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After 1 year building Lennert Schoenmeijer is hoping to complete his model of the SMITWIJS ROTTERDAM very soon - Photo : Lennert Schoenmeijer © PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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'Koopvaardij biedt volop kansen' Door Alexander Bakker Is hij de kapitein die het zinkend schip verlaat of vindt hij het na tien jaar als voorzitter écht welletjes? Ed Sarton heeft afscheid genomen als voorman van de Federatie Werknemers in de Zeevaart. Juist op een moment dat zijn vakbond stapsgewijs wil samengaan met de collega's uit Groot-Brittannië. Ed Sarton ziet zichzelf zeker niet als de kapitein die het zinkende schip verlaat. Het is meer, geeft hij aan, een toevallige samenloop van omstandigheden. Na tien jaar als voorzitter van één van de kleinere Nederlandse vakbonden is het mooi geweest. ,,Je moet ook de jongeren een kans geven.'' Het samengaan met de Britse zeeliedenvakbond Numast is óók een mooi moment. ,,De koopvaardij is veranderd,'' zegt Sarton. ,,Het is allemaal veel internationaler geworden. Daar moeten we als vakbond ook op reageren zodat we onze leden goed kunnen bedienen.'' Sarton en 'zijn' Federatie van Werknemers in de Zeevaart hebben eerst binnen de eigen vakbondsfamilie gekeken of daar krachtenbundeling kon plaatsvinden. De FWZ was één van de bonden die wilde meedoen in het nieuwe FNV-kantoor in Woerden, een initiatief dat schipbreuk heeft geleden door een te groot financieel risico. Platform PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 Eerder was de FWZ betrokken bij de vorming van een maritiem platform binnen de FNV, waarbij alle bonden die iets met maritieme activiteiten te maken hebben zich hadden moeten aansluiten. Met de Britse Numast gaat het wel lukken, denkt Sarton. ,,Bij een hoop reders komen we elkaar al tegen bij CAO-onderhandelingen. Samen kunnen we ons sterker maken in de strijd tegen piraterij, tegen de toenemende criminalisering van zeelieden als er tijdens het werk iets fout is gegaan en voor de werkgelegenheid van de Europese zeelieden. Veel bindt ons. Die samenwerking, misschien wel een fusie, is dus prachtig.'' Sarton vindt het wel jammer dat krachtenbundeling binnen de FNV-familie is mislukt. ,,Te veel bonden zijn alleen maar bezig geweest met schaalvergroting. Dat heeft geleid tot veel problemen en tot veel wisselingen van bestuurders. Juist in de kleinere sectoren heeft dat tot gevolg gehad dat leden zich niet meer in hun bond herkennen.'' ,,Samenwerking met Numast is geen noodsprong, maar een stap vooruit. Andere zeeliedenbonden in Europa hebben grote belangstelling voor ons initiatief, maar laten we eerst maar eens kijken hoever we met z'n tweeën komen. Daarnaast is misschien zwaan-kleef-aan mogelijk.'' Kansen Als scheidend FWZ-voorzitter is Ed Sarton goed te spreken over de Nederlandse koopvaardij. ,,Er zijn volop kansen,'' meent hij. De versterking van het maritieme beleid, zoals dat door de overheid tien jaar geleden is ingezet, heeft zijn vruchten afgeworpen. Het aantal Nederlandse schepen is fors toegenomen. ,,Punt van zorg is dat de werkgelegenheid niet evenredig is meegegroeid.'' ,,De maritieme sector biedt volop werk. Mensen die een poosje hebben gevaren kunnen daarna aan de wal terecht. Wie nu gaat varen hoeft niet zijn hele leven op zee te zitten. Als reders kiezen voor goedkope zeelieden uit andere landen, dan snijden ze zichzelf in de vingers. Die goedkope krachten komen slechts wat geld verdienen en zijn dan vertrokken.'' ,,Dat beseft nog niet iedereen in de sector. Gelukkig hebben we een goed contact met de redersvereniging. Daarmee hebben we goede afspraken kunnen maken over de regulering van de arbeidsmarkt. Er zijn vergoedingen voor reders die stageplaatsen leveren en meedoen aan open dagen van de scholen, aan de Havendagen in Rotterdam, aan werving en voor reders die investeren in eigen opleidingen. Dat hebben we als vakbond toch maar mooi bereikt.'' Carrièreperspectief ,,Dat de aanmeldingen voor de zeevaartopleidingen weer zijn toegenomen toont het succes van het beleid,'' gaat Sarton verder. ,,Het toont ook dat de reders carrièreperspectief bieden. Daarom is het zo jammer om te zien wat er gebeurt bij rederij Jo Tankers, dat alle jonge Nederlandse officieren wil vervangen door goedkope Filipijnse officieren.'' Helemáál vertrekt de oud-KNSM-stuurman niet bij de FWZ. Na tien jaar als voorzitter wil hij komende jaren als internationaal-secretaris voor de zeeliedenvakbond blijven werken.
