6 Oktober 2010 Gerard Berendsen Henk-Jan Wegman
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Technology development
Successful market introduction and new business
Financial assets
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Deelnemende organisatie Dusseldorp Infra, Sloop en Milieutechnologie B.V. Gieterij Doesburg ICE Burner Technoloy B.V. Lichtveld, Buis & Partners B.V. Ingenieursbureau Ebatech B.V. Waterstromen B.V. Sité Woondiensten HAN Radboud Universiteit Universiteit Twente Universiteit van Gothenburg Universiteit van Western Sydney Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Aim ‘For reinforcing our position in the market, we are looking for opportunities to extend our business models. Dusseldorp Infra endeavours joining competences to start new business in the field of designing residential areas based on cradle-to cradle principles. We believe in the concept of providing residents and SME’s with ‘self containing power stations’. to produce their own energy e.g. from waste material and sewage. To make this possible we have to transform our innovation strategy from a mono disciplinary approach to a more integrated approach, because we have to bring together new knowledge domains and expertise. This is new for us. With the participants of the program ‘The innovation journey’ we are able to combine new technology, develop and implement specific tooling and to improve our collaborative skills.’ René Plaggenburg, vice CEO Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Aim ‘As foundry located in the heart of Doesburg we realise ourselves that a good neighbour is worth more than a far friend. In fact the opinion of our neighbours is relevant for our future position in Doesburg. Therefore we strive for cleaner and less energy consuming processes and we are exploring opportunities to let our ‘neighbours’ benefit from our energy surplus. Doing this we enter an unknown field of new technology development and innovation with partners we are not used to. Intensive coinnovation with business and research parties offers us a splendid opportunity to improve our skills and to find innovative solutions in our quest for economic sustainability.’ Henk-Jan Wegman, CEO
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
DOESBURG The Netherlands
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Gieterij Doesburg Founded in 1896 Core-business: designing & manufacturing of complex castings out of malleable and ductile iron Turn-over: 20 million Euro 100 employees Customers: truck, engine and agriculture OEM’s
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Innovatiebehoeften van de MKBbedrijven Naar nieuwe concepten voor woonomgevingen en integratie daarvan in de natuurlijke omgeving. Hoe in een stedelijke omgeving energie op te wekken door gebruik van duurzame energiebronnen, energiereductie en emissiereductie? Hoe in een stedelijke omgeving stofkringlopen te sluiten om te komen tot nagenoeg 100% recyclen van afval en waterzuivering? Deze inhoudelijke thema’s worden gerealiseerd met industriële procesinnovaties en met het ontwikkelen van integrale en nieuwe concepten voor duurzame woonomgevingen.
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Doelstellingen Energie neutrale gieterij: Optimaal benutten energie Gebruik maken van natuurlijke bronnen Overtollige warmte rendabel aanwenden voor gemeenschap Afvalstromen benutten Subdoel: geur (rookgassen) en stof positief aanwenden
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Waarom samen Op energie/milieu gebied had Gieterij Doesburg al veel stappen gezet: MJA afspraken Energie scans Studies met HAN en Universiteit Delft Bespreking met leveranciers wij liepen vast als kleine lean georganiseerde organisatie, veel losse elementen
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Partners Zoekend naar: capaciteit, een model en gericht innoveren What is in it for me ? ICE: nieuwe technologie LBP: nieuwe methodieken Ebatech: revolutionaire ideeen HAN: praktijk, onderzoek
Sub partners: gemeente doesburg Vragen die komen: Investeringen Intellectuele eigendommen Joint ventures
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Success rate only half of the collaborations in alliances are really successful for many years the percentage of successful alliances is stabilized around 50 percent
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Succes factors of cooperation factors for the success or failure of cooperation in complex settings with different kinds of actors involved The initial disposition of the participants towards cooperation. The extant issues and incentives driving cooperation are clear Leadership that supports collaboration, and The number and variety of actors involved (fewer is better) Faermann et al (2001)
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
chain management
base materials
product use
environment Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
bedrijven consortia
research partners
• zelfvoorzienend worden op energiegebied • produceren van energie voor derden (in omgeving)
• onderzoek naar competenties voor management van innovatie en allianties
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
A proposed Action Research Approach
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Framework of ‘the innovation journey’
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
So ……
Invest in innovation Invest in collaboration Invest in capabilities and skills for innovation and for collaboration Invest in the management of innovation and collaboration Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks
Vragen voor discussie Hoeveel procent van innovatie projecten in uw organisatie zijn de afgelopen twee jaar succesvol uitgevoerd? Kortom: wat is het rendement van uw innovatie inspanningen ? Wat is uw grootste uitdaging bij duurzame innovatie?
Arnhem Business School Total Quality Management in Organisational Networks