Number 138** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Sunday 06-08-2006 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.
VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl
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The JEWEL OF THE SEAS seen departing from the port of Amsterdam Photo : Joop Marechal ©
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SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail:
[email protected]
The KWINTEBANK seen at the Noordzee Canal approaching the IJmuiden locks Photo : Paul Kroonenburg - Prinsendam ©
Westerschelde blijft racebaan door Frank van Cooten Zeeschepen varen nog steeds te hard op de Westerschelde. Twee recente voorvallen getuigen daarvan. De Zeeuwse waterpolitie begint daarom met Belgische hulp onderzoeken naar hinderlijke waterbewegingen van de twee betrokken zeeschepen op de Westerschelde. De voorvallen vonden plaats op 25 en 29 juli. In beide gevallen zijn binnenvaartschepen in de problemen gekomen door hinderlijke vaarbewegingen van zeeschepen. Onderzocht wordt of de kapiteins en de loodsen van de zeeschepen strafrechtelijk vervolgd kunnen worden. Hun wordt het in gevaar brengen van de algemene veiligheid van personen of goederen ten laste gelegd. Tegen de kapiteins en de loodsen wordt proces-verbaal opgemaakt. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 Probleem is volgens woordvoerder E. Kraszewski van het korps landelijke politiediensten dat hinderlijke vaarbewegingen op de Westerschelde volgens het reglement Westerschelde niet strafbaar zijn. Dat is wel het geval op wateren als de Oosterschelde en het Schelde-Rijnkanaal. „Als politie zien we uiteraard graag dat hinderlijke vaarbewegingen ook op de Westerschelde strafbaar worden. Nu dat nog steeds niet het geval is, wijken we daarom uit naar het wetboek van strafrecht. Dat is heftig, want hierdoor is sprake van een misdrijf. Wij moeten nu zien te bewijzen of er inderdaad sprake is van een misdrijf. Daarom zijn we met het onderzoek gestart. Dit komt hoogst zelden voor maar gezien de ernst van de zaak nemen we dit serieus.“ Een gedeeltelijk met tarwe beladen binnenvaartschip werd maandag 25 juli tussen Terneuzen en Hansweert voorbijgelopen door een zeeschip. Het zeeschip veroorzaakte hierbij een zodanige golfslag dat het water de woning van het binnenvaartschip binnendrong. Het veroorzaakte ernstige waterschade in woning en stuurhut. Ook de auto op het achterdek stond tot aan de bumpers in het water. Doordat het water ook het laadruim binnendrong werd de tarwe nat en kan slechts als veevoer worden gebruikt. De schade bedraagt 16.800 euro. Tot overmaat van ramp viel de motor uit en was de schipper genoodzaakt in het hoofdvaarwater ten anker te gaan. De geschrokken schipper en zijn bemanning zijn door een collega naar Terneuzen gesleept. Op 29 juli voeren drie binnenschepen de Oostsluis van Terneuzen binnen op het moment dat een zeeschip op de Westerschelde de havens van Terneuzen passeerde. Door de golfslag en zuiging die het schip veroorzaakte kwamen de binnenvarende schepen in de problemen. Door het waterniveauverschil van veertig centimeter brak de voortros van een als eerste vastgemaakte duwcombinatie. De stuurman die op het voorschip aan het werk was zag de tros met grote snelheid rakelings langs zijn hoofd vliegen. Het gebroken uiteinde van de tros kwam dertig meter verder in het ruim terecht. In verband met de ernst van de voorvallen heeft de waterpolitie na overleg met het Openbaar Ministerie in Middelburg en via een verzoek om rechtshulp bij de Belgische justitie in Antwerpen beide kapiteins van de zeeschepen gehoord. De schepen liggen momenteel in Antwerpen. Daarom was toestemming nodig van de Belgische justitie om in Antwerpen aan boord te gaan van de zeeschepen. Beide loodsen waren niet meer aan boord en worden later gehoord.
