Number 307 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Wednesday 19-11-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.
The COSCO INDIAN OCEAN seen on her maidentrip arriving in Felixstowe Photo : David Hazell ©
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The Chinese tug DE DA seen with a floating dock off Le Havre (France) Photo : Cees Aalbers ©
Shipping industry struggles to stay afloat as trade dips With commentators now referring to the present situation in the shipping sector as a "slump", it has been a pessimistic week for the industry. The online Journal of Commerce reports that container ship charter rates are now in "freefall" with fears of shipowner bankruptcies and ocean carriers cutting or suspending services because of significant drops in cargo volumes. Furthermore, weak freight rates, plus a glut in idle tonnage due to falling chartering activities, is adding to the downward spiral that has yet to bottom out. For instance, a 2,750 TEU, gearless sub-Panamax vessel now commands $14,000 per day (Dh51,380), down from $19,500 in September and $26,292 in 2007 (figures from Fairplay, quoting Clarksons). Exim India has described the outlook for India as "bleak" with rates falling by around 40 per cent since July and the Times of India reported that large shipping lines operating between India, Europe and the US say freight rates have dropped to $700 from $1,000 per TEU and to $1,600 from $1,900 per FEU. The Times also describes the fall of between 15 to 37 per cent in shipping stock prices between June and October - Varun Shipping falling 15 per cent, GE Shipping, 20 per cent, Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) by 30 per cent and Essar Shipping by 36 per cent. The newspaper also cited fears that the large number of new buildings for Indian operators that are scheduled to be launched in 2009 will have an adverse effect with shipping lines unable to recover costs unless there is a significant upturn in rates. Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 Those carriers that are concerned with a single activity are seen as most vulnerable, particularly the container and bulker sectors. Where companies have diversified, such as SCI, the outlook is slightly better due to mixed interests across container, tanker and offshore business. Major shipping indexes are also reinforcing the gloom with the Baltic Dry Index, a gauge of demand for bulk shipping, plunging by 91 per cent this year and the US Cass Freight Index of Shipments falling 16.9 per cent in October compared to the same period one year ago. This fall followed in the footsteps of a previous 16.6-per cent decline in September. Lloyds List describes container outlook as "bleak" with profits taking a nosedive even before the full impact of the downturn is felt. The journal quoted that Evergreen Marine has reported that third-quarter profits were down 94 per cent year on year, and that a number of smaller carriers have already gone bankrupt with many likely to struggle, compared to larger container shipping lines who should fare better with reliance on reserves built up during boom years, but there are still said to be rumours that one or two might be over-stretched. There are some positive factors that will help to counter, but not equalise, the negative trends. These include the fact that many new buildings have been ordered against long-term charters, but with the integrity of those long-term charters being less secure now, some would argue that this isn't such a positive factor. However, as long as the dollar recovers in value there is some reprieve, at least, from extreme gloom and, of course, falling oil prices are good news. The extent of the current problem facing shipping is perhaps simplified by a summary given by Clarkson Research. It now predicts a growth of 6.8 per cent for world trade this year, a figure much lower than the forecast of 11 per cent made one year ago. In contrast, the world shipping fleet is set to grow by more than 13 per cent, demonstrating a worrying misalignment between supply and demand. Source: Gulfnews
Salvage firm claims ‘Princess’ operations completed; PCG not satisfied
A salvage firm contracted to retrieve remains of passengers of the capsized MV Princess of the Stars formally reported Monday it has completed its search for victims still trapped in the ship, but still failed to satisfy the Coast Guard. Radio dzBB's Carlo Mateo reported that Coast Guard commandant Vice Admiral Wilfredo Tamayo instructed Harbor Star to continue searching for remains of passengers aboard the ship. Harbor Star is the firm contracted by Sulpicio Lines Inc., owner of the capsized vessel, to retrieve chemicals and remains of passengers from the ship.
Tamayo said he was not satisfied with the 199 passengers recovered by Harbor Star, saying more than 500 were missing when the ship capsized last June at the height of typhoon "Frank." In its report submitted to Tamayo, Harbor Star said it had searched all possible passengers' spaces, including Decks A, B and C, and the navigation bridge, theater, and dining area. On the other hand, Tamayo reminded Harbor Star to submit its salvage plans to remove the shipwreck from the Romblon area. Until the shipwreck is removed, he added, the Coast Guard will keep its oil spill response team at Sibuyan Island in Romblon
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Financiële crisis treft P&I Clubs hard
De wereldwijde financiële crisis heeft ernstige gevolgen voor de P&I Clubs. Net op het moment dat de verzekeraars een teruglopend aantal grote scheepsrampen kunnen melden, moeten ze bekendmaken dat hun financiële reserves er niet gezonder op zijn geworden. Al in juli meldde de London Club dat 27 procent van de belegde reserves was verdampt. En sindsdien is het bepaald niet beter gegaan op de effectenbeurzen en zijn de verliezen zeker verder opgelopen. En de London Club is niet de enige die de reserves als sneeuw voor de zon ziet verdwijnen. De Britannia Club, financieel de sterkste Club, kondigt waarschijnlijk een premieverhoging van tien procent aan en de meeste Clubs zullen daar wel boven zitten. Premieverhogingen zijn nooit welkom, maar in een tijd dat de droge-ladingmarkt is ingestort en de containermarkt zware tijden doormaakt zijn hogere premies een zware tegenvaller voor de reders. Het leeglopen van de reserves van de Clubs komt ook slecht uit nu de Europese richtlijn Solvency II hoger op de agenda komt. In een tijd waar banken en verzekeraars overheidssteun nodig hebben om het vertrouwen van het publiek te behouden, is het hebben van forse reserves een vereiste geworden. De Solvency II is een nieuwe Europese richtlijn inzake aansprakelijkheid voor scheepseigenaren en werd met enige zorg tegemoet gezien. Maar van de oorspronkelijke plannen is weinig overgebleven. De zogenoemde ‘direct action', voor de P&I Clubs een heel belangrijk punt, lijkt ook uit het oorspronkelijke voorstel te zijn verdwenen. Direct action betekent dat, behalve een actie voor schadeloosstelling tegen de reder, deze ook tegen de aansprakelijkheidsverzekeraar kan worden ingesteld. De Clubs hanteren in hun verhouding met de leden het ‘pay to be paid'-principe, wat inhoudt dat het lid alleen door de Club wordt schadeloos gesteld voorzover het lid feitelijk betaald heeft. Dit principe werd in de Engelse rechtspraak tot nu toe erkend. Hierdoor werd rechtstreeks procederen tegen de Clubs in het Verenigd Koninkrijk nutteloos gemaakt. Een heel praktische oplossing die niet door iedereen redelijk wordt gevonden. In de praktijk kan het zomaar gebeuren dat een reder failliet gaat voordat een schade is afgewikkeld. De Club hoeft dan niet te betalen terwijl wel premie werd ontvangen. Maar al hebben de transportministers het nog voor het zeggen, ook zij zullen niet ongevoelig zijn voor de roep om solide reserves bij verzekeringsmaatschappijen wat P&I Clubs tenslotte toch zijn. Solvency II is niet de enige hoofdpijn die de Europese Commissie veroorzaakt voor de reders. Lukt het op het land niet om strengere regels voor de uitstoot van gassen erdoor te krijgen, dan maar op zee. Italië en Polen dreigen simpelweg met een veto en de plannen worden of sterk afgezwakt of gaan helemaal niet door. Op zee, dachten naïeve zielen, worden dergelijke regels vastgesteld door internationale conventies, onder toezicht van de Verenigde Naties, zoals Marpol en Unclos. Toen er een Europese richtlijn kwam over luchtverontreiniging veroorzaakt door zeeschepen werd een rechtszaak aangespannen bij het Europese Hof door een consortium waarin werd betoogd dat de richtlijn in strijd is met internationale verdragen en dus niet in werking kon treden. Het Europese Hof oordeelde dat de Europese Unie geen partij is bij Marpol en dus niet gebonden is aan de regels van Marpol. Dat alle lidstaten van de Europese Unie wel lid zijn van Marpol maakte kennelijk geen verschil. De Europeanen maken zich altijd erg druk als de Amerikanen zich weinig aantrekken van internationale regels maar Europa blijkt geen haar beter te zijn. Over het verzekeringsjaar 2007/2008 leden de dertien Clubs aangesloten bij de International Group gezamenlijk een verzekeringsverlies van bijna $ 300 miljoen wat toen nog kon worden opgevangen door een positief beleggingsresultaat. Met andere woorden, de totale reserves van de Clubs bleven ongewijzigd, maar het verzekerde tonnage nam wel flink toe door de ambitieuze nieuwbouwprogramma's van de leden en betekent in feite wel een verwatering van de reserve per verzekerd tonnage. In het verleden kwam het al voor dat individuele leden bij de Europese Commissie klaagden over de afwezigheid van prijsconcurrentie tussen de dertien leden van de International Group. Bij de huidige slechte marktomstandigheden is het denkbaar dat ontevreden reders die alweer met een verhoging van tien procent of meer worden geconfronteerd, opnieuw een klacht indienen in Brussel. Op nationaal en Europees niveau is men inmiddels gewend aan overheidsingrijpen bij banken en verzekeringsbedrijven en het laatste waar de Clubs behoefte aan hebben is wel om in Europese schijnwerpers terecht te komen.
