Lotgevallen W&I 1995 – p.184
1 Werkseminarium Numerieke Wiskunde Dr. A.A. Reusken (TUE) Discretisatie met eindige differenties op een samengesteld rooster (18.01.1995) Ir. S.L. de Snoo (TUE) Modellering van de electrische volumegeleiding in de cochlea t.b.v. onderzoek aan electrische binnenoor protheses (01.02.1995) Dr. A.A. Reusken (TUE) Multigrid Methoden (15.02.1995) Dr. S. Oliveira Multigrid and Krylov Subspace Methods for Transport Problems (13.03.1995) Ir. B. van 't Hof (TUE) Eindige Volume Methoden voor Verbrandingsproblemen (15.03.1995) J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp (TUE) Kwalitatieve analyse van een één-dimensionale laminaire vlam (29.03.1995) Dr. J. Molenaar (TUE) Chaostheorie en Tijdreeksanalyse (12.04.1995) Helge Holden (Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway) Reservoir simulation using front tracking (27.04.1995) J.M.R.J. Huyghe (RUL, TUE) Mechanica van zwellende materialen (10.05.1995) G.A.L. van de Vorst ( TUE) An Integral Formulation to Simulate the Viscous Sintering of the Representative Periodic Unit Cell of a Porous Glass (24.05.1995) H. Gramberg Het aanpassen van de Gradiëntenmethode aan de drukafhankelijkheid van de vraag in een leidingnet en het implementeren van dat algoritme (07.06.1995) B. van den Broek (afstudeerder TUE) Numerical Simulation of Viscous Flows (14.07.1995) R. van Lieshout (afstudeerder TUE) Iteratieve domein decompositie technieken voor het oplossen van elliptische partiële differentiaalvergelijkingen (Afstudeervoordracht) (30.08.95) J. de Kok (afstudeerder TUE) Toepassingen van het software pakket CLAWPACK op hyperbolische behoudswetten (Stagevoordracht) (13.09.95) J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp (TUE) Een exponentieel schema voor de berekening van reagerende gasstroming (20.09.95) Ir. P.F.M. Michielsen (TU Delft) Drukgolven als lawaai-oorzaak in schokdempers (11.10.95) Ir. S.L. de Snoo (TUE)
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Numerieke aspekten van bewegende randen met kontakthoeken (25.10.95) W.A. van den Broek (afstudeerder TUE) Het construeren van vlakke krommen m.b.v. splines (08.11.95) Dr. A.A. Reusken (TUE) Een multigrid methode gebaseerd op incomplete Gauss eliminatie (22.11.95) Prof.dr. R.M.M. Mattheij (TUE) Over conditie van differentiaal-algebraïsche vergelijkingen (13.12.95) 2. Colloquium Domein Decompositie Dr. R.P. Stevenson (TUE) Meerdere overlappende domeinen en convergentie theorie (25.01.1995) J.K.M. Jansen (TUE) (Twee) niet-overlappende subdomeinen (08.02.1995) Ir. P.J.J. Ferket (TUE) Preconditioneerders voor het Schur complement (22.02.1995) Dr. A.A. Reusken (TUE) Preconditioneerders voor het Schur complement en additieve Schwarz multilevel methoden (08.03.1995) Drs. K.H. Tan (UU/WL) Numeriek Knip- en Plakwerk. Domein Decompositie met lokale koppeling (22.03.1995) Ir. E. Brakkee (TU Delft) Domein decompositie voor de incompressibele Navier-Stokes vergelijkingen (05.04.1995) Dr. E.F. Kaasschieter ( TUE) Domein decompositie voor gemengde eindige elementen (19.04.1995) Dr. M. van Gijzen (UU) Massively parallel finite element computations with GMRES-like methods (17.05.1995) Ir. J. Segers (TUE) Monte Carlo simulation of chemical surfaces reactions (31.05.1995) 3. Colloquium Numerieke Methoden voor het oplossen van Stokes en Navie-Stokes vergelijkingen Dr. A.A. Reusken (TUE) Eindige elementen benadering (04.10.95) J.K.M. Jansen (TUE) Polynomiale benadering (18.10.95) Dr. E.F. Kaasschieter (TUE) Galerkin, Petrov-Galerkin en Collocatie methoden (01.11.95) J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp (TUE) Galerkin methoden voor elliptische randwaardeproblemen (15.11.95)