Ship Runs Aground in Marine Reserve A ship on a mission to clean out fishing nets and other debris from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands ran aground in a marine reserve that is home to endangered monk seals, the U.S. Coast Guard said.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 The Casitas deployed an oil containment boom Sunday after a 500-yard rainbow-colored sheen was spotted near the vessel, the U.S. Coast Guard said. Later reports indicated the sheen may have stopped after the crew transferred fuel to a different tank before evacuating the ship. The vessel is loaded with an estimated 30,000 gallons of diesel fuel, 3,000 gallons of gasoline and 200 gallons of lubricating oil. There were seven crew members and 16 scientists aboard the 145-foot ship under contract to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Casitas sustained severe damage early Saturday from the accident at Pearl and Hermes Atoll in a marine reserve that is home to endangered monk seals, sea turtles and delicate coral reefs. The site is about 1,000 miles northwest of Honolulu. The crew's objective was to retrieve fishing nets so monk seals do not get caught in them and to remove debris that might damage the coral reefs in the area. The waters around the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, an archipelago of small islands and atolls stretching 1,200 miles from the main Hawaiian isles, is designated a coral reef ecosystem reserve.
Hollanders onderscheppen 1.800 kilo cocaïne op zee Een fregat van de Nederlandse Koninklijke Marine heeft in het Caribische gebied ruim 1.800 kilogram cocaïne onderschept. Het schip, de D'Mary, was onderweg van de Benedenwindse eilanden naar MiddenAmerika. Het voer onder de vlag van Sao Tomé en Principe, twee eilanden voor de kust van Afrika. Speciale opbergruimte De 100 meter lange D'Mary werd onopvallend in de gaten gehouden door verschillende varende en vliegende eenheden. Een Amerikaans-Nederlands team ging uiteindelijk zaterdag aan boord. De 80 balen drugs zaten echter zo goed verstopt dat ze pas zondag werden gevonden. In het schip was een speciale verborgen ruimte gemaakt die van buitenaf niet zichtbaar was. 54 miljoen Volgens de Kustwacht zouden de drugs in Amerika en Europa een straatwaarde hebben van 54 miljoen dollar. De drugs en de opvarenden zijn overgedragen aan Amerikaanse autoriteiten. Zij worden aangeklaagd en volgens het Amerikaans systeem berecht. Vermoedelijk wacht hen een lange gevangenisstraf.
Hijacked tsunami aid ship still held by pirates off Somalia coast Efforts to free a hijacked UN-chartered ship carrying food aid for tsunami victims in Somalia continued Monday with no apparent change in demands from pirates who stormed the vessel off the Somali coast last week, the World Food Programme (WFP) said. “There are no new developments but we do remain hopeful,”said Rene McGuffin, a spokeswoman for the WFP, which had hired the ship and 10-member crew to deliver 850 tonnes of Japanese- and Germandonated rice to Somalia’ s northeastern Puntland region. “We remain hopeful that things will work out,”she told AFP in Nairobi. PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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“We’ re still speaking with local officials and elders and Somali authorities so we are hopeful for a good resolution.” “We understand that the crew and the food are still on the ship and they are fine,”McGuffin said, repeating the WFP’ s stance that the hijacking contravened international humanitarian law and that the vessel should be released immediately. Armed men hijacked the St Vincent and the Grenadines-registered MV Semlow on Monday in pirateinfested waters about 300 kilometers (185 miles) northeast of Mogadishu and demanded a half-milliondollar (415,000-euro) ransom for its release the next day. Thus far both the ship’ s owners and WFP have refused to pay any ransom. The rice on board was donated in response to a WFP appeal for assistance for some 28,000 Somalis affected by the December 26, 2004 tsunami that devastated countries around the Indian Ocean. The ship was taken while on its way from Mombasa to Bossaso in Puntland region when it fell foul of the pirates in an area deemed highly unsafe by international maritime agencies. Both the International Maritime Board (IMB), a division of the International Chamber of Commerce, and the United States have in recent months issued increasingly dire alerts about threats to shipping off the Somali coast. The WFP hijacking was the sixth reported piracy incident in Somali waters since March, including one in early June in which a US naval destroyer intervened to save a vessel under attack.
More Ships Sent to Clear Dalian Oil Spill Another 15 vessels were sent yesterday morning to join the 11 already cleaning up an oil spill at Dalian port in Liaoning Province, sources from the Liaoning Maritime Salvage Administration said. The oil spill was caused by a collision between a Chinese oil tanker and a Malaysia-registered container ship on Saturday. Heavy sea fog has made it to difficult for authorities to determine the extent of the pollution even with the use of helicopters, said Wang Yuyang, an official with the administration. Both ships were reportedly sailing slowly at the time, and there were no reports of any casualties, Wang added. The cause of the accident is being investigated, he said. The collision occurred at 11:30 AM, when the oil tanker was about five nautical miles from Dalian port. The 2,500-ton oil tanker is owned by Zhoushan Qiandao Shipping Co Ltd, a Zhejiang-based company. Carrying 3,800 tons of diesel fuel oil, the ship was heading for Guangzhou. PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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The Malaysia-registered 9,000-ton ship, the Bunga Mas Tujuh, started out from Japan and was making its way to Dalian port. The accident happened amid heavy fog and poor visibility, said Zhang Zhixin, another official with the administration.
Ss Rotterdam heet voortaan De Rotterdam Het voormalige vlaggenschip van de Holland America Line, de ss Rotterdam krijgt van zijn nieuwe eigenaren een iets aangepaste naam. Het voorvoegsel 'ss' als aanduiding van stoomschip is geschrapt. Het schip heet nu De Rotterdam.
