Number 260** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Saturday 16-12-2006 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.
VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl
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The LIBERTY of the SEAS left the builders yard and commenced her trials Photo : Risto Brzoza ©
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SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail:
[email protected]
The OCEANCO (Alblasserdam) build AMEVI (homeported Douglas) seen at the Waterweg during yard trials. Photo : Jan Oosterboer ©
Frontline gets into heavylift market John Fredriksen's Frontline Ltd. has declared an option with COSCO Shipyard, China, to convert the 150,000 dwt, 1990-built, single hull oil tanker Front Target to a heavylift vessel. The conversion will begin in May 2007, and completion is expected in August 2007. "By fitting a new mid-ship section and upgrading all major components of the vessel, we foresee that the vessel will be able to operate for at least 15 years," says Frontline. "The Board is very enthusiastic with regards to the current heavylift market," says a Frontline release. "There is a limited number of heavylift vessels available in the market, the fleet is ageing, and the rig market is currently booming with a lot of offshore units currently under construction. Front Sunda which is in the process of being converted to a PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 2 12/15/2006
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 heavylift vessel, is expected to be delivered in April 2007. The company holds further options to convert single hull tankers to heavylift vessels which it intends to use." Frontline has entered into a management contract with International Transport Contractors, the Netherlands, covering commercial operation of its heavylift vessels and says that the previous CEO of Dockwise, Mr. Bert Bekker, will join Frontline in the capacity of Executive Advisor of our heavylift activities.
Multraship Refloats Grounded Tank Barge Newbuilding Multraship salvaged a tank barge newbuilding which grounded during heavy weather while under tow from Gdynia to Nantes. The tank barge NS702 (to be named Limosa 2) was under tow from a Gdynia shipyard when it broke away from the Polish tug Ajaks during a storm and grounded on the rocky beach at Hope Point, near Newhaven, on December 7. On December 8, working under an LOF 2000 form in co-operation with URS Salvage & Maritime Contracting, Multraship mobilised the rescue tender Brandaris, the multipurpose salvage vessels Multrasalvor and Union Beaver, the tug Fighter and various salvage equipment. The barge had sustained extensive damage along its starboard bottom, and the salvage team, under the direction of a salvage master and a naval architect and deploying a team of divers, patched three of the barge’s cargo tanks from the inside. The Brandaris and the Multrasalvor then made towage connections to the Fighter, which refloated the barge, on the high tide, at 1330hrs on December 10. The barge was towed to Southampton, where its wing tanks and void spaces were pumped out and where further provisional repairs were effected before it was redelivered to its owners, safely afloat, on December 12.
The SEABOARD PIONEER seen approaching Callao Port – Photo : Piet Sinke ©
Cargo Ship Guided to Safety The motor vessel Sea Honesty, a 534-foot Panamanian flagged cargo ship, was guided to Dutch Harbor after reporting engine trouble on its way to Shinizu, Japan, 284 miles west of Dutch Harbor. The Coast Guard North Pacific Search and Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) received a request for assistance from the Sea Honesty. In response to the request, the RCC directed Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley to accompany the vessel to Dutch Harbor for repairs. Coast Guard Sector Anchorage then coordinated with the ship's agent Mitsui O.S.K. Lines LTD, Alaska Marine Pilots, and the city of Dutch Harbor to ensure adequate response resources were available. The Sea Honesty was safely moored in Dutch Harbor. The early notification and request for assistance from the Sea Honesty's captain and the coordination of assisting agencies were instrumental in avoiding possible problems.
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Giant cranes complete journey from China They stand 73m tall - 8m higher than the Auckland Harbour Bridge - on a ship the size of 2 1/2 rugby fields. So boaties and North Shore residents could be forgiven for thinking they were looking at a small city on the sea instead of three huge cranes bound for Ports of Auckland. The three $9 million cranes sit in waiting on the Zhen Hua 11, anchored five nautical miles off Browns Bay. They are due at the Axis Fergusson container terminal early tomorrow morning. The vessel looks top heavy now - but it dropped three other cranes in Australia on its way here. Weighing 1250 tonnes each, the cranes were made by the Zhenhua Port Machinery Company on the Yangtze River in Shanghai. They will be unloaded one by one over five days. Though the ship may look ungainly and liable to overbalance, it stays upright in high seas by a process known as re ballasting. The ship contains a number of cells that can be filled with water to give it extra stability. Ports of Auckland corporate communications manager Karen Bradshaw said the new cranes would be the fastest, biggest and most productive container cranes in the country. Each crane has longer booms and increased lifting power and speed and at full stretch rises to a height of 103m. The diesel-electric straddle carriers are more efficient, give out fewer exhaust emissions and can be used as generators to power critical re-frigerated cargo in the case of power failure. Zhenhua Port Machinery Company is the largest container crane manufacturer in the world and can produce up to 125 similar behemoths in one run, with one crane completed every two days. The 244m Zhen Hua 11 (by comparison the Queen Mary 2, due here in February, is 345m) can raise itself to dock level, allowing an easy transfer of the cranes using a computerised system that allows it to pump water in and out of the hull.
