Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
Research plan proposal Provider‘s code MSM RP identification code 6840770043 Research plan title Development of methods of design and operation of transport networks from the point of view of their optimization Applicant Czech Technical University in Prague Administrator Faculty of Transportation Sciences Investigator Prof. Ing. Josef Jíra, CSc.
A A1
Research plan description
Subject and goal of the research plan
Systemic solution for designing, constructing and operation of transportation networks including passenger and freight transportation, road and city transport with regard to its operational, economic and demographic optimisation with the aim of creating mutually unified, centrally controlled transportation system. The whole task will be investigated within the framework of interconnected dependency of the traffic infrastructure on the individual modes and facilities, as well as the service environment (open landscape, settlements of different sizes). The influence of man as a constructor, operator and user plays an essential role in the transportation process and the complex development of the transportation network. Comprehensive solution regarding the introduction of the combined and integrated transportation systems is an integral part of optimal economical approach to the problems of transportation infrastructure, i.e., an effective split of the transported people and goods among the individual means of transport considering their advantages, and aiming at the highest possible productivity and economy. The solution of the problem is topically divided into 7 areas, which determine main ways of dealing with the actual task, and will, at the same time, represent controls of the individual stages of yearly periods. E1: Transportation networks in interaction with the environment, Influence of the development of infrastructure on the economic development. Spatial arrangement of traffic roads. Creation of architecture of techniques and models for a systemic estimation of the influence of transportation on the living environment in both rural and urban areas. Reduction of negative impact of transportation on the environment. Improving the quality of mass transportation in urban areas. Increasing transport safety by optimisation of partial infrastructure proposals, on the basis of expertise prognosis of the development of the transportation modes and ways, as well as the scope of the individual means of transport. Research in the field of new ecological forms of transport. E2: Models for financing of transportation infrastructure, regulation of network branches. The development of transportation infrastructure is also based on modern methods of financing, including the participation combination of both the private and public financial resources. Optimisation of project designing and supervision process, utilization of the state-
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of-the-art information technologies for project management, evolvement of methods of the system analysis with the emphasis on modelling, analysis and quantification of economic risks, as well as increasing the transparency of utilization of available financial resources. With respect to the legislative provisions, our attention will be turned to the principles of public support, with regard to both, the passenger transport and the transport of goods. E3: Optimisation of the system connections among transport modes, logistics, and multimodality. Optimisation of transport and logistic service. Basic research of models and optimisation methods enabling systemic strategic planning and regulation of the network processes concerning the system connections among the individual means of transport, as well as the impact on the surrounding area. The interaction with the neighbourhood occurs in dependency on the human factor and traffic safety, deterioration of the living environment, and building new infrastructure networks. Conditions for liberalization of network branches and regulation processes. System aspects of regulation in relation to the liberalization of transportation market. Extending theoretical fundamentals for evaluation of transport quality and efficiency of the logistic chains in the local, regional and global scope. E4: The development of national transport infrastructure in dependency on the EU long-term transportation concept. The existence of various kinds of transportation generates unified transportation system, which, like any other network branches, requires a certain degree of regulation. After the Czech Republic has entered the EU, the transport network regulation will form an important factor, mainly with respect to the European commercial area and the methods of managing European transport networks. System solution of service of the Czech Republic by means of the high-speed railway network in conformity of the EU high-speed network. E5: Managing regional transportation processes. Research of methods for modelling of transportation processes and the proposal of control system mechanisms supporting decision-making. Research on interoperability of processes in the field of transportation through methods of multilingual translatability of the processes. The question of interoperability of processes is a current problem resulting from the increase of performance and safety of the controlling systems. Research of knowledge systems to support decision-making and control in transportation, in other words, discovering and describing the relations between the information content and information power, formation of meta-knowledge system. Generation of theoretical basis of an on-line surveillance system to monitor the traffic operation and movement of the public transport, the traffic capacity prediction system based on measurement data, drawing of maps depicting the actualised location of vehicles and arrival times at individual stops, system of detection and evaluation of congestions in the urban traffic network. Calculation methods and kinds of traffic junction control. Improving the individual methods of crossroad traffic control in dependency on the amount of traffic and its geometrical shape. E6: Safety of transport route and vehicles. Research of the means of active and passive safety. Increasing safety of transportation by means of optimization of design elements of routes on the basis of qualified prognosis of development of conveyances, traffic modes and traffic extent. Analysing theoretical principles, setting the rules and developing procedures to achieve the required safety and quality of transportation. Development of methods for a complex analysis of accidents,
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regarded a physical phenomenon, together with their regularity and quantity in space and time. E7: Influence of human factor in transportation, the injury biomechanics, system solution of the mobility of handicapped people. Mobility and safety of a human subject in the road transportation system regarded from the aspect of aging. Diagnostic studies based on scientific findings, as well as integrative research, will be aimed at the detection of drivers representing a potential accident risk. Forming a set of instruments, this will respect the needs of the handicapped citizens for their unrestricted movement during their journeys with the use of available kinds of transport modes. Injuries caused by accidents represent a serious problem, not only because of their often very complicated treatment, but also for the reason of persisting consequences. Therefore it is essential to cast light upon the explanation of the malformation processes within the muscular-skeletal system of a human, which occur during the impact; this will make the improvement of the existing protective aids, as well as the equipment, and safety regulations possible. This kind of knowledge shall, further on, significantly contribute to the treatment of such injuries to enable the harmed individual to restore a normal, full-valued life, including the ability of driving. In the framework of the accident biomechanics of the muscular-skeletal system of man, the subject of our research will be specified in concurrence with the previous research plan as follows: • Calculation of mathematical models within the biomechanics of a human on the CT, MRI, eventually US basis. Application of algorithms for the computer graphics automatic segmentation, surface reconstruction of the injured body parts, optimisation of network for the application of the finite element method. • Development of methods for a more accurate classification of mechanical characteristics of human tissues, and explanation of biomechanical processes in the conditions of extreme loading. • Research of the impact load influence on the human head by means of spatial models will allow for specification of the influence of extreme loads, as well as the analysis of malformation processes of the skull from its start till its damage. Investigation of the impact wave propagation will be needed, both in the skull and soft tissues of the head, especially the brain, together with the modelling of patterns to specify the degree of brain damage
Present level of knowledge and research activity in sphere which is subject of the research plan, from both international and national standpoints
This interdisciplinary issue of the research activity, which is the subject of the research plan, has been intensively studied worldwide. New problems are arising which have been solved unsatisfactorily or not at all. The question of a complex approach to a variety of factors, which, in practice, influence the behaviour of a transportation system, has not yet been solved from the point of view of basic research. This problem will become even more significant with the necessity of planning and designing of the transport network systems, not only at national level, but also in the framework of the European economic area. With regard to the basic research, the knowledge of both general and common models in the field of
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transportation, telecommunication and energetic has not advanced much. At present, new priorities of qualitative character are required from a transportation system. A transportation system is looked at in a complex way, as a mutually connected and supported system consisting of individual subsystems, the operation of which ought not result in confrontation, but, on the contrary, have a synergetic effect. The individual subsystems, both infrastructure and operational ones make use of different model solutions, however, without any complex sequences. The synergetic effect can be reached by application of hierarchy of the heterogenic type of a transport network with an emphasis on the implementation of multimodal transportation, aiming at the creation of chain-based logistic infrastructure with minimum influence of transport technology on the living environment. In the Czech Republic, the present day level of knowledge comprises the field of methodology of mathematical principles of transportation theory, mainly the area of operational research. These include some of the disciplines of linear programming, graph theory, front theory, stock-keeping theory and the solution of the location and allocation problems. With regard to the logistic service, logistic technologies from abroad have been applied at a research level in the conditions of the Czech Republic (Hub and Spoke, Gateway). Some of the tasks were solved in conditions of the deterministic and stochastic linear systems within the framework of the RP 025 of the years 1999 – 2003. The results showed three significant experiences which call for further analysis: • it is not possible to define the environment of transportation and logistic systems as a linear environment; • it is necessary to result from the solutions made on a network, not on its elements or segments; • interoperability of the logistic technologies and optimisation of transport systems is essential, including the application of the principles of logistic reengineering. Estimating the effectiveness of investments in the area of the transport infrastructure and transportation network management is, in this country, disunited, non-systemic, and varies not only in different transport branches but also in individual transport projects. This situation hinders a quality decision-making process, and, consequently, also improved investment of private capital and the PPP (Public-Private-Partnership) system. A completely different situation can be observed in Germany, where for all transport branches a united analysis of costs and revenues is used. This analysis includes a total of social costs, as well as a total of social revenues, including the indirect ones. In the Netherlands, a similar procedure is applied. A number of acceptable methods is possible, however, they must be united and mandatory for all kinds of transport; furthermore, they must be transparent and easily applicable. Modelling of transportation processes, as well as the existence of the system supporting decision-making, are topics of worldwide importance. The present day state of knowledge is highly advanced, there is, nonetheless, still room for further development, above all within the following issues: (i) theory of decision-making in dependency on time stress, (ii) theory of contamination and immunity, (iii) creation of interactive models for simulation and regulation of transportation processes, (iv) formation of managing meta-knowledge system in support of decision-making within the public mass transportation. Both active and passive safety of the means of transport is issues of worldwide importance. Even though the level of knowledge seems to be satisfactory, there is undoubtedly room for improvement. Thus the following areas are likely to get further developed: • information systems (statistics), particularly their interdisciplinary coordination at national, and all of them at international level;
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both active and passive passenger car safety, which, in spite of its relatively high level can still be improved, e.g., by the means of introduction of information, and feedback systems, by regarding marginal and non-typical cases, etc.; • coordination of the transportation problems solutions among fields of different nature (technical, legislative, medical, informatics). The research also includes the issue of reduction of traffic accidents, their investigation, prevention, and damage control. In many cases, accidents are caused by an erroneous behaviour of man; the failures of technical character take a second place. Despite this fact, technical defects are the causes of accidents with serious consequences on human health and property representing considerable economical losses. The increasing performances of transportation vehicles are very often not in accord with the road modernization lacking the parameters for the present day travel conditions. The brain and viscera injuries represent a severe problem, not only because of their frequency, but for the reason of their economical impact as well - the injured person remains excluded from the labour process for a relatively long time. The most frequent head injuries are due to traffic accidents (60-80%). Injuries of skull and consequently the brain under extreme dynamic load is a complex problem whose solution requires a comprehensive analysis on the basis of the biomechanics of a traumatic event. Foreign research is concentrated on psychology of the young, as well as elderly drivers. Some of the specific projects are concerned with: accident rate and risks, individual differences in behaviour and drivers´ activities, diagnostics of cognitive, sensomotoric and intellectual functions (representing an increased risk of failure in elderly drivers), the age limits for driving, phenomena influencing changes in driving skills in elderly drivers, objective and/or subjective causes for the driver’s career termination. Projects focused on aging and handicapped drivers were launched in the European Union, such as DRIVEAGE, EDDIT, TEILAND or TELSCAN.
Sub-goals of the research plan
The objective of the research plan is comprehensive solution of the problem issues in transportation area with the focus on 7 concrete themes be tackled: E1: Transportation networks in interaction with their environment. E2: Models for financing transportation infrastructure, regulation of network branches. E3: Optimisation of system structure among the existing transport modes; logistics, and multimodality. E4: Development of national infrastructure in connection with the EU long-term conception in the area of transportation. E5: Regulation of transport processes on regional basis. E6: Safety of travel route and modes. E7: Influence of human factor, injury biomechanics, system solution of the mobility of the handicapped. Solution of this interdisciplinary research plan project will be based on theoretical analyses, experimental modelling, numerical simulation, and fieldwork measurements. The objective of this research plan subject matter is gaining knowledge about the researched phenomena, their proper interpretation, formulation of mathematical models including their numerical formulation and verification by means of experiment. The research plan goals very often require interdisciplinary approach; therefore, a variety of different research teams will
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participate in their accomplishment. Accordingly, the objectives of the research plan at large can be specified within the previously mentioned topics as follows: 1. Determination of the relations within the individual means of transportation as an instrument for optimum transportation service. 2. Formation of models for classification of the influence of transportation on the living environment. 3. Generating supplementary material to enhance improvement of railroad infrastructure within important European and national directions, mainly the northward-southward region. 4. Objective assessment of freight traffic influence on the living environment, elimination of negative factors by consistent use of combined transportation in the framework of the EU, cooperation on legislative structure. 5. Proposal of the combined transportation system extension within the whole Euro-Asian territory; the role of the state in subsidizing construction of container terminals. 6. Submitting material, both constituent and supportive, in order to enhance the development of the transportation infrastructure as a tool of international cooperation within the European territory. 7. Project of high-speed railway track operation within the Czech Republic territory, and in the framework of the EU high-speed railway network. 8. Outlining principles to foster the improvement and preference of the public mass transport in urban areas. 9. Modification of road designing and building regulations on the basis of thorough analysis of safety measures effectiveness. 10. Forming a database of cycle tracks built in the Czech Republic, according to their types and place in the infrastructure. 11. Exertion of actual share of bicycling on the total division of transportation work (including partial results in individual districts and larger towns); evaluation of the influence of the length of journey on the use of travel means as a tool of investment modelling of cycle tracks. 12. Analysis of traffic operation and accidents and proposal of changes in transport routes geometry, safety and information systems, traffic regulations and other directives. 13. Development of models and methods for designing, financing, planning and assessment of transportation networks in relation to the living environment with regard to sustainable economic and social progress. 14. Proposal of technology for operation within the relevant region. 15. Philosophy of choice of a specific kind of a logistic centre, the attraction circle in the region; categorization of logistic centres. 16. Optimum allocation of logistic centres. 17. Optimisation of the service transportation networks (internal and external transportation system). 18. Definition of the clientele in the region, as well as marketing specification.
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19. Logistic service system architecture (physical and organizational). 20. Optimal system structure for the logistic regulation and control system. 21. Modelling of the economic prerequisites for the development of infrastructure, as well as transportation network operation, based on modern methods of financing, and combining of both private and public resources. 22. Criteria for assessment of investment effectiveness in the area of infrastructure and transportation network operation in concurrence with quantification of economic risks. 23. Methodology for complex assessment of transport quality and effectiveness of the existing logistic chains on local, regional, and global scale. 24. Proposals of regulative tools in the sphere of labour division among different transport modes and operators in accord with the EU legislation and political documents dealing with transportation issues. 25. Creation of an expert meta-knowledge system to support decision-making in the area of transportation. 26. Specification of substitution processes in cases of process failures or application of a greater number of parallel processes. 27. Determination of dependencies between the amount of data, information and knowledge, and the time period needed for a correct decision. 28. Foundation of software environment for on-line traffic junction control. 29. Enhancing of both active and passive safety of transportation vehicles by means of changes in their construction, as well as legislation. 30. Application of findings in the field of diagnostics with regard to psychical and physical ability of operating motor vehicles. 31. Creating conditions in transport for valuable life of handicapped citizens. 32. Measures of devoting special attention to the transport system users with potentially higher risk factor. 33. Estimation of criteria for stress examination, reliability and durability assessment of implants, focused on avoidance of injury in individuals having failed during their operational activity. 34. Investigation of deformation processes in human skeleton, especially the skull, occurring during the impact, with the aim to improve both the protective aids (e.g., the crash helmet), and the eventual safety regulations.
Time schedule of the research plan solution
The proposed themes have the character of basic research with applicable outputs; however, the exact specification of the research completion is difficult. Therefore, the individual phases of the research plan topics are set on a framework base to enable specifying the time schedule later during the solution process.
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
2007 Research territory boundary, data acquisition. Analysis of proposal elements for the infrastructure and traffic accidents. Determination of relations among the individual transport modes as an instrument for optimisation of regional transport service. Present state of the handicapped citizen’s mobility. Analysis of present state of theoretical knowledge implementation within the organisation and control of transportation systems. Transport system interaction with the environment. Influence of economic factors, influence of transport system on the living environment, the aspects of landscaping and city planning. Research observations focused on international trends and analogies in other network systems. Proposal of regional operation technology. Methodology of choice of regional logistic centre and attraction circuit, categorisation of logistic centres. Background research of financial methods, economic analysis within the EU, and estimation of their applicability. Analysis of the actual state of the transportation processes regulation, data acquisition for theory formulation. Active and passive safety study, data acquisition for traffic accidents from the viewpoint of transport route conditions. Formation of traffic accidents database dealing with the location of frequent collisions, estimation of the degree of severity of consequences, clinical specimen on types, scope of injury, and the result of treatment. Statistic data processing aimed at formation of database of classified fundamental material for problem solving of bio-mechanic nature. Evaluation of statistical solutions of skull damage due to injuries. Final experiment methodology for examination of mechanical properties of body tissues. 2008 Theoretical basis for evaluation of influence of transportation on the living environment. The Czech Republic study regarding service operation by individual transport modes. Proposal for extension of combined transport system within the total Euro-Asian territory; role of state to subsidize the building of container terminals. Formulation of documents implementing the development of transportation infrastructure as an instrument for international cooperation within Europe. Specifying principle parameters for independent movement of handicapped citizens. Verbal formulation of a model defining the relations to the environment, as well as a complex assessment of the transportation system from technological, economical, organisational, and ecological point of view. Description of transportation system cycle. Financial support securing the implementation of transportation systems. Financial costs structuring and standard methodology for the calculation with regard to the economical effectiveness of transportation investments. Solution of a logistic centre optimum allocation. Elaboration of theoretical basis for knowledge and expert systems. Proposal of programme on experimental simulation of collisions: automobile-automobile, automobile-motorcycle, automobile-pedestrian, motorcycle-solid obstruction. New precise mathematical models for automated production of long bones, big joints, the pelvis, skull, as well as the cerebral tissue on the basis of CT, MRI, eventually US data. ANSYS computer programme studies of loosening and micro-motion of cemented implants, and stress state of human skull under single and distributed load.
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2009 Creation of theoretical basis for the evaluation of influence of transportation on the living environment. Proposal for extension of combined transport system within the total EuroAsian territory; role of state in subsidizing the construction of container terminals. Formulation of documents establishing the development of transportation infrastructure as a tool for development of international cooperation within Europe. Specifying the principle parameters for independent movement of handicapped citizens. Exploitation of risk capital for financing the transportation infrastructure. Critical factors and their quantification. Reformulation of the verbal model of project assessment and evaluation of life cycle into quantification basis. Externalities and their limitation, the living environment, costs and utility of transportation systems. Optimisation of the transportation service network (external and internal transportation system). Elaboration a methodology for the financial part of feasibility study, quantification of economic risks of transportation projects. Experimental realization and evaluation of the following collision simulations: automobileautomobile, automobile-motorcycle, automobile-pedestrian, motorcycle-solid obstruction. Three-dimensional computation models for a variety of cemented implants in the interaction with a bone, examination of the causes for their loosening by means of parameter studies. Spatial computational models of bones and the skull in dynamic loading. 2010 Architecture, methodology, and assessment approaches to deal with LCC, EIA, NPV, IRR, and CBA transportation systems; their quantification, comparison, advantages and disadvantages within the transportation network. Liberalisation of network branches. Deregulation, basic preconditions and system aspects of transportation infrastructure. Formation of a programme and verification of its functionality. Evaluation and proposition of changes. Simulation programme and expert system formation. Evaluation of passive safety elements and proposal on their improvement. Investigation and explanation of deformation, and existence of places of concentrated stress during the process of loosening or micro-motions, by the help of a precise spatial computational model. Spatial computational model of human skull and cerebral tissue, being loaded by concentrated and local distributed loading. Lubrication solution of an ankle joint during sliding and rotational movements under general load. 2011 System aspects of regulation in the area of transportation, integral transportation system and individual transport modes. Quality of transfer service. Marketing and clientele estimation. Application of methodology for the evaluation of transportation infrastructure and network traffic effectiveness in concrete projects in the Czech Republic. Prevention of accidents as a result of quality of comfort while driving. Assessment of active systems in vehicles. Experimental model research to examine the behaviour of a variety of cemented total replacement implants within a substituting environment of the cemented layer and the bone. Confrontation of the experimental results and the results of computational modelling with the eventual modification of spatial computational models (hybrid method). Three-dimensional
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model of skull and cerebral tissue for the impact load. 2012 Objective assessment of the freight transportation influence on the living environment, elimination of negative influence by means of consistent use of combined transportation within the whole EU, cooperation on legislative framework formulation. Setting of principles for enhancement of quality and realisation of preference tools in favour of the city mass transportation in urban areas. Modification of principles for the estimation of infrastructure proposal elements on the basis of an analysis considering the effectiveness of single measures to increase safety. Resulting from the analysis of traffic accidents, changes in geometrical travel route layouts within security and communication systems, transportation and other regulations, will be proposed. Assertion of the effective share of cycling transport in the total division of transport work (including partial results within individual districts, and major urban areas); influence of the length of journey travelled on transportation mode use serving as a cycle track investment modelling tool. Verification of the LCC, EIA, NPV, IRR, and CBA evaluation methods. Formalised procedure and verification of received data compared with data gained in the field of practical application. Optimisation of the transportation system. Criteria and limiting conditions. Integral transportation system incl. competing business. Architecture of logistic service system (physical and organizational). Data processing of mandatory state administration procedures for transportation investment expertise. Application of simulation programmes and expert system in practice. Supplementing and verifying experiments in the sphere of transport vehicle active and passive safety. Validation of the gained results together with the utilisation of modelling in the framework of experimental centre, proposals for practical application. Application of 3-dimensional computational models in solution of practical cases in the field of orthopaedics and forensic medicine, for different kinds of real loads, especially extreme loads. Recommendations from the viewpoint of biomechanics, for the use of cemented implants in concrete medical cases, with regard to reliability. 2013 Methodology of transport route designing with respect to ecology, landscape, and settlements. Set of measures focusing on mitigation of noise coming from the infrastructure. Principle material supporting improvement of railway infrastructure within major national and international directions, mainly in the south-northward direction. Recommended solutions of public mass transport preference in urban areas. Recommended solutions in cases of frequent traffic accident locations. Database of cycle tracks built in the Czech Republic, and their classification according to their types and locations within the transportation infrastructure. Methodology of proposals for the construction of transportation facilities with regard to the handicapped citizens. Proposition of a model for assessment of a transportation system in general. Evaluation of projects, profit calculation, utility criteria. Economical model of transportation system. Optimal system of logistic service system control. Proposals in the sphere of division of transfer labour regulative tools for different transport modes and operators in accord with legislative regulations of the EU and other transportation/political documents. Further development of an expert meta knowledge system to support decision-making in
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transportation. Creation of software environment for on-line traffic junction control. Proposal of changes within the construction, legislature and information systems. Creation of expertise fundamentals for the purposes of forensic medicine to examine the causes of violent bone damage; a set of criteria to classify the scope of harm. Contribution to improvement of protective aids (e.g., crash helmets) or safety arrangements and regulations resulting from the investigation of deformation processes in human skull during the impact. Proposals contributing to treatment of skull injuries.
Presumed results of the research plan solution
The envisaged results of the research plan solution will be particularly of investigative character, and will extend the knowledge in the field of transportation infrastructure, the transport system ecology, system engineering, construction and traffic economy, economy of logistic systems, and the influence of a human factor and biomechanics of man in the area of transportation. The obtained results will be presented in scientific journals, and at national, as well as international conferences. The results of this research will be also applied to specify the fundamentals for a new, and highly effective development and construction of travel routes, the transportation network system optimisation, regulation of traffic in rural and urban areas, improvement of safety, and reduction of noise and vibrations, enhancement of quality of the living environment, development of new technological procedures in transportation, reduction in the number of accidents and their consequences with respect to both, the person and the property. It will, furthermore, contribute to an extension of knowledge in the field of authorised expertise and biomedical engineering. Elaborated methods and programmes for numerical simulations will be used in the sphere of the research application - the development and proposal of new transportation systems and facilities to substitute the demanding and costly research and experiments with the result of the reduction in costs and acceleration of the developments. The results of the research will be focused on the area of transportation, as well as the sphere of national economy and environmental issues. The transfer of applicable findings will be accompanied by parallel surveys concerning the demands on the part of industry and other interest fields. For implementation of the actual research results, field programmes will be used and direct cooperation with the applied research and/or the industrial development centres maintained. The crucial findings are presented in a complex way, because the interdisciplinary character of the research plan requires the results be introduced by integrating partial results of individual topics into the whole: E1: Transportation networks in interaction with their environment. E2: Models for financing transportation infrastructure, regulation of network branches. E3: Optimisation of system structure among the existing transport modes; logistics, and multimodality. E4: Development of national infrastructure in connection with the EU long-term conception in the area of transportation. E5: Regulation of transport processes on regional basis. E6: Safety of travel route and modes. E7: Influence of human factor, injury biomechanics, system solution of the mobility of the handicapped.
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The crucial findings are presented in a complex way with determination of areas of topics: • Transport road routing with regard to ecology, landscape character, and built-up areas. [E1, E5, E6] • Methodics of design of routing and construction of roads on the basis of analysis of efficiency of arrangement for increasing their capacity and reliability in operation. [E1, E6] • Set of measures to reduce noise and vibrations coming from the road construction site. [E1, E6] • Recommended solutions in favour of public mass transportation in urban areas. [E1, E3, E5] • Infrastructure conditions analysis with regard to bicycling, as well as the best solutions for the cycle track infrastructure, and the proposal for the optimum solution of financing bicycling in connection with the entry of the Czech Republic into the EU. [E1, E4] • Complex of models and methods enabling the problem solution concerning the transportation system and its interaction with the system environment. The consequent regulation will make the formation of optimal connections among the individual means of transport possible, regarding the aspect of safety functioning of the system as a whole. [E3, E5] • Definition of other network systems´ operation. [E3] • Simulation and modelling programmes of transportation processes with the focus on traffic junctions, on-line regulation of crossroads (crossroad data generating and programme control). [E3, E5] • Expert system based on a database of the on-line processed data from the transport system, transferred (with the exception of trams) by means of wireless technologies into the central database. The application controlling this database will provide information about: prediction of traffic flows, monitoring of location and movement of public mass transport, a map depicting the current appearance of vehicles, and their arrival times at individual stops; it will also provide the intelligent terminal system at public mass transport stops and information centres, offering optimal routes in dependence of the system user’s location. The system will operate on the basis of decision-making rules developed on the principles of continuous learning from previous situations. [E1, E5] • Software equipment, installation, and operation of database server to secure the expert system operation on the ORACLE programme basis. [E3, E5] • Recommendations and regulations aiming at prevention of traffic accidents, and service aimed to provide assistance for those traffic road users representing a higher risk of failure. [E1, E6, E7] • Recommendations and proposals for changes in the transport vehicle construction, transport legislation, and transportation infrastructure (carriageway, its parts and equipment). [E1, E6, E7] • Proposals regarding changes of the information systems of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Health, Ministry of the Interior, Centre of Transportation Research, Bureau of Statistics, and other transport system participants. [E1, E5, E6, E7] • Proposal of mutual interconnection of individual transport modes on heterogenic transportation network with respect to the characteristic features of individual transport modes, as well as the requirements on logistic service in the respective region, in accord with the transport policy of the CR and EU. [E3, E4, E5] • Exploration of facts and assessment of international methods for financing and economical analysis, and their application within the CR. [E2, E4]
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Set up structures of costs and unified methodology for their application with regard to the economic effectiveness of transportation investments. [E2] • Proposal for the application of the financial method analysis results and evaluation of the effectiveness of transportation infrastructure development, and network system operation within the CR. [E1, E2, E3] • Elaboration of methodology and algorithmic calculation of the financial part of the feasibility study; quantification of economic risks of transportation projects. [E2, E5] • Submission of fundamental documents for legally binding procedures on the part of the public administration to consider transportation investments. [E2, E3] • Recommendation in the field of regulatory tools for the transportation division of labour among the individual transport modes and operators in accord with the EU regulations and transportation/political documents. [E2, E4] • Creation of instruments to meet the needs of handicapped citizens with regard to their limitations in movement and the use of transport modes. [E1, E3, E6, E7] • Investigation and clarification of mechanical causes of damage, deformation processes and stresses in the human muscular-skeletal system for purposes of forensic medicine. [E6, E7] • Derivation of computational models to detect stresses, as well as critical spots in human skeleton elements during the state of an extreme, especially dynamic stress. [E6, E7] • Recognition of the causes of loosening and/or micro-motions in the examined cemented implants. Estimation of criteria for reliability assessment of cemented implants as compared with much more costly cementless implants; recommendations from the viewpoints of biomechanics in concrete operational cases. [E7] • Spatial Finite Element Method enabling forensic medicine a more exact analysis of deformation processes in the skull during the impact, as well as detecting of causes and the scope of damage, which will, in technical practice, help to optimise the development of the human skull protection elements and safety regulations. [E6, E7] The time schedule of the anticipated administration of the results is in compliance with gradual achievements of the target solution according to the time schedule mentioned in A4.
Management, strategies and methods of the research plan solution
The research plan includes comprehensive solution regarding interdisciplinary problems of regional transportation infrastructure, ecology of transport systems, systemic transportation engineering, economy of construction and management, logistics of transportation systems, transportation safety, the influence of a human factor and problems of biomechanics with regard to transportation. The present trend within the area of problem solving has marked an unprecedented development in the field of numerical simulation, made possible by applying the contemporary computer technology. The effectiveness of the simulations and numerical procedures is preconditioned by a thorough theoretical analysis, on the one hand, as well as formation of a suitable model, in addition to a numerical solution, on the other hand. Therefore, comprehensive investigation of chosen problems, which combines all the abovementioned approaches, seems to be necessary. The research plan solution is based on theoretical analysis of the relevant phenomena, experimental examination, and modelling, based of the available researched data, the appropriate mathematical models, development of algorithms and computational methods, verze07
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implementation of numerical simulations and their verification by means of relevant tests. One part of the research plan will inevitably constitute the development of experimental equipment and measurement technique, as well as the development of numerical methods and computer technology. The research plan administration will use the opportunity to cooperate with both national and foreign research institutions through joint grants and international projects. In the solution of some of the partial problems external workers will participate, however, quite significant is the share of senior, as well as PhD. students working on their diploma and dissertation theses, being led by a team of experienced faculty lectures. Continuous cooperation with the international scientific community through participation in joint projects, mutual exchange of experimental results, study visits and research fellowships, treatises, and attendance of international conferences is anticipated. Maintaining of such contacts is indispensable in order to pursue the latest knowledge and trends to be able to formulate further developments within the entire research, thus providing a feedback to reflect upon the recent achievements. The strategic goal is represented by the fundamental research in the sphere of theoretical models and methods for designing, planning and managing the processes in the infrastructure networks. Optimising procedures to support management decision-making are of particular concern. Another principle research will be focused on formulation of suitable optimising criteria and limiting conditions. This idea originated from a practical observation that, while designing, planning and managing transportation or other networks, not all the important aspects are being taken into account, necessary for optimal functioning of such systems. A comprehensive conception connected with a variety of technical, economical, ecological and social criteria, as well as criteria of city-planning and landscaping, will make a tolerable development of transportation system possible. The whole research will be supported by the methods of mathematical-economic modelling, simulation and experiment modelling of phenomena and processes connected with the development of transportation infrastructure and its operation. The fundaments for such modelling will be provided by the hierarchy transport networks of heterogenic type, with the stress on implementation of multimodal transport, and the focus on higher effectiveness of the investment processes. Emphasis will be laid on building transportation systems within logistic chains with a minimum influence of transportation technology on the living environment. For the solution of these problems, transportation theory devices will be used - especially the graph theory, allocation problem solution, linear programming, stockkeeping theory, front theory, mathematical and simulation modelling, as well as problem solutions of non-linear character (bottle-necks, congestions). Strategy to the implementation of the principle research in the field “Regulation of transportation processes” consists of the following stages: (i) data gathering, (ii) relation provision towards the existing results, (iii) analysis of present state, (iv) creation of theoretical basis (basic hypotheses, junction control method, methods for data transmission to the central database, theory of decision-making with regard to time stress, information power and content, contamination and immunity theory in dependency on the system status, proposal of meta knowledge system, elaboration of learning from examples), (v) formation of simulation software and expert system, (vi)verification of results, (vii) proposal of rearrangement (changes within programmes, completion of expert system), (viii) application of both simulation software and expert system to support the decision-making regarding city mass transportation). Methods for solution vary according to topics, which can be divided into: (i) simulation programme formation, i.e., modelling of transportation processes, (ii) expert programme formation to support decision-making.
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For the research of transport vehicle safety, the future topics can be formulated as follows: • Automobile – automobile collision research, aimed at non-standard measurement (sensor reaction time data) for early crash and pre-crash systems connected with global information network. From the viewpoint of injury biomechanics, injuries of non-typical nature will be dealt with (children, pregnant women, small and big dummies on both sides of size spectrum). • Automobile – motorcycle collision research, aimed at the research of different types of collisions (front, side, back impact). Assessed will be the ways and aids of motorcycle and car driver protection. Experiments will serve the computer model validation, as well as recording of statistically significant types of collisions, with the focus on analysis and synthesis of retaining systems and construction modifications. • Automobile – pedestrian collision research is focused on classification of pedestrians of different stature through a real experiment or computer simulation (basic database of clinical data available). The focus of interest is concerned on intelligent retaining systems and active prevention from the impact through them. • Motorcycle (bicycle) collision research – concerned with the safety of single-track vehicle crew while colliding with road surface, natural or man-made obstructions, with focus on their elimination. • General prevention from collisions due to quality of comfort with the aim of objectifying the term “comfort” from the point of view of vibrations, noise, and ergonomics of the vehicle interior equipped with modern means of communication. The standard demands according to ISO parameters seem to be unsatisfactory. Active systems are likely to be applied here (vehicle suspension, control systems). • Characteristic features of windshield (safety) glass – research focused on examination methods, classification, manufacturing, etc. • Protective aids - research aimed at effectiveness of the transport system operator or user’s protection (protective helmets, clothing, signalling devices). • IS analysis in the framework of the whole transportation infrastructure with focus on interdisciplinary information cooperation. A project monitoring and recording the present state of knowledge will provide a start, followed by research consisting of enquiries, diagnostic and experiment approaches. Problems of diagnostics of transportation participant abilities are given a special attention worldwide. Modelling of increased requirements on perception, decision-making, and behaviour of man in traffic conditions will be made possible within all kinds of psychological examinations. In cooperation with orthopaedic departments, clinical databases will be created about the findings on types, reliability rate and the number of surgical operations which, after a certain period of time do not meet the required functional criteria of the implant in active life of a human being and limited his mobility. Statistical data processing will focus on fundamental material database sorted out from the aspect of biomechanics with emphasis on determination of significant physical features enabling formation of the relevant input data for numerical a experimental modelling of a chosen problem within the bone – implant system. Statistical calculations of bone and skull injuries as a consequence of traffic accidents will be made, as well as the location, number, and significance of these cases in consideration of the problem solution by the medium of computational modelling. Another goal for research is formation of accurate mathematical models of long bones, joints and the skull, as well as the brain tissue, on the basis of the CT, MRI, eventually US data; further on, a concise definition of loads in the course of regular human activity with
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regard to an actual problem. The kind and scope of the skull damage is dependant on the size, weight, shape, consistency and elasticity of the object implicating violence, in addition to the direction, velocity and location of the infliction force, as well as the elasticity of the skull, and possible range of head move at the moment of impact. Within the three-dimensional models of the finite element computational method, the bone tissue will be considered in interaction with a variety of implants (e.g., the hip joint, wrist or finger joints) so that the probability and causes of their loosening and micro-motions can be detected. A three-dimensional FE skull model enables the illustration of spatially variable characteristic of the skull material, the fact of which may contribute to a more precise analysis of the skull deformation processes during the impact, as well as detection of places suffering extreme stresses whose impact may lead to damage and in such way to obtain data for active and passive protection of people in traffic operation. Another research subject matter will deal with development of experimental methods for study and application of mechanical properties of body tissues, especially in long bones and tendons. Relevant models will be subjects to experimental examination on a variety of implants with respect to their reaction on the surrounding environment. Experimental research will be carried out on the models of skull with protection elements during dynamic loading (especially impact loading).
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B B1
Assumptions to the research plan solution
Principal research and development activities of the administrator B1a.
Main trends of research and development activities
The Faculty of Transportation Sciences of CTU focuses on research in an interdisciplinary field of transportation. Generally, transportation is a series of processes leading to the specific transfer of people, objects, energy and information in space and time. Essentially, it is a phenomenon of interaction of the individual and a technical product, of society and technological infrastructure, which broadens the possibilities of human existence in space and time. Applying new findings in areas of full societal impact, such as computing models of complex systems, new material and technology development, biomechanics or ecology, is strongly emphasized. The ongoing research determined by the presented research proposal can be divided into three areas: (A) Transportation network development, (B) transportation infrastructure economics and (C) transportation safety and the human factor.
In the individual areas the following particular issues are studied: transportation theory including the tasks of optimising, transportation technology, the role and operating of transportation in the logistic systems; computing methods and types of traffic junction control; spatial and construction layout of a transport route in a specific area regarding its effectiveness, budget and environmental impact; creating an information system for public city transport organizations; ways of optimising public transport including noise and vibration reduction in railway transport; ecological transportation issues; optimising the organization of air traffic and developing the permeability of air space, developing safety and service standards in civil aviation of the Czech republic, harmonizing and integrating the air-traffic control services; introducing modern communication systems, navigation and monitoring with potential application of the satellite systems; economic and financial means analysis in order to optimise strong processes in the traffic and communication systems; economic effectiveness of transportation investments, ways and means of funding the development and operation of transportation networks including the combination of public and private funding, designing and running transportation infrastructure projects, designing models of transportation projects economic risks; dynamic system models focusing on quantitative analysis of enterprise activities, focus on organization structures and organization changes of technological processes, economic-mathematical models of manager decision making; psychological analysis of the influence of human factor on the fluency and safety of road traffic; analysis of road accidents and their consequences; designing real collision methodology for the testing polygon, designing computing models and their
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validation; - area of active and passive vehicle safety and its interdisciplinary integration into the framework of health care, technology, legislation and informatics; - biomechanical analysis of the deformation processes involved in damaging the elements of the human muscular-skeletal system primarily as a result of a road accident. The research activity was carried out in the framework of three previous research proposals, as well as within is carried out on several grant projects supported by the grant agencies GA CR and GA AS CR as well as individual ministries – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Education (several foreign projects, such as COST, OECD GSF – Neuroinformatics), Ministry of Transportation (research and development projects). Other funding is ensured by CTU itself and several other foreign projects financed from the EU budget (PORTAL, EURNEX, APSN, EURONAT, COST, REMOVE, LEONARDO/ETNITE, CAPTIVE, ENTRANCE, AUTOFORE, INNOTRACK, CERN – ATLAS, Jean Monet and so on). The solutions to the majority of issues currently worked on can be applied in practice, such as traffic junction control and permeability of transportation networks, integrated transportation systems, information system for public city transport organizations METRIS, or obtaining image data and development of obstacle and traffic-sign recognition system in a running car. Further applicable solutions concern optimal implantation of production centres in the economic process, analysis and evaluation of negative environmental influence of transportation, ecological aspects of linear roads in a specific area, or potential protection of motorbike rider and car passengers in motorbike-car collisions. Another example of applicability is clarification of the actual deformation processes of human soft and hard tissues as a result of a road accident which serves to help uncover the reasons of serious injuries and helps develop protective aids. The faculty has cooperated with a number of institutions and companies, such as Czech Railways Int., SkodaAuto Int. Mlada Boleslav, SKANSKA ZS Prague Int., Transportation Research Centre, ELTODO Int., AŽD Prague Ltd., Transportation Enterprise of the Capital City Prague Int., SUDOP Int., METROPROJEKT, Ministry of Transportation and Czech and Slovak combined transport INTRANS Int. The Faculty of Transportation Sciences is a training centre for two PhD study programmes comprising three specialisations. In the last five years there have been 224 PhD students who participate in research projects as well as working on their dissertations. The faculty staff organizes scientific meetings and are active members of scientific and organizational committees of a number of Czech and significant international conferences, such as Conference of European Society of Biomechanics, Poland, 2002, International Conference on BIOMECHANICS, IASTED (Rhodes Greece 2003, USA 2004, Spain 2005), regularly organizes the bilateral symposiums on Experimental Mechanics with Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, Germany. In the last years, The Faculty of Transportation Sciences has been organizing conferences such as “Transportation and its societal effectiveness” or “The Science of Transportation”. Every year there are seminars held to present the results of grant projects and to share ideas.
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Contribution of the research and development results in spheres referred to in B1a. on national and international context
The contribution of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences to the development of scientific knowledge is documented in international expert magazines and conference proceedings, as well as within the terms of broad international cooperation of research teams (eg. EU project INNOTRACK with SNCF, EU project EURNEX with FAV Berlin, Institutet for Transportforskning, Vienna University of Technology, International project ATLAS – CERN), contributing to work on international projects, and organising international conferences. The faculty staff is involved in international scientific community activities in areas such as transport infrastructure, logistics, informatics engineering, mechanics of transport constructions and means, material diagnostics and biomechanics. As far as elementary research is concerned the faculty focus on designing theoretical and computing models of complex transport processes and systems, interaction of the human factor and transport process, development of transport infrastructure in a specific area in national and European context, and validation experiments. Further contribution concerns: - guest lecturing and national and international committee membership. Also presenting results in areas such as the theory of transportation engineering, restructuring railways, the role of road transport in relation to sustainable transportation system development (Zilina, Budapest, Brussels), contribution to city transport development (e.g. Prague) and on regional level (the Pilsen region) - EU programmes (IMPRINT and ICAM) and the environmental influence of technological development (Venice, Madrid) [J20, C2, C14, C17, C21, C28, C39, C42, C47]. Membership in WACRA, EVCA, EFER, NYAS. - Development of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the Czech Republic took form of developing effective means of transportation decision making system support [J10, J11, J12, J17, J32, B4, B11, C22]. The state of knowledge and current computing technology potential enables rationalisation and optimising of a number of decisive situations in various transportation systems. - Broadening the front theory with system permeability and optimal load calculations, as well as calculations of optimal distribution of lanes in transport networks, work on bottlenecks (see tasks set by the Transportation Committee of EEC/UN), solving location and allocation problems, logistics theory design in relation to logistic serviceability of an area [C34, C151]. - Work on and broadening of the CASH FLOW analysis methodology for alternatives in funding transportation projects including private sector involvement in running transport networks [C46]. - Calculation of algorithms and the instruments of economic risk analysis. - Broadening the sum of knowledge related to subjective probability constructions in quantifying the economic risk of projects, as well as harmonising exacting methods and model instruments with the knowledge and experience of researchers [C7, C8, C59]. - The results obtained in the field of transportation psychology concerning driver behaviour and their psychic competence for motor vehicle driving (sensoric, motoric, decisive and personal aspects) have been found relevant on European level (38th BDP Kongress fuer Verkehrspsychologie, Universitaet Regensburg, 2002; 10th EFE Congress, Prague, 2003; national seminars and conferences,
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cooperation with the Transportation Academy of the Czech Republic. The results are consulted with and handed over to Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen and Bergisch Gladbach, GDR [J9, J29, B6]. Within the railway transport research for the Czech Railways Inc. and city transport companies’ number of surveys and measurements are carried out; several proposals for track-grounding changes were applied (e.g. construction types of tram-track tops with noise-suppressor elements) [C13, C43]. In pedestrian-vehicle collisions [C44, C126] serious injuries appear. Their societal impact relates not only to the health condition of the injured, but as well to financial and material means necessary for convalescence. There were remarkable differences discovered in comparing injuries caused by vehicles manufactured before 1979 and after. The results obtained through computing simulations and confirmed experiments are handed over to our car producers [J33, J34, J35, C11, C12, C32]. In the field of passive road safety relevant results have also been reached and are further dealt with by the Ministry of Transportation and the Czech Police. We also cooperate with tyre manufacturers to improve adhesion qualities [J7, J8], noise reduction and durability [C49]. The faculty staff is involved in the team work on the European project ATLAS in CERN in Geneva for which the Czech Republic manufactures unique products. As a relevant contribution we also consider our results in biomechanics concerning sustainable human mobility that is vital for a fulfilling life. In the case of muscular-skeletal injury as a result of a disease or a car accident the individual’s mobility can be deteriorated or paralysed. The results in orthopaedic biomechanics research in cooperation with UTAM AV CR and the orthopaedic clinic of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University were obtained through the study of not only bone structure and function but as well joints, tissues and mechanical interaction between bone and prosthesis. These results were accepted by broad international expert audience with great interest [J3, J14, J21, J22, B3, C29, C38, C41, C70, C71, C73, C117, C120] as they enable improving convalescence methods. Another relevant result is the development of methodology for fully automatic generation of the geometry of complex shape models of the human skeleton. These models are used in the analysis of stress state and deformation processes of new types of orthopaedic implants [B1, C9, C10] and are now successfully applied. Improving exactness of material models through the use of nonhomogeneous material with qualities dependant of the bone tissue density was reached by measuring the degree of radiation absorption in a specific bone tissue. This finding is considered a relevant progress in bone modelling through the method of final elements (MKP) [J21, C29, C38, C40]. Modified methods are successfully used for generating models for the analysis of the mechanism and degree of human skeletal damage, especially in forensic medicine [J21, C8, C38, C39], e.g. simulation of pedestrian-vehicle collision injuries, various fracture types caused by violent attacks etc.).
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Relationship between the research plan and the research specialization of the administrator and its connection with the long-term perspective of research and development of the administrator
Faculty of Transportation Science of the Czech Technical University in Prague is a prominent institution in the area of transportation which is documented by the EU projects solved at the faculty. The faculty is capable of solving complex problems of the theory and application of transport infrastructure efficiently. The research proposal follows current research activities of the faculty and research proposals solved in the previous years. Transportation in a complex conception is a set of processes leading to terminating relocation of persons, objects, energy and information in space and time. It is in its principle a phenomenon of the interaction between man and technological product or society with technological infrastructure expanding the possibilities of human existence. The basic methodology in transportation is a system form of perception, solution and evaluation of phenomena in relationship between the traffic roads, vehicles, pedestrians and mutually interacting transport and logistic systems. Engineering informatics plays an important role in study of these transportation problems and is used for economic models of behaviour and in the development of effective territorial transport systems in relation to economical, ecological and cultural activities of citizens. Special attention is paid to application of new knowledge in areas of global importance as e.g. computational modelling of complex systems, development of new materials and technology, biomechanics and environmental protection.
Current share of the administrator and the research team in the solution of the subject of the research plan on both national and international scales
The research results in individual fields within the given period of time are discussed below. Altogether, the results brought about evident broadening of knowledge in the individual fields of research and they also include a number of original solutions and methodology proposals comparable to the research results in international context. The list of publications follows in section D4 of this proposal. (A) FIELD: Transportation Networks Development Transportation Network Capacity – a study of transportation network capacity with stochastic movement of transportation units and elements, capacity of junctions and edges within deterministic traffic-control planning and with stochastic introduction of elements into the transportation system, models of traffic control in situations of congestion [J5, J50, B5, C22]. Computing Support of Decision Making in Transportation Systems – creating effective tools of support of decision making in transportation systems was a relevant contribution to the development of ITS in the CR; the state of knowledge and current potential of computing technology enables rationalization and optimising a number of decisive situations in various transportation systems [J18, J19, J20, J25, B9, C35, C151]. Information System for Public Service Organizations in City Public Transport (CPT) – METRopolitan Information System (METRIS) in CPT serves to monitor, analyse, forecast and inform about the movement of means of public transport, traffic density. METRIS also looks up connections and traffic control in order to achieve the best possible traffic fluency
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and if necessary to ensure public transport preference [R6]. Potential Reduction of Noise caused by City Railway Transport – Noise caused by railway transport depends mainly on the type of vehicle, construction of the track top and technical condition of tracks. Fractal geometry can be used in assessing the influence of transport on the environment. One of the possibilities of noise reduction is a modern construction of tram-track tops. [C13, C15, C16, C43, C136]. Introduction of Integrated Transportation Systems – Integrated Transportation Systems (ITS) bring about more effectiveness and a systemic solution in the public transport than the uncoordinated traffic does. Hradec Králové and its surroundings were studied to optimise the public transport network (PTN) and transfer junctions. PTN was analysed and after assessment proposals were made in order to introduce changes in PTN. Most of the derivative criteria can be understood universally and can be applied anywhere else in the CR [C21, C37, C42, C47]. (B) FIELD: Transportation Infrastructure Economics Transportation System Optimisation – Systemic solutions to transportation problems should be based on the fact transportation is a subsystem of the social-economic system in society. Economic and financial tools have to respect this systemic approach and optimising transportation system should be based on: (i) interactive relations of transportation with other technical, economic and social subsystems, (ii) relations among individual transportation subsystems in ITS, (iii) optimising the share of individual types of transportation in the overall transportation system output. [J1, J15, J20, C2, C3, C36]. Optimal Traffic-lane distribution - Optimising processes were focusing on optimal distribution of traffic lanes while applying the time-limit, permeability of transportation network elements and cost minimizing criteria, as well as on optimising, allocation and location of service centres, logistic service in a specific area [J6, J27, B2, C34]. Transportation Infrastructure Funding – work on and broadening the CASH FLOW analysis methodology in order to create alternatives of transportation projects funding including the private sector in the process of development and operating transportation networks [C20, C46]. Algorithmizing the Analytical Instruments of Economic Risk of Projects in Transportation - calculation of algorithms of the analytical instruments of economic risk (programme solution of risk curves of transportation projects as a foundation for economic risk quantification), broadening the pool of knowledge concerning the construction of subjective probability in quantifying economic risk of projects (analysis of the methodology of subjective probability sharing construction for an individual decision maker or a group of decision makers; launching the creation of a dialogic computing programme for the rank quantification method), harmonizing exacting methods and model tools with the knowledge and experience of researchers [C17, C18, C19, C44]. (C) FIELD: Transportation Safety and the Human Factor B3a. Method of Road-accident Complex Analysis – In the field of road safety road accidents were analysed specifically from the viewpoint of the technical condition of a vehicle, as well as particular pedestrian accidents. Crossroad accidents were analysed using the methodology of so called ‘near-accidents’ [C6, C7, C25, C26, C77, C121].We also analysed the positive effect of roundabouts and the analysis of computing models assessing their capacity. [J7, J8, C51, C106]. Building Regulation Influence on Road Traffic Calming – To analyse building regulation influence on road traffic, particular types and locations were chosen, methodology of observation was designed and observation was launched particularly in terrains that were
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supposed to be restructured. Thus the influence could be compared before and after the given regulation. [J18, C5, C6, C7, C25, C77, C123, C124]. Optimising the Bike Paths Proposal – issues of development of bike paths in Czech towns; discussing recommendations for optimal design elements of cyclist paths in order to improve user safety; setting principles for locating cyclist lanes in traffic space on local road communications [J19, J42, J43, J44, C27, C52, C53, C54]. Transportation Psychology Analysis – focus on cognitive processes analysis in relation to information processing in the transportation system in order to improve visual orientation; diagnostic studies were carried out to enable identify drivers with higher risk of accidents; analysis of Point System effectiveness in higher-risk drivers and their further participation in training courses. The results were compared with the experience of other international psychology departments in order to create conditions for reducing accidents caused by this higher-risk group [J29, B8]. Improving Passive Safety of Vehicles – research focusing on legislative field and experimental research related to computing simulation of phenomena concerning passive safety of vehicles. The results enable the assessment of probability and extent of injury in pregnant women and embryos as a result of a car accident. The goal is the introduction of intelligent and adaptive barrier systems in the category of cargo vehicles. Experimenting with car-motorcycle collision on a test polygon proved potential alternatives of better motorcyclist and passenger protection [C11, C12, C31, C32, C99, C100, C101, C126]. Biomechanics of Deformation Processes in Human Skeleton under Extreme Strain The research was related to sustainable human mobility, which is vital for the individual’s well being after serious illness or as a result of an accident, e.g. a road accident. The research can be divided into 4 subdivisions: Implementation of algorithms enabling automatic creation of geometric models out of CT or MRI image series. [J2, B1, C10, C29, C30, C40, C71]. Interaction of various types of acetabular cup and pelvic bone using 2D FEM models in the ANSYS programme (loosening and migration of a pelvic cup) [J22, C9, C41, C117]. Biomechanical analysis of Swanson’s prosthesis and treatment of damaged finger joint. Numerical analysis of Swanson finger implant tension has been carried out. The implant enables the patients in therapy to perform every-day tasks including car driving. Computing models of a non-head-on collision effect on the cranial vertex. This study was carried out to describe deformation processes leading to cranial injuries, e.g. in road accidents [B1, B22, J21, C8, C38, C39, C75, C119, C120].
International cooperation of the administrator in research and development in sphere which is subject of the research plan B4a.
Common projects of the administrator with foreign research and development organizations realized on the basis of international contracts concluded by the CR with foreign entities
Since January 1, 2004 the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of CTU is a regular member of the excellence network EUREX, European Railways Development Research. In the framework of the SOCRATES-ERASMUS project bilateral agreements were signed with the Bolton Institute in Great Britain, Universite de Bordeaux in France and with the University of Applied Science, Fachhochschule Steyer in Austria and
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IUSM Roma Italy. Other cooperation agreements were signed with the University of Belgrade and the Polish Academy of Sciences, Nencki Institute in Warszaw (Agreement of Scientific Cooperation in Neuroinformatics). Further international agreements: -
Program International Neuroinformatics – PIN, Global Science Forum OECD – follow-up grant MSMT CR no. ME 478 “Neuroinformatics” and no. ME 701 “Creating neuroinformatic database and exploring its findings” cooperation with SKODA Auto Inc. in the framework of 6th EU FP: PreVENT 6th EU FP project “Sustainable Mobility, Research of Railway Systems, Information Systems for Railway” 6th EU FP project “Advanced Passive Safety Network” 6th EU FP project “INNOTRACK” COST Action 276 – “Information and know-how running of integrated systems for multimedia telecommunication” PORTAL – 5th EU FP “Promotion of Results in Transport Research and Learning” EURONAT - 5th EU FP “Representations of Europe and the Nation in Current and Prospective member states: Media, Elites and Civil Society” CERN – ATLAS – “Development and Building of the frontal part of the inner ATLAS detector – Neutron Screening”. CERN Physics project in cooperation with the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences CTU Jean Monet – “European Standardisation”
Collective membership of the administrator in non-governmental international research and development organizations
Leonardo da Vinci Programme ETNITE
Individual membership of the research team members listed in D1 in nongovernmental international research and development organizations
Prof. Ing. Bedřich Duchoň, CSc.: Research and Application (WACRA), European Foundation for Entrepreneurial Research (EFER), European Venture Capital Association, New York Academy of Sciences (EVCA) Prof. Ing. Josef Jíra, CSc.: vice-chairman of the National Committee International Association of Shell Structures (IASS), member of Scientific Board EURNEX Prof. Ing. Petr Moos, CSc.: fellow member IEE, vicepresident Council EURNEX Prof. Ing. Mirko Novák, DrSc.: Steering committee of the project “PIN” Global Science Forum OECD Prof. Ing. Zdeněk Votruba, CSc.: fellow member IEE; EuroPhysics Society Doc. Ing. Petr Vysoký, CSc.: IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) – Committee on Biomedical Engineering and Control Doc. Ing. Jitka Jírová, CSc.: a member of editorial board of international journal – ACTA BIOENGINEERING and BIOMECHANICS, University of Wroclaw, Poland
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Contracts of cooperation among the administrator and foreign organizations engaged in research and development
Several international cooperation agreements are being drawn up, e.g. with s Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen, Bergisch Gladbach, BUGH Wuppertal, University Wroclaw, and with Kuratorium fuer Verkehrssicherheit, Wien. Within SOCRATES-ERASMUS bilateral agreement is being drawn up with Klagenfurt University, TU Delft, ISEP Paris and Regensburg University. We also cooperate with University of Valencia, HTW Dresden, Graz University of Technology, IUSM Roma, ESTACA France, Exile Nationale Superiore d´Electronique Bordeaux, University of Applied Science FH Steyr.
List of major implemented research and development applications of the members of the research team mentioned in D1 which refer to the issue of the research plan, within the last five years B5a.
Papers in impacted journals of the world ISI database
Papers in criticized non-impacted journals
Duchoň B.: Hospodářský růst, dohody z Kjóta, energetické problémy. Teplo, Technika, Teplárenství č.2/2001, str.5-9. J2 Heřt J., Fiala P., Jírová J.: Mechanické namáhání krčku femuru člověka. Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Čechosl., roč. 68, č. 4, 2001. J3 Jiroušek O., Máca J., Jíra J.: Biomechanical analysis of a new type of compressive splint used in carpal arthrodesis. ACTA OF BIOENGINEERING AND BIOMECHANICS, Vol. 3., No. 1. 2001, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, pp.59-74. J4 Neubergová K.: Funkce zeleně v našich městech. Veřejná správa, 2001 J5 Svoboda V., Mocková D.: Determining the Permeable Effiency of Elements in Transport. Acta Polytechnica, 2001, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp.58-59. J6 Svoboda V.: Logistická obsluha území. Logistika, 2001, roč. 7, č. 6, str.31-32. J7 Šachl J.: Adheze pneumatik ve znalecké analýze dopravních nehod – I. část. Znalec, 2001, roč. 11, č. 1, str.7-14. J8 Šachl J.: Adheze pneumatik ve znalecké analýze dopravních nehod – II. část. Znalec, 2001, roč. 11, č. 3, str.15-21. J9 Štikarová J.: Optické a akustické informační prostředky užívané při řízení automobilu a příjem informací. Psychologie v ekonomické praxi, roč. 36, 34/2001, str.141-154. J10 Kment M., Svatoš D.: Systémy automatické identifikace 1. Logistika, roč. 8, č. 3, 2002, str.23. J11 Kment M., Svatoš D.: Systémy automatické identifikace 2. Logistika, roč. 8, č.
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J12 J13 J14
J15 J16 J17 J18 J19 J20
J23 J24 J25 J26 J27 J28 J29 J30
4, 2002, str.14. Kment M., Svatoš D.: Systémy automatické identifikace 3. Logistika, roč. 8, č. 5, 2002, str.31. Kment M., Svatoš D.: E-technologie a důsledky jejich zavádění. Logistika, roč. 8, č. 6, 2002, str.16-17. Kult J., Jíra J.: Biomedical models of finger joint treatment problems. ACTA OF BIOENGINEERING AND BIOMECHANICS, Vol. 4, 2002, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, , pp.331-332. Kunst J., Říha Z.: Prognóza osobní veřejné dopravy do roku 2030. Doprava, č. 1/2002, str.18-21. Neubergová K.: Dopady silniční dopravy na životní prostředí. Silniční obzor 2, 2002. Svoboda V.: Problémy optimalizace logistických řetězců. Logistika, roč. 8, č. 7-8, 2002, str.27-29. Zobal P.: Nové konstrukce pro preferenci tramvajových tratí. Městská doprava 1, str. 13-15, 2002. Čarský J.: Modern Ways of Designing Roads through Urban Areas. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2003. Duchoň B. et al.: Doprava a handicapovaní občané (Transportation and Handicapped Inhabitants). Psychologie v ekonomické praxi, č.1-2/2003, Ročník XXXVIII, str.25-40. Jiroušek O., Jírová J., Jíra J.: Multiresolution finite element models of human skull based on data from computer tomography. ACTA OF BIOENGINEERING AND BIOMECHANICS, Vol. 5, 2003, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, , pp.214-217. Jírová J., Micka M., Jíra J., Sosna A., Pokorný D.: Computational modelling of acetabular cup migration. ACTA OF BIOENGINEERING AND BIOMECHANICS, Vol. 5, 2003, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Wroclaw, pp.218-223. Mocková D., Pokorná O.: Spolupráce veřejného a soukromého sektoru. Doprava, roč. 45, č. 3, 2003, str.9-13. Neubergová K.: Possibilities of Using Fractal Geometry in Landscape System Assessment. Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 2003. Neubergová K.: Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2003. Plachý R., Kaplanek A., Šachl J.: Zajišťování stop brzdění vozidla při šetření dopravních nehod. Kriminalistický sborník, 2003, roč. 47, č. 4, str.46-50. Svoboda V.: Logistics-Basic the Principle of Relocate Systems Management. Czech Industry, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.22-23. Šachl J.: Zvláštnosti stop na místech dopravních nehod. Soudní inženýrství, 2003, roč. 13, č. 6, str.16-19. Štikarová J.: Vizuální orientace v silniční dopravě. Psychologie v ekonomické praxi, roč. 38, 3-4/2003, str.1-2. Doubková, A. - Báča, V. - Čech, P. - Hynčík, L. - Kachlík, D. - et al.: Příspěvek ke kvalitní analýze poranění jater a sleziny při dopravních nehodách. In: Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Čechoslovaca. 2004, roč. 12, č. 10, s. 23-24. ISSN 0001-5415. Honců, M.: The cost of sleep-related road traffic accidents in the Czech Republic. In: Neural Network World. 2004, vol. 14, no. 1, s. 17-19. ISSN
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1210-0552. Kment, M. - Svatoš, D.: Utváření distribučního řetězce v celoevropském prostoru. In: Logistika. 2004, roč. 10, č. 9, s. 19-20. ISSN 1211-0957. Kovanda, J.: Karosérie motorových vozidel 1. In: AutoExpert. 2004, roč. 9, č. 4, s. 35-37. ISSN 1211-2380. Kovanda, J.: Karoserie motorových vozidel 2. In: AutoExpert. 2004, roč. 9, č. 5, s. 22-24. ISSN 1211-2380. Kovanda, J.: Kolize motocyklů a osobních automobilů. In: AutoExpert. 2004, roč. 9, č. 9, s. 35-36. ISSN 1211-2380. Neubergová, K.: Metody posuzování vlivů dopravy na životní prostředí a jejich vstupní parametry. In: Silniční obzor. 2004, roč. 65, č. 5, s. 121-125. ISSN 0322-7154. Neubergová, K.: Vzdělávání inženýrů v oblasti životního prostředí. In: Pražská technika. 2004, roč. 6, č. 2, s. 34-35. ISSN 1213-5348. Neubergová, K. - Moos, P.: Hodnocení výběru tras metodou koeficientů. In: Silniční obzor. 2004, roč. 65, č. 4, s. 102-105. ISSN 0322-7154. Svoboda, V.: Shromažďování přepravních kompletů. In: Logistika. 2004, roč. 9, č. 11, s. 47-49. ISSN 1211-0957. Šachl, J. - Šachl, J. - Rábek, V.: Meze možností znalecké analýzy dopravních nehod. In: Kriminalistický sborník. 2004, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 35-37. Šmolíková, J. - Štikar, J. - Hoskovec, J.: Řízení motorových vozidel ve stáří. In: Psychologie v ekonomické praxi. 2004, roč. 39, č. 1-2, s. 65-73. ISSN 0033-300X. Čarský, J.: Kritéria pro zřizování stezek pro chodce a cyklisty se sloučeným provozem. In: Silniční obzor. 2005, roč. 66, č. 4, s. 91-96. ISSN 0322-7154. Čarský, J.: Průzkumy priorit uživatelů cyklistické dopravy. In: Silniční obzor. 2005, roč. 66, č. 2, s. 35-41. ISSN 0322-7154. Čarský, J.: Vzájemné konflikty cyklistů a čekajících cestujících v prostoru zastávek veřejné hromadné dopravy. In: Silniční obzor. 2005, roč. 66, č. 3, s. 59-64. ISSN 0322-7154. Duchoň, B.: Až nám vyschne ropa. Časť 1: Ako ďaleko je energetická kríza? In: Transport. 2005, roč. 7, č. 22, s. 24-25. ISSN 1335-7433. Duchoň, B.: Až nám vyschne ropa. Časť 2: Aké máme alternatívy? In: Transport. 2005, roč. 7, č. 23-24, s. 24-25. ISSN 1335-7433. Jiroušek, O. - Vaněk, P. - Otáhal, S. - Kaczmarská, A. - Šorfová, M. - et al.: Finite element model of the craniocervical junction. In: EMBEC´05- Praha: EAMBS, 2005, s. 101-105. ISSN 1727-1983. Kovanda, J. - First, J.: Kolize motocyklu a osobního automobilu. In: Soudní inženýrství. 2005, roč. 16, č. 2, s. 103-109. ISSN 1211-443X. Kovanda, J. - Hrubec, F. - Šafránek, J.: Vybrané problémy silniční dopravní techniky ve zdravotnictví. In: Lékař a technika. 2005, s. 23-26. ISSN 03015491. Svoboda, V.: Hierarchické struktury dopravních sítí, agregace a dekompozice. In: Logistika. 2005, roč. 9, č. 4, s. 52-53. ISSN 1211-0957. Svoboda, V.: Podmínky vstupu na přepravní trh v EU a ČR. In: Doprava. 2005, roč. 47, č. 2, s. 18-21. ISSN 0012-5520. Zobal, P. - Bláha, P. - Pěnka, Z.: Strassenbahnen in Barrandov (Prag). In: Stadtverkehr. 2005, Jahr. 50, nr. 2, s. 10-13. ISSN 0038-9013.
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Criticized scientific books, chapters in criticized scientific books Jiroušek O.: Development of finite element models from CT scans for the use in biomechanics. Reviews of results and the set of selected publications achieved on IBM RS 6000/SP. Publikace VIC ČVUT, 2001. Pernica P., Svoboda V., Novák R., Zelený L., Kavalec K.: Doprava a zasilatelství, 1. vyd. Praha, ASPI Publishing, 2001, 479 stran. Kult J., Jíra J.: Computational model of Swanson´s PIP joint implant. Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering-4, University of Wales College of Medicine, 2002, edited by J.Middleton, N.G.Shrive and M.L.Jones, pp. 109-114. Svoboda V., Latýn P.: Logistika. 2. vyd., Praha Vyd. ČVUT, 2003, 159 stran. Svoboda V., Volek J., Mocková D., Sekal V.: Teorie dopravy II. 1. vyd., Praha Vyd. ČVUT, 2003, 140 stran. Štikar J., Hoskovec J., Štikarová J.: Psychologie v dopravě. Karolinum, Praha, 2003, 274 stran. Laube, Z. - Slabý, P. (ed.): Jak zklidnit dopravu v obcích. 1. vyd. Brno: Nadace Partnerství, 2004. 44 s. ISBN 80-239-3594-1. Micka, M. - Jíra, J.: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Deformation. In: Structural Integrity of Pressure Pipelines. Praha: Transgas a.s., 2004, s. 137-164. ISBN 80-86616-03-7. Řezníček, J. - Řezníčková, J.: Non-Standard Strain Gauges Application. In: Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2004, s. 715716. ISBN 88-386-6273-8. Řezníček, J. - Řezníčková, J.: Strojnická příručka - svazek 1 – aktualizace. 1. vyd. Praha: Dashöfer Holding & Verlag Dashöfer, 2004. 150 s. ISBN 8086229-65-3. Svoboda, V. - Svítek, M.: Telematika nad dopravními sítěmi. 1. vyd. Praha: ČVUT, 2004. 263 s. ISBN 80-01-03087-3. Jiroušek, O. - Jíra, J. - Jírová, J. - Micka, M.: Finite element model of human skull used for head injury criteria assessment. In: Impact Biomechanice: From Fundamental Insights to Applications. Springer, The Netherlands, edited by M.D.Gilchrist, 2005, s. 459-467. ISBN 1-4020-3795-3. Kočárková, D. - Kubát, B.: Dopravní stavby. In: Stavebně konstrukční detaily v obraze. Praha: Verlag Dashöfer, 2005, s. 511-532. ISBN 80-86229-99-8. Kočárková, D. - Kocourek, J.: Bezpečnost na okružních křižovatkách v příkladech. In: Nové formy přestavby a výstavby pozemních komunikací a uplatňování progresivních dopravně - inženýrských opatření ve městech a obcích ČR. Brno: Česká silniční společnost (pobočka při a. s. Brněnské komunikace, 2005, s. 22-25. ISBN 80-02-01723-4. Svoboda, V.: Infrastrukturní předpoklady a úloha státu. In: Nákladní doprava a zasilatelství. Praha: ASPI Publishing, 2005, s. 58-109. ISBN 80-7357-086-6.
Papers in proceedings
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
C2 C3
C5 C6 C7 C8 C9
C11 C12 C13 C14
C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20
Čarský, J.: Cycle Routes in Prague - Present Situation, Problem Connected with Next Progress and Comparison with Other Smaller Towns. In: Velo-city 2001 - 12th International Bicycle Planning Conference. Brussels: European Cyclists´ Federation (ECF), 2001, s. 66. Duchoň B.: Doprava v globální ekonomice. Sb. konf. „Doprava v období globalizace“ FD ČVUT, 2001, str. 2-11. Duchoň B.: Energetické zdroje, doprava a udržitelný rozvoj. Sb. mez. konf. EDIS „ Cestná a mestská doprava a trvalo udržatel´ný rozvoj“ Žilina, 2001, pp.23-30. Duchoň B.: Environmental Sciences as a Part of Economics, Management and Technology Education. Proc. of 6th Intern. AUDES Conf., University of Venice, 2001, pp.75-79. Jirava P.: Doprava v pohledu udržitelného rozvoje. Konference „Věda o dopravě“, Praha ČVUT FD 2001. Jirava P.: Czech Experience with new Forms of Traffic Calming. 14th IRF Road World Congress, 2001. Jirava P.: Zklidnění dopravy jako příspěvek k přijatelné dopravě. Mobilita 01, STU Bratislava, 2001. Jiroušek O.: Biomechanical Models in Forensic medicine. Proc. of VIIIth Bilateral German/Czech Symposium, Bad Honnef, 2001. Jíra J., Jírová J., Micka M.: Deformation Process and Interaction of Acetabular Cup. Proc. of GESA-Symposium 2001 ”Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit durch experimentelle Struktur-und Beanspruchungsanalyse”, Chemnitz, Mai 17-18, 2001, pp.197-202. Jiroušek O., Jíra J., Jírová J., Kult J.: Using Ansys FEM System for Solution of Nonlinear Problems in Biomechanics. Sb. konf. Česká republika a Slovensko 2001 „9.ANSYS Users Meeting”, SVS FEM Třešť, 24.-26.9.2001, str. I-C-2-1 až I-C-2-6. Kovanda J., Kovandová H., Ságl R.: Vehicle-pedestrian collision-simulation in SIMPACK. SIMPACK User Meeting 2001, Bad Ischl, Rakousko, 2001. Kovandová H.: Problematika kolize chodec-vozidlo. Konference „Věda o dopravě“, Praha, ČVUT FD 2001. Kubát B.: Ekologické aspekty konstrukce tramvajové trati. Cestná a mestská doprava a trvalo udržatelný rozvoj, Žilina, 2001. Kubát B., Týfa L.: Vztah modernizace železničních tratí a výstavba vysokorychlostních tratí v ČR. XII. medzinárodná konferencia „VRT“, sborník Modernizácia železničných tratí, 2002. Neubergová K.: Možnosti využití fraktální geometrie při posuzování vlivu na životní prostředí. Konference „Věda o dopravě“, Praha ČVUT FD 2001. Neubergová K.: Ekologické aspekty dopravy ve městech. Mobilita 01, STU Bratislava, 2001. Pastor O.: Nástroje rozhodovací analýzy v přípravě dopravních projektů. Sborník konference „Věda o dopravě“, Praha, 2001, str.261-263. Pastor O.: Modelování ekonomického rizika v dopravních projektech. PRONT 2001, Plzeň, ZČU, 2001, str.195-198. Pastor O.: Kvantifikace ekonomických rizik dopravních projektů. Sb. konf. „Logistika a doprava“, LOADO 2001, Košice, 2001, str.339-341. Skurovec V., Merežko P.: Dluhové financování nákupu dopravních prostředků. Konf. „Věda o dopravě“, Praha, ČVUT FD, 2001.
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C21 Sosna L.: Udržitelná dopravní infrastruktura. Mobilita 01, STU Bratislava. 2001 C22 Tuzar A.: Užití dynamického programování v problémech dopravy. Sborník konference „Věda o dopravě“, Praha, 2001, str.107-116. C23 Volner R.: Home security system and CATV. 35th Annual 2001 Intern. Carnahan Conf. on Security Technology, London, 2001, pp.293-306. C24 Volner R.: Broadband CATV network – design and simulation. 5th World Multi-Conf. on systematics, cybernetics and informatics, sci 2001, Vol. XII, 2001 Orlando, USA. C25 Čarská Z.: The Accident Analysis of Non-signalized Level Intersections in Prague. 5th International Conference „Environmental Engineering“ in Vilnius, 2002. C26 Čarská Z.: New Guidelines for small Roundabouts and Experiences with their Realization in the Czech Republic. 5th International Conference „Environmental Engineering“ in Vilnius, 2002. C27 Čarský, J.: Problems in Progress of Cycle Ways Infrastructure in Czech Towns. 5th International Conference „Environmental Engineering“ in Vilnius, 2002. C28 Duchoň B.: Revitalizace železnice, manažerské přístupy a ekonomické změny. Pro. of Intern. Symposium „Management in Railway Traffic“, Žilina, 2002 pp.13-24. C29 Jiroušek O., Matlach R. and Jírová J.: Use of nonlinear finite element modeling in prediction of the whole bone fracture. In 13th European Society of Biomechanics Conference, Vol. 1, pages 139-140, Wroclaw, Poland, 1 September 2002. C30 Jiroušek O., Jíra J., Jírová J., Kult J.: Stress analysis of human pelvic bone after THR cup implantation. Proc. of 10th ANSYS Users´ Meeting, Čejkovice, September 26-27, 2002, pp. I-A-11/1-7. C31 Kovanda J., Kovandová H.: Adaptive vehicle restraint systems. Konf. „Biomechanics of Man“, Čejkovice 2002. C32 Kovanda J., Zeman J.: Kollision Füssgänger – Lastkraftwagen. 3rd Intern. DEKRA Symposium, Neumünster, 2002. C33 Sosna L.: Stanovení faktorů, které determinují rozdělení přepravních objemů a volbu dopravního prostředku. PERNER´S Contact, Pardubice 2002. C34 Tuzar A.: Multikriteriální optimalizace při rozhodování v krizových situacích. Krizové stavy a doprava. Institut Jana Pernera, Pardubice 2002, str.127-132. C35 Volner R.: CATV Architecture for Security. 36th Annual Intern. Carnahan Conf. on Security Technology, New Jersey, 2002, USA. C36 Duchoň B.: Restructuring Railways and their Future. Proc. of Intern. Conf. „On the way towards the European Railway“, Žilina, 2003, pp. 90-98. C37 Jeřábek J.: Nový terminál veřejné dopravy v Hradci Králové. 6. medzinárodná konferencia O verejnej osobnej doprave, Bratislava, 2003. C38 Jíra J., Jiroušek O., Jírová J.: Finite element model of human skull for investigation of extreme stress state. Proc. of National Conference with International Participation “ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2003”, Svratka, May 12-15, 2003, no/pp. 303/1-4. C39 Jíra J., Jírová J., Kalika M., Klečáková J.: Poškození lidské lebky při dopravních nehodách. Sborník konference s mezinárodní účastí “Doprava a telekomunikace pro 3.tisíciletí”, Praha, 26.-27.5.2003, pp. 67-70.
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
C40 Jiroušek O., Jírová J. and Vavřik D.: Measurement of material properties of cancellous bone using small specimens and optical identification method. IASTED International Conference on Biomechanics, Rhodos, Greece, 2003, pp.262-264. C41 Jírová J., Micka M., Jíra J., Sosna A., Pokorný D.: Loosening and Migration of Acetabular Cup into Pelvis. Proc. of the International Conference on BIOMECHANICS, IASTED, Rhodes, Greece, 2003, pp.1-6. C42 Kubát B., Vachtl M., Týfa L.: Zvýšení podílu železniční dopravy v integrovaném dopravním systému v Praze. 6. medzinárodná konferencia O verejnej osobnej doprave, Bratislava, 2003. C43 Kubát B., Pejša J.: Moderní konstrukce svršku tramvajových tratí. Konference k 10. výročí založení Fakulty dopravní „Doprava a telekomunikace pro 3. tisíciletí“, Praha, 2003. C44 Pastor O., Novotný P.: Probability Assesssment of Risk Situation in Regional Projects. Konf. „Association Region Karpaty-Carpathian Euroregion“, TU Košice, 2003, str.102-103. C45 Schejbalová Z., Kovandová H.: Biomechanické aspekty střetu chodce s vozidlem. Konf. znalcov z oboru doprava cestná, Nitra, 2003. C46 Skurovec V., Merežko P.: Power Characteristics of Private and Public Sector Co-operation in Building a Transport Network. Conf. „Association Region Karpaty-Carpathian Euroregion“, TU Košice, 2003, str.150-155. C47 Sosna L.: Dopravní systémy v Plzeňském regionu. PERNER´S Contact 2003. C48 Sumec J., Sokol M., Jíra J.: Computer Simulation of Lumbar Spine Function. Proc. of the International Conference on BIOMECHANICS, IASTED, Rhodes, Greece, June 30-July 2, 2003, pp.109-114. C49 Úlehla J., Hrubec F., Dvořák M.: Jízdní zkoušky životnosti pneumatik. Konf. „Cestná a mestská doprava a trvalo udržatelný rozvoj“, Žilina 2003. C50 Císařovský, P. - Dunovský, J.: Biokompatibilita a koroze NiTi slitin v cévách. In: 1. mezinárodní odborný seminář "Progresivní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav". Jihlava: Česká společnost pro povrchové úpravy, 2004, s. ?. ISBN 80-239-3764-2. C51 Čarská, Z.: Obsazenost motorových vozidel ve vztahu k analýze dopravní nehodovosti. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 5-10. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. C52 Čarský, J. - Kocourek, J.: Cycle Communication Network Planning from the Users' Point of View. In: 10th World Conference on Transport Research abstract book [CD-ROM]. Istanbul: ITU, 2004, s. 131-138. C53 Čarský, J. - Kocourek, J.: Cycling Communications Proposals in Public Mass Transport Bus-stops Areas. In: 10th World Conference on Transport Research - abstract book [CD-ROM]. Istanbul: ITU, 2004, s. 141-147. C54 Čarský, J. - Kocourek, J.: Pedestrians' and Cyclists' Mutual Conflicts on Jointly Shared Communications. In: 10th World Conference on Transport Research - abstract book [CD-ROM]. Istanbul: ITU, 2004, s. 135-143. C55 Duchoň, B.: Energetický systém, technologie a sociální důsledky. In: Globalizácia a jej sociálno-ekonomické dosledky. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2004, díl 1, s. 83-86. ISBN 80-8070-310-8. C56 Duchoň, B.: Integrovaná mobilita a její řízení. In: Faktory trvale udržitelné mobility a přístupnosti k dopravním službám v osobní dopravě. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2004, s. 17-21. ISBN 80-7194-713-X.
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C57 Duchoň, B.: Railway a an Element of Integrated Transport Systém. In: On the Way towards European Railway. Žilina: Technical University of Žilina, 2004, s. 53-61. ISBN 80-8070-249-7. C58 Duchoň, B.: Railway as an Element of the Integrated Transport Systém. In: On the Way towards European Railway [CD-ROM]. Žilina: Technical University of Žilina, 2004, vol. 1, s. 53-61. ISBN 80-8070-249-7. C59 Duchoň, B.: Some Aspects of Project of Transportation Systém. In: Železnice jako součást integrovaného dopravního systému [CD-ROM]. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2004, s. 1-5. ISBN 80-01-02988-3. C60 Duchoň, B.: Systémy řízení - otazníky pro budoucnost. In: Manažment v železničnej doprave 2004. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2004, s. 44-48. ISBN 80-8070-297-7. C61 Duchoň, B.: Transport, Energy, Fuels and the Environment. In: Approaches to Assessing the Environment. Praha: Centrum Univerzity Karlovy pro otázky životního prostředí, 2004, s. 195-199. ISBN 80-239-3841-X. C62 Duchoň, B. - Lamraoui, N.: La qualité de service dans le transport Adrien. In: Kvalita dopravních a přepravních procesů a služeb. Pardubice: DF JP Univerzita Pardubice, 2004, s. 8-13. ISBN 80-7194-675-3. C63 Duchoň, B. - Říha, Z. (ed.): Železnice jako součást integrovaného dopravního systému. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2004. 182 s. ISBN 80-01-02988-3. C64 First, J. - Mičunek, T.: Vývoj mobilního zařízení pro urychlení vozidel při zkoušce pasivní bezpečnosti. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 247-255. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. C65 Hobza, M.: Možnosti většího uplatnění kombinované přepravy a její podpory v logistických systémech. In: LOG VD-2004. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2004, s. 71-79. ISBN 80-8070-319-1. C66 Honců, M.: Analýza časových řad nehodovosti v ČR. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 31-34. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. C67 Hynčík, L. - Kovanda, J. - Stingl, J. - Nováček, V. - Doubková, A.: Virtual Car Crash Simulation. In: FISITA 2004 - World Automotive Congress [CDROM]. Barcelona: STA-Sociedad de Tecnicos de Automacion, 2004, vol. 1, s. 151-153. C68 Janoš, V. - Baudyš, K.: Integrální taktový grafikon v boji s vlakovým kilometrem. In: Železnice jako součást integrovaného dopravního systému [CD-ROM]. Praha, FD ČVUT, 2004, ISBN 80-01-02988-3. C69 Janoš, V. - Polák, O. - Pospíšil, J. - Baudyš, K. - Hürlimann, D.: Simulace železničního provozu. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 89-92. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. C70 Jíra, J. - Jiroušek, O. - Jírová, J.: Computational Modelling of Biomechanical Behaviour of Skeletal Elements and Implants. In: Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on Biomechanics [CD-ROM]. Anaheim: Acta Press, 2004, ISBN 0-88986-448-9. C71 Jíra, J. - Jiroušek, O. - Jírová, J. - Micka, M.: Three-Dimensional Model of Cementless Acetabular Cup Migration. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology [CDROM]. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press Ltd, 2004, ISBN 0-948749-94-6. C72 Jíra, J. - Jírová, J. - Bouška, P. - Vokáč, M.: Experimental Research of
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C78 C79
Reliability of Cable Bushings in Prague Metro After Floods in Summer 2002. In: Experimental Methods and Measurement Techniques in Monitoring and Supervising Engineering Structures and Thein Numerical Analysis. Praha: ČVUT, Fakulta dopravní, 2004, s. 35-38. ISBN 80-86246-20-5. Jiroušek, O.: Relationship Between Material Properties and Apparent Density of Cancellous Bone Determined Using Small Specimens and Optical Identification Metod. In: Experimental Methods and Measurement Techniques in Monitoring and Supervising Engineering Structures and Their Numerical Analysis. Praha: ČVUT, Fakulta dopravní, 2004, s. 39-42. ISBN 80-86246-205. Jiroušek, O. - Jírová, J. - Jíra, J.: Experimental Procedures for Evaluation of Relationship Between Mechanical Properties of Cancellous Bone and Its Apparent Density. In: Experimental Stress Analysis 2004. Plzeň: Škoda Výzkum, 2004, s. 105-108. ISBN 80-239-2964-X. Jiroušek, O. - Jírová, J. - Jíra, J. - Máca, J.: Finite Element Models of Parts of Human Musculosceletal System Constructed From (CT) Data. In: Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Lisboa: Technical University of Lisbon, 2004, s. 221-222. ISBN 0-948749-93-8. Jiroušek, O. - Jírová, J. - Máca, J.: Use of X-Ray Computed Tomography for Construction of FE Models. In: Engineering Mechanics 2004. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2004, s. 133-134. ISBN 80-85918-88-9. Kočárková, D. - Kocourek, J.: Poznatky řešitelů z ČVUT k projektu zvyšování bezpečnosti silničního provozu na pozemních komunikacích. In: Bezpečnosť dopravy na cestných komunikáciách [CD-ROM]. Košice: Dom techniky ZSVTS, 2004, s. 41-45. ISBN 80-232-0228-6. Kovandová, H. - Lisá, Z.: Omamné látky v dopravě. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 133-140. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. Kubát, B. - Jacura, M. - Vachtl, M. - Týfa, L.: Metro a jeho úloha v pražské dopravní síti. In: 7. medzinárodná konferenci o verejnej osobnej doprave. Bratislava: Dom techniky ZSVTS, 2004, s. 157-162. ISBN 80-233-0498-4. Kunst, J.: Harmonizace a zpoplatnění dopravní infrastruktury a její financování. In: Železnice jako součást integrovaného dopravního systému [CD-ROM]. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2004, s. 1-5. ISBN 80-01-02988-3. Kunst, J.: Přístupy k optimalizaci železniční dopravy v dopravním systému. In: Železnice jako součást integrovaného dopravního systému [CD-ROM]. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2004, s. 1-5. ISBN 80-01-02988-3. Kunst, J.: Železnice a její vazby na ostatní druhy dopravy. In: Železnice jako součást integrovaného dopravního systému [CD-ROM]. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2004, s. 1-5. ISBN 80-01-02988-3. Lamraoui, N.: Reducing the negative impacts caused by noise in airport area and its economic consequences. In: Approaches to Assessing the Environment. Praha: Centrum Univerzity Karlovy pro otázky životního prostředí, 2004, s. 201-207. ISBN 80-239-3841-X. Lamraoui, N.: Tarifní soupeření mezi nízkonákladovou leteckou dopravou a vysokorychlostními vlaky. In: Železnice jako součást integrovaného dopravního systému [CD-ROM]. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu
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dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2004, s. 1-6. ISBN 80-01-02988-3. C85 Matoušek, A.: Dopravní hluk - lokální nebo globální problém? In: Globalizácia a jej sociálno-ekonomické dosledky ´04. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2004, díl 2., s. 15-21. ISBN 80-8070-311-6. C86 Matoušek, A.: Hluková legislativa a doprava. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 19-22. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. C87 Matoušek, A.: Hluková legislativa a její vliv na dopravu. In: Železnice jako součást integrovaného dopravního systému [CD-ROM]. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2004, s. 1-4. ISBN 80-01-02988-3. C88 Merežko, P. - Skurovec, V.: Spolupráce soukromého a veřejného sektoru. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 101-104. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. C89 Micka, M. - Jírová, J.: Kontaktní síly mezi lebkou a přilbou zatíženou vnějšími silami. In: ANSYS Users Meeting 2004 [CD-ROM]. Brno: SVS FEM, 2004, C90 Munia, K. - Cecha, R.: Multimodalita a telematika základem úspěšné dopravní politiky Evropské unie. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 41-45. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. C91 Neubergová, K.: Metoda hodnocení dynamiky krajiny a ukázka její aplikace. In: Venkovská krajina. Brno: Český svaz ochránců přírody Veronica, 2004, s. 120-123. ISBN 80-239-2822-8. C92 Neubergová, K.: Metody posuzování návrhu vedení liniové trasy. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 51-56. ISBN 80-0103047-4. C93 Neubergová, K.: Vzdělávání budoucích dopravních inženýrů v oblasti životního prostředí C94 In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 147-150. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. C95 Řezníček, J. - Řezníčková, J.: Netradiční aplikace odporové tenzometrie. In: Experimental Stress Analysis 2004. Plzeň: Škoda Výzkum, 2004, s. 247-248. ISBN 80-239-2964-X. C96 Říha, Z.: Externality v dopravě z pohledu ekonomické teorie. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 57-64. ISBN 80-0103047-4. C97 Říha, Z. - Faifrová, V. - Tichý, J.: Doprava v procesu globalizace. In: Globalizácia a jej sociálno-ekonomické dosledky. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2004, díl 1, s. 98-104. ISBN 80-8070-310-8. C98 Říha, Z. - Kunst, J.: Osobní doprava a odhad jejího dalšího vývoje. In: Železnice jako součást integrovaného dopravního systému [CD-ROM]. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2004, s. 1-5. ISBN 80-01-02988-3. C99 Schejbalová, Z. - Kovandová, H. - Lenk, J. - Mičunek, T. - First, J. - et al.: Pedestrian safety - collision with personal car and van vehikle. In: IRCOBI Conference Proceedings. 2004, s. 146-150. C100 Schejbalová, Z. - Lenk, J.: Bezpečnost chodců - střet s osobním a dodávkovým automobilem. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, díl -, s. 235-239. ISBN 80-01-03047-4. C101 Schejbalová, Z. - Lenk, J. - Kovandová, H. - Kovanda, J. - First, J. - et al.: Pedestrian Safety - Collision With Personal Car and Van Vehicle. In: Věda o
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dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, vol. -, s. 317-318. ISBN 8001-03047-4. C102 Sosna, L.: Studie proveditelnosti DMBAHN. In: PERNER´S CONTACT 2004 [CD-ROM]. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2004, s. 660-667. ISBN 807194-633-8. C103 Svoboda, V.: Tvorba přepravních kompletů a její optimalizace. In: Věda o dopravě 2004. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004, s. 105-108. ISBN 80-0103047-4. C104 Šimánek, M. - Piáček, P.: Solární automobily. In: Sborník sedmého ročníku mezinárodní konference Doprava a technologie k udržitelnému rozvoji . Karlovy Vary: Společnost pro Trvale Udržitelný Život, 2004, díl 1, s. 115-116. C105 Zobal, P.: The On-street Tramway Priority - Constructional Measures. In: MOBILITA´04 Conference Abstracts and CD Papers Proceedings. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2004, s. 75. ISBN 80-227-2046-1. C106 Čarská, Z.: The Road Accidents and the Angle between Crossroad Legs. In: Environmental Engineering [CD-ROM]. Vilnius: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2005, s. 931-935. ISBN 9986-05-858-9. C107 Drápal, B. - Novotný, C.: Použití stlačeného zemního plynu v železniční dopravě. In: Doprava a technologie k udržitelnému rozvoji. Karlovy Vary: STUŽ, 2005, s. 132-143. ISBN 80-903634-0-7. C108 Duchoň, B.: E-business a digitalizace řízení. In: Modelovanie procesov manažmentu 2005. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2005, s. 308-311. ISBN 808070-447-3. C109 Duchoň, B.: Městský systém a doprava. In: Podniky MHD, systém města a udržitelná mobilita. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2005, díl 1, s. 36-39. ISBN 80-01-03249-3. C110 Duchoň, B.: Osobní doprava, energetické možnosti a životní prostředí. In: Nové trendy v rozvoji osobní dopravy na principech udržitelné mobility. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2005, díl 1, s. 28-34. ISBN 80-7194-797-0. C111 Duchoň, B.: Silniční a městská doprava, energetické krise: Alternativy energetických zdrojů. In: Cestná a mestská doprava a trvalo udržateĺný rozvoj . Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2005, díl 1, s. 49-55. ISBN 80-8070-452-X. C112 Duchoň, B.: Transport System and Sustainable Development. In: 3rd International SIIV Congress [CD-ROM]. Bari: Politecnico di Bari, 2005, s. 17. C113 First, J. - Schejbalová, Z.: Spalovací motor ještě neřekl poslední slovo. In: Doprava a technologie k udržitelnému rozvoji, . Karlovy Vary: STUŽ, 2005, s. 13-20. ISBN 80-903634-0-7. C114 Hobza, M.: Možnosti lepšího zabezpečení služeb intermodálních přepravních systémů C115 In: LOG VD - 2005. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2005, s. 49-58. ISBN 808070-471-6. C116 Jacura, M. - Kubát, B. - Týfa, L. - Vachtl, M.: Propojení regionálních center ČR veřejnou hromadnou dopravou. In: 8. medzinárodná konferencia o verejnej osobnej doprave. 2005, s. 27-32. C117 Jíra, J. - Jírová, J. - Jiroušek, O. - Micka, M.: Micromotions and Wear of Acetabular Cup. In: First International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials & Tissues. Waikoloa: Elsevier, 2005, s. 1-2.
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C118 Jiroušek, O.: Explicit Finite Element Analysis of Human Head Impacting a Rigid Surfaře. In: Engineering Mechanics 2005. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2005, s. 145-146. ISBN 80-85918-93-5. C119 Jiroušek, O. - Jíra, J.: Comparison of Finite Element and Experimental Simulation of Human Head Response to Impact. In: GESA-Symposium 2005 Strukturanalyse. Darmstadt: VDI/VDE Gesellschschaftund Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), 2005, s. 463-472. ISBN 3-18-091899-3. C120 Jiroušek, O. - Jírová, J. - Jíra, J.: Interaction Between the Pelvic Bone and Acetabular Component - Parametric Fem Study. In: Second IAESTED International Conference on Biomechanics. Benidorm: Acta Press, 2005, s. 211-214. ISBN 0-88986-534-5. C121 Kocourek, J.: Analýza bezpečnosti na okružních křižovatkách. In: Bezpečnosť dopravy na cestných komunikáciách [CD-ROM]. Košice: Dom techniky ZSVTS, 2005, s. 32-35. C122 Kocourek, J.: Úseková opatření. In: Seminář BESIDIDO. Brno: CDV Centrum dopravního výzkumu, 2005, s. 96-101. C123 Kočárková, D.: Zastávky hromadné dopravy. In: Seminář BESIDIDO. Brno: CDV - Centrum dopravního výzkumu, 2005, s. 80-95. C124 Kočárková, D. - Kocourek, J.: Moderní úpravy komunikací ve městech a obcích. 1. vyd. Brno: CDV - Centrum dopravního výzkumu, 2005. 220 s. ISBN 80-86502-09-0. C125 Kočárková, D. - Myšková, J.: Function of the Vegetation Along Designed Line Route. In: 3rd International SIIV Congress [CD-ROM]. Bari: Politecnico di Bari, 2005, s. 220-231. C126 Kovanda, J. - First, J. - Riva, R.: Motorcycle Safety and Accident Research. In: IRCOBI Conference Proceedings. Avignon: INRETS, 2005, s. 198-203. C127 Krumphanzl, V. - Micka, M.: Numerické modelování interakce mezi maketou lebky a ochranou helmou. In: Engineering Mechanics 2005. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2005, s. 183-184. ISBN 80-85918-93-5. C128 Kunecký, J. - Jiroušek, O. - Jírová, J.: Numerická analýza sendvičového modelu lidské lebky. In: 13. ANSYS User´s Meeting. Brno: SVS FEM, 2005, s. 151-157. ISBN 80-239-5675-2. C129 Kytýř, D. - Jírová, J. - Jiroušek, O.: Comparative Study of FE Models of Human Femur Constructed by Different Approaches. In: Engineering Mechanics 2005. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2005, s. 193-194. ISBN 80-85918-93-5. C130 Kytýř, D. - Jírová, J. - Micka, M.: Parametrická studie změny napětí v pánevní kosti po implantaci cerkvikokapitální endoprotézy. In: 13. ANSYS User´s Meeting. Brno: SVS FEM, 2005, s. 333-338. ISBN 80-239-5675-2. C131 Lánská, M.: Modely financování IDS. In: Cestná a mestská doprava a trvalo udržateĺný rozvoj . Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2005, s. 343-347. ISBN 808070-452-X. C132 Lánská, M.: Moderní aspekty týmové práce. In: Modelovanie procesov manažmentu 2005. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2005, s. 145-150. ISBN 808070-447-3. C133 Lánská, M.: Využití metody "PPP"pro budování distribučních center. In: LOGI 2005. Pardubice: Institut Jana Pernera, 2005, s. 151-153. ISBN 8086530-25-6. C134 Lánská, M. - Felfel, A.: Analýza současného stavu financování veřejné osobní
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dopravy. In: Podniky MHD, systém města a udržitelná mobilita. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2005, s. 40. ISBN 80-01-03249-3. C135 Lánská, M. - Tichý, J.: Autobusová nádraží významná součast dopravních systémů v současných provozně-ekonomických podmínkách. In: Dopravní systémy 2005. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera, 2005, s. 190-197. ISBN 80-7194-805-5. C136 Matoušek, A.: Snižování hluku pozemní dopravy v intravilánu. In: Podniky MHD, systém města a udržitelná mobilita. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2005, díl 1, s. 122-127. ISBN 80-01-03249-3. C137 Matoušek, A.: Subjektivní vnímání hluku v území. In: Cestná a mestská doprava a trvalo udržateĺný rozvoj . Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2005, díl 1, s. 216-225. ISBN 80-8070-452-X. C138 Matoušek, A.: Vnímání hluku - globální problém? In: Globalizácia a jej sociálno-ekonomické dosledky \'05. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2005, díl 2., s. 44-50. ISBN 80-8070-464-3. C139 Mocková, D.: Genetické algoritmy a lokační úlohy.In: Dopravní systémy 2005. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera, 2005, s. 300-306. ISBN 80-7194-805-5 C140 Neubergová, K.: Environmental Impact Assessment and Transport. In: Environmental Engineering. Vilnius: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2005, s. 922-930. ISBN 9986-05-851-1. C141 Neubergová, K.: Ovlivnění krajinného systému změnou sociálně-ekonomické struktury po roce 1945. In: Venkovská krajina 2005. Brno: Český svaz ochránců přírody Veronica, 2005, s. 96-99. ISBN 80-239-4963-2. C142 Řezníček, J. - Řezníčková, J.: Technologie tenzometrie na živých a neživých součástech. In: Experimental Stress Analysis 2005 - 43rd International Conference [CD-ROM]. Brno: VUT, Fakulta strojní, 2005, s. 126-131. ISBN 80-214-2941-0. C143 Řezníček, J. - Řezníčková, J.: Tenzometrie za nestandardních podmínek. In: Proceedings of the 3th International Conference on Dynamics of Civil Engineering and Transport Structures and Wind Engineering. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2005, s. 144-146. ISBN 80-8070-352-5. C144 Řezníček, J. - Řezníčková, J.: Transfer of Experience from Biomechanics to Routine Engineering Praxis Applications. In: 22nd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics. Parma: University of Parma, 2005, s. 100-101. C145 Říha, Z.: Některé aspekty řešení externalit v dopravě z pohledu teorie veřejné volby. In: Dopravní systémy 2005. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera, 2005, s. 1-10. ISBN 80-7194-805-5. C146 Říha, Z.: Problematika alternativních paliv v dopravě v České republice. In: Dopravní systémy 2005. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera, 2005, s. 1-6. ISBN 80-7194-805-5. C147 Říha, Z. - Dytrych, J.: Ekonomické posouzení zavedení mýtného v Praze. In: Cestná a mestská doprava a trvalo udržateĺný rozvoj . Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2005, díl 1, s. 259-268. ISBN 80-8070-452-X. C148 Říha, Z. - Dytrych, J.: Možnost zavedení mýtného v Praze. In: Podniky MHD, systém města a udržitelná mobilita. Praha: Katedra ekonomiky a managementu
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
dopravy a telekomunikací FD ČVUT, 2005, díl 1, s. 40-50. ISBN 80-0103249-3. C149 Říha, Z. - Zavíral, J.: Ekonomika alternativních paliv a ekonomické důvody pro jejich zavádění z hlediska relativních cen ropy. In: Doprava a technologie k udržitelnému rozvoji. Karlovy Vary: STUŽ, 2005, s. 104-111. ISBN 80903634-0-7. C150 Schejbalová, Z.: Child safety in frame of the road traffic. In: 4th International conference Movement and health - proceedings. Olomouc: Fakulta tělesné kultury Univerzity Palackého, 2005, s. 156-160. ISBN 80-244-1166-0. C151 Svoboda, V.: Modely dopravních sítí. In: Telematika nad dopravními sítěmi. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2005, s. 34-108. ISBN 80-01-03087-3. C152 Svoboda, V.: Podmínky vstupu na přepravní trh v EU a ČR (komparativní zhodnocení). In: Dopravní politika a přepravní trh v ČR a Evropské unii. Praha: ABF, 2005, s. 38-39. C153 Svoboda, V.: Vliv dopravní obsluhy na vytváření pracovních příležitostí a mobilitu pracovní síly. In: Nové trendy v rozvoji osobní dopravy na principech udržitelné mobility. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2005, s. 168-176. ISBN 80-7194-797-0. C154 Tichý, J. - Faifrová, V.: Srovnání přestupních podmínek v některých městech České republiky. In: Podniky MHD, systém města a udržitelná mobilita. Praha: FD ČVUT, 2005, díl 1, s. 1-4. ISBN 80-01-03249-3. C155 Tichý, J. - Faifrová, V.: Význam investic do dopravní infastruktury s důrazem na vzájemnou polohu autobusového a železničního nádraží ve městě. In: Juniorstav 2005. Brno: VUT, Fakulta stavební, 2005, s. 50-53. ISBN 80-2142832-5 C156 Vyčichl, J. - Jiroušek, O.: Analýza kontaktního napětí mezi acetabulární komponentou a pánevní kostí. In: 13. ANSYS User´s Meeting. Brno: SVS FEM, 2005, s. 321-329. ISBN 80-239-5675-2. C157 Vyčichl, J. - Jiroušek, O. - Jíra, J.: Interakce acetabulární komponenty a pánevní kosti. In: Engineering Mechanics 2005. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 2005, s. 347-348. ISBN 80-85918-93-5.
Patents and other results registered according to the special legal enactments
Prototypes, pilot plants, tested technologies, workable samples, SW products
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
Description of spatial, material and technical guarantee of the research plan solution
Assurance of the realization of the research plan in the framework of existing spatial, material and technical conditions in the workplace of the administrator
For carrying out the research proposal there is the following technological, experimental and machine equipment in the laboratories of the Faculty of Transportation (listing only the equipment significant for research): • Software ORACLE 9i Database and Application Server – tutor licence • Software ANSYS • Software MATLAB • Software MADYMO and SIMPACK • Computer network – TP technology 100 Mb/s • High-standard PCs for creating the above mentioned applications • Cluster P4 2,4 GHz, RAM 1 GB, HDD 2x120GB, 1x control centre+6xcomputing centre • INSTRON 3382 tester (100kN) for static and cyclic load tests • Dynamic switch and balance unit for strain measurement HBM • Optical system NAVITAR for measuring large and small deformation • Laser speed metre • Noise and vibration metre, automatic manual adding machines SCHUHCO – hc8 • Assessment equipment TRAFICON • Acceleration metres • Speed camcorder • Test dummy MANIKIN • Impactors for collisions The following items are in shared use: • Testing railway Prague-Repy • Weighing equipment • Workrooms with mechanical equipment to ensure safety
Infrastructure, instrumentation and technical equipment which is necessary to procure in order to realize research plan objectives
The Faculty of Transportation requires the following technical equipment in order to meet the terms of the current research proposal: • Software ORACLE 10i Database and Application Server – school licence (the difference between the school and tutor licence is in terms of its use – the tutor licence serves to teach students, whereas the school licence serves to develop and operate Oracle applications, if the buyer is an education provider) (500,000 CZK) [Goal 2., 4., 8., 11.] • Set of digital vector maps (road and street network, areas with buildings) (750,000
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
• • • • • • •
• •
CZK) [Goal 1., 5., 9., 10.] Wiener Testsystem “Verkehrspsychologische Testbatterie” (Angebot-Nr.: 1255 – 170,000 CZK) [Goal 31., 32.] Server for on-line traffic junction control (500,000 CZK) [Goal 9., 17., 27., 28.] Software MATLAB WEB server 1.2.4. – network licence (343,000 CZK) [Goal 9., 17., 28.] Portable GPS for system testing (180,000 CZK) [Goal 9., 17., 26.] Test dummies (380,000 CZK) [Goal 29.] Impactors for collisions (420,000 CZK) [Goal 29.] Control system TETRA for realising voice and data transfer: operation base (central processor unit) and terminal equipment (PC collector units + sensors) for the communication between a vehicle and the central database of the traffic-information system currently under construction (3 mil. CZK) [Goal 17., 25., 27., 28.] Mobile equipment for measuring the intensity and structure of a traffic flow including software (220,000 CZK) [Goal 1., 3., 5.] Radar with a visual recorder (250,000 CZK) [Goal 3., 10., 12.]
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
D D1
List of research employees of the research team
Čarská Ing., Ph.D.
Year of birth 1972
Čarský Ing., Ph.D.
Honců Mgr.
Jacura Ing.
Jíra Prof., Ing., CSc.
Jiroušek Ing., Ph.D.
Jírová CSc.
Surname and titles
Kalika Ing., PhD.
Kaliková Ing., PhD.
Kment Ing.
Kocourek Ing.
Kočárková Ing., Bc.
Kovanda Prof., Ing., CSc.
Krčál Ing.
Krčálová Ing.
Lenk Ing.
Micka CSc.
Mocková Ing.
Neubergová Ing., Bc., PhD.
Pastor Doc., Ing., CSc.
Personnel guarantee
Principal activity
Transport systems and technology Transport systems and technology Management and economics Transportation infrastructure Transport systems and technology Transport systems and technology Transport systems and technology System engineering System engineering Transport systems and technology Transportation infrastructure Transportation infrastructure
Transportation safety - optimising travel routes [Goal 3.]
Transport systems and technology Automation of transportation Automation of transportation Transportation infrastructure Transport systems and technology Management and economics Transport systems and technology Technology and
Working load in % 50%
Transport in cities [Goal 1., 11., 30.]
Mathematical models in transportation [Goal 13., 15.] Improving safety in railway transport [Goal 4., 5., 6., 7., 8.] Dynamics, reliability and safety of transportation constructions and means [Goal 33.] Computing mechanics, biomechanics [Goal 34.]
50% 50% 50%
Transportation systems and technology, biomechanics [Goal 33., 34.]
Systemic engineering in transportation [Goal 25., 26., 27., 28.] Systemic engineering in transportation [Goal 25., 26., 27., 28.] Models of financing and assessment of investment effectiveness [Goal 13.]
Optimising proposal elements of traffic roads concerning safety [Goal 10., 12.] Reducing negative transportation influence on the environment, traffic safety [Goal 2., 12.] Transportation systems and technology, safety of means of transport [Goal 29.]
Systemic engineering in transportation [Goal 14., 28.] Systemic engineering in transportation [Goal 14., 28.] Software tools in passive safety [Goal 29.]
50% 50%
50% 50%
Transportation systems and technology, travel route-vehicle interaction [Goal 32.]
Network optimising tasks [Goal 17.]
Reducing negative transportation influence on the environment [Goal 2.]
Risk models and assessment of investment effectiveness [Goal 13., 18., 19., 20.]
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
Surname and titles Řezníčková CSc.
Year of birth 1957
Říha Ing.
Schejbalová Ing.
Schmidt Ing.
Svatoš Ing.
Šachl CSc.
Šmolíková Mgr. Tichý Ing.
1967 1979
Trešl Ing.
Zdvořák Ing.
Specialization management Production enginery and arrangement Management and economics Transportation infrastructure Transportation infrastructure Management and economics Transport systems and technology Psychology Management and economics Transportation infrastructure Management and economics
Principal activity
Working load in %
Construction extreme states [Goal 34.]
Analysis of handicapped citizens mobility [Goal 30.] Injury biomechanics [Goal 29.]
50% 50%
Systemic engineering [Goal 25., 26., 27., 28.] Models of financing and assessment of investment effectiveness [Goal 13., 16., 17.] Transportation systems and technology, road accidents analysis [Goal 32.]
Psychological analysis of behaviour of traffic participants [Goal 31.] Management of transportation projects [Goal 21., 22., 23., 24.] Improving standards of public transport in city agglomerations [Goal 9.] Models of financing, regulations [Goal 13.]
50% 50% 50%
Qualification structure of other members of the research team Degree group
Consultants Technicians Craftsmen
Number of persons
4 4 2
Working capacity
Major activities
Law, medicine Experiments Production of samples, preparations, assist off exam
1 2 1
Auxiliary personnel for the assurance of subsidiary activities necessary for the solution of the research plan Working capacity
Characteristic of a subsidiary activity
Administrative work, library THP – accountancy and technical support
1 1
Cooperation of students of master and doctoral educational programs on the solution of the research plan
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
The faculty study programmes are project orientated. It is the state-of-the-art concept of university educational system, which educates students to work independently and also in soluble group. Master and PhD degree students grasp the way of real technical problems from practical experience of companies. Research programme tasks will be part of the projects and students will have the opportunity to take a part to find the task solution. Research work enriches the student’s technical observation along with the student’s activity, which is also important part of research work. Students have the opportunity to develop their creativeness in independent fieldwork, so they could combine technical, managerial and economical knowledge and skills. By doing that students can expertly prepared themselves to solve problems in different field of professions.
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
E E1
Financial assurance of the research plan solution
Allowable costs in thousands of CZK Year 2007
Wages and salaries Agreements to work outside the scope of employment Compulsory statutory taxes Allocation into the Fund of Social and Cultural Needs Property acquisition costs Costs of maintenance and repairs of the property Purchase of services Purchase of material, small inventory and stocks Travel expenses Costs of international cooperation Costs of the publication of results and rights to the results Supplementary (overhead) expenses Total
B1 B3 B7 B9 B11 B13 B15 B17 B19 B21 B23 B25 E15
Year 2008
9 500 1 403 1 000 400 150 50 680 13 183
Thereof institutional support E20 9 500 E22 1 403 E24 1 000 E26 400 E28 150 E30 50 E32 680 E34 13 183
9 500 420 1 200 500 200 100 700 12 620
Thereof institutional support E38 9 500 E40 420 E42 1 200 E44 500 E46 200 E48 100 E50 700 E52 12 620
9 800 1 800 900 400 200 100 700 13 900
Thereof institutional support E56 9 800 E58 1 800 E60 900 E62 400 E64 200 E66 100 E68 700 E70 13 900
Personal expenses Property acquisition costs Operational costs Travel expenses Costs of international cooperation Costs of the publication of results and rights to the results Supplementary (overhead) expenses Total
E19 E21 E23 E25 E27 E29 E31 E33
Year 2009
Personal expenses Property acquisition costs Operational costs Travel expenses Costs of international cooperation Costs of the publication of results and rights to the results Supplementary (overhead) expenses Total
E37 E39 E41 E43 E45 E47 E49 E51
Year 2010
Personal expenses Property acquisition costs Operational costs Travel expenses Costs of international cooperation Costs of the publication of results and rights to the results Supplementary (overhead) expenses Total
6 728 0 2 355 135 1 420 0 110 900 375 125 50 680 12 878
Thereof institutional support B2 6 728 B4 0 B8 2 355 B10 135 B12 1 420 B14 0 B16 110 B18 900 B20 375 B22 125 B24 50 B26 680 E16 12 878
E55 E57 E59 E61 E63 E65 E67 E69
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
Year 2011 Personal expenses Property acquisition costs Operational costs Travel expenses Costs of international cooperation Costs of the publication of results and rights to the results Supplementary (overhead) expenses Total
E73 E75 E77 E79 E81 E83 E85 E87
Year 2012
10 500 470 1 200 500 200 100 750 13 720
Thereof institutional support E92 10 500 E94 470 E96 1 200 E98 500 E100 200 E102 100 E104 750 E106 13 720
10 900 0 1 300 300 150 250 800 13 700
Thereof institutional support E110 10 900 E112 0 E114 1 300 E116 300 E118 150 E120 250 E122 800 E124 13 700
Personal expenses Property acquisition costs Operational costs Travel expenses Costs of international cooperation Costs of the publication of results and rights to the results Supplementary (overhead) expenses Total
E91 E93 E95 E97 E99 E101 E103 E105
Year 2013
Personal expenses Property acquisition costs Operational costs Travel expenses Costs of international cooperation Costs of the publication of results and rights to the results Supplementary (overhead) expenses Total
10 100 1 200 1 000 500 150 100 700 13 750
Thereof institutional support E74 10 100 E76 1 200 E78 1 000 E80 500 E82 150 E84 100 E86 700 E88 13 750
E109 E111 E113 E115 E117 E119 E121 E123
Specification of financial resources, reasoning of items and allowable expenses
Financial resources needed to carry out the RP come out from the experience to assure really needs for the solution of the current RP of the applicant. The needs are in agreement with necessary expenses for successful solution of the subjected RP in the period of time 2007-2013 with regard to both the estimated inflation and annual increase of the financial resources to support science and research. The personnel costs are calculated according to the qualification of individual employees and the relevant regulations and laws valid at the beginning of the planning period. There are taken into account expected changes related to a necessary replacement of retired scientists by young doctors (PhD) after their graduation. Purchase Time Schedule 2007 • Software ORACLE 10i Database and Application Server – school licence (the difference between the school and tutor licence is in terms of its use – the tutor licence serves to teach students, whereas the school licence serves to develop and operate Oracle
Research plan identification code: MSM6840770043
• •
applications, if the buyer is an education provider). Set of digital vector maps (road and street network, areas with buildings) for monitoring of actual position of vehicles including optimization of their movement.. Wiener Testsystem “Verkehrspsychologische Testbatterie” for objective testing risk groups of drivers.
2008 • Server for on-line traffic junction control for introducing results of research. • Software MATLAB WEB server 1.2.4. – network licence. • Portable GPS for system testing for localization of actual position of vehicles. • Test dummies for measuring mechanical loading during deformation tests.. 2009 • Impactors for collisions for definition of loading during deformation tests. 2010 • Control system TETRA for realising voice and data transfer: operation base (central processor unit) and terminal equipment (PC collector units + sensors) for the communication between a vehicle and the central database of the traffic-information system currently under construction – 1. Part 2011 • Control system TETRA for realising voice and data transfer: operation base (central processor unit) and terminal equipment (PC collector units + sensors) for the communication between a vehicle and the central database of the traffic-information system currently under construction – 2.Part 2012 • Mobile equipment for measuring the intensity and structure of a traffic flow including software. • Radar with a visual recorder for measuring speed of vehicles.
Date Stamp and Signature