Task 6:
“My Hobby”
Authors: POLAND:
Szkoła podstawowa nr 4 im. Henryka Sienkiewicza w Elblągu, Elbląg (Coordinator of the project)
CZECH REPUBLIC: Základní škola T. G. Masaryka Uherské Hradiště - Mařatice, 1. Máje 55, příspěvková organizace, Uherské Hradiště - Mařatice ITALY:
Istituto Comprensivo L'AQUILA
Gymnázium Mihálya Tompu Reformovanej kresťanskej cirkvi svyučovacím jazykom maďarským, Rimavská Sobota
Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria "LOS OLIVOS", Cabanillas del Campo (Guadalajara)
Beylikköprü Şh. Yzb. Nazmi Elmas İlköğretim Okulu, Beylikköprü Köyü / Polatlı
Singing is my life! My name`s Alicja and my hobby is singing. I devote every free moment to practice it. I sing when I am happy, but I also throw out my sadness or anger through the melody. I have taken part in many music competitions and I sign at almost every school assembly. I have been always fascinated by the music. It is a part of my life. I sang when I was three years old. I have been always fascinated by singers. I like singing very much but I did not expect that I can do it quite well. My teacher has helped me to realize it. After hearing my vocal she encouraged me to act in this direction, not to waste my talent. I decided to join our school choir. I am going to improve my singing when I graduate from the Primary School. I hope that I fulfill my dreams. I am also going to learn how to plan some musical instrument. I think it will be violin, guitar or flute. Recently, I have taken part in the second part of Kalos Kagathos competition, where participants were to show the thing we can do best. I sang Ewa Farna`s Czech song there, titled Sama Sobe. The judges were really impressed and gave me a safety ticket to the third part of the contest. Singing is a great thing . I hope that I will have a chance to improve my skills in the future. Alicja Juszczyszyn, 12
What a gourmet I am! It has started normally and could have happened in the same way to each of you. I have been interested in cooking since my earliest years. Since I was three I have been making sandwiches for my older brother. And even then my mum was laughing at me, saying I`ll be a great cook. Through few years I have postponed my hobby. It has started again when one day my mum did not want to make me supper. I took everything in my hands and make the meal myself. I hid my hobby a little. One Sunday I made scrambled eggs fried with butter when my mum was at work. Mmmm… Have you ever eaten scrambled eggs fried with butter? It` s delicious! And my cooking has started for good. Do not think that I have cooked as a professional chef form the very beginning. My mum asked me to peel some potatoes. She told me how many potatoes I should peel, but when peeling I thought it would not be enough for us all. When my mum saw the whole pot of potatoes she said that now we can feed the whole army. When my parents were at work I looked into the fridge to see what is prepared for the dinner. My aunt was with me. She told me what I should do to prepare a meal by myself. Next time I made a meal by myself. It consisted of potatoes, meat chop and salad. My parents were really surprised and pleased when they came back home. Later, everything went better than ever. My cooking was more and more professional. Apart from dinners, I also made many different salads. I impressed my friends on my birthdays with my bananas meal. It was a “caterpillar” joined by chocolate, and leg-crunchy-sticks. Another cooking success! I noticed that my brother observed my cooking more and more frequently so I decided to ask him to help me. He was to prepare the meat chops. You don`t believe! He used to much pepper! Everyone ate the meal and praised him but we drank the hole bottle of mineral water when he did not look at us. Cooking is not his gift. I decided to organize a cooking meeting. I did it a week later and my friends have extra recipes! One of them was a salad called “Gyros”- it` s very good. To show my professionalism I baked a cake for Easter. Now I know that it is my favourite activity. I hope to improve my cooking even more in the future. It is nice to see that others like your food!
