1 2
Applied Research
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Research proposal, management summary.
Will be anounced on ACI portal.
Lectures: 24 hours
Preparation for lectures: 24 hours
Preparation for exam: 36 hours Will be anounced on ACI portal. None.
This module revolves around setting up and conducting applied research.
The lectures follow the sequence of a research report: translating a question from the field into a relevant research subject, selecting relevant literature, doing preliminary research, constructing a problem analysis, formulating main- & sub-questions and research goals, choosing a research design, analyzing (semi-)academic literature, designing research instruments, analyzing data, reporting results, conclusions and discussion, constructing recommendations, reporting according to APA-guidelines.
During the course there is a lot of emphasis on writing a research proposal. This research proposal is the first step toward your final thesis.
NB: examination can be related to this research proposal.
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Big Data & Data Marketing
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Adviesrapport, marketingplan of marketingcommunciatieplan nav analyse
Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, March 4, 2014. ISBN-10: 0544227751. ISBN-13: 978-0544227750 Tentamen
Voorbereiding colleges: 36! Colleges: 24! Voorbereiding tentamen: 24! ! Boek, artikelen, alle behandelde stof in de colleges. Geen
Probably you've heard the phrase big data a hundred times and still you don't exactly know what's meant with it. Big data describes the exponential growth and availability of data. It may be as important to business and society as the Internet has become. Why? More data may lead to more accurate analyses which could be used to make internal processes and marketing efforts more efficient and effective and to grow businesses. In this course we will find out what big data and data marketing is, how data is collected, processed and what companies, including those in the EMEG branche, do with all this data. Various persons from the field will give guest lectures about how big data and data marketing is used in their companies.
1 2
Business model innovation 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Business plan + Business prototype + Sales presentation
Mandatory: Business model generation / Osterwalder & Pigneur / Kluwer 2010 / ISBN: 9780470876411 / Additional: Value Proposition Design / Osterwalder et al. / Wiley 2014 /+ISBN: 9781118968055 / Assignment presentation
Lectures: 24 hours Lectures preparation : 20 hours Assignment: 36 hours Presentation: 4 hours Literatuur, behandelde lesstof None
In times of financial crisis and technological prosperity organizations are searching for new ways of business. New business models can create new markets, increasing profits and insure future existence. This course discusses a lot of new business models (mainly in the entertainment, music & event industry). Students also learn how to recognize patterns of new business models and are challenged to look deeper into the theory behind these business model patterns. Value proposition design is an important topic when it comes to new business model development and will be discussed in detail. Main subjects: New Business Models, Business model building blocks, Business model canvas, Business model patterns (long tail, unbundled, multisided platforms, freemium, open), Business model designing and strategy, Value proposition design.
1 2
Consumer Behaviour
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Inzetten van onderzoek voor marketing en sales doeleinden.!
Colleges en artikelen
Colleges: 24 uur! Voorbereiding colleges: 24 uur! Uitvoering opdracht: 36 uur! ! 84 uur n.v.t n.v.t.
Verwonder jij je wel eens over het gedrag van mensen? En hoe je dat zou kunnen beïnvloeden? Leer in deze advanced course kijken en ervaren welke invloed jij kunt hebben op het gedrag van anderen.! ! Als ondernemer, marketeer en communicatiedeskundige willen we vaak invloed uitoefenen op het gedrag van onze klanten. Met behulp van verschillende communicatiemiddelen hopen we een aankoop te stimuleren, betrokkenheid te vergroten of anderzijds een doel te bereiken. In deze cursus Manipulating Consumer Behavior gaan we verwondering omzetten naar marketing/communicatievragen en deze vervolgens omzetten naar een experiment.! ! In de lessen werken we met theorie en artikelen alsmede met door de studenten tijdens de cursus opgedane ervaringen. Zo ga je zowel in als buiten de lessen aan de slag met je verwondering. Om een goed experiment uit te kunnen voeren krijg je direct praktische toepasbare theorie.! ! Je krijgt als student de mogelijkheid om zelf op zoek te gaan naar een concrete opdrachtgever. ! ! Leerdoelen:! Student ontwikkelt kennis en inzicht over consumenten gedrag.! Student kan uitleggen wat consumentengedrag is en wat dit kan beinvloeden.! Student is in staat om een vraagstuk om te zetten naar een experiment.! Student kan op basis van onderzoeksresultaten passende aanbevelingen geven binnen de context.! Student is in staat om aanbevelingen zowel in beeld als op schrift te presenteren.! ! Producten ter beoordeling (in groepsverband maximaal 3):! - Studenten leveren in maximaal 3A4 een korte schriftelijke toelichting van het experiment aan, waarin literatuur, theorie en werkwijze worden uitgelegd. (25%)! - Studenten leveren visualisatie van de resultaten aan (denk aan bv infographic of nieuwsvideo). (25%)! ! Product ter beoordeling (individueel):! - Student levert individueel aanbevelingen aan op basis van het experiment, zodanig dat de lezer overtuigd wordt van de mogelijkheden. (25%)! - Student levert schriftelijk, individueel een reflectie van eigen kunnen en leerervaring binnen het proces aan. (25%)
1 2
Advanced Course Copywriting 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Schrijfdossier met eigen werk bijvoorbeeld: advertentie, persbericht, blogpost, (tv/film/commercial)script, webstekst, (direct)mail, reflectie, sollicitatie. Aan de hand van de eigen leerdoelen zoeken studenten een boek.