Deel drenkelingen terug in Nederland Dertien van de 21 bemanningsleden van de Mighty Servant 3, die vorige week zonk voor de kust van Angola, zijn inmiddels veilig en wel terug in Nederland. Het gaat om negen Filippijnen en vier Nederlanders. Dat zegt woordvoerster Jacqueline van den Bergen van de Bredase firma Dockwise, eigenaar van de Mighty Servant 3. Het schip zonk direct nadat het bij een boorplatform had gelost. In Angola zitten nu nog vijf Nederlanders, waaronder de kapitein en enkele officieren en drie Filippijnen. Wanneer zij het land kunnen verlaten is nog niet duidelijk. Van den Bergen: „Het heeft allemaal te maken met een bankgarantie die ze willen vanwege de kosten die ontstaan als gevolg van het ongeluk. Wij hebben dat allemaal in orde, maar dat wil daar maar niet doordringen. Bovendien begint daar vandaag of morgen een feestperiode die duurt tot half januari en dan gebeurt er natuurlijk helemaal niks. We zijn pas tevreden als onze agent meldt dat ze op het vliegtuig naar Nederland zitten.“ Volgens Van den Bergen maakten de gerepatrieerde schipbreukelingen het op het eerste oog goed: „Ze hadden niks meer, dus we hebben ze eerst in nieuwe kleding gestoken en een paar uur laten slapen in een hotel. Daarna zijn ze in gesprek gegaan met de scheepvaartinspectie en traumatologen.“
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GPS Marine Services bergt duwbak Joro GPS Marine Services BV uit Sliedrecht heeft op 12 december de berging van de duwbak "Joro" in de Mississippihaven op de Maasvlakte succesvol afgerond.
Bokken hijsen de duwbak boven water. Foto : Hans de Jong © De bak was beladen met ijzererts en zonk afgelopen week door nog onbekende oorzaak. Nadat de lading was gelost en overgeslagen in een andere duwbak hebben de drijvende bokken GPS Ajax en GPS Atlas de duwbak boven water gehesen. De bak is weer teruggeleverd aan de eigenaar.
Maersk nog lang niet uitgekocht Marktonderzoekers houden rekening met enige afname van de groei van de containerscheepvaart via 8 procent in 2007 naar 6 procent in de periode 2008-2010. Maar die percentages zullen nog ruim boven de groei van de wereldeconomie liggen. Een goede sector dus om in te beleggen? Die conclusie is wat kort door de bocht. De gemiddelde groei van de containerscheepvaart over de afgelopen 25 jaar laat zich becijferen op 10 procent per jaar. Ondanks die jarenlange forse groei betreft het niet bij uitstek een sector waarover beleggers met veel enthousiasme plegen te verhalen. De vervoersvraag mag dan wel jaar na jaar fors groeien, het aanbod van beschikbare vervoerscapaciteit groeit doorgaans nog harder. Daarnaast gooien de immer stijgende brandstofkosten roet in het eten. De ervaringen die Nederlandse beleggers in het verleden opdeden met Nedlloyd zijn illustratief. Van 1985 tot 2003 schommelde het fonds rond 16 euro. Pas toen het fonds zich etaleerde als overnamekandidaat kwam er beweging in. Uiteindelijk mochten beleggers het Deense Maersk op hun blote knieën danken dat deze hen van hun aandelen afhielp tegen een genereuze koers van 57 euro per aandeel. Maersk – voluit A.P. Møller Maersk Group – had medio 2005 de 2,3 miljard euro voor P&O Nedlloyd nog niet overgemaakt of donkere wolken begonnen zich boven de containersector samen te pakken. De containerscheepvaart kreeg te maken met tot recordhoogte oplopende bunkerprijzen, het beschikbaar komen van overmatige nieuwe capaciteit en dalende vrachttarieven. De suggestie dat Maersk zich in de overname van P&O Nedlloyd heeft verslikt wijst het bedrijf resoluut van de hand: de integratie is voorspoedig en binnen de zes daarvoor geplande maanden voltooid. Dat neemt niet weg dat ’s werelds grootste containervervoerder na drie jaar van forse winstgroei in 2005 de nettowinst met 25 procent zag dalen. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 Sindsdien is het er niet beter op geworden. Over de eerste zes maanden van dit jaar daalde het resultaat met 34 procent. Naast de in één jaar met 50 procent gestegen brandstofkosten en de met 20 procent gedaalde vrachttarieven kampte Maersk ook met it-problemen. Het aaneenknopen van de automatiseringssystemen van P&O Nedlloyd en Maersk bleek geen sinecure. Daarmee wil niet gezegd zijn dat Maersk de nieuwe uitdagingen niet te boven zal komen. Binnen de containersector behoort Maersk immers tot de best presterende bedrijven. De afgelopen vier jaar steeg de omzet gemiddeld met 18 procent per jaar, waarbij de operationele winstmarge onafgebroken verbeterde van 11,9 in 2001 tot 18,6 procent in 2004 om in 2005 iets terug te vallen tot 16,9 procent. De koers van het aandeel verdrievoudigde in die periode tot bijna 65.000 Deense kronen ultimo 2005. De correctie van 25 procent die sindsdien door moeilijker marktomstandigheden optrad, blijft in dat perspectief bezien dus nog wel binnen de perken. P&O Nedlloyd was niet de enige overname die Maersk in 2005 deed. Nog iets groter was de overname van de oliebelangen in de Noordzee van het Amerikaanse Kerr-McGee aan het einde van het jaar. Maersk is niet alleen actief in containerscheepvaart (62% van de omzet met een operationele marge van 5,9%), maar ook in olie en gas (13% omzet, 25,5% marge), tankervaart (9% omzet, 20,7% marge), scheepsbouw (6,5% omzet, 12,5% marge) en kruideniert zelfs niet onverdienstelijk als exploitant van enkele supermarktketens (12,1% omzet, 4,3% marge). Na de overname van P&O Nedlloyd vorig jaar, SCF Oriental Lines in 2003, Tom Lines in 2002 en Sealand in 1999 heeft Maersk nu in de containerscheepvaart een wereldmarktaandeel van 21 procent, gevolgd door MSC (10%) en Evergreen, CMA-CGN en Hapag Lloyd met elk een marktaandeel van 6 procent. Eind 2005 hadden de tien grootste spelers samen 55 procent van de markt in handen, tegen 42 procent in 2000 en nog slechts 33 procent in 1995. Desondanks is het einde van het consolidatieproces waarschijnlijk nog niet in zicht en zal ook Maersk nog niet zijn uitgekocht. Zeker nu de cyclus in de sector weer de baisse fase heeft bereikt en de winsten wellicht tot in 2007 onder druk zullen blijven, is de motivering groot om langs de weg van acquisities schaalvoordelen te realiseren die de winstdruk kunnen compenseren. Het is vooral op het punt van schaalgrootte dat de concurrentie wordt uitgevochten. Omvang is nodig om de steeds grotere schepen te kunnen vullen. Het grootste tot nog toe, de Emma Maersk, 400 meter lang, 52 meter breed en op de eigen werf te Odense gebouwd, kan 11.000 containers vervoeren. Maersk wil tot 2008 nog zes van zulke megacarriers van elk 140 miljoen dollar in de vaart te nemen. Met een solvabiliteit van 44 procent heeft Maersk nog wel enige financieringsruimte om een overname te doen. Misschien komt het Singaporese Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) in aanmerking. Met een marktaandeel van 4 procent via haar Amerikaanse dochter APL behoort NOL tot de middenmoters zoals ook het Zuid-Koreaanse Hanjin, de Chinese bedrijven Cosco en CSCL en het Japanse NYK. Met een winstdaling van 66 procent over de eerste zes maanden van dit jaar heeft NOL zeer tegenvallende resultaten gerapporteerd. Door de kleinere omvang en geringere spreiding ondervindt deze containervervoerder in nog sterkere mate dan Maersk de negatieve schaarwerking van dalende tarieven en hogere brandstofkosten. Tamelijk overmoedig heeft Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) eind vorig jaar, toen de ernst van de afzwakkende marktsituatie nog niet zo duidelijk was, haar aandeelhouders nog een superdividend uitgekeerd omdat het bedrijf vond dat het wat al te ruim in het eigen vermogen zat. Het eigen vermogen van toen nog 2,8 miljard dollar, 55 procent van het balanstotaal, werd daardoor bijna gehalveerd. Een tamelijk kleine buffer om er de magere jaren van de lopende cyclus mee uit te zingen. Op de beurs noteert NOL momenteel op 1,94 Singapore-dollar ruim 40 procent onder het niveau van het begin dit jaar. Alle redelijk te verwachten tegenspoed zou nu wel in de koers moeten zijn verdisconteerd, want op basis van de vorig jaar behaalde winst van 0,55 US dollar heeft het aandeel een koers-winstverhouding van 2,2. NOL, vorig jaar goed voor een omzet van 7,6 miljard US dollar, heeft een beurswaarde van 2,8 miljard SG dollar, of slechts 1,8 miljard US dollar. Dat benadert de ideale acquisitieomvang voor Maersk en laat nog voldoende ruimte voor een aardige overnamepremie. Er is geen enkele aanwijzing voor toenaderingspogingen tussen de twee, maar zolang andere uitzichten op bovengemiddeld rendement in de containersector ontbreken, moeten we het hebben van bijzondere ontwikkelingen. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 Daarom is het wellicht de moeite waard om de komende maanden de reisbewegingen van het management van beide bedrijven goed in de gaten te houden.
