Autor: Taťána Konečná Datum vytvoření: únor 2013 Ročník: 3. až 4. ročník středních škol s maturitní zkouškou Klíčová slova: London, Tube, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge. Cíl práce a způsob použití: práce slouží k seznámení se základními údaji o Londýně a k přípravě k maturitní zkoušce. Na přiložené mapce jsou vyznačena nejznámější místa, která jsou stručně popsána v přiloženém textu.
Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Taťána Konečná. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Střední školou technickou a řemeslnou Nový Bydžov.
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The capital of the U.K., is situated on the Thames in the southern part of England. The city was probably founded 2,000 years ago. London is a cosmopolitan city, there are people of many nationalities. Today the population is about 7 million inhabitants. The Tower of London (1) stands on the north bank of the Thames. The Tower Bridge (2) is a great symbol of London. The bridge opens in the middle and goes up when huge ships want to pass through. St. Paul’s Cathedral (3) is one of the largest in the world. It is the residence of the bishop of London. The Houses of Parliament (4) are on the Victoria Embankment. There is the Clock Tower with famous Big Ben. You can see London’s Eye (5) across the river from here. Buckingham Palace: (6) the home of the queen. The changing of the Guards is one of the biggest London’s spectacles and it takes place every day at 11 a.m. Downing Street is a small street in the centre. Number 10 has been the home of British Prime Minister since 1732. Trafalgar Square: (7) there is a statue of Admiral Nelson (he defeated Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar) Piccadilly Circus: (8) is the talk (zábavní centrum) of the town. Major roads cross there and in the close surroundings there are many London theatres, cinemas, restaurants and shops. Westminster Abbey (opatství): (9) was founded in 11th century.
Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster. The original bell weighed 16 tons. The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames. It is 135 metres tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120 metres . It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, visited by over 3.5 million people annually.
Buckingham Palace is the official London Residence of the British monarch. It is located in the City of Westminster. The Buckingham Palace Garden is the largest private garden in London. Changing the Royal Guard is a great attraction for tourists.
Colloquially known as the Tube, London Underground is the oldest metro system in the world . It is normally the quickest and easiest way of travelling around London. The Underground serves 270 stations. The London Underground's 11 lines are divided into two classes: the subsurface routes and the deep-tube routes.
London‘s airports There are four great airports in London: Heathrow - is the busiest airport in Europe (5 terminals and Tube connection with London). Other airports are Stansted, Luton and Gatwick.
Použité materiály: 7v-FsLnt0kn-dfIZvrvqPGhCTrQtBfE_1TSENWdHXoNgoFOFQDSYC-_1_1YYA4m0bEiPALtXYANxoqhru4FV0lgMX9ZLHmNkPgnsHEzrgQGqjHb5dBUa415aaC-YyJiRIyMST_1ZwS_1uULGnN_16AVAWPxISogDSnNF4N50XKHXXUhIepA4BUX4Hrm2TmmuVxn5l0YnGOA3AD2zrqv5buETTays8ZnZLXM3nD2dy0cdABjUJb QO5fZ7hunuYUI2zjurtKaIiZ8YN6KIUUORV7g9UhQkSJ7okg53k7Jd4US5ozgpfW0PdrjUyLg3Mv_1bnM2FgtdANBPQlfB4bZ6PnuCErI3JLUoFKfKC5Ja DzNqOM18EUYOtu17lNydl66bsQArbAF1bRabkBkFjfuS7P_1i0lIAl0vXjhAdogZGcjS8pOCFDQQEop6EeplTAA VwmweXLFi3sm08Iq17BA6H9S8qfU6mWLzXa055XEUAnYW2O6YSBh3jo2BNOq4q_1bulO7GBjRf6hktpC6A3hB4CTwnn2meHYB3rzPkoiPrGX4cugUNBivfLd8qeUe2w0cMZ0tkKrVQ7qprG_1dbzk7QxoxL 2yb3w-ErdEeQQAwme9gz4PHBOGMyEXRIKFSTliSD0gL05pocyuB6gKQkAG7Vr-gWVuL0kXg5F6KHJUBQc53f_16PkXK_1ARlljyW51D9y66IV8hAPBXL9bdjZvfCt3grS0JPzKrJ70T4_19j29amSNKai5JnnMrFxOfW-CK5SLTrRePRXxVX2xgTY4bSL7AaTRbX0rMuRNIVaU49pM43VEpU_1a2Bi5fVp5HRpEZJ1DsOK5SaS3BJiWMRiCPUUMnNh2oUNJBi02_1cmUj3OwyB4_1HwL kbx_1hwaLGgp4OrOakf2-SzoliAAz9LIKiybDsMMjvqImjfMXefBcu_1D-zrAfGLnVha_1a_1OwmAtX0mI8oxNvM0g9cPH8BodLOVErkd5dYLal28mvB4lL0gXHhMYbKPGDMDSDm4tIfPySwzN7n0z1qPefZnIUsGhJaojvE5utyiggZQ_1If2KWoFJE7tOn4c4qgx9sfIcCOZKhxfzmPPcRAqaxxaFirvVJWj2wGk8mzfc07M9mTsD0jJtzCAuoB4GorDztqdOO5x5qaj1nZCOtRHPYZZWjTmN5m8a9NvWxot gtcMXMRXzcXp1wzRaZBf4mrM&btnG=Vyhled%C3%A1v%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20pomoc%C3%AD%20obr%C3%A1zku propagační materiály