SILABUS DAN DETAIL TRAINING PUBLIK Bulan Februari 2013 Silabus 1. Project Finance Risk Management and Recovery Silabus 2. Modern petroleum contracts and practice in negotiations Silabus 3. Proffesional Skills For Finance and Accounting Silabus 4. Penyusunan dan Pengembangan SOP untuk Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Silabus 5. Manajemen Logistik Dan Strategi Distribusi Silabus 6. Aspek Manusia Dalam Bisnis Silabus 7. Fundamental of Well Testing
Office : Bener Tr IV / 39 RT 03 RW 10, Yogyakarta 55243 Phone : (0274) 5305512, Mobile : 0812 2792 6688, email :
[email protected]
Project Finance Risk Management and Recovery COURSE DESCRIPTION Euro money’s new Project Finance Risk Management & Recovery has been specifically designed as a series of structured case studies / team exercise to enable delegates to closely examine the
risk management aspects on project finance, before, or, when project go wrong. Through
proactive discussions and worked examples, delegated will be exposed to a wide range of factors involved in assessing, anticipating, and managing project finance risks. COURSE OUTLINE 1. DAY I a. Project Finance Risk Management b. Project Finance Default History c. Project Finance as an Option d. Risk Assessment Techniques e. Risk Linkages f. Due Diligence g. Risk Management Measures h. Project Finance Modeling i. Forecasting j. Case Study 2. DAY II a. Risk Management - Structuring b. Structuring Technique c. Credit Enhancement d. Limit Setting e. Role of the Credit/Investment Committee f. Anticipating Problem/Failures g. Why Projects Go Wrong h. Default i. Role of Lawyers j. Roles k. Risk Ranking l. Case Study 3. DAY III a. Action Upon Default b. Lenders Concerns in a Post-Default Situation c. Enforcement of Security d. Reorganization/ Restructuring of Projects e. A Perspective to Workout f. Team Presentations g. World View h. Role of Regulator
i. j. k. l. m.
New Techniques Project Finance’s Toolkit The 8 Common Threats Case Study Conclusions and Close of Course
WHO SHOULD ATTEND Financiers & bankers involved in project finance, investment analysis & syndicated lending Project finance executives & project advisor Analysts & bankers involved in structuring & evaluating project finance transactions Finance directors, treasurers & project directors from corporate in any industry involved in project finance Compliance officers/legal counsels involved in project finance deals Risk managers from corporate/ banks with interest in project financing transactions Government representatives involved in sponsoring/assessing project financings Export credit & international agency staff INSTRUKT0R & CV Dr. Slamet Haryono, S.E., M.Si., Akt / Team A. Formal Education : 1994-1998 Accounting Degree (S1) in Yogyakarta Wiwaha STIE Widya
2001-2003 Master of Accounting (S2) at the University of Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta
2004-2008 Accounting Doctoral (S3) at the University of Diponegoro Semarang
B. Professional Activities
2009-present: Assessor National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT)
2009: Preparation of Consolidated Financial Assistance District Government Kubu Raya province of West Kalimantan,
2009 - present: Competency Exam verifier Accounting Skills Program at SMK 1 Purbalingga in Central Java
2008: Drafting Assistance Budget and Expenditure West Southeast Maluku regency, 2008-present: Public Accountant Auditor in Surakarta, Central Java Payamta
Mr. Slamet was speaker scientific activities and he is active in writing scientific papers both in books and journals.
RUNNING 4-7 February 2013 (4 days) , tentative/as request
Modern Petroleum Contracts And Practice In Negotiations COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will develop an in-depth knowledge of the legal and contractual framework in which the upstream oil industry conducts its operations. It opens with an explanation of the
geopolitical forces which shape the modern oil industry and then covers the major technical, legal/contractual and financial/economic/taxation/fiscal issues that inform modern E and P
agreements world-wide. The course continues with an explanation of the principles and strategy of petroleum negotiations and then proceeds to a worked example of the negotiation of an actual upstream petroleum agreement. In the latter the course attendees will split up into
two or more teams. One team will represent the government in the negotiations and the other(s) one or more of the IOCs who are attempting to secure with government an E and P agreement.
COURSE OUTLINE Sovereignty, the state and the ownership of the petroleum resource
The petroleum legislation and key issues within it: the Ministry of Petroleum and the
Petroleum Licensing and Monitoring Unit, PLMU. The State Oil Company: two modern
examples...Pertamina and EGPC. Ten key steps in petroleum licensing and an example of modern petroleum legislation.
Petroleum leases, concessions, agreements and contracts. The modern Equity ( Royalty-
Tax ) Agreement. The modern Contractor ( Production Sharing) Agreement.
