Bestuursmededelingen & Nieuws: 2 maart 2012 - Nieuwsbrieven archief - Faculteit de... Page 1 of 6
Universiteit Leiden
Faculteit der Archeologie
Bestuur en Organisatie
Bestuursmededelingen & Nieuws: 2 maart 2012 Mededelingen (Nederlands & Engels) van het faculteitsbestuur en laatste nieuwsfeiten Faculteit der Archeologie: inhoud wordt na publicatie als bekend verondersteld bij alle medewerkers van de Faculteit der Archeologie
CommonSites launches web-based platform for the heritage sector is a web-based platform for the heritage sector that promotes sustainable heritage practices around the world. By applying crowd-funding technology, CommonSites makes it possible for heritage communities to find and share knowledge, raise funds and report progress from the field. CommonSites is supported by a wide range of organizations, including the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University, Museum Volkenkunde, and RedKiwi (the Netherlands), the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit of University of Queensland and CHSS (Australia), and Nexus Heritage (United Kingdom). Read more.....
NEOMAP: International Conference on the Archaeology, History and Heritage Management of Coastal Landscapes 15-3-2013
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On 16-17 March 2012 the interdisciplinary project NEOMAP entitled "Neolithisation and Modernisation: Landscape History on East Asian Inland Seas" will conclude with Archeologie a international conference at Leiden University. Inland seas, hereby defined as seas surrounded by lands such as continents and chains of islands, have functioned as world-wide trading spots and also collision spots for various cultures since prehistory. Focusing on the East Asian region NEOMAP investigated the changing role of inland seas as creators of cultural landscape diversity. The research employed the broadest definition of ‘landscape’, ranging from physical manifestations to cognitive representations, and examined the coastal landscapes of the Japan Sea and the East China Sea, starting from the earliest Neolithic, through to the major transformations associated with the Modern Age. Organised in collaboration with the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, this concluding conference aims to situate the results of NEOMAP within a global comparative perspective. Speakers are invited to examine the role of Inland Seas as both creators of cultural contact, as well as arenas in which cultural diversity could emerge. Papers will focus on a broad range of Inland Seas, including the Caribbean, the Mediterranean; the Baltic and North Sea, as well as the the Inland Seas of East and Southeast Asia. Read more...
Bericht van Noriyuki Shirai uit Egypte 15-3-2013
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Dear All, I am fine in Egypt, and everything is normal here. Excavation is going well, and I hope something better than scorpion would show up soon. Best wishes, Noriyuki
Joanita Vroom, Yasemin Bagci, Fotini Kondyli In the next Seminar Eastern Christianity, organised by the Faculty of Humanities, our new staffmembers Joanita Vroom, Yasemin Bagci and Fotini Kondyli will present their research:
Joanita Vroom : An archaeological Eldorado in the eastern Mediterranean: New perspectives on the archaeology of Byzantine and Ottoman times. Yasemin Bagcι: Early Islamic pottery from the Gözlükule excavations in Tarsus (southern Turkey): A preliminary presentation. Fotini Kondyli: Placing finds in their right context: The case of Butrint and Athens
March 16, Matthias de Vrieshof 2, room 004, 14.15-16.00 hours
Cohortevaluaties - Cohort evaluations In februari zijn er weer Cohortevaluaties geweest. Eén van de dingen die naar voren zijn gekomen uit die evaluaties is dat er behoefte is aan meer terugkoppeling van de evaluatieresultaten naar studenten toe. Daarom kunnen de resultaten van de evaluaties die afgelopen november en februari zijn gepresenteerd tijdens de Cohortevaluaties nu online worden bekeken. Aan de hand van PowerPoint presentaties kan rustig worden nagelezen wat er uit de evaluaties is gebleken, en welke stappen zijn genomen om deze zaken te verbeteren. De resultaten zijn te vinden in Blackboard, op de Studentensite > Opleidingscommissie > Evaluatie resultaten. Last February, Cohort evaluations have taken place. One of the issues that resulted from 15-3-2013
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this meeting was the fact that students would like to receive more feedback when they have participated in evaluations. Therefore the results from the evaluations of past November and February have been published online. You can read the PowerPoint presentation with the results and the course of action on the Blackboard module Studentensite > Opleidingscommissie > Evaluatie resultaten.
