Curriculum Vitae: Paul Hoebink
Paul Hoebink
Political Scientist
Extraordinary Professor, CIDIN, Radboud University Nijmegen Director Centre for International Development Issues Nijmegen
Date of Birth: 14 October 1949 Nationality: Dutch Recent Positions:
Director Nijmegen Institute for Social and Cultural Research (NISCO), Radboud University Nijmegen (2010-2011) Head of the Department Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen (2010-2012)
Convenor of the Aid and Development Policy Working Group of the European Association of Development Institutes (EADI) Member of the Organizing Committee of EADI Conference 2014
Publications Books 2014
2011 2010 2009
- With Ruerd Ruben (eds.), Coffee certification in East Africa: Impact on farmers, families and cooperatives. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 262 pp. ISBN 978-90-8686-255-9. - With Lau Schulpen (eds.), Private Development Aid in Europe: Foreign Aid Between the Private and Public Domain. London: Palgrave Macmillan. - editor, The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2009. Assen: Van Gorcum. - editor, European Development Cooperation: From the Global to the Local. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. - editor, The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2008. Assen: Van Gorcum, 231 pp., ISBN 978 90 232 4586 5. - Een wereld vanuit de polder: Gedachten over de Nederlandse identiteit en de Nederlandse Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Oratie, 35 pp., ISBN 978-90-9024299-6 - with P.Willems and R.Muskens, Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Leerboek Maatschappijwetenschappen. Alkmaar: Uitgeverij Essener, 109 pp., ISBN 978 90 86740 25 3
2007 - with A.Padayachee a.o., Cooperating for Science : An Inventory of Research and Education Partnerships between South Africa and the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers, 317 pp., ISBN 978 90 5170 848 6 - editor, The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2007. Assen: Van Gorcum, 189 pp. ISBN 978 90 232 4346 5 2005 - with O.Stokke (eds.), Perspectives on European Development Co-operation. Policy and performance of individual donor countries and the EU. London: Routledge, 641 pp., ISBN 0 415 36854 5 2004 - editor: The Treaty of Maastricht and Europe’s Development Co-operation. Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers, 218 pp. ISBN 90 5260 184 4 2000 - with A.Cox, J.Healy and T.Voipio, European development cooperation and the poor. London, MacMillan, 2000, 236 pp. ISBN 0 333 74476 4 - with W.Pansters, G.Dijkstra, E.Snel (eds.), Rethinking Poverty: Comparative perspectives from below. Assen, Van Gorcum, 2000, 248 pp., ISBN 90 232 3598 3 1999 - with D.Haude and F.v.d.Velden (red.), Doorlopers en breuklijnen: van globalisering, emancipatie en verzet. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1999, 444 blz. ISBN 90 232 3522 3 - with T.Voipio: European aid for poverty reduction in Tanzania. London, Overseas Development Institute, Working Paper 116, 1999, 170 pp. ISBN 0 85003 415 9 1988 - Geven is nemen: de Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp aan Tanzania en Sri Lanka, Proefschrift KU-Nijmegen, 7 december 1988, tevens uitgegeven Nijmegen, Stichting Derde Wereld Publikaties, 1988, 355 pp. ISBN 90 70230 20 8
Articles and Papers Scientific Refereed International 2014
- With Ruerd Ruben, Introduction: Coffee certification in East-Africa - searching for impact. In: R.Ruben and P.Hoebink (eds.), Coffee certification in East Africa: Impact on farmers, families and cooperatives. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 23-52. - With Willem Elbers, Bart van Rijsbergen, Fred Bagamaba, The impact of Utz certification in Uganda. In: R.Ruben and P.Hoebink (eds.), Coffee certification in East Africa: Impact on farmers, families and cooperatives. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 23-52. - With Bart van Rijsbergen, Willem Elbers,, Luuk van Kempen, Ruerd Ruben and Mzeeh Hamish Ngutu, Urbanus Mutwiwa, Manuel Njunguna, The effects of coffee certification in Uganda. In: R.Ruben and P.Hoebink (eds.), Coffee certification in East Africa: Impact on farmers, families and cooperatives. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 23-52. - With Lau Schulpen, Private Aid Agencies in the 21st Century: An Introduction. In: P.Hoebink and L.Schulpen (eds.), Private Development Aid in Europe: Foreign Aid Between the Private and Public Domain. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115. - With Lau Schulpen, From Favoritism via Abundance to Austerity – NGDOGovernment Relations in the Netherlands. In: P.Hoebink and L.Schulpen (eds.), Private Development Aid in Europe: Foreign Aid Between the Private and Public Domain. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-15. - With Lau Schulpen, From Plains and Mountains: Comparing European Private
2006 2005
Aid and Government Support for Private Aid Organzations. In: P.Hoebink and L.Schulpen (eds.), Private Development Aid in Europe: Foreign Aid Between the Private and Public Domain. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-15. - Die Niederlande als Vorbild? Herausforderungen und Perspektiven der niederländischen Entwicklungspolitik. In: Neue Wege in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Münster : Aschendorff, pp.53-68. ISBN 9783402142059. - A World from the Polder: Thoughts on the Netherlands’ identity and Dutch development cooperation. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2009-2010. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 187-207 - Of reports and challenges: An Introduction to Yearbook 2009. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2009-2010. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 9-20 - Some recent developments in European international and development cooperation. An introduction. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), European Development Cooperation: From the Global to the Local. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2010, pp. 7-23. - Stagnation in Africa: disentangling facts, figures and fiction. In: Monique Kremer, Peter van Lieshout, Robert Went (eds.), Doing Good or Doing Better: Development Policies in a Globalizing World. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 107-136. - A tale of two countries; perspectives from the South on the coherence of EU policies. In: Paul Hebinck, Sef Slootweg and Lothar Smith (eds.), Tales of Development: People, Power and Space. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2008, pp. 187-204. - Book Review: The Bottom Billion by Paul Collier. In: The European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 20, no.4, December, pp. 733-737. - European Donors and ‘Good Governance’: condition or goal?. In: European Journal of Development Research, Vol.18, no.1, March 2006, pp. 131-161. - with O.Stokke, European Development Co-operation at the Beginning of a New Millennium. In: P.Hoebink/O.Stokke (eds.), Perspectives on European Development Co-operation. London: Routledge, Ch.1, pp. 1-31 - A New Member of the G-0.7: Luxembourg as the smallest and largest donor. In: P.Hoebink/O.Stokke (eds.), Perspectives on European Development Co-operation. London: Routledge, Ch. 12, pp. 378-405 - Coherence and Development Policy: An Autopsy with some European Examples. In: M.Obrovsky (Hrg.), Österreichische Entwicklungspolitik 2004. Wien: ÖFSE, pp. 37-50. - European Development Aid in Transition. In: O.Babarinde/G.Faber (eds.):The European Union and the Developing Countries: The Cotonou Agreement. