Dynamics denken en doen* PwC Dynamics Rondetafelsessie 21 oktober 2008
Plenaire sessie Inleiding CRM Partners Microsoft Pauze Discussie Borrel
15.15 – 16.30
16.30 – 17.00 17.00 – 18.00 18.00 – 19.00
Dynamics denken en doen* Klanttevredenheid - CRM
1. 2. 3. 4.
Waarom? Marktontwikkelingen Kritieke succesfactoren Selectie en implementatie
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Verbeteren van dienstverlening Vergroten van de loyaliteit Verbeteren van klantretentie Inzicht krijgen in de klant(gedrag) en zijn (koop)motieven Verbeteren van de merkbeleving
Generiek verkoopproces / ondersteuning CRM
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Consolidatie leveranciers Verticalizering van oplossingen Van leverancier naar platform provider CRM portals On-Demand (hosting) On-Site, On-Demand (webbased)
Binnenkort huurt elk bedrijf zijn eigen CRM-systeem, in plaats van die zelf te implementeren
CRM software: Midden segment
1. Gemiddelde CRM software investering vanaf € 40.000,2. Uitgebreide standaard CRM software voor met name marketing, verkoop, service en projecten 3. Middellange implementatietijd: doorlooptijd gemiddeld 2 tot 5 maanden 4. Verhouding tussen CRM softwarekosten en CRM consultancykosten ligt rond 50:50 5. CRM software voor middelgrote tot grote organisaties, vanaf 20 gebruikers
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Kritieke succesfactoren
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CRM Alignment Pakketselectie Leverancierselectie Scope & Commitment
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Kernfunctionaliteit: • Relatiebeheer • Agendabeheer • Marketing (e-mailings en campagnes) • Verkoop (leads, offertes, pijplijnanalyse, bezoeken) • Service (Service, support, klachten..) Overige: • Analyse en rapportage • Integratie / interfacing (ERP, PDA’s) • Buitendienst • Workflow
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1. 2. 3. 4.
Referenties Proces- en branchekennis “Sparring partner” De klik
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Scope & Commitment
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Uitgangspunten en scope Draagvlak Mijlpalen en deliverables Maatwerk Data kwaliteit
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Bedankt voor uw aandacht
© 2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. “PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity. *connectedthinking is a trademark of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (US).
Weet u welke 20% van uw klanten 80% van uw winst genereert? Zo niet, dan zult u serieus een CRM implementatie moeten overwegen.
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De CRM functionaliteit in NAV of AX is voor mij meer dan voldoende, Dynamics CRM voegt daar niets aan toe
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CRM gaat bij ons niet werken, onze verkopers houden hun informatie toch voor zichzelf.
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Hoeveel leveranciers heeft u zelf? Hoe loyaal bent u aan hen?
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meest klantvriendelijke bedrijf van dit jaar, namelijk Albert Heijn, ANWB, Bol.com, C1000, Hema, Ikea, Jumbo, Plus, Rabobank en Wehkamp.nl.
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http://www.itcommercie.nl/ http://www.computable.nl/overzicht/ict_topics/2333360/crm.html http://crm.startpagina.nl
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Gartner’s Visie op ontwikkelingen in de CRM markt
CRM PricewaterhouseCoopers
De geïntegreerde CRM suite heeft geen toekomst. Om nieuwe CRM eisen te implementeren zijn verschillende routers mogelijk
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CRM 1.0 v. CRM 2.0: The Customer Rules CRM 1.0 Features/Functions
CRM 2.0 Features/Functions
Customer facing features - sales, marketing & support. Still isolated from back office, supply chain
Fully integra ted into an en terprise value chain that includes the customer as part of it
Tools are associated with automating functions
Integrates social media tools into apps/services: blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networking tools, user communities Au tomate interaction history for lead nurturing and relationship building
Utilize knowledge in context to create meaningful conversations Models customer processes from the company point o f view
Models company processes from the customer point of view Recognizes that the customer relationship encompasses information-seeking and information-contributing behavior
Resided in a customer-focused corporate business ecosystem
Resides in a customer ecosystem
Utilitarian, functional, operational
All those plus style and design matter
Marketing focused on processes that sent improved, targeted, highly specific corporate messages to customer
Marketing is front line for crea ting con versation with customer - engaging customer in activi ty and discussion
Business produces products & creates services for customer
Business is an aggregator of products, services, tools and knowledge for the customer
Intellectual Property protected with all legal might available
Intellectual property pro vided when appropriate to customer, partner, supplier, problem solver
Business focus on products and services that satisfy customers
Business focus on environments & experiences that engage customer
Tactical and operational
Stra tegic
Customer strategy is part of corporate strateg y
Customer strategy IS corporate stra tegy
Inno vation from the designated
Inno vation from both internal and e xternal sources
Separation between work and personal life
Work a t home/personal things at work – work –personal integration
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Source: CRM 2.0 Wiki (http://crm20.pbwiki.com)
Groeiverwachting CRM
2006 - $3.6 billion, CRM software licenses 2012 - $6.6 billion, CRM software licenses Source – Datamonitor “Economic Outlook:CRM
2007 - $6.8 billion, CRM software 2012 - $13.3 billion, CRM software Source: Gartner Group, CRM Outlook, April 2008
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Act! Afas Agresso Archie Exact e-Synergie Microsoft Dynamics CRM Salesforce Salesmanager Sage CRM
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Toekomst: CRM 2.0 CRM 1.0 Features/Functions
CRM 2.0 Features/Functions
Customer facing features - sales, marketing & support. Still isolated from back office, supply chain
Fully integra ted into an en terprise value chain that includes the customer as part of it
Tools are associated with automating functions
Integrates social media tools into apps/services: blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networking tools, user communities Au tomate interaction history for lead nurturing and relationship building
Utilize knowledge in context to create meaningful conversations Models customer processes from the company point o f view
Models company processes from the customer point of view Recognizes that the customer relationship encompasses information-seeking and information-contributing behavior
Resided in a customer-focused corporate business ecosystem
Resides in a customer ecosystem
Utilitarian, functional, operational
All those plus style and design matter
Marketing focused on processes that sent improved, targeted, highly specific corporate messages to customer
Marketing is front line for crea ting con versation with customer - engaging customer in activi ty and discussion
Business produces products & creates services for customer
Business is an aggregator of products, services, tools and knowledge for the customer
Intellectual Property protected with all legal might available
Intellectual property pro vided when appropriate to customer, partner, supplier, problem solver
Business focus on products and services that satisfy customers
Business focus on environments & experiences that engage customer
Tactical and operational
Stra tegic
Customer strategy is part of corporate strateg y
Customer strategy IS corporate stra tegy
Inno vation from the designated
Inno vation from both internal and e xternal sources
Separation between work and personal life
Work a t home/personal things at work – work –personal integration