Idah Herliah* Diah Ekawati** Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia; corespondence :
[email protected]
Introduction • BPKP survey in 2010-2011, about 94% of APIP are at the beginner level of ability that is not able to detect potential corruption of government budgets • Number of auditors in the Inspector General, 109 auditors (March, 2013) by the 1279 working unit of Ministry of Health • PKPT only taken 20 %. • In addition, there are efficiency budget guidance and supervision 2012-2013 about 10%, as a result the tasks and functions of IG is not ideal. • Schedule fact denseness cause auditors only get socialization so understanding of the program a priority less.
Objective : • Getting the relationship of the performs of the team the auditors and the level of satisfaction work unit on implement of an audit Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Health
Methodology: • Using a method of cross-sectional. • Source of research data obtained from the Inspector General's satisfaction survey. • Population and sample of this research is the entire Technical Implementation Unit (Technical Implementation Unit) / Vertical in the Ministry of Health as many as 172 work units. • Selection of Technical Implementation Unit as samples for technical implementation unit definitely get its budget will be audited every year.
Overview Satisfaction Unit Technical Implementation Unit not satisfied 11%
• Overview Satisfaction Unit Technical Implementation Unit • Overview Performance Auditor General Inspectorate Team
satisfied 89% Overview Performance Auditor General Inspectorate Team not good 12%
good 88%
• Relations Auditor Team Performance and Satisfaction Unit Technical Implementation Unit of the Audit • The relationship between the position with satisfaction Unit Technical Implementation Unit
Relations Auditor Team Performance and Satisfaction Unit Technical Implementation Unit of the Audit Not Good team performance and not satisfied. 7%
Good team performance and satisfied. 93% The relationship between the position with satisfaction Unit Technical Implementation Unit Units / respondent authorities is not satisfied. 8% Units / respondents that officials were satisfied. 92%
Result: • Satisfaction working unit Technical Implementation Unit of overall respondents who were satisfied about 153 work units (89.0%). Good performance in IG audit team MoH were 151 work units (87.8%) where that is not good as 21 work units (12.2%). • Based on the analysis of performance and satisfaction obtained by value p 0.001 there is a relationship between performance, position and satisfaction working unit Technical Implementation Unit, while the results of the analysis of positions and performance values obtained p 0.001 there is a relationship between positions and satisfaction.
Conclusion: • Based on the results of research and discussion as well as referring to the formulation of the problem, research questions and research objectives, it can be some conclusions as follows • a. The level of satisfaction has been good, with an average value of 2.8 (scale of 4) highest satisfaction value on grain competence of auditors, and the lowest satisfaction scores for the recommendation. • b. Auditor Team performance is good, based on the perception of the work force, with a mean of 7 (scale 8) the highest value on the item never get gratification, while the lowest value on the recommendations that can be acted upon. • c. Performance and positions related to the satisfaction of the Technical Implementation Unit work unit, where performance is the most dominant variable.
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