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Chapter 6. pp.127-154. ISBN 90 04 141995. - Assessing Europe's Aid Effort. In: Europe's World, No.1, Autum 2005, pp. 156165. - with A.van der Zanden: Raising Too Many Expectations? Comments on the World Bank Report ‘Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education’. In: Journal of Higher Education in Africa, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.123-132. - with A.Padayachee and N.van der Lans, The South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD): A Response to the Internationalisation of Higher Education and Human Resource Development in
2002 2001 2000
South Africa. In: P.van der Elst/C.Wolhuter (eds.), Internationalization and Human Resource Development in the African Union: Challenges for the Tertiary Education Sector. Potchefstroom: The Platinum Press, pp.171-188. - La lucha por el equilibro : coherencia y politica de desarrollo. In : J.Antonio Alonso/V.FitzGerald (eds.), Financiación del desarrolo y coherencia en las políticas de los donantes. Madrid : Libros de la Catarata, 2003, pp.213-234 - with A.Danielsson and B.Mongulu: Are donors ready for change? In: Development Policy Journal, Volume 2, December 2002, pp.161-179 - Cohérence des politiques de développement de l'Union Européenne. In: Revue Tiers Monde, no.164, Octobre-Décembre 2001 (publié Septembre 2001), pp. 885-902 - Development Co-operation and Poverty Alleviation. In: W.Pansters, G.Dijkstra, P.Hoebink, E.Snel (eds.), Rethinking Poverty: Comparative perspectives from below. Assen, Van Gorcum, 2000, pp. 211-228. - Coherence and development policy: the Case of the European Union. In: J.Forster/O.Stokke (eds.), Policy Coherence in Development Co-operation. London, Frank Cass, 1999, ch.10, pp.323-345. ISBN 0 7146 4914 7 - Aid and trade coherence and development policies in the Netherlands. In: J.Forster/O.Stokke (eds.), Policy Coherence in Development Co-operation. London, Frank Cass, 1999, ch.6, pp.180-212 - The humanitarisation of the foreign aid programme in the Netherlands. In: The European Journal of Development Research, vol.10, no.1, June 1999, pp.176-202. - Coerenza e politica dello sviluppo. In: Politica Internazionale, Anno 28, n.6, novembre-dicembre 1998, pp.73-86 - Bewertungsanstrengungen der EU-Geberländer im Vergleich. In: S.Brüne (Hrsg.), Erfolgskontrolle in der entwicklungspolitischen Zusammenarbeit. Hamburg, Deutsches Übersee-Institut, 1998, s. 64-87, ISBN 3 926953 38 1 - Coherencia y política de desarrollo en la Unión Europea. In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 1998, no.2, pp.19-40 - Theorizing intervention: development theory and development cooperation in a globalizing context. In: T.van Naerssen a.o. (eds.), The diversity of development: Essays in honour of Jan Kleinpenning. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1997, p.362-373, ISBN 90 232 3266 6 - Netherlands Aid Management. In: A.Cox/J.Healy/A.Koning, How European Aid Works: A Comparison of Management Systems and Effectiveness. London, Overseas Development Institute, 1997, pp.194-210, ISBN 0 85003 243 1 - Of merchants and ministers: a short history of the foreign aid programme of the Netherlands. In: F.Schuurman (ed.): Current issues in developmeny studies: Global aspects of agency and structure, Saarbrücken, Breitenbach Verlag GmbH, 1994, pp.125-156 - Surinam. In: Prof.D.Nohlen/Prof.F.Nuscheler: Handbuch der Dritten Welt, Band 3: Mittelamerika und Karibik, Hamburg, Verlag J.H.W.Dietz, 1992, 3. völlig neu bearbeitete Ausgabe, ISBN 3 8012 0183 X, pp. 542-559 - Niederländische Antillen. In: Prof.D.Nohlen/Prof.F.Nuscheler: Handbuch der Dritten Welt, Band 3: Mittelamerika und Karibik, Hamburg, Verlag J.H.W.Dietz, 1992, 3. völlig neu bearbeitete Ausgabe, ISBN 3 8012 0183 X,, pp. 620-626
Scientific Refereed Other 2009 - Some new tendencies in the international cooperation of the Netherlands: An Introduction to Yearbook 2008. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2007. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 9-18. - Shooting Spaghetti: Neo-Conservative Criticism of Development Assistance in the Netherlands. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2007. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 39-50. - Development Cooperation of the Netherlands in 2007. In; P.Hoebink (ed.), The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2007. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 203-208. 2007 - Some Long burning issues in the international cooperation of the Netherlands: An Introduction to Yearbook 2007. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2007. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 11-22 - How the clergyman defeated the merchant. An un-balanced overview of 57 years of Dutch development cooperation. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2007. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 23-32 - Development Cooperation of the Netherlands in 2006. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2007. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 185-189 2005 - Bilateral Aid Agencies. In: T.Allen (ed.): Encyclopedia of International Development. London: Routledge, pp.36-37. - Coherence. In: T.Allen (ed.): Encyclopedia of International Development. London: Routledge, pp. 87-88. - European Union. In: T.Allen (ed.): Encyclopedia of International Development. London: Routledge, pp. 220-223. 2004 - Evaluating Maastricht’s Triple C: An introduction to the development paragraphs of the Treaty on the European Union and suggestions for its evaluation. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Treaty of Maastricht and Europe’s Development Cooperation. Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers, pp. 1-24. - From ‘particularity’ to ‘globality’: European development cooperation in a changing world. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Treaty of Maastricht and Europe’s Development Co-operation. Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers, pp. 25-62. - Evaluating Maastricht’s Triple C: The ‘C’ of Coherence. In: P.Hoebink (ed.), The Treaty of Maastricht and Europe’s Development Co-operation. Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers, pp. 183-218. 2001 - Good Governance als voorwaarde en doel bij enkele Europese donoren. In: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid: Ontwikkelingsbeleid en Goed Bestuur. Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers 2001, pp. 163-204 - with Fons van der Velden: Van tropenarts en vrijwilliger tot institutieopbouw: Nederlandse technische assistentie in verleden en toekomst. In: L.Schulpen (red.), Hulp in ontwikkeling: bouwstenen voor de toekomst van internationale samenwerking. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2001, pp. 75-90. -with Lau Schulpen: Ontwikkelingssamenwerking via particuliere ontwikkelingsorganisaties - de MFO's in perspectief. In: L.Schulpen (red.), Hulp in ontwikkeling: bouwstenen voor de toekomst van internationale samenwerking. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2001, pp.159-192. 1999 - with D.Haude and F.v.d.Velden, Van globalisering, emancipatie en verzet. In: P.Hoebink, D.Haude and F.v.d.Velden (red.), Doorlopers en breuklijnen: van globalisering, emancipatie en verzet. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1999, pp. 1-10