Dossier met omstreeks 13 opdrachten en ’presentatie’’voor de klant.
84 SBU
Tijdens de Avanced Course Copywriting ga je aan de slag met verschillende opdrachtgevers. Leer je je mannetjes of vrouwtje te staan als schrijver(ster) in het werkveld. Verdiep je je in schrijftechnieken die voor jouw loopbaan van belang zijn. En maak je een flinke groeispurt door in zes pittige en bijzondere weken. "Het was een achtbaan van inzichten en verrassingen" "Mijn schrijfmojo is weer helemaal terug" "Door de course heb ik nu mijn eerste opdrachtgevers binnen" Invulling van de course is voor een groot deel gebaseerd op de wensen en inzet van de deelnemer. Denk aan onderwerpen als: - De kneepjes van het copywriting vak - Hoe haal je de aardappel uit je pen... - Vaarwel "Welkom", schrijven voor websites - Het eerste hoofdstuk van je debuut roman - Schrijf geschiedenis, de kracht van Storytelling - SUPERSCRIPTS! Voor tv, film, commercial of je presentatie - Winnen met woorden van klussen tot klanten - Maak van je blog een bestseller
1 2
5 Corporate Social Responsibility
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
kritisch artikel, kleine documentaire
Corporate Responsibility: Governance, Compliance and Ethics in a Sustainable Environment 2/E/ Tom Cannon / Financial Press Time / 2012 / ISBN13: 9780273738732 /
Individuele opdracht in vorm van artikel of mini documentaire. Studenten kruipen in de huid van een journalist en verrichten kritisch onderzoek naar een zelf gekozen CSR onderwerp.
Alle presentaties en onderwerpen die behandeld zijn in de college´s
Niet van toepassing, de toest is een eindproduct waarbij het gebruik van alle middelen is toegestaan
Companies within the Event, Music and Entertainment Industry are faced with a growing demand from consumers for sustainable products and services. In addition society at large increasingly expects companies to give something in return. Governments become more strict in environmental and socio-economic regulations. Companies that are active in the entertainment business need to find ways to deal with the environmental and social demands. During the course you will become familiar with understanding and analyzing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and approaches. You will learn the practical implications for marketing and communication (within the entertainment sector) and learn how to deal with them. The following topics will be covered: 1. Globalization, businesses and social responsibility 2. Business ethics 3. Entertainment and social responsibility 4. Tools to understand CSR within companies such as foot printing, reporting and certification 5. Understanding CSR themes including fair trade, child labour, human rights, pollution and corruption. The exact content of the course will be determined by actual events, news and developments within the field of CSR. The course is a combination of (guest) lectures, field visit to company, discussions and (prepared) presentations. You are expected to bring your own opinion to the classroom.
1 2
Cultural Enterpreneurship 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Een eindverslag en de uitvoering van een sub-event binnen NU&STRAKS.
Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van literatuur, blogs, publicaties etc, verkregen uit eigen onderzoek.
Maken van, en presenteren van eindverslag. Tevens de ambitie om sub-event uit te voeren.