New York City still has a fleet of ships involved in the movement of effluent/sludge between treatment plants in the New York area. Heading down the east River near Manhattan is the NORTH RIVER to pick up her next "cargo". Photo : Tommy Bryceland. SCOTLAND ©
Norwegian gas ferries difficult to dock SSG-TØNSBERG. Transport company Fjord1 built five gas ferries at NOK 1.2 billion and the State Road Authority (Statens Vegvesen) where modified a number of ferry ramps for NOK 280 million, but it turns out the ferries can not dock safely. The road authority had forgotten to allow room for the bow bulb on the ferries. This is 90 centimetres long and the clearance between the bulb and the security beams on the ramp is only 30 centimetres, to little to avoid damage, which would close down the terminal. The problem was discovered during a trail run with the new ferry Bergensfjord on 20 November. The ferry had problems docking safely. The road authority admits someone has made a mistake.
ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail :
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The LST 143 BAP CALLAO seen anchored off Callao Naval Base Photo : Piet Sinke © The CALLAO is built as the WASHOE COUNTY (LST 1156), one on the landing craft of the TERREBONNE PARISH CLASS and taken into service of the US Navy as per November 30th 1953, the Washoe County was Leased from the U.S.A by Peru for five years on 7-8-1984; this was extended another five years on 8-8-1989, again through 81994, and again through 8-1999, when it was again extended. The landing craft was reactivated from Maritime Administration reserve by Todd SY, San Francisco, Calif., and delivered mid-10-1984; The CALLAO was officially recommissioned into the Peruvian navy as per 04 March 1985. The landing craft is having a bow ramp and accommodations for 395 troops and is able to carry approx. 2,200 tons of cargo, carried in the tank deck and on the upper deck, forward (with a ramp to the lower deck). Having been in US Military Sealift Command service from 1972 until deactivated by the US Navy, the Callao was unarmed at time of transfer; formerly carried three dual 76.2-mm DP with two Mk 63 gun f.c.s. Received 40-mm AA after arrival in Peru.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 >> RENERGI added to the fuel, changes the structure of the hydrocarbons within the fuel. >> RENERGI will increase the efficiency of the combustion process.
Before using RENERGI RENERGI will effectively lead to: > Reduced fuel consumption. > Cleaner turbochargers exhaust gas boilers and engines. > Extended maintenance intervals and reduced consumption of spare parts. > Lower emissions and substantially cleaner exhaust gasses. > Easy and simple dosing system.
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WESTMARK bv Postbox 1082 3920 EB Woudenberg The Netherlands Tel + 31 (0)33 461 4844 Fax + 31 (0)33 461 2461 E-Mail :
[email protected]
Keppel Divests Stake in Ultra Deepwater Tender Rig Keppel FELS Limited (Keppel FELS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M), will divest its entire 72 percent interest in the rig, West Berani, to SeaDrill Asia Limited (SeaDrill Asia) for approximately $72m. This divestment follows the completion of the semisubmersible drilling tender (SSDT), which was delivered on time today. In May 2005, Keppel FELS entered into an agreement with SeaDrill Asia, formerly Smedvig Asia, to own and operate the SSDT on a 72/28 basis respectively. SeaDrill Asia had the option to exercise Keppel FELS’ interest in the rig upon completion. This is the fifth deepwater tender drilling rig that Keppel has built for SeaDrill Asia since 1994. The first of the series, West Pelaut, was the world’s primary purpose-built SSDT for tender-assisted drilling. West Pelaut has been voted the Shell Platform Rig of the year out of a fleet of 13 platform rigs working for Shell. The key performance indicators were records for safety, successful operational performance and consistent long term performance. Drawing from the initial design of West Pelaut, three more state-of-the-art SSDTs, West Menang, West Alliance and West Setia, each with increased variable deckloads, were subsequently built prior to West Berani. Developed by the Deepwater Technology Group (DTG), a R&D arm of Keppel O&M, under the KFELS SSDT design, this series of tender rigs has been operating successfully in Asia Pacific and West Africa. Conventionally, drilling tenders are only deployable next to fixed platforms. The KFELS SSDT series has been enhanced to provide drilling contractors and operators the flexibility to operate in deepwaters alongside Spars and Tension Leg Platforms (TLP). A typical SSDT carries a Drilling Equipment Set (DES) and has high capacity cranes of up to 200 tonnes to deploy this DES onto the platforms within 12 hours. It also provides storage and accommodation facilities up to 140 men. West Berani has been contracted by the consortium of Esso Production Malaysia Inc (EPMI), Newfield Malaysia and Nippon Oil, for a period of two years. It will be deployed off Kuantan, in East Malaysia. The rig was named by Mrs Cory Robinson, Lady Sponsor and wife of Mr Kevin Robinson, Country Manager of Newfield Malaysia and Guest-of-Honour, on 9 December 2006. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 9 12/15/2006
Addressing everyone at the ceremony, Mr Robinson said, “This is the first naming ceremony for many of us at NewField and is indeed very memorable. We are pleased that West Berani is delivered on-time despite current market conditions so that she can be deployed as planned. Attributing the success of the project to the good relations SeaDrill and Keppel shares, Mr Kjell Jacobsen, CEO, SeaDrill Management said, “Although the level of activity in the yard is the highest ever, it is with pride that we are able to bring a new rig to the market as planned, within budget, to the agreed quality and with the highest safety standards.