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Ir. P.J.J. Ferket (TUE) Implementatie van spectrale collocatie en eindige elementen methoden voor elliptische problemen (06.12.95) W.A. van den Broek (afstudeerder TUE) Het Stokes probleem (20.12.95) 4. Wiskunde-Informtica colloquium Prof. D.W. Robinson (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) Semigroup generators and functional calculus (07.03.1995) Prof. N.S. Trudinger (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) Isoperimetric inequalities and Monge-Ampere Equations (27.11.95) Dr. Ioannis Raptis (Mathematical Physics Group, University of Newcastle upon time) A Clifford topos structure of quantum relativistic time-space (11.12.95) Prof. D.W. Robinson (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) Second-order elliptic operators with measurable coefficients, real and complex (09.01.96) 5. Stevin Colloquium 2 maart 1995 "Turbinestromingen" J.K.M. Jansen en ir. M.J. Noot (TUE) Interne koeling van turbinebladen M.E.H. van Dongen en ir. B. Prast (TUE) Supersone expansiestroming met condensatie H.C. de Lange en ir. C.J. Hogendoorn (TUE) Warmteoverdracht in gasturbineïnstallaties Ir. A.G. de Jager (TUE) Stabiliteit van stromingen in compressoren 6 april 1995 "Niet-Lineaire Dynamica" Ir. E.L.B. van de Vorst (TUE) Steady-state gedrag en stabilisatie van niet-lineaire dynamische systemen Ir. M.H.A. Claessens (TUE) Dynamica van impact van het menselijk hoofd Dr. J. Molenaar (TUE) Chaos theory, dripping faucets, and time series analysis W. van de Water (TUE) Grazing impact 27 april 1995 "Niet-Newtonse Vloeistoffen" Ir. J.H.A. Selen (TUE) Numerieke analyse van visco-elastische stromingen
Lotgevallen W&I 1995 – p.187
Ir. J.F.M. Schoonen (TUE) Confrontatie van snelheids- en spanningsmetingen met numerieke resultaten voor complexe viscoelastische stromingen G.W.M. Peters (TUE) Niet-isotherme visco-elastische stromingen Ir. J.G.M.M. Smits, Ir. T.A. Tervoort en L.E. Govaert (TUE) Visco-plastisch gedrag van polymere materialen 18 mei 1995 "Beeldverwerking en Visualisatie" J.-B. Martens (IPO) The application of visual perception in image technology B.M. ter Haar Romeny (RUU) Moderne beeldverwerkingstechnieken C.W.A.M. van Overveld (TUE) Tussen binnen en buiten: algoritmische aspecten van iso-surfaces Ir. F.H. Post (TUD) Visualisatie van stromingsgegevens: enkele recente onderzoekresultaten 26 oktober 1995 "Glas en Keramiek" R.C.G. Beerkens (TNO-TPD) Simulatie van glassmeltprocessen middels mathematische modellering Ir. S.L. de Snoo (TUE) Simulatie van een bewegend contact van viskeus materiaal in een mal Ir. M.J. van Gils (TNO-CTK) Modellen voor breuk in semi-brosse materialen L.J.M.G. Dortmans (TNO-CTK) Temperatuur, spanning en breuk in keramische transformatorkernen 21 december 1995 "Fascinerende Stromingsleer: Wervels en Menging" Ir. R.R. Trieling (TUE) Tweedimensionale wervels in strain- en shear-stromingen Ir. P.W.C. Vosbeek (TUE) Het simuleren van tweedimensionale wervels met contour-dynamica G.W.M. Peters (TUE) Modelstudies van mengen van polymeren Ir. G.C.J. Hofmans (TUE) Instationaire stroming door de glottis - toepassing van de vortex-blob methode 6. Mathematics of Programming (MoP) meetings Carroll Morgan (Oxford University). Probabilistic predicate transformers. (25.01.1995) (TUE)
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Eerke Boiten (TUE). A database calculus based on monads and partial functions. (25.01.1995) (TUE) Graham Hutton (Universiteit Utrecht). Bananas in Space: Extending Fold and Unfold to Exponential Types. (22.02.1995) (RUU) Luc Duponcheel (Universiteit Utrecht). Unstructured recursion considered harmful (a pair of bananas can save the day) (22.02.1995) (RUU) Laurens de Vries (TUE). Garbage Collection. (29.03.1995) (TUE) Rob Hoogerwoord (TUE). Functional-Program Inversion with an Application to Parser Construction. (29.03.1995) (TUE) Lex Augusteijn (Philips Research, Eindhoven) The DSF approach to software