Boskalis says to make full offer for Smit Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 Boskalis Westminster reaffirmed its intention on Monday to make a full offer for maritime services company Smit as it shrugged off a compromise proposal from major shareholder Delta Lloyd."Our intentions are clear," Boskalis spokesman Martijn Schuttevaer said. "We are making preparations for an offer for Smit in its entirety." Boskalis, which has a market value double that of Smit's, has been rebuffed twice since it first indicated in September that it wanted to buy Smit for 1.1 billion euros ($1.4 billion). Boskalis did not rule out making a hostile bid, although it said it would prefer to enter into talks with Smit in order to launch an agreed recommended offer. Dutch media earlier reported that Delta Lloyd, which is a shareholder in both Boskalis and Smit according to Thomson Reuters data, is working on a compromise in which Smit would remain independent, retaining its salvage and harbour towage operations. Under the terms of the proposed compromise, Boskalis would buy Smit's terminals and transport and heavy lifting operations for about 600 million euros, Alex Otto, fund manager at Aviva's Delta Lloyd, was quoted saying by Dutch daily Het Financieele Dagblad. Smit could use the money to fund its growth, the paper said. A spokeswoman for Smit said the firm could not yet comment on the compromise proposal as insufficient details were known. Smit's shares, which soared 28 percent to 61.79 euros on Sept. 15 when Boskalis announced an indicative offer of 62.50 euros per Smit share, representing a total price of 1.1 billion euros, have since fallen 19 percent to 50.15 euros. But SNS Securities analyst Edwin de Jong said he believes Boskalis is likely to keep the offer price the same when it unveils the formal bid to win backing from Smit shareholders. Boskalis, the world's largest dredging company, previously confirmed its intention to make an offer on Oct. 10, but did not mention a price in last month's statement. Citing developments in Smit's markets and share markets, Boskalis said it would evaluate in coming weeks all aspects of the transaction to determine its final content and structure. Schuttevaer said Boskalis, which has built up a 20 percent stake in Smit, intends to publish its offer memorandum before Dec. 8 and unveil the offer conditions on that date. It will seek shareholder approval at an extraordinary general meeting. Smit, which previously rejected a $300 million joint venture offer from Boskalis and Saudi group Rezayat for its terminals business, has so far rejected Boskalis' takeover bid, saying it undervalued the company. And ING analyst Tijs Hollestelle downplayed the chances of the Delta Lloyd plan, stressing that it still represented a break up of Smit, something the company is opposed to. But Boskalis, with a market market value of 1.97 billion euros compared with Smit which is worth 892 million euros, has also said it would divest Smit's harbour towage operations if its takeover bid succeeds. Source : The Guardian
Greenpeace blockade of Rotterdam dock ended by police Dutch police on Sunday ended the blockade of a Rotterdam dock by Greenpeace which was trying to stop the construction of a coal-fired plant in Rotterdam. Dutch police boarded the two ships of the environmental group, which had blocked the dock to prevent ships carrying coal from entering the port earlier on the day, Radio Netherlands reported. The two ships were brought to the quayside, where they were put under embargo. The captains were arrested, but the protesters were released, the report said. The Greenpeace action was part of an ongoing protest at the construction of a coal-fired power plant in Rotterdam's industrial area. The plant is one of the eight new coal-fired plants which German energy company E.ON plans to build in Europe. Greenpeace says coal is the most polluting energy source. On Saturday hundreds of environmental activists blockaded the construction site of the new E.ON plant. Dutch police intervened to end the protest. Source: xinhuanet
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The MAERSK DAMASCUS (note the MISC funnel colours) seen departing Port Chalmers on the 14/11/08 bound for Tj Pelepas. Photo : Ross Walker ©
Big rise in incidents of sea piracy this year
Statistics provided by the Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) of the Kuala Lumpur-based International Maritime Bureau (IMB) show that the number of sea piracy incidents this year has crossed 200. The Somali waters in the Gulf of Aden, from where the Indian Navy’s INS Tabar repelled an attempt to hijack an Indian merchant ship, remain the hotspot of such attacks. Other piracy hotspots are the waters off Nigeria and Indonesia. 'Cold-blooded killers' Details provided by the PRC show that today’s pirates are cold-blooded killers using rocket launchers, AK-47s, global positioning devices and night-vision goggles. The PRC statistics released by the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) state that from July to September, 83 incidents were reported; 63 of these in the Gulf of Aden-Somalia region. Compared to those hotspots, Indian waters are almost free from pirate attacks. The Indian Coast Guard headquarters, when contacted, said the last serious pirate attack took place in 1998. After that were thefts, mainly using fishing crafts. The last such incident in India, according to the PRC, took place in Kochi anchorage on August 20 this year when four persons stole the ship’s stores. Collapse of law and order in Somalia and political unrest are cited to be the prime causes for the escalation of piracy along the waters off these countries. During this year, 23 vessels were fired upon, 31 vessels hijacked, 581 crew members taken hostage, nine killed and seven missing. In the Somalia area alone, 38 ships and 250 crew members are still in the hands of the pirates. This includes a Ukrainian ship with weaponry. In the waters off Nigeria, 24 pirate incidents were reported between July and September this year. But IMB studies show that a good number of piracy incidents in this area remain unreported. The number of such incidents in Indonesia during the corresponding period is 23. Of these, 22 were thefts. However, the incidents around Indonesia show an annual decline. The IMB had established the PRC to provide free round-the-clock service to be the first point of contact for the shipmaster in the event of a piracy attack or attempt. The main aim of the PRC is to create awareness on the high-risk shipping routes notorious for pirate attacks and armed robberies on anchored ships. The PRC works in close association with various governments and shares information on piracy. According to IMB director Captain Pottengal Mukundan, piracy attacks off the Somali waters have become unprecedented. The pirates are attacking even tankers and large bulk carriers along this major international seaway between Asia and Europe. The situation warrants increased protection and even naval intervention. Meanwhile, according to an ICC release, following the escalation of attacks along the Somali waters and the Gulf of Aden, the European Union last month decided to initiate a close support protection system for ships passing through the area. Source: The Hindu