The FAIRPLAY XIV arrived with the newbuilding hull FRISIAN SPRING in the port of IJmuiden Photo : Joop Marechal © PSi-Daily Shipping News
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SAFMARINE AGULHAS TO BE REMOVED The owner and liability insurer of container carrier Safmarine Agulhas which broke up last Saturday off the coast of South Africa are working to a tight timetable to organise its removal. Salvage companies have until next Wednesday (Aug 9) to tender for the contract to clear the vessel, which ran aground at the end of June as it left East London for Durban. After several failed attempts to refloat the vessel, the South African authorities decided last Friday that the vessel was a wreck and ordered it to be cleared as it was becoming a risk to navigation. Hull and machinery insurers have since declared the Safmarine Agulhas to be a constructive total loss. The vessel is insured in the German and London markets, which have 50% each. The risk is led by Bremen company Lampe & Schwartze together with Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty, the industrial and marine insurance arm of the German insurer Allianz. German market sources estimate that the loss amounts to around Euro27m (US$31.5m) in total. Liability cover is provided by Gard P&I club. The vessel is owned by a German single ship company in which manager F.A. Vinnen has a shareholding and was offered to the capital markets in co-operation with Hansa Treuhand of Hamburg. F.A. Vinnen would not confirm the insured value but said yesterday that the amount would enable any remaining bank loans to be repaid and investors to be adequately compensated.
The ongoing cargo & wreck removal by Wijsmuller Salvage of the CP VALOUR at the Azores island Faial. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 The removal operation of the cargo is continuing as about 150 containers still on board. Reported that about 370 containers already discharged from the vessel and a some of them are being transported to Lisbon. Present container discharge rate about 4/6 containers per day they expect to conclude all the containers removal operation by the end of August. Vessel still grounded Praia da Faja at the north coast of Faial-Island.
ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail :
[email protected]
Ships Parade Through Seattle for Seafair
USS Cleveland (LPD 7), USS Milius (DDG 69) and USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93) participated in Seattle Seafair’s “Parade of Ships” Aug. 2, which marks the beginning of Seafair’s Fleet Week. During the parade, Sailors and embarkees were treated to a fly-over by the U.S. Navy’s own Blue Angels. The team's formation of six F/A-18 Hornets flew over the ships at high speed and performed aviation maneuvers overhead. Like many parades, there were dignitaries present to watch as the ships went by. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Mike Mullen was a spectator as the ships passed his location. Service members rendered honors as they manned the rails. “It’s a tradition to render honors in the U.S. Navy,” said Information Systems Technician 2nd Class (SW) James Kenney aboard Cleveland. “It’s about showing respect to the CNO, but [also] to all former CNOs and people who have defended the country.” While the ships were at sea, the embarkees were treated to tours. Aboard Milius, guests visited the Combat Information Center, the ship’s pilot house, the crew's galley and the underway replenishment station. “Every year we plan our vacation around Seafair, because we enjoy the ships, Sailors and the hard work they do,” said Dave Gahris of Bellevue, Ohio. “Last year, we missed it by a week, so we made sure we didn’t miss it this year. It was great to see the ships in a parade.” For one Sailor, the Seafair Parade of Ships was an opportunity to mix his home life with his professional one. “It’s pretty cool to come back home and enjoy my first ever Seafair,” said Electronics Technician 2nd Class (SW) Scott Shaw of Milius, a Seattle native. “It’s extra special because I got to bring my motherin-law and my wife on board for the Parade of Ships.” The parade was also a chance to relive history for Richard DeCuir of Mukilteo, Wash. He served with Capt. Paul Milius, for which Milius is named after. “I think it is important that everyone understand more about why we need the U.S. Navy,” said DeCuir. “If it wasn’t for the U.S. Navy, there wouldn’t be freedom of the seas."
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 >> RENERGI added to the fuel, changes the structure of the hydrocarbons within the fuel. >> RENERGI will increase the efficiency of the combustion process.
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RENERGI will effectively lead to: > Reduced fuel consumption. > Cleaner turbochargers exhaust gas boilers and engines. > Extended maintenance intervals and reduced consumption of spare parts. > Lower emissions and substantially cleaner exhaust gasses. > Easy and simple dosing system.