- with F.v.d.Velden, Tussen boeren, antropologen en spirits: leven en werken van Gerrit Jan Huizer. In: P.Hoebink, D.Haude and F.v.d.Velden (red.), Doorlopers en breuklijnen: van globalisering, emamcipatie en verzet. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1999, pp.423-440 - De strijd om de balans: mondialisering, ontwikkelingssamenwerking en coherentie van beleid. In: P.Hoebink, D.Haude and F.v.d.Velden (red.), Doorlopers en breuklijnen: van globalisering, emancipatie en verzet. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1999, pp.56-73. - with Annelies Haijtink: Financiering van ontwikkeling: ontwikkelingshulp, particuliere stromen en schulden. In: Jong (red.): Naar gelijkwaardige partners. Een christelijk geïnspireerde visie op de positie van arme landen. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1998, pp.86-105. ISBN 90 232 3429 4 - Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en armoedebestrijding. In: Jong (red.): Naar gelijkwaardige partners. Een christelijk geïnspireerde visie op de positie van arme landen. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1998,, pp.177-195 - Ontwikkelingssamenwerking van staat tot staat. Motieven, geschiedenis, resultaten. In: K.Lieten/F.van der Velden, Grenzen aan de hulp. Beleid en effecten van ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Amsterdam, Het Spinhuis, 1997, pp.61-88, ISBN 0 85003 243 1 - Coherentie en ontwikkelingsbeleid: het geval van de Europese Unie. In: Derde Wereld, Themanummer De Europese Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Jrg.16, nr.1, april 1997, pp.61-79 - De ontwikkelingsorganisaties van de Verenigde Naties: hun activiteiten en effectiviteit. In: B.Bomert/W.van Genugten (red.): Vijftig jaar Verenigde Naties: grote problemen, bescheiden middelen, Nijmegen, Studiecentrum voor Vredesvraagstukken, Cahier 66, 1995, ISBN 90 71701 56 5, pp.1-24 - Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking en milieu: weinig woorden, minder daden. In: R.Aspeslagh e.a. (red.): De aarde beheren - Naar duurzame ontwikkeling en ecologische veiligheid, Assen/Maastricht, Van Gorcum, 1992, ISBN 90 232 2681 X, pp.33-41 - Portugal: tussen fascisme en demokratie. In: Te Elfder Ure, nr. 18, Jrg. 22, nr. 1, pp. 188-255
Professional 2014 - Van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking naar Internationale Samenwerking: een agenda voor de 21e eeuw. In; International Spectator, Jrg. 68, nr. 1, januari 2014, pp. 2-7. 2013 - Spaghettischutters? Ontwikkelingshulp, Frits Bolketsein en de VVD. In: H. Naoum Néhmé (samensteller), Ideeën en werkelijkheid. Over immigratie, de Europese Unie en ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Teksten voor de 80e verjaardag van Frits Bolkestein. Amsterdam: Elsevier boeken, pp. 75-84. 2009 - Nederlandse identiteit en Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking. In: Internationale Spectator, Jrg. 63, nr.9, September, pp. 438-443. - Ontwikkelingssamenwerking in Nederland en België: Een vergelijking. In: Ons Erfdeel, Jrg. 52, nr. 4, November, nr.4, pp. 66-77. - Helpt de Nederlandse hulp? Een korte geschiedenis. In: Transparant, Jrg. 20, nr. 4, November, pp. 9-13. 2007 - De Spaghetti-schutters: de neo-conservatieve kritiek op ontwikkelingshulp in Nederland. In: Civis Mundi, 46e Jrg., nr.2/3, mei 2007, pp.96-103. 2006 - Hoe de dominee de koopman versloeg: Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking
2004 2003
1999 1998 1997 1996 1995
1993 1992
gewogen. In: Internationale Spectator, Jubileumnummer, Jrg.60, nr. 11, november 2006, pp.578-584. - Van klippen en kapen: de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking onder Agnes van Ardenne. In: Internationale Spectator, Jrg. 58, nr.5, mei 2004, pp. Pp.238-244. - Coherence and consistency in EU external relations. In: H.Mollett (ed.): Europe in the World – Essays on EU foreign, security and development policies. London: BOND, pp. 37-45. - Rethinking Pro-Poor Growth: Review of the RAWOO Lunch Lectures. In: RAWOO: Poverty and Governance: RAWOO Lectures and 25th Anniversary Conference. The Hague: RAWOO, pp. 120-123. -Presenting the South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development. In: Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie voor Wetenschappen: NorthSouth Research Cooperation. Amsterdam 2002, pp. 147-152. - Coherentie van beleid: Een zoektocht naar evenwicht. In: Handboek Coherentie. Amsterdam: Evert Vermeer Stichting, pp.87-91 - Van wervelwind tot nachtkaars? Vier jaar Eveline Herfkens op Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. In: Internationale Spectator, Jrg.56, nr.4, april 2002, pp.191-198 - De ont-Pronking van het Nederlandse ontwikkelingsbeleid. In: Socialisme & Democratie, Jrg.56, nr.4, 1999, pp.172-180 - De Nederlandse Ontwikkelingssamenwerking onder Paars: gekortwiekt en ontijkt? In: Internationale Spectator, Jrg.52, nr.7/8, juli 1998, pp.371-378 - Redactie, Themanummer Derde Wereld, De Europese Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Jrg.16, nr.1, april 1997, 123 pp. - Tweedehands kleding: dumping als ontwikkelingshulp. In: Derde Wereld, Jrg.14, nr.3, januari 1996, pp.260-265 - Noord en Zuid: van utopieën en werkelijkheden. In: H.Tieleman, Uitgegroeid: economie tussen wetmatigheid en utopie, Baarn: Gooi & Sticht, 1995, ISBN 90 3040795 6, pp. 140-158 - Ontwikkelingshulp: van noodzaak tot eigenbelang. In: J.Berkouwer/Drs.K.Meylink (red.), Op de drempel van het Derde Millennium: Scenario's voor de toekomst, Rotterdam/Amsterdam: Barjesteh, Meeuwes & Co/Hogeschool Holland, 1995, pp.46-56 - Herijking achterstevoren: de jacht op fantomen in het Nederlandse ontwikkelingsbeleid. In: Derde Wereld, Jrg.13, nr.4, juni 1995, pp.21-35 - Het ont-ijkte Buitenlands en Ontwikkelingsbeleid. In: Derde Wereld, Jrg.14, nr.2, november 1995, pp.132-140 - De impact van de impactstudie: medefinancieringsorganisaties in verandering. In: Derde Wereld, jrg. 12, nr.4, mei 1994, pp.25-38 - Redactie, Niet-gouvernementele organisaties, themanummer Derde Wereld, jrg. 12, nr.4, mei 1994 - De Wereldbank: van wederopbouw naar belangrijkste internationale ontwikkelingsorganisatie. In: Derde Wereld, jrg.13, nr.2, august 1994, p.96-110 - Redactie, Vijftig jaar IMF en Wereldbank, Themanummer Derde Wereld, jrg. 13, nr.2, august 1994 - Van veenbranden en bluswerk: 'Een wereld in geschil'. In: Derde Wereld, jrg.12, nr.3, januari 1993 - Oud en nieuw in 'Een Wereld van Verschil', in: L.Boer/M.Rutten (red.), Een Wereld van Verschil in discussie, Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, 1992, ISBN 90 5328 027 8, pp. 3-20