Somali pirates seize Saudi VLCC Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 Somali pirates seized two more ships Saturday--including their largest prize so far, the loaded 318,000 dwt Saudi Aramco VLCC Sirius Star. The other was a Japanese owned chemical tanker, the Chemstar Venus. Meantime, the chemical tanker Stolt Valor, held since September 15, was reportedly released after payment of a ransom of, according to some sources, $2,5 million. According to Combined Maritime Forces the Sirius Star was attacked more than 450 nautical miles southeast of Mombasa, Kenya. The ship is flagged in Liberia, owned by d Saudi Aramco, and operated by Vela International. The crew of 25 includes citizens of: Croatia, Great Britain, The Philippines, Poland, and Saudi Arabia. This attack comes amid what Combined Maritime Forces says is a decrease in the rate of successful pirate attacks on merchant vessels off the coast of Somalia. Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) says its data analysis has shown that the combination of both military and civilian involvement in the area has reduced the percentage of successful piracy attacks from 53% in August, to 31% in October. "Our presence in the region is helping deter and disrupt criminal attacks off the Somali coast, but the situation with the Sirius Star clearly indicates the pirates' ability to adapt their tactics and methods of attack" said Vice Adm. Bill Gortney, Commander, Combined Maritime Forces. "Piracy is an international crime that threatens global commerce. Shipping companies have to understand that naval forces can not be everywhere. Self protection measures are the best way to protect their vessels, their crews, and their cargo." Out of 15 recent pirate attacks in the Gulf of Aden, at least 10 involved ships operating outside the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) recommended traffic corridor or failing to employ recommended self protection measures, making them more vulnerable to a successful attack. "Most notably, none of the vessels had embarked security teams. Embarked security teams would have prevented these successful attacks," said Gortney. "Companies don't think twice about using security guards to protect their valuable facilities ashore. Protecting valuable ships and their crews at sea is no different." To put the challenge into geographic perspective, the area involved off the coast of Somalia and Kenya as well as the Gulf of Aden equals more than 1.1 million square miles. That is roughly four times the size of the U.S. state of Texas or the size of the Mediterranean and Red Seas combined. Aug. 22, in response to a noticeable increase in piracy attempts, the Combined Maritime Forces directed the establishment of a Maritime Security Patrol Area (MSPA), a moveable area overlaying the IMO's recommended traffic corridor. Merchant mariners have been actively encouraged to travel through the IMO-designated traffic corridor and employ reasonable self-protection measures to deter piracy attempts. "The sea is the lifeblood of our global economy and it is appropriate the Coalition, NATO and other international partners work together to address this problem," said Royal Navy Commodore Tim Lowe, Deputy Commander, Combined Maritime Forces. "The reduction in the rate of successful piracy attempts shows that the Coalition's efforts to deter and disrupt piracy while supporting the shipping industry as they implement appropriate self protection measures is working." In addition to Coalition naval forces, ships and aircraft from several other nations, including a NATO task force, are operating in the region. Their ranks are soon to be augmented by an EU force of an undetermined composition. While no formal agreement exists between the navies, communication has been constant and effective to ensure optimal use of assets in a unified goal. "While a military force cannot solve the problem, the solution lies ashore, we welcome the assistance of additional forces," said Lowe. "The long-term solution to piracy requires an international and interagency response. More forces allow us to address this issue and 'hold ground' while also continuing our ongoing Maritime Security Operations in the area."
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 As is evident with the attack on Sirius Star, says CMF, increasingly daring attacks are being conducted by Somali pirates on a variety of merchant vessels. Tuesday, Nov. 11, a UK warship successfully thwarted a pirate attack on a Danish shipping vessel and boarded the pirate ship responsible. During the course of the boarding, the team engaged the pirates in self defense resulting in a number of fatalities. Such incidents highlight the complications associated with operating in this environment and the need for a permanent and effective land-based solution to the security situation in the region. Source : MarineLog
HAL’s STATENDAM seen passing the Miraflores locks in the Panama canal
NORWEGIAN-based parcel tanker Odfjell SE says that all its owned, managed and time chartered ships that normally would sail through the Gulf of Aden will be routed via the Cape of Good Hope. “We will no longer expose our crew to the risk of being hijacked and held for ransom by pirates in the Gulf of Aden,” says company president and CEO Terje Storeng. A company statement says: “When sufficient protection is in place or action taken to prevent attacks from pirates in this area, Odfjell SE will resume sailing through the Gulf of Aden and the Suez Canal. “ Making clear the move will involve additional costs Mr Storeng says: “Unless we are explicitly committed by existing contracts to sail through this area, as from today we will re-route our ships around Cape of Good Hope. We trust our customers will appreciate this decision which we have taken to safeguard not only our crews and ships, but also the ships' cargo. The re-routing will entail extra sailing days and later cargo deliveries. This will incur significant extra cost, but we expect our customers' support and contribution” Mr Storeng adds: “ Several chemical tankers have been hijacked at gunpoint, and although hostages up to now reportedly have been released seemingly unharmed, we do not know if this will be so in the future. Odfjell is frustrated by the fact that governments and authorities in general seem to take a limited interest in this very serious problem. The efforts that are being made do not seem to put an effective end to what can best be described as ruthless, high level organised crime.” Source : Maritime Global Net
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The ANDREA seen moored in Rotterdam Photo : Jan Steehouwer ©
Recordopbrengst Reddersgala hart onder de riem voor KNRM Het Reddersgala, dat 17 november in het Scheveningse Kurhaus werd gehouden, heeft de KNRM € 527.200 opgeleverd. De opbrengst van het Reddersgala was een absoluut record sinds de oprichting van het jaarlijks terugkerende evenement. Het bedrag wordt in zijn geheel gestort in het Reddersfonds. In de Kurzaal vierden ruim vijfhonderd gasten uit diverse branches een stijlvol feest. Zij genoten een avondlang van alles wat hen werd voorgeschoteld, maar toonden zich ook waardige supporters van de KNRM. Tijdens de veiling bracht een zeereis met een onderzeeër van de Koninklijke Marine niet een, maar twee keer € 30.000 op: zowel de heen- als de terugreis werd afgeslagen. Het Reddersgala 2008 had als thema "Ieder z'n vak!" Dit thema werd uitgewerkt met de focus op het werk dat de KNRM verricht voor de Rotterdamse haven. Vandaar dat de Rotterdamse burgemeester Opstelten een speech hield over het belang van de KNRM voor de zeelui die 'zijn' stad aandoen. Hans Smits, president-directeur van het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en havenwethouder Wim van Sluis, waren om deze reden eregasten. De Hoekse reddingbootbemanning, die de reddingen uitvoert in het aanloopgebied naar de Rotterdamse haven, werd in een film geportretteerd op de reddingboot, maar ook thuis. KNRM-directeur Roemer Boogaard verhaalde in zijn speech over een memorabele actie van reddingstation Hoek van Holland begin dit jaar. Daarnaast stipte hij de kredietcrisis nog even aan. Hij riep de aanwezigen op de KNRM trouw te blijven, ook in tijden dat het (financieel) tegen zit. Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 De opbrengst van het Reddersgala wordt in het Reddersfonds gestort. Uit dat fonds wordt elk jaar een deel van de bemanningskosten betaald. Daarbij gaat het uitsluitend om investeringen die de veiligheid van de redders ten goede komen. Door in het Reddersfonds een vermogen op te bouwen, waarvan jaarlijks het rendement wordt besteed aan de doelstelling, wordt een solide basis gelegd voor de lange termijn. Omdat het KNRM Gala een jaarlijks terugkerend karakter heeft, zal de opbrengst uit het Reddersfonds elk jaar groter worden. Volgend jaar viert het Reddersgala op 16 november 2009 haar eerste lustrum.