WESTMARK bv Postbox 1082 3920 EB Woudenberg The Netherlands Tel + 31 (0)33 461 4844 Fax + 31 (0)33 461 2461 E-Mail :
[email protected]
The new police patrol vessel P-5 seen fitting out at the De HAAS Shipyard in Maassluis Photo : Jan Steehouwer ©
Chicago Bridge buys shipyard PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 Chicago Bridge & Iron Company has bought the former Bethlehem Steel, Beaumont, Texas, shipyard from Trinity Industries. It is expected to use the site for projects that include a just announced $1 billion LNG terminal contract. Commercial Property News reports that the shipyard has 400,000-square-feet of manufacturing facilities, about 12,000 to 13,000-lineal feet of rail and four major docks with 3,000 feet of dock space, most of it with drafts from 20 to 40 feet, Trinity bought the yard in the late 1980's and had been using it for railroad tank car manufacture. Trinity acquired the property using it for the manufacture of railroad tank cars. CB&I is a global engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) company. Today Golden Pass LNG LLC today announced that it had awarded a lump-sum turnkey contract to CB&I for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal to be built near Sabine Pass, Texas. CB&I's work scope includes the engineering, procurement and construction of facilities with the capacity to process 15.6 million tons per year (MTA) of LNG, which is the equivalent of approximately 2 billion cubic feet of natural gas a day. The scope of the project includes the construction of two ship unloading berths, five full-containment storage tanks, vaporization facilities, gas send-out and ship unloading systems. The contract potentially entails in excess of $1 billion, and is expected to provide a peak employment of more than 1,000 construction workers. The project is expected to provide job opportunities to locally-based subcontractors, suppliers and laborers. Golden Pass LNG LLC, the owner of the Golden Pass LNG terminal, is expected to be 70 percent owned by an affiliate of Qatar Petroleum, with affiliates of ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips each owning a share in the balance of the interest in the terminal. It is also expected that LNG for the Golden Pass terminal will be supplied primarily from the Ras Laffan 3 and the Qatargas 3 projects in Qatar, which will produce and process natural gas from Qatar's offshore North Field.
Norfolk shipyard gets $995,000 contract to clean out Savannah Colonna's Shipyard in Norfolk won a $995,000 contract Thursday to repair and spruce up the Savannah, a famous maritime relic and a national historic landmark, anchored for years in the James River Reserve Fleet. Photo : JOHN H. SHEALLY II The sleek white behemoth, launched in 1962 as the world's first nuclear-powered cargo and passenger ship, will be towed to Colonna's on Aug. 15 for much-needed maintenance. The work is the first step in a larger government plan to remove the inactive nuclear reactor, scrub all remnant radiation, and prepare the ship for a new mission. "Without a doubt, the Savannah, with all its history, would be the most likely candidate for a successful museum," said Shannon Russell, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Maritime Administration, a federal agency that announced the contract with Colonna's. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 7 8/6/2006
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 The Maritime Administration is the government caretaker of the James River Reserve Fleet, nicknamed the "ghost fleet," consisting of obsolete ships dating to World War II. The Savannah arrived at the fleet near Newport News in 1994, following a stint at a maritime museum in Charleston, S.C. No nuclear-related work will be done at Colonna's. Instead, crews will sample the thickness of its hull and check for leaks, install a floodlighting system, fix the onboard dehumidifying equipment, remove moldy carpets, and clean the interior. The job will require about 50 workers and should take 60 days to complete, said Richard Sobocinski, vice president of contracts at Colonna's. The Maritime Administration "was very careful to remind us that this is a national historic site and that we need to treat her very carefully," Sobocinski said. Moldy mattresses from state rooms, for example, can be thrown away - but not the bed frames, which must be preserved for future renovation, he said. Lamps must remain in place in the Savannah's topside lounges. With handsome architectural lines like a yacht's, the Savannah was a pet project of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his Atoms for Peace program in the 1950s. It was intended to carry cargo but was largely a showpiece for nuclear propulsion. Its amenities included a swimming pool, a movie theater, a library, an upscale dining room and cocktail lounge, and 30 air-conditioned bedrooms for passengers. It was fast (23 knots maximum ), long (596 feet ) and heavy (22,000 tons, including thick lead encasements for the reactor). The Savannah was laid up in 1972, afflicted by fuel costs and labor problems. Once the vessel leaves the James River later this month, it likely will never return, officials said. After Colonna's, the Savannah next will head for another yard for more preparations and maintenance, then will spend two years at a nuclear-capable shipyard where the reactor core will be decommissioned, Russell said. Contracts for those jobs are pending, she said. Congress first appropriated money for the ship's cleaning and purging in 2005 and has set aside about $5 million for the project to date, Russell said. The Maritime Administration has spent about $3 million of that so far, and more will be needed. The Savannah should be ready for a new home and a new purpose by 2010 or 2011, she said.
