Number 287 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Thursday 30-10-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.
Harms MAGNUS seen enroute Rotterdam Photo : Piet Sinke ©
Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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Personeel: ‘Handen af van Smit’ ‘Smit-man’ werkt niet voor Boskalis Economic downturn won't ease crew shortages Progress in negotiations to free Faina hostages UNKNOWN TUG NAMED ! Territorial Panic Anoniem milieudelicten melden in de Rijnmond French 'toxic' ship may sail to North Hebei Wait Goes On Recovered bodies from ‘Princess’ now at 36 Netherlands signs Wreck Removal Convention BLACKWATER “TO SEND ANTI-PIRACY SHIP TO GULF OF ADEN”
Hr.Ms. ZUIDERKRUIS zinkt in Den Helder
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Navy Accepts Truxtun Iran opens naval base at Straight of Hormuz Leak Plugged Russian Military Warship docks at Aden seaport Algonquin Returns to Canadian Navy
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China more than doubles ship exports in first 7 months
ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES Northern Offshore cancels deal to acquire two Transocean rigs CSAV verhoogt capaciteit naar Zuid-Amerika Historic Delta Queen on last Mississippi River cruise Anchor handler Seabulk Hawk sold Schepen van 14.000 teu op Schelde? P&O name new cruise ship Schepen CMA-CGM nog steeds ruim 90 procent vol Havensector maant Eurlings tot spoed bij aanleg zeesluis MOL PULLS OUT OF LINER AGREEMENTS Zaya appoints Van Oord as contractors for Nurai Island development
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Personeel: ‘Handen af van Smit’ Ze kunnen er gewoon niet bij, de mensen van het sleep- en bergingsbedrijf Smit op het kantoor aan de Waalhaven en op de meer dan vijfhonderd schepen wereldwijd. ,,Hoe is het toch mogelijk dat het ene bedrijf, dat een groot stuk Hollands Glorie vertegenwoordigt, een ander Nederlands bedrijf, dat wereldwijd bekendheid geniet, zoiets aandoet,’’ zegt Cor Voorspuij (60), voorzitter van de centrale ondernemingsraad van Smit en machinist op de havenslepers in de haven van Rotterdam. In zijn ogen gedraagt Boskalis zich niet anders dan een doorsnee-hedgefonds, berucht om het opkopen, opknippen en dan tegen veel geld verpatsen van de onderdelen. Wat dat betreft zou Boskalis wel eens van een koude kermis kunnen thuiskomen. Daarvoor waarschuwen zowel de mensen van Smit als deskundige buitenstaanders. Wie werkt voor Smit, heeft daar vaak bewust voor gekozen en wil niet anders. Voorspuij werkt er 40 jaar en de secretaris van de ondernemingsraad Harry van den Enden (61), kapitein op de havensleepdienst, al 43 jaar. Nòg klampt het Smit-personeel zich vast aan de hoop dat de overval van Boskalis mislukt. Zo niet, dan zouden volgens Voorspuij en Van den Enden veel mensen kunnen besluiten hun licht ergens anders op te steken. Er is wereldwijd veel vraag naar personeel dat kan wat Smit kan: varen, bergen, hijsen, slepen, zwaar transport regelen – allemaal technische kennis waar de olie- en gasindustrie om staat te schreeuwen. En de mensen van Smit zijn gewend wereldwijd te werken. ,,Boskalis-topman Berdowski loopt het risico dat hij een lege doos koopt,’’ zegt Voorspuij. ,,Er zijn er volop die zeggen dat ze dan gaan kijken of ze hun horizon niet kunnen verbreden. Als je de kennis hebt, kun je ook elders heel goed af zijn,’’ valt Van Enden hem bij. Dat is ook waar Michiel Wijsmüller voor waarschuwt. De oud-directeur van de IJmuidense Wijsmüller Group, ooit de grote tegenhanger van het Rotterdams/Maassluise Smit Internationale Wijsmüller, zag zijn bedrijf in 2001 opgekocht door het Deense Svitzer. Het bedrijf is nog wel in IJmuiden gevestigd, maar de Denen zijn er de baas. Svitzer nam eerder al de grote zeeslepers van Smit over en is nu in havensleepdiensten en terminaldiensten, de Smitpoot die Boskalis zo graag wil hebben, de grootste concurrent van Smit. Zowel Smit als Svitzer en tal van andere Nederlandse offshorebedrijven adverteren zich nu al een slag in de rondte op jacht naar personeel. Die bedrijven zullen volgens Wijsmüller zeker proberen hun slag te slaan in het binnenhalen van Smit-personeel dat niet voor de ‘baggerboeren uit Papendrecht’ wil werken. Voorlopig staat het Smit-personeel volgens Voorspuij en Van den Enden als één man achter topman Ben Vree in zijn pogingen om Smit zelfstandig te houden. Vree maakte van het eind jaren ’90 zieltogende bedrijf weer een organisatie met prima winsten. ,,Wij hebben bijzonder veel waardering voor de kwaliteiten van Ben Vree, hoe hij het bedrijf weer op de rails heeft weten te zetten,’’ zegt Voorspuij. Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 Smit is een club waar af en toe een stevig robbertje wordt gevochten om loonsverhogingen als er weer wordt onderhandeld over een nieuwe cao. Maar ook een bedrijf waar iedereen, gewoon personeel en management, volgens Voorspuij en Van den Enden allemaal hetzelfde vindt: voortzetting als zelfstandig bedrijf, want dat geeft het meeste rendement voor alle partijen. ,,Handen af van Smit, dat vindt iedereen,’’ verzekert Voorspuij. Wijsmüller vraagt zich zelfs af waar ze bij Boskalis mee bezig zijn en of ze de business wel kennen. ,,Als ze Smit al willen hebben, dan moeten ze het bedrijf als geheel overnemen en behouden,’’ aldus Wijsmüller. Maar opknippen vindt hij onbegrijpelijk. ,,Het is doodzonde van zo’n prachtig bedrijf. De overname betekent een enorm verlies aan synergie die nu in het bedrijf zit: de samenwerking tussen de verschillende diensten binnen het bedrijf die voor elkaar werken. Opknippen is voor niemand een goede optie.’’ In een reactie laat Boskalis weten begrip te hebben voor de emoties bij Smit. Maar toch sluiten volgens woordvoerder Martijn Schuttevaer de verschillende bedrijfsculturen van Boskalis en Smit heel goed op elkaar aan. Boskalis is groot geworden door overnames, stelt de woordvoerder – daar is het personeel volgens hem nooit de dupe van geworden. Schuttevaer: ,,Smit heeft een sterke merknaam. Daarom wordt ook overwogen om de over te nemen activiteiten voort te zetten onder de merknaam Smit.’’