Technical issues in petroleum agreements: term ( duration), work programme (duration
and content: seismic and wells), exploration periods and relinquishment, exploration and production licences, discovery , the development plan......
Legal and contractual issues in petroleum agreements: the rights, duties, obligations and
liabilities of the parties
Financial issues in negotiations: royalty, tax, additional profits taxes, OPEX, CAPEX, cost
oil, profit oil, the Equity Agreement versus the Contractor
Petroleum managers and administrators in the International Oil Companies, the IOCs, as well as
G and G specialists and engineers; technical, legal, financial and other specialists in the oil and gas ministries of the Host Governments and in the State Oil Companies; also technical
professionals, economists, tax experts and lawyers in multilateral funding agencies, in banks, in other para-statal bodies and in law practice INSTRUKT0R & CV
Irfan Riza, SE, MSi, MA/ Team A. Education Philosophy of Doctor in Human Resources Management (Candidate) Postgraduate Program, State University of Jakarta (2010-2013)
Master of Arts in Conflict Transformation & Sustainable Development SIT Graduate Institute, Brattleboro, VT, USA (2007-2010)
Awards: International Fellowship Program (IFP) Ford Foundation
Master of Science in Management Studies
Major in Human Resources Management & Organization Graduate Program-Economics Faculty, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta (2001-2003)
Bachelor of Management Studies
Economics Faculty, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta (1991-1996)
B. Key strengths
Building Team, Problem Solving, Facilitation, Coaching, Presentation & Communication,
Networking, Multicultural Attitude, Winning Attitude, Strategic Thinking & Analysis, Leadership,
Human Resources Management,
Management & Negotiation and Business Analysis .
Crisis Management,
RUNNING 4-7 February 2013 (4 days) , tentative/as request
Ethics, Conflic
Proffesional Skills For Finance and Accounting COURSE OBJECTIVES Gain Knowledge of essential skills to entrance their ability to run the finance Department Manage finance Function in an organized and professional manner Determine the reporting requirements for the Finance Department Become skilled at personal organization, staffing and time management Apply finance policies and procedures to add value and communicate effectively with other departments. COURSE OUTLINE 1. The macro finance picture a. Visison and goal for finance and accounting department b. Purposes of the finance and accounting function c. Matching the purposes and activities to identify inefficiencies 2. Managing the finance function a. Managing assets and liabilities b. Customers and vendors 3. Role of finance within the organization a. Operational, financial and administrative goals and objectives b. Finance professional as role models c. Importance of proper planning d. Handling special projects 4. Personal Organization and time management a. The new skill set b. The need for teamwork skills c. Time management for self and staff d. Handling meetings effectively e. The clean desk policy f. Delegation and priorities g. Peak performance time 5. Staffing the finance function Hiring the best people 6. Organizing the finance function a. Staff duties and responsibilities b. The authorization matrix and control of processes in organizations c. Cross training and backup d. Scheduling the monthly accounting cycle 7. Policies and Procedure a. Purposes of the policies and procedures manual b. Communicating financial policies c. Setting general procedures 8. Providing Financial information a. Financial statements and budgetary reports b. Other internal management reports
c. Enhancing financial reporting
WHO SHOULD ATTEND Financial managers, financial controllers, financial department heads Chief financial officer Accounting managers Senior finance officers Accountants Finance staff and analysts
INSTRUKT0R & CV Drs. Arif Budiarto , M.Si, Akuntan / Team Education Graduate S1 from accounting subject STIE YKPN Yogyakarta in 1991
Master of Science in Accounting from Pasca Sarjana Programe, Economi department, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta in 1998.
Accounting Profesional from Accoutant program (PPA) UGM tahun 2009.