Natalia Nowakowska, 10
Clothes designing Many people have their own hobbies. Some collect stamps and others gather less or more interesting things. My hobby is clothes designing. At first I sewed clothes for my dolls, I wrapped material or paper into interesting dresses or blouses. I liked it very much. One day I got a draft workbook “Top Model” for my birthday from a friend. I was very satisfied and I realized that this is what I have dreamt for a very long time. Today I mostly design casual, sport or smart clothes. Sport clothes consist mainly of tracksuits, loose hoodies or blouses. Evening dresses are usually long and straight or with many waves. There are also elegant mini-dresses available. So called casual clothes are the easiest ones: jeans, leggings, tops with colourful inscriptions, ¾ length blouses, regular skirts and checked shirts. I take my inspirations from the people walking in the streets or from the fashion programmes. I also surf on the Internet websites about fashion- the ones that are for children at my age, e.g. “Stardoll”. I got interested in fashion and designing when I got to know about the model coming from Elbląg, Karolina Muller. I entered her websites, I read articles about her. When I was watching the fashion programmes or the fashion shows I searched for some information about her but there were not a single information about our town model. I also try to be dressed according to the recent fashion. I think that when I grow up I will be able to make my dreams come true and improve my skills. I want to make my workshop advanced with the mysteries coming from the professional fashion designers. By now I can be happy by making my drawings and designing on my own in each free moment.
Karolina Osinski, 11
The Czech Republic
My hobby My name is Johana Drgáčová and I´m nine years old. My hobby is our after-school folk club „Mařaťánek“. In Mařaťánek we dance, sing and play theatre. Nineteen girls and one boy visit this club. Our conductor is Missis Jana Trefilíková. We train once a week on Tuesdays. We performed in School Academy, in old people´s home and in pension. We´ve got folk costumes which are consisted of white tunic (blouse), white skirt with blue strips. We´ve got also earlier festive pinafores – they are sewed from silk velvet and edges are from white lace. We also have old-time rag dolls. The dulcimer music plays to our performance. Boys with Mr. Šupka play in this music. The song which I like to sing is called „Seděl vrabec na kostele“ (The sparrow sat on the church). In winter we sing on the square under the Christmas tree. We sing czech traditional carols. We wear velvet purple scarfs. I like folk very much and I would like to go in for this hobby although I will not be at this school.
Můj koníček Jmenuji se Johana Drgáčová a je mi devět let. Můj koníček je náš školní lidový kroužek Mařaťánek. V Mařaťánku tančíme, zpíváme a hrajeme divadlo. Kroužek navštěvuje devatenáct děvčat a jeden chlapec. Vede nás paní vychovatelka Jana Trefilíková. Trénujeme jednou týdně v úterý. Vystupovali jsme na Akademii školy, v domově důchodců a v penzionu. Naše doplňky jsou kroje. Skládají se z bílých halen, bílých sukní, které jsou pokryty modrými pruhy. Také máme dřívější sváteční zástěrky – jsou ušity z hedvábného sametu a okraje jsou obšity čistě bílými krajkami. Také máme starodávné hadrové panenky. K našim vystoupením nám hraje cimbálová muzika. Jsou to kluci pod vedením pana učitele Šupky. Píseň, kterou ráda zpívám, se jmenuje „Seděl vrabec na kostele“. V zimě zpíváme na náměstí u vánočního stromu. Zpíváme české tradiční koledy. V zimě nosíme sametové fialové šátky. Mám folklór moc ráda a chtěla bych se mu věnovat, i když nebudu chodit na tuto školu.
My hobby My name is Lucie Hastíková and I´m eleven years old. I live in the Czech Republic in Uherské Hradiště. My school is called Základní škola T. G. Masaryka in Uherské Hradiště - Mařatice. In my free time I draw, ski and skate. I like riding a bike and playing the computer games. But my favourite hobby is aerobics. I go in for aerobics only one year. I´ve got practices twice a week - on Monday one hour and half and on Wednesday only one hour. I do aerobics competively. We´ve got a coach. Her name is Erika. Sometimes on Wednesdays we´ve got a coach Verča. There are thirteen girls in our team. In practice we learn splits, forward split, … We deal with the routine now, because almost each weekend we take part in the competition. We are „Aerobik Klub Zlín“ and our name is „Prázdniny v Honolulu – Holiday in Honolulu“. Last week we took part in competition and we won the second place. Our routine is two minutes and fifteen seconds long. We´ve got pink-white-blue jersey. It is composed from glittering white undershirt with pink lines, pink skirt wit white fringes. Under the skirt we have blue shorts. The shoes are white bootee. I´m very interested in aerobics and I will continue in it.