80 uur
Eindverslag nvt
Opdracht Cultural Entrepreneurship: Binnen dit vak is het de bedoeling dat er een culturele activiteit binnen het NU&STRAKS programma georganiseerd en uitgevoerd wordt. De organisatie en uitvoering vindt plaats in groepen van vijf tot zes studenten. Er wordt een eindverslag gemaakt met een presentatie ter onderbouwing. In het eindverslag dienen de volgende zaken aan de orde te komen: 1. Voorblad: namen studenten met student-nummer, naam projectgroep, eigen huisstijl/logo, naam activiteit. 2. Inleiding: introductie projectgroep, missie/visie projectgroep, kernwaarden projectgroep, beschrijving van de projectgroep (individuele taken, bevoegdheden, contactgegevens) en beschrijving persoonlijke en groep-leerdoelen van iedere student en de groep (SMART) formuleren. 3. Individuele analyse van de doelgroep en uitgewerkt advies. 4. Strategisch advies voor de keuze van de activiteit (probleemstelling/vraagstelling) , waarom, hoe is deze keuze tot stand gekomen, doelstelling van het evenement (SMART formuleren) en te behalen eindresultaat. 5. Doelgroep beschrijving en beschrijving overige partijen/betrokkenen. 6. Beschrijving concept van de activiteit. 7. Beschrijving van het proces en eindresultaat incl.visualisatie. 8. Evaluatie van het eindresultaat (rendement van de activiteit, individuele evaluatie en groep-evaluatie, positieve en verbeter punten (tips en tops), financiºle afwikkeling, conclusies, aanbevelingen richting opleiding). Bijlagen: 01. Begroting en definitieve eindbalans. 02. Peer-to-peer review 03. Overige relevante documenten (subsidieaanvragen, vergunningen etc). Bij de beoordeling van het eindverslag wordt ook gekeken naar professionele lay-out, goede visualisatie, creativiteit, correct gebruik van de Nederlandse taal, prettig lopend verhaal (juiste inleiding bij ieder hoofdstuk), paginanummering, inhoudsopgave, voorwoord etc. Het verslag is leidend voor het cijfer en er is de ambitie om het programma uit te voeren.
1 2
Dance 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Dutch Dance, 25 jaar dance in Nederland / Mark van Bergen / Xander Uitgevers / 2013 / ISBN: 9789401601153 / EUR 19.95 Last Night A DJ Saved My Life / Bill Brewster & Frank Broughton / Headline / 1999 / ISBN: 9780802146106 / Assignments EUR 15,99
Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 30 hours Preparation of the assignments: 30 hours
To be able to complete the assignment,you will need to know and understand the history of dance music, the structure of the contemporary dance industry and must be able to develop and market your own, innovative dance event. Focus is on the Dutch (succesful) scene, but international history and developments are represented as well, as 'EDM' is taking over worldwide.
From early birds like Eddy de Clercq, Dimitri and Joost van Bellen, via zeroes trance heroes Tiësto and Armin van Buuren till the US conquering 'EDM' of Hardwell, Afrojack and nubreed like Martin Garrix. If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much in dance music! This course introduces into dance music industry and history, particularly our nation's part of it. How en when did house music evolve and why are The Netherlands such a key player in the worldwide scene? Not only do we get to know things about one of Holland's biggest export products, we also start doing en breeding out things ourselves. What comes with it organising a dance event and can we succeed by concepting a new way in this supposingly stuffed market? Some lectures will be held on location, in cooperation with major dj's and producers. Let's team up with real players in the scene and pitch our own grown!
1 2
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
1 2
Advanced Course Ethics 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Analysis of an ethical topic in which students present arguments in favour and against a normative statment.
Course Manual and Royalty Free Course Reader ("Ethics with a Pinch of Ontology and Epistemology, O. de Souza, 2013) MC Exam - 40 questions on knowledge of ethical theories, concepts and principles (60%). Individual written assignment (40%). Classes: 24 hours (6 x 4 hours) Class Preparation: 12 hours (6 x 2 hours) Individual Assignment: 20 hours Ethics with a Pinch of Ontology and Epistemology, O. de Souza, 2013) None
As IEMES professionals, you will be working on the content of media and entertainment products. In an age of increasing permissiveness, these products may be increasingly extreme in nature. As societies are becoming more cosmopolitan, the views and values amongst audiences are broadening. Values are becoming less homogenized and are often the source of social and political tension. For this reason, one of the core competences that has been defined for IEMES professionals is an ability to assess, balance and judge ethical issues. In commercial terms, this may be important for assessing a potential threat of litigation. In social terms, an ethical awareness is a quality that is quite rightly expected of a socially responsible professional. This course aims to develop your critical awareness of ethical issues. By the end of this course, you should be able to justify your opinions on an ethical issue from a number of normative perspectives. Studying ethics does not make one more ethical. It may increase self-reflection, paranoia and an awareness of the inherent contradictions in human values. Values are often incommensurable. This means that the worth of one value cannot be measured against the worth of another. There is often no common scale to measure the benefits of one value against the other. This is what is meant by the term incommensurability . The content of the course does not focus exclusively on the ethics of (mass) communication. Because media professionals may be working on all kinds of content within the industry, the scope of the theories covered in the course is intentionally very broad. Theoretical content per class 1. Epistemology and the fact / value distinction 2. Ontology and Meta-ethics 3. Rationality (internal & external applications of reasoning) 4. Teleological theories 5. Deontological theories 6. Consequentialist theories