De KNRM is een zelfstandig opererende, ongesubsidieerde hulpverleningsorganisatie die voor haar voortbestaan afhankelijk is van giften en gaven. De 42 reddingstations van de KNRM komen per jaar gemiddeld 1.600 in actie, waarbij elk jaar ruim 3.000 mensen in veiligheid worden gebracht.
3 days ago 2 photos were used in the clippings made by Piero Corona at the scrapyard in Chittagong, the “great white” at the photo is the SA WINTERBERG and not as reported the SA WATERBERG.
Murder Arrest The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) arrested a murder suspect on board a passenger ship bound for Manila on Friday (14 Nov). Sea marshals arrested Masif “Pakpak" Papandayan, 38, of Lanao del Norte onboard the Our Lady of Good Voyage. Vice Admiral Wilfredo Tamayo, PCG commandant, said the suspect has an outstanding warrant of arrest for murder issued by Regional Trial Court Branch 90 in Dasmarinas, Cavite. Reports said the suspect boarded the vessel in Iligan and was on his way to Manila after a year of hiding. Papandayan was turned over to the police in Cavite. “The sea marshals are doing their best part to ensure that justice be served. This comes to show that lawless elements will never go unnoticed and will never have a place on board passenger vessels," said Coast Guard Commandant, Vice Admiral Wilfredo D. Tamayo. Source : ShipTalk
Shipping bubble burst By Capt Anwar Shah
The maritime business the world over, which caters to 95 per cent of international trade, has started to slow down after a boom during 2000-2008. The freight rates for rice shipment from Karachi to West African Ports, which had surged to $120 per metric ton on free in and out (FIO) basis, have now plummeted to $60 per metric ton. In 1980-90 it was hard to fix a ship on the same route beyond $26-$28 per ton on FIO basis. The ship-owners made windfall profits and some of them got their vessels free from bank liens within five years. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) has plunged to 900 from 11,000 in the face of ongoing financial meltdown, putting many ship-owners and operators in hot waters, and some big giants are struggling for survival amid reports of casualties. Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 Ukraine Industrial Carriers and Britannia Bulk are the first two to go down with many to follow. Nordic Bank of Denmark and Lloyds TSB have demanded $158 million from Britannia Bulk due to default on loan terms. South Korean dry bulk specialist, Pak Road Corp, is on the brink of bankruptcy and has terminated a number of existing contracts. Cosco of China has slashed spending by delaying the project investment. The bankers, who have been willing lenders to the shipping companies in the recent past, are now reminding shipowners not to expect leniency over meeting payments or breaching loan covenants. The ship-owners were meted out similar attitude by the banks in Asian financial crises, but the impact of the current global financial meltdown on the shipping industry will be much more severe. Rina, the Italian Classification Society, agrees that the crisis will bite deeper, but expects significant opportunities for those having liquidity. The terminal operators in Gulf countries have jacked up tariff by 20 per cent, and terminal charges are unaffordable in Pakistan, thus not only carriers are suffering from high handling charges, but rendering our export/import uncompetitive. The Ministry of Ports and Shipping must enforce strong regulatory regime to bring uniformity in tariffs charged by terminal operators. The worst sufferer at their hands is the captive importer. The ‘free market’ concept--- profit for private sector and losses for socialization—may be revisited. It is not justified that tax payers bear business losses. In order to mitigate further losses, the ship owners have started laying up container and bulk carriers. Singapore has dozens of vessel laid up at the anchorage. All major ship-owners are making strategic decisions to restructure their services to face the incoming ferocity of the financial storm. It is feared that ship-owners will face foreclosures by bank or else be arrested at various ports for non-payment of dues. Morgan Stanley reports that share prices of Bulk Carriers and Containers do not reflect real asset value. The maximum greed has now turned into maximum fear. The forecast is gloomy as freight rates will continue to fall and charter rates in 2009 will decline by 60 per cent when benchmarked with 2008 The only state-run Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC) must undertake massive restructuring immediately by throwing extra fat and laying up 10 vessels of 28-year old with skeleton crew to avoid further losses. Since Pakistan is facing serious problem in opening letters of credit for oil, the PNSC should place vessels on charters to reliable parties who do not default, as oil being energy will be needed world wide and tanker market has not suffered so badly as bulk and container market. The cash-rich Gulf countries are out to benefit from the situation by purchasing vessels at half the cost and turning it into an opportunity. The PNSC may also consider this option, but trimming of establishment expenses is needed. The conservative approach with a sound strategy, turning crisis into opportunity, be planned to keep the PNSC afloat. The ports have to enforce strict discipline, and tariff regime of all operators be seriously looked into and supervised by strong regulatory regime. Source : Dawn
Scary Russians
A Russian navy patrol boat scared off pirates who tried to capture a Saudi Arabian merchant ship in the Gulf of Aden, the Russian navy told Interfax news agency on Sunday (16 Nov). The warship Nyeustrashimy (Fearless) was escorting three other ships through the gulf when it received a signal from the Saudi vessel, Rabih, that it was under attack. Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 It launched a patrol boat to intercept the pirates, who fled, the Interfax report said. Source : ShipTalk
What Happens Next?
Eight Somali nationals detained after a firefight with British Royal Marines last Wednesday were transferred to a naval auxiliary while the UK's Foreign Office decided what to do with them. As of Friday, according to a UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) spokesman, the suspects were on board the Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessel Wave Knight, having initially been taken aboard the frigate HMS Cumberland. The MOD says that there were 17 men on board the dhow which had been identified as being involved in an abortive attack on a Danish merchant vessel. Two Somali nationals were shot dead when the pirates opened fire on two small craft carrying the marines who returned fire. There were eight other Somalis, believed to be pirates, on board as well as eight Yemenis who turned out to be the rightful crew of the dhow. One of the Yemenis was severely injured as a result of an earlier incident and subsequently died despite attempts by Cumberland's doctor to save him. The surviving Yemenis sailed their dhow back to their home port. The Foreign Office appears to be attempting to land the the Somalis in a country within the region. The MOD says the RN took the action it did under the provisions of UNCLOS. The UK does not appear to be invoking its powers under the Piracy Act 1837 to bring the suspects to the UK for trial although this has been the course advocated consistently over several years by seafarers' union Nautilus UK (previously NUMAST). Certain sections of the 1837 Act remain in force and at the most recent review by the Law Commission it was accepted that its provisions were necessary to define “piracy” as a specific criminal offence punishable (since the abolition of capital punishment in the UK in 1997) with life imprisonment. Source : ShipTalk
Greenpeace krijgt schepen terug Het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) in Rotterdam heeft dinsdag de beslaglegging op twee schepen van Greenpeace opgeheven. Dat heeft een woordvoerster van het OM gezegd. De Rainbow Warrior en Beluga blokkeerden zondag enkele uren de Mississipihaven in de Maasstad om binnenkomende kolenschepen tegen te houden. De milieuorganisatie protesteerde tegen de nieuwe kolencentrale van energiegigant E.ON op de Maasvlakte. Bij de blokkadeactie zouden de schepen van Greenpeace schade hebben veroorzaakt aan een schip van de zeehavenpolitie. De beide schepen werden in beslag genomen voor nader onderzoek. De politie hield de twee kapiteins aan. Zij werden maandagavond vrijgelaten. Volgens Greenpeace trad de politie ruw op en duwde de zeehavenpolitie de Rainbow Warrior aan de grond. – Foto : Jan Oosterboer ©
CASUALTY REPORTING Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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Spanish fire fighters took five hours to extinguish a spectacular blaze on board the 2008 built fully cellular containership Maersk Newport which was berthed at the APM terminal in the Port of Algeciras Saturday morning (Nov 15). The intense fire caused bottles of oxygen and acetylene stashed in the vessel's cargo to explode. Photo : Fred Vloo ©
"The operation was complicated and dangerous due to these highly flammable materials," a spokesman for the local fire service said. Stevedores working on the bow of the vessel were trapped by the fire and had to climb down its port side with help from the crew of tug VB Algeciras, one of three tugs at the scene. The remaining crew and port workers managed to evacuate the boxship and there were no injuries as a result of the incident. The three tugs hosed the vessel from the harbour basin as 13 firemen wearing breathing apparatus tackled the fire from a safe distance on the deck. By 0600 hrs they had managed to bring the situation under control. The cause of the blaze has yet to be established and an investigation is under way. Source : Lloyds
Vrachtschip verward in ketting boei
Op de Westerschelde voor Terneuzen raakte maandagochtend om negen uur het Nederlandse vrachtschip Beautrophy in moeilijkheden. Foto : www.tugspotters.com
Het schip kreeg, op weg naar Antwerpen, te kampen met een machinestoring en dreigde aan de grond te lopen op de Middelplaat. Om dat te voorkomen gooide het schip het anker uit, maar dat raakte verward in de ketting van boei 18. Met hulp van de sleepboten MULTRATUG 10, HENDRIK 3 en de Hemiksem van de Unie van Redding- en Sleepdienst kon het schip worden 'bevrijd', waarna het rond elf uur onder begeleiding van de Hemiksem de reis naar Antwerpen kon voortzetten.