construction. (26.04.1995) (RUU) Frans van der Sommen (TUE). Peterson's Mutual Exclusion Algorithm Revisited. (07.06.1995) (TUE) Paul Hoogendijk (TUE). Naturality of polytypism for zips. (07.06.1995) (TUE) 7. Eindhoven Optimization Seminar 1995 Cleola van Eyl (TUE) Discrete lot-sizing with Wagner-Whitin costs. (03.01.95) Thomas Vossen (TUE) A probabilistic analysis of local search algorithms for the traveling salesman problem (09.01.95) Rob Vaessens (TUE) Scheduling jobs of two operations with minimum delays. (17.01.95) André van Vliet (Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam; ORTEC Consultants, Implementation Issues in Vehicle Routing. (24.01.95)
Marc Wennink (TUE) Scheduling with general objective functions. (31.01.95) Emile Aarts (Philips Research; TUE) Neural nets. (14.02.95) Ann Vandevelde (TUE) Preemptive head-body-tail scheduling. (21.02.95) Roberto Lioce & Carlo Martini (University of Bologna). Heuristic methods for a machine scheduling problem with processor sets: a computational investigati on. (28.02.95) Emile Aarts (Philips Research; TUE) Neural nets and the Traveling Salesman Problem. (07.03.95) Maurice Severens (TUE)
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Local search applied to the Steiner tree problem. (14.03.95) Peter Stehouwer (TUE) Handling uncertainty with neural networks: a case-study for lot-sizing with overtime. (21.03.95) Erik Diks (TUE) Controlling a divergent 2-echelon network with transshipments using the consistent appropriate share rationing policy. (28.03.95) Maarten van der Vlerk (Universite Catholique de Louvain; University of Groningen) Convex Approximations for Simple Integer Recourse models. (03.04.95) Andreas S. Schulz (Technische Universität Berlin). 0/1-Integer Programming: Optimization and Augmentation are Equivalent (04.04.95) Huub ten Eikelder A probabilistic analysis of local search algorithms for the traveling salesman problem. (11.04.95) Ton Stam (University of Georgia) Solving multiple objective programming problems using feed-forward artificial neural networks: the interactive FFANN procedure. (25.04.95) Noud Gademann (University of Twente) Optimal routing in an automated storage/retrieval system. (02.05.95) Chen Zhiping (Xi'an Jiathong University, China) A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Solving the Cutting Strips Problems. (09.05.95) Arjen Vestjens (TUE) On-line scheduling of identical machines. (16.05.95) Natasha Shakhlevich (Byelorussian Academy of Sciences) Scheduling Problems with the Fixed Number of Jobs. (06.06.95) Erwin de Brouwer (TUE) Minimizing total wastage in glass cutting. (16.06.95) Michael Pinedo (Columbia University, New York) Machine Scheduling: From Theory to Industrial Implementation. (20.06.95) Bart Mesman (TUE) Genetic Algorithms for Scheduling Purposes. (27.06.95) Paul van Gorp (TUE) Period Assignment in Multi-Dimensional Periodic Scheduling. (04.07.95) Rekha Thomas (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fnr Informationstechnik Berlin) Gröner basis methods for integer programming. (14.07.95) Jan Karel Lenstra (TUE) Molecular computing. (12.09.95) Natasha Shakhlevich (Byelorussian Academy of Sciences) On two multi-operation scheduling problems. (19.09.95) Sergey Sevast'janov (University of Novisibirsk, Russia) Nonstrict vector summation in multi-operation scheduling. (26.09.95)