1 2
Event 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Event Model Canvas, Customer Journey, Return on Investment model
Events as a Strategic Marketing Tool / D. Gerritsen en R. van Olderen / CABI Publishing / 2014 / ISBN: 9781780642611 / euro 58,99 Individual written test
Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 18 hours Preparation written exam: 42 hours The (entire) book and content of the classes (PPT-sheets) Book, sheets classes
Do you think Red Bull·s Air Race World Championships or Crashed Ice Events are cool? Do you know the City of Utrecht paid about 8-10 Million euros to host the start of the Tour de France in 2015? These are just two examples of how organisations (brands) can use events to improve their image. Do you like creating creative concepts for events? Do you want to become an expert in Live Communication? Live communication is the most powerful tool that can be used to get your message to your targetgroup! This course is about Eventmarketing: how to use events within a marketing-/communication strategy? Besides this the course will also teach you about Customer Journeys (and includes a Customer Journey Assignment at an event-location). It includes a workshop about the EventModelGeneration-canvas, which is a powerful tool to empathize with different stakeholders and helps you to create valuable event designs. We will have a look at the future of Events / Live Communication. This course contains one or more excursions to for instance a Company where an eventmanager will explain how to use events in a branding campaign. Or an excursion to a City where the Coordinator Events will tell us about what this City values in their City Events and how these events fit in the City Marketing strategy. At each of these excursions you will gain insight into what it is really like to work in the field of marketing, communication or sales. And how all of these areas use events to communicate to their targetgroups. In this way you will experience the beauty of events as a live communication tool for marketing and communication!
1 2
Futures research and trendwatching
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
future scenario (report or other kind of visualization) trendreport/ trendanalyse
-What if, The art of scenario thinking for non profits / Searce and Fulton / GBN / 2004 / free available on internet. Schoemaker, P. J. (1995). Scenario planning: a tool for strategic thinking. Sloan management review, 36(2), 25-50. (free available) assignment -Additional articles available on the portal bonus assignment -All lectures on the portal. Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 18 hours Preparation written making assignment: 42 hours all presentations, all articles n.v.t.
In this module the entire field of futures studies will be touched upon, focussing in particular on scenario plannig and scenario building. Scenarios are a well known phenonemon in the field of futures studies. Scenario planning is not about predicting the future. It is about exploring the futureand increasing future consciousness. Being aware of what could happen, one is more likely to be able to deal with what will happen. Companies and institutions all over the world use the method of scenario planning to gain insights in possible futures in order to make strategic (long term) decisions. The first part of the course involves identifying and analyzing trends and uncertainties and exploring the implications of projecting them forward. These trends and uncertainties include political, economic, social and most of all technological trends and developments on different levels (Macro trends, industry trends and consumer behavioural trends). Moreover, some scenario techniques like Causer Layered Analysis and Delphi method will be inlcuded in the lessons. The first part of the course is groupwork and your presence is required. The second part of the course will focus more on building the actual scenarios: scenarios are stories that need to create suspense of disbelief with the receiver and put him actually in the future.. Storytelling tools as well as design principles can and need to be applied in order to craft good scenarios. The strategic advice deriving from the scenarios will be inlcuded as well in this part of the course. This second part of the course is individual and lessons will be partly classical, partly consisting of individual feedbacksessions. Tha actual hand-in of the scenario (report/presentation/design) is individual, as is the retake.
1 2
Games 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Game Design Document, Playable Prototype, Representation, Peerfeedbackform
The Art of Game Design - A book of lenses / Jesse Schell / Elsevier Science & Technology / 2010 / ISBN: 9780123694966 / E44,99/ Free online via Google Play en iTunes Geen. Beoordeling van beroepsproducten icm houding, gedrag en werk.
Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 36 hours Preparation making assignment: 24 hours Boek en eventuele handouts nvt
The game and its environment In this course, we take a closer look at the game’s environment and the leading role the game designer has to within this environment. Keywords are: organising, managing, motivating, analysing, evaluating, testing, the players, the team and the market. The second part of Jesse Schell’s ‘The art of game design’ is used as a guideline throughout the course. This part of the book has a clear focus on the game environment. The theory explained in the lectures is practiced by means of an assignment. This assignment is the course’s final test and will be supplemented at the end of the course with questions about the course´s content.
1 2
Generation Studies!