The transport of the MAGNUS with the OBAN-B hull seen at Maaspilot station from the wheelhouse of the RPA 16 Photo : Piet Sinke ©
‘Smit-man’ werkt niet voor Boskalis Personeel van het sleep- en bergingsbedrijf Smit heeft er absoluut geen zin in om voor het baggerbedrijf Boskalis te gaan werken. Als Boskalis de overname doorzet, zoals het bedrijf twee weken geleden heeft aangekondigd, dreigen veel Smit-medewerkers hun heil elders te gaan zoeken, zo valt onder het personeel te beluisteren. ,,De mensen hier werken voor Smit en willen niet anders,’’ zegt voorzitter Cor Voorspuij van de centrale ondernemingsraad. ,,Een Smit-man is een Smit-man en dat kun je niet gauw veranderen. Die zegt: we gaan niet voor die baggerboeren werken,’’ Vooral de medewerkers van de Smit-afdelingen die Boskalis na de overname zelf zou willen houden, het oude SmitTak, zijn door hun specifieke kennis zeer gewild bij tal van andere Nederlandse en buitenlandse bergings-, hijs- en zwaar- transportbedrijven. Bedrijven als het eveneens Rotterdamse Mammoet Salvage, de Rotterdamse rederij Jumbo, het Zeeuwse Vroon, het vanuit IJmuiden opererende Deense Svitzer Slavage en Towage (zeeslepers) en Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide Page 4 10/29/2008
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 offshorebedrijven als Heerema Leiden), Allseas (Delft), Seeway Heavy Lifting (Zoetermeer) en Bluewater (Hoofddorp) adverteren zich een slag in de rondte op jacht naar technisch onderlegd personeel. Ook voor iedereen die zeemanspapieren heeft, is overal emplooi mogelijk met een wereldwijd tekort van 50.000 stuurlieden en scheepswerktuigkundigen. Met een overname loopt Boskalis niet alleen het risico dat personeel massaal opstapt. Smit-topman Ben Vree legt uit dat zijn bedrijf veel werkt met joint-ventures. Daarbij is contractueel vastgelegd dat het partnerbedrijf bij overname het eerste recht heeft op koop van het Smit-aandeel. ,,Boskalis loopt de kans dat er zo een gatenkaas overblijft,’’ waarschuwt Vree. Het overnamebod van Boskalis heeft nu al een negatieve uitwerking op het werk van Smit. Vree ziet zich geconfronteerd met potentiële zakenpartners die voor mogelijke deals nu even de boot afhouden omdat ze eerst willen weten of de overname door Boskalis doorgaat. Ook wordt het steeds moeilijker nieuw personeel Hetzelfde geldt voor de slag om de arbeidsmarkt Smit heeft behoorlijk wat vacatures maar kandidaten daarvoor weten niet of ze volgend jaar ook nog bij Smit werken of dan worden meeverkocht aan een buitenlands bedrijf. Als de overnamestrijd lang gaat duren, krijgt dit volgens Vree een verlammende uitwerking op het bedrijf.
Economic downturn won't ease crew shortages David Dearsley, Secretary General of the International Maritime Employers' Committee Ltd. (IMEC) is calling on shipping to maintain a long-term and far sighted training program to deal with the crew crisis. He believes that the present world economic crisis will not significantly impact shipping's manpower shortage. The shortage of qualified officers is such that a significant decline in the world fleet through scrapping, lay-ups and newbuilding cancelations might be expected to reduce the shortage to more manageable numbers. However, in past recessions, qualified seafarers have demonstrated that they can get shore-based jobs relatively easily as their technical and professional skills are transferable. And many shore-based industries value the flexibility and hands on skills of seafarers. "Young people all over the world looking for careers as they leave university, use the internet to source information in a way that did not exist even ten years ago," Mr. Dearsley today told delegates at the ACI 3rd Maritime HR & Crew Development Conference in London. "Any company or industry that shuts its doors to the recruitment and training of its next generation of skilled workers will send a clear and long-lasting message that it is in terminal decline. We run the very real risk of sending out this message again today, not just in the U.K. or Europe but globally, unless we maintain a long-term and far sighted training program to deal with the crew crisis." Many owners facing pressure on margins are bound to reduce Òdiscretionary spending," which includes the training program. If the recession produces a reduction in the scale of the officer shortages and reduces the pressure on officer wage rates, it will be even more difficult to resist demands to reduce the number of cadets being trained. In Mr. Dearsley's view, the only way to make sure that the errors of the past are not repeated is to maintain recruitment and training programs. "This does not mean that they should be maintained precisely as they are today," he said. "Indeed this would not be sustainable. It means maintaining our intake of cadets but targeting our resources better in order to reduce wastage and improve the quality of the output --where possible spreading the costs with other like-minded companies." London-based IMEC represents over 120 companies worldwide, operating some 6,500 ships of all types under more than 40 flags. They employ over 157,000 seafarers of all nationalities. Last year, IMEC took a long term strategic decision on cadet training. "When considering the officer shortage we concluded that simply throwing more cadets into the system would not necessarily prove to be the answer in some of our major labor supply countries," said Mr. Dearsley. "The Working Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide Page 5 10/29/2008
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 Group we established to consider the officer shortage was particularly struck by the fact that some 10 % of our Filipino ratings held valid officer licenses. They were also struck by the fact that each year some 18,000 young Filipinos commenced training programs designed to deliver officer watchkeeping certificates after the four-year period, but only some 4,000 officers were actually produced. The balance obtained work ashore or became ratings. "Clearly, recruiting yet more cadets into this system would not produce the desired effect of producing enough officers to overcome the shortage," he continued. "So we decided to follow the lead already initiated by the Norwegian Shipowners Association and try to change the system. Starting from scratch this year we decided to select cadets to educational, aptitude and medical standards that we set, to train them to standards we set, in particular in respect of reduced class sizes and the provision of educational materials and equipment, and to ensure that the lecturers were fully competent and selected by IMEC. The program is fully sponsored through International Maritime Training Trust (IMTT) and the cadets receive a full scholarship covering tuition fees, accommodation and food, uniforms and training materials. The cadets are assured of the 12 months sea time training with an IMEC member during the third training year and will return to that company once they have obtained their officer license." "Of particular importance given the current economic crisis," said Mr. Dearsley, the manner in which the program is financed through an industry fund should minimize cost during a time when training budgets will inevitably come under severe pressure." Since 1998 IMEC has used a collective bargaining system to establish a training fund maintained in the International Maritime Training Trust (IMTT), which is based on the Isle of Man. The fund has made donations of around $1 million per year to the training institutions in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Poland and more recently, Eastern Europe. The grants have provided for free fall lifeboats, bridge and engine simulators, model ships for ship handling facilities, libraries and many subsidized courses in, for example, English language, accident prevention and chart correction. Source : MarineLog