Boven : De ROTTERDAM in Gibraltar afgelopen week – foto : Ton Grootenboer © Het schrappen van het voorvoegsel is gebeurd omdat, volgens de nieuwe eigenaren, veel Rotterdam deze afkorting hekelen. ,,Daarom hebben we gekozen voor de meest krachtige en trotse naam.'' Voor voorzitter Klaas Krijnen van de stichting Behoud stoomschip Rotterdam is een droom werkelijkheid geworden. Vier jaar lang heeft hij zich ingezet voor redding van het schip. Het was vaak, zeker de laatste maanden, een kwestie van bloed, zweet en tranen, vertelt hij. ,,Maar die tranen zijn nu gauw vergeten.'' Zeker de laatste twee weken heeft Krijnen veel aan 'nazorg' moeten doen. Na het afhaken van het consortium HCO2/Fortis dreigde voor de ruim zevenhonderd donateurs van de stichting een doemscenario: sloop van hun 'grande dame'. Krijnen: ,,Er was veel onrust, veel e-mail- en telefoonverkeer. Er was ook veel woede over die naderende sloop.'' Het telefoontje van Hans Elemans, de nieuwe kapitein van De Rotterdam, kwam als een verlossing. Het schip was gekocht, de plannen konden worden gesmeed. Naast de redding van De Rotterdam heeft Krijnen nog meer te vieren. De nieuwe eigenaren, de Rotterdamse corporatie Woonbron en investeringsmaatschappij Eurobalance, willen graag de kennis en ervaring van de donateurs van de stichting Behoud stoomschip Rotterdam gebruiken, om te beginnen bij het opknappen van het schip. Sinds het voormalige vlaggenschip van de Holland America Line (HAL) in het voorjaar van 2003 is gekocht, is er een 'harde kern' van oud-opvarenden. Zij zijn nauw betrokken geweest bij de voorbereiding van de sleepreis van de Bahama's naar Gibraltar. Zij hebben er onder meer voor gezorgd dat de belangrijkste installaties aan boord weer functioneren. Zij moeten niet alleen helpen bij het opknappen van het schip. In een volgende fase wil het Albeda College, straks een van de voornaamste gebruikers van de Rotterdam, deze vaklieden inschakelen bij het praktijkonderwijs. Daarvoor zal ook een beroep worden gedaan op de zestienhonderd leden van De Lijn, de vereniging van oud-opvarende van HAL-schepen. Het Albeda College ziet 'context-rijk' onderwijs, het lesgeven in een zo echt mogelijke praktijksituatie, als dé methode om risicoleerlingen aan te spreken. Op De Rotterdam gaan jaarlijks duizend leerlingen al werkend leren. De groepen waarin leerlingen hun vak beoefenen zijn klein. De mentor kent iedereen. PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 ,,Belangrijk, want bij veel ontspoorde jongeren is hun relatie met hun omgeving niet goed. En we bieden veel structuur, want daar vragen ze om,'' zegt bestuursvoorzitter Piet Boekhoud van het Albeda College. Heeft iemand een probleem, dan belandt hij niet op een wachtlijst bij het Riagg. ,,De zorg is ter plekke en problemen worden daar in die loods opgelost.'' Boekhoud omschrijft de plannen met De Rotterdam als 'het ultieme herontwerp van het beroepsonderwijs'. ,,Dit kan je als school niet alleen,'' licht hij toe. ,,Daarvoor heb je de juiste partners nodig. Met deze leervormen hebben we op kleine schaal goede ervaringen. Nu gaan we alles opschalen.''
Canada ferry inquiry underway
Canadian transport officials, engineers from BC Ferries and Lloyd’ s Register have begun their investigation into the grounding of the 6,968-gt Queen of Oak Bay (built 1981). Investigators are reviewing a variety of factors, including mechanical and control systems, which may have contributed to the loss of power on 30 June. The Queen of Oak Bay ran aground at about 03:10GMT on Thursday after losing power during its approach to Horseshoe Bay near Vancouver. The Queen of Oak Bay has a capacity of 1,500 passengers and 362 cars. It was carrying 544 passengers and 189 vehicles at the time of the incident. After the incident the ship was towed to Vancouver dry dock in north Vancouver for an underwater and mechanical inspection at about 14:00GMT. A full damage assessment has indicated that the vessel received only minor damage, which included paint scrapes on the rudder and minor scrapping on the propeller. BC Ferries said it was not prepared to speculate on the cause of the power failure until all parties have completed their investigation of the incident. It said that once the investigation is finalised, repairs are complete and the reason for the loss of power is determined, sea trials will be conducted. The Queen of Oak Bay only returned to service from a six month CAD35m ($28.5m) mid-life refit at Vancouver Drydock last month.