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Wenci Yu (China University of Science and Technology, China) Extensions of the two-machine flow shop. (03.10.95) Sergey Sevast'janov (University of Novisibirsk, Russia) (continuation of the presentation of September 26) Nonstrict vector summation in multi-operation scheduling. (10.10.95) Arjen Vestjens (TUE) Worst-case analyses of two single-machine on-line scheduling problems. (17.10.95) Chris Potts (University of Southampton) Two-machine no-wait flow shop scheduling with missing operations. (19.10.95) Mikhail Kovalyov (Byelorussian Academy of Sciences, Minsk) General techniques to construct approximation algorithms for hard optimization problems. (19.10.95) Gerhard Woeginger (TUE) Approximability and Nonapproximability Results for Minimizing Total Flow Time on a Single Machine. (24.10.95) Steef van de Velde (Twente University) Dynasearch: Iterative Local Improvement by Dynamic Programming (31.10.95) Sergey Tiourine (TUE) A column generation algorithm for a real-life three-dimensional cutting-stock problem. (07.11.95) Arjen Vestjens (TUE) An optimal on-line algorithm for minimizing maximum delivery time on a single machine. (14.11.95) Gerhard Woeginger (TUE) A nonapproximability result for minimizing total flow time on a single machine. (14.11.95) Rob Vaessens The flow shop problem. (21.11.95) Cor Hurkens (TUE) Implementation of a column generation algorithm for a real-life three-dimensional cutting-stock problem (28.11.95) Wim Verhaegh (Philips Research Laboratories) Multidimensional Periodic Scheduling. (05.12.95) Joris van de Klundert (University of Limburg) The Component Retrieval Problem in printed circuit board assembly. (12.12.95) Rainer Burkard (University of Graz) A communication network assignment problem. (18.12.95) Babette de Fluiter (University of Utrecht) DNA Physical Mapping. (19.12.95) 8. ZIC Colloquia 1995 Ruurd Kuiper (TUE) A partial order approach to branching time model checking. (17-01-95)
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Wojciech Penczek (TUE) Using asynchronous Buechi Automata for efficient model-checking of concurrent systems. (17-01-95) Doron Peled (AT&T Bell Labs) Model-checking of causality properties. (17-01-95) Rob Gerth (TUE) A simple on-th-fly model checker for linear temporal logic. (17-01-95) Dennis Dams (TUE) Constructing Reduced Models by Abstraction. (17-01-95) Roel Bloo (TUE), Herman Geuvers (TUE) Preservation of Strong Normalisation (PSN) for explicit substitution calculi. (31-01-95) Tonny Hurkens (KUN) A contradiction in 28 steps. (14-02-95) Janu Kuper (UT) Formalising meaningfulness in typed lambda calculi. (07-03-95) Dr. Jan Terlouw (RUG) Een Modeltheoretische Sn-bewijs voor CC en algemenere PTSen. (21-03-95) Paula Severi (TUE) On Normalization. (04-04-95) Paul-Andre Mellies (CWI Amsterdam) Simply typed lambda calculi with explicit substitutions may not terminate. (18-04-95) Herman Jurjus (KUB) Niet-monotoon redeneren; regel of uitzondering? (02-05-95) Prof.dr. Loe Feijs (Philips Research/TUE) Notations for software design. (16-05-95) Reinier Post (TUE) De uitdrukkingskracht van generische graafmanipulatietalen. (30-05-95) Daniel Briaud (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy (CNRS) et INRIA-Lorraine) Higher Order Unification and Explicit Substitutions. (03-10-95) Frank Dignum (TUE) Modeling Rational Agents and Communication. (17-10-95) Twan Laan (TUE) A Reflection on Russell's Ramified Types and Kripke's, Hierarchy of Truths. (31-10-95) Prof.dr. N.G. de Bruijn (TUE) Influences of mechanical checking on the philosophy of mathematics. (14-11-95) Kristoffer H. Rose (University of Copenhagen (DIKU) Combinatory reduction systems and explicit substitution. (05-12-95) Dr. Hans Weigand (Infolab, KUB) Interoperabele transacties - flecibel en gestructureerd. (12-12-95)