Můj koníček Jmenuji se Lucie Hastíková a je mi jedenáct let. Bydlím v České republice v Uherském Hradišti. Chodím do Základní školy T. G. Masaryka v Mařaticích. Mé záliby jsou malování, lyžování a bruslení. Ráda jezdím na kole a jsem na počítači. Ale nejvíce mě baví tančit aerobik. Aerobiku se věnuji teprve jeden rok. Tréninky mám dvakrát týdně. V pondělí hodinu a půl a ve středu jenom hodinu. Aerobik cvičím závodně. Máme trenérku Eriku. Ve středu někdy míváme Verču. V týmu je nás třináct dívek. Na tréninku se učíme průplav, rozštěp a provaz. Teď se ale nejvíc zabýváme sestavou, protože skoro každý víkend jezdíme na závody. Jsme Aerobik Klub Zlín a jmenujeme se Prázdniny v Honolulu. Minulý týden jsme byli na závodech a byli jsme druzí. Sestavu máme dlouhou dvě minuty a patnáct sekund. Máme růžovo-bílomodrý dres. Dres tvoří třpytivý bílý nátělník s růžovými čárkami, růžová sukně s bílorůžovými třásněmi a pod sukní jsou modré kraťasy. Boty máme bílé kotníčkové. Aerobik mě baví a budu se mu dál věnovat.
My hobby My name is Nicol Pálková. I´m ten years old. My school is called Základní škola T. G. Masaryka in Uherské Hradiště – Mařatice. I like all sports. I like swimming, diving, riding a bike, roller-skating, playing dodge ball, tennis and badminton. In winter I ski and skate. I love animals, mainly dogs, but the best animal for me is a horse. I wanted to ride a horse from childhood. My mum said that I was too small. But I had got a dream to ride a horse. When I was three years old I learned to draw horses and I still look into books about horses. My grandma read met hem before sleeping and I had dreams that I ride a wild horse at seaside. I hoped I will ride a horse like a professional. Then I started to go to school, where I learned to read and I could read the books myself. Mum allowed me to go to horses. My grandma has a cottage near the ranch and I got to like one horse there. It was black and white pony, I stroked him. Then one woman came there and she asked if I would like to ride this pony. My mum said: „I don´t know.“ But I begged a lot, so she agreed. You couldn´t imagine this feeling. My dream came up. I ride a horse alone. From this time I fell in love with horses. Mum also got to like horses. She arranged that we would ride horses. And I learned to ride. One horse even lied down with me. Everywhere where I came, I looked for horse. When I found them I am more happy and more content. This weekend we were in camp in Radějov and we visited a ranch Travičná which is situated under the observation. There were various animals – sheeps, lambs, goats, pigs, mules and mainly offspring of Korok (the winner of race called „Velká Pardubická“). He was old but it was still very beautiful thoroughbred. We also visited stable, there were a lot of horses. I liked white mare with a white and brown foal – one week old. They let me ride one beautiful horse. At first with escort and then I could ride alone. This horse followed my commands, he trotted, turned, stopped. I was excited. When I have free time I still draw horses, I read books abou them or I play computer games about farming and therapy of horses. My biggest dream is to have own horse. ;-)