RUNNING 4-7 February 2013 (4 days) , tentative/as request
FACILITIES Certificate, Hand Out, Quality Training Kit , Training Material, Convenient Training Facilities At Stars Hotel, Lunch & 2 X Coffee Breaks, Souvenir. VENUE
Yogyakarta / Bandung/ Surabaya/ Malang/ Bali MITRA GLOBAL TRAINING CENTER (MGTC) (Diana, Wulan, Riko)
: (0274) 5305512 / 6611880
Mobile Phone
: 0812 2792 6688
[email protected]
Penyusunan dan Pengembangan SOP untuk Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja DESKRIPSI TRAINING Perusahan atau organisasi membutuhkan penerapan K3/ Occupational Health and Safey untuk berbagai keperluan, diantaranya :
1. Kebutuhan bisnis, : untuk bisa ikut tender atau untuk mendapat kontrak, untuk memenuhi persyaratan buyer/konsumen, dll
2. Pemenuhan peraturan pemerintah : UU no 1 1970 UU Nomor 1 TH 1970 bahwa setiap tenaga
kerja berhak mendapat perlindungan atas keselamatannya dalam melakukan pekerjaan, sektor tambang Kepmen Nomor 555.K/26/M.PE/1999, sektor kehutanan (hutan dan industri hutan)
Permen Kehutanan No P.38/MENHUT-II/2009 tentang Standar dan Pedoman Penilaian Kinerja
Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Lestari (PHPL dan Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (VLK), sektor Perkebunan Sawit Permen Pertanian Nomor 19/Permentan/OT.140/3/2011 tentang ISPO,
sektor konstruski UU No. 18/1999 Jasa Konstruksi, Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 50 Tahun
2012 penerapan Sistem Manajemen K3 (SMK3) semua pemberi kerja wajib melaksanakan SMK3, terutama perusahaan yang mempekerjakan minimal 100 tenaga kerja atau perusahaan yang memiliki tingkat potensi kecelakaan yang tinggi akibat karakteristik proses kerja, dll
3. Pemenuhan persyaratan / standar proses atau untuk sertifikasi, diantaranya dalan ISO 9001 ada persyaratan lingkungan kerja, di sektor penerbangan/aviation ada persyaratan Keselamatan dan keamanan penumpang dan Pengelolaan Bandara, di sektor perkebunan sawit
ada persyaratan RSPO yang mensyaratkan adanya penerapan SMK3, disektor kehutanan ada persyaratan SFM FSC Dan CoC FSC yang mensyaratkan adanya penerapan SMK3, dll. TUJUAN TRAINING
Program bertujuan membantu perserta Training SOP K3 untuk :
1. Memahami Peran dan pentingya SOP dalam Organisasi/perusahaan 2. Memahami persyaratan SOP yang efektif dan efesien
3. Memahami prinsip, metode, dan teknik penyusunan SOP
4. Memberikan pedoman dalam pembuatan SOP yang efektif dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja dan wawasan perusahaan
5. Memahami persyaratan K3 yang harus ada dalam SOP
6. Mampu menyusuan SOP K3 sesuai bahaya K3 dan Bisnis proses organisasi/perusahaanya masing masing
Organisasi: Masalah
Organisasi, Kebutuhan SOP, Peran SOP dalam organisasi dan Manfaat Dan keuntungan adanya SOP
2. Pengertian
: Pengertian
SOP, Pengertian
dokumentasi, Konsep Dan Persyaratan SOP, Model Dan Bentuk SOP, Atribut SOP
3. Teknik Penyusunan dan Pengembangan SOP K3: Tahapan Penyusunan Dan Pengembangan
SOP, Teknik
SOP, Teknik
Menentukan Judul Dan Lingkup SOP, Teknik penentuan Tim Penyusun, Teknik Penyusunan pendekatan Pemetaan Bisnis Proses, Pengertian Model Dan konsep Bisnis
Proses, Teknik Penyusunan Pendekatan K3, Isi dan Komposisi SOP, Integrasi Bisnis Proses
Dan K3 dalam SOP, Teknik Penyusunan Kalimat Efektif, sederhana dan aplikatif, Teknik
editing/ review SOP, Penentuan Format SOP, Pengesahan SOP, Metodologi Sosialisasi Dan Training SOP, Metodologi Uji Coba SOP, Metodologi penyempurnaan/Revisi SOP, Strategi Penerapan SOP, Monitoring, evaluasi danAudit SOP dan Pengembangan SOP
4. Wokshop penyusunan SOP: Tip dan Trik SOP yang efektif, Penyampaian Contoh SOP, Workshop penyusunan SOP secara personal dan Workshop penyusunan SOP secara tim
Supervisor HSE, safety officer, Tim SOP,
Manager, Supervisor, Engineer,
Praktisi di bidang continuous improvement/ produksi & operasi dan semua pihak yang terkait dengan proses improvement
INSTRUKTUR & CV Agus Suwarni, SKM, M.Kes/ Tim Pendidikan Pendidikan Non Formal
1. S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 1986 2. S2 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3), Universitas Gadjah, Yogyakarta,1997 1. Kursus AMDAL- A, UI, Jakarta, 1991 2. Akta Mengajar, IKIP Negeri Semarang, 1991 3. Pelatihan K3, Pusat Hyperkes, Depnaker RI, di Balai Hyperkes Yogyakarta, 1996 4. Pelatihan OHSAS 18001: 1999, CV. Deras, di PAU UGM, Yogyakarta, 2007.