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Onderzoeksrapport, essay, presentatie
Nieuwe generaties in vergrijzende organisaties / Aart Bontekoning /Mediawerf / 2014 / ISBN: 9789490463342 / € 19,95! ! Het puberende brein/ Eveline Crone / Uitgeverij Bert -! Schriftelijk Bakker/ 2008 /! tentamen! -ISBN:Opdracht! 9789035132696 / € 17,95! -! Bonusopdracht: inleveren van een digitaal huiswerk portfolio. In dit portfolio staat iedere uitgewerkte huiswerkopdracht van les 1 t/m 6! Colleges: 28 uur! Voorbereiding colleges: 28 uur! Voorbereiden & maken opdracht: 28 uur! Tentamen wordt gegeven in de vorm van een opdracht.! De criteria waaraan de opdracht moet voldoen.! ! !De verplichte literatuur, de PPT’s, artikelen en alle aantekeningen. Criteria voor de opdracht:! ! A. Het onderzoeksrapport! a.! Het rapport wordt geschreven in tweetallen! b.! Reflecteert het verloop, uitkomsten en conclusies van het onderzoek gedaan ten behoeve van de Advanced Course! c.! Beslaat minimaal 15 en maximaal 20 pagina’s ! d.! Deze pagina’s zijn exclusief voor-en achterkant en inhoudsopgave! e.! Deze pagina’s zijn inclusief voorwoord, samenvatting (deze samen zijn 1 pagina), bijlagen zijn maximaal 3
Doelen Advanced Course:! -! Studenten bewustmaken van hun eigen media- en digi bewustzijn, informatieverwerking en hersenonderzoek over de werking van internet op het brein.! -! Studenten informeren over het media- en digibewustzijn en informatieverwerking van de oudere generaties.! -! Studenten ervaring laten op doen over dit onderwerp door ze een onderzoek te laten doen in de praktijk. Dit onderzoek richt zich op de oudere generaties, specifiek de protestgeneratie en generatie X en hoe zij internet gebruiken.! -! Studenten door bovengenoemde doelen, kennis en ervaring op te laten doen die toepasbaar is in hun stages en eerste baan.! ! Opbouw lesprogramma! Lesweek 1 Kick off | Het brein en internet! Vorm! ! Hoorcollege ! Docenten! Sabina Meiling & Nicole de Boer ! ! Lesweek 2 Generaties & Generatie Y kenmerken en gedrag! Vorm! ! Hoorcollege en practicum ! Docenten! Sabina Meiling ! ! Lesweek 3 Sociale media & generaties! Vorm! ! Hoorcollege en practicum! Docenten! Sabina Meiling & Nicole de Boer ! ! ! Lesweek 4 Generatieonderzoek theorie & voorbereiding ! Vorm! Practicum! Docenten Sabina Meiling ! ! ! Lesweek 5 Oefenen generatieonderzoek & theorie nieuwe inzichten Vorm Gastcollege Aart Bontekoning ! Docenten Sabina Meiling ! ! ! Lesweek 6 Nieuwe inzichten generatieonderzoek & analyses maken! Vorm! ! Hoorcollege en practicum! Docenten! Sabina Meiling & Nicole de Boer ! ! ! ! Tentamenweek van periode 1 ! Presentaties van onderzoek & video interactiemateriaal! Vorm! Workshop! Docenten Nicole de Boer & Sabina Meiling! ! Tentamen ! Vorm! ! Schriftelijk & mondeling! Docenten! Nicole de Boer & Sabina Meiling! Inhoud! Inleveren opdracht & compilatie video materiaal!! ! Presenteren onderzoeksrapport plenair in de klas ! ! ! ! ! !
1 2
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
camera (telefoon) en microfoon (telefoon)
Basisboek interviewen door Ben Baarda, Monique van der Hulst! ISBN10! 900181414X! ISBN13! 9789001814144 4 interviews tijdens de advanced course en kort schriftelijk tentamen over verplichte literatuur
bijwonen 6 courses (4 uur per course)! interview, inclusief voorbereiding en uitwerking (4 uur per interview)! toets (16 uur) basisboek interviewen -
1 2
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
1 2
AC Music!
