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Besluit Besluit strekkende tot een positieve beoordeling onder voonvaarden van een aanvraag toets nieuwe opleiding van de opleiding wo-master Executive Master in MRI Principles and Applications van de Universiteit Maastricht datum
12 april 2013 ondenrverp
Gegevens lnstelling Opleiding
Defìnitief besluit
Toets nieuwe opleiding wo-master Executive Master in MRI Princ¡ples and Applications
Variant Locatie StudieomvanS (EC) Datum aanvraag
Universiteit Maastricht wo-master Executive Master in MRI Principles and Applications deeltijd (postinitieel) Maastricht 60 12 juli 2012
van de
Universiteit Maastricht (000674) uw kenmerk 201 2.1 0.0805-YG
locatiebezoek(en) paneladvies lnstellingstoets kwaliteitszorg
: 17 januari 2013 : 11 februari 2013 : aangemeld en geaccepteerd voor het invoeringsregime als bedoeld in artikel 18.32b en c van de WHW Datum Datum
ons kenmerk NVAO/20131 133/ND b¡jlage 2
Beoordelingskader Beoordelingskader voor de beperkte toets nieuwe opleiding van de NVAO (Stcrt. 2O1O, nr 21523).
Bevindingen De NVAO stelt vast dat in het paneladvies deugdelijk en kenbaar is gemotiveerd op welke gronden het panel de kwaliteit van de opleiding voldoende onder voon¡vaarden heeft bevonden.
Advies panel Samenvatting bevindingen en overwegingen van het panel The Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) received a request for an initial accreditation procedure, including programme documents, regarding a proposed Executive Master in MRI Principles and Applications (EMMPA) at Maastricht University. NVAO convened an expert panel, which studied the information available and discussed the proposed programme with representatives of the institution and the programme during a site visit. The following considerations have played an important role in the panel's assessment.
lnlichtingen Henri Ponds
+31 (0)70 3122361
[email protected]
Parkstraat 2812514 JK I Postbus 85498 | 2508 CD Den Haag PO Box 85498 | 2508 CD The Hague lThe Netherlands T + 31 (0)70 3122300 | F + 31 (0)70 3122301 info@nvao net I www nvao net
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Overall, the panel finds the programme to have a clear academic orientation and considers the intended learning outcomes to be formulated at a level that is appropriate for an academic master's programme. The learning outcomes are in accordance with the standards outlined by the Dublin descriptors for master-level education.
The panel is of the opinion that the focus of the programme clearly answers a need and fills a gap. The panel accepts that the partnership with Siemens and the University Hospital has resulted in a more comprehensive scope of the programme. However, it thinks that there still is a clearly discernable emphasis on High Field MRl. As the expertise of the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) lies within these fields, this focus is also a major selling point of the new programme. The panel asks that this emphasis is made clearer in the description of EMMPA, as this will enhance the transparency of what its actual focus is. The panel assesses standard 1 'lntended learning outcomes' as satisfactory. The panel considers the teaching-learning environment of the programme to have great potential. lt flnds the set-up and content of many of the modules to be of outstanding quality and is pleased with the didactical concept that aims to bring about active learning. The facilities that will be used are excellent and the panel is pleased that formal agreements are in place for the facilities to be used outside FPN. The panel lauds the quality of the teaching staff and appreciates the enthusiasm of the core staff. EMMPA can rely on a core staff with excellent expertise in High Field MRl. For the modules that are more peripheral to the expertise available at FPN, the panel received guarantees that lecturers with adequate expertise will be attracted. The programme's partners will play an important role in this process. Still, the panel took note of the fact that not all teaching positions in these more peripheral modules have been filled and urges the programme to finalize this process. The panel thinks the quantity of the teaching staff is adequate. Still, it suggests that EMMPA attracts a non-academic programme coordinator to support the Scientific Programme Director with the logistic and executive tasks in this preparation phase, Regardless of the potential of the teaching-learning environment, the panel has serious concerns regarding its internal cohesion. The panel finds the different modules currently not to be sufficiently coordinated. First of all, there are problems with horizontal coherence in the sense that some areas are duplicated in the content of different modules, whereas other important domains are left out of the curriculum or discussed in a very brief manner. This lack of coordination is most obvious in the modules regarding MR Physics. Although this topic was discussed at length during the site visit, the panel was unable to find out the rationale behind it.
