Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
B1 Schrijven Bestuderen Schrijven algemeen Inleiding In dit deel van de workshop gaan we ons bezighouden met het schrijven van praktijkgerichte teksten. Een aantal zaken is al bij de niveaus A1-A2 aan de orde geweest en zullen we alleen maar even kort herhalen. We bieden je verder weer veel voorbeeldbrieven en standaardzinnen die je kunt gebruiken. Handleiding Als je een tekst moet schrijven dan moet je op veel verschillende dingen letten. Dat maakt schrijven zo moeilijk en daarom verdelen we het schrijven in een aantal stappen die we het schrijfproces noemen. We gaan dit proces stap voor stap doornemen. Belangrijk om te weten is dat je niet meteen begint met schrijven. 1. Voorbereiding a. Wat is je doel en publiek? b. Welke stijl (formeel of informeel) en wat voor soort tekst hoort hierbij? c. Informatie verzamelen d. Brainstormen (ideeën verzamelen) e. Selecteren en ordenen. f. Wat gebruik ik wel en niet? g. In welke volgorde komt het in mijn tekst? 2. Schrijven ronde 1 a. Begin met schrijven. Let nog niet op alinea’s, spelling en dergelijke. Dat komt later. 3. Controle 1 a. Controleer inhoud en stijl b. Verbeter 4. Schrijven ronde 2 a. Herschrijf 5. Controle ronde 2 a. Verbeter spelling en grammatica b. Verbeter punten, komma’s etc. c. Alinea’s: één onderwerp per alinea d. Zinnen: duidelijk en niet te lang Als je deze handleiding volgt, hoef je je steeds maar met één ding tegelijk bezig te houden. Zo wordt je tekst beter en maak je de minste fouten. Zeker als je in een vreemde taal schrijft, is het belangrijk om de tijd te nemen om spelling, grammatica en woordkeuze rustig te controleren. Laat je werk ook door iemand anders lezen!
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Hieronder volgen nog een aantal schrijftips die je helpen om een goede Engelse tekst te schrijven. •
• •
• • • •
Schrijf korte zinnen o Een voorbeeld van hoe het niet moet: “The dog, overcome with a sense of futility at the unfairness of life, and miserable at the inattention of her master, who had become so addicted to TV reality shows that he had not left his recliner in over three days, nevertheless chased the ball.” Gebruik eenvoudige woorden o Kijk maar eens naar dit voorbeeld: utilise <-> use, facilitate <-> make possible Gebruik actieve zinnen o Voorbeeld van een passieve zin: “By then, the soundtrack will have been completely remixed by the sound engineers.” Beter: “By then, the sound engineers will have completely remixed the soundtrack.” Vermijd ontkenningen o Bijvoorbeeld: “I don’t think it wouldn’t work if you do it like this”. Beter: “I think it will work if you do it like this.” Eén onderwerp per alinea Vermijd stopwoorden en modewoorden. In het Engels ook wel ‘buzz words’ genoemd. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan “absolutely’ en “like”. Wees zuinig met beschrijvende woorden, ofwel bijvoeglijke naamwoorden
Hieronder vind je een voorbeeld van een zin waarin een aantal van deze vuistregels ‘overtreden’ worden. Weet jij welke? /'The relevant comments which you have made in respect of the case under review have been carefully considered. Immediately we would concur that from a point of conjecture , or in a hypothetical sense, it may indeed be of benefit, or meritorius to your position, if details could be extracted from the book within the repairer's premises, to which you have referred, and which may contain details of your instructions or other corraborative measures.'/ Kort samengevat: “KISS your message” Ofwel: “Keep it short and simple!”
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Samenvatting We geven weer een rijtje met tips: 1. Onderstreep in elk stukje de belangrijkste zin. Er is altijd één hoofdzin. 2. Vat elke alinea in één of twee zinnen samen. 3. Laat beschrijvende woorden weg. 4. Laat voorbeelden weg. 5. Maak opsommingen. Schrijf in je eigen woorden, dan is het makkelijker om te onthouden of verder te vertellen.
Tip: tekst markeren Het is vaak een goed hulpmiddel om woorden te markeren of te onderstrepen. Markeer echter niet te veel, want dan schiet je je doel voorbij. Ook in elektronische documenten kun je een markeerstift gebruiken. De werkbalk van het tekstverwerkingsprogramma Microsoft Word bevat hiervoor een knop met een stift. Als je daarop klikt, kun je elk woord of elke zin een kleurtje geven.
Voegwoorden Een woord dat twee zinnen/zinsdelen met elkaar verbindt, noemen we een voegwoord of een verbindingswoord. Hieronder vind je de belangrijkste voegwoorden. Opsomming and
both ... and
zowel als
Oorzaak en gevolg as
so that
Tegenstelling (al)though
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
maar (toch)
Tijd as
tot, totdat
tot, totdat
Uitleggen because
Vergelijken as
as ... as
even ... als, zo ... als
either ... or
of ... of
neither ... nor
noch ... noch
than (vergrotende trap)
whether or
indien, als
Leer deze woorden uit je hoofd. Dit komt niet alleen van pas wanneer je zelf een tekst schrijft, maar ook wanneer je een tekst leest. Dan begrijp je de structuur beter.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Formulieren en gebruiksaanwijzingen Formulieren invullen Voor je werk, maar zeker ook in je privé-leven, moet je veel formulieren invullen. Bijvoorbeeld als je een aanrijding met je auto hebt gehad. Op je werk moet je misschien een urenstaat invullen of een onkostendeclaratieformulier. Ook op websites wordt vaak van je verlangd dat je een formulier invult.
Bijlage 1: Schadeformulier Bijlage 2: Sollicitatieformulier Bijlage 3: Beursaanvraag Bijlage 4: Verlofaanvraag Bijlage 5: Aanmeldingsformulier
Een formulier invullen • • • • • • • • •
• •
Lees eerst het formulier helemaal door. Je weet dan welke vragen er nog komen. Je weet dan ook wat je nog op moet zoeken (bijvoorbeeld een verzekeringsnummer of bonnetjes die je moet inleveren). Soms begrijp je iets niet. Vraag dan aan iemand die er verstand van heeft om je te helpen. Maak eventueel een kopie zodat je kunt oefenen met wat je in moet vullen. Later kun je dit in het net overschrijven op het formulier dat je moet inleveren. Je kunt ook met potlood invullen, zodat je fouten nog kunt uitgummen. Let wel op, want niet alle formulieren mag je met potlood invullen. Vul de antwoorden goed leesbaar in. Als je alle vragen hebt beantwoord, moet je alles nog een keer doorlezen en kijken of het klopt wat je hebt ingevuld. Stuur je formulier op of lever het in. Soms krijg je een envelop met voorgedrukte gegevens bij je formulier. Die envelop kun je dan gebruiken om het formulier te versturen. Op een meegestuurde envelop hoef je vaak geen postzegel te plakken. Dit geldt zeker als je het formulier naar een antwoordnummer kunt versturen.
Als je voor je werk een formulier moet invullen, is het handig om uitleg te vragen aan een collega. Kijk of je handtekening op het formulier staat als dat gevraagd wordt.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Gebruiksaanwijzingen Gebruiksaanwijzingen zijn niet zo erg moeilijk om te maken. Als je zelf weet hoe iets moet en je de woorden in het Engels weet, ben je al een eind op weg. Doorloop de volgende stappen als je een handleiding maakt: 1. Zoek uit hoe het werkt. 2. Zoek alle Engelse woorden voor handelingen en onderdelen op. 3. Noteer stap voor stap wat iemand moet doen. 4. Gebruik eenvoudige woorden en korte zinnen. 5. Gebruik de gebiedende wijs (doe dit, druk hier, etc.) 6. Voeg plaatjes toe als dat kan. 7. Laat iemand ander je handleiding lezen en beoordelen.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Routebeschrijving Routebeschrijving Tips voor als je zelf een routebeschrijving moet maken: 1. Geef stap voor stap weer hoe je op de plaats van bestemming komt. 2. Gebruik opsommingtekens of nummers om de verschillende stappen duidelijk van elkaar te scheiden. 3. Gebruik korte zinnen. 4. Gebruik eenvoudige woorden. 5. Je routebeschrijving staat in de tegenwoordige tijd (Present Simple). 6. De zin begint met een werkwoord dat je vertelt wat je moet doen, bijvoorbeeld ‘Turn left, cross the street’. 7. Zorg dat je de woorden kent die voor verkeer en routebeschrijvingen handig zijn. 8. Maak een stap-voor-stap handleiding van een routebeschrijving die je moeilijk vindt. 9. Schrijf losse zinnen op aparte regels. 10. Let op namen en andere zelfstandige naamwoorden, zoals straatnamen en woorden als ‘church’ en ‘hospital’. 11. Let op plaatsaanduidingen en richtingaanduidingen, zoals ‘left, right, straight on’.