1987 1986 1984
- Multilaterale hulp in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking. In: Derde Wereld, jrg.10, nr.4, februari 1992, pp.8-19 - De Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp. In: Prof. R.Doom, Derde Wereld Handboek, deel I: Noord-Zuid en Zuid-Zuid in politiek perspectief, Brussel: NCOS e.a., 1992, ISBN 90 71665 24 0, pp.213-238 (3e volledig herziene druk) - Zestien stellingen en/of vragen over 'Een wereld van verschil'. In: Map Discussiedag 'Een jaar na de nota Een Wereld van Verschil', Amsterdam: Centrum voor Azië Studies (UvA)/Directoraat Generaal Internationale Samenwerking, 30 oktober 1991 (7 pp.) - Dutch development cooperation and the environment: little said, less done. In: Internationale Spectator, themanummer: Environment and development - the road to Rio Janeiro, vol.45, nr.11, november 1991, pp.722-727 - with Lau Schulpen: Het Nederlandse aandeel op de wereldmarkt voor advieswerk. In: Derde Wereld, jrg.8, nr.5, april 1990, pp.66-75 - De Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp. In: Prof. R.Doom, Derde Wereld Handboek, deel I: Noord-Zuid en Zuid-Zuid in politiek perspectief, Brussel: NCOS, 1990, ISBN 90 71665 09 7, pp.197-2181990 - Tussen militair, dominee en koopman: hulpbeleid van Westerse landen. In: Internationale Spectator, jrg.44, nr.3, maart 1990, pp.126-139 - Pronks derde monument. In: Derde Wereld, jrg.9, nr.4, december 1990, pp.4-10 - Ontwikkelingssamenwerking; organisatie en uitbesteding. In: Derde Wereld, jrg.7, nr.4-5, maart 1989, pp.4-7 - Ontwikkelingstheorieën in impasse. In: Civis Mundi, jrg.28, nr.2, juni 1989, pp.87-93 - Bukmans tandeloze testament. In: Derde Wereld, jrg.8, nr. 3, september 1989, pp.410 - Kritiek op de Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp aan Afrika. In: Derde Wereld, jrg.6, nr. 3/4, januari 1988, pp.8-12 - with Ruurd Stellinga: Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp voor de rundveehouderij. In: Derde Wereld, jrg. 7, nr.1, juni 1988, pp.8-14 - Nederland en de schuldenkrisis. In: Derde Wereld, Jrg. 6, nr. 2, mei 1987, pp. 29-45 - Politici, hulpverleners en de natuurrampen van 1985. In: Derde Wereld, Jrg. 4, nr. 5, januari 1986, pp. 10-26 - Konfektie-atelier en vrouwenstad - de vrijhandelszone in Sri Lanka. In: Derde Wereld, Jrg. 3, nr. 1, februari 1984, pp. 19-37 - with Marianne Wijermars: De Derde Wereld in boek en brochure. In: M.den Boer e.a. (red.): Het linkse boek in (de) beweging, Tilburg: Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg, ISBN 90 90006 94 X, pp. 102-121 - Wonderolie en superwinsten: de Latijnsamerikaanse schulden, de banken en het Internationale Monetair Fonds. In: C. Zoon e.a.: Latijns Amerika Jaarboek 2, Nijmegen: A.I.Cahier nr. 15, november 1984, ISBN 90 70230 15 1, pp. 41-75 - De Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp aan Latijns Amerika. In: A.Constandse e.a.: Latijns Amerika Jaarboek 1, Nijmegen: A.I.Cahier nr. 13, mei 1983, ISBN 90 70230 11 9, pp. 123-145 - Nieuwe arbeidsdeling en wereldwerkgelegenheid. In: T. van Naerssen e.a.: Made in Asia - industrie, arbeid en verzet, Nijmegen: A.I. Cahier nr. 10, ISBN 90 70230 09 7, pp. 133-141 - Multinationals en snelle politieke verandering: Portugal en Chili. In: Kongresmap 'Multinationals in de Derde Wereld', Amsterdam: IPSO, februari 1982, 7 pp. - Opmerkingen over staat en demokratie in socialistische Derde Wereldlanden. In:
1981 1980
1977 1976 1975
J.van Kesteren e.a.: Socialisme in de Derde Wereld, Nijmegen: A.I. Cahier nr. 11, ISBN 90 70230 10 0, december 1982, pp. 183-193 - Nieuwe en oude vormen van afhankelijkheid en socialistische ontwikkelingslanden. In: idem, pp. 193-203 - with the Projektgroep Portugal: De Noordportugese landbouw en de Europese Gemeenschap, Wageningen: Landbouwhogeschool, 483 blz. (Portugese vertaling: A agricultura no Norte do Portugal e o Mercado Commum, idem, 1983, 254 pp.) - De geschiedenis van de Portugese landhervorming. Wageningen/Nijmegen: Cahiers Landhervorming Portugal, mei 1981, ISBN 90 70486 01 6, 128 pp. - with Johan van Kesteren: "Die ijdel spreekt tot de wolken: Het is ons land ! Het is ons land !" -kolonisatie, dekolonisatie en koloniale landbouw in de Afrikaanse koloniën van Portugal. In: Marquetalia, nr. 2, pp. 33-65 - Vijf jaar de 25e april in de Portugese landhervorming. In: Kongresmap 'Vijf jaar landhervorming in Portugal', Wageningen, Internationaal Agrarisch Centrum, organisatie: Studium Generale Landbouw Hogeschool Wageningen en Institute of Social Studies Den Haag, 41 pp. - Multinationals, buitenlandse pressie en de Portugese kontra-revolutie, Studiecentrum voor Vredesvraagstukken (KUN), Cahier nr. 13, 124 pp. (doktoraalskriptie, verschillende hoofdstukken tevens gepubliceerd in: Paradogma, Portugal Bulletin en Kongresmap 'Mensenrechten een hele onderneming', Studium Generale, Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg, 1980) - with Hella Schlumberger, Ad Spijkers, Günther Walraff: Portugal - a terra a quem a trabalha - het land voor wie het bewerken, Ubbergen, Pomppers, 1977, 78 pp. - Portugal: fascisme en socialisme. In: Anarchisme Nu, lezingencyclus van het Studium Generale van de Economische Hogeschool te Tilburg, pp.59-84 - De Portugese dekolonisatie-politiek en haar gevolgen. In: Zuidelijk Afrika internationale strijd en solidariteit, Kongresmap voor het Zuidelijk Afrika Kongres, Nijmegen 1975, pp. 185-235
Furthermore: - From 1985 to 1998: articles on Latin American countries each year in: Winkler Prins Encyclopedisch Jaarboek. - Articles on Portugal and development co-operation in the Spectrum Encyclopedie and the Winkler Prins Encyclopedie. - More than hundred articles in Dutch newspapers, weeklies and magazines on development co-operation, the position of developing countries in the world economy, aid organisations, political development in specific Third World countries. - Monthly column in the magazine Onze Wereld.(1996-2002) - Bimonthly column in Vice Versa (from 2009)
External Reports 2013
- with Liedewij Breugel and Rick Habraken, From Development Co-operation To International Cooperation 2.0. Looking at International aid systems towards 2025. A Report Commissioned by HIVOS. The Hague/Nijmegen: HIVOS/CIDIN, September 2013, 65 pp. - with Ruerd Ruben, Willem Elbers, Bart van Rijsbergen, The Impact of Coffee Certification on Smallholder Farmers in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. A Report for
2004 2003