Můj koníček Jmenuji se Nicol Pálkova, mám 10 let a chodím do školy TGM Mařatice. Mám ráda všechny sporty. Ráda plavu, potápím se, také jezdím na kole, kolečkových bruslích, hraji vybíjenou, tenis, badminton. V zimě ráda lyžuji a bruslím. Miluji zvířata, hlavně psy, ale nejraději mám koně. Už jako malá jsem chtěla jezdit na koni. Maminka ale říkala, že jsem moc malá. Já však pořád měla sen, že budu jezdit na koni. Ve třech letech jsem se naučila malovat koně a prohlížela jsem si knížky. Babička mně je četla před spaním a mně se zdálo, že jezdím na divokém koni u moře. Doufala jsem, že budu jezdit na koni jako profesionál. Pak jsem začala chodit do školy, kde jsem se naučila číst a četla si knížky sama. Maminka mi dovolila chodit na koně. Babička má chatu u ranče a já si tam oblíbila jednoho koně. Byl to bílo-černý poník, neustále jsem ho hladila. Přišla tam paní a zeptala se mě, jestli se na něm nechci projet. Mamka řekla: „Já nevím“, ale já ji prosila, až mně to dovolila. Ten pocit si nedovedete představit. Splnil se mi sen. Já jela sama na koni. Od té doby jsem se do koní zamilovala ještě víc. I máma si pak koně oblíbila. Domluvila s tetou, že budeme jezdit na koních. A já se naučila jezdit. Jeden kůň si se mnou dokonce lehl na zem. Všude kam přijdeme, ať na výlet nebo na dovolenou, první hledám, kde jsou nějací koně. Když je najdu, jsem o hodně veselejší a spokojenější. O tomto víkendu jsme byli v kempu na Radějově a navštívili jsme ranč Travičná, který je pod rozhlednou. Mají tam různá zvířata např. ovce, jehňata, kozy, kozly, kůzlata, vepře, mulu (křížence osla a koně), stará stavení, stroje a nářadí a také staré stromy oskeruší. Ale hlavně tam měli potomka Koroka (vítěze Velké Pardubické). Byl už sice starý, ale pořád to byl krásný andulský plnokrevník. Navštívili jsme také stáj, kde měli hodně koní. Nejvíce se mi líbila bílá klisna s překrásným, týden starým hnědo-bílým hříbátkem. Dovolili mi také na jednom krásném koni jezdit. Nejdříve v doprovodu a pak jsem jezdila sama. Poslouchal moje povely. Klusal, zatáčel, jezdil osmičky, zastavoval a zase klusal. Byla jsem nadšená. Když mám volnou chvíli, tak si stále maluji koně, čtu si o nich knížky nebo hraji na počítači hry o chovu nebo léčení koní. Mým největším snem je mít vlastního koně.
WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE HOBBY? In the afternoon after I finished doing my homework I can finally dedicate myself to my hobbies. I like writing songs because I like music and I make bracelets and necklaces for me and my friends. During the free time I also like drawing: when I am in the car with my parents I always look out the window to observe all that is around me. When I get home I take a sheet and I try to remember and drawing everything I saw. I make many mistakes in designing and deletions, but in the end I can always make a nice drawing. I also like to go fishing: every Sunday, if time permits, I go with my father to fish in a small lake located near my house. When we arrive we always sit at the usual bench and, mounted fishing rods, we expect to catch fish. Do you think that once we managed to catch a trout over 50 cm long: it seemed like a small shark! Another hobby is to collect stamps from anywhere in the world: I have almost 500 stamps and last Christmas my grandmother gave me an album to collect them all: I am very proud of my stamp collection and I always show them to my friends when they come to see me. The last hobby I would like to talk about is that of photography. I photograph everything around me and capture everything I see: animals, objects, plants, places… A few days ago with my teachers I visited a photo exhibition on the places where we live. I am fun and I decided to organize a small exhibition of photos in my garage. I found lots of pictures with images of animals and I put them on a poster that I hung on the wall. When I grow up I hope that one of my hobbies can turn into a job for me: if I had to choose, I would like to become a photographer.