New Shipyard Suggested for Kaliningrad RF transport minister Igor Levitin intends to address Sergey Ivanov, minister of defense and chairman of the Maritime Board, and Viktor Khristenko, minister of industry and energy, with a suggestion concerning building a new shipyard in Kaliningrad. According to AK&M, the new facility is supposed to build tankers up to 100,000 dwt. I.Levitin estimated the cost of the project as 12-15 bn rubles, and the payback period as 10 years.
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TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail :
[email protected] Website : www.workships.nl
Overslag Amsterdam groeit fors Havens Amsterdam heeft in de eerste helft van het jaar 18 procent meer lading overgeslagen. Vooral door een forse groei in de overslag van olieproducten, kolen en containers werd er tijdens de eerste zes maanden 43 miljoen ton goederen overgeslagen, 6,5 miljoen ton meer dan in dezelfde periode in 2005. Havens Amsterdam omvat behalve de hoofdstedelijke haven ook die van Beverwijk, Velsen/IJmuiden en Zaanstad. De groei in Amsterdam alleen lag met 20 procent (tot 31 miljoen ton) nog iets hoger. In de groei van 6,5 miljoen ton hebben de olieproducten een aandeel van meer dan eenderde. De overslag van kolen nam met 700.000 ton toe en van containers met 1 miljoen ton. Door de komst van diensten uit het Verre Oosten en Zuid-Amerika steeg het aantal containers naar 135.000 teu.
Photo : Fans Sanderse © The latest addition to the DEME Fleet ( Dredging, Environmental and Marine Engineering ) is the trailing suction dredger MARIEKE, (seen above) , this dredger is built at the IHC Holland Merwede shipyard in Sliedrecht and is having a capacity of 5.600 m3. The MARIEKE is having a length of 95.5 mtr and a beam of 21.6 mtr, the inside diameter of the suction pipe is 1000 and the pipe is located on PS of the vessel, the MARIEKE is able to dredge to a maximum depth of 33 meters, the contents can be dumped by opening the doors in the bottom or pumped ashore over the bow (Rainbowen), onboard is accommodation for 14 persons.
Lichtschip Texel verhaald naar definitieve ligplaats Na de afgelopen jaren te hebben rondgezworven in de wateren van de Oude Rijkswerf Willemsoord, heeft het lichtschip Texel nu een definitieve ligplaats in Museumhaven Willemsoord gekregen. Het schip fungeert daar als een echte blikvanger voor een ieder die over de Binnenhaven en Zuidstraat Den Helder binnenrijdt.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 Met de sleepboten Jutter van Rederij Waterweg en de Dombo Y 8017 van de Stichting Nautische Monumenten Den Helder is het 45 meter lange lichtschip afgelopen woensdagochtend voorzichtig verhaald van haar tijdelijke afmeerplek in het Boerenverdriet naar de definitieve ligplaats in Museumhaven Willemsoord, net achter de pontjesbrug. Woordvoerder Paul Schaap van de Stichting Nautische Monumenten: "Dankzij de hulp van Exploitatie- en Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Willemsoord BV, de beheerder van het werfterrein, hebben wij een ideale ligplaats voor het lichtschip kunnen realiseren. Hier komt het schip, dat de afgelopen jaren door vrijwilligers van de Stichting Historie der Kustverlichting prachtig is gerestaureerd, volledig tot haar recht. Het schip kan uiteraard ook hier door het publiek worden bezocht." Foto SNM. Het lichtschip Texel heeft een nauwe band met Den Helder. Om te beginnen is het op een steenworp afstand van de plek waar het nu is afgemeerd in juli 1950 op stapel gezet en afgebouwd. Verder heeft het vanaf september 1952 op de locatie Texel, zo'n 18 mijl uit de kust, als baken in zee gediend om de scheepvaart te waarschuwen voor aldaar aanwezige, verraderlijke zandbanken. Na 40 jaar trouwe dienst werd het lichtschip in 1992 door DGSM uit dienst gesteld. Het beheer over het schip werd overgenomen door de Gemeente Den Helder, die het vaartuig vanaf 1995 op haar beurt weer als blikvanger op de Oude Rijkswerf Willemsoord stationeerde. "Het weer in de oude staat terugbrengen van het lichtschip werd vervolgens uitbesteed aan de Stichting Historie der Kustverlichting, die hier nu al nu meer dan tien jaar met hart en ziel aan werken", zegt Paul Schaap, die er nog aan toevoegt dat diezelfde ochtend de mijnenveger Hoogeveen de tijdelijke afmeerplek van het lichtschip in het Boerenverdriet heeft ingenomen.