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
toekomst strategie, visiedocument, adviesrapportage (een van de drie naar keuze)
wetenschappelijke publicaties en artikelen
80-100 studie-uren
colleges, artikelen (zie portal)
Dat er in de huidige muziekindustrie veel mis is, valt voor een volkomen leek zelfs makkelijk vast te stellen en dat daarmee het bestaan van de muziekindustrie klaar is voor ingrijpende veranderingen, is ook duidelijk.! De ontstaansgeschiedenis van veel aspecten waarop in de huidige muziekindustrie wordt terug gegrepen is belangrijk om te begrijpen.! Tijdens de colleges en bijeenkomsten wordt er diep ingegaan op het ontstaan van auteursrecht, naburig recht, de verdienmodellen die dientengevolge zijn ontstaan, de technologische ontwikkelingen die hun invloed hebben laten gelden op de inhoud van die modellen en de vorm die vandaag de dag praktisch niet meer te handhaven blijkt als gevolg van alle technologie.! Ook de sociologische ontwikkelingen worden bekeken en in een tijdgeest geplaatst waarbij de inhoudelijke aanpassingen aan die muziekindustrie besproken worden. De 'kunst' die voortdurend aan het vechten is om nieuwe wegen van expressie te vinden en de industrie die dat wil exploiteren vormt het toneel wat geanalyseerd wordt. Alle communicatieve vormen en ontwikkelingen die een rol spelen in de evolutionaire staat van de muziekindustrie worden besprokene en geanalyseerd.! Alles met het doel om te begrijpen wat er zich heeft afgespeeld, hoe dat zo is gevormd en vooral....hoe dat zich in de toekomst kan ontwikkelen en ontvouwen.! Studenten mogen een willekeurige positie in de muziekindustrie innemen en van daaruit een toekomstscenario schrijven, of een adviesrapport schrijven danwel een visiedocument waarin een of meer aspecten binnen de huidige muziekindustrie gefundeerd naar een verbeterde situatie worden voorgesteld.
1 2
Radiomanagement 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Schrijven van een beleidsplan
Radiomanagement richt zich met name op de achterkant van een radiobedrijf, maar heeft ook oog voor de praktische kant van het radio maken. Radio bevindt zich in een markt met een grote mate van concurrentie. Het leuke is dat er ook veel creatieve mogelijkheden zijn om het station op een radiomanier in de markt te houden. Hoofdonderwerpen zijn; De geschiedenis van radio en ’het bestel’. Sales Marketing Formats Kosten Luistercijfers Tijdens de les wordt door de studenten een radiostation ontwikkeld dat als leidraad dient voor alle bijeenkomsten. De toets is het schrijven van een beleidsplan waarin eerder genoemde elementen van de lessen terugkomen. Daarnaast zijn er presentaties die ingaan op deelgebieden. Het bezoeken van een radiostation is vast onderdeel van deze course. Tijdens de laatste bijeenkomst wordt er een radio programma gemaakt dat past binnen het ontwikkelde station.
1 2
AC Services Marketing 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Strategic and financial marketing advise (report + presentation)
SERVICES MARKETING: INTEGRATING CUSTOMER FOCUS ACROSS THE FIRM, 2nd European Edition, ISBN: 9780077131715 from McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd.. Individual assignment (2/3) Group assignment (1/3) Presentation/assessment (bonus + 0,50) Classes: 24 hours Group assignment: 12 hours Individual assignment: 24 hours Reading textbook: 24 hours Literature: book Wilson et al. (2nd edition) All slides and articles that are posted on the portal All
Services Marketing recognizes that services present special challenges that must be identified and addressed in real circumstances. The heart of the course’s content is to develop strong customer relationships through quality service. The course also focuses on knowledge needed to implement service strategies for competitive advantage across industries. Hence, frameworks for customer-focused management, and strategies for increasing customer satisfaction and retention through service are included in this course. Week 1: Introduction (ch.1-2, 18) Course outline, assignment, grading policy, etc. Foundations for services marketing Conceptual framework ServQual Service and the bottom line: financial and economic impact of service Week 2: Customer gap: Focus on the customer (ch. 3-5) Consumer behavior in services Customer expectations of services Customer perceptions of services Week 3: Provider gap 1: Understanding customer requirements (ch. 6-8) Listening to customers through research Building customer relationships Service recovery Week 4:Provider gap 2: Aligning service design and standards (ch. 9-11) Service innovation and design Customer-defined service standards Physical evidence and the servicescape Week 5: Provider gap 3: Delivering and performing service (ch.12-15) Employees’ roles in service delivery Customers’ roles in service delivery Delivering service through intermediaries and electronic channels Managing demand and capacity Week 6: Provider gap 4: Managing service promises (ch.16-17) Integrated services marketing communications Pricing of services
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Special weeks!
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
✔ ✔
✔ A Project plan, an individual analysis, a written strategic advice and presentation.
Hand outs and documents regarding the Special Weeks
Product A: Group product, Product B: Individual product, Product C: Group product
In total: 2 ECTS (56 hours)! Preparation: 16 hours ! Total of the Special Weeks including assignments: 40 hours
Presence in the last and physical week of the Special Weeks is mandatory regarding working in teams.! ! Overall Assignment! ! During the special weeks (total time including preparation three weeks) you work on a strategic advice towards your client. The assignment contains two group products and one individual product. ! ! Product A – Project plan - Group product! Write a project plan. In this plan you introduce your [consultancy] as a group, [it's] organizational structure and the corporate identity using a Master class (innovative business) as inspiration. You also include a debriefing and a project proposal. The debriefing consists of a written feedback based on the briefing. The purpose of the debriefing is to avoid misunderstandings in the initial phase of the project. The project proposal consists of all assumptions and constraints of the project. It includes a planning for the following weeks and a division of subjects for the individual analysis.! ! Product B – Analysis - Individual product! Use a Marketing model which is new to you and use it to write a business and environmental analysis. Start the product with a brief analysis of the model and why you use this model. Secondly use the model to write the business and environmental analysis. Convert this information to relevant knowledge for your client and college students. You present your models and findings to your group members to learn from each other.! ! Product C – Strategic advice - Group product! Based on the analysis a usable strategic market/communication advisory will be written. The advice should be a long-term advice. Analyze the individual products, summarize the important highlights and use this as a fundamental base for your advice. The advice should include an elaboration of marketing communication tools.! ! !
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Television Studies 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Media policy and strategic tv plan
Articles on the portal
Individual assignment
Colleges: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 18 hours Preparation written exam / making assignment: 42 hours Sheets and articles online None
We are going to create your ideal television night. Which programs can you see on which broadcaster? Do you prefer a commercial or public broadcaster? And do you need both? In this course you’ll come up with a media policy for a fictional country. You’ll do so by comparing keyplayers in global broadcasting and with that knowledge you will create a strategic approach to television. For thinking about television from an academic point of view, we will look at different theories within Television studies, like genre and fandom. This will help you to translate your policy into a specific television night.
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The Psychology of Courage 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Rapport Literatuur samenvatting
Psychology Of Courage, Modern Research On An Ancient Virtue, C.L.S. Pury & S.J. Lopez, 1433808072 + zelfgekozen literatuur uit aangeleverde lijst. Individual script related to personal courage conform the instructions and qualifications explained in the mandatory literature and the lectures. 3 ECST (84 uur)
n.v.t. n.v.t.
In this Advanced Course students will learn to understand the dimensions and contexts of courage. Courage is the ability and willingness to overcome risks or fears to achieve personal goals. Courage is a key factor in personal success and personal effectiveness. The focus is on courage in a psychological, social and business environment: entrepreneurship, networking, negotiating, leadership, career development, job applications, decision making. Students will learn to apply the principles and tools of courage in order to achieve personal growth (and expanding their comfortzone). They will therefore learn to analyse and overcome their personal obstacles and fears. Literature includes The Psychology of Courage by C.L.S. Pury. There will be a theoretical exam half way the Advanced Course. The final assessment is based on a written personal agenda by the student: an individual script related to personal courage in a business setting in the event, music & entertainment context.
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Theater Marketing 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Strategic advice: report and presentation
Standing Room Only: Marketing Insights for Engaging Performing Arts Audiences - Second Edition / Joanne Sheff Bernstein / Palgrave Macmillan / 2014 Thinking Big! A Guide to Strategic Marketing Planning for Individual assignment Arts Organisations - Second Edition / Stephen Cashman / Arts Marketing Association / 2010 / Free download: www.a-m-a.co.uk Lectures: 24 hours Preparation for lectures: 24 hours Individual assignment: 36 hours Mandatory literature, sheets, cases. Not applicable
Theater Marketing is a new advanced course with up-to-date marketing strategies and techniques for theaters. It addresses a wide range of questions and concerns common to theater marketers, such as: Understanding the theater market: how consumers think. Exploring characteristics of current and potential theater attenders. Identifying market segments, selecting target markets, and positioning the offer. Using strategic marketing to define the product offering. Managing location, capacity, and ticketing systems. Focusing on value and optimizing revenue through pricing strategies. Identifying and capitalizing on brand identity. Formulating communication strategies: delivering the message. Building audience frequency and loyalty. Focusing on the customer experience and delivering great customer service. Audiences for now; audiences for the future.
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Advanced Course Theme Park Concepting 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Analyses of theme park industry and Europa-Park Staged Theme Park Experience for Europa-Park Documentary film Presentation Cornelis, P.C.M (2011), Attraction accountability: predicting the unpredictable?!, Breda: NRIT Media Ch. 2+7 Lukas, S.A. (2013), The immersive worlds handbook: designing theme parks and consumer spaces, New York: Focal Presswritten test (100%) Individual TEA - group PDPC,assignment TEA’s project process Bonus (1/3development of written test). This chart assignment consists of 10 question about the literature, an Europa-Park LTPE-analysis and an Europa-Park STPE-creation. If all three grades of this group assignment Reading 30 are within Lessons 20a range of 2 points the highest grade will be the final one. Field trip 16 If students don't Assignments 18 hand in a group assignment (f.i. resit) the written test will consist of 5 extra questions. Cornelis, P.C.M (2011), Attraction accountability: predicting the unpredictable?!, Breda: NRIT Media Ch. 2+7 Lukas, S.A. (2013), The immersive worlds handbook: None designing theme parks and consumer spaces, New York: Focal Press TEA - PDPC, TEA’s project development process chart Slides
Throughout the world the themed space has grown in ubiquity, popularity, and diversity. Theming involves the use of an overarching theme to create a holistic and integrated spatial organization of a consumer venue. Theme parks have become ‘cathedrals of consumption’. During this course you will (1) learn to understand the importance and working principles of (lived and staged) theme park experiences and (2) develop an appealing, and long term effective concept for a theme park resort (Europa-Park in Rust, Germany). A sponsored two day fieldtrip to this resort is part of the course. Lesson 1: Introduction Global Theme Park Industry Lesson 2: Fieldtrip to Europa-Park Lesson 3: Lived Theme Park Experience Lesson 4: Staged Theme Park Experience 1 Lesson 5: Staged Theme Park Experience 2 Lesson 6: Presentations, Q&A and exam training
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AC Theme Park Economics 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Feasibility study Investment advice
Cornelis, P.C.M (2011), Attraction accountability: predicting the unpredictable?!, Breda: NRIT Media https://pure.uvt.nl/portal/files/1328083/Cornelis_attraction_ 25-05-11_emb_tot_onbekend.pdf (free download) Price, H. (2004). Walt's Group assignment (40%)revolution!: by the numbers. Ripley Entertainment. Individual assignments (60%) Presentation (bonus 0,50) Peer evaluation Classes 24 Group assignment 12 Individual assignments 24 Reading 24 Cornelis, P.C.M (2011), Attraction accountability: predicting the unpredictable?!, Breda: NRIT Media Price, H. (2004). Walt's revolution!: by the numbers. Ripley All (assignments) Entertainment. www.blooloop.com slides and articles on portal
Theme Park Economics The global theme park industry is a very big market with extremely high capital expenditures and enormous revenues. This course is not a pure financial course, but it helps you to better understand the decisions that are being made in de board room of global theme parks. Why should the Efteling for instance invest in a second gate? And why is Universal Studios using Harry Potter for the expansion of their theme park in California? How do we define the feasibility of a new park, like Disney in Shanghai? And what is the impact of a new roller coaster, compared to a show or parade in the park? Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to broadly describe worldwide spending/ attendance forecasts for this industry, identify the major players in the industry, define the major income and expense items for facilities, describe the financial metrics that attractions should be monitoring regularly and why, describe the key principles of operation margin and yield management, explain depreciation, and EBITDA, and be able to conduct a simple feasibility study. Lesson 1 The global theme park industry Lesson 2 Feasibility study (the basics) Lesson 3 Design day & physical planning Lesson 4 Site & concept review Lesson 5 Theme park (re)investments Lesson 6 Board room challenges
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Transmedia Storytelling 1
Geef aan in hoeverre de competenties verwerkt/ gedekt is in de module . 1. minimaal - 5. maximaal
Transmedia Storytelling concept and plan
Books, articles and lecture slides. Students are not obliged to buy books, online references to the articles will be mentioned in the course outline. Assignment: concept and plan. Students will work in groups.
Lectures: 24 hours Preparation colleges: 10 hours Making assignment: 24 hours Mandatory literature, slides and handouts Books, articles and lectures
We are all living in the digital age; the age of community. For marketers, no longer is the conversation about persuasion to buy, rather it s about to join. In our digital age powered by the social web, no longer can marketers demand customer s attention; they must earn and deserve it by connecting profoundly to the heart of their unspoken desires. Additionally, we have all become citizens of the digital global tribe with the power, tools and means to tell our own stories. Customers tell the real story of brands now. For this reason, brand storytelling in the digital age is more important than ever. During this course, students will learn about general transmedia storytelling techniques, with a strong focus on digital methods. Students will learn to tell stories with a business goal in mind. During this course, students will develop a transmedia (brand)storytelling concept, with a strong focus on business, marketing, planning, story / treatment and the functional specification. Please note that this not merely a writing class.