Solidaridad. Utrecht/Nijmegen: Solidaridad/CIDIN, September 2013, 237 pp. - The Hunger Project in Benin. A First Review and Recommendations for Evaluation. Nijmegen/Utrecht, 35 pp. - with Maaike Cotterink and Patricia Egbou, The Hunger Project in Benin. Programme Evaluation 2012. Utrecht/Nijmegen, 70 pp. Plus Annexes 32 pp. - Verschuivende Vensters. Veranderingen in het institutionele landschap van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Den Haag: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, Webpublicatie nr. 40, 133 pp., - with Nico Schrijver, Een Ombudsman voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking: een Verkenning. Nijmegen/Leiden: CIDIN/Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, 67 pp. - with Fons van der Velden, The Hunger Project: An Evaluation in Two African Countries. Synthesis Report. Nijmegen/Utrecht: CIDIN/Context International, 26 pp. - with Maaike Cotterink, The Hunger Project An Evaluation in Two African Countries: Senegal Report. Nijmegen/Utrecht: CIDIN/Context International, 56 pp. - Stand van Zaken. Programmatisch Werken in Ontwikkelingsorganisaties. Het voorbeeld Cordaid. Nijmegen: CIDIN, 82 pp. plus 13 bijlages. - The Programmatic Approach of Cordaid. Country Report Tanzania. Nijmegen: CIDIN, 25 pp. - Zicht op Resultaat. Productie en Ontvangst van het rapport Resultaten in Ontwikkeling - Rapportage 2007-2008. Een Evaluatie. Nijmegen: CIDIN, October, 41 pp. - Commentaar op het WRR-rapport over Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Nijmegen: CIDIN, October, 11 pp. - with Willem Elbers and George Owusu, Evaluation of the Thematical Co-financing Programme.Country Report Ghana. Utrecht, March 2006, 45 pp. - with Lau Schulpen a.o., Evaluation of the Theme-based Co-financing Programme Cross-cutting Study: The added value of TMF. Final Report. Utrecht, March 2006, 117 pp. - with Anshu Padayachee, Nelke van der Lans a.o., An Inventory of Research and Education Partnerships between South Africa and the Netherlands. Volume 1: The Inventory. Pretoria, December 2006, 148 pp. - with Anshu Padayachee, Nelke van der Lans a.o., An Inventory of Research and Education Partnerships between South Africa and the Netherlands. Volume 2: Policies, Obstacles, Successes and Challenges. Pretoria, December 2006. 68 pp. - (with collaboration of: Marleen Deuss, Hein de Haas, Gertrud Wagemans):The Coherence of EU Policies: Perspectives from the North and the South. Brussels: European Union’s Poverty Reduction Effectiveness Programme, Commissioned Study: REF: RO2CS007, March 2005, 107 pp. - Development Cooperation and the Restructuring of the European Commission: Focus Points for Advocacy and Lobby. London: BOND, March, 19 pp. - Aid Assessed. The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 180 pp. - Incoherentie Getypeerd:Verschillende Typologieën van Incoherenties in Ontwikkelingsbeleid in kaart Gebracht. Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, 11 pp. Complex Meten: Over Problemen bij het Vaststellen van de Resultaten van Ontwikkelingshulp. Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, 8 pp. - with Anders Danielsson and Benedict Mongula: Reforming Technical Cooperation – Are Donors Ready For Change? New York: UNDP, 70 pp.
- Poverty Reduction in the Development Cooperation Policy of the Netherlands. Paris: IRD/GRET, 37 pp. - Evaluaties Geëvalueerd: Onderzoek naar de NOVIB-evaluaties uit 2000. Den Haag, NOVIB, December 2001, 102 pp. - with M. de Boer and T. Quené: De activiteiten van Foster Parents Plan Nederland/Plan International in Cité Soleil (Haïti) ter discussie. Zeijen/Nijmegen/Amsterdam, juni 2001, 51 blz. - Evaluating Maastricht’s Triple C:The ‘C’ of Coherence. Brussels/The Hague: European Commission/Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 2001, 23 pp. -Evaluating Maastricht’s three C’s: A Plan of Action. Brussels/The Hague: European Commission/Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 2001, 21 pp. - Issues and Options for Evaluating Maastricht's Triple C: An Inception Paper. Brussels/The Hague: European Commission/Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 2001, 10 pp. - with Annelies Haijtink, European Co-operation with Small Island Developing States, Zeist: ECSIEP (financed by the European Commission and ICCO) - with L.Schulpen, DAC Scoping Study of Donor Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices: The Netherlands. Paris: DAC Informal Network on Poverty Reduction, July 1999, 51 pp. - with Andrea Koulaïmah-Gabriel, Policy formulation in the European Union: An assessment of the EU's Lomé policy. Evaluation of EU aid to ACP Countries. Brussels, IDC/Mokoro Ltd., May 1998, 24 pp. - with Fons van der Velden: Leren uit geleerd: Lessen uit evaluaties van uitzendende organisaties. Deelrapport 2: Ervaringen bij een aantal uitzendende organisaties. Nijmegen, Derde Wereld Centrum/SNV/HPI/PSO, september 1998, 40 blz. - with Fons vander Velden: Drawing lessons from experience: Lessons from evaluations of technical aid. Summary. Nijmegen/Den Haag, Derde Wereld Centrum/SNV/HPI/PSO, October 1998, 27 blz. - with L.Schulpen: Netherlands aid policies for poverty reduction. London, Overseas Development Institute, Working Paper 115, December 1998, 54 pp. ISBN 0 85003 410 8 - with L.Schulpen: Poverty reduction and aid: changing perspectives in theory and policy and their influence on aid allocation. London, Overseas Development Institute, Working Paper 110, 1998, 52 pp. ISBN 0 85003 338 1 - with Fons van der Velden: Leren uit geleerd: Lessen uit evaluaties van uitzendende organisaties. Deelrapport 1: Probleeminventarisatie en evaluatierapporten. Nijmegen, Derde Wereld Centrum/SNV/HPI/PSO, 1997, 51 blz. - with Annelies Haijtink, Een onderzoek naar het gebruik van het KID/Bemo bij de beoordeling van financieringsaanvragen bij ICCO. Zeist/Nijmegen, ICCO/Derde Wereld Centrum, januari 1997, 72 blz. - De effectiviteit van hulp: een literatuuroverzicht van macro- naar micro-niveaus. Paper in opdracht van de Minister voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Den Haag, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Focus op Ontwikkeling 2, ISBN 90 5328 095 2, 1995, 44 pp. - with Annelies Haijtink: Beoordeling beoordeeld: Een onderzoek naar de beoordeling van financieringsaanvragen bij NOVIB, Den Haag/Nijmegen, NOVIB/Derde Wereld Centrum, 1995, 97 pp. - with Werner Gocht and Adrian Hewitt, The comparative effectiveness and the coordination efforts of EU donors, Paper for the seminar 'The comparative effec-
tiveness and the coordination efforts of EU donors', sponsored by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, Feldaffing (Bavaria), 11 november 1994, 15 pp. - The comparative effectiveness and evaluation efforts of EU donors, Background Paper for the seminar 'The comparative effectiveness and the coordination efforts of EU donors', sponsored by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, Feldaffing (Bavaria), 11 november 1994, 14 pp. - Literature list on (comparative effectiveness and evaluation of) aid programmes of EU donors, Background Paper for the seminar 'The comparative effectiveness and the coordination efforts of EU donors', sponsored by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, Feldaffing (Bavaria), 11 november 1994, 17 pp.