BID FOR SCANDLINES IN AUGUST SSG-GOTEBORG. According to media sources in Denmark, 13 potential buyers had entered the bidding for Danish/German Scandlines at the deadline. Today, 6 or 7 are left in the process. Formal bids are expected by the end of August, after which negotiations will start.
ITALIA MARITTIMA UPGRADES US SERVICE THE Italian subsidiary of Taiwan-based container shipping giant Evergreen, Italia Marittima, is set to upgrade its Mediterranean – US East Coast (MUS) service in a two-stage process that will see larger and faster ships serving the trade. The company says that direct calls will be offered in Turkey while two Taranto calls will provide a connection with Italia’s comprehensive Med feeder network. Six 2,500 TEU vessels will replace the present 1,800TEU vessel fleet. Italia will provide two ships, Ital Oceano and Stadt Wismar, while partners CMA CGM and Gold Star Line are supplying the other four vessels.
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 August will see the addition to the MUS schedule of the Italian hub port of Taranto while Barcelona will replace Valencia as the service’s Spanish call. In September, the three carriers will add the Turkish ports of Istanbul and Izmir to the schedule, thus providing a direct link between Turkey and the US East Coast.
The SAND HERON seen with the pilot tender WULP in the background near Harlingen Photo : Pieter Dekker ©
'World's Largest' Cruise Ship Title Soon To Be Shared Honor In less than a year, Royal Caribbean International's Freedom of the Seas, the cruise ship holding the title "world's largest," will have to share her designation with her new younger sister. With her hull now complete, Liberty of the Seas, under construction at Aker Yards in Turku, Finland, reached an important maritime milestone today when she was "floated out" -- moved from dry dock to wet dock -- for the final months of finishing work leading up to her May 2007 debut. At official ceremonies held at the shipyard, Royal Caribbean executives, Harri Kulovaara, executive vice president, Maritime; Lisa Bauer, senior vice president, Sales; and Alice Norsworthy, senior vice president, Marketing, and Yrjo Julin, president for Aker Yards Cruise and Ferries, assisted by an exclusive group of Royal Caribbean's travel partners, turned the valve releasing 87 million gallons of water into the wet dock area. Freedom of the Seas and Liberty of the Seas will hold the dual title of largest cruise ships at sea, weighing in at 160,000 GRT and holding 3,634 guests double-occupancy. Among new programs and onboard embellishments yet to be announced, amenities on Liberty will include the popular innovations already found on Freedom including the FlowRider® surf simulator; the wet and wild H20 Zone aqua park; cantilevered whirlpools, suspended 112 feet above the ocean; an ice-skating rink; a boxing ring; and the 1,215-square-foot Presidential Family Suite, which sleeps up to 14. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 "We are pleased to announce that Captain Hernan Zini will command the newest addition to Royal Caribbean's fleet, Liberty of the Seas," stated Kulovaara. "Most recently serving as captain of Grandeur of the Seas, Captain Zini brings with him a passion for nautical adventures and appreciation for modern ship engineering and innovation." Kulovaara added, "We created Freedom based on guests' wishes and demands and there are so many things to do, see and experience, that it allows cruisers to escape and have the freedom of choice. It's a terrific time for our brand and we look forward to introducing Liberty of the Seas to returning guests and first-time cruisers." The two ships in Royal Caribbean's new Freedom class, to be joined by a third in 2008, will alternate between 7night Western and Eastern Caribbean itineraries, Liberty departing on Saturdays and Freedom on Sundays from Miami. Both itineraries will bring guests to the Royal Caribbean's private destination, Labadee, Haiti, before returning to Miami. In addition, Liberty's Western Caribbean itinerary calls in Cozumel, Mexico; George Town, Grand Cayman; and Montego Bay, Jamaica; while the Eastern Caribbean itinerary calls in San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Philipsburg, St. Maarten, allowing for a third day at sea to take advantage of all the ship has to offer.
FRONTLINE ORDERS FROM CHINA SSG-ABO. Frontline Ltd. has signed a contract with Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy Industries Group Co. Ltd. in China about delivery of two 153.000 DWT Suezmax newbuildings in November 2008 and February 2009. Frontline has also secured options for further 2 + 2 vessels. According to the owner, the contract price for the newbuildings is in excess of USD 15 million lower than the indicated price level for tonnage delivered in 2006.