Rickmers renews cover at big price A German shipowner is paying a heavy price to insure its 70-ship fleet. A massive increase in insurance premium is being paid by Rickmers Reederei as the German shipowner today renews cover on its more than 70-vessel fleet. A run of tragic and costly collisions have led to underwriters demanding well over double the hull and machinery premium paid last year, as well as a higher deductible. The scale of the increase has proved a major talking point in the marine-insurance market in recent days and provided a telling illustration of the financial cost of casualties. Although the marine-insurance market is reasonably soft, it has hair-trigger volatility and has become very unforgiving of even prestigious owners who are involved in casualties. Owners of less than first-class fleets who manage to keep a reasonably clean claims record can often get away with expiry terms but large, well-regarded operations may well be hit with very hefty increases if they are not so lucky.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 The Hamburg-based company controlled by Bertram Rickmers has a fleet of 74 containerships, heavy-lift ships and conbulkers of 2.25 million dwt and a major newbuilding programme that will add 24 vessels of about one million dwt over the next four years. The big Allianz insurance group of Munich, which has traditionally written a substantial share of the Rickmers cover, has been dropped from the hull programme for the coming year after seeking an abovemarket level increase. Top Hamburg marine-insurance broker Junge & Co is also off the programme, following a major review of placing arrangements ahead of the 1 July renewal. Several international brokers competed for the Rickmers account. London-based SSL emerged victorious with a proposal to increase the share of cover written in Norway, the UK, Japan and Italy. Cologne-based Gerling-Konzern, which runs its marine account out of Oslo, is again leading the cover, with maybe an increased line, after quoting a premium of $11m to renew hull cover for the fleet, which has an insured value of some $1.8bn. This amounts to a rate of just above 0.6%, a very hefty figure for a major fleet, but reflects the need to reimburse underwriters for the claims they have paid. Rickmers-controlled ships have been involved in several incidents that have produced expensive claims. The two most serious incidents were both collisions that involved loss of life and the other ship sinking. The 1,800-teu Rickmers Genoa (built 2004) collided with a Korean general cargoship in the Yellow Sea in March. The incident resulted in the death of the chief officer of the Rickmers ship, which caught fire, while 13 crew were lost on the other vessel, the 5,700-dwt Sea Cross (built 1984), when it sank. The 1,156-teu, Rickmers-controlled Zim Mexico III (built 1993) was involved in a collision with the offshore-support vessel Lee III in the Mississippi last year that left five of the crew members of the latter vessel dead.
Reders blijven aan fiscus trekken De Koninklijke Vereniging van Nederlandse Reders (KVNR) blijft aandringen op invoering van de met drie jaar te verschuiven keus voor tonnagebelasting, die de EU ook heeft goedgekeurd voor Duitsland en België. Want het aantal schepen onder Nederlandse vlag is vorig jaar opnieuw met vijf procent gedaald en zal dat dit jaar blijven doen, stelt de KVNR in haar jaarverslag. Voor de reders is dat zuur, omdat de wereldscheepvaart de laatste jaren goed tijden meemaakt, waarin regelmatig tariefrecords worden gebroken. Sinds 2002 is Nederland zijn voorsprong in het gunstige zeevaartbeleid kwijt en het lijkt er niet op, dat het ministerie van Financiën echte grote stappen wil nemen. Daar komt nog bij, dat de ministeries moeten bezuinigen, waardoor bij Verkeer en Waterstaat maritieme kennis verdwijnt. En dat maakt het lobbyen er niet makkelijker op. Ook lastig is de volgens de KVNR 'steeds nadrukkelijker competentiestrijd tussen de Europese Commissie en de Internationale Maritieme Organisatie. Dit uit zich in nieuwe Europese verordeningen die al internationaal van kracht zijn, zoals de ISM-code. Hierdoor wordt het recht tot initiatief verschoven van de lidstaten naar de commissie. Ook heeft steeds vaker Europese afstemming plaats ter voorbereiding op IMO-vergaderingen. Daardoor wordt minder over oplossingen voor veiligheids- en milieuproblemen gesproken. In plaats daarvan worden politieke besluiten genomen, waarvan nut en noodzaak veelal worden betwijfeld.'
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Maersk agrees Indian cadet scheme AP MØLLER has entered into an agreement with the Academy of Maritime Education and Training (AMET) in Chennai, India, to training 300 cadets a year. A senior Maersk India official said the selected candidates will train under the new dual education scheme introduced by the Indian government, and that all cadets will be employed on Maersk vessels. Training for the first batch of 300 candidates will commence from 1 August. After one year’ s shore-based training they will go to sea for the next stage. As per the course requirements, the candidates will be trained both on the deck and engine side, said AMET officials.
REDDINGSACTIE OP DE WADDENZEE Door Pim Korver – Film + Video ©
Zondagmorgen moesten de reddingboten Koning Willem 1, Edzard Jacob (Schiermonnikoog) en Annie Jacoba Visser (Lauwersoog), uitrukken om een zeevisbootje van zinken te redden. Het visbootje (met drie man aan boord) zou een dagje gaan zee vissen. Tussen de Zoutkamperlaag 7 en 5 klonk er, aldus éen van de opvarenden, een luide klap en begon het scheepje water te maken. Terwijl één van de bemanningsleden Kustwachtpost Schiermonnikoog via kanaal 5 aanriep om hulp, probeerde de schipper het scheepje op een zandplaat te zetten om zo zinken te voorkomen. Omdat het afgaand tij was kon de reddingboot Koning Willem 1 niet bij het visbootje komen om pompen over te zetten, dit lukte wel met behulp van de rubberboot Edzard Jacob. Met slaapzakken werd het gat zo goed als mogelijk gedicht en kon het pompen beginnen waarna het scheepje langszij de KW1 naar Lauwersoog werd gebracht.In de havenkom van Lauwersoog nam de Annie Jacoba Visser de sleep over en bracht haar al pompend door de sluis terug naar de jachthaven alwaar het scheepje werd drooggezet.