Progress in negotiations to free Faina hostages Ukrainian national radio reports that the owner of the hijacked vessel Faina says there has been "certain progress" in talks on the vessel's release "The shipowner informed the pirates that an acceptable ransom is available, and now it is necessary to discuss in detail the terms and machinery for its transfer, release of the crew and the vessel," says Ukraine radio. "Simultaneously," says the report, "the shipowner is working to recruit a new crew and a repair team who would take the Faina to its destination point, and the current crew will be taken home by air." The pirates refused to negotiate on food deliveries. They are taking water and food to the ship on their own. There is a certain reserve of food and drinking water aboard, says Ukraine radio. An earlier report from the UKRINFORM state owned news agency quoted Foreign Ministry Speaker Vasyl Kyrylych as saying stocks of foodstuffs, fuel and water are decreasing on the Faina. It quoted Mr. Kyrylych as saying negotiations were being carried out by a "British company having experience of negotiations with pirates" on behalf of the shipowners. The Belize-flagged cargo ship owned and operated by Kaalbye Shipping, Ukraine, was seized by pirates Sept. 25 and forced to proceed to anchorage off the Somali Coast. The ship is carrying a cargo of Ukrainian T-72 tanks and related military equipment. It has been under continued surveillance by ships of the U.S. Fifth Fleet, reportedly recently joined by a Russian frigate. Source : MarineLog
UNKNOWN TUG NAMED ! Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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Some days ago I asked your assistance in finding the name of the above Korean tug which I spotted in Singapore last week, several readers responded and the conclusion is that the above tug is the 57,9 mtr long SEBANG T-7, built as the IRIS during 1970 at the Daiko Shipyard in Japan, the tug was renamed SALVISTA during 1981 until 1989 when she got the name KAH WENG for a short while, in 1990 she was renamed in SEA HORSE IV followed by GERARD in 2000 until 2007 when the 7200 HP tug got her present name SEBANG T-7, the Korean Salvage tug departed from Singapore 22-10 bound for Pusan (South Korea)
Everybody who responded thank you very much, your help is appreciated!!
Territorial Panic The possibility of cooperation between Gibraltar and Spain on maritime issues is likely to feature in this week's tripartite talks, but for some in Spain this means that Gibraltar should be incorporated in what already exists in Algeciras, in that there be a single authority headed by the Spanish. In Gibraltar political terms this would be wholly unacceptable. If there is to be cooperation, it should be between the Gibraltar port authority and the Algeciras port authority, but Gibraltar must not end up being swallowed by the 'autoridad portuaria de la bahía de Algeciras' in any shape or form. The greatest care must be exercised when considering maritime matters as official Spanish policy is that Gibraltar does not have territorial waters, except for the internal waters of Gibraltar harbour. This additional Spanish claim has always been resisted and rejected in the past. Britain has always taken the view that Gibraltar enjoys 3 miles of territorial waters and this is what is normally exercised, even though Britain could claim 12 miles for Gibraltar - some political sources in Gibraltar cannot understand why this has not been so. With the bay becoming a graveyard for ships, there is pressure to find ways of improving maritime traffic in order to try and minimise, or indeed remove, more problems, even though accidents can always happen even in the best regulated circumstances. However, the pressure and the urgency emanating from the New Flame and Freda groundings, not forgetting groundings on the Spanish side, must not be an excuse to make concessions that will in any way weaken Gibraltar's control of its territorial waters. Source : ShipTalk
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Anoniem milieudelicten melden in de Rijnmond Wie een milieudelict in de regio Rijnmond en vooral in de Rotterdamse haven constateert, kan dit voortaan ook anoniem doorgeven. DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond en Stichting Meld Misdaad Anoniem (Stichting M.) zijn sinds kort partners. Hierdoor kan de DCMR anonieme tips die binnen haar takenpakket liggen, onderzoeken. ,,De meldingen via M. zijn een belangrijk onderdeel van de nodige signalen en indicaties om goed te kunnen handhaven'', aldus de milieudienst dinsdag.
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French 'toxic' ship may sail to North A FRENCH Navy group has tabled an official bid to move a so-called toxic ship to the North East. Yesterday the Environment Agency confirmed it had received an application from the French Navy support service to move the Clemenceau to Able UK Limited’s facilities at Graythorp, Hartlepool, for dismantling and recovery. The French Navy support service – Service de Soutien de la Flotte – is required to make the application under European Waste Shipment Regulations, which control the international movement of waste. The ship, an aircraft carrier which was once the pride of the French Navy, has spent the past five years being moved around as officials tried to find a final resting place for the vessel, which contains 700 tonnes of asbestos. President Jacques Chirac had to call the ship back from India two years ago after the furious Socialist opposition embarrassed him over the decision to send France’s waste abroad while “lecturing the world on the environment”. Under WSR procedures, consent is needed from both the Environment Agency and the counterpart French regulator DRIRE Bretagne, before the former fleet flagship can be moved to Hartlepool. This consent is one of a number of different permissions that must be in place before the movement can legally proceed. The Environment Agency now has 30 days to make a decision on the application. Agency environment manager Bob Pailor said: “If granted, a permit to import this waste ship is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. We determine each application in accordance with the requirements of the Waste Shipments Regulation, which includes consideration of whether the facility has the permits in place to complete environmentally sound recovery.” Following a public consultation, the Environment Agency issued a waste management licence to Able on June 25, allowing the company to dismantle ships and marine structures such as oil rigs at its facility in Graythorp. Able also has planning permission to use the Graythorp site for the construction, repair, refurbishment and decommissioning of all types of ships, vessels and marine structures. Earlier this month campaign group the Friends of Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 Hartlepool (FOH), acting through law firm Public Interest Lawyers, won an appeal hearing over the issue. Jean Kennedy, of FOH, said lawyers would argue that the decision of the Health and Safety Executive to allow the importation of the Clemenceau was unlawful. Source : journallive
The MAGNUS with the OBAN-B platform seen enroute Keppel-Verolme in Rotterdam-Botlek Photo : Frans de Lijster ©