SADRA building four general cargo ships for IRISL Islamic Republic of Iran’s Shipping Lines (IRISL) is negotiating with Iran Marine Industrial Co. (SADRA) over the building of four general cargo ships. The National Iranian Tanker Co., Caspian Oil Co. as well as a German Company have respectively ordered three 63,000-ton oil tankers, three support ships and four ocean-going vessels to be built by SADRA Shipbuilding Company, the company managing director said on Tuesday. “We have foreign orders too, for instance, the building of four Aframax ships has been ordered by Venezuela,” Jalil Khebreh said noting that basic agreement for the contract has already been reached. Also, a European country has asked the company to build two liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) carriers for it. “Final agreements on the issue are being concluded.” Referring to training in the shipbuilding company, he commented that students of maritime sciences from different Iranian universities currently attend the courses offered by Iran Marine Industrial Co.
Austal Wins Second Littoral Combat Ship Order The option for a second Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) has now been confirmed following the announcement in October 2005 for the first General Dynamics / Austal LCS. Based on the 127 metre advanced Austal trimaran seaframe, which forms the platform for the ship's operational and combat systems, the new vessel will be built alongside "Independence" that is currently in an advanced stage of construction in Austal's Mobile, Alabama, USA shipyard. Recent Navy reports have speculated on an expanded acquisition strategy, from 4 to a possible 17, for the Flight 0 fleet of LCSs that also includes an alternate monohull ship design. Commenting in September, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and Acquisition), Dr Delores Etter, told Reuters, "The U.S. Navy hopes to finalize its acquisition strategy for a new class of shore-hugging combat ships by midDecember." "The Navy has not yet announced whether it will choose one or both designs for full production of some 55 ships over the next decade -- or who would build them." "By the end of fall, we will have a pretty good idea of where we want to go with this" "Both ships are really exciting. Both ships are doing great." Etter said she was "really optimistic" LCS would become an example of a new way of building ships, with a focus on making them more affordable and building them quickly. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 In addition, the prospect of foreign military sales of the LCS is also gaining increased interest and US Navy emphasis as the first of fleet vessels increasingly near completion. A reported 26 potential buyers exist worldwide for the ship and its companion equipment with two near-term contenders and four others that have expressed active interest. Austal's revolutionary trimaran LCS design offers superior seakeeping (rough weather capabilities) via its long, slender central hull that combined with smaller side hulls allows unequalled beam (width) creating a voluminous internal mission deck with a high payload carrying capacity. Above this is an enormous flight deck capable of handling dual H60 helicopter operations, a feature not available on similar size naval vessels. In Washington for the announcement, Austal Executive Chairman John Rothwell commented; "My congratulations again go to the dedicated Austal LCS project team that has worked closely with the US Navy since the original concept design to today where we have the first trimaran LCS in an advanced stage of construction. The best is yet to come as we look forward to "Independence" demonstrating in operation the advanced capabilities of the trimaran design and the benefits this will bring to naval operations." Austal USA Chief Operating Officer, Dan Spiegel added; "With this second LCS order Austal USA is targeting to grow our workforce to 1200 employees by the end of 2007. We are committed through our training programmes to recruiting and developing the most highly skilled group of aluminium shipbuilders in the USA."
TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail :
[email protected] Website : www.workships.nl
BP's fourth RSV makes its appearance Seascope Offshore reports that BP’s fourth IMT922 Regional Support Vessel (RSV) – Caledonian Victory – recently arrived in the North Sea, but will initially work in supply mode like the first three vessels in the series – Caledonian Vanguard, Caledonian Vision, and Caledonian Vigilance. All four vessels, which are being managed by Seaguard Offshore, were built at the Yantai Raffles shipyard in China and completed in Singapore – they will form an integral part of BP’s radical ‘Project Jigsaw’ plan during the course of 2007. Including the RSVs that are currently being utilised in supply mode BP effectively have ten large PSVs on long term charter – the others being Normand Aurora (P105), Edda Frigg, Maersk Fighter (UT745), Maersk Feeder (UT745), Maersk Fetcher (UT745), and Maersk Forwarder (UT745).
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The TOM SAYWER is serving the route Rostock <> Trelleborg Photo : Rob de Visser ©
Short Sea Shipping Stalls Spanish ship owners have renewed their attempt to encourage the government to support short-sea shipping after the finance ministry rejected proposed amendments to the state budget for 2007. According to shipowners’ association Anave, amendments included incentives for road hauliers who used short-sea services and funding for ‘motorways of the sea’ projects’. The proposed changes would have cost euro8M ($10.5M) and were initially presented by the Catalan conservative party (CiU), but failed to win support in either the parliament or senate. In a comment published this week, Anave said the shipping projects – which the association claims would have benefited the maritime sector – would now be delayed for a year. The owners have called on the public works ministry to present the amendments to parliament early next year for inclusion in the 2008 state budget.