Pak Navy ships visit Portsmouth
Pakistan Navy ships Moawin and Tippu Sultan, currently on goodwill cruise to UK, USA and Mediterranean countries, visited Portsmouth, UK and participated commemorations to mark the 200th anniversary of the battle of Trafalgar and death anniversary of Admiral Lord Nelson. Over 50 Chiefs of Naval Forces and 160 vessels from various countries were present to take part in these spectacular international maritime celebrations, which included international Fleet Review, International Drumhead Ceremony and International Festival of the Sea.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 During the International Fleet Review Her Majesty the Queen boarded HMS Endurance and reviewed the Fleet at Spithead. The ceremony also included aerobatics, firework display and fly past wherein PN helicopters also made active participation. The International Drumhead Ceremony, which took place at South sea, provided maritime veterans with an opportunity to come together and benefit form each other’ s experiences, a platoon of PN task force attended the ceremony. The International Festival of Sea was a massive display of warships from all over the world. A reception was hosted by Mission Commander Commodore M Asif Sandila onboard Tippu Sultan, which was attended by First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Alan West, High Commissioner of Pakistan Dr Maleeha Lodhi, Senior royal navy and British army officers, defence and naval attache, foreign diplomats and a large number of Pakistani community. Speaking on the occasion, the first sea lord highlighted Pakistan’ s significant contribution in the task force 150 and mentioned that Pakistan and UK have similar views on most of the global issues. He specially mentioned the Her Majesty the Queen’ s compliments for PN ships for putting a very good show during the fleet review. He also highlighted that such visits would strengthen the bonds of friendship between the two nations in general and navies in particular. Earlier, the mission commander of visiting PN ship also held a press briefing onboard ship. A number of local and international media teams attended the briefing. The mission commander reaffirmed PN’ s commitment to country the menace of terrorism and continue to support international peace-keeping efforts. He said Pakistan Navy’ s association with the royal navy is as old as Pakistan Navy itself as the pioneers of PN are all trained by the royal navy. He said the though the PN ships have been going home form here, this is the first time for any Pakistan Navy ship to visit the UK.
Navy ship returns after 530 days A Devonport-based Royal Navy survey ship has returned home on Monday after more than 530 days at sea. HMS Echo was deployed in the Gulf, the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. One of Echo's main tasks during her 18 months away was surveying the area around Iraqi oil platforms to locate underwater hazards. Members of the 72-strong crew were able to take leave on rotation and the ship was maintained at overseas ports, enabling her to stay away longer. Built in Appledore in north Devon and commissioned in 2003, her 533 days away is a record for a ship on her maiden deployment. The survey ship investigated 16 wrecks and visited 10 different countries. For her crew, the return to Devonport is a welcome period of leave after a long tour of duty, though personnel were not on board the ship for the entire 18 months. Chief Petty Officer Tug Wilson said: "We'd do approximately 10 weeks on board, and four weeks at home on leave. "And it is leave, you can plan ahead for things. For instance, I said to my wife when I joined: 'What are you doing next January, next July and next November?'." HMS Echo will be continuing her survey works in waters this time around the UK and North Sea, in a week's time. PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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The Swedish diesel-powered attack submarine HMS Gotland arrives in San Diego on a transport ship from Sweden. Gotland will begin a one-year bilateral training effort with the U.S. Navy’ s anti-submarine warfare forces in July.
Rescue of Crew of WWII Dutch Submarine to be Celebrated at USS COD Memorial On Saturday, July 9, 2005, USS COD and the Netherlands American Society of Ohio (NASO) will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the dramatic rescue of the crew of the Dutch submarine O-19 by USS COD with a picnic and ceremonies highlighted by a reenactment of the transfer of the Dutch flag from O-19 to COD. Ceremonies begin at 1PM, followed by a picnic on the lawn adjacent to the submarine. Admission is free to all members of the Dutch community. Early in the morning of July 8, 1945, the Dutch Submarine O-19 ran aground on Ladd Reef in the South China Sea. Unable to free herself and deep in enemy waters, O-19 was at the mercy of any Japanese warships and planes in the area. Their situation was desperate, but responding to a coded message about O-19's situation, the US Navy submarine USS COD made full speed for the imperiled Dutch submarine and arrived at the scene later that same day. Two days of attempts to pull O-19 free yielded no results and the captains of both vessels agreed that there was no hope of freeing the Dutch sub from the grip of the reef. After removing the 56 Dutch sailors to safety, COD destroyed the O-19 to keep any of its equipment from falling into Japanese hands. The rescue was the only international submarine-to-submarine rescue in history.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 The Netherlands American Society of Ohio promotes and preserves Dutch culture and language through sponsorship cultural programs, festivals, lectures, trips, educational exhibitions and social programs for its members and friends. USS COD, now a National Historic Landmark permanently berthed in Cleveland, made seven war patrols and is still considered a member of the Dutch submarine fleet, the Onderzeedienst, by the Royal Netherlands Navy. USS COD is located Between E. Ninth and Burke Lakefront Airport, approximately 1000 feet east of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Okean must pay up
Kiev's economic court has instructed Damen Shipyards Okean to settle an expensive old steel bill. The Mykolaiv yard, controlled by the Dutch Damen group, must pay UAH 110m ($21.82m) to the domestic Converse-Invest company, according to a court source cited by Ukrainian News. The original $2.2m debt was payable to Cyprus’BN Trading, which supplied 24,000 tons of steel in 1995. But interest added over the years has proved costly. The yard could not pay at first because of financial difficulties and the debt was sold on to a Ukrainian company in 1997, which in turn passed it on to the current creditor.