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Schepen botsen in Rotterdamse haven Het zeeschip Helga Fell en het met 1000 ton zonnebloemolie geladen binnenschip Nesselande zijn dinsdagochtend rond half zeven uur op de Nieuwe Maas in de buurt van de Beneluxtunnel met elkaar in aanvaring gekomen. Foto: P.Andriessen Het binnenschip liep daarbij een lek in de machinekamer op en zonk. De opvarenden van de Nesselande werden op tijd van boord gehaald. De Smit Zweden en de patrouilleboot RPA 12 van het Havenbedrijf duwden het schip tegen de kant van de Mammoetkade maar konden niet voorkomen dat de Nesselande zonk. Het schip lekte zonnebloemolie en bilgewater. Het oliebestrijdingsvaartuig Balckyard van Ecoloss werd ingeschakeld om verdere watervervuiling tegen te gaan. De drijvende bok GPS Atlas had dinsdagavond een gedeelte van het schip weer boven water getakeld. Ook werden voorbereidingen getroffen om de resterende lading uit het ruim te pompen. Het scheepvaartverkeer ondervond volgens de Zeehavenpolitie nauwelijks hinder van het ongeval. De oorzaak van de aanvaring is nog onbekend.
The Dutch AOR 836 AMSTERDAM left the Damen shiprepair yard in Schiedam bound for Den Helder naval base Photo : Skyphoto-Maassluis ©
Duikers in de diepte De komende twee weken zoeken ruim zeventig marineduikers uit zeven landen de onpeilbare dieptes van de Caraïbische wateren op. Uitgerust met een 36 kilo wegende Heliox duikset, voeren de duikers op 81 meter diverse duikscenario’s uit: van het ruimen van grondmijnen tot het bergen van een zwarte doos van een in zee gestort Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 vliegtuig. In de internationale duikoefening ‘Deep Divex 2008’, die van 16 t/m 28 november op Curaçao plaatsvindt, komen al deze elementen aan bod. Eind vorige eeuw verschoof de dreiging die uitgaat van bodemmijnen naar een grotere diepte. Hierdoor ontstond in 1996 de behoefte om dieper te kunnen duiken dan 55 meter, de tot dan toe maximaal haalbare diepte. Met de invoer van de SIVA+ duikuitrusting in 1997 ging deze wens in vervulling. De set stelt duikers in staat om tot 81 meter af te zakken. Hierbij wordt gebruik gemaakt van een speciaal mengsel van zuurstof en helium, Heliox genaamd. Ook is de duikset volledig a-magnetisch en geluidloos. Cruciaal bij het ruimen van mijnen die reageren op geluid en magnetische storingen. Vanaf dat jaar beoefenen marineduikers uit Europa, Canada en de Verenigde Staten dan ook jaarlijks samen diverse duikscenario’s en procedures tijdens de ‘Deep Divex’. Aan de ‘Deep Divex 2008’, die onder leiding staat van de Duik- en Demonteergroep van de Koninklijke Marine, nemen duikteams uit Noorwegen, de Verenigde Staten, Italië, Estland, Portugal, Finland en Nederland deel. Kroatië is aanwezig met waarnemers. In de oefening krijgen de internationale teams te maken met diverse scenario’s. Zo moeten de duikers grond- en contactmijnen ruimen in het kader van de ‘mine counter measure’ taak. Krijgen ze te maken met een ‘sub sunk’ scenario, waarin ze hulp moeten bieden aan de overlevenden in een gezonken onderzeeboot. Maar ook het bergen van stoffelijke resten en het onder water onschadelijk maken van zogenoemde ‘improvised explosive devices’ (IED’s) maken deel uit van de oefening. Daarnaast beoefenen de duikers verschillende duik-, decompressie- en noodprocedures. Het ondersteuningsvaartuig van de Koninklijke Marine in het Caraïbisch Gebied, Hr.Ms. Pelikaan, is voor de periode van de oefening omgebouwd tot duikplatform, met onder meer twee decompressietanks aan boord. De bootgroep Curaçao ondersteunt de oefening met Boston Whalers.
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Australian navy orders two-month Christmas stand-down
Australia's navy has ordered a two-month stand-down over the Christmas period, deputy chief Rear Admiral Davyd Thomas said Tuesday as he stressed it was not a matter of "shutting down" ships. The navy said the move -- which will see sailors who might otherwise have been at sea for exercises spend Christmas at home -- would not impact on national security or the defence force's ability to respond to emergencies. Thomas said 500 personnel would remain on active duty over December and January but that some 1,600 sailors would be able to take extended leave. "It is not a matter of shutting down a ship. I would rather call it a reduced activity period. It is, basically, a leave period where people can get the opportunity to take some leave," he told reporters. Thomas said the service would normally allow a one-month break over the holiday season and that this year it would be extended to two. Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon had earlier said that the stand-down was part of a strategy to recruit and retain sailors. "These people have been facing...an extended period of (high) operational tempo, and it's just a way of saying thank you and encouraging them to stay in the service, rather than leave," he said. Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 "We can invest billions in capability, warships and fast jets... but they're not much use to us if we don't have the people to man them," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. But Rear Admiral Thomas said the move was not specifically in response to the navy's staffing shortages. "Having said that, we have got issues with recruiting," he said. The government has said that falling recruitment and the difficulty of retaining staff in the face of competition from better-paid jobs such as those in the mining sector are the biggest challenges facing the defence force. Fitzgibbon said the Australian Defence Force was looking at "family-friendly policies" which could encourage workers to remain in the military. "For example, I don't see why a lot of female members of the services, in particular the navy, couldn't be doing some of their work from home if their family circumstances demand it," he said. The minister said he hoped to be able to announce new initiatives designed to improve recruitment and retention in early 2009.