Hieronder vind je een lijst met handige woorden en uitdrukkingen: alley
bus stop
cross the street
steek de straat over
dead end
doodlopende straat
ground floor
begane grond
on the first floor
op de eerste verdieping (Brits)
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Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
on the First Floor
op de tweede verdieping (Amerikaans)
police station
post office
straight on
take a bend
een bocht nemen
take a left
ga naar links/Sla linksaf
take the road on the left
neem de weg aan de linkerkant
tourist information office
town hall
traffic lights
turn right
ga naar rechts/Sla rechtsaf
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Onderhouden van sociaal contact Sociaal-zakelijke correspondentie Doorgaans maken we onderscheid tussen formele en informele brieven of correspondentie. Er is ook een groep brieven en kaarten die daar een beetje tussenin zit. Denk aan bedankbriefjes en uitnodigingen die je bijvoorbeeld naar collega’s van andere bedrijven stuurt. Je mag dan iets minder formeel formuleren, maar je doet ook niet alsof je elkaars beste vrienden bent. De juiste toon kiezen is dan al een stuk lastiger. Het begint al bij de aanhef. Het ligt eraan hoe goed je iemand kent en hoe goed je met elkaar omgaat, of je kiest voor “Dear mister Kent” of dat je schrijft “Dear Bob”. Je gebruikt in ieder geval wel de officiële opmaak. Kenmerken van sociaal-zakelijke briefjes: • • •
Kort. Vier of vijf regels is vaak al voldoende. Kort briefhoofd. Datum, onderwerp en aanhef is voldoende. Aanhef en afsluiting kunnen formeel of informeel zijn.
Wat komt waar? 1. Begin met de juiste aanhef. “Mr Banks” of “Dear Joseph” 2. Je vertelt meteen in de eerste regel wat je wilt. Bijvoorbeeld uitnodigen of bedanken. 3. In de regels daarna leg je precies uit waar je iemand voor uitnodigt, waar en wanneer hij/zij verwacht wordt. 4. In de laatste regel vraag je of die persoon wil laten weten of hij daadwerkelijk kan komen. 5. Sluit af met een nette groet.
Voorbeeld thank you note: Haarlem, 5 February 2009 Dear Polly, I am sending you this note to say thank you for your hospitality when we were staying at your home last December. We had a wonderful time and we will never forget Brighton. We enjoyed the guided tours through your city very much as well as the walks along the beach. Thank you once again. Kind regards, Ines
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Voorbeeld uitnodiging: Breda, 21 December 2007 Dear mister Doodles, We would like to invite to our annual Open House on January 31st 2008. Complementary coffee and a buffet will be served. We hope to see you on the 31st. Yours sincerely, Donna Lane Als je een uitnodiging stuurt, is het ook handig als je praktische informatie toevoegt als: • • •
adres datum en tijd routebeschrijving (hier is een aparte paragraaf over, zie Verslagen/rapporten B1) • programma • telefoonnummer en naam van contactpersoon Dit soort briefjes wordt meestal per post verstuurd. Als je verdere details wilt doorgeven of bespreken kun je natuurlijk wel gebruik maken van telefoon, email of fax.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
5 - Zakelijke correspondentie Inleiding Bij schrijven A2 zijn al wat zaken rondom zakelijke correspondentie aan de orde geweest. Het is bij B1 de bedoeling dat je zelf een zakelijke brief schrijft. In deze workshop behandelen we daarom de indeling van een zakelijke brief, bespreken we de meest voorkomende zakelijke brieven, geven voorbeelden en tips. Briefindeling
Bijlage 6: Voorbeeldbrief
Neem de voorbeeldbrief erbij. 1. Eigen adres Bovenaan komt je naam of de naam van het bedrijf waar je werkt te staan plus het adres. Schrijf dit adres op de Nederlandse manier als je in Nederland woont/werkt. Engelstaligen schrijven het huisnummer voor de straat. Het briefhoofd kan ook een telefoonnummer, faxnummer en/of e-mailadres bevatten. 2. Datum De datum schrijf je op de Engelse manier. Je kunt uit 4 mogelijkheden kiezen: o o o o
21 October 2004 21st October 2004 October 21st, 2004 October 21, 2004
De maand schrijf je dus met een hoofdletter. 3. Adres van de ontvanger In tegenstelling tot in het Nederlands wordt het huisnummer voor de straat geschreven (en met een komma erachter). De postcode komt achter de plaatsnaam. 4. Onderwerp In de onderwerpregel (subject) omschrijf je kort waar je brief over gaat. Het maakt het voor de lezer een stuk makkelijker als hij/zij weet wat voor brief het betreft. Je kunt naar een andere brief verwijzen door het nummer van deze brief of de datum te gebruiken. Je kunt ook aangeven wat voor soort brief je schrijft, bijvoorbeeld 'klachtenbrief'. Gebruik hooguit drie woorden. 5. Aanhef Gebruik de juiste aanhef. Je wilt niet onbeleefd lijken door de verkeerde te kiezen.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Als je degene die je schrijft kent, schrijf je Dear.. • • • • •
Mr bij een man. Mrs bij een getrouwde vrouw. Ms als je niet weet of de vrouw aan wie je schrijft getrouwd is. Miss bij een ongetrouwde vrouw. Messrs bij twee of meer mannen die een bedrijf leiden.
Als je degene die je schrijft, niet kent, schrijf je: • • • • •
Sir bij een man. Madam bij een vrouw. Sirs bij meerdere mannen. Madams bij meerdere vrouwen. Sir/Madam als je het geslacht niet weet.
In het Amerikaans kun je je brief beginnen met 'gentlemen' en 'ladies'. 6. Inleiding Geef aan waar je brief over gaat/waarom je deze brief schrijft.
Handige zinnen: Ik schrijf u deze brief om u te informeren over... Ik heb uw adres gekregen van een relatie. We hebben uw adres gekregen van...
I am writing you this letter to inform you... I received your address from a relation. We owe your address to...
7. Kern In het Engels noemen we dit stuk de 'body'. Leg precies uit wat je wilt, wat je nodig hebt, etc. 8. Slot Dit is een samenvatting of conclusie. Je geeft nog een keer kort aan wat het belangrijkst voor je is. Je sluit af met 'Yours faithfully' of 'Yours sincerely'. In Amerikaanse brieven schrijft men 'Yours truly'. 9. Handtekening Naam van je bedrijf Jouw naam en functie Dit spreekt voor zich.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
10. Bijlagen Schrijf onder aan de brief 'Enclosures'(afgekort Encl) als je iets met de brief meestuurt. Tips • • • •
Houd het eenvoudig. Gebruik eenvoudige woorden en zinnen. Dat is makkelijker voor jezelf en ook duidelijker voor je lezer. Gebruik de spellingcontrole, maar blijf kritisch. De spellingchecker weet ook niet alles. Laat je brief lezen door iemand anders. Vraag om commentaar! Houd het kort en kom snel ter zake in je brief. Vertel meteen in de inleiding waarom je de brief schrijft en leg dan in de volgende alinea uit wat je precies wilt. Vat daarna nog één keer kort samen en sluit netjes af.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Soorten brieven Hieronder worden verschillende soorten brieven beschreven. In de linker brieven (oneven nummers) is te zien wat de kenmerken van een bepaalde brief zijn; in de rechter (even nummers) kun je kijken naar een voorbeeldbrief. Bijlagen 7 en 8: Informatie aanvragen Bijlagen 9 en 10: Een offerte aanvragen Bijlagen 11 en 12: De orderbrief Bijlagen 13 en 14: De klachtenbrief Bijlagen 15 en 16: De excuseerbrief Bijlagen 17 en 18: De sollicitatiebrief Bijlagen 19 en 20: Het CV Bijlagen 21 en 22: De reservering Bijlagen 23 en 24: De annulering Meer voorbeeldbrieven vind je op www.languagelab.nl/brieven
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Verslagen/rapporten Algemeen In een verslag of rapport vertel je wat er gebeurd is. Je doet dit op een overzichtelijke, zakelijke manier. Wat komt waar? 1. In je inleiding schrijf je waar je rapport over gaat, waarom je het schrijft en voor wie is het is. 2. Beschrijf in de kern stap voor stap wat er gebeurd is. Je kunt ook opsommingtekens gebruiken of stappen nummeren. Dat maakt het schrijven van een tekst in het Engels al een stuk makkelijker. Gebruik ‘linkers’ zoals ‘and, but, or’ om zinnen aan elkaar te rijgen en om duidelijk te maken of je zin over opsommingen, tegenstellingen, bezwaren etc. gaat. 3. Herhaal in de samenvatting nog één keer kort waar je rapport over ging. Voeg eventueel je eigen mening of een advies toe. Voorstel Een voorstel moet je helder formuleren en overtuigend opschrijven. Het zou zonde zijn als het hierdoor niet doorgaat. Wat komt waar? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Bespreek welk probleem je wilt aanpakken. Leg uit wat er volgens jou moet gebeuren. Onderbouw waarom dit een goed idee is. Sluit af met nog één keer te zeggen dat men jouw idee wil uitvoeren en dat je het graag verder wilt toelichten. Zeg dat je er graag een reactie op wilt hebben. 5. Zet je naam onder het voorstel. Voeg plaats en datum toe. Reisschema’s en routebeschrijvingen Het voordeel van het schrijven van reisschema's en routebeschrijvingen is dat je veel informatie door middel van opsommingen en kernwoorden kunt weergeven. Zo ga je te werk bij het schrijven van een reisschema:
1. Begin met een inleiding. Schrijf op over welke reis het gaat en voor wie deze informatie bestemd is. 2. Geef door middel van lijsten en opsommingen stap voor stap weer hoe de reis zal verlopen. Maak duidelijke kolommen en gebruik korte zinnen. Wees zorgvuldig met tijden, data en plaatsen. 3. Geef aanvullende informatie die belangrijk is. Bijvoorbeeld hoe laat en waar je elkaar ontmoet, welke papieren iedereen mee moet nemen, hoe het zit met geld etc. 4. Wens iedereen veel plezier.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Routebeschrijvingen Geef stap voor stap weer hoe je op de plaats van bestemming komt. Gebruik opsommingtekens of nummers om de verschillende stappen duidelijk van elkaar te scheiden. Je kunt weer volstaan met het opschrijven van hele korte zinnen. Je gebruikt voor dit soort instructies de gebiedende wijs (bijvoorbeeld 'Sla linksaf'). Dat maakt het schrijven van een routebeschrijving ook een stuk makkelijker. Als je de woorden die hierbij horen niet meer zo goed weet, kun je de woordenlijsten in Lezen A1 en A2 nog een keer opzoeken. Gebruiksaanwijzingen Gebruiksaanwijzingen zijn niet zo erg moeilijk om te maken. Als je zelf weet hoe iets moet en je de woorden in het Engels weet, ben je al een eind op weg. Doorloop de volgende stappen als je een handleiding maakt: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Zoek uit hoe het werkt. Zoek alle Engelse woorden voor handelingen en onderdelen op. Noteer stap voor stap wat iemand moet doen. Gebruik eenvoudige woorden en korte zinnen. Gebruik de gebiedende wijs (doe dit, druk hier, etc.) Voeg plaatjes toe als dat kan. Laat iemand anders je handleiding lezen en beoordelen.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