New slipway project for ASRY Over 30% of all vessels repaired by ASRY (the Arab Ship Building and Repair Yard Co in Bahrain) over the past few years have been in the 120m to 140m category. This has resulted in ASRY having to commit its floating docks for dry-docking these vessels, which has meant turning away much larger vessels. To capitalise on this demand ASRY has now approved the construction of a new repair slipway with two side transfers. Studies clearly illustrate that this is a growing market and ASRY fully intends to be in the forefront of repairing vessels up to some 140m in length. Preliminary design studies have now been finalised and construction will start next year, once final detailed designs have been completed and a construction contract awarded. Dredging of the slipway basin will start in July this year and the complete facility will be finished in July 2007. ASRY also intends to diversify its activities into further new building works and the modification of small and medium size vessels. From the outset it was recognised that ASRY's current infrastructure was not suitable. Using any one of the three dry docks for new building work would commit the dock for long periods and have an adverse effect on ship repairs and revenue. Hence it was decided to explore the viability of building a separate facility for this purpose. Following in depth studies of the various methods of docking and undocking vessels for repair and new building, it was decided that a slipway was the preferred choice. Further studies determined that the limiting size of vessel for the slipway would be: Maximum length of vessel - 140 m Maximum breadth of vessel - 20 m Extreme draft of vessel - 6 m Displacement of vessel - 5000 tonnes max. PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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The slipway will comprise a water front ramp, some 26m wide and 226m long with two parallel rails and a winch located at the top. Suitably designed end transfer cradles will be located on the rails whih can be lowered into the water or hauled out by the winch as required to ensure the safe handling of the vessels.
Yards squeeze in CMA CGM containerships French carrier CMA CGM's is still hungry for containership newbuildings. The company has returned to Korea for more ships, splitting its order for five 1,700-teu units between Hyundai Heavy Industries and sister yard Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries. A newbuilding source close to both shipbuilders says the 1,700-teu containership is not the yards' usual type of vessel. The source adds that the shipyards have taken up CMA CGM's order because they are using the empty spaces available between the larger vessels they have under construction. Hyundai is contracted to build three ships for CMA CGM and Hyundai Samho is building the other two. Broking reports say the boxship newbuildings are costing the owner around $42m each and that both shipbuilders are slated to deliver the vessels in 2007. Besides the 1,700-teu boxships, Hyundai and Hyundai Samho are also constructing a series of post-panamax and panamax containerships for the French carrier. The ships are all slated for delivery by the end of 2008. In the past three months, CMA CGM has splashed out a total of $671.66m for half a dozen containership newbuildings in Korea. The company contracted four 8,400-teu boxships at Daewoo Shipbuilding and two 4,400-teu vessels at Hanjin Heavy Industries. The post-panamax containerships at Daewoo are reported to be costing about $128.7m each and the panamax containerships at Hanjin are priced at $78.43m per ship. Daewoo is scheduled to deliver the newbuildings from its Koje Island facility by May 2009 and Hanjin is to deliver its vessels by October 2008.
Wagenborg neemt belang in werf Niestern Maritiem concern Koninklijke Wagenborg uit Delfzijl gaat deelnemen in plaatsgenoot en scheepswerf Koninklijke Niestern Sander. Beide partijen wensen op dit moment niet in te gaan op dit 'koninklijke onderonsje' omdat ze nog nadenken over de invulling van de nieuwe constructie. Wagenborg wordt overigens geen meerderheidsaandeelhouder. Een paar maanden geleden kondigde Niestern Sander een reorganisatie aan waarbij 50 van de bijna 185 medewerkers zouden moeten afvloeien. De werf was namelijk in moeilijkheden geraakt door onder meer een verlies van enige miljoenen euro's op de bouw van een onderzoeksschip voor de Franse marine. Een partij als Wagenborg is in staat het eigen vermogen van Niesten weer wat op te vijzelen. Beide partijen denken na over de invulling van de samenwerking. Wagenborg en Niestern waren daar in eerste instantie wel uit, maar hebben toch besloten tot enige bezinning. Het personeel is daarom meegedeeld dat de reorganisatie (het afstoten van de dokken in de haven van Delfzijl en stoppen met de reparatie) even op slot is gezet. Wagenborg heeft een flink pakket van de aandelen, maar geen meerderheid. Om welk percentage het gaat, is niet meegedeeld. CIG (Central Industry Group) uit Groningen heeft bijna 46 procent van de aandelen. Het schijnt dat CIG en Wagenborg nu elk een belang van 50 procent hebben. PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail :
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The 9570 Gross ORANGE MELODY is built as the BERLIN in 1980 at the Howaldtswerke yard in Kiel under number 163, in 1982 the 139.3 mtr long vessel was renamed PRINCESS MAHSURI and in 1985 she got the name BERLIN again, during May 2005 the vessel was renamed ORANGE MELODY, seen here enroute Amsterdam Photo : Joop Marechal ©