Hebei Wait Goes On India has told South Korea it must release two Indian seafarers it is holding for an environmental crime they are innocent of. India told members of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), that Captain Jasprit Chawla and Chief Officer Syam Chetan have been held for nearly a year after an oil spill near Taean on the west coast of South Korea. Chawla was captaining a huge Hong Kong-registered oil tanker, the Hebei Spirit, which was carrying 2,64,000 tonnes of crude oil when a crane barge owned by Samsung, a South Korean multinational company, crashed into it in stormy weather. The resultant spillage of over 10,000 tonnes of oil is thought to be South Korea’s worst, and authorities arrested five men - Chawla, Chetan and the skippers of the barge and the two tug-boats that were towing the barge. A district court acquitted Chawla and Chetan of all charges June 23 but prosecutors appealed the case which is now pending in a higher court. India’s intervention at the IMO was supported by China and Liberia. In addition, the cause of the two Indians have been taken up globally by a number of shipping and maritime organisations, including the Asian Shipowers’ Forum, comprising owners from Australia, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea; the Federation of ASEAN Shipowners’ Associations; and the Monaco- and Cyprus-based International Ship Manager’s Association (InterManager) Shiv Shanker Mukherjee, India’s High Commissioner to Britain and Permanent Representative to the IMO, said the detention of the two men in a South Korean hotel must be looked at from the humanitarian and legal points of view. “These men have been away from their near and dear ones for nearly a year now, and their release will have the wide support of the seafaring community, Mukherjee told IANS Sunday after dispatching one of his senior diplomats to make an intervention at the IMO. In its intervention, India said the detention of Chawla and Chetan - both married men with children - is unjust and unreasonable and had global implications. The continued unjust and unreasonable detention highlights the injustices that are often perpetrated on ship masters who, more often than not, bear little responsibility for an accident - other than the fact that they were in command of the vessel that is involved in an accident, India said. It said the two men were being victimized due to a malicious web of extra-judicial and/or extra-legal interpretation of the local law. Their only fault, said India, was to have been aboard the Hebei Spirit when the South Korean barge broke loose from one its tug-boats and collided with the tanker. Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 While remaining committed to protecting the environment, India said it cannot and will not support the criminalization of seafarers, nor unjust, unreasonable and unfair treatment that is contrary to the principles of the IMO and ILO (International Labour Organisation). The London-based South Korean diplomat responsible for maritime affairs did not answer queries emailed to it by IANS about the detention of Chawla and Chetan. Senior Indian diplomats, however, said they are mystified about the reasons why prosecutors went into appeal against the court decision. They say the International Oil Pollution Control Fund, a London-based inter-governmental organisation, has granted a “full and final” settlement after the South Koreans filed a claim with it.
Recovered bodies from ‘Princess’ now at 36 The number of bodies recovered from the capsized MV Princess of the Stars rose to 36 after divers retrieved the remains of three more victims as retrieval operations continued on its third day. A radio dzBB report quoted Coast Guard commandant Vice Admiral Wilfredo Tamayo as saying that as of Tuesday afternoon, the number of bodies recovered on Tuesday alone rose to 16, raising the total number of bodies retrieved from the capsized ship to 36. Divers from salvage group Harbor Star and counterparts from the Coast Guard had been searching the ship since Sunday for remains of more than 500 passengers trapped inside. Tamayo said he has instructed the divers to search all accommodation spaces, including other decks of the ship, for remains. "Ginagawa natin ang lahat na paraan (We are doing all we can)," Tamayo said in an interview on dzBB radio. He also said the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has a team on standby to identify bodies that will be retrieved from the capsized vessel. The Sulpicio Lines-owned MV Princess of the Stars capsized off Romblon last June 21 at the height of typhoon "Frank." Source : gmanews.tv
Netherlands signs Wreck Removal Convention THE Netherlands has become the fourth country to sign, subject to approval, the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007, joining Estonia, France and Italy, which signed subject to ratification. IMO SecretaryGeneral Efthimios Mitropoulos welcomed the move and urged other States to follow suit, at the earliest opportunity, so that, “as intended, the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention, once in force, can fill a gap in the existing international legal framework by providing the first set of uniform international rules aimed at ensuring the prompt and effective removal of wrecks beyond the territorial sea, thereby also contributing to the IMO goals of safe navigation and marine environmental protection”. The Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention was adopted in May 2007 and will provide the legal basis for States to remove, or have removed, shipwrecks that may have the potential to affect adversely the safety of lives, goods and property at sea, as well as the marine environment. The Convention is open for signature until 18 November 2008 and, thereafter, will be open for ratification, accession or acceptance. It will enter into force twelve months following the date on which 10 states have either signed it without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval or have deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with IMO. The convention will make the registered owner liable for the costs of locating, marking and removing a wreck and by imposing an insurance requirement on ships of 300 gross tonnage and above to cover this liability. The convention also includes an optional clause enabling States Parties to apply certain provisions to their territory, including their territorial sea. Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 An IMO statement notes: “Although the incidence of marine casualties has decreased dramatically in recent years, mainly thanks to the work of IMO and the persistent efforts of Governments and industry to enhance safety in shipping operations, the number of abandoned wrecks, estimated at almost thirteen hundred worldwide, has reportedly increased and, as a result, the problems they cause to coastal States and shipping in general have, if anything, become more acute.” Source: mglobal.com
BLACKWATER “TO SEND ANTI-PIRACY SHIP TO GULF OF ADEN” THE head of US-based private security firm Blackwater has been quoted as saying that his company is ready to send a ship to help protect merchant ships form Somali-based pirates. Speaking on TV shows in the US last week Erik Prince said Blackwater is now in 'active discussions' to provide armed guards for more than a dozen commercial shipping lines. In 2006 Blackwater bought the McArthur, an ex-research vessel. According to the firm's website The McArthur was reconfigured and modified and is now a “Blackwater Worldwide Maritime Security Support Craft”. The company says: “The McArthur is a multi-purpose maritime vessel designed to support military and law enforcement training, peacekeeping, and stability operations worldwide. With the latest technology and innovation, Blackwater Worldwide now provides a state-of-the art vessel with numerous capacities. The McArthur offers a full array of products, including state-of-the-art navigation systems and satellite based communication systems. Blackwater Worldwide is proud to offer the most modern technology and the most resourceful maritime solutions.” Mr Prince is quoted as saying: “Our concept is to use our boat, it’s a boat we bought about two and half years ago, it’s an old research vessel that we reconfigured to haul two Little Bird helicopters, three RIB [rigid inflatable] boats, and 35 security professionals. And it would be literally be a convoy escort boat -- where the RIBs could be out and deployed, and provide an outer screen similar to what a ground based personnel security detail would be. This is essentially a water based personal security detail, putting trained quality personnel between pirates and those they seek to plunder.”