Nel pomeriggio, dopo che ho finito di fare i miei compiti, posso finalmente dedicarmi ai miei hobby. Mi piace scrivere delle canzoni perché amo molto la musica e costruire dei braccialetti e delle collanine per le mie amiche. Durante il mio tempo libero mi piace anche disegnare: quando sono in macchina con i miei genitori guardo sempre fuori dal finestrino per vedere tutto quello che c’è intorno a me. Quando torno a casa prendo un foglio e mi sforzo di ricordare e disegno tutto quello che ho visto. Nel disegnare faccio molti errori e cancellature, ma alla fine riesco sempre a fare un bel disegno. Mi piace anche andare a pesca: ogni domenica, se il tempo lo permette, vado con mio padre a pescare in un lago vicino a casa mia. Quando arriviamo ci sediamo sempre alla solita panchina e, montate le canne da pesca, aspettiamo di prendere dei pesci. Pensate che una volta, con molta fatica, io e mio padre siamo riusciti a pescare una trota lunga più di 50 centimetri: sembrava quasi un piccolo squalo! Un altro mio hobby è quello di collezionare francobolli provenienti da qualunque parte del mondo: ne ho quasi 500 e il Natale scorso mia nonna mi ha regalato un album per poter raccogliere tutti i francobolli. Sono molto fiera della mia collezione e la mostro sempre alle mie amiche quando vengono a trovarmi. Un altro mio hobby è quello di fare fotografie: vorrei fotografare tutto quello che mi circonda e immortalare tutto quello che vedo: animali, oggetti,piante,luoghi… Alcuni giorni fa ho visitato con le mie maestre una mostra fotografica sui luoghi in cui viviamo. Mi sono molto divertita e ho deciso di organizzare una piccola mostra fotografica nel mio garage: ho trovato molte fotografie con immagini di animali e le ho messe su un cartellone che poi ho appeso alla parete. Spero molto che da grande uno di questi miei hobby possa trasformarsi in un lavoro per me: se proprio dovessi scegliere vorrei fare la fotografa.
MY HOBBY I attend the forth grade of the Primary School of Tornimparte, a village near L’Aquila. In the afternoon I have often to do my homework, but when I have finished to study I have a lot of hobbies. For example I like skiing, playing volley-ball and riding a horse. I like riding horse because I feel free and I have the feeling of flying. I love practising all these sports because I can stay out and they are good for my health. I have also other two hobbies that I like much: to take care of my animals and set up a little market for used things. My father and my grand father have got a lot of animals: dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, chickens, sheep and cows; I enjoy with them. About the little market it is called “ Cheap Paradise ”: I work with my friends with pleasure and joy, and this summer we’ll open it every day.
I miei hobbies Frequento la Quarta Classe della Scuola Elementare di Tornimparte, un paese vicino L’Aquila. Nel pomeriggio spesso devo fare i compiti, ma quando ho terminato di studiare ho molti hobby. Per esempio mi piace molto sciare, giocare a pallavolo e andare a cavallo: mi piace molto andare a cavallo perché mi sento libera ed ho la sensazione di volare. Amo praticare tutti questi sport perché posso stare all’aria aperta ed essi sono utili per la mia salute. Ci sono anche due altri hobby che amo molto: prendermi cura dei miei animali e organizzare un mercatino di oggetti usati. Mio padre e mio nonno hanno molti animali: cani, gatti, cavalli, asini, polli, pecore e mucche. Io mi diverto molto con tutti questi animali. Per quanto riguarda il mercatino dell’usato, esso si chiama “ Paradiso Conveniente ”, io e le mie amiche lo curiamo con molta gioia: quest’estate, quando la scuola sarà chiusa, il mercatino sarà aperto tutti i giorni. 17
My hobby: the kitchen-garten Nella mia scuola, tra le varie attività, ci occupiamo di seminare e di curare un orto. Abbiamo seminato e raccolto anche le zucche per la festa di Halloween. Adesso vi racconto come abbiamo fatto: Abbiamo fatto delle buche nel terreno di circa 3 cm, ci abbiamo messo i semi di zucca, li abbiamo ricoperti con un po’ di terra e li abbiamo innaffiati
Dopo un po’ di tempo sono nate delle piantine che, con le cure, sono diventate sempre più grandi
Alla fine di Ottobre, dopo tante cure, finalmente abbiamo raccoltole nostre zucche!
Il 31 Ottobre abbiamo realizzato “Jack O’ Lantern” per festeggiare Halloween
Con un’altra zucca abbiamo preparato un impasto con il quale abbiamo realizzato un dolce. E’ stata un’esperienza veramente speciale
My Hobby A hobby is an activity that people do in their spare time. We can spend our free time actively (playing football, running, dancing…) or passively (listening to music, reading…). My indoor spare time activities are: reading books and magazines, watching TV and writing with my friends on SKYPE. I usually read books about the life of young people and sport magazines. I like watching thrillers and I often watch soap operas as well. I have some friends abroad and we are in contact through the Skype or my classmates send the homework to me when I am not at school, when I am ill and have to stay at home. My favourite spare time activity is playing basketball. I like playing it with my friends. This game and the friends are my hobby.