BROSTROM BUYS AND SELLS SSG-GOTEBORG. Brostrom has aquired two 37,000-DWT tankers from Rigel Shiffahrt and secured a purchase option for a third by the end of 2007, at the latest. The three vessels "Geestestern", "Leinestern" and the option vaessel "Huntestern", built 2004/2005, are sister vessels to Bro Etienne", "Bro Elliot" and "Bro Edward". Technical management and crewing will remain with Rigel.
The GEESTESTERN – Photo : Frits Janse © Brostrom has also sold the 14,320-DWT "Bro Traveller, built 1988. The vessel will be delivered to its new owner in September and the deal generates a SEK 50 million (EUR 5.4 million) cash surplus and a pre-tax profit of SEK 13 million (EUR 1.4 million).
The World's Largest Pipelay Vessels Meet at Ormen Lange Several of the world's largest pipelay vessels are involved in installing the Ormen Lange project's gas pipelines. At present, two of them are meeting 100 kilometers off the coast of Romsdal in Western Norway, where pipelines are to be laid down the edge of an ancient landslide, as steep as the landing slope of Oslo's ski jump, Holmenkollen. It is Hydro, operator for the development phase of the project, that – with the help of the huge vessels "Solitaire" and "S7000" - is in the process of making new oil and gas history, by carrying out one of the most demanding PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 development projects in the world. Great sea depths, an uneven sea floor and powerful currents, combined with subzero temperatures, extreme wind conditions and enormous waves make Ormen Lange a complicated project. But Hydro and the engineering company Reinertsen have spent several years becoming familiar with the seabed, and finding the optimal pipeline route between underwater peaks and troughs, along the floor of the continental shelf and down the steep, 35 degree incline of the Storegga slide area. The sea floor has been meticulously examined by an unmanned, self-motored submarine, and by remote operated vehicles (ROVs), and the engineers know large areas of the seabed down to every last detail. In addition, hundreds of acoustic transmitters and receivers have been placed on the sea floor, which enables marine operations to be carried out with centimeter precision. Allseas' pipelay vessel "Solitaire" will today complete its part of the pipelaying operation, for the first of the two production pipelines running from the land-based facility being built at Nyhamna out to the Ormen Lange field. Some way down the edge of the Storegga slide area, 100 kilometers offshore, Saipem's pipelay vessel "S7000" has to take over, in order to lay the last 20 kilometers of pipeline using a different method. This last section is particularly demanding, since it continues down the edge of the ancient landslide, all the way down to the well templates at a sea depth of 850 meters. Since this last stretch is so steep, the "S7000" will lay the pipelines in a "J" formation - that is to say, the pipelines will be welded together in groups of four, then laid from a 130-meter high tower fixed to the stern of the vessel (13 meters higher than Norway's tallest building, the hotel Oslo Plaza). The "Solitaire" is 425 meters long, including its 65-meter long pipelay ramp, and has a crew of 400. The vessel has dynamic positioning, which means that it does not need to be anchored during operations. The "Solitaire" has six welding stations along the length of the ship. The pipes are welded together both inside and out, before a protective coating is added, prior to an ultrasound control of the quality of the welded joint. The "S7000" - originally a crane ship - is almost 200 meters long, and is equipped with a 130-meter high vertical tower for pipelaying on Ormen Lange. This vessel also has dynamic positioning so that it does not need to be moored or anchored during the pipelaying operation.