Keahlian Bidang materi
5. Pelatihan Pengelolaan Bahan Kimia, oleh Tim Emerck, GTZ, dan PPBN, Surabaya, 2007 1. Hyperkes 2. Toksikologi Lingkungan dan industri 3. Kimia Lingkungan 4. Keamanan Pangan 5. Hygiene Industri 6. Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan
4-7 Februari 2013 (4 days) , tentative/as request
Manajemen Logistik Dan Strategi Distribusi DESKRIPSI TRAINING Peran manajemen logistik dalam operasi perusahaan adalah mengatur kelancaran aliran material dan informasi dari pemasok, pabrik, distributor sampai ke tangan konsumen. Fungsi dan peran manajemen logistik berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penurunan biaya dalam perusahaan. Materi training Manajemen logistik ditujukan sebagai wahana diskusi dan pemahaman dalam aktivitas logistik, konsep logistik terpadu, komponen – komponen sistem logistik, perumusan kebijaksanaan logistik, prosedur perencanaan logistik, teknik – teknik desain logistik dan arah manajemen logistik di masa depan. MATERI TRAINING 1. Integrated logistic systems 2. Demand management 3. Supply chain management 4. Manajemen inventory 5. Strategi distribusi dan transportasi 6. Warehousing 7. Material handling 8. Studi Kasus INSTRUKTUR & CV
Agus Mansur, ST, M.Eng. Sc/ Tim Bidang Keahlian :
“Quality Improvement and Industrial System Management”. Pendidikan Formal :
S1 Prodi. Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia
S2 Industrial Engineering and Management, Manufacturing Engineering, University of News South Wales, Australia.
Pengalaman Trainer :
1. Manajemen Sistem ISO 9002 : 2008 dan Teknik Audit 2. Purchasing Management.
3. Integrasi Sistem Audit Penjaminan Mutu ISO 9000, SMK3 dan ISO 14000. 4. Workload Analysis
5. Management and Team Building for Quality Circle (Gugus Kendali Mutu) 6. Warehouse Management (Manajemen Gudang). 7. Supply Chain Management
8. Teknik Negoisasi dan Komunikasi Perkantoran 9. Teknik Dokumen Kontrol 10. Asset Management
11. Problem Solving and Stress Management 12. Project management
13. Corporate Social Responsibility.
PELAKSANAAN 4-7 Februari 2013 (4 days) , tentative/as request FASILITAS
Sertifikat training, Kualitas training kit (Bag, Jaket, ATK, Handout/ materi training) Kenyamanan tempat training (Hotel Berbintang) termasuk Lunch & 2 X Coffee Breaks, Souvenir.
TEMPAT DAN PELAKSANAAN Yogyakarta / Bandung/ Surabaya/ Malang/ Bali KONTAK
MITRA GLOBAL TRAINING CENTER (MGTC) (Diana, Wulan, Riko) Telephon : (0274) 5305512 / 6611880 Mobile Phone : 0812 2792 6688 E-mail :
[email protected]
Aspek Manusia Dalam Bisnis DESKRIPSI TRAINING Aspek yang paling menentukan keberhasilan perusahaan adalah manusia, bukan modal, mesinmesin, tanah, dan material. Oleh karena itu, pelatihan ini membahas mengenai pentingnya
aspek manusia dalam binis. Isi pelatihan mencakup peran manusia dalam pengelolaan organisasi bisnis, perancangan struktur organisasi, manajemen sumber daya manusia, motivasi dan kepemimpinan, dan hubungan industrial. TUJUAN TRAINING
Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu:
1. Memahami betapa penting aspek manusia dalam bisnis.
2. Memahami peran manusia dalam melakukan pengelolaan organisasi dan struktur organisasi.
3. Memahami manajemen sumber daya manusia.
4. Memahami motivasi, kepemimpinan, dan hubungan industrial MATERI TRAINING 1. Pengelolaan organisasi bisnis
Pemahaman tentang manajemen Tingkatan manajemen
Bidang dan fungsi manajemen
Peran dan ketrampilan manajemen
2. Perancangan struktur organisasi
Organisasi formal
Proses dan pengelolaan struktur organisasi Tipe-tipe organisasi
3. Manajemen sumber daya manusia
Proses manajemen sumber daya manusia Perencanaan sumber daya manusia
Perekrutan, penseleksian, dan sosialisasi karyawan Pelatihan dan pengembangan
Penilaian kinerja dan kompensasi.
4. Motivasi dan kepemimpinan
Mengembangkan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif
Motivasi karyawan
Kepemimpinan dan gaya kepemimpinan
5. Hubungan industrial
Hubungan pekerja, pengusaha, dan pemerintah
Serikat pekerja
Lembaga kerjasama bipartit dan tripartite
Collective bargaining.