I like playing basketball because I can meet my friends and find new ones. I play this game at weekends, sometimes on weekdays and during our PE lessons too. I am always very happy when our PE teachers says that we are going to play basketball on the lesson. I have a lot of fun and laugh and I gossip a lot with my friends. This kind of hobby is healthy for my body and my soul as well because of my friends. I like playing basketball but I am not the best player. That´s why I have to practice a lot. I think after a lot of practicing I will become a better player. Playing basketball and meeting my friends make me happy. Viktória Házik (12)
My Hobby A hobby is something we like doing in our free time. It gives us mental and physical relaxation. Hobbies play an important role in developing one´s personality. A hobby keeps a person active, busy and cheerful. We can divide hobbies into two groups: physical and mental hobbies. Physical hobbies are soccer, gardening, horse riding, running etc. These hobbies are good for people who do passive or mental work, such as: teachers, students, officers. Mental hobbies are for example: reading, listening to muisc, playing chess or cards. These hobbies are good for people who do physical or active work, such as : gardeners, waiters, sportsmen. Actually, I have not got a real hobby yet. I have tried a lot of things as a hobby but none of them was the real one. When I was six, I tried karate but I realized I was not a karate kid. I stopped doing it. Then my mum had me enrolled into a swimming group. I had been swimming for three years but I found it boring. It was followed by horse riding. I did not enjoyed it very much.
The best of all was working out in the gym. I really enjoyed it. It made me feel better. Last summer I spent all my free time in the gym. But in September the school started so I do not have enough time for it. I think during this summer holidays I will start it again.
An other thing I like very much is listening to music. Whenever I am sad or feel like doing nothing, I listen to music. It makes me lively again. In my opinion, everybody needs a hobby. It is a good way of spending the free time. I hope I will find my right hobby soon. Cyntia Lehocká (14)
My Hobby
The free time after work or school is called leisure time. It is the time for fun, entertainment, going out or doing some hobbies. Hobbies are connected with the lifestyle. Some people like being on their own, others enjoy a company but our hobby should fit our character. We can divide hobbies into active and passive hobbies. Passive hobbies are for example : watching TV, DVDs reading books, listening to music, browsing the Internet or chatting on the Internet. Some people spend their leisure time actively in groups. Some of them play collective sports, for example: football, hockey, basketball, baseball, golf and so on. Many people spend their leisure time doing exercises to keep fit, such as: hiking, cycling, weight lifting, horse riding. Many people have creative hobbies such as: acting, painting, drawing. A lot of people keep pets. I also have got a pet. It is a cat and its name is Angi. I feed her every day and I put clean water into her water bottle. I play with her and like her very much. In my free time I go in for some sports too and play the saxophone. I have been playing this musical instrument for eight years. I started with a flute. I have played the flute for four years. When I was twelve , I started playing the saxophone. I mostly play jazz music. My favourite musician is Sandy Dulfer. I attend music school as well. Next year I will start the second grade. I like playing the saxophone because I like music. I am relaxed and very happy when I play. I hope my enthusiasm will last forever. Réka
MIS AFICIONES Montar a caballo, ese es mi Hobby. Me encanta montar a caballo, es una sensación genial, sobre todo, porque el caballo es mi animal favorito, me siento bien y es muy divertido. Cuando montas, conectas con el caballo y puedes manejarle. Cuando estás tranquilo/a, transmites esa tranquilidad al caballo por lo tanto los dos, el caballo y el jinete o amazona, se sienten bien. Las consecuencias de montar a caballo son un poco inquietantes. El caballo puede pisarte la cara y deformártela, puedes caerte y quedarte paralítico… Pero a pesar de eso, es el cariño hacia los caballos el que te hace disfrutar como nunca. Mi caballo favorito es de raza andaluza, es negro, alto, pecho robusto, cabeza fina, cuello arqueado y musculoso, lomo largo y estrecho, cuartos traseros anchos y musculosos, patas largas, crin y cola exuberantes. Mis profesores de montar a caballo son cariñosos y me enseñan con paciencia y bien. La hípica se practica desde hace mucho; espero que los caballos no se extingan y que pueda disfrutarlos, porque son animales únicos y me encantan.