The SOLITAIRE seen loading pipe sections from the OLYMPIC COMMANDER Photo : Crew Solitaire © Many vessels involved In addition to these two colossal ships, various other vessels are operating close to the Ormen Lange field. In 2006, a total of 2,600 vessel-days will be required in order for all the pieces of the gigantic Ormen PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 Lange project to fall into place. This includes everything from the giant pipelay vessels to smaller survey boats and cargo vessels used for transporting pipes. The survey vessel "Geobay" will assist in installing the pipelines. Subsea 7's "Skandi Neptune" has recently finished laying the 120-kilometer long control cable from a single carousel, while the laying of the antifreeze pipes was completed this week by the Acergy-owned vessel "Seaway Falcon". "Geofjord" and "Edda Freya" are now in full swing embedding these pipelines with the help of remote operated vehicles, while "Geosund" and "Geobay" are carrying out mapping of the seabed and verification work. Between them, "Tertnes" and "Nordnes" from Van Oord will install over three million tonnes of stones to support the pipelines in the Ormen Lange project. They, too, are now working flat out on this task on the field. Once the 30inch pipelines are installed and embedded on the Ormen Lange field, Saipem will continue the work to connect all the pipelines from Nyhamna to the two subsea installations on the field, with the help of the pipelaying construction crane vessel "Normand Cutter". The laying of the world's longest subsea pipeline, Langeled, is also proceeding according to plan. In November 2005, the "LB200" finished laying the southern part of the pipeline that when complete will run all the way from Nyhamna in Norway to Easington in the UK. So far this year, the vessel has laid over 300 kilometers of the northern part of the pipeline, running from Nyhamna to Sleipner. The southern section of Langeled will be opened for Norwegian gas exports between Sleipner and Easington in October 2006. For Hydro and its partners, it will cost NOK 66 billion to develop the Ormen Lange field, complete with subsea installations, pipelines and the land-based processing plant. When, in October 2007, the gas stream is finally able to pass through the world's longest subsea pipeline - from the processing plant at Aukra in the county of Møre and Romsdal, Norway, to Easington on the east coast of England - the Norwegian gas field will be able to supply British consumers with 20 percent of their gas requirements. The Ormen Lange/Langeled project is now 75 percent complete, and is both on time and on budget.
MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet
[email protected] http://www.multraship.nl
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Rockdumpingvessel Seahorse loading at Bergen quarry. Photo : Jacco van Nieuwenhuyzen - engineer o/b Seahorse ©
The CMA CGM LA BOUSSOLE seen at Rio Grande (Brazil) - Photo : Marcelo Vieira ©
The WASA QUEEN seen moored in the Port of Hong Kong – Photo : John Halfweeg © PSi-Daily Shipping News
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The AIDAcara in German waters – Photo : Henk van der Lugt ©
AIRPORT / AIRCRAFT NEWS Info ontvangen van een iemand bij ESA (European Space Agency) , Mars komt in augustus relatief dicht bij de aarde te staan. Dit zou een niet alledaags fenomeen zijn. Dus voor ons, onze kinderen en kleinkinderen een unieke kans om dit te zien.
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The STORVIKEN seen from the pilot helicopter at Maaspilot station just after disembarking the pilot Photo : Rik van Marle ©
…..WHO IS WHO….. ***In this section the contributors to the SHIPPINGNEWS CLIPPINGS will be introduced to the readers***
I know Nico Ouwehand already for years, Nico is living in Maassluis, 61 years old and since 1980 attached to the Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum as one of the volunteers, together with other volunteers Nico is setting up the several (successful) exhibitions for the museum, Nico is retired since 2003 from his original job, but he is still very busy with the museum and other related subjects such as taking pictures of tugs, Nico started taking pictures of ships with his Agfa-Clack as a small boy when he sailed with his father with the Havendienst Spido in the Port of Rotterdam, and he never lost this fever since. Beside the Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum Nico can be found in the PR-commission of the historical tug ELBE which is at present under restoration in the port of Maassluis and member of the redaction of the tug boat lover magazine LEKKO for which he wrote a lot of articles about tugs and tugboat companies. Photo : Hans de Jong © Over the last few years Nico wrote also 3 books (as PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 138 volunteer with no financial aspects ) 1 – VAN BETING EN SLEEPTROS , a book about 10 years National Tugboat Museum which was published in 1989 2 - VAN WALEGANG EN BERGHOUT, a book about 25 years National Tugboat Museum, in this short description with pictures were publishes about all the exhibitions which were held in the museum since the opening, this book was published in 1994 and special dedicated to his grandson Bram (see photo above), at the introduction of this book Nico was decorated by Mayor Koos Karssen of Maassluis. 3 – 100 JAAR WIJSMULLER, his latest book was published in May 2006 in combination with the present exposition about this famous Tug and Salvage company from Ijmuiden, this book was special dedicated to his second grandson Siem. Nico, I would like to say, many thanks for the support with pictures of tugs and other ships passing Maasssluis and all information about the exhibitions which are taking place at the Nationaal Tugboat Museum, which are always promptly published in the newsclippings to attract a large quantity of public as possible. Thanks !!!!
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