CASUALTY REPORTING Tel: +31 115 645000 - www.multraship.com Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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Hr.Ms. ZUIDERKRUIS zinkt in Den Helder
Woensdagmorgen is het bevoorradingsschip Hr.Ms. ZUIDERKRUIS door nog onbekende oorzaak “wat dieper” gaan liggen in de haven van Den Helder. Volgens ooggetuigen begon het schip ineens weg te zakken en momenteel ligt ze met het achterschip op de bodem van de haven. Er is door de hulpverleners een oliescherm aangelegd en de marinebrandweer probeert het water uit het schip te pompen. Duikers zijn momenteel bezig met het zoeken naar de oorzaak van het plotselinge water maken. Aanwezigen melden dat het schip totall loss is verklaard , mede ook omdat alles motoren, generatoren en overige electronica volledig onder water staan. Photos links en onder : www.tugspotters.com Nee, het schip is niet gezonken en dat zal ook niet gebeuren”, benadrukt marinevoorlichter Bart Visser. Wel is er een lek ontstaan, waardoor de machinekamer vol water is gelopen en de achterkant van de Hr. Ms. Zuiderkruis zo’n twee meter lager ligt dan gebruikelijk. “Maar er is geen reden voor paniek en dit heeft ook geen gevolgen voor de toekomstige inzetbaarheid van het schip”, aldus de Marine. De Zuiderkruis lag in de haven voor onderhoud, had geen bemanning aan boord en hoeft pas medio 2009 weer in de vaart te worden genomen. “Dat zal niet veranderen. Het is niet zo dat het hele schip vol water stroomt en zal zinken, want dat kan namelijk niet. Het is in compartimenten opgebouwd en het water kan dus niet vanuit de machinekamer naar elders lopen. En zelfs als dat wel zou kunnen, kan het op deze plek nog niet zinken, want daar is het water te ondiep voor.” Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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Ships collide in English Channel Two ships have been involved in a minor collision in the English Channel, Dover Coastguards said. The two vessels collided at 0400 BST about 20 miles off the Kent coast, east of Ramsgate. No-one on the Egyptian-flagged bulk carrier, WadiHalfa, and the British-registered cargo vessel, Scot Isles, was injured in the incident. Left : File photo pf the SCOT ISLES Photo : Evert Sikkema © A Dover Coastguard spokesman said the collision caused minor damage and the Scot Isles was being assessed. The spokesman added: "The collision occurred in our area but because the ships drifted, it was reported instead to the French coastguard who took control of it." He said the bulk carrier was allowed to continue on its journey.
Navy Accepts Truxtun The Navy accepted delivery of the guided-missile destroyer Truxtun (DDG 103) from Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding (NGSB) during a ceremony Oct. 24 in Pascagoula, Miss. Truxtun successfully completed acceptance trials Oct. 3, and the ship got underway Sept. 30 from NGSB Pascagoula for a multi-day trial in the Gulf of Mexico. All major systems and equipment, including the ship’s Aegis combat system, were tested by the Navy’s Board of Inspection and Survey. Truxtun is the 53rd Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer. The ship will conduct a variety of operations, from peacetime presence and crisis management to sea control and power projection. The ship’s combat system centers around the Aegis combat system and the SPY-lD(V), multifunction phased array radar. The new destroyer honors Commodore Thomas Truxtun (1755-1822) who was selected as one of the Navy’s first six captains on June 4, 1798. He was assigned command of one the Navy’s new frigates, USS Constellation, and he put to sea to prosecute the undeclared naval war with revolutionary France. On Feb. 9, 1799, Truxtun scored the first of his two most famous victories. After an hour's fight, Constellation battered the French warship L’Insurgente into submission in one of the most illustrious battles of the Quasi-War with France. Truxtun retired from the Navy as a commodore and has had five previous ships carry his name: a brig launched in 1842, DD 14, DD 229, APD 98 (initially DE 282), and DLGN/CGN 35. Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 Cmdr. Timothy R. Weber will become the first commanding officer of the ship and will lead the crew of 276 officers and enlisted personnel. The 9,200-ton Truxtun is being built by NGSB Ingalls Operations, Pascagoula. The ship is 510 feet in length, has a waterline beam of 59 feet, and a navigational draft of 31 feet. Four gas turbine engines will power the ship to speeds in excess of 30 knots. The future USS Truxtun is scheduled to be commissioned in spring 2009.
Iran opens naval base at Straight of Hormuz Iran's state radio says the country has inaugurated a new naval base on the eastern part of the strategic waterway at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. Tuesday's report quotes Iran's naval chief, Adm. Habibollah Sayyari. He says the base on the Strait of Hormuz creates a new line of defense. Sayyari says if necessary the base could allow Iran to block entry of any "enemy" into the Persian Gulf. The base is in the port town of Jask, about 1,050 miles (1,700 kilometers) south of Tehran. Iran has warned that it would close the narrow strait if the U.S. attacks it over Tehran's disputed nuclear program. About 40 percent of the world's oil passes through the strait. Source: iht.com
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Leak Plugged A Japanese court on Tuesday (28 Oct) convicted a naval officer of leaking classified U.S.-developed missile technology data, sentencing him to a suspended prison term. The Yokohama District Court sentenced Sumitaka Matsuuchi, a 35-year-old lieutenant commander in the Maritime SelfDefense Force, to 2 1/2 years in prison, court spokeswoman Yoshie Ueki said. The sentence was suspended, and Matsuuchi was placed on four years of probation. Matsuuchi was found guilty of leaking the data to an instructor at a Japanese naval academy in western Japan in 2002, in violation of a Japan-U.S. security pact. The data involved technology for the Aegis radar systems used on Japanese and U.S. warships carrying missile interceptors. Matsuuchi was arrested last year in a scandal that embarrassed Japanese defense officials at a time when Tokyo and Washington have been accelerating their joint missile defense system to counter North Korea's missile and atomic tests. "We admit that our handling of the classified information was inappropriate, and that there was a lack of awareness about confidentiality among navy officials," Navy chief Adm. Keiji Akahoshi said Tuesday as he offered an apology over the case. He said the case, among a recent spate of military scandals in Japan, had possibly cast a shadow on the Japan-U.S. alliance. The Defense Ministry most recently came under fire this month over the death of a sailor in an unofficial farewell ritual after he decided to drop out of an elite navy training program. The 25-year-old petty officer died of internal injuries in September after being knocked unconscious in a 15-round kick boxing-style fight. Source : ShipTalk Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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Russian Military Warship docks at Aden seaport A Russian Military Warship belonging to the Baltic Sea fleet docked on Monday at the seaport of Aden for a short visit. During the visit, the warship's crew will visit historical and tourist sites in the governorate. It is worth to mention that the Russian warship is carrying out surveillance patrols in the international waters off the coast of the African Horn in coordination with foreign vessels existed in the Arab Sea. Source : sabanews