The GOLAR FROST seen arriving in the port of Zeebrugge – Photo : Henk Claeys © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 12 12/15/2006
Venezuela, Brazil to Build Tankers Venezuela's state oil company said Wednesday it has signed a deal with Brazilian industrial conglomerates Eisa and Maua Jurong to build ten oil tankers in Venezuela. The joint venture will produce at least eight Panamax tankers, the largest type of vessel capable of navigating the locks of the Panama canal. PDVSA plans to increase its total fleet to 42 ships by 2012, the statement said. Since taking office in 1999, President Hugo Chavez has worked to forge stronger ties with Brazilian companies while reducing Venezuela's dependence on the United States as its top buyer by trying to find new markets for its heavy crude in Latin America and Asia.
OTAL LAUNCHES 2 NEW SERVICES WEST Africa-European liner specialist OTAL is launching two new services, both operated by 750 TEU ships . The Nord Direct Service will call every two weeks at Antwerp - Le Havre - Casablanca and the ports of the Northern region of West Africa including Nouakchott - Dakar - Banjul - Freetown - Monrovia. The Angola Shuttle Service will call Antwerp - Leixoes - Lisbon and Luanda. every 10 days.
Westerschelde wordt veiliger door Emile Calon De Zeeuwse hulpdiensten krijgen twee commandovaartuigen voor het coördineren van het bestrijden van calamiteiten op de Westerschelde. Daarnaast worden er convenanten met de bergers gesloten waarin staat dat zij sleep- en bergingsvaartuigen moeten inzetten voor de daadwerkelijke bestrijding. De commandovaartuigen worden in beheer gegeven aan Rijkswaterstaat. Die dienst mag die schepen gebruiken voor gewone werkzaamheden op de Westerschelde. In geval van een calamiteit moet een van die vaartuigen binnen het uur ter plaatse zijn zodat officieren van de hulpdiensten kunnen zien wat er gaande is. Vanaf dat schip kunnen ze vervolgens de crisisstaf in Middelburg informeren, zo blijkt uit een overeenkomst die vandaag wordt gesloten tussen de Zeeuwse autoriteiten en de ministers van Binnenlandse Zaken en Verkeer en Waterstaat. Een delegatie onder leiding van commissaris van de koningin W. van Gelder en burgemeester J. Lonink (Terneuzen) sluit vanmiddag de overeenkomst met de ministers. Uit onderliggende stukken bij het verdrag blijkt dat het Rijk bijna twintig miljoen euro moet investeren in met name materiaal om de Westerschelde veiliger te maken. Rijk en de Zeeuwse gemeenten moeten vervolgens samen jaarlijks een miljoen investeren in het op peil houden van die veiligheidsvoorzieningen. De financiële paragraaf wordt vandaag nog niet ondertekend omdat de onderhandelaars van het Rijk het niet gepast vinden dat demissionaire ministers zo’n besluit nemen. Wel wordt van verschillende kanten verzekerd dat de ministeries de financiële verplichtingen die het gevolg zijn van het verdrag aanvaarden. Uit de stukken blijkt ook dat het nog niet gelukt is op voorhand alle vrachtgegevens van de schepen die over de Westerschelde varen ter beschikking te hebben. Antwerpen wil uit angst voor concurrentievervalsing die niet vrijgeven. De havenautoriteiten van die stad hebben wel beloofd dat bij een calamiteit die gegevens direct worden doorgespeeld zodat de Zeeuwse hulpverleners weten waarmee ze te maken krijgen bij bijvoorbeeld een brand aan boord van een containerschip. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 Een van de vier burgemeesters van Hulst, Reimerswaal, Terneuzen en Vlissingen wordt bij een calamiteit op de Westerschelde aangewezen als coördinator. Hij of zij krijgt ook de bevoegdheid een van de havens langs de Westerschelde aan te wijzen als vluchthavens waar een schip naartoe gesleept kan worden
The BOURBON HERMES seen in Luanda Bay Photo : Alexander Gorter ©
Bumi Armada orders five anchor handlers Seascope Offshore says Malaysia-based Bumi Armada has ordered five AHTS (8-12,000bhp) from Pan United Marine. The vessels will be built at their Indonesian shipyard in Batam with delivery scheduled for between June 2008 & December 2009.
Contract signed for North Ocean 101 Oceanteam Power & Umbilical has signed a contract with Bourbon Offshore, for a three year contract including options, for the construction support and flexible product installation vessel, CSV North Ocean 101. The final client is a major operator in West Africa which will utilise the vessel for ROV - and field maintenance support. The vessel will start operations immediately after delivery from the shipyard. Oceanteam will have the vessel ready for operations in West Africa by the end of September 2007. The vessel will have two 85 tonnes cranes installed, 120 people accommodation and 2,000m2 of free working deck. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 Oceanteam Power & Umbilical expects to expand its services further in the region. The contract value is estimated at US$64 million.