Stena RoRo almost ready to order ropax ferries in Russia PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 Stena RoRo is at an advanced stage of negotiations to build up to four large ropax ferries at Russia's Baltic Shipyard, say sources. The Gothenburg-based owner is said to have a preliminary agreement for two ships, estimated to be costing between EUR 60m and EUR 70m ($73m-$85m) each, with an option for two more. Baltic Shipyard is already constructing the steelwork for two 3,100-lane-metre ropaxes for Stena RoRo under sub-contract to Norway's Fosen Mekaniske Verksteder (Fosen Mek). Sources in Russia tell TradeWinds that a letter of intent has already been signed for the subsequent newbuildings. A deal could be inked as early as in August. Stena RoRo managing director Carl-Otto Dahlberg tells TradeWinds that on principle his company does not comment over "rumours". Yards are knocking at its door daily trying to persuade it to order tonnage, he adds. It is claimed the Russian newbuildings will be a modified version of the Fosen Mek ropaxes and two will be delivered in 2007, with the other pair scheduled for 2008. A source at the yard commented: "We expect to get an order for these ships. There is a document signed with Stena but not everything is clear yet." Yard director general Oleg Borisovich Shulyakovskiy is also reported to have pointed to an August contract signing. About two weeks ago, the keel was laid for the second Fosen Mek ropax for Stena RoRo. But Baltic Shipyard, known locally as Baltiysky Zavod, is keen to deliver finished ropaxes next time. "This is a newbuilding yard where the strategy is construction of complete ships," stressed a yard spokesman. Sources say it is well placed to strike a deal because of the scarcity of facilities currently prepared or able to supply hulls of this size. "So far so good," is how Dahlberg described Baltic Shipyard's work to date. The yard says it hopes to complete the existing hulls, including piping, in December 2005 and May 2006. Fosen Mek is expected to deliver the newbuildings, with 100 passenger cabins, to Stena RoRo in early summer 2006 and around Christmas 2006. Baltic Shipyard has historically built numerous nuclear-powered ships, including icebreakers and warships, as well as ro-ros that have been sold on to Western owners.
PTP seen gaining 1m boxes from Maersk-P&O merger Malaysia's Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) is set to see bigger container traffic following the AP MollerMaersk acquisition of Anglo-Dutch carrier P&O Nedlloyd. For a start, some one million TEUs (20-ft equivalent units) of containers handled in Singapore by P&O Nedlloyd are expected to be transferred to PTP, the regional hub for Maersk Sealand, which analysts said could translate into a gain of RM200 million (S$89 million) for PTP. 'Malaysia would gain in terms of increased foreign exchange earnings,' a maritime analyst said when asked to comment on the bid by AP Moller-Maersk for P&O Nedlloyd which became the talk-of-the-town among shipping circles, especially in Europe, recently. He added, however, that it was not necessarily a win-lose game as international container shipping is a huge business. This is more so as PSA International has always been much bigger than PTP and has been in the business much longer than PTP, he said. AP Moller-Maersk, the world's largest carrier, owns Maersk Sealand as well as 30 per cent of PTP.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 P&O Nedlloyd, on the other hand, is the world's third-largest carrier. 'Logically, if you own the port and your base is here (and) if you acquire somebody else, you would want to have one single consolidated operation (in one port) rather than having your feet in two different ports,' the analyst said. A combined Maersk and P&O Nedlloyd would be more than twice as big as either Mediterranean Shipping Co or Evergreen, which are currently ranked second and fourth respectively in the liner league. Evergreen of Taiwan is the other major shipping line besides Maersk Sealand that calls at PTP. Analysts around the world have described the merger between Maersk Sealand and Royal P&O Nedlloyd NV as a very good match, creating the world's largest container shipping company. The maritime analyst said that together, they would control 18 per cent of the world's container market. He also said that feeder networks that used to service Singapore would be calling at PTP to service customers as well and 'this would create an increase in the connectivity available at PTP'. There would also be more local common feeders operating within PTP. PTP, he added, was well-positioned to accommodate this increased volume as it currently has excess capacity after having completed in mid2004 berths 7 and 8; and construction of berths 9 and 10 are ongoing. The analyst said berths 9 and 10 should be completed late next year. Eight berths (7 to 14) have been targeted under the second phase of PTP's expansion programme at a cost of RM2 billion. The analyst also said that the one million additional boxes would come onstream between a year and 18 months. 'PTP is a supply-driven port as when it started off in 2000, it built six berths outright although no customers were secured yet then,' he said. The analyst added that PTP has excess capacity as it handled four million boxes last year, while its current capacity is six million boxes. 'So, PTP has room for an additional two million boxes and the additional one million boxes from Singapore shouldn't be a problem,' he said. Links with global players could also mean more business for Malaysia once these players create their hub in PTP.
Fratelli Neri tug power
MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Denmark, has been awarded the contract to supply a twin L21/31 propulsion engine package for a 30m Italian tractor tug newbuilding. This is the first tractor tug application for the 1,000 rpm L21/31 engine design following sales of 280 units, the majority for GenSet applications and the propulsion of coastal tankers and general cargo vessels. Construction of the tug has started at the Italian shipyard Rosetti Marino SpA, Ravenna, for the Livornobased Neri Group. Fratelli Neri SpA, owns and operates a large fleet of various tugs, supply vessels, floating cranes and barges, from various locations along the Italian east coast. The propulsion engines will be delivered from Denmark for installation at the yard during August, with the tug scheduled for delivery around the end of the year. Each nine-cylinder L21/31 engine is specified with an MCR of 2,025 kW, and will drive a Schottel controllable pitch (SRP) rudder propeller unit. Additionally, the engines will each power an Advance/Asug gearbox, driving hydraulics and firefighting pumps, via a front-end PTO.