F910 Wielingen which is build at the Boelwerf shipyard (Temse), launched 30 March 1976, commissioned 20 January 1978, decommissioned in 2006, sold to Bulgaria in 2008, and above seen in the port of Zeebrugge as the 42 Verni (\]^_`) (42). Photo : Roger Corveleyn ©
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Algonquin Returns to Canadian Navy The HMCS Algonquin, an area air defense destroyer in the Canadian Navy’s fleet, is finished with phase I of its refit. For nearly eight months ship repair workers performed the first phase of the refit on the 1973 commissioned ship at Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 Victoria Shipyards’ drydock. Gas turbine and diesel generators, new boilers, a new refrigeration system, fresh paint and new propeller blades are among the many upgrades. On Oct. 21, Cdr Hugh Fitzpatrick signed the papers to have the ship returned to military hands. The destroyer was tugged across Esquimalt harbor to Dockyard for phase two of the refit work, to be performed by Fleet Maintenance Facility (FMF). Source: Lookout Journal
The Toisa Pegasus seen during yard trials Photo : Merwede Shipyard ©
China more than doubles ship exports in first 7 months China sold abroad 1.4 million vessels in the first seven months of this year, a growth of 170 percent on the same period of last year, customs sources said on Tuesday. The exports were valued at $10.58 billion, up 61.6 percent, according to the General Administration of Customs. The administration attributed the growth to the nation's comparative advantages in labor cost, ship building technology and infrastructure for the business. The total export value included $3.49 billion for container vessels, up 81.7 percent, $2.84 billion for liquid cargo ships, up 53.3 percent, and $2.04 billion for bulk cargo ships, up 54.6 percent. The three categories combined to account for 79.2 percent of the total ship export value. Nearly 90 percent of the exports were achieved through processing trade. Of the total export value, 63.4 percent, or $6.71 billion was earned by state-owned enterprises, up 35.9 percent. Foreign-funded and private businesses recorded export value of $2.28 billion and $1.24 billion, respectively, up 150 percent and 170 percent. The European Union, ASEAN members and Hong Kong were the major target markets of the ship exports by the Chinese mainland. Source : chinadaily
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The RWS 70 was launched at the De Haas shipyard in Maassluis Photo : Jan Steehouwer ©
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Northern Offshore cancels deal to acquire two Transocean rigs Northern Offshore, Ltd. has advised Transocean, Inc. that two wholly owned subsidiaries are terminating their previously announced agreements to acquire two North Sea semisubmersible drilling rigs from affiliates of Transocean, Inc. The acquisitions are contingent upon obtaining lender consents to the acquisition and related financing. Northern Offshore says it has been unable to obtain the consent of its lenders on terms acceptable to Northern Offshore and has advised Transocean of this development.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 While Northern Offshore and Transocean continue to discuss alternative structures which could result in Northern Offshore's acquisition of one or both of these rigs, there is no assurance that these discussions will lead to an agreement which will permit Northern Offshore to acquire these rigs on acceptable terms. Marion Woolie, Northern Offshore President and CEO, said "We are extremely disappointed that Northern Offshore affiliates will not be able to conclude this acquisition given the recent uncertainties in the global credit markets and the addition of the related financial obligations for these two semisubmersible rigs." Transocean Inc. agreed to sell the rigs, the GSF Arctic II and GSF Arctic IV back in July for total proceeds of approximately $750 million. It said then that the divestitures would complete its undertakings to the Office of Fair Trading in the United Kingdom (OFT) related to the merger with GlobalSantaFe Corporation. The GSF Arctic II and GSF Arctic IV are third-generation Friede & Goldman Enhanced Pacesetter design semisubmersible rigs, capable of operating in up to 1,200 feet of water and 1,500 feet of water, respectively. Source : MarineLog
CSAV verhoogt capaciteit naar Zuid-Amerika De Chileense rederij CSAV heeft haar plannen voor 2009 bekend gemaakt. In de loop van volgend jaar zullen de 2.500 teu grote schepen uit de Euroatlan Service tussen Noord-Europa en de oostkust van Zuid-Amerika, vervangen worden door eenheden van 4.000 teu.
The CSAV ITAJAI – Photo : Henk de Winde © De rederijen tussen Europa en de Zuid-Amerikaanse oostkust zijn blijkbaar erg optimistisch over de ladingprognoses voor dit vaargebied, want kort geleden verdubbelde MSC zijn capaciteit en eind volgende maand doet ook de Franse rederij CMA CGM dat. De nieuwe Safran Service van CMA CGM betekent het einde van de gezamenlijke Marco Polo Service met CSAV tussen Zuid-Amerika en het Midden-Oosten. De Chileense partner zal die dienst op eigen houtje voortzetten door twee extra schepen in te brengen. Het beleidsplan van CSAV voor 2009 omvat ook nog een capaciteitsverhoging tussen Azië en Zuid-Amerika. Daar werden al een paar schepen van 2.500 teu vervangen door tonnage van 4.000 teu en die wissel moet volgend jaar afgerond worden. Tussen Noord- en Zuid-Amerika willen de Chilenen vanaf het tweede kwartaal 2009 schepen van 3.500 teu inschakelen. Bron : Nieuwsblad Transport
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Historic Delta Queen on last Mississippi River cruise The Delta Queen stern-wheeler is on what is likely its last trip down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers as a passengercarrying steamboat. On Friday, it loses its exemption to carry overnight passengers, and will travel from Memphis, Tenn. down the river to New Orleans with just its crew. The American Queen, full of passengers, will accompany her south. "That boat is just such a precious memory for me," said former Island Queen captain Dale Lozier, who painted a picture of the 1926 historic landmark in the 1970s. "I wonder where the ghost is going to go," said Shelby County, Tennessee's official historian, Ed Williams, 73. He was talking about the ghost of Mary B. "Ma" Green, a former owner and captain who died in 1949 and whose ghost is rumored to haunt the boat. Memphis Mayor Willie W. Herenton expressed the city's feelings. "The Delta Queen has delivered many visitors to Memphis, and we are honored to be a part of its rich history," he said in a statement. It is a floating museum and a piece of mechanical history. She has a ship's bell that used to toll on a boat Mark Twain took down the river in the 1880s. She's carried Presidents Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter and Britain's Princess Margaret. It was painted battleship gray and joined the Navy during World War II. "We certainly hope it won't be the last time," said Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau president Kevin Kane. "It's certainly part of the charm of the Mississippi." Williams recalled being fascinated by the boat's steam calliope when he first saw it as a youngster in junior high. There was a time when the Delta Queen was the only steamboat on the river that traveled interstate and stopped in Memphis, Williams said. "Of course all the new ones are steel-hulled," he added. A caucus of river-district congressmen, led by U.S. Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, have sought to extend the exemption to a U.S. Coast Guard regulation prohibiting overnight cruises for boats with wooden superstructures, but to no avail. It has received the exemption every 10 years since 1968, but not this year. "I can't imagine the number of lives that could be lost if a fire started on the Delta Queen when everyone is asleep," said Rep. James Oberstar, D-Minn., chairman of the committee with jurisdiction over the matter, who opposes an extension. Vanessa Bloy, communications director for the Seattle-based Majestic America Line that owns the boat, said a big tribute is planned along its ports of call. In Memphis, the boat's band will play, there will a calliope concert and Captain John Dugger will pay tribute to the Bluff City. Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide Page 19 10/29/2008
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 The special 10-day, Cincinnati-to-Memphis cruise is costing its 176 passengers $3,199 per person. A movement to "Save the Delta Queen" has been under way for more than a year, organized in part by a German steamboat enthusiast, Franz Neumeier. "Ridiculous political games and an inactive Congress are about to end an important era of American history, irrevocably," Neumeier said. "The Delta Queen not only is a National Historic Landmark and has a perfect safety record for over 80 years. She also brings business and jobs to many small towns along the rivers. It's a shame that Congress is not taking care of this country's history." Lozier, 61, a self-described "river rat," operated boats on the Mississippi from 1960 to 2005, and said she'll be at the Memphis landing Thursday. She hitched a ride from New Madrid, Mo., to Memphis in the mid-'90s, and is hoping something will happen to the boat operating as a steamship. But she's also planning a wake, she said. "It's just as sad as it could be," she said. The Delta Queen is making its final Cincinnati-to-New Orleans Cruise this week
Anchor handler Seabulk Hawk sold Fearnley Offshore Supply reports that the AHTS Seabulk Hawk (built 1975 - 8,000bhp) has been sold to Glenn Defence Marine, Singapore for an undisclosed price. The vessel has been reneamed Glenn Columbus. Source : Offshore Shipping Online
The JAMES COOK arrived in Cape Town - Photo : Aad Noorland ©
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Schepen van 14.000 teu op Schelde? Vlaanderen wil dat in de toekomst schepen met een lengte van 400 meter de Westerschelde mogen opvaren. Een studie daarover werd deze maand aan Nederland voorgelegd. De vier Scheldeverdragen die Nederland en Vlaanderen hebben afgesloten, regelen niet alleen een verdere verdieping van de Westerschelde, maar ook het gezamenlijk nautisch beheer (GNB) van de stroom. Het GNB is per 1 oktober in werking getreden en de Vlaamse delegatie heeft al vrij snel een aanpassing van de op- en afvaartregeling op de agenda geplaatst. Sinds 2005 mogen schepen tot 360 meter lang en 50 meter breed de Westerschelde bevaren. De grootste containerschepen die Antwerpen regelmatig aanlopen (10.060 teu) zijn net geen 350 meter lang, maar binnenkort worden de eerste MSC-schepen van 366 meter (type MSC Daniela) verwacht. Omdat er op termijn nog langere schepen gebouwd worden, liet Vlaanderen een studie maken door het Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium van Borgerhout over het manoeuvreergedrag van 400 meter lange schepen (14.000 teu) op de stroom. Na 20.000 proeven en 112 simulatievaarten in ongunstige omstandigheden kwam het Laboratorium tot de conclusie dat dergelijke schepen Antwerpen veilig kunnen bereiken, mits aan een aantal randvoorwaarden wordt voldaan. Op een aantal plaatsen zullen dergelijke kolossen elkaar bijvoorbeeld niet mogen kruisen en er moeten ook voldoende sleepboten beschikbaar zijn. Het GNB moet zich nu over de aanpassing van de regeling buigen. De groep is samengesteld uit ‘Scheldedirecteuren' van het Nederlandse Rijkswaterstaat en de Vlaamse administratie. Het is niet duidelijk wanneer een beslissing verwacht mag worden. Wanneer de MSC Daniela binnenkort al naar Antwerpen wil komen, kan voor dat schip ad hoc een uitzondering gemaakt worden. Het kan ook als proefschip beschouwd worden.
P&O name new cruise ship A new ship from P&O Cruises that is due to join the rest of the fleet in 2010 has been named Azura. The same size as superliner Ventura which became part of the P&O fleet earlier this year will carry 3,100 passengers over 15 decks. Managing director of P&O Cruises, Nigel Esdale, said: 'Evoking images of the ocean and capturing the thrill of cruise travel, the name Azura is very fitting for this most sophisticated of superliners. 'It is also appropriate for a ship that will be a haven of serenity and the embodiment [of] the choice and service excellence for which P&O Cruises is renowned.' On the 15 decks will be a choice of 11 restaurants, five boutiques, four pools, two lounges and more than 900 cabins with balconies. The Azura will have its maiden voyage from the docks of Southampton in late spring 2010, with a full itinerary or destinations to be announced early next year.
Schepen CMA-CGM nog steeds ruim 90 procent vol 'Onze schepen tussen Azië en Europa blijven nog altijd voor 90 tot 95 procent gevuld. Natuurlijk neemt de beladingsgraad af gezien de sterke toename van de capaciteit door de nieuwe containerschepen die door de grote rederijen in de vaart wordt gebracht, maar die afname is lang niet zo sterk als hier en daar wordt gesuggereerd.' Dat verklaart topman Jacques Saadé van CMA CGM, de derde containerrederij ter wereld, in een interview met de Franse zakenkrant Les Echos.
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The CMA CGM TEMA seen in Cape Town Photo : Ian Shiffman © 'China kende een jaarlijkse groei van de export met tien tot vijftien procent. Die toename is teruggezakt en komt nu op zes tot negen procent, misschien nog iets minder. Maar aan de andere kant zie je de volumes vanuit India en Vietnam en bepaalde landen in Zuid-Amerika nog altijd toenemen.' Saadé erkent wel dat zijn bedrijf de gevolgen ondervindt van de sterke druk op de tarieven. 'Op de routes tussen Azië en Europa lag het tarief voor een 20 voets container aan het begin van dit jaar op 1.400 dollar, inclusief brandstoftoeslag. Nu schommelt de prijs tussen 1.100 en 1.200 dollar. Die verlaging is zeker voelbaar en zou zelfs erger kunnen worden.'