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9. EIDMA Seminar Combinatorial Theory J. van Bon (Rome University, Italië) Affine distance transitive graphs. (04.01.95) R. Weiss (Tufts University, Medford, USA) Moufang trees (04.01.95) H. Sterk (TUE) Introduction Algebraic Geometry. (11.01.95) Dr. T. Szonyi (Eötvös Loránd University, Boedapest, Hongarije) Applications of Redei's theorem to divisibility maximum properties of Gaussian sums (18.01.95) Prof. V.I. Korjik (St. Petersburg University) A Broadcast Key Distribution Scheme based on BIB-Designs. (25.01.95) R. Riebeek (TUE) Introduction Algebraic Groups I. (25.01.95) G. Heckman (KUN) Hyperbolic Coxetergroups (01.02.95) H. Bodlaender (RUU) Algorithms for graphs of bounded tree. (08.02.95) R. riebeek (TUE) Introduction Algebraic Groups II. (08.02.95) P. Littelmann (University Louis Pasteur, Strassbourg) The path model of representations 1 + 11. (15.02.95) W. de Graaf (TUE) Introduction Algebraic groups III (Tori and Lie Algebras) (22.02.95) A. Blokhuis (TUE) Multiple blocking sets and lacunary polynomials. (01.03.95) A. Blokhuis (TUE) Multiple blocking sets and lacunary polynomials II. (08.03.95) H. Wilbrink (TUE) The lattice of integral flows on a finite graph. (15.03.95) Tiep Pham Huu (University of North Korea) Group representations, unimodular lattices, and self-dual codes. (22.03.95) R. Pellikaan (TUE) Asymptotically good codes on algebraic curves (29. 03.95) J. Seidel (TUE) Conference Matrices (05.04.95) V. Levenshtein (Keldysh Inst. of Appl.Math., Moskou) Split Orthogonal Arrays and Maximum Resilient Systems of Functions (12.04.95)
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S. Rees (University of Newcastle) Finite state automata and other machines and their relationship to group theory (26.04.95) H. Stichtenoth (University of Essen) Algebraic function fields with many rational places and asymptotically good codes. (03.05.95) R. Peeters (KUB) P-ranks of distance regular graphs. (10.05.95) E. van Dam (KUB) Graphs with constant $\mu$ and $\overline [\mu$ (10.05.95) I. Duursma (University of Marseille) The geometry of the flexpoints of the klein quartic. (17.05.95) R. de Man (TUE) Algebraic groups IV. (24.05.95) R. Bapat (University of Ohio) Minors and singular values of the more-penrose inverse. (14.06.95) D. Wales (Caltech) Brauer Centralizer Algebra. (30.08.95) L. Khachatrian (Academy of Science, Yerevan, Armenia) One-shift self synchronized codes for two-user adder channel. (30.08.95) H. Cuypers (TUE) Lie Algebra's and cotriangular spaces. (06.09.95) H. Sterk (TUE) Groups, Lattices and complex spaces. (06.09.95) A. Hoffman (IBM Research Division, Thomas Watson Res. Center) The honeymoon hotel and the Seidel switch. (13.09.95) W. Haemers (KUB) A Hoffman-type bound for disconnected pairs of subgraphs with an application to equidistant code pairs in association schemes. (13.09.95) A. Blokhuis (TUE) On complete arcs in planes of odd order (13.09.95) G.A. Dickie (University of Winconsin, USA) Q-polynomial structure. (20.09.95) G. Havas (University of Queensland) Groups of deficiency zero. (10.10.95) M. Smeets (TUE) Natural extensions of Weyl groups. Asymptotical good codes. (18.10.95) A. Brouwer (TUE) Arragements of hyperplanes. (25.10.95) H. Wilbrink (TUE)
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Planar functions and planes of Lenz-Barlotti class II. (01.11.95) L. Ronyai (Budapest) An explicit construction in graph theory. (08.11.95) T. Pentilla (Perth, Australië) Ovals in finite desarguesian projective planes. (15.11.95) N.G. de Bruijn (TUE) Proof of a conjecture of V strehl on necklaces. (22.11.95) M. van Leeuwen (CWI) Necklaces and free lie Algebras. (22.11.95) A. Blokhuis (TUE) On the number of directions determined by the graph of a function over a finite field. (29.11.95) A. Brouwer (TUE) Enumerative combinatorics. (06.12.95) G. Dickie Enumerative combinatorics. (20.12.95) 10. EIDMA Seminar Coding, Crypto & Information Theory Prof.dr. E.M. Gabidulin (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) 30.01.95 General sequences. Finiteness proof for PSK sequences of prime lenght. Classification of PSK sequences I. Classification of PSK sequences II. C.P.M.J. Baggen (Philips Research Laboratories) On the Diamond Code