Construction Begins on New BC Ferries Vessel BC Ferries announced that the keel-laying of a new 125-car intermediate size ferry took place at Vancouver Shipyards in North Vancouver. The event marked the beginning of construction on the third new vessel that the company has commissioned since 2004 and was recognized at a special ceremony involving representatives from both BC Ferries and Vancouver Shipyards. The keel is generally the first part of a ship to be constructed. The new intermediate vessel’s keel unit weighs approximately 30-tonnes, and is the first of over 100 units that will be fabricated and preassembled at Vancouver Shipyard’s main facility in North Vancouver over the next year. In total, 1700-tonnes of steel will be required to construct the ship. All of these units will then be trucked to Vancouver Shipyard’s Pier 94 location in North Vancouver where vessel construction and outfitting will take place. Once complete, the vessel will measure 100metres long and will feature a variety of amenities including a comfortable lounge and snack bar for passengers to enjoy, as well as a new state-of-the-art lifesaving system. The ship will accommodate 600 passengers and will travel at a service speed of 14.5 knots. It will enter service initially on the Earls Cove – Saltery Bay route by the summer of 2008. In keeping with maritime tradition, today’s ceremony was marked by the placing of a coin into the keel blocks just prior to the lowering the unit into place. This special edition $20 coin will be retrieved at the time of launch and presented to BC Ferries.
Rederij WATERWEG’s VITESSE seen in Luanda Bay – Photo : Alexander Gorter ©
HEEREMA FABRICATION GROUP ACQUIRES AGA ENGINEERING Heerema Fabrication Group (HFG) located at Zwijndrecht in the Netherlands, a renowned company providing high quality engineering and construction solutions for clients in the oil & gas industry, has reached agreement on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Albert- Garaudy Consulting Engineers with offices in Metairie, Louisiana and Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Albert-Garaudy Consulting Engineers (AGA) is a leading multi-disciplined consulting engineering company serving the international oil & gas, refining and chemical industries and employs 300 people. AGA s design experts and registered professional engineers provide engineering, drafting and design services in all of the major engineering disciplines. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 AGA s expertise and range of activities are an excellent addition to the current activities of the Heerema Fabrication Group and support the vision to become the preferred EPIC contractor creating value for clients in the oil & gas industry by delivering innovative, cost-effective and high quality engineering and construction solutions. It furthermore enhances the company s possibilities to enter new markets like West Africa. With the addition of AGA, Heerema Fabrication Group now possesses the engineering expertise to offer clients in the oil and gas industry, innovative engineering and construction solutions from conceptual design to final fabrication and delivery , says Jan-Pieter Klaver Chief Executive Officer of Heerema Fabrication Group.
TBS International Acquires Expanding its Fleet TBS International Limited has entered into an agreement to acquire a multi-purpose tweendecker, the M/V Blu Mistral II to be renamed the M/V Nanticoke Belle. TBS agreed to acquire the vessel charter free for $16.95 million. The vessel is expected to be delivered to TBS between February 15, 2007 and March 31, 2007. M/V Blu Mistral II, built in 1989, has a total dwt of 28,843 and is the sister ship of the TBS vessel M/V Wichita Belle, built in 1991, with the same dwt capacity. The M/V Blu Mistral II has two retractable tweendecks that optimize the floor space and cargo flexibility and is one of the very few modern tweendeckers of this size in the industry. Following the acquisition of the M/V Blu Mistral II, TBS's fleet will be comprised of 35 vessels in total, including 20 multipurpose and a combination of 15 handysize and handymax bulk carriers, with an aggregate of 1,053,719 dwt.
More cabins on Northlink ferries PASSENGER cabin accommodation on the NorthLink vessels Hjaltland and Hrossey is set to increase dramatically with the provision of 22 additional cabins on each ferry. The 125-metre sister ships, which came into service in 2002, were especially constructed for the Aberdeen - Kirkwall Lerwick routes. Each ro-ro vessel is capable of carrying 600 passengers plus cars and freight. Currently, in addition to recliner seats, each vessel has provision for 95 passenger cabins encompassing some 280 berths. The extra cabins will mean that each vessel can provide an additional 76 berths. The HJATLAND seen moored in Aberdeen. Photo : Piet Sinke ©
NorthLink took over the service to the Northern Isles four years ago. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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NorthLink chief executive Bill Davidson said: "The decision to provide the additional cabins reflects the very significant and most welcome increase in passenger traffic both islanders and tourists - since 12/15/2006
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 "The island communities have made it known to us that they wish to see more cabins on the boats and we're delighted to be in a position to meet their wishes. The project, which is not grant funded, is costing £3m but we consider that it will be money well spent," said Mr Davidson. Responding to NorthLink's announcement, Transport Minister Tavish Scott MSP said: "I very much welcome this important enhancement to the services between Aberdeen, Orkney and Shetland. I am aware of the pressure there has been on cabin accommodation due to the major growth in passenger numbers on these routes. While this pressure has been particularly intensive during the main holiday seasons, cabins have also been in short supply on the busier sailings throughout the year. "This announcement will bring major benefits to islanders and tourists alike. It is another example of this devolved government's commitment to supporting Scotland's island communities and their economies," he said. NorthLink has been seeking bids from shipbuilders throughout the UK and Europe. Northwestern Ship repairers and Shipbuilders of Birkenhead have emerged from that exhaustive process as the preferred bidder. Detailed discussion of contractual matters is now in hand with the aim of signing in the next few weeks. The cabins are due to be built when the boats go in for re-fit in the new year.