Havensector maant Eurlings tot spoed bij aanleg zeesluis Het bedrijfsleven in de Amsterdamse haven maakt zich 'grote zorgen' over de trage besluitvorming over de nieuwe zeesluis in IJmuiden. In een brandbrief aan minister Camiel Eurlings (Verkeer) schrijft het Amsterdamse bedrijfsleven: 'Wij vinden dat onnodig lang wordt gestudeerd op dit dossier. De voorbereiding en de feitelijke bouw duren minimaal zeven jaar. Dan mag er niets tegenzitten. Juist om die reden moet u snel de Planstudie starten.' De gezamenlijke oproep is afkomstig van ondernemersvereniging Oram, de Kamer van Koophandel, verladersorganisatie EVO en de havenbedrijven Vopak, Ceres, Oiltanking, Cargill, Graniet Import en Passengers Terminal Amsterdam. Volgens de brievenschrijvers blijkt uit de MIRT-verkenning dat een nieuwe zeesluis 'de enige reële optie is om de bereikbaarheid van de Amsterdamse haven’ te garanderen. ‘Toch hebben we nog altijd niet gehoord of u bereid bent de volgende procedurele stap – de Planstudie – te zetten’, vervolgen te samenstellers. 'Als u deze stap niet snel zet, ontstaan er ernstige problemen', stellen de bezorgde bedrijven en organisaties. 'Een nieuwe sluis kan er dan niet meer op tijd (lees 2016, red.) liggen en wijzelf en andere partijen in het bedrijfsleven zullen grote schade lijden.' De partijen wijzen er verder op dat containeroverslagbedrijf Ceres Paragon de ambtenaren van Eurlings officieel heeft gewaarschuwd dat er geen toekomst meer is voor de terminal in Amsterdam als er niet tijdig een nieuwe, bredere zeesluis komt. 'Dat zou betekenen dat Amsterdam geen rol meer speelt in de containersector.' Een negatief scenario of vertraging is ook voor de verwerkende industrie, toeleveranciers en dienstverleners rond Amsterdam nadelig, stellen de ondernemingen verder. 'Een belangrijke economische pijler van Amsterdam krijgt een enorme set back.'
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 Eerder deze maand had de Amsterdamse havenwethouder Freek Ossel al in het debat in de gemeenteraad over de nieuwe havenvisie laten weten dat tankoverslag bedrijf Vopak geen interesse heeft in een uitbreiding in de Amsterdamse haven indien er niet snel een positief besluit komt over een nieuwe zeesluis. 'Waarom de besluitvorming zo lang op zich laat wachten, is ons niet duidelijk', vervolgen de bedrijven. 'Wellicht is het een financiële kwestie. Wij begrijpen dat een nieuwe sluis van de gewenste afmetingen begroot is op ongeveer 750 miljoen euro. Wij weten dat de gemeente en de provincie bereid zijn mee te financieren. En ook wij willen een bijdrage leveren aan het oplossen van het financieringsvraagstuk', zeggen de betrokken partijen toe. Zij wijzen er overigens tegelijkertijd op dat het bedrijfsleven het afgelopen decennium alleen al meer in de Amsterdamse haven heeft geïnvesteerd dan de nieuwe sluis kost. ‘Voor de komende jaren hebben wij nog eens honderden miljoenen beschikbaar voor nieuwe investeringen. Dat geld rendeert echter alleen als de Amsterdamse haven voldoende bereikbaar blijft met een nieuwe sluis. Zo niet, dan hebben die investeringen geen zin en zullen ze elders in Europa of zelfs daarbuiten plaatsvinden.’ Gisteren zou minister Eurlings met de regio praten over de zeesluis aan de hand van een nieuwe kostenbaten analyse van het ministerie. Volgens een woordvoerder van Amsterdam is deze studie niet op tijd gereedgekomen om er inhoudelijk over te praten. ‘Het overleg heeft daardoor een bestuurlijk karakter gekregen. De bal ligt nu bij de minister om deze verkenning zo snel mogelijk te presenteren. Wij verwachten het stuk nog deze week.' Bron : Nieuwsblad Transport
MOL PULLS OUT OF LINER AGREEMENTS MAJOR Japanese carrier Mitsui OSK Lines says that it will resign from the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA) and the Canada Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (CTSA), as of 27 November. The company's executive vice president, Masakazu Yakushiji, said: “With the European Union’s abolition of liner antitrust immunity, it has become extremely difficult to align the business processes of our entire organization when its regional divisions must operate to differing standards. Having done a thorough analysis of marketplace dynamics and the roles of TSA/CTSA relative to our unique ability to differentiate, we concluded MOL and its customers would be better served by conducting business independently from transpacific liner agreements,” MOL has been a member of TSA and CTSA since their inceptions in 1989, but resigned from the westbound discussion agreements in June 2005. A statement said: “MOL is committed to meeting the ever-changing needs of its customers, while providing them with maximum value for their transportation dollar.” Mr Yakushiji added, “MOL has several capabilities that move us ahead of the pack. These differentiators include our new rapid bid capability, enhanced sales and customer service organizations designed to focus on what truly adds value for our customers, and our round-trip yield management process which improves efficiencies. The time has come for MOL to move beyond what can be offered through liner agreements. ” Source : Maritime Global Net
Zaya appoints Van Oord as contractors for Nurai Island development Zaya, a United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based real estate developer, has announced the appointment of Van Oord as contractor for the dredging and marine works element of its premiere property project, Nurai Island. Van Oord is, of course, the contractor responsible for the construction of Palm Jumeirah and The World in Dubai, and will start working on the initial infrastructure for the project in November and will undertake the dredging, production of the beaches, construction of a marina and associated marine and rock works. Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 287 "We have chosen Van Oord based on their enviable reputation in the industry and notable portfolio of projects that match the profile and prestige of Nurai. The size and magnitude of the island requires exceptional partners who will help us deliver an outstanding result that will appeal to a very discerning clientele,2 said Nadia Zaal, CEO, Zaya LLC. "Van Oord is pleased to be working with such great visionaries in the property sector in the UAE. Zaal's vision for Nurai is impressive and rivals some of the best island developments we have seen in the many years that we have been in the industry. Our commitment is to provide the same level of expertise and dedication that have made Van Oord a well established and well respected contractor in the industry for over a century," said Niels de Bruijn, Area Managing Director, Van Oord. Source : Dredging News Online
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A busy afternoon at the Westerscheldt river near Terneuzen Photo : Richard Wisse ©
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The new port tug AORAKI finally arrived in Timaru completing its delivery voyage from China. Operated by PrimePort Timaru (Port of Timaru) she was built in China to the design specifications of Seatech Solutions International Pte. Ltd., Singapore. IMO 9494125 - Flag: NEW ZEALAND - Port of register: TIMARU - Owner: PRIMEPORT TIMARU Photo : Simon Brown ©
…. WHO IS WHO …..
Above seen the Engine room crew of the TSHD PRINS DER NEDERLANDEN, and ofcoarse all readers of the Shippingnews clippings !! Distribution : daily 5100+ copies worldwide
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