The BUGSIER 20 and FAIRPLAY 30 seen moored in IJmuiden Photo : Rene Sehr ©
Boskalis verwerft resterende 50% aandelen in Dragamex, Mexico
Koninklijke Boskalis Westminster nv maakt bekend dat zij de resterende 50% aandelen in de Mexicaanse deelneming Dragamex heeft overgenomen. De overname wordt geëffectueerd per medio november 2008. Boskalis is sinds de liberalisering van de Mexicaanse baggermarkt in 1993 aanwezig in Mexico, toen zij samen met haar lokale partner een groot gedeelte van de geprivatiseerde staatsbaggervloot overnam. Mexico is een van de thuismarkten van Boskalis, met een continue aanwezigheid van circa 500 medewerkers en een lokale vloot, bestaande uit 7 kleine tot middelgrote hoppers, 6 snijkopzuigers, twee kranen, diverse bakken en tal van hulpmaterieel. In de afgelopen vijftien jaar is Dragamex uitgebouwd tot de marktleider in de Mexicaanse baggermarkt, en zijn vele tientallen onderhouds- en havenwerken uitgevoerd.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 Voor de komende jaren wordt verwacht dat de Mexicaanse markt fors zal groeien onder invloed van een ambitieus investeringsplan van de Mexicaanse overheid. Boskalis verwacht hiervan te kunnen profiteren met haar lokale aanwezigheid en ruime ervaring op de Mexicaanse markt. Bron: Boskalis
French supersize vessel makes maiden call
WESTPORTS Malaysia Sdn Bhd recently welcomed CMA CGM Vela, the latest supersize container ship belonging to French shipping company CMA CGM.
The ship, which has 11,000 20-ft equivalent unit (TEU) capacity, made its maiden call at Westport as part of its FAL 1 service route between the Far East and Europe. At 346.5 metres long and 45.2 metres wide, it is the biggest container vessel to call at Port Klang to date. CMA CGM is the world’s third largest container shipping group and has made Westport its transhipment hub for SouthEast Asia, with throughput expected to reach two million TEUs this year. CMA CGM ANL Malaysia managing director Simon Whitelaw said in a statement that the arrival of CMA CGM Vela showed the continued confidence the company had in growing its services and volume at Westports. “We chose Westports to handle our increasing volume and bigger vessels because we believe the port is now among the most productive hub in the world,” he said. Westports executive director Ruben Emir Gnanalingam said the arrival of the container ship was a memorable occasion for both Westports and Port Klang. “The achievement by CMA CGM shows that main line operators continue to demonstrate their confidence in Malaysia, especially Westports, which continues to achieve double-digit growth,” he said. Source : The Star
Shipbreaking set for healthy turnaround amidst gloom Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 Amidst the all pervading recessionary trends, at least one segment of maritime industry is jubilant. Shipbreaking industry, Indian or global, is up and going and is expected to post a remarkable turnaround this fiscal. The turnaround is more pronounced in the case of India, where it had been in doldrums during the last couple of years. However, the local industry that beached 0.5 mn LDT last year is expected to cross 1.5 mn LDT during the current year. During the first 6 months of current year and as on October 31, India has bleached a total of 88 ships as against 51 ships for the same period last year. Tonnage wise, it accounts for 4,94,230.17 LDT as against 2,68,260.58 LDT for the same period. According to reports, all major ship breaking centers across the world are reporting sales and demolition activities are expected to accelerate sharply. For example, Clarksons' weekly report says about 7.5 mn dwt already been scrapped so far in 2008, compared with 4.8 mn dwt in 2007 and 7.4 mn dwt in 2006. What is bad news for ship owners, carriers and charterers in falling freight rates is turning out to be good news for shipbreakers by way of availability of more and more ships for scrapping, said a Mumbai-based smalltime shipbreaker. Older ships, built in the '70s and '80s, are going to breakers' yards in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. For the first time since 2006 a capsize vessel was also reportedly sold for scrap. Large number of containerships are being scrapped for the first time in almost five years as ocean carriers and shipowners reduce capacity in the face of collapsing freight and charter rates. With bulk freight rates drifting below operating costs, scrapping became an economical option for owners who kept ageing tonnage operating past the normal use-by date during the shipping boom. The slump in rates is now expected to lead to a rush of more dry tonnage to the scrap beaches. According to experts, excessive scrapping will see the global bulk carrier fleet of nearly 7,000 significantly contract in 2009 and 2010. "So far this year we have nearly touched last year's figure of half a million LDT. My projection for this year is that we will cross 1.5 mn LDT," said Pravin Nagarsheth, president of Indian Scrap and Shipbreakers Association. "Till September the industry was suffering losses. With prices substantially lower there is bright future for the industry," said another shipbreaker. During 2005-06 and 2006-07 world demolition was about 20%. Lot of aged vessels were used to be operational to take advantage of the raging freight rates. But with the declining rates, more and more ships are turning for the yards. "During the 2008-09and 2009-2010 there could be substantial flow of ships," said Mr Nagarsheth. The reduction in valuation of ships is also helping the ship breaking industry. From $750 per tonne rate, ships are being sold at rates as low as $250 per tonne. Source : Times of India
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Panamaxes push Dry Index upwards step-by-step
One thing seems certain these days of recession; the Baltic Dry Index (BDI), the index tracking the freight rates for transporting coal and iron ore by sea will take a long time to recover to high levels. After finally ending its frenetic slump from the middle of September and until two weeks ago, the index has stabilized posting marginal gains or losses for most sessions of the previous week. It ended at 841 points. But, a welcome relief came from the Panamax index, which made a noteworthy recovery, increasing by 117 points of 14 percent during the previous week, now trading at 953 points. But, the benchmark index for the industry, the one tracking capesizes demand and freight rates kept on falling, ending the week at 1,016 points and is poised to drop below the 1,000 points level even as you are reading this article. With the market at these levels, cash-rich ship owners are on the hunt for bargains, mainly in the second hand market. Weberseas’ latest report said that “following last week's sales/benchmarks, there has been a huge increase in the enquiries and ongoing inspections this week from buyers all over the world who appear fully prepared to buy vessels at prices in line with these recent sales. It is true that the recent sales of Supramax and Panamax tonnage represent huge declines in asset values (by as much as 70%)”. As the S&P market tries to find its balance, some things are worth mentioning. According to Weberseas, there is a large number of buyers, waiting for prices to correct by a further 10-20 percent or even more, before considering going ahead with purchases. But on the other hand, the broker’s report suggested that “the vast majority of Sellers are not prepared to sell their tonnage at current levels which were set during the last couple of weeks and hold on (at least for the time being) until they see some improvement in the freight market”. The above could be translated as if demand is higher than supply, which could mean that prices should be increased. But, unless an significant improvement takes place in the freight market, such a development is unrealistic. Weberseas also strongly advised that interested owners should start inspecting tonnage. Soon, we may also see some newbuilding re-sale contracts, but in a reverse of the trend witnessed during the previous couple of years, when owners would pay hefty premiums to buy contracts for ships nearing their exit from the shipyard. This time around the case could be that in-debt owners would opt to sell their contracted tonnage at lower prices, in order to avoid bankruptcy, or go for another strategy in the market, possibly with secondhand and cheaper vessels. They could also use this method in order to cut their losses, since if they receive the expensive vessels ordered they could end up with assets not earning money, with the market at these levels. Source : Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News
The GREAT SUMMIT seen in Timaru port (New Zealand) Photo : Simon Brown © Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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Swiber's 3Q Revenue Surges 186.5%
Swiber has reported earnings of US $18.2 million on the back of a 186.5% surge in revenue to US $130.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2008 (3MFY08). The Group's growth during the quarter was underpinned by continued buoyant demand for its services in offshore construction sector. With the latest quarter results, revenue of the Group for the nine months ended September 30 (9MFY08) swelled to US $325.5 million, a 261.3% increase as compared to US $90.1 million a year ago. Correspondingly, Swiber's year to date earnings rose 72.1% to US $50.8 million, from US $29.5 million previously. For 9MFY08, earnings per share was boosted to 11.12 US cents, from 7.69 US cents a year ago, based on 424,236,697 and 358,828,022 weighted average ordinary shares in issue, respectively. Net asset value per share rose to 52.28 US cents as at September 30, 2008, compared to 41.68 US cents as at December 31, 2007. Commenting on Swiber's 3QFY08 performance, Executive Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer, Raymond Goh, said, "Despite the current economic uncertainties brought on by the global financial crisis, Swiber continued to see firm demand for our offshore services. Our strong 3rd quarter was pegged to the successful completions of a higher number of offshore transportation and installation projects in our key markets of Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and India. These included, amongst others, the Mampak platform installation for Brunei Shell, which is part of our landmark US $146.6 million contract win." In tandem with revenue growth, Swiber's gross profit soared 68.4% in 3QFY08 to US $26.0 million as compared to US $15.5 million in 3QFY07. However, the bottomline of the Group was trimmed by lower operating income and higher administrative and finance costs. Other operating income declined 38.8% to S$6.8 million from a reduction in vessel disposals gains and a US $2.0 million negative goodwill from the acquisition of Kreuz Shipbuilding and Engineering Pte Ltd (formerly known as North Shipyard (Pte) Ltd) that was written off in 3QFY07. Administrative expenses rose 85.9% to US $10.1 million, largely in line with the Group's expansion in business activities and headcount during the quarter. At the same time, finance costs rose 215.1% to US $2.9 million from an increase in bond and bank loans. Said Goh, "Swiber is in a healthy financial position with a very manageable net debt to equity ratio of 1.04 times as at 30 September 2008. In addition, we have a cash pile of US $58.0 million and generated operating cash flows of US $19.0 million for 3QFY08." Addressing the financing for Swiber's planned 19 vessels purchases by 2010, he added, "Our committed outstanding capex for these vessels, excluding the Equatorial Driller, add up to US$336 million. This amount is fully matched by various sources of funding that include sale and leaseback arrangements, secured bank loans and disposals of our vessels." The impact of the financial crisis has transcended every major economy in the world, giving rise to a softening in oil prices, a tight credit situation and a slowdown in economic growth on a global scale. Notwithstanding the challenging environment, Swiber is confident that the long-term fundamentals and outlook of the offshore industry remain positive. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in its latest World Energy Outlook 2008, massive investment of more than US $26 trillion will be needed over the next 20 years to ensurethat the world has enough energy. Indeed, world energy demand is expected to grow by 1.6% per year on average or 45% in total, with China and India accounting for over half the increase1. In a separate report, Saudi Arabia, which has the world's largest proved Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 reserves of oil, is also implementing large-scale energy projects to boost production and refining capacity. The country has pledged to spend to some US $250 billion on energy by 2012 including raising oil output to 12.5 million barrels a day by next year and increasing refining capacity by 50%2. The Group is slowing its expansion plans into deep water offshore projects, including deferring the construction of its deep water drillship, the Equatorial Driller, and is aggressively targeting shallow water projects in Asia Pacific and the Middle East instead. To this end, it has formed strategic alliances with key offshore players to penetrate markets in these regions. Such alliances include joint ventures with CUEL in Thailand, PetroVietnam Construction (PVC) in Vietnam and most recently, Rawabi Holding in Saudi Arabia. In a move to further lighten its balance sheet, Swiber is also embarking on a new assets transfer strategy with its joint venture partners. "By aligning ourselves with strong local partners and tapping on their network, we stand to win market share in shallow water projects in our target markets rapidly. In addition, such alliances give us an opportunity to reduce our gearing through the transfer and co-ownership of assets with our partners," said Goh. The Group is also exploring business opportunities in the offshore windpower sector and intends to extend its current services and capabilities to companies in this sector at a suitable time. Commented Goh, "We believe that our present capabilities in the offshore oil and gas sector can be easily exported to the offshore wind energy sector, and more importantly, it can be done without major capex investments." As at September 30, 2008, Swiber is sitting on a robust order book of US $607 million. This compared to less than US $180 million a year ago and US $664 million as at June 30, 2008. "Despite current economic climate, our order book remains strong at US $607 million as at September 30, 2008. Nevertheless, moving into the 4th quarter of 2008 and FY2009, Swiber will be taking a vigilant and cautious stance in conducting our business. No new capex is anticipated in the near term," concluded Goh. Source : RigZone
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Ports of Auckland workers to strike in fortnight Ports of Auckland workers will walk off the job in two weeks time. The Maritime Union has rejected an offer by the company for a paid stop-work meeting today to negotiate pay and conditions.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 Ports of Auckland say any strike action will be extremely concerning for the entire Auckland region. But Auckland union president Denis Carlisle says that is just "management gobbledegook". He says the company is only concerned about profit. Mr Carlisle says workers will strike for 23 hours, unless Ports of Auckland fronts up to a meeting with all union members. He says there are more than 300 union members in Auckland and most of them are expected to strike. Source : NZHerald
Above seen the covered loading bays for supply vessels / crewboats in Port Fourchon Photo : Ronald Krijgsman ©
Zim line to resurrect Asia-Europe service Zim Integrated Shipping Services (Zim) is planning to bring back its Asia-North Europe service in late 2009 with eight 10,000 TEU vessels, a move many shipping line executives believe is unprecedented. The new service will be launched just a year after the ending of Zim's Asia-Europe East-West Express (EWX), which is operated with nine 4,250 TEU vessels but will be withdrawn in favour of an enlarged slot deal with China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL) on the same route. Commenting on the new service, Zim president and chief executive officer Doron Goder said: "The plans are to launch it as a fully independent service, but the exact timing of its inauguration would depend on market conditions.'' While no start date has been confirmed, the new service is expected to take off in the fourth quarter of 2009, when the present market slump is expected to reach its lowest trough. While Zim and CSCL presently have a series of slot exchange agreements in place on both the Asia-Europe and AsiaUS East Coast trades, CSCL "will not be involved as a vessel deployer or slot purchaser in the new service," said Goder. Zim will end its EWX service in mid-December when the last of the 4,250 TEU vessels are switched to the Asia-US East Coast trade and the newly-upgraded Asia Gulf Express. When Zim first confirmed the ending of the EWX service, the line increased its slot allocation on CSCL's Asia-Europe Express 1 (AEX1). It will retain that slot allocation, but the status might change as the new AEX2 service phases in. Zim's newbuilding order book is one of the most extensive in the industry for vessels in the 10,000 TEU league. Eight vessels of 10,070 TEU capacity are on order at Hyundai with a delivery timetable that runs over June 2009/May 2010. In addition, a batch of 8,200 TEU vessels are on order, which it is presumed will be deployed on the transpacific trade. With the downturn in the Asia-Europe trade and the likelihood of a reversal seemingly out of the question in the short term, Zim's ambitious new service programme is certain to make many sit up and take note that at least one line is bold enough to think positively about the future. As one executive pointed out: "It seems a strange move to make, particularly when lines right now are cutting back on capacity and sailings on the Asia-Europe trade. "Obviously, Zim is positioning itself for the long term and is prepared to take a loss in the initial stages of this new service in the belief that the market will swing back at some later stage." Source: cargonewsasia
Svitzer Tugs due for repaint in bell bay Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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The (Australian) Svitzer tug Hastings seen being repainted Photo : Ian Baker ©
Heritage Cruise MS Ocean Odyssey sets sail in Mauritius
MS Ocean Odyssey, the 4 star heritage cruise lines, from Indian Ocean Cruises, is all set to begin its journey in the pristine, virgin land of Mauritius, beginning this December. Announcing this at the World Travel Mart, London, Mr. Sanjeev Goswami, Joint Managing Director of Foresight Smart Ventures said, “MS Ocean Odyssey refurbished on the theme of colonial heritage undoubtedly will take our passengers through a journey of heritage and mix of culture on the islands of Indian Ocean”. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Karl Motoosamy, Director, Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority, said “We are glad that the launch of MS Ocean Odyssey will bind the islands of Indian Ocean on the theme of their historical evolution. Mauritius known as the “star and the key of the Indian Ocean” will now become the starting point of this wonderful journey adding value to the customer offerings.” Mr. Utsav Seth, Managing Director, Foresight Smart Ventures said “We have invested over US$30 million to develop our Cruise offering in the Indian Ocean and have aggressive plans for next 5 years to establish world class cruises in the Indian Ocean”. The heritage cruise liner with maximum of 200 passengers on board will offer a highly personalized service and ultimate comfort at affordable prices, and will help discover the new facets of the Indian Ocean. On-board facilities include a four-star restaurant offering a range of local and international cuisine, observation lounge and bar, coffee bar, gymnasium and fitness centre, sauna and spa, sun-deck, casino, library and medical clinic, along with a wide variety of international entertainment. A range of itineraries, all based from Port Louis will be offered, focused on exciting journey in the pristine waters of Indian Ocean to Reunion, Rodrigues, and Madagascar. With this range of programs, the vanilla itinerary will bring in a magical appeal to the island and add value to the offerings of Mauritius products in the Indian Ocean Source : Travel Daily News
Norway to lose half of the ferry routes Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 Half of the ferry routes to and from Norway, seven of 14 services, have or will be closed down in 2008. The development is partly explained by the low fares airlines’ growing market share and the over capacity in the ferry market. “This is a European trend that is now coming to Norway”, says Arne Rident, scientist at Transportøkonomisk Institutt in Norway, to the newspaper Bergens Tidende. Bergen is mostly affected as three of four services have been or will be closed down. Recently the Faroese shipping company Smyril Line announced that the weekly sailings between Torshavn and Bergen will be laid down in the beginning of 2009 due to the company’s financial situation. Source: shipgaz
In de expositie “De Smit-Lloyd story” en het gelijknamige boek kunt u in het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum te Maassluis alles over de bevoorradingsvaart onder Nederlandse vlag te weten komen. Het museum is iedere dag geopend van 14.00 tot 17.00 uur, behalve op maandag, eerste Kerstdag en Nieuwjaarsdag.