Internal Reports and Papers 2010 - Ondeugdelijk Onderzoek. Een bespreking van de dissertatie van Wiet Janssen 'Management of the Dutch Development Cooperation'. CIDIN, januari, 13 pp. - Mooi in de analyse, Minder in de aanbevelingen. Een bespreking van: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, Minder pretentie, meer ambitie. Ontwikkelingshulp die Verschil maakt. CIDIN, januari, 10 pp. 2009 - A Matter of Dishonesty. A Review of: Dambisa Moyo's Dead Aid. Nijmegen: CIDIN, 6 pp. 2008 - Looking for traps and treats for ‘The Bottom Billion’. review of: Paul Collier: The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It. Nijmegen: CIDIN, 9 pp. 2007 - Policy Coherence for Development: Some lessons for new donor countries. The World Bank’s ABCDE Conference, Bled, Slovenia, May 2007, 23 pp. 2005 - The Coherence of EU Policies: Perspectives from the South. EADI Conference Bonn, June 2005, 37 pp 2004 - Ten years evaluation of European aid: what lessons learned? What to be improved? What to be changed? Paper for the Conference ‘Europe and the South: A New Era’, organised by SID and EADI, The Hague, 27 and 28 September, 11 pp. 1991 - Transnationalization and foreign aid: the case of the Netherlands, paper voor de Workshop Internationalization of National Economies, Third World Centre/NICCOS, Nijmegen, AlteA Hotel, 18, 19 and 20 december 1991, 15 pp. 1990 - with Lau Schulpen: Adviesburo's en ontwikkelingssamenwerking: verslag van een enquête. Nijmegen, Derde Wereld Centrum Occasional Paper nr.20, ISBN 90-7263311-1, 100 pp.
Key Qualifications Education * Gymnasium Bêta (Grammar School), Thomas à Kempis College, Arnhem (1970) * Doctoral Exam (Masters Degree) Political Science, specialisation International Relations/Development Studies, majors Economics and Development Sociology, Catholic University of Nijmegen (June 1978) * Ph.D. (Dr.Phil.) on the dissertation 'Geven is nemen: de Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp aan Tanzania en Sri Lanka' ('Giving is taking: foreign aid of the Netherlands to
Tanzania and Sri Lanka'), Catholic University of Nijmegen (December 1988, 354 pp.) Experience Since 1979 lecturer, senior-lecturer, associate professor and extra-ordinary professor at the Third World Centre, now Centre for International Development Issues Nijmegen of the Catholic University, now Radboud University, of Nijmegen
Research Projects/Experience * In the seventies research on political change and the land reform in Portugal, research and journalistic visits in1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1980 * Evaluation of foreign aid of the Netherlands (dissertation-research: Sri Lanka (1983; projects: livestock development, medical supplies, telephone cables, programme aid, IRDPs); Tanzania (1986; projects: sugar, fisheries, livestock development, Air Tanzania, cement industry, programme aid); file studies Ministry of Foreign Affairs * Donor policies in Indonesia (1992) * Project Leader (for the Dutch part) of the Comparative Effectiveness of European Aid Study by ten European research institutes (amongst others Centre for Development Research Copenhagen, Overseas Development Institute London, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Berlin) (1997-2000). For this project also research in Tanzania (1997-1998). The Third World Centre's involvement financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. DAC Scoping Study on Poverty Reduction (1999) (with the same institutes and some new ones). * Mali Aid Review (1999) (sponsored by the Club du Sahel) * Good Governance and bilateral donors for the Scientific Council for Government Policy of the Netherlands (WRR) (1999-2000) * Project Leader of the Research Project 'New Forms and instruments of Development Cooperation' sponsored by the Foundation Eco-Operation, in four countries amongst others in Mali and Benin (2000-2002) * Aid effectiveness study for the Minister of Development Cooperation, Jan Pronk (1985) and again for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2003), sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs * Commissioned Study on Policy Coherence for the Directorate General External Relations and the Directorate General Development of the European Union with case studies Morocco and Senegal ( March-November 2004), sponsored from the EC/PREP Programme of DFID (UK) * Youth as agents of change, research project together with and sponsored by CordAid (in several developing countries, 2004, field research in Congo) * Project Leader of the Evaluation of the added value of the thematical co-financing (TMF) programme (2005/2006, field research in Ghana), commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs * Inventory of research and education partnerships between South Africa and the Netherlands (teamleader, commissioned research for the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Pretoria, 2006-2007) * Senior researcher in the Participatory Impact Assessment sponsored by CordAid for the Ghana field study (August 2007)
* Senior advisor for the development policy white paper for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria (March 2007 – December 2007) * Senior adviser for the Swedish Agency for Development Evaluation on Sweden’s influence on the European development cooperation (May 2007-September 2008) * Commissioned study by the Minister for Development Cooperation Bert Koenders with Prof.dr. Nico Schrijver (International Law, Leyden University) on the institution of an ombudsman for development cooperation (November 2008-April 2009) * Evaluation of The Hunger Project in two African countries (Senegal and Malawi) with Fons van der Velden for ICCO ( November 2008-March 2009) * Teamleader of the assessment of the introduction of the Programmatic Approach and organisational changes for Cordaid (October 2008-May 2009) * Evaluation of the production and reception of the Report Results in Development Cooperation, commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (August-October 2009) PhD Supervision/MA Supervision (Co-)promotor: L.Schulpen: A comparison between Dutch bilateral and NGO aid; KUN-funded (1997) A.Kouchner: Agrarian Change in Iraq; funded by state’s employment services (1999) T.Schmitz: Water politics in South Africa (2008) Achieng Ojwang (Stellenbosch University, South Africa, WOTRO fellowship (2008) Celina del Felice (IS-Academy), Trasnational activism on trade (2013) Wim Oosterberg (external PhD student) Numfundo Kakaza (South Africa, SAPIENT fellowship) Xuefei Shi (Chinese Scholarship Council) Rahmat Yanuar (Indonesia, World Bank fellowship) Benjamin Ajal (Uganda, Radboud University fellowship) Maria Cecilia Draru (Uganda, Radboud University fellowship) Farwiza Farhan (NUFFIC fellowship) Helmut Warmenhoven (External PhD Student) Jean Rwasibo (external PhD student) Haimi Wudufanta (external PhD student) MA (Doktoraal)-thesis supervisor: More than 100 students since 1980
