0)26274132
Curriculum vitae I. Academic Carreer Degree/Position - Postdoctoral scientist
University/Institute Royal Belgian Institute Of Natural Sciences
Discipline Evolutionary genomics
Period 2013-2015
- BAEF Postdoctoral Fellow
University of California, Davis (US)
Evolutionary genomics
- Guest lecturer (5%)
University of Ghent
- Master in Biostatistics (Bioinformatics)
University of Hasselt
Biostatistics (Bioinformatics)
- Assistent, PhD student(*)
University of Ghent
Population genetics, ecology
- Master in Biology
University of Ghent
Titel PhD: ”Relating phenotypic and genetic variation to urbanization in avian species: a case study on house sparrows (Passer domesticus)” (2011). Supervisor Prof. dr. Luc Lens.
II. Statistical consultancy (2005-present). Eco-evolutionary applications Agriculture Medicine
III. Publications * Authors contributed equally Peer reviewed journals included in ISI Web of Science (A1) 19. Vangestel C, Eckert AJ, Wegrzyn JL, Lichty J, St Clair JB, , Neale DB. Integration of landscape genomics, provenance trials and association mapping identifies genetic components underlying cold hardiness adaptation for coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii). Molecular Ecology (submitted) 18. Hendrickx F*, Backeljau T, Dekoninck W, Van Belleghem SM, Vandomme V, Vangestel C*. 2015. Persistent inter- and intraspecific gene exchange within a parallel radiation of caterpillar hunter beetles (Calosoma sp.) from the Galápagos. Molecular Ecology (in press). 17. Husemann M, Cousseau L, Callens T, Matthysen E, Vangestel C, Hallmann C, Lens L. Postfragmentation population structure in an Afrotropical cloud forest bird: emergence of a source-sink population network. Molecular Ecology 24:1172-87. 16. De Coster G, De Laet J, Vangestel C, Adriaensen F, Lens L. Citizen science in action - Evidence for long-term, region-wide House Sparrow declines in Flanders, Belgium. Landscape and Urban planning 134: 139-146. Curriculum Vitae Carl Vangestel
15. Vangestel C, Callens T, Vandomme V, Lens L. 2013. Sex-biased dispersal at different geographical scales in a cooperative breeder from fragmented rainforest. PLoS ONE 8: e71624. 14. Vangestel C, Mergeay J, Dawson DA, Callens T, Vandomme V, Lens L. 2012. Genetic diversity and population structure in contemporary house sparrow populations along an urbanization gradient. Heredity 109:163-172.( interview in the Heredity Podcast, May 2012) 13. Dawson DA, Horsburgh GJ, Krupa AK, Stewart IRK, Skjelseth S, Jensen H, Ball AD, Spurgin LG, Mannarelli M-E, Nakagawa S, Schroeder S, Vangestel C, Hinten GN, Burke T. 2012. Microsatellite resources for Passeridae species: a predicted microsatellite map of the house sparrow Passer domesticus. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 501-523. 12. Van Hoof T, Vangestel C, Shacklock M, Kerckaert I, D'Herde K. 2012. Asymmetry of the ULNT1 elbow extension range-of-motion in a healthy population: Consequences for clinical practice and research. Physical Therapy in Sport 13: 141-149. 11. Vangestel C, Mergeay J, Dawson DA, Vandomme V, Lens L. 2011. Spatial heterogeneity in genetic relatedness among house sparrows along an urban-rural gradient as revealed by individual-based analysis. Molecular Ecology 20: 4643–4653 (covered in Knack). 10. Buijs S, Keeling LJ, Vangestel C, Baert J, Van Geyte J, Tuyttens FAM. 2011. Assessing attraction or avoidance between rabbits: a comparison of distance based methods to analyse spatial distribution. Animal Behaviour 82: 1235-1243. 9. Vangestel C, Mergeay J, Dawson DA, Vandomme V, Lens L. 2011. Developmental stability covaries with genome-wide and single-locus heterozygosity in house sparrows. PLoS ONE 6: e21569. 8. Vangestel C, Lens L. 2011. Does fluctuating asymmetry constitute a sensitive biomarker of nutritional stress in house sparrows (Passer domesticus)? Ecological Indicators 11: 389-394. 7. Buijs S, Keeling LJ, Vangestel C, Baert J, Tuyttens FAM. 2011. Neighbourhood analysis as an indicator of spatial requirements of broiler chickens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 129: 111-120. 6. Vangestel C, Braeckman BP, Matheve H, Lens L. 2010. Constraints on home range behaviour affect nutritional condition in urban House sparrows (Passer domesticus). Biological Journal of Linnean Society 101: 41-50. 5. Buijs S, Keeling LJ, Vangestel C, Baert J, Van Geyte J, Tuyttens FAM. 2010. Resting or hiding? Why broiler chickens stay near walls and how density affects this. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 124: 97-103. 4. Sprenger M, Vangestel C, Tuytens FAM. 2009. Measuring thirst in broiler chickens. Animal Welfare 18: 553-560. 3. Lehouk V, Spanhove T, Vangestel C, Cordeiro NJ, Lens L. 2009. Does landscape structure affect resource tracking by avian frugivores in a fragmented Afrotropical forest? Ecography 32: 1-11. 2. Erbout N, De Meyer M, Vangestel C, Lens L. 2009. Host plant toxicity affects developmental rates in a polyphagous fruit fly - experimental evidence. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 32: 789-799. 1. Van Hoof T, Vangestel C, Forward M, Verhaeghe B, Van Thilborgh L, Plasschaert F, De Muynck M, Vanderstraeten G, D'Herde K. 2008. The impact of muscular variation on the neurodynamic test for the median nerve in a healthy population with Langer's axillary arch. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 31: 474-483.