The CYCLADES seen moored in Rotterdam-Europoort Photo : Rik van Marle ©
Larsen & Tubro, Belgian co in talks to build a new port Larsen & Tubro (L&T), the country’s largest engineering company, is engaged in talks with Europe’s second-largest port Antwerp Port Authority to establish a greenfield port in the west coast of the country. The venture will initially invest Rs 2,000 crore into the port, which will be spread across 4,000 acres and cater to auto and auto component manufacturers. According to sources close to the development, while L&T will retain a majority stake in the venture, Belgium-based Antwerp Port will pick up 26% and the remaining equity may be sold to investors. Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS), a leading infrastructure development and finance company, is reportedly interested in picking up a minority stake. It will take some months for the equity structure to be finalised, after which the venture will look for land in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide Page 24 11/19/2008
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 307 When contacted, an Antwerp Port official admitted that a port may be set up in India along with a joint venture (JV) partner. “Discussions are in progress and L&T seems to be the most possible partner. A final decision may take a couple of months. The port operations will be outsourced under a revenue sharing arrangement”, he said. An L&T spokesperson declined to comment on the matter. The $7-billion company is concentrating on ship building and port businesses to negate the global downturn, which is expected to have a cascading effect on the infrastructure industry, L&T’s mainstay. The JV will be Antwerp Port’s first greenfield project in many years. The Belgium-based company’s existing port, which is perhaps Europe’s oldest, was established some centuries ago. A top official of Antwerp Port told ET, ”The proposed JV is based on the flourishing cargo flow between India and Antwerp. India’s current cargo flow is important to Europe. India will play a more important role in globalisation. The continued growth in the international shipping trade demands the development of additional port capacity in the country.” A Mumbai-based shipping analyst said that major European ports are looking at business from India to offset the slowdown in cargo flows from other regions. L&T is currently setting up an Rs 3,000 crore integrated ship building and port facility north of Chennai. The project is expected to be completed in two years. With Antwerp Port allowing the use of its Belgium facilities for an entry into the pan Europen market, the Indian exporters will be able to tap the European market directly, according to the analyst. India has 12 major ports and 187 non-major ports, handling more than 90% of its foreign trading activity. The major ports have an annual capacity of 508 million tonnes. Source: economictimes.indiatimes
Green Pulling Power
A maritime service company based in Seattle, Washington, has set out to prove that the old workhorse of the sea — the tugboat — can be mighty without leaving behind a mighty carbon footprint. Foss Maritime Company is currently building what the Los Angeles Times has dubbed “the Prius of tugboats.” Under construction at a factory in Rainier, Oregon, the low-emission Hybrid Tug is expected to begin service at California’s San Pedro Harbor early next year. Built with the same dynamic positioning thruster technology that helps keep deep-water oil rigs in place, the Hybrid Tug will produce far less nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide and particulate pollution than a regular tug, according to Foss. It’s also much quieter than most tugs, so noise pollution goes down too. The design has already won the attention of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which this year gave it a Clean Air Excellence Award for Clean Air Technology. Foss is also hoping its Hybrid Tug will receive Lloyd’s Register North America’s Green Passport certification. If so, the vessel would become the first tugboat in North America to have that designation. The Hybrid Tug needn’t be lonely for long, though: Foss says the technology can be used to adapt existing tugboats for cleaner and more fuel-efficient operations as well. Considering the standard tugboat is an energy wastrel — spending half its time idling and running on full power just 7 percent of the time — the faster, the better, Greenbang says. Source : ShipTalk
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The VIOLETTA seen departing from Rotterdam Photo : Fred Vloo ©
The SAIPEM 3000 seen off the Nigerian coast Photo : Harm Jongman ©
BOEKBESPREKING Distribution : daily 5375+ copies worldwide
Door : Frank NEYTS Page 26
“De prijs”. Bij Uitgeverij De Alk uit Alkmaar verscheen onlangs de maritieme roman “De prijs”, geschreven door Theo Horsten. “De Prijs is het meeslepende verhaal van één van de twaalfduizend mannen van de Nederlandse Koopvaardij die tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog buitengaats waren en in geallieerde dienst voeren en vochten. Jan Verduyn is stuurman ter koopvaardij en bijna 36 jaar oud als hij in oktober 1939 de deur uitgaat voor een normale reis van zeven maanden. Hij is op de thuisreis als Nederland bij de oorlog betrokken raakt en in plaats van zeven maanden zal het zes jaar duren voordat hij weer terugkeert bij zijn vrouw en zoon. Het is echter veel meer dan een verhaal over die zes jaar. Het verhaal strekt zich uit over een periode van 55 jaar met de Tweede Wereldoorlog en de oorlog ter zee als hoogtepunt. “De prijs” is een roman over de zeevaart met kenmerken van een psychologische roman, een avonturenroman en een historische roman. Absoluut het lezen waard! Theo Horsten was meer dan veertig jaar werkzaam in en om de scheepvaart, zowel varend als aan de wal. Van zijn hand verschenen eerder twee boeken. “De prijs” (ISBN 978 906013 303 3) telt 480 pagina’s en werd als softback op een handig formaat uitgegeven. Het boek kost 19.95 euro. Aankopen kan via de boekhandel, of rechtstreeks bij Uitgeveij De Alk, Koedijkerstraat 39, 1823 CR Alkmaar. Tel. +31(0)72.511.39.65, Fax +31(0)72.512.99.89, E-mail:
[email protected].
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