First Of Two Vehicle-Passenger Ferries For Turkey Launched
The first of two Auto Express 88 fast car ferries "Osman Gazi" was launched at the Austal shipyard. The 88 metre aluminium catamaran is the ninth fast ferry Austal has built for, Istanbul Deniz Otobusleri (IDO). The new Austal ferries are designated to operate on a 39 nautical mile reciprocal service across the Marmara Sea between Yenikapi (Istanbul) and a new port development in Mudanya servicing the city of Bursa. "Osman Gazi" is scheduled to enter service in April 2007, the same month the second ferry will be launched. The ferries have the capacity to carry 1200 passengers and 225 cars and will be capable of an operational speed of 36 knots when loaded. The catamaran's propulsion consists of four MTU 20 cylinder 8000 series diesel engines driving a Lips propulsion system through four Reintjes gearboxes. In addition to the Turkish catamarans, Austal is currently building two Multi-Purpose Auto Express 65 metre high speed catamaran ferries for The Sultanate of Oman, two Auto Express 107 metre high speed vehicle-passenger catamarans for Hawaii Superferry (USA) and two 127 metre trimaran Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) trimarans for the US Navy. Also delivered / under construction are 14 patrol boats for the Royal Australian Navy and a 56 metre monohull vessel for a private owner. In a recent announcement, an order for multiple catamaran passenger ferries was confirmed with further details to follow.
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MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet
[email protected] http://www.multraship.com
The CCNI PUNTA ARENAS seen anchored off Callao port - Photo : Piet Sinke ©
The PENTOW SALVOR seen in Cape Town - Photo : Glenn Kasner ©
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The TARAGO seen arriving in Sydney - Photo : Martin Grant ©
The pilot boat GUTU seen in Willemstad (Curacao) Photo : Els Kroon ©
Superjumbo A380 is vliegensklaar De Airbus A380, het grootste passagiersvliegtuig ter wereld, heeft dinsdag in Toulouse de nodige vergunningen gekregen om passagiers te mogen vervoeren.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 260 De documenten werden afgeleverd door de Europese en Amerikaanse luchtvaartautoriteiten. Binnen tien maanden zou het eerste toestel worden afgeleverd aan Singapore Airlines. De vliegvergunningen konden worden afgeleverd omdat het toestel 2.600 vlieguren succesvol heeft afgelegd. Het is een essentiële stap om het toestel op de markt te kunnen brengen. De superjumbo baarde de Europese vliegtuigconstructeur al heel wat zorgen. De lancering moest herhaaldelijk worden uitgesteld wegens problemen met de bekabeling. Dit kostte het bedrijf één miljard euro aan gederfde inkomsten en boetes, en kelderde het imago van Airbus fors.
Internet: www.spos.nl Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail :
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Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 500 vessels today.
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The SILEX seen in action – Photo : Willem Koper ©
Bedrijfsinformatie van 175 Nederlandse maritieme toeleveranciers in 1 uitgave De nieuwe jaarlijkse catalogus van Vereniging Holland Marine Equipment (HME) is verschenen. Met 175 bedrijfsprofielen van Nederlandse maritieme toeleveranciers en products & servicesen merkenoverzichten is de HME-catalogus 2007 dikker dan ooit en een onmisbaar naslagwerk voor decisionmakers in de maritieme cluster. In de op alfabetische volgorde gerangschikte Engelstalige profielen en in de overzichten met products & services en merken kunnen leveranciers eenvoudig worden gevonden. Verder bevat de catalogus een jaaroverzicht van HME en de ontwikkelingen en vooruitzichten van de Nederlandse maritieme toeleveringsindustrie. De HME-catalogus wordt in een oplage van 6.000 stuks een jaar lang wereldwijd actief verspreid. Direct na de introductie is de HME-catalogus naar de Nederlandse ambassades verzonden, die de catalogi doorsturen naar relevante (markt)partijen. Daarnaast wordt de catalogus naar scheepswerven en rederijen verzonden. Tot slot wordt een groot deel van de catalogi afgenomen op de internationale maritieme beurzen, waar HME participeert met een Nederlands Paviljoen. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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De HME-catalogus is, in een oplage van 4.000 stuks, in het voorjaar van 2006 ook verschenen in het Vietnamees. In januari 2007 verschijnt bovendien de nieuwe Chinese versie in een oplage van 7.500 stuks. Deze twee uitgaven zijn uitstekend geschikt om het Nederlandse product aan de man te brengen in markten waar de besluitvormers nog onvoldoende Engelse taalvaardigheden hebben. Bestel uw gratis exemplaar op www.hme.nl (Vereniging HME/Publicaties) of bij HME (T: (010) 44 44 333 of E:
[email protected]).
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