National journals (A4) 3. Vangestel C. 2013. Hoe verschillend zijn de Huismussen van de stad en het platteland? Een radiotelemetrisch en genetisch onderzoek. Limosa Curriculum Vitae Carl Vangestel
2. Vangestel C, Mergeay J, Lens L. 2011. Genetische verbondenheid en diversiteit bij Huismussen: van het platteland naar de stad. De Levende Natuur 112: 80-83. 1. Vangestel C, Lens L. 2006. Universiteit Gent onderzoekt achteruitgang van de Huismus. Mens & Vogel 1: 43-49.
Conference abstracts (C3) 2. De Laet J, Summers-Smith D, Lens L, Vangestel C, Matheve H. 2006. The status of the House Sparrow in large towns: First results from Belgium. Journal of Ornithology 147: 154-154. 1. Vangestel C, Lens L. 2006. Fluctuating asymmetry and ptilochronology as phenotypic markers of food stress in the House Sparrow. Journal of Ornithology 147: 20-20. Books 1. Relating phenotypic and genetic variation to urbanization in avian species: a case study on house sparrows (Passer domesticus), 2011, ISBN 978-94-9069-571-2.
IV. Selected Congresses and Workshops National Workshop RANGES, Ghent, 2006 (organizer). Workshop 'Multiple Testing for Genomic Analysis', Ghent, 2011. Workshop ‘Variable selection, classification and class prediction using microarray data’, Diepenbeek, 2012 Symposium Aanpassingen Van Vogels In De Stad, Rotterdam, 2013. ‘Hoe verschillend zijn de huismussen van de stad en het platteland? Een radiotelemetrisch en genetisch onderzoek’ (invited speaker). Symposium NGS Applications In Science, Tervuren, 2013. ‘Applying NGS for exploring adaptive genetic variation in non-model organisms’ (invited speaker). Workshop ‘Variant Discovery in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data. Variant Calling with the Genome Analysis ToolKit (GATK)’, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, 2014 (organizer). Symposium “Entomology in Belgium”, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, 2014. Exploring the evolutionary history of an adaptive radiation of caterpillar hunter beetles (Calosoma sp.) at the Galapagos (oral presentation). International International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg (Germany), 2006. ‘Fluctuating asymmetry and ptilochronology as phenotypic markers of food stress’ (oral presentation). Workshop ‘Generalized Linear Mixed Models’, Gainesville, Florida (US), 2008. Workshop ‘Conservation Genetics Data Analysis Course’, Missoula, Montana (US), 2009. Strobusphere Meeting, Happy Camp, Oregon (US), 2012. ‘Landscape genomics in sugar pines (Pinus lambertiana): Exploring patterns of adaptive genetic variation along environmental gradients’ (oral presentation). Bay Area Population Genomics Meeting, Davis, California (US), 2012. Curriculum Vitae Carl Vangestel
Themadag Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie (NOU), ‘Aanpassingen van vogels in de stad’, Rotterdam (Netherlands), 2013.’ Hoe verschillend zijn de huismussen van de stad en het platteland? Een radiotelemetrisch en genetisch onderzoek’ (invited speaker). Workshop ‘Introduction to Genomic Data Analysis using HapMap and 1000 Genomes Projects’, Barcelona (Spain), 2014. Workshop ‘Advancing in R’, Balloch (UK), 2015. Congress ‘Speciation’, Ventura, CA (US), 2015. ‘The role of gene sorting in a parallel speciation gradient of Calosoma beetles in the Galápagos archipelago’ (poster).
V. Study visits abroad Animal and Plant Sciences, Molecular Genetics Facility, Sheffield University (UK), 13-22 August 2008. ‘Optimizing multiplex PCR protocol’. The GenePool Genomics Facility, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh (SCT), 11-15 March 2013. ‘RAD library construction’.
VI. Scientific fellowships/grants Postdoctoral Fellowship - Belgian American Education Foundation (BAEF) (2011-2012) Travel Grant for Long Stay Abroad - Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) (2011-2012) Travel Grant for Short Stay Abroad - Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) (2014)
VII. Teaching 2011-… : Advanced Biostatistics, 2nd Master Biology, University of Ghent
VIII. Supervision theses MSc theses Lies Gheysels (2011). Studie naar de genetische populatiestructuur van de Huismus (Passer domesticus) op ruimtelijke en temporele schaal. Hanna Behiels (2010) Empirisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen ontwikkelingsinstabiliteit en genetische variatie bij vogelpopulaties in urbane, suburbane en rurale gebieden: de Huismus (Passer domesticus) als test-case. Correia Joana (2007). Spatio-temporal patterns of daily movements of House sparrows, Passer domesticus. Azmamedova Fidan (2007). A study on the small-scale genetic population structure of urban House sparrows. De Vos Marieke (2006). Fluctuerende asymmetrie en ptilochronologie als indicatoren van metabolische stress bij de Huismus (Passer domesticus). Sophie Boitsios (2005). Ruimtelijke en seizoenale variatie in de mobiliteit van de Huismus (Passer domesticus) in relatie tot verstedelijking.
Curriculum Vitae Carl Vangestel
Boris Pellegroms (2005). Fluctuerende asymmetrie en ptilochronologie als indicatoren voor omgevingskwaliteit bij de Huismus (Passer domesticus). Christophe Vyvey (2004) Fijnschalig patroononderzoek naar het voorkomen van Passer domesticus binnen de stad Gent.
Curriculum Vitae Carl Vangestel