Scientific Functions * Member of the Advisory Council of the Africa Studies Centre, University of Leiden (19982004) * Member of the Advisory Committee ‘Bronnenuitgave Nederlandse Ontwikkelingssamenwerking’, Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (since 1998) * Member of the Project Commission of the Flemish Interuniversity Council (1999-2008) * Member and chairperson of the Netherlands National Committee and the Joint Committee of the South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (1999-2009) * Convener of the European Association of Development Institutes’ (EADI’s) Working Group
on Aid and Development Policy (since 2000) * Member of the Editorial Board of the International Spectator (since 2001) * Member of the External Review Committee of the Development Studies MA Courses, University of Antwerp for the Flemish Interuniversity Council (April-May 2001) * Member of the Steering Committee of the European Community’s Poverty Reduction Effectiveness Research Programme, financed by the Department for International Development (UK) (2001-2004) * Member of Scientific Advisory Committee of the Development Studies Centre (IOB), University of Antwerp (since Autumn 2002) * Member of the ‘Comitato Scientifico’ of the Master in ‘Sviluppo e Cooperazione Internazionale’, CeSPI/Stoa, Naples, Italy (since Spring 2002-2006) * Convener of the Development Policy Review Network (2004-2011) * Editor of the Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation (since 2005) * Member of the Worldconnectors (since 2006) * Member of the international advisory board of the EC sponsored EDC 2020 project (20082012) * Member of the coordination committee of the EU sponsored Edu-link project on trade and development with several universities in East-Africa and the University of Pavia (2008-2011) * Chair of the External Review Group of the Results in Development Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010-2011)
Other Functions and Consultancies * Founder and editor of the magazine 'Derde Wereld' ('Third World') (1981-1998) * Member of the National Advisory Council on Development Co-operation of the Netherlands (1990-1997), for this: one of the authors on Comparative effectiveness and evaluation efforts of European donors; Chair of the Commission to recommend on Development Co-operation and the Dutch presidency and the Commission to comment on the Green Paper; author of the Advice on the Reverification of Dutch Foreign and Development Cooperation Policy (1995) * Member of the Steering Committee on the Evaluation of Dutch NGO-Aid (1989-1991) * Member and chairman of the Project Commission of NOVIB (1993-2004) * Member of the Project Evaluation Committee of ACORD, London (1996-2001) * Study on aid effectiveness for Minister Jan Pronk (1995) * Consultancies on project appraisal systems, institutional development, project evaluation for NOVIB (1995) and ICCO (1996-97) * 'Best practices' research on technical assistance for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Dutch volunteer organisations (1997-1998) * Member of the evaluation team of the Lomé Convention for the European Commission (1998) * Private aid organisations in the Sahel, sponsored by the Club du Sahel (1998-1999) * Voted most influential development scientist in the Netherlands by a panel of experts organised by the magazine Vice Versa (April 2000) * Member of the Commission of three, Chaired by former minister M. de Boer on the evaluation of the activities of Foster Parents Plan/Plan International in Cité Soleil, Haïti (2000-2001) * Project leader of the first phase of the evaluation of the development paragraph of the
Treaty of Maastricht ‘Triple C’, commissioned by the combined evaluation units of the European Union’s member states and Commission (2001-2004) * Evaluation of the evaluations of NOVIB (2001) * Studies on Coherence and aid effectiveness for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2003) * Commissioned Study on Policy Coherence for the European Commission (DG Relex and DG Dev) with case studies in Morocco and Senegal (2004) * Project Leader of Commissioned Study on the Evaluation of the TMF-Programme, Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Netherlands (2005-2006) * Member of the Reference Group for the evaluation of the Sector-Wide Approaches, IOB, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2005-2006) * Project Leader of the evaluation of the effects of organisational changes in Cordaid (20082009) * Advisor to the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Maputo for their multi-annual strategic plan (2010) * Advisor for the Strategic Plan for the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) (20102011)
Teaching experience/Course Management * Since 1975 as student assistant and later as lecturer and senior lecturer: courses on Southern Africa, Spain and Portugal, Dutch and international development co-operation, methods and techniques of research in developing countries, development planning, project planning and evaluation, introduction into development studies. * Design 'Leerroute Ontwikkelingsstudies' (MA Diploma Course Development Studies), autumn 1985 instituted by the KUN (together with T.van Toor, Voorstel voor een Leerroute Ontwikkelingsstudies, Nijmegen, Derde Wereld Centrum, juli 1985, 50 pp.). * Followed by the design of the MA Course Development Studies: 'Voorstel tot instelling van een Vrije Studierichting "Ontwikkelingsstudies" ', Nijmegen, Derde Wereld Centrum, March/June 1991, on basis of which the University Council in September 1991, instituted the MA Course Development Studies (Vrije Studierichting Ontwikkelingsstudies) * Compilation of the Self-Evaluation ('Zelfstudie') of the MA Course Development Students for the external evaluation (visitatie Antropologie/Sociologie) 1992 * Member of the Executive Committee (Dagelijks Bestuur) of the Third World Centre, 19891998, again 2002-2006 of CIDIN * Chair of the Course Committee (Opleidingscommissie Ontwikkelingsstudies), 1990-1998; and member of the Course Committee Cultural Anthropology/Development Studies (since September 2009) * Course Co-ordinator MA Development Studies, 1990-1998 * Chair of the Sub-Faculty Committee on the Integration of MA Programmes (1991-1992) * Member of the Council of the Sub-Faculty (Subfaculteitsraad Maatschappijwetenschappen), 1995-1998 * Member of the Educational Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences (Facultaire Onderwijscommissie), 1995-1998 * Member of the Faculty Committee for Educational Innovation, 1996-1998 * Proposition and compilation of the Innovation Project for the Thesis Workshop ('Skriptiewerkplaats'), financed by the Ministry of Education, 1997 * Compilation of the Self-Evaluation of the MA Course Development Studies for the external evaluation ('Zelfstudie van de Opleiding Ontwikkelingsstudies', December 1997) (visitatie
Antropologie/Ontwikkelingsstudies 1998) and sections on Development Studies to the selfevaluation of Anthropology/Development Studies 2005. * Founder of the Advanced Master Policy and Practice in International Development (Post Doctorale Opleiding) (1997-1998) * Chair of the Course Committee of the Research Master Social and Cultural Sciences (from September 2009). * Director of the Research Institute NISCO (2010-2011) and Chair of the Advisory Council of NISCO (since 2011).