Another point of concern is the attempt to broaden the programme to include musculoskeletal, cardiological and oncological imaging. The panel has the impression that the non-neurological modules are not adequately integrated into the rest of the programme. Although the modules on these topics are electives, they should be joined up to the rest of the modules in a more satisfactory way. Also, the panel foresees integration problems for the different categories of students going through the courses. As the programme aims at attracting very diverse groups of students, some students may be experiencing gaps in knowledge going through the courses, whereas others may be repeating knowledge that is already present. Furthermore, the panel was not able to get a clear view on how the progression through the courses would work out logistically.
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Getting a good image on this vertical cohesion was moreover difficult as the panel received inconsistent information during the site visit on the groups the programme will be actively targeting, on what the admission requirements will be for the whole master's programme, how the entry requirements will be organized for the separate modules and if and how students can remedy knowledge gaps. The panel assesses standard 2'Teaching-learning environment'as unsatisfactory.
The panel has obtained an adequate picture of the assessment system that will be in place for the maste/s programme and took note of the fact that the different course coordinators have good ideas of the way they want to evaluate the students due to the experience they have in other master's programmes. However, the panel also noted that a detailed description of the evaluation methods for the separate modules is still lacking and urges EMMPA to fill out the details. Finally, the panel is satisfied that the programme will use the facilities of the faculties regarding quality control of assessment. The panel assesses standard 3 'Assessment' as satisfactory. ln conclusion, it is the opinion of the panel that the programme needs another iteration of the preparation process in order to make the teaching-learning environment coherent in all respects. ln this iteration, EMMPA will have to look at the content of the modules and overlaps; at the target group for the programme; at how the programme will accommodate for the different kinds of students with regards to admission to the different modules; and at the assessment procedure. lt is important that in this preparation process, all coordinators and lecturers involved in the programme are brought together at one point. Extra effort must be invested in making the external staff aware of the prerequisites of each module and the teaching methods used. The panel is convinced that the programme will succeed in doing this and has seen that the motivation and the ideas to come to a coherent programme are already present.
Advice of the panel Given these considerations, the panel advises NVAO to take a conditional positive decision regarding the quality of the proposed programme Executive Master in MRI Principles and Applications at Maastricht University.
Conditions the expertise of the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) lies within High Field MRl, this focus is also a major selling point of the new programme. The panel asks that this emphasis is made clearer in the description of EMMPA, as this will enhance the transparency of what its actual focus is. 2. The programme should fill all the teaching positions in the more peripheral modules as soon as possible. 3. The programme should improve the internal cohesion of the curriculum; a. Currently the modules are not sufficiently coordinated. This lack of coordination is most obvious in the modules regarding MR Physrcs. b. The non-neurological modules are not adequately integrated into the rest of the programme. Although the modules on these topics are electives, they should be joined up to the rest of the modules in a more satisfactory way. c. The programme should work on the integration of the different categories of students going through the courses. 4. The programme should elaborate on how the progression through the courses of students with different trajectories will be worked out logistically. 1. As
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5. The programme should describe the admission requirements for the whole master's
programme more clearly. Also, it should be made more transparent how the entry requirements will be organized for the separate modules and if and how students can remedy knowledge gaps. 6. The programme should work out a detailed description of the evaluation methods for the separate modules. De NVAO onderschrijft de voorwaarden van het panel waaraan de opleiding eerst moet voldoen om een onvooruvaardelijk positief besluit te kunnen vaststellen.