B1 Workshops - Schrijven Oefenen General Exercise
You are going to do an exercise for practice. Deze oefening staat op www.instruct-online.nl Put the results in your portfolio. 1 Free writing Bijlage 25: Topics
This is a classic exercise! Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 15 minutes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Download the document on the left. Choose a topic. Start writing. Write for 7 minutes. You can use a timer. Find a classmate to work with. Read his/her work and correct errors you notice. Discuss each other's work together. a. Do you like it? Why (not)? b. Point out some errors you noticed. c. Do you think this technique helps to overcome a writer’s block? Why (not)? 7. Put everything in your portfolio. 2 One sentence stories Voor deze oefening heb je een Internet-aansluiting nodig. Sometimes one sentence can tell a whole story… Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 30 minutes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Go to www.onesentence.org Read a few of these stories. Select one and write the whole story. Check for mistakes as well, but do this after writing the story! Show your work to a classmate and ask him/her what he/she thinks of your story. 6. Ask him/her to write down the story using one sentence only. 7. Compare this one sentence story to the original. 8. Put everything in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
3 Letter to your future self You are going to write a letter to yourself to read in the future. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 30 minutes 1. Before you can start writing this letter, you have to think about your life and your future. 2. Use this list to help you on your way: a. plans for the future b. wishes, hopes and dreams c. your life now d. what are you like now e. important events so far f. the state of the world at this moment in time g. … 3. Put everything in the right order and start writing your letter. 4. Don't look at it for a day or two when you have finished. 5. After a couple of days reread it and improve it. 6. Check for mistakes. 7. Put it in your portfolio. 8. Print a copy too and put it in your desk at home. 9. Read it again in a few year’s time.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Notes, messages and forms 1 Taking notes Voor deze oefening heb je een Internet-aansluiting nodig. We are going to practise taking notes. Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 15 minutes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
You are going to listen to an audio source. You are going to take useful notes. The first time you pay attention to what they tell you. What happened? The second time you write down as many details as you can hear. Listen to the audio source on www.instruct-online.nl and take notes while listening. Find a classmate to work with. Compare notes. Discuss the differences. Answer the following questions: a. Does the content (inhoud) differ much? b. Is there anything you should add? c. Is your style different? Rewrite your notes: • Add anything you have forgotten. • Cross out what is not so important after all. Put everything (all drafts) in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
2 Filling out forms Let’s practise filling out forms. Bijlage 26: Cancellation insurance
Bijlage 27: Travel insurance
Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 20 minutes 1. Take the cancellation insurance form in annex 26 and read it. 2. Underline any words you don’t understand. 3. Decide if you should look up the meanings of these words. Can you give the correct answers if you don’t know what these words mean? Situation: You had to cancel your holiday due to one of the following reasons: • the death of your grandfather • you became very sick • you were involved in a car accident Think of the details yourself. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Fill out this form. Take the travel insurance form in annex 27 and read it. Underline any words you don’t understand. Decide if you should look up the meanings of these words. Can you give the correct answers if you don’t know what these words mean? 8. Fill out this form. Think of a situation in which you would need to fill in this form yourself. 9. Put the filled in forms in your portfolio. 10. Were there any words or parts you didn’t understand after you looked them up?
3 A letter of recommendation Bijlage 28: Evaluation form
A student you met as a teacher assistant during a summer camp, wants to join the Summer Intensive Languages Studies at Beloit (U.S). He/She has asked you to fill in an evaluation form. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 20 minutes 1. Take bijlage 28. Fill in (by hand or on the computer) the evaluation form. Use your imagination! 2. Put the form in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
4 Can you influence your school uniform? Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes Description You are doing an apprenticeship at the BBC. The BBC wants to launch a summer uniform design show. To obtain ideas they’ve asked students for their opinion/ideas in a questionnaire. Your job consisted of gathering all the incoming e-mails.
Bijlage 29: Questionnaire
1. Take the questionnaire in annex 29 and read it. 2. Write an e-mail to your supervisor in which you tell him/her: a. The number of returned questionnaires (make up a number yourself). b. How many pupils made a design for a summer uniform (make up a number yourself). 3. A team that consists of people of the fashion world and programme makers of the BBC will finalise the summer uniform design show. Write a letter in which you invite these people to a meeting. 4. Enclose the letter to the e-mail meant for your supervisor. 5. Ask your supervisor to have a look at your letter. 6. Put the e-mail to your supervisor and the enclosed letter in your portfolio. 5 Lost tickets Voor deze oefening heb je een Internet-aansluiting nodig. Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 15 minutes
1. Make a poster for the notice boards of the campus of Edinburgh University a. Think of a catching title for your poster b. Indicate that while packing your bags some of your belongings went missing c. Describe the two tickets and the envelope they were in (make something up. d. Describe in short what Dance Valley is (in English of course!) in no more than 100 words. Go to www.dancevalley.nl/2008/index2.html for background information. e. Mention also that the envelope was in your wallet. f. Emphasize that it is of utmost importance that you retrieve the tickets and quickly; they were quite expensive and Dance Valley takes place ten days from now. g. Leave your name, phone number and home address on the poster. h. End the poster by indicating finder’s fee (= vindersloon). i. Finalise by expressing the hope for the missing tickets to be returned (your (girl) friend will freak out when he /she finds out that the tickets are gone. 2. Put the poster in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
Engels op Niveau
B1 Workshops – Schrijven
6 The Fat Lamb Voor deze oefening heb je een Internet-aansluiting nodig. Together with your English relatives you are looking for a location for a family reunion. You and your cousin Emma are checking out the countryside in the area and think the Fat Lamb will suit your purposes. You’re staying at your cousin Sally's place. She is away on a business trip for two days right now. You decide to write her a memo. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 15 minutes Bijlage 30: Memo form
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Visit the website www.fatlamb.co.uk and read the information. Take bijlage 30, the memo form. Inform Sally (one of the fellow organizers) of the following: You have found the perfect location for the reunion. Summarize what makes the location special and perfect. Your intentions to talk to the owner of the inn about available dates and prices. 7. Ask whether cousin Sally would like to come along and tell her when you are going to the Fat Lamb. 8. Tell her that uncle Tim will not come along because his plans have. been changed and he will arrive two days later than originally planned 9. Ask her whether she has found some nice locations yet and whether they need to be checked out as well. 10. Suggest that you meet anyway since there is a lot to talk about; things that still need to be arranged (e.g the budget for the food and activities for the little ones). 11. End by saying that you are writing this memo because you are off to one of your friends in Salisbury for the weekend. 12. The memo should be in your own words and no more than 200 words. 13. Ask a classmate to evaluate your memo. Put the evaluated memo message in your portfolio.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Socializing 1 An invitation You are going to write an invitation and directions. Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 15 minutes 1. Find someone to work with. 2. Write down a few notes for your partner: a. occasion b. date & time c. location d. address e. relation to addressee 3. Swap notes. 4. Write the invitation and the directions for the notes your have now. 5. When you are finished exchange letters. 6. Check each other’s work for mistakes. Pay attention to spelling, grammar, lay out, tone of voice, style. Reread the information given in ‘bestuderen’ first. 7. Discuss the mistakes you found. If necessary, ask your teacher for feedback. 8. Put the letter in your portfolio. 2 Thank you and congratulations Let's write some short letters to business-relations. Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 30 minutes 1. Find someone to work with. 2. Read the situations below. 3. Write the letters that go with these and address them to your partner. 4. Give/e-mail the letters to your partner. 5. Check each other´s work. 6. Write down the answers to the following questions: a. Is the message clear? b. Did he/she use the right lay-out? c. Is the tone he/she uses both polite and nice? Is he/she formal enough? d. Are there any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors? e. Will these notes make sure the relationship between sender and recipient stays friendly? 7. Discuss your answers with your partner. 8. Put everything in your portfolio. Situations 1. A colleague at another firm is celebrating his 25th anniversary. You know him reasonably well, so you are going to send him a card to congratulate him. 2. You went abroad to visit a conference. You stayed with a host family and are now going to send them a nice thank you note.