Guest Lectures Lectures on invitation at foreign universities on (European) development co-operation: * Department of Economics University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (February 1986) * Deutsches Übersee-Institut, University of Hamburg (June 1996) * Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen (November 1996) * Centro di Studi de Politica Internazionale, Roma (December 1996) * Department of Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (March 1997) * Department of Development Studies, Universität Bremen (June 1997) * Institute for International Relations and Development, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (May 1999, May 2000 and April 2002, March 2004) * Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo, Santander, Summer Course (August 2000) * Course Development and Cultures, Inter-Faculty Council for Development Co-operation, University of Leuven (November 2002) * MA Course in Development Studies, Stoa, Naples (March 2003) * Lectures on Poverty and Research Design, University of the North, Sovenga (South Africa), (April, June and October 2003, July 2004) * Guest lectures/seminars on the history of (bilateral, multilateral, private) development cooperation. Diplomatic Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia, Bulgaria (November 2005); again on the history of development cooperation, aid rationale and the actors (November 2007); and again on international development cooperation, main actors and policies (November 2012) * Lectures on international development organisations, Bethlehem University (March 2007) * Lecture on Policy Coherence for Development: Lessons for new donor countries, ABCDE Conference, Bled, Slovenia (May 2005) * Presentation on Policy Coherence for Development and the EU, ÖFSE, Vienna (31 March 2006) * Lecture on Policy Coherence for Development, SIDA, Stockholm (November 2007) * Lectures on European development cooperation, on CICOPS, University of Pavia (May 2008 and June 2009) * Presentation on Policy Coherence and the EU Mediterranean Programme, University of Slovenia and Foundation Emuni, Ljubljana (15 April 2010) * Lecture on European development cooperation for the Spanish aid agency (AECID) (May 2010) * Lecture on the MDGs for the Rumanian Development Days, Bucarest (June 2010) * On Subsidiarity and Complementarity in EU Development Cooperation, Conference on Subsidiarity and Multilevel Governance, Royal Academy, Brussels (12 October 2011 * Seminar on International Development Cooperation at the Diplomatic Institute of the Department for International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), Pretoria South Africa (May
2011, May 2012, May 2013) Lectures on invitation at Dutch universities and other organisations on respectively Portugal, debt problems of developing countries/the ‘debt crisis’, Dutch and European development cooperation, development co-operation and poverty reduction, development co-operation and the environment, the World Bank, the Lomé Convention, coherence and development cooperation, trade relations with developing countries, Sub-Sahara Africa (selection only): Studium Generale Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg (10 February 1977); Cyclus "Fascisme nu", 40th Anniversary of the Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen van de Gemeente Universiteit Amsterdam (25 April 1978); Studium Generale Landbouw Hogeschool (13 January 1983, 13 March 1984); Studium Generale Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (15 November 1984); Studium Generale T.U. Delft (14 September 1988); Koninklijk Genootschap voor Landbouwwetenschappen (3 May 1983); UNILO-konferentie Soesterberg (3 maart 1989); Kursus Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken, Universiteit van Amsterdam (11 January 1990, 18 November 1999, 21 September 2000); Cursus Ontwikkelingsproblematiek, Rijksuniversiteit Limburg (February/March from 1992 till 2001); Cursus Biologie en ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht (March, from 1992 till 1997); Cursus Milieu en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking , Landbouw Universiteit Wageningen (May 1996 en 1997); Cursus Inleiding Ontwikkelingsproblemen, Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen (8 January 1998); Koninklijk Genootschap voor Landbouwwetenschappen (10 February 2000); Cursus Techniek en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Technische Universiteit Delft (29 September 2000); Studium Generale, Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen (28 September 2000); Cursus Ontwikkelingsproblematiek, Free University of Amsterdam (14 December 2000); Cursus Health in Developing Countries, Medical Faculty, Universiteit of Maastricht (January 2001 en 2002); Inter Faculty Course on Development, University of Leyden (9 January 2003), CreDes Confentie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (11 March 2004), University of Tilburg (1 April 2005); Hogeschool Windesheim (14 February 2008); management team Cordaid (8 April 2008); University of Wageningen (15 May 2008); staff of HIVOS (16 September, 12 November 2008 and 16 March 2009); Social Economic Council (SER, 1 September 2008 and 21 April 2009); Africa Studies Centre, University of Leyden (26 March 2009); staff Second Chamber/Parliament (16 July 2009); Free University (26 November 2009); Foreign Affairs Committee D66 (30 January 2010); Combined Commissions on Development Cooperation of the Labour Party and Green Left (9 February 2010); University of Groningen (24 March 2010); Flemish aid agencies, Brussels (27 October 2010). Regular lectures on invitation: * For the Institute of International Affairs 'Clingendael': Diplomats' Course, Courses for Southern African, Mozambican, Indonesian, Sudanese, Central Asian Diplomats, 'Leergang Internationale Betrekkingen', Cursus Internationale Politiek and others. * For the Defence College ('Defensie Leergangen'): Course for Eastern European Officers (ISOOC 1995-2004)), Course Top Management (2006-2011), Course for Military Attachés (2007-2012 ). * For the Royal Tropical Institute: Acculturation Course (1989-1999). Furthermore: * More than two hundred lectures and forum-debates on Third World Conferences and seminars, with high officials and minister of development co-operation, amongst others Jan
Pronk, Eveline Herfkens, Paul Collier (organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Young Diplomats Union, regional Centres for Development Co-operation (COSsen), the Labour Party’s parliamentary section, Students’ Faculty Unions, course international relations liberal party (D66), Debate Centre LUX Nijmegen, etcetera). * More than 300 radio and television interviews on development problems. * 3d in the first ‘Frans Duynstee Competition 2004’ (for the scientist of the Radboud University most in national publicity), 2nd in 2005, 4th in 2006, 6th 207, 4th 2008, 7th in 2009, 6th in 2010.
March 2014-03-07
Prof. dr. Paul Hoebink