SUMMARY: My favourite hobby is to ride a horse. It’s fantastic. I like it because it’s great and I enjoy it when I’m with the horse. When I ride a horse I feel free. It’s as good as other things that I do, but riding a horse is dangerous, because the horse is a dangerous animal, but it´s a fantastic animal, too. Finally I say that my favourite horse is an ``ANDALUZ´´ horse, it’s black and beautiful.
Marta Sanz, Primary 6th A
MIS AFICIONES Mis principales aficiones son: montar a caballo porque es mi animal favorito, es muy divertido y al principio empecé al paso y luego al trote. Cuando aprendí era muy divertido montar a caballo. ¡Cuando sea mayor quiero ser jinete! Mi segunda afición es nadar porque hago mucho ejercicio. Hace dos años aprendí a nadar y el año pasado a bucear. Ya sé tirarme a la piscina de bomba y de plancha. También sé hacer el pino en la piscina y andar por el suelo de la piscina. ¡En septiembre me van a apuntar a natación! Mi tercera afición es leer porque leyendo se aprenden muchas palabras. Ya he leído muchos libros como “Blanca Nieves”, “La invención de Hugo Cabret”, Guillermo y el miedo” o “Kika Superbruja y los indios”. ¡Me encanta leer!
Hugo Sell Maestro, Primary 2nd B 29
SUMMARY: My hobbies are: - Riding a horse, because it is my favourite animal. - I like swimming, because you do a lot of exercise. - I also like reading, because you can learn lots of things.
Silvia Gallego Bruera, Primary 6th A
MIS AFICIONES Hay cosas que me gusta hacer aparte del cole. Se tratan de las aficiones. Son las siguientes: Mi primera afición es el fútbol. Es un deporte. ¡Me encanta! Lo practico con mis amigos, además de estar en un club de fútbol: el Sporting Cabanillas Fútbol Club. Mi segunda afición es la música. Estoy yendo a una escuela de música. Lo que más me gusta es el piano. Acabo de empezar, ¡pero mi profesora me ha dicho que voy estupendo! No sólo me gusta la música clásica, también me gustan otros tipos(Pop, Rock, Poprock, Reggae, ect.). Mi tercera y última afición es la física y el espacio. Tengo suerte de tener un padre que ha estudiado estas dos cosas. Estoy todo el día preguntándole estas cosas. Me ha explicado como la fuerza de la gravedad atraía las cosas… Estas son mis tres aficiones. Sólo las hago en el tiempo libre. Antonio Rodríguez Clavijo, Primary 3rd B
SUMMARY: Apart from school my other hobbies are playing football with my friends and my team, listening to music, playing the piano and talking with my father about physics and universe. I only practice them in my free time. 31
BENİM HOBİM: OKUMAK Merhaba, ben Beylikköprü Köyü İlköğretim Okulu 6.sınıf öğrencisi Tuba Akyar.Boş zamanlarımda yapmaktan en çok hoşlandığım şey kitap okumak ve okulumuzun kütüphanesinde kitaplar arasında zaman geçirmektir. Yaşadığım köyde deniz,yüzme havuzu ya da bir spor salonu yok fakat kitapların bana sunduğu dünyada ise herşey var.Eskiden kitap okumayı çok da sevmezken kütüphanecilik kulübüne katıldıktan sonra kütüphanede daha fazla zaman geçirmeye ve daha fazla kitap okumaya başladım. Derslerimle ilgili araştırmalar yapmak için çoğunlukla okul kütüphanesinde zaman geçiririm ayrıca kütüphane sayesinde birçok kitabı satın almaya gerek olmadan okuyabiliyorum. Kitap okurken kendimi bir hayal dünyasında hissediyorum. Okuduğum kitabın karakteri yerine kendimi koyuyorum ve kendimi hikayenin içinde buluyorum. Böylece okuduğum kitaptan daha çok zevk alıyorum. Tuba Akyar, 6/A