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3 Talking about stuff that matters Bijlage 31: Problems
You have applied for a job at Fazeteen magazine to keep practising your English. The editors have left you in charge with the problem page. Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 35-40 minutes 1. Download and read the problems. 2. Choose at least three problems. 3. Write for these problems an appropriate answer of min. 70 and 120 words max . 4. Make sure that: a. your answer corresponds to the problem, b. your answer deals with all aspects of the problem, c. your answer is sincere and serious; it should actually help the person in question. 5. Find a classmate to work with. 6. Read each other’s solutions to the problems chosen. 7. Check the solutions against the criteria mentioned above. 8. Give your opinion on the solutions. 9. Rewrite your letter on the basis of the feedback you received. 10. Put the solutions (first and final draft) in your portfolio. 4 Thank you! You have applied for a job at Fazeteen magazine to keep practising your English. The editors have left you in charge with the problem page. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 30-40 minutes
Bijlage 32: Letter
1. Download and read the letter of the Watsons. 2. Write an answer to the Watsons. 3. In your letter: a. you thank for the nice pictures the Watsons sent b. you thank for the compliment (taking great care of the dogs) c. you confirm (bevestigt) that you knew that Milly was together with Jill d. you express your happiness about the dogs doing so well e. you give some advice on how to deal with Jill´s anxiety f. you express the wish that the Watsons will stay in touch and keep you informed g. you tell about your plans for the coming summer - you want to work at the shelter again 4. Finalise the letter by: a. giving your love to the dogs b. expressing the hope that you (maybe together with our aunt) can come round for a visit Put the letter in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Business correspondence Exercise You are going to do an exercise for practice. Deze oefeningen staan op www.instruct-online.nl Put the results in your portfolio. 1 The whole process You are going to write a number of business letters. Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 2 hours 1. Find someone to work with. 2. Make a list of products in your branche you can order or deliver. 3. You are both going to think of a name and an address for your own company. 4. When you have done this you are going to write several business letters. Use the information which is provided in ‘bestuderen zakelijke correspondentie'. 5. Make sure these letters have the right lay out, tone of voice (formal), order (volgorde), correct grammar and spelling. 6. If you have questions concerning this exercise, don't hesitate to ask your teacher. 7. Put all the letters in your portfolio. Letters Letter 1: Write a letter asking for information to your partner’s company. Letter 2: Write a reply, providing the information asked for. Make sure the letter is flawless. You don't want to lose a customer! Letter 3: Write an order. Be specific about what you need and when you need it. Letter 4: Send a reply in which you respond to the order. Letter 5: Try to think of something that may have gone wrong. For example a late delivery, wrong goods, damaged goods. Write a letter of complaint. Be both honest about what went wrong and polite. Letter 6: Reply to the letter of complaint you have just received.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
2 A foreign visitor Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 15 minutes Description You work for a company based in Amsterdam. You have invited an English business relation to come and visit your company. This week you received the following e-mail from him: Subject: Visit to your company From: Patrick Smith Dear Mr/Mrs (your name), Thank you very much for your kind invitation. I am more than willing to accept it and the date you suggested is convenient for me. I am planning to fly to Schiphol Airport and then go to Amsterdam Central Station by train. Can I reach your company by public transport? Could you please give me some directions? I would also appreciate some tips on how to spend the evening in Amsterdam. I am looking forward to a productive visit next week. Kind regards, Patrick Smith 1. 2. 3. 4.
Answer Patrick Smith’s e-mail. Think of a polite way to begin and end the e-mail. Answer all his questions. In your e-mail you need to give the directions to your company in Amsterdam. 5. Below you see a map with the route (the blue line) from Amsterdam Central Station to the address of your company.
6. You cannot send the map to Patrick Smith, so you need to describe to him how he can walk from the station to your company. 7. Put the e-mail in your portfolio.
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3 Dealing with complaints Bijlage 33: Letter 1
Letters of complaint reach your desk every day at headquarters of Tricky Clothes and Shoes. You need to sort out which complaints are real.
Bijlage 34: Letter 2 Number of persons: 1 or 2 Estimated time: 35-45 minutes 1. Download the letters and read them. 2. Write an answer (a so-called apology letter) to either Mrs Troublesome or Mr Nagbag(Of course you may also write to both of them!) in which you: a. Indicate that you have received and read the letter b. Summarize the problem in your letter c. Show sympathy for the problem and apologize d. Emphasize that this problem has never occurred before in one of the shops e. Indicate that the vouchers are valid for at least two years (you are not too keen on refunding money - company policy) f. In the case of Mr Nagbag’s letter, you think it’s a question of fraud and you only want to give vouchers g. End the letter with the procedure of returning the goods with the price tag. h. Finalise again with some apologies i. Your tone is polite and friendly 3. Either put the letter in your portfolio straightaway or swap letters with a classmate, read each others letters, give feedback, improve your letter and put it in your portfolio.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
4 Camping in Cornwall Voor deze oefening heb je een Internet-aansluiting nodig. Your granddad and grandma want to go to Cornwall. They have already picked out a location and a campsite. They are not very good at English so they ask you to write an e-mail to the owners of the campsite for them. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 35 minutes 1. Go the Gwithian Farm Campsite website chycor.co.uk/gwithianfarm-camping-hayle-campsites and read the information. 2. Write an e-mail in which you a. indicate that you would like to book a place for a motorhome (camper) b. mention the names of your grandparents c. ask for prices when staying for a longer period; 6 weeks d. indicate the period e. express the hope that there is still room for a motorhome in this period f. ask if a lot of families are on holiday in that period g. ask whether it is problem that Mr...... and Mrs...... bring three little dogs with them h. ask whether extra money will be charged for the dogs i. mention that your grandmother is in a wheelchair. More information about the disabled facilities is wished for. j. mention that you would also like to receive some tourist information about the area k. ask whether there are guided tours for the coastal walks l. finalise by saying that you hope to receive an answer by ......................given the necessary arrangements 3. The e-mail is no less that 150 words and no longer than 225 words. 4. Your tone is polite. 5. Use your own words! 6. Put the e-mail in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
5 No camping in Cornwall! Your grandparents wanted to go to Cornwall. They had already picked a location and a campsite. You made a booking for them by e-mail but unfortunately they cannot go and now you need to cancel the booking Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 35 minutes 1. Take a look at the e-mail you wrote about booking a place for a motorhome. 2. Write an e-mail in which you: a. indicate that you booked a place for a motorhome b. mention the names of your grandparents c. mention the period d. inform the owners that you need to cancel the booking e. give the reason why you need to cancel (make something up) f. apologize for the fact that you need to cancel g. express the hope that your grandparents will still be welcome another time h. ask whether there are any cancellation costs i. once again offer your apologies for the fact that you needed to cancel j. say you hope not too many inconveniences occur because of the booking being cancelled k. finalise by thanking the owners for their cooperation 3. Your tone is apologetic in this e-mail 4. Remember to use your own words! 5. Put the e-mail in your portfolio. 8 Spray-painting Voor deze oefening heb je een Internet-aansluiting nodig. You have taken up a new hobby; spray-painting! You did some courses and you turned out to have a real talent. Surfing on the Internet, you find a company in the UK which seems to have a much bigger range of products than companies in the Netherlands so you are thinking of buying paint there. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 30 minutes 1. Go to www.stencilwarehouse.com. 2. You decide to ask for more information from the Stencilwarehouse. 3. Your letter should consist of the following: a. How you found out about Stencilwarehouse (make something up). b. Why you are writing to Stencilwarehouse. c. Your request for information; a catalogue and the name of a contact person. d. Indicate when you would like to receive the information (name a date or period). e. Use the right closing for a formal letter. 4. Your tone is friendly but businesslike since this is a formal letter. 5. Find a classmate to work with. Swap letters.
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6. Give each other feedback. 7. Improve your letter based on the feedback you received. 8. Put both your first and final draft in your portfolio. 7 Promising spray artist You are salesmanager at Stencilwarehouse. You have received a request for a quotation. You had already heard about this person since news travels fast in the world of spray painting. You really would like to have this person as one of your customers… Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 20-30 minutes 1. You’re going to write a letter (responding to the letter of the previous exercise). 2. Ask a classmate for his/her letter of the previous exercise and read it. 3. In your letter your tone is friendly but businesslike. You treat your classmate as a potential customer. 4. Your letter should consist of the following: a. Thank your classmate for his/her interest in Stencilwarehouse and its products. b. Express the hope that this is the beginning of a fruitful cooperation/business. c. Give a quotation on the products asked for. • Indicate that the product comes in different sizes. • Indicate the prices of these sizes (make something up). • Note that you can also deliver pastel colours. • Indicate the delivery terms. (Shipments by truck take 6 days / shipments by air take 4 days. Form of transport influences the price) d. Indicate that further questions can always be asked. e. Leave your name as contact person. f. Use the right closing for a formal letter. 5. Now swap letters with the classmate whose letter you’ve used. 6. Evaluate his/her quotation letter. a. were all questions answered? b. did you receive the products asked for? c. would you do business with this new contact person? Explain why. 7. Put your letter and a copy of the letter you replied to in your portfolio.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
Reports and articles 1 A report Can you write a report? Number of persons: 2-4 Estimated time: 45 minutes 1. Write a short report. You can write about your first working day, an apprenticeship (stage), a visit you paid to another company, a conference you visited, an excursion, etc. 2. Read the information about report writing first if necessary. 3. Form a group of 2-4 people. 4. Exchange reports with your teammates. 5. Read the report you have now. 6. Answer the following questions: a. Is this a good report? b. Did he/she use the right lay-out and structure? c. Is the meaning/purpose of this report clear? d. Did he/she make any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors? 7. Hand back the report as well as the answers to the questions you just answered. Make sure you still have a copy of your own. a. Which feedback did your team-mates give you? b. What can you improve? 8. Make improvements and put everything in your portfolio. 2 Letter to the prime minister Let’s give the man some good advice. Number of persons: 1/2 Estimated time: 30/40 minutes 1. Take some time to think about what isn’t working well in our country (traffic jams, trains running late, bad weather, etc). 2. Try to think of a good solution to one of these problems. 3. Write a proposal about this that you want to send to the prime minister. 4. Read the information about writing a proposal first (Bestuderen Verslagen/rapporten - Voorstel). 5. Write several drafts and work on style, lay-out, spelling and grammar. 6. Put the final draft in your portfolio. You should be willing to send it to the prime minister for real. Optional: 7. Find someone to work with. 8. Read each other's proposal and answer the following questions on paper: • Is this a good idea? Why (not)? • Was the letter worded well and effectively? • Did your partner use the right lay-out and style? • Are there any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors? • Do you have any other tips for improvement? 9. Hand back the letter and give each other feedback. Put both the feedback you gave and received in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
3 What did it say? Bijlage 35: Article
Sometimes it's handy to summarise what you've read. You are going to use a simple technique to do this. Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 20 minutes 1. Take the article in annex 35. 2. Read it. 3. Try to answer the questions 'Who?', 'What?', 'How?', 'Why?', 'Where?', 'When?'. 4. Use these answers to give a summary of the article. 5. When you have finished find a partner. 6. Exchange answers and summary with your partner. 7. Answer these questions: a. Did your partner write down all the right answers? b. Did he/she write everything down that’s important? If he/she did not, what is missing? c. Does this technique help you to summarise a text? 8. Put everything in your portfolio.
4 Another technique Bijlage 36: Article 1
Of course, there are more ways to summarise. Let’s find out which one you prefer. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 30-45 minutes 1. 2. 3. 4.
Take the article in annex 36. Read it. Underline the most important sentence(s) in each paragraph. Write down these sentences in your own words. Use shorter sentences and easy words. 5. Use these sentences to write a summary of the text. 6. Answer the following questions: a. Is this a good technique to make a summary? b. Which technique do you prefer? Why? Put everything in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
5 Dumped bull terriers lucky to be alive As a summer job you are working at a shelter of The RSPCA (Engelse dierenbescherming) because you like animals and you wanted to spend some time in a foreign country. One of your jobs is taking care of the dogs Milly and Jill. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 40 minutes 1. Take the article about the dogs in annex 37 and read it as background information. 2. Your are leaving next week and the idea is that you produce a plan of work for the colleague who will take over the care for Milly and Jill at the shelter 3. In the workplan you must at least mention: a. your daily routine with the two dogs b. what you fed them over the past few weeks and whether that has influenced their weight c. what the state of their injuries is; good because......./ bad because.......................... d. how the dogs are doing mentally; read the article to see whether you can find information there about their mental status e. what particularities (bijzonderheden) you have noticed in your time with them f. what actions still need to take place at short notice; a visit to the VET for a check up and a talk with a family that is interested in Jill. g. for the visit to the VET name date and time. h. that your aunt is interested in Milly. i. Your aunt lives in Milton Keyes which is not far away from the shelter. Because she lives in the neighbourhood, she would like to take Milly for a walk a couple of times in order to get used to the dog. Write down the days and Bijlage 37: Article 2 time for the walks (make them up) j. Leave your phone number and e-mail address so that your colleague can contact you in case he/she has any questions. 4. The report should be at least 300 words and max. 500 words Put the report in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
6 'I wanna be a popstar' Voor deze oefening heb je een Internet-aansluiting nodig Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 25 - 35 minutes 1. Go to http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=7uSlqI1AVUk 2. Summarise in 80 - 120 words what the video is about 3. Give your opinion on the video. Your review has to be at least 100 words and max. 150 words 4. Find a classmate to work with. 5. Read each other’s summaries and reviews and underline any mistakes you notice. 6. Is the opinion well substantiated (onderbouwd)? Why (not)? 7. Discuss the mistakes you found and give your opinion on the content. 8. Compare the reviews. In what way did they differ? 9. Prepare a discussion for English in which you mention advantages and disadvantages of being a famous popstar. 10. Put everything in your portfolio. 7 Have a go at sandboarding! Bijlage 38: Article 3
Voor deze oefening heb je een Internet-aansluiting nodig. You are going to see a friend who lives in the UK during the summer holidays. You would like to do something different and exciting during your time together. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 25 - 40 minutes 1. Download the article about sandboarding and read it. 2. Your friend has never heard of sandboarding before, so write a small report for him/ her about the topic. 3. In the report you must at least mention: 4. what sandboarding is 5. why sandboarding is fun 6. you are very enthusiastic about sandboarding (can be done practically anywhere and costs are relatively low) 7. what equipment you need 8. explain how easy it is to make your own sandboard 9. what you need to think of when sandboarding 10. go to www.surf-wax.co.uk/locations/ devon/bantham.htm and specify where you would like to sandboard, at Bantham, Cracktington Haven or Exmouth and why. Mention details about trip to, sand, location and number of people at the locations 11. ask your friend for his /her opinion on sandboarding. 12. Put the report in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
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B1 Workshops – Schrijven
8 The London Eye Bijlage 39: Article 4
You have to write a report about a fascinating building or attraction in the UK. You have decided to write a report on the London Eye. Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 25 minutes 1. The report has to be 250 words at least and max. 350 words 2. In the report you must at least mention: a. What the London Eye is b. The history of the London Eye c. Proportions (afmeting) d. Interesting facts e. Visitor information f. Whether you would like a ride in it or not 3. Download the article about the London Eye and read it. 4. Do not copy sentences from the text and use your own words as much as possible. 5. Put the report in your portfolio.
©Instruct b.v.
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B1 - Workshops – Schrijven - Bijlagen
Bijlage 1: Schadeformulier Illinois Court of Claims Office of the Secretary of State 630 S. College St., Springfield, IL 62756 Property Damage Form
IN THE COURT OF CLAIMS, STATE OF ILLINOIS COURT USE ONLY Claimant ) Claim #: _______________________ Amount: _______________________ vs. ) Respondent,
STATE OF ILLINOIS Claimant seeks from Respondent payment in the sum of $ ____________________ for property damage received as stated on the attached statement/narrative of events (with attached copies of bills, receipts, etc.), and made a part hereof as Exhibit “A.” This property damage has resulted from the actions of the ________________________________________Department, Board, Commission of the State of Illinois. This is a claim in tort under the provisions of Section 8(d) of the Illinois Court of Claims Act (705 ILCS 505 etc seq.). 1. In support thereof, the Claimant states property damage as follows (attach additional pages if necessary): _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 2. or
The Claimant has not previously presented this claim to any State department or officer thereof;
The Claimant did present bills in connection with this claim to _____________________________________ Department, Board, Commission on the _______________ day of ________________ , 20 ___ , and was referred to the Court of Claims for appropriate resolution.
3. The Claimant is the proper owner of this claim. 4. No assignment or transfer of this claim, or any part thereof or interest therein, has been made. 5. The Claimant is entitled to payment in the amount herein claimed from the State of Illinois after allowing just credits. 6. The Claimant believes all the facts stated in this claim to be true. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois - March 2005 - 500 - CC-85 ©Instruct b.v.
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Printed by authority of the State of Illinois - March 2005 - 500 - CC-85 7. Neither this claim, nor any claim arising out of the same occurrence, has been presented to any person, corporation or tribunal other than the State of Illinois; or This claim was presented to _____________________ , a person, corporation or tribunal not affiliated with the State of Illinois, on the _______________ day of ________________ , 20 ___, with the following result: (Indicate payments, denials, etc. and attach copies of all documents.) _________________________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________________________________________ _ 8. The Claimant further states that his/her Social Security Number is: __________________________ _______________________________________________ Claimant Signature ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Claimant Claimant’s Attorney ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Street Address Street Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ City State City State ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ZIP Telephone Number ZIP Telephone Number Subscribed and sworn to me this ____________________ day of _________________________ 20 _____. ______________________________________________ Notary Public
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Procedures for Filing Property Damage Claims Against the State of Illinois 1. Complete the attached Court of Claims complaint form in its entirety, including your Social Security Number or your Federal Employee Identification Number (F.E.I.N.). 2. If you are represented by an attorney, complete the appropriate section of the complaint form so that all correspondence may be directed to the attorney’s office. An attorney is not required in order to file a Property Damage Claim. 3. Sign both claimant lines of the complaint form. Please print your name in the space in between signatures. 4. A filing fee is required to file a Property Damage Claim ($15 for claims under $1,000; $35 for claims over $1,000). The filing fee must be included when the claim is submitted. 5. Collate the original complaint form, along with any itemized bills, invoices, denial letters or other materials that substantiate your claim. Make five additional copies of the complaint form and attach the supporting documentation to each one of the complaint forms (original plus five copies of each document) and mail to: Illinois Court of Claims 630 S. College St. Springfield, IL 62756
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Bijlage 2: Sollicitatieformulier PERSONAL INFORMATION: First Name _____________________________ Middle Name ___________________________ Last Name _____________________________ Street Address _______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code _______________________________________________________ Phone Number (___)___________________________________ Are you eligible to work in the United States? Yes _______ No_______ If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificate? Yes ___ No ___ Have you been convicted of or pleaded no contest to a felony within the last five years? Yes_______ No_______ If yes, please explain: _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ POSITION/AVAILABILITY: Position Applied For ________________________________________ Days/Hours Available Monday ____ Tuesday ____ Wednesday ____ Thursday ____ Friday ____ Saturday ____ Sunday ____ Hours Available: from _______ to ______ What date are you available to start work? ________________________________________ ©Instruct b.v.
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EDUCATION: Name and Address Of School - Degree/Diploma - Graduation Date _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, Skills, Training, Awards _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present Or Last Position: Employer: _____________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ Supervisor: ____________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________ Position Title: _________________________ From: ______________ To: ______________ Responsibilities: ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Salary: _______________ Reason for Leaving: ____________________________________________
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Previous Position: Employer: _____________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ Supervisor: ____________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________ Position Title: _________________________ From: ______________ To: ______________ Responsibilities: ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Salary: _______________ Reason for Leaving: ____________________________________________ May We Contact Your Present Employer? Yes _____ No _____ References: Name/Title Address Phone _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for not hiring me or for immediate termination of employment at any point in the future if I am hired. I authorize the verification of any or all information listed above. Signature______________________________ Date__________________________________
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Bijlage 3: Beursaanvraag Fulbright Scholar Program 2009-2010 Visiting Scholar Application Form (Use 10-point or larger type, and do not hand write. Answers must fit in the space provided) 1. Home country: The Netherlands 2. Category of grant: Promovendus grant Junior Scholar grant Senior Scholar grant Lecturing Research Lecturing and Research 3. Title (check one): Dr. 4. Gender:
Mr. Ms. Female
5. Family name:
6. Country(ies) of citizenship: 7. Country of legal residence: 8. Do you have (applied for) U.S. permanent residency (for example, a green card)?
Yes No
9. Date of birth: 10. Place of birth: month, day, year 11. Current position and start date:
city, country
job title of current position start date of current position (month/year) Department/office, institution (complete mailing address, telephone, fax and e-mail):
12. Academic credentials (degrees-list three highest degrees): Name/Location of Field of Study Name of Diploma Institution/website
Date Received
13. Most significant professional accomplishments, honors and awards and up to three significant
14. Previous Fulbright grants (if yes, list most recent first; specify student or scholar grant and dates): 15. Project title:
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16. Brief summary of proposed activity:
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PROGRAM/PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION 17. Number of months required for project:
Date (month/day/year) you expect to
Depart home country:
Begin your grant:
Leave the United States:
18. Major academic discipline (must select from list in application instructions): 19. Specialization(s) (list subfields within the academic discipline; for lecturing awards, list topics on
which you plan to lecture):
20. Professional travel and/or residence abroad during the last five years (list countries, dates and
purpose of activity. If you have entered the United States on a J-1 or J-2 visa, please list the J category of sponsorship (professor, research scholar, student, specialist, short-term scholar, etc.) and provide copies of your previous DS-2019:
21. Cultural, educational and professional societies of which you are a member:
22. Identification of referees: (List the name, title, mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax
numbers of three persons from whom you have requested a letter of reference. Your referees should know your work and at least one should be from outside your home institution. They should send their letters of reference directly to the Fulbright Center.) (1)
23. Self-assessment of English proficiency (excellent, good or fair):
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24. INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION 25. Host institution(s): (If you have made arrangements for affiliation with a U.S. host institution,
provide the following information and attach a letter of invitation. If you have not made arrangements for affiliation yet, or affiliation has not been confirmed, list three preferred host institutions in order of priority. Be sure to give detailed reasons for each choice, and confirm that these universities offer programs in your field of interest.) (1) Professor, Department, Telephone, Fax and E-mail Address
Is a letter of invitation attached? Yes
Institution and Institutional
If you have not obtained a letter of invitation, list reasons for suggested affiliation:
Letter of invitation expected: (by date: (2) Professor, Department, Telephone, Fax and E-mail Address
Is a letter of invitation attached? Yes
) No contact has been made: Institution and Institutional
If you have not obtained a letter of invitation, list reasons for suggested affiliation:
Letter of invitation expected: (by date: (3) Professor, Department, Telephone, Fax and E-mail Address
Is a letter of invitation attached? Yes
) No contact has been made: Institution and Institutional
If you have not obtained a letter of invitation, list reasons for suggested affiliation:
Letter of invitation expected: (by date:
) No contact has been made:
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PERSONAL INFORMATION 26. Home mailing address, telephone, fax and e-mail:
27. Name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of person to be notified in
case of emergency and his/her relationship to you:
28. Marital status:
29. Names of dependents (spouse and any unmarried children under the age of 21) who will
accompany you on your grant. List each separately, and provide the following information as it appears on their passport: Name Place of Birth Intended length Citizenship
Relationship Country of
Date of Birth
month/day/year city, country Residenceof stay in US
Do you expect to receive sabbatical pay or other paid leave of absence? (please specify at question 30)
Yes No
Financial data: (Fulbright Grants are given to assist you in realizing a stay of at least three months in the United States. In order to determine what support you need, you are requested to fill in your financial data as precisely and completely as possible. If you do not provide complete financial details, the Fulbright Center may decide to lower or annul the grant. Unrealistic estimates may also lead to a decision to lower the amount awarded. Please use the exchange rate of national currency per date of application). A. Estimate of financial support available for your stay in U.S. $: (Include the income you will have to cover the cost of your stay; do not include income of dependents) 1. Continued home university salary (net amount) $ ________________ 2. Total amount of grants and fellowships to cover costs of stay, research expenses etc. (excl. Fulbright. Please specify in an attachment) $ ________________ (attach documentation) 3. Income from rental of present house $ ________________ 4. Other income (please specify in an attachment) $ ________________ (attach documentation) (e.g. savings, sale of car in U.S.) A. Total income $ ________________ B. Estimate of costs of stay in the United States in U.S. $: (Include only expenses for yourself and not for your dependents) 1. Housing, food and utilities $ ________________ 2. In-country transportation (e.g. car) $ ________________ 3 Insurances in the U.S. $ ________________ 4. Unavoidable costs in the Netherlands (e.g. mortgage, insurances, social premiums etc.) $ ________________ ©Instruct b.v.
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5. Transatlantic travel 6. Other (please specify in an attachment) B. Total expense C. Financial support needed (A-B)
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$ ________________ $ ________________ $ ________________ $ ________________
30. Physical impairment (please describe, if any):
Note: This information is gathered for statistical purposes. The Fulbright Scholar Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or physical impairment.
By my signature below, I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in all parts of my application is accurate and complete. I understand that final approval of my application is dependent upon my eligibility for a visa to the United States. I agree to return to my home country upon the expiration of my authorized stay in the United States.
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Bijlage 4: Verlofaanvraag
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Bijlage 5: Aanmeldingsformulier Oxford House School of English Booking Form 1. Personal details Family name: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms: First name(s): Nationality: Date of birth: Job/Occupation: Home address (in your country): Telephone number: Fax: E-mail:
Level of English:* Advanced Intermediate Low Intermediate Elementary
2. Course applied for* General English Academic Year Course Term/Part-term Course(s) Summer Course(s) Private Tuition
Please specify .................................. Specialist Courses Combination Course A (standard) Combination Course B (intensive) English Plus (please specify) Individual Specialist Course Closed Group Course (please specify)
Course dates: From .................................. To .................................. *Please X as applicable 3. Accommodation Would you like us to find you accommodation?
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Type of Accommodation: Homestay Family: Single Room Shared Room With private bathroom facilities** Please specify .................................. Hotel Guest House Other (please specify) ** Please note that these facilities are in short supply and cannot be guaranteed Do you smoke? Yes No Will you bring your car to England?
Do you want us to arrange airport collection / transfer at extra cost?
Do you have any health problems or allergies? Yes No If Yes please give details: Do you have any special dietary requirements? Yes No If Yes please give details:
4. Financial Guarantee I have read and understand the terms and conditions of enrolment. I accept these terms and conditions and I undertake to pay the balance of the course fees on or before the first day of my course. Signature of student
............................................. Date....................................... Name and Address of Next of Kin (Person to contact in an emergency) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms................................... Address ............................................. ....................................................... Tel. No. ............................................. Mobile No. .......................................... E-mail................................................ How did you hear about Oxford House?
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Bijlage 6: Voorbeeldbrief
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Bijlage 7: Informatie aanvragen
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Bijlage 8: Informatie aanvragen
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Bijlage 9: Een offerte aanvragen
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Bijlage 10: Een offerte aanvragen
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Bijlage 11: De orderbrief
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Bijlage 12: De orderbrief
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Bijlage 13: De klachtenbrief
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Bijlage 14: De klachtenbrief
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Bijlage 15: De excuseerbrief
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Bijlage 16: De excuseerbrief
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Bijlage 17: De sollicitatiebrief
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Bijlage 18: De sollicitatiebrief
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Bijlage 19: Het CV
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Bijlage 20: Het CV
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Bijlage 21: De reservering
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Bijlage 22: De reservering
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Bijlage 23: De annulering
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Bijlage 24: De annulering
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Bijlage 25: Topics
My dream job Travelling At school What’s in the news? My family Politics
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Bijlage 26: Cancellation Insurance
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Bijlage 27: Travel insurance
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Bijlage 28: Evaluation form I Statement of Evaluation Please indicate how you have come to know the applicant __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Your Name________________________________________________________________ Occupation________________________________________________________________ Institution______________________________________________________________ ___ Address (private) __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___ City________________________State/Country____________________________________ Zip Code _______________ Phone Number ____________________Email____________________________________ Signature__________________________________Date_________________________
II. Student Characteristics Please assess the student’s qualities(based on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest ranking): Interpersonal Relations & Communication Cross-Cultural Understanding Emotional Maturity
12345 12345 12345
Ability to Take Initiative
Academic/Intellectual Potential
Classroom Participation/Study Habits
Please comment on the applicant’s behaviour in general __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
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III. Language Ability (to be filled out if you are a language instructor). 1. How many contact hours per week have you had with the applicant?_______________
2. How does the applicant compare with other language students at the same level? Written Comprehension
Oral Comprehension
3. Please comment on the applicant’s language ability and performance in class. __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
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Bijlage 29: Questionnaire Questionnaire school uniform Does wearing a school uniform in the summer leave you hot under the collar? Should your school do something about it so you look and feel cool? 1.We'd like you to tell us whether your school has changed its summer uniform. 2. Did you or any of the students in the school have anything to do with it being changed? 3. Does your school have any plans to introduce a summer term uniform? 4. Do you have any say in the design? 5. Do you think teachers should ask you more about what is comfortable to wear? 6. If you could design a dream summer uniform what would it be? We may want to get in touch with you about your story so please include your home telephone number. We won't keep it on file after we've contacted you, and we won't pass it on to anyone else. Tell us whether your summer uniform has been changed
Your name Your age Your town Your email address Your home phone number If you are under the age of 16, you must obtain your parent or guardian's permission before sending us any personal details.
