This research is performed for the research group: Computer Science - Information Architecture Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Delft University of Technology P.O. Box 5031 2600 GA Delft The Netherlands The research is conducted at: ForMetis Consultants B.V Hemelrijk 12 c 5281 PS Boxtel The Netherlands
Supervisors: J.L.G. Dietz - Delft University of Technology Ir. Steven van Kervel - ForMetis Consultants B.V Executors: S.R.W. Algoe BSc. (1154982) - Delft University of Technology V.R.K. Boedhram BSc. (1149652) - Delft University of Technology
I dedicate this master thesis report to my father Ashok Hiralal Algoe and my mother Bidja Algoe Baldew on whose constant encouragement and love I have relied throughout my time at my study. How they raised me, and the lessons I have learned from them I can endure every obstacle in my live.
Your beloved son Shairesh Sherwin Rinesh Winay Algoe
I dedicate this master thesis document to: My parents Devanand Boedhram and Wasantimala Soebdhran My grandparents, George Bisoendath Boedhram, Radjkoemarie Dihal and Krishnawatie Phagoe My respect goes to my grandfather, Who has left me during this project G.B. Boedhram R.I.P. Honour goes also to the rest of my Family Who support me in achieving my goals, that I have set for myself in my life Vijay Radj Kiran Boedhram
Executive Summary Often organizations do not exactly know what they desire, when it comes to information systems. Professional companies like ForMetis are needed to give advice and design tailor made information systems for organizations that have the need of it. To do so, one usually uses a software developing methodology. ForMetis has developed such a methodology with their ten year of experience (The ForMetis methodology). The DEMO methodology is a powerful tool that has proven itself successful in the modeling of organizations. DEMO methodology models the essence of an organization and claims to be coherent, consistent, comprehensive and concise. It is a very powerful tool for identifying transaction of an organization and also the communication with the external actors. DEMO can be used as an aid to design information systems and can check the completeness of these systems whether it covers the essential business processes. The ForMetis methodology consists of the following phases: planning, analysis, design, implementation and system. The analysis and design phase are the most important phases. In these phases requirements are retrieved in an informal way and are written on large sheets, which are not reusable. Informal specifications are made and often the implementation is the specification. The new, so called F-DEMO methodology was discussed and a postmortem case (intermediary) was used to illustrate the added value of DEMO. The new methodology is the ForMetis methodology extended with DEMO in the analysis and design phase. In these phases the Construction Model, Proces Model and the State Model are added. These models are a valuable addition to the derivation of requirements and the making of specifications. In order to evaluate the use of F-DEMO a survey was held to check how many of the findings that were raised when producing the information system at the intermediary could be prevented. The findings were categorized in implementation, requirements, usability, misunderstandings, wishes and irrelevant types. From all these findings 33,1 percent could be prevented using the new methodology. The project time is also reduced. Therefore, the recommendation is to start using the F-DEMO methodology in future projects.
Preface This master thesis is the final part of the Computer Science – Information Architecture program at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science of the Delft University of Technology in collaboration with the faculty Technology, Policy and Management. The Information Architecture program addresses the problem of designing and engineering enterprises including their IT applications. Enterprise engineering is a discipline concerning the design and the engineering (in the narrow sense) of enterprises, regarding both their business and their organization. Enterprise ontology is a formal and explicit specification of a shared conceptualization among a community of people of an enterprise (or a part of it). It includes static, kinematic, and dynamic aspects. In particular, enterprise ontology satisfies the next five quality requirements (C4E), coherence, comprehensiveness, consistency, conciseness and essence. DEMO is a methodology that is based on the concepts of enterprise ontology to design and engineer organizations. This methodology has proven to be effective in numerous projects in practice. ForMetis Consultants BV is founded in 1997 and is a software development organization that is specialized in developing tailor made software for the financial services industry. At that time, they recognized a gap between the software developer and the consumer, but they could not find any concrete solutions for this problem. Therefore, they developed their own methodology as a guideline to deal with software developing projects. In respect to the future, ForMetis wants to research the new developments in this area. They have recognized DEMO as a solution to their problems and want know what the effects are on the quality of the software when DEMO is applied to their own developing strategy. The quality aspects in this area are implementation, usability, complexity and development time. The goal of this report is to define, apply and examine the effects of a new development methodology that includes DEMO and deals with the quality aspects securely. First in Chapter 1, background information will be given on the subject of this project and the research question, scope and research approach will be formulated. Chapter 2 describes the recent methodology used by ForMetis and the new methodology that is extended with DEMO. In Chapter 3 the new methodology will be applied to financial services. Chapter 4 is about the research survey that is prepared to evaluate the new extended methodology. In Chapter 5, a comparison is made of both approaches. Finally, Chapter 6 will give a conclusion, Chapter 7 will give recommendations and in Chapter 8 a small discussion will be held. Special thanks to J.L.G. Dietz and ir. Steven Van Kervel for their guidance and supervision during this project. