Citra Duta Artistry (CDA)
GERMANIC EFFICIENCY Citra Duta Artistry (CDA) has the highest regard for efficiency, functionality and the professional appearance of interior design. They accomplished all of this with the offices of a German based company right here in Jakarta. TEXT BY : Dewald Haynes PHOTO BY : MKP
Orang-orang Jerman biasa
Germans may come in a wide
diasosiasikan dengan
variety of stereotypes. But at
berbagai macam stereotipe.
the end of the day, there are
Tetapi pada akhirnya hanya
only three German
ada tiga macam tipe orang
stereotypes: Scientists or
Jerman yang sering ditemui:
Doctors, Soldiers and cream
peneliti/dokter, tentara dan
of the crop Engineers. No
para insinyur top. Walaupun
matter of which variety a
demikian, hampir bisa
German character is, he will
dipastikan bahwa apapun
almost always be elite at
jenis profesi seorang
what he's doing. That is
berkebangsaan Jerman, dia
exactly what the office interior
akan termasuk dalam
of a German engineering
golongan elit di lingkungan
company, located in the heart
profesi tersebut. Hal inilah
of Plaza 3 in Pondok Indah,
yang dapat disaksikan pada
Jalan TB Simatupang, Jakarta
desain interior sebuah kantor
perusahaan teknik asal Jerman yang terletak di lantai 20
If first impressions last, the
Tempo Scan Tower, Jakarta.
reception area gives a strong modern feeling with clean,
Pada selayang pandangan
sturdy lines and furnishings.
pertama, area penerima tamu
The industrial finishes using
menampilkan suasana
materials such as stainless
moderen dengan garis-garis
steel, glass and bare cement
serta perabotan bersih dan
all realizes the efficiency of
kokoh. Finishing bergaya
the interior design.
industrial dengan
A combination between open
bahan-bahan seperti stainless
and enclosed offices brings
steel, kaca dan semen ekspos
harmony; even though the 183
menunjukkan efisiensi sebuah desain interior.
enclosed office are along the window
Perpaduan area kerja terbuka dan tertutup di
perimeter, natural light still enters the depth
dalam perkantoran ini membawa kesan
of the office space.
harmonis; walaupun area perkantoran tertutup diletakkan di sepanjang jendela, pencahayaan
Having a working environment that is
alami masih bisa masuk sampai ke dalam
conducive to both collaboration and effective
ruangan perkantoran.
communication was another design spec that needed meticulous implementation. Glass
Merancang satu lingkungan kerja yang
panels between working areas at half-height
kondusif bagi kolaborasi dan komunikasi yang
was installed to meet this demand for private
efektif merupakan sebuah hal yang juga
yet connected work spaces. The creation of an
membutuhkan implementasi yang presisi.
effective and efficient layout with an identity
Panel-panel kaca setengah badan yang
appropriate to the company’s production, and
diletakkan di antara area kerja ditambahkan
consistent with an estimated budget, were the
untuk memenuhi privasi para karyawan tetapi
primary goals guiding this project. 187
The reception area with exposed concrete.
Functional and efficient workstations.
Glass walls to aid with distribution of natural light
tetap membuat meja-meja kerja mereka saling
comfortable and aesthetically
terhubung. Pembuatan layout yang efektif dan efisien dengan masih menampilkan identitas
pleasing chairs. 5.
yang sesuai dengan produk yang ditawarkan perusahaan, dan juga konsisten dengan bujet
A blue and white colour theme dominates throughout the office.
Work areas all planned to maximize productivity
yang telah disetujui, merupakan tujuan utama yang melandasi proyek ini.
The boardroom has very
Artistic detail from the wall continuing on the glass wall of this boardroom.
Di dalam lingkungan kerja yang professional, efisien dan fungsional, kantor ini tetap
menawarkan suasana hangat dan
Project Name :
Main Contractor :
Citra Duta Artistry’s
PT Multi Karya
Primatama (MKP)
menyenangkan bagi para klien prospektif. Kesan elegan dan canggih merupakan kualitas
While a professional, efficient and functional
tambahan yang dimasukkan CDA ke dalam
Location :
Started :
environment has been created, there are still a
Tempo Scan Tower
May 2012
area penerima tamu yang benar-benar
warm and a inviting atmosphere that
Gross Floor Area :
Completed :
mendukung karakter perusahaan. Walaupun
welcomes prospected customers. Elegance
700 sqm
July 2012
ada kata pepatah yang menganjurkan untuk
and sophistication is yet another quality CDA
Principal Designer :
CDA International
tidak menilai sebuah buku dari sampulnya,
added to the reception area that is completely
CDA International
Ratu Plaza Office 23 rd Floor
kantor ini menampilkan fakta sebaliknya: dari
inline with the company’s character. It is
Interior Design Consultant :
penampilan dalam maupun luar, interiornya
advisable never to judge a book by its cover,
merefleksikan sebuah hubungan kerja yang
but inside out this office interior reflects a
kuat, sistem penanganan mutakhir dan nilai
strong working relationship, advanced
tambah pelayanan yang telah membuat sistem
handling system and value added service
teknik dari Jerman terkenal di seluruh dunia.
Germans are known for.
CDA International Interior Contractor :
Jl. Jend. Sudirman 9 Jakarta Pusat
[email protected]
PT Multi Karya Primatama (MKP)