Pagina5vanT Besluit
lngevolge het bepaalde in artikel 5a.10, tweede lid, in verbinding met artikel 5a.11, zesde lid, van de WHW heeft de NVAO het college van bestuur van de Universiteit Maastricht te (plaats instelling) in de gelegenheid gesteld zijn zienswijze op het voornemen tot besluit d.d 5 maart 2013 naar voren te brengen. Bij brief van 2 april201 3 heeft het college van besteuur ingestemd met het voornemen tot besluit. Op grond van het voorgaande besluit de NVAO de aanvraag Toets nieuwe opleiding postinitiële wo-master Executive Master in MRI Principles and Applications (60 EC, deeltijd, Maastricht) van de Universiteit Maastricht positief onder voorwaarden te beoordelen. De termijn waarbinnen aan vorenomschreven voon¡raarden moet zijn voldaan bepaalt de
NVAO op 1 jaar. Gelet op het bepaalde in artikel 5a.11, vierde lid, van de WHW verliest de opleiding een jaar na de dag waarop het besluit tot het verlenen van de toets nieuwe opleiding onder voorwaarden is genomen deze toets nieuwe opleiding, indien naar het oordeel van de NVAO binnen een jaar niet aan de gestelde voonn¡aarden is voldaan.
Ten laatste 9 maanden te rekenen vanaf de dag waarop het besluit tot het verlenen van de toets nieuwe opleiding onder voonryaarden is genomen zal het panel verifìëren of de opleiding aan de hierboven gestelde voorwaarden heeft voldaan. Uiterlijk 7 maanden na de dag waarop het besluit tot het verlenen van de toets nieuwe opleiding onder voorwaarden is genomen levert de instelling documentatie aan de NVAO waaruit blijkt dat aan de voorwaarden is voldaan. Graad: Master of Science in MRI Principles and Applications
Advies Croho onderdeel: Gezondheidszorg
Van kracht tot en met 12 april2014. Den Haag, 12april2013 Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie
Lucien Bollaert (bestuurder)
Tegen dit besluit kan op grond van het bepaalde in de Algemene wet bestuursrecht door een belanghebbende bezwaar worden gemaakt bij de NVAO. De termijn voor het indienen van bezwaar bedraagt zes weken.
Pagina 6 van
z Bijlage l: Schematisch overzicht oordelen panel Ondenrerp 1 Beoogde eindkwalificaties
De beoogde eindkwalificaties van de opleiding
zijn wat betreft inhoud, niveau en oriëntatie geconcretiseerd en voldoen aan internationale 2 Ondenrijsleeromgeving
3 Toetsing 4 Afstudeergarantie en
financiële voorzieningen
Algemene conclus¡e
*Voldoende onder voorwaarden V = voldoende O = onvoldoende
etsen Het programma, het personeel en de opleidingsspecifìeke voorzieningen maken het voor de instromende studenten mogelijk de beooode eindkwalifìcaties te realiseren De opleiding beschikt over een adequaat svsteem van toetsinq De instelling geeft aan studenten de garantie dat het programma volledig kan worden doorlopen en stelt toereikende financiële voorzieninqen beschikbaar
Pagina 7 van
7 Bijlage 2: Samenstelling panel
Prof. dr. David Norris, chair, director of the Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, and of the Erwin L. Hahn lnstitute, and a past President of the lnternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; Prof. dr. Geoff Parker, member, professor of Biomedical lmaging at the University of Manchester; Prof. dr. Chritt Moonen, member, professor at the Division of lmaging at the University Medical Center in Utrecht; Prof. dr. Christian Büchel, member, professor at the University Medical Center HamburgEppendorf and director of the lnstitute for Systems Neuroscience at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf; Rene Verhoeven, student member, MSc, PhD student on biomarkers and therapeutic strategies to optimize graft quality in liver transplantation, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Het panel werd bijgestaan door drs. Henri Ponds, beleidsmedewerker NVAO, procescoördinator en dr. Jetje de Groof, extern secretaris.