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/
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Bijlage 30: Memo form
To: Sally
From:.......................and Emma
Subject: location the Fat Lamb
Message:..................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................
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Bijlage 31: Problems Getting Deep: Talking about stuff that matters Question by Sally Dudock, age 19: I'm really attracted to fair skin, fair hair kinda guys. In fact, I've only dated blondes. Recently someone accused me of being racist because I won't date 'coloured' guys. I have a lot of friends from ethnic backgrounds and feel like they may start thinking that I am. Short of dating a 'coloured' guy, I don't know how I can prove that I'm not. What can I do? Question by Mary Thompson, age 17: One of my teachers is very friendly. He often puts his hands on my shoulders, or he'll push my hair out of my face and once he fixed my top so my bra strap wouldn't show. He's never done anything really inappropriate but sometimes I feel things aren't cool. I definitely don't want to get him in trouble because he's a great teacher and a nice guy and I might be just making something out of nothing. What should I do? Question by Jessie Dogood, age 20: My friend just lost her twin sister in a car accident. They were best friends. I'm scared if I do too much she might think I'm trying to replace her sister but if I don't do enough I might look inconsiderate and heartless. How should I handle this? Question by Dave Smith, age 17: Lately my 38-year-old mom has been dressing…well…like a tart! I don’t know what’s come over her. I’m really embarrassed to have my friends over now. Should I say something to her or hope she’s just going through a phase? Question by Laetitie Mamoody, age 21: I'm pretty sure my friend has a serious eating disorder. I've mentioned that she's been losing a lot of weight and she just shrugs it off. What should I do? Vertalingen: fair hair kinda guys = gozers met blondachtig haar (natuurlijk of geverfd) short of dating = behalve een afspraakje te maken met bra strap = b.h. bandje inappropriate = onbehoorlijk a tart = een del
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Bijlage 32: Letter Milton Keynes 23 November 2008
This letter must come as a bit of surprise to you, so let’s start at the beginning. We are the Watsons, the family that gave Milly and Jill a new home. We met at the shelter where you were taking care of our lovely dogs, as a summer job. You probably remember that we wanted Jill since she looked so much like our Finnian which died of old age in February. Your aunt really liked Milly so we thought we did best by giving the dogs separate homes. What we totally overlooked was that the dogs had become the greatest of pals and both dogs started to pine away when they were separated. Jill lost a lot of weight because she refused to eat. You probably heard from your aunt that she was very sad when she finally decided to hand Milly over to us. The two dogs are very happy now since they are together again. When Milly is around so is Jill, they are inseparable. Both dogs have good appetites and like to play. They have completely recovered from their hideous wounds and seem to be mentally fit. Jill is still a bit afraid of noises in the street though. Maybe you have some tips for tips on dealing with her anxiety? Your aunt comes to see Milly from time to time and Milly goes really beserk when she sees her. Jill, as you can see in the picture, is very fond of our daughter Tania who in return is crazy about the dog. We hope you like the pictures we enclosed. We would like to thank you once again for your good care. Kind regards, Susan Watson and family
Words become the greatest of pals – dikke vrienden worden to pine away – wegkwijnen their hideous wounds – hun afschuwelijke wonden Milly goes really beserk – Milly wordt helemaal gek (van blijdschap in dit geval)
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Bijlage 33: Letter Tricky Clothes and Shoes Attn. mrs Dogood 41, Eaton Street Stratford upon Avon, EG45LK 15 July 2008 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter because I have a complaint to make about a pair of shoes, purchased at one of your stores two days ago. Enclosed you will find a picture so you can see what is wrong with one of the shoes. I bought the shoes two days ago at Tricky Clothes and Shoes in Wickham. One of your employees, Sarah Thomson, helped me with my purchase. The shoes are made of goatskin leather and the high heel plus sole are made of wood. I particularly chose this pair of shoes because the high heel and sole would make me look taller and I was therefore willing to pay an enormous amount of money. You can imagine my surprise when I took the shoes out of the box when I got home. Apparently somebody accidently sawed a piece out of the sole of one shoe! It is really ludicrous (belachelijk) when wearing both shoes. I went back to the shop, talked to Sara about it and told her I wanted my money back. She told me in return that I had to write a formal complaint in order to get a refund of my money. She was only entitled to give refunds by means of vouchers. I am asking you politely to take a look at the enclosed picture and to take the necessary steps for refunding £ 125. I do not want the vouchers suggested by Sarah Thomson, I just would like my money back. If any questions arise with this letter, do not hesitate to contact me on my cellphone, the number is 06-1112233. I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Yours sincerely, Rosie Troublesome Encl. Shoe with broken sole
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Bijlage 34: Letter 2 Tricky Clothes and Shoes Attn. mr Cheerwilling 41, Eaton Street Stratford upon Avon, EG45LK 15 July 2008 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter because I have a complaint to make about a shirt my son purchased at one of your stores a week ago. Enclosed you will find a picture so that you can see what is wrong with the shirt. My son bought the shirt a week ago at Tricky Clothes and Shoes in Edinburgh. It was quite an expensive shirt; £ 60! The instructions on the label inside the shirt said that the shirt could be washed at a lukewarm (lauw) temperature in the washing machine. I am always ever so careful with my laundry; I always read the instructions twice. You can imagine my surprise when I took the shirt out of the washing machine; it had shrunk enormously! Please, take a look at the picture and you will see that my son can no longer button up this shirt and that the sleeves are way to short. My son went back to the shop, talked to one of your shop assistants about it and told her he wanted his money back. She told him in return that he had to write a formal complaint in order to get a refund of his money. She was only entitled to give refunds by means of vouchers. I am asking you to take a look at the enclosed picture and to take the necessary steps for refunding £ 60. We do not want the vouchers suggested by your shop assistant, my son just would like his money back. He is on the dole (ontvangt een uitkering) and cannot afford purchases of this magnitude. If any questions arise with this letter, do not hesitate to contact me on my cellphone, the number is 066655447. I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Yours sincerely, Patrick Nagbag Encl. Picture of my son with shirt
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Bijlage 35: Article Life in jail not always life, say lawyers Wednesday 20 August 2008 Some 40 prominent legal experts, including the high court's advocate general Geert Knigge, have begun a campaign for changes in the way life prison terms are interpreted, Trouw reports on Wednesday.
The group says that people sentenced to life in jail should have their cases reviewed periodically to see if they are entitled to release or having their sentences cut. 'If you lock someone up and throw away the key, you might as well reintroduce the death penalty,' Groningen lawyer Wiene van Hattum told Trouw. Van Hattum said 15 years after sentencing would be an appropriate moment for reassessment. While some people should never be released, everyone should have the chance, he told Trouw. For example, Mohammed Bouyeri, jailed for life for the murder of film maker Theo van Gogh, should be considered for release at some point, Van Hattum said. 'He is young... he too may change his views. I do not believe you can write people off.' In total 25 people have been sentenced to life imprisonment since 2000, compared with just 15 in the 50 previous years. The term 'life' was introduced in 1870 after the death penalty was abolished. The last time someone serving life was pardoned and released was in 1986, the paper says.