Summary: MY HOBBY: READING Hi, I am Tuba from Beylikköprü Primary School. My favourite hobby is reading books and spend time in library. There aren’t a swimming pool or a gym in my village but there is everything in the books. I didn’t like reading before I joined to Library Club of my school.I can read lots of books and I don’t need to buy them.Because I can find them in the library and I can search for my homeworks in the library. While I am reading, I feel myself in a dream world. Tuba Akyar, 6/A
BENİM HOBİM; MÜZİK DİNLEMEK Ben Ayşenur, 13 yaşındayım. Müzik dinlemekten zevk alırım. Müzik dinlerken hem eğlenir hem de öğrenebilirim. Mesela yabancı şarkıcılardan Adele ve Katy Perry dinlemekten mutluluk duyuyorum. Yabancı şarkıları dinlerken kelimeleri anlayabilmek,anlatılmaya çalışılan anlamı kavramak benim için önemlidir. Böylece yabancı müzikler dinlerken ingilizcemi de geliştiririm. Müzik dinlemek mutsuz olduğumda bana mutluluk, üzgünsem neşe ve sevinç katabilir. Müzik içindeki hisleri dışarıya yansıtmak demektir bence. Her duygusal halim için beni anlatacak bir şarkı bulabilirim. Bazen müziğin akışına kendimi bırakır dans ederim, bazense duygusal bir şarkı dinlerken gözlerim dolabilir.Yalnız dinlemekten zevk alabilirim bazen, bazense dostlarımla müzik dinlemek daha eğlencelidir. Bazen sadece dinlerim, bazense eşlik ederim müziğin ritmine. İstediğim zaman,istedigim gibi,istediğim şarkıyı dinlerken mutlu olur,hayallere dalarve özgürleşirim. Ayşenur Sivri,7/A
Summary: MY HOBBY;LISTENING MUSIC I am Ayşenur and I am 13 years old.I like listening music. I can enjoy and I can learn while listening music. Because I like to listening foreign singers like Adele and Katy Perry .I try to understand the meaning of the words in the songs. So I can improve my English skills. I can find lots of songs for my all feellings.When I am sad or feel bad, a song can make me happy. I can share my feelings with music. Sometimes,I can dance with music or sometimes I can cry while listening a song.I can listen alone or with my friends.I feel happy and free while listening music. Ayşenur Sivri,7/A
BENİM HOBİM; GİTAR ÇALMAK Ben 8/A sınıfı öğrencisi Fatma Beğde. 6.sınıfta gitara ilgi duymuya başladım. 6.sınıfta,12 yaşımdayken ailemin desteğiyle başladığım gitar kursuyla birlikte bu ilgimi daha ileriye taşıdım. Bugün 14 yaşındayım ve gitar hayatımda önemli bir yere sahip, ben gitar çalarken huzur doluyorum. Arkadaşlarım beni dinlerken her zaman mutlu oluyorlar. Sık sık arkadaşlarıma gitar çalıyorum. Kursa başladığımda birkaç şarkı çalmayı öğrenmek benim için büyük bir başarıydı , bugünse birçok parçayı gitar ile çalmayı başarabiliyorum. Ayrıca bazen kendi bestelerimi yapmaya çalışıyorum. Bir gün arkadaşlarıma kendi bestelerimi de çalabileceğime inanıyorum. Çok sevdiğim bir oyuncu Aamir Khan’ın da dediği gibi „sen mucizelerin peşin de koş, başarı seni yakalar”. Bende tam olarak bunu yapmaya çalışıyorum. Gitar benim için sadece bir hobby ve boş zamanları değerlendirdiğim bir aktivite olmaktan artık çıktı bir aşk oldu içimde,kendimi ifade etme biçimim.
Summary; MY HOBBY; PLAYING GUITAR I am Fatma and my hobby is playing guitar.I started to learn playing guitar when I was 12. Today I am 14 years old and guitar has an important part in my life. I find peace of mind while I am playing my guitar.I usually play guitar to my friends. When I started to the guitar course ,I could play only some simple songs.But today I believe that I can play my own song one day. „If you run after miracles, success catches you”. Guitar is my love not only a hobby.Playing guitar is a form of my self-expression for me so I want to achieve success in this regard.