Construction. (17.02.95) Ir. L.M.G.M. Tolhuizen (Philips Research Laboratories) Block variations of Diamonds Codes. (17.02.95) Dr. J. Simonis (TUD) The Plotkin Bound id Tight. (17.02.95) Ir. M. van Dijk (TUE) Unconditionally Secure Group Authentication Schemes (17.02.95) Dr. A. Barg (TUE) Construction of Sequences with low periodic Correlation. (28.04.95) Prof.dr. V.I. Levenshtein (Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Moscow) Duality in bounding optimal Sizes of Designs and Codes. (28.04.95) Prof. Tsutomu Kawabata (Univ. of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Japan) A unified Approach to Lempel-Ziv and Context-tree Weighting: Two Fundamental Source Coding Algorithms. (28.04.95) Dr. N.D. Vvedenskava (Inst. for Problems of Information Transmission, Moscow) The Multiple Access Stack-Algorithm. (28.04.95)
Lotgevallen W&I 1995 – p.195 J.P.M. van Schalkwijk (TUE) On Shannon's modulation theorem. (13.10.95) Dr. L. Monroe (University of Illinois, Chicago) Greedy codes. (13.10.95) Dr. E.R. Verheul ( Ministerie Binnenlandse Zaken, Den Haag) Construction and properties of k out of n visual secret sharing schemes. (13.10.95) Ir. H.D.L. Hollman (Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven) Data expansion with Huffman codes -- a simple proof of an improvement of the ISIT 1995 result of McEliece et al. (13.10.95) Dr. J.J. Seidel (TUE) Lines, codes and spreads. (08.12.95) Dr. G. Kabatianskii (Inst. for Problems of Information Transmission, IPPI, Moscow) Ideal secret sharing schemes: an axiomatic approach (08.12.95) Dr. A. Barg (TUE) A matroid of supports of a linear code. (08.12.95) Dr. L. Bassalygo (Inst. for Problems of Information Transmission, IPPI, Moscow) Codes Detecting Localized Errors (08.12.95) 11. Stevin Symposium gehouden in Rolduc op 27 en 28 november 1995 27 november 1995 C.W.A.M. van Overveld (TUE) Rekenen en beTekenen J.W. Wesselink (TUE) Modelling tools for variational curve and surface fitting D. Hegen A 2D numerical model for crack growth based on the element free Galerking method M.H.A. Claessens Modellering van het menselijk hoofd onder extreme belastingssituaties J.M. Rijcken Optimale vezelarchtiectuur van de linkerhartventrikel voor homogene vezelverkorting O.M.G.C. op den Camp Een recursief identificatie algoritme voor tijdsafhankelijke materialen J.F.M. Schoonen - n.t.b. R.J.M. Smit Modellering van het deformatiegedrag van glasachtige polymeren 28 november 1995 L. Pel Modellering van vochttransport door metselwerk
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S.R. Weijers Systeemanalyse in recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van waterzuivering A.C.T. Aarts (TUE) Dynamisch gedrag en instabiliteiten bij het extruderen van polymeersmelts P.J.J. Ferket (TUE) Locale defect correctie bij verbrandingsproblemen J. Kurja Slagvastigheid van epoxy-gemodificeerde brosse glasachtige polymeren B. Jansen Enzymatische polymerisatie R.L.G.M. Eggels Development and application of reduced reaction mechanisms in combustion processes B. van 't Hof Ruimtediscretisatie van de convectie-diffusie-reactie vergelijking 12. POSTERS Ontwerpersopleidingen M.A.H. van der Aa, D. Brokken ALE voor metalen R.J.T. Frissen Modelling of the ballistic impact behaviour of polyethylene-fibre-reinfor ced composites J.H.J.M. Helwegen Automated quantitative Doppler spectral analysis L.J.S. Kleintje The influence of surfactants on the breakup behaviour of viscoelastic threads F. Leenders Het ontwerp van een autonoom energie systeem voor toepassing in rurale ziekenhuizen in Afrika D.J.R.C. Lemmens Modelling the dynamic behaviour of a Reuther vaulting board W.H. Maassen Modellering van thermische energie opslag in een aquifer J.H. Meulman Constitutive relations for brain tissue M.A. van Buuren Het stoominjectie experiment
Lotgevallen W&I 1995 – p.197