Metode :
Diskusi dan Sharing Pengalaman Role Play
PESERTA TRAINING Semua karyawan dan supervisor pada umumnya ,dan karyawan atau supervisor di departemen sumber daya manusia pada khususnya. INSTRUKTUR & CV Th. Agung M. Harsiwi, S.E., M.Si./ Tim
S1 Manajemen , FE, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta. 1995.
Magister Sains S2 Fakultas Ekonomi UGM, Yogyakarta. 2001. Pengalaman Kerja :
Beliau adalah Staf pengajar Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi 1996-sekarang untuk mata
kuliah Pengantar Bisnis, Pengantar Manajemen, Dasar-Dasar Manajemen, Asas-Asas Manajemen, Perilaku Keorganisasian, Manajemen Perubahan, Manajemen Keuangan,
Manajemen Keuangan Lanjutan, Teori Portofolio dan Analisis Investasi, Studi Kelayakan Proyek, Penganggaran Perusahaan.
Beliau juga Staf pengajar program Magister Manajemen 2001-sekarang untuk mata kuliah Teori Organisasi, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Strategik.
Beliau merupakan Peneliti bidang MSDM dan Organisasi 1996-sekarang.
Konsultan bisnis dan instruktur pelatihan MSDM dan Organisasi 1996-sekarang. Pembicara/Pemakalah
Pemakalah Seminar dan Forum Komunikasi Penelitian Manajemen dan Bisnis ITB
“Adaptasi dan Integrasi Menyongsong Tantangan, pada “Evaluasi Kinerja UAJY”; “Pengembangan Bisnis bagi Pengusaha Kecil”.
Pembicara “Pemaparan Hasil Pendataan Potensi Ternak Perah Non Sapi Perah di Propinsi DIY Tahun 2001”
Pembicara “Pemaparan Hasil Pendataan Potensi Produk Olahan Hasil Ternak Propinsi DIY Tahun 2001”
Pemakalah Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana III-2003 “Peningkatan Kualitas Penelitian dan Pendidikan Pascasarjana”
Pemakalah Seminar Nasional “Peluang Membangun Jaringan Kerjasama antar Lembaga
Pendidikan Formal & Non-Formal secara Internasional”; “Inovasi Teknologi untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing dalam Menghadapi Era Globalisasi”
4-7 Februari 2013 (4 days) , tentative/as request Sertifikat training, Kualitas training kit (Bag, Jaket, ATK, Handout/ materi training) Kenyamanan tempat training (Hotel Berbintang) termasuk Lunch & 2 X Coffee Breaks, Souvenir.
TEMPAT DAN PELAKSANAAN Yogyakarta / Bandung/ Surabaya/ Malang/ Bali KONTAK
MITRA GLOBAL TRAINING CENTER (MGTC) (Diana, Wulan, Riko) Telephon : (0274) 5305512 / 6611880 Mobile Phone : 0812 2792 6688 E-mail :
[email protected]
Fundamental of Well Testing COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to provide a very concise coverage of all bases of well testing
applications, well test design, sampling techniques, field operations, and interpretation
techniques. Emphasis will also be placed on presenting current well testing technologies and systems for conventional and complex testing operations. COURSE OUTLINE
Introduction to formation testing principles. Reservoir rock properties.
Reservoir fluids properties and phase behavior. PVT analysis. Pressure sensors
Well testing operations. Wireline testing. Drill Stem Tests. Reservoir fluid sampling.
Well testing interpretation principles. Well testing software applications.
Drilling engineers, Completions and Production Engineers, Reservoir engineers; Geologists, and other personnel involved in the designs, execution and evaluation of well tests operations and data analysis.
INSTRUKT0R & CV Ir. Lela Widagda, Msi./ Team A. Educational History:
1. Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering, UPN
2. Master of Science in Environmental Sciences, UGM
B. Occupation :
Senior Lecturer at : Mechanical Engineering and Petroleum Engineering Department environment
C. Professional organizations:
Association of Petroleum Engineering Indonesia / IATMI), Hagi,
IGA (International Geothermal Association)
RUNNING 11 – 14 February 2013 (4 days) , tentative/as request
Certificate, Hand Out, Quality Training Kit , Training Material, Convenient Training Facilities At Stars Hotel, Lunch & 2 X Coffee Breaks, Souvenir.
Yogyakarta / Bandung/ Surabaya/ Malang/ Bali MITRA GLOBAL TRAINING CENTER (MGTC) (Diana, Wulan, Riko)
: (0274) 5305512 / 6611880
Mobile Phone
: 0812 2792 6688
[email protected]