Benodigde documenten bij aanstellingen van buitenlanders Voor buitenlanders met een Non-EU nationaliteit heeft de dienst P&O 2 maanden voor startdatum de volgende documenten nodig om een tewerkstellingsvergunning te kunnen aanvragen: Als de (gast)medewerker korter dan 91 dagen komt: Een (gast)aanstellingsformulier Een kopie paspoort Een gewaarmerkt diploma master degree in Engels, Duits of Frans Verklaring van de universiteit / werkgever waar de werknemer nu aan verbonden is waaruit de bezoldiging blijkt gedurende het verblijf in Nederland. Ook moet de terugkeer naar het land van herkomst blijken uit de verklaring. Een onderzoeksbeschrijving Een kopie van het Schengen Visum (als deze reeds in het bezit is) of een kopie van de aanvraag bij de Nederlandse ambassade. Als men langer dan 90 dagen komt: Een (gast)aanstellingsformulier Een kopie paspoort Een diploma master degree in Engels, Duits of Frans Indien de buitenlandse medewerker niet wordt aangesteld is er een document nodig waaruit de financiële middelen per maand en voor de betreffende periode op naam staan beschreven.
More Agenda
In the Current Issues Seminar of 6 March, Diederik Meijer will discuss the effects buildings have on us, Lipsius 227, 16.00 sharp. Next DAG meeting 8 March, Lipisus 235a, 15-17h, Angus Mol: Connecting nodes of the past, network analysis in archaeology. 15-3-2013
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On 9 March 2012 ARCHON makes a new start with a presentation-day of research currently carried out at the member institutions of ARCHON, 9.45-17.00, RCE Amersfoort, Smallepad 5. The Symposium Onderzoek Jonge Archeologen (SOJA) is an annual event hosted by the Archaeology departments of the Dutch universities. This year the symposium will be held on friday 23 March 2012 at the VU University in Amsterdam. The sixth Dutch Symposium of the Ancient Near East (DUSANE VI) will be held on 24 March 2012 at the Lipsius building of Leiden University in room 003. The National Museum of Antiquities and the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University invites you to attend the fourth Louwe Kooijmanslezing on 28 March 2012 given by Prof. Dr. Harald Meller, Director and State Archaeologist, and entitled State Office for heritage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt with State Museum of Prehistory Halle. On 24 and 25 March 2012, the University of Durham will host the "Where The Wild Things Are: Recent Advances in Palaeolithic and mesolithic Research" conference Over the past decade ‘network’ has become a buzz-word in many disciplines across the humanities and sciences. The conference The Connected Past, 24-25 March, aims to provide a platform for pioneering, multidisciplinary, collaborative work by researchers working to develop network approaches and their application to the past The Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) 2012 conference will be hosted by the Archaeological Computing Research Group in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Southampton on 26-30 March 2012. Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference: 29th March - 1st April 2012 On March 30, the Faculty of Archaeology is organising the next Master Day, where all master specialisations will be presented. 5 April: ASC Seminar | The Origins and Spread of Dry Laid, Stone-Walled Architecture in Pre-Colonial South Africa 12 April ASC Conference | Rethinking Africa's transcontinental continuities in preand protohistory
Lente in de mensa - Sprintime in the mensa In maart en april is het lente in de mensa, internationale gerechten voor studenten en medewerkers voor € 3,25. Lees verder.... You fancy an inexpensive evening meal? Enjoy a touch of spring in March and April at the Lipsius mensa. International dishes for students and staff 15-3-2013
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only €3.25 Read more... Laatst Gewijzigd: 02-03-2012 15-3-2013