© DutchNews.nl
Words explained to abolish death penalty entitled to prominent release
afschaffen doodstraf recht hebben op vooraanstaande, belangrijke vrijlating
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Bijlage 36: Article 1 South Korean exam scandal More than eighteen hundred South Korean school students are suspected of taking part in an organised cheating operation during university entrance exams. The police say many of the students used mobile phones to send and receive answers to exam questions. This report from Charles Scanlon: The revelations of mass cheating have scandalised a nation where education is an obsession - and entry to a good university can set you up for life. Acting on a tip off - the police tried to raid a hall where students were taking the college entrance exam last month. They were blocked by teachers but later confiscated mobile phones that had been smuggled into the room - and uncovered what they said was an elaborate cheating system. The brightest students known as "players" finished their multiple choice papers quickly then sent off the answers by text message to younger students outside the hall. They forwarded the information to others who paid up to a thousand dollars to take part. The police have since inspected hundreds of thousands of text messages sent at the time of the exam. They say more than eighteen hundred students appear to have been involved in similar scams across the country. The education ministry has already cancelled the exam results of more than two hundred cheaters. Some are calling for tough penalties. They've condemned laxity by exam monitors who are accused of not taking cheating seriously enough in the past. Others are calling for an overhaul of the entire exam system - saying it puts students under intolerable pressure. Charles Scanlon, BBC, Seoul
Words explained brightest to confiscate intolerable pressure laxity an overhaul of scams scandalised to set you up for life a tip off
most intelligent to take away pressure that is too strong to be reasonable relaxed attitudes, not strict a complete change clever but illegal plans, usually to make money shocked and stunned to guarantee that you will get a good job in the future a piece of information given to the police about something illegal that is going to happen
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Bijlage 37: Article 2 News - Dumped Milly lucky to be alive 09.07.08
The RSPCA is looking for information about an injured Staffordshire bull terrier which was found dumped in a ditch in Caddington, Bedfordshire, on Sunday, 29 June. Milly, as the two-year-old dog was named by RSPCA animal collection officer (ACO) Jane Folly, was discovered halfway along Millfield Lane at 5pm. She had collapsed amongst brambles in the ditch when a passer-by heard her yelping. ACO Folly collected the dog and found a wound to the top of her head and injuries to her feet. A local vet concluded that the wounds were about three to four days old and had been caused by another animal, possibly during a fight. Milly, who is chocolate-coloured with white feet, is now recovering at a shelter. Jane Folly said: "Milly is very sweet and was a little taken aback but seems to be brightening up already." Another Staffie found dumped with similar injuries Shortly before this incident, a female tan-coloured Staffordshire bull terrier was found tied to a garage in Brunel Road, Luton. She was found at about 11pm on Tuesday, 24 June and was collected by RSPCA Inspector Peter Warne. This dog had also suffered bite wounds to her face and the front part of her body. Dogs appear to have been involved in dog-fighting Inspector Warne said: "These dogs appear to have been involved in fights of some kind, whether accidental or deliberate. What is clear is that neither animal received veterinary treatment and both were cruelly dumped with no thought for their welfare."Milly's case was particularly upsetting as it was only luck that led to her discovery. She had been purposefully left in a place where she was unlikely to be found." Staffies have undeserved bad reputation These incidents come shortly after the RSPCA's campaign in which was mentioned that dogs like Staffies who suffer from unhelpful stereotypes.The dogs are at the top of the most unwanted breeds in the country and have a reputation as being aggressive, which is the fault of bad and ill-informed owners rather than the dogs themselves. Inspector Warne added: "Unfortunately, many people take on Staffies because they are more interested in their own image rather than the dog's welfare. It is such a shame as these dogs can make brilliant companions if they are well cared for and properly trained."
Words explained brambles breeds cruelly deliberate taken aback to yelp welfare
bramenstruiken / doornstruiken (honden)rassen wreed met opzet onder de indruk en daardoor wat teruggetrokken janken welzijn
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Bijlage 38: Article 3 Sandboarding Do you want to have a go at extreme sports? Try sandboarding! What is it? Sandboarding is to sand what snowboarding is to snow. For those of us who love boarding and live near the beach, instead of spending hard earned money on 2 weeks in the Alps, we just pop down to the coast and hit the dunes at the weekend. Depending on the conditions you can usually get some good runs in and take air or learn to jump, (learn to fall!) all without leaving the country. If you have snowboarded or skateboarded before, then sandboarding should be an easy cross-over for you. If you have never boarded before, sandboarding is very easy to pick up. You should not be too afraid to fall and hurt yourself a little. You also need to be fit since sandboarding as snowboarding takes a lot of energy when done enthusiatically!
How do I sandboard and where? If you are a beginner, you can select a small dune that is not too steep and have a lot of fun riding downhill and improving your technique. It is always better to go sandboarding with someone who is an experienced sandboarder to help you out with technique. If you are more advanced, you can find higher and steeper sand dunes. With these you can either concentrate on going fast, or create obstacles and jumps to maneouvre around and over. Make sure that you are not in a crowded area if you feel like doing spectacular moves! For starting out in sandboarding all you really need is the sandboard itself. This looks a lot like a snowboard and has bindings to keep your feet attached to it. It is also fairly light. This is a very important factor, as the rides tend to start at the top of the sand dunes. This means that each time you want to have a go, it is down to you to get the sandboard back up to the top. To get the best results out of sandboarding, you really need to find dunes covered with dry sand. Wet sand can make the board stick and this makes for a bad ride. Although you are riding on soft sand, accidents can still happen. A helmet can sometimes be a good idea, but safety gear is down to personal choice. Some padding for knees and elbows isn’t a bad idea when you have your first rides. It has to be said that Britain is not the topmost sandboarding location, but there are a few sizable dunes to be found. The sand can be a bit cold sometimes though, so you may have to adapt other skills in order to get a good run. These areas should be sand only , (no dune grass), in order to avoid permanent damage to the roots of the dune grass. Sand dune ecology is a big part of sandboarding. Without the grass, the sand dunes will disappear. And without the sand dunes, sandboarding is a none starter. So please be very careful where you choose to ride!
Obtaining a sandboard Whenever we go surfing or bodyboarding, we always throw the sandboards in the back of the car. It doesn't take up much room and if the waves are not up to much we can then have some fun on the dunes. There are a few sites on the net that will tell you how to make your own board. We made one from an old snowboard, (advertise on the net, asking for other peoples old boards.) Once we got the snowboard we removed the bindings and used the straps from the bindings and drilled into the board to bolt them into place, then used resin to fill the holes and sanded off the base. The finished board is 1.5 metres high, so the board is great for racing but not so manoeuverable for turns, tricks and jumps. Alternatively, you can buy your sandboard. We also got a board from the guys at Surf Wax. It is well worth checking them out! Surf Wax also has information on some good places to take your board and some superb pictures of people sandboarding.
With such a simple toy, you can have a lot of fun!!
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Simon, John and Ally
Word list to bolt cross-over to obtain resin some padding for knees and elbows
met bouten bevestigen overstap verkrijgen hars bescherming for knieën en ellebogen
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B1 - Workshops – Schrijven - Bijlagen
Bijlage 39: Article 4 The London Eye History
Since opening in March 2000 The London Eye has become a landmark hard to miss and a symbol of modern Britain. The London Eye is the UK’s most popular paid for visitor attraction, visited by over 3.5 million people a year. A breathtaking feat of design and engineering, passengers in the London Eye's capsules can see up to 40 kilometres in all directions. The London Eye is a product of David Marks and Julia Barfield, a husband and wife architect team. The wheel design was used as a metaphor of the turning of the century. British Airways was the main sponsor of the London Eye until February 2008 and up until November 2005 were joint shareholders with Marks Barfield Architects and The Tussauds Group. British Airways also privately funded the London Eye project from the early stages of conception. The London Eye is now operated by the London Eye Company Limited, a Merlin Entertainments Group Company. Interesting things you never knew about the London Eye A TEAM EFFORT It took seven years and the skills of hundreds of people from five countries to make the London Eye a reality A VIEW FIT FOR A QUEEN You can see around 40KM (25 miles) from the top as far as Windsor Castle on a clear day FLYING HIGH The London Eye welcomes an average of 3.5 million customers every year. You would need 6,680 fully booked British Airways Boeing 747-400 jumbo jets to move that number of fliers! DING! DING! The London Eye can carry 800 passengers per revolution - equivalent to 11 London red doubled-decker buses HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION Each of the 32 capsules weighs 10 tonnes. To put that figure into perspective, it's the same weight as 1,052,631 pound coins!
©Instruct b.v.
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B1 - Workshops – Schrijven - Bijlagen
The London Eye passenger capsules incorporate an entirely new design form for an observation wheel. The 32 high-tech capsules have a heating and cooling system and have a bench seating. The London Eye capsules represent the 32 boroughs of London. SLOWLY BUT SURELY Each rotation takes about 30 minutes, meaning a capsule travels at a stately 26cm per second, or 0.9km (0.6 miles) per hour - twice as fast as a tortoise sprinting; allowing passengers to step on and off without the wheel having to stop THE ONLY WAY IS UP The circumference of the wheel is 424m (1.392ft) - meaning that if it were unravelled, it would be 1.75 times longer than the UK's tallest building - One Canada Square in Canary Wharf TONNES OF FUN The total weight of the wheel and capsules is 2,100 tonnes - or as much as 1,272 London black cabs! UP, UP AND AWAY The height of the London Eye is 135m (equivalent to 64 red telephone boxes piled on top of each other) making it the fourth tallest structure in London after the British Telecom Tower, Tower 42 and One Canada Square in Canary Wharf Visitor Information When planning any trip, we know how important it is to get the detail right. This section answers all the questions you have to help plan and make your visit as enjoyable as possible. You’ll find our opening times, how to get to us, what facilities we have, what to do if you’re in a group and any special requirements you may have such as access. And if there’s something you can’t find, just give us a call. Opening times • • • •
July and August 10.00am - 9.30pm September 10.00am - 9.00pm October to May 10.00am - 8.00pm June 10.00am - 9.00pm
daily daily daily daily
Getting here
Location map for the London Eye Map showing the location of the London Eye
©Instruct b.v.
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B1 - Workshops – Schrijven - Bijlagen
Disabled Guests The London Eye has full disabled access both on to the London Eye and all the facilities inside the County Hall ticket office. Our London Eye River Cruise also has full disabled access.
Group Visits The London Eye welcomes larger groups of visitors and is the perfect compliment to any day out in London. We offer a 10% discount to groups of 15 or more guests for either the London Eye or the London Eye River Cruise.
©Instruct b.v.