Power for Panama tugs PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 Wärtsilä is to supply Cheoy Lee Shipyards Ltd, of Hong Kong, with the propulsion plants for seven 60-tonne bollard pull Z-Tech tugs contracted by the Panama Canal Authority. They will be employed escorting and assisting ships in the Canal and are being built by Hin Lee (Zhu Hai) Shipyard Co Ltd at Doumen, Zhuhai, in Guangdong province, China, which is owned by Cheoy Lee Shipyards. Delivery will be during the second half of 2006 and in 2007. The award-winning Z-Tech Concept, developed initially for PSA Marine (Pte) Ltd of Singapore by the Canadian naval architect Robert Allan Ltd, achieves an equal bollard pull and speed going ahead or astern, and has a safe, flat working deck and a "sea-going" stern for towing in "tractor" mode. The new Z-Tech tugs are of a modified azimuthing stern drive type, with a length overall of 27.4m and a beam of 11.5m. Nominal bollard pull is 60 tonnes with a free-running speed of 12.8 knots. Wärtsilä will supply each tug with a 3,600 kW propulsion plant comprising two 9-cylinder in-line series 20 engines each driving a Lips can-mounted steerable thruster having a fixed-pitch propeller in a high efficiency HR-nozzle. The engines will be resiliently-mounted in the tugs. A particular requirement for the engines is that they must be able to accelerate from standstill to full ahead within 12 seconds without heavy smoke emission.
Bluewater enters Norwegian market with FPSO purchase
BLUEWATER Energy Services is set to buy the Jotun Alpha production ship from ExxonMobil and will lease back the vessel on a five-year bareboat charter. The Dutch contractor has teamed up with ExxonMobil affiliate Standard Marine Nordsjo to acquire the floating production storage and offloading vessel from the partners in the Jotun oilfield in Norway.
“This is an important step into the Norwegian market for Bluewater,”said Hugo Heerema, Bluewater’ s president. “This vessel was designed and built to a very high standard to withstand the extremely harsh environment of the North Sea.” The aframax vessel has a storage capacity of 584,000 barrels and was pumping out around 145,000 barrels of oil a day in 2000, although it was designed to produce 88,000 bpd. It is at present producing 15,000 bpd from Jotun and processing another 45,000 bpd from the nearby Ringhorne field, which is expected to keep the vessel working in the area beyond 2010. “We have an initial lease period of five years but this could be extended depending on oil price, production and ExxonMobil’ s plans for the fields,”Mr Heerema said. Bluewater has experience with the vessel after providing engineering and project management on the turret mooring system when the vessel was built at Kvaerner Masa, now Aker Finnyards. The ship started operating on the field in October 1999. The contractor operates three FPSOs in the British sector of the North Sea but until now has not been able to break into the Norwegian market despite showing interest in the Volve and Alvheim projects. “We have been focusing on Norway for a couple of years now and we welcome this opportunity to get a foothold there,”said Mr Heerema. “We expect a lot from the Norwegian market for leased FPSOs. There are strong moves to develop small and medium sized oilfields with these systems.”
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2005 – 163 MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet
[email protected] http://www.multraship.com
MBC “Yue Shan”, with bow damage being towed by Fairmount’ s AHT “De Hong”by the stern from Singapore to Shanghai. Average speed with the heavily yawing vessel is approx. 4.2 knots. Panamanian flagged vessel “Yue Shan”, grt 86192 tons with a length of 290 meter sustained bow damage after a collision with a product tanker Chrisopigi Lady in Singapore Strait, May 25th Photo : Fairmount Marine BV ©
The 76.290 DWT OBO AMORITO seen here anchored off Iskenderun, the AMORITO is built as the PALACIO in 1985 at the Izar yard in Cadiz under number 041, in 1989 the vessel was renamed KAPITAN STANKOV and was operated by NOVOSHIP, during May 2005 the 243 mtr long vessel was sold to Capital Ship Management in Greece and renamed AMORITO. Photo : Piet Sinke © PSi-Daily maritime press clippings
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SMIT (Brazil) has been awarded a contract for the installation of the 3 pedestal cranes, a telecom tower and the flare boom for the P50 FPSO in Brazil. The installation still continues and is taking place at the Maua Jurong yard in Niteroi (District, Rio de Janeiro). For these lifts SMIT used the Taklift 6 with its 130m longboom. Using Taklift 6, made it possible to install all the items without turning the FPSO. The Heavy Lift vessel Kaisei, owned by the Maua Jurong yard, was used to install all the heavy modules on board the FPSO. In the picture you see Taklift 6 together with the Kaisei, lifted the Flare from the barge, where after Taklift 6 up-ended the Flare and took over the total weight when in upright position. Finally Taklift 6 installed the Flare on the P50 FPSO with great precision and to great satisfaction of its client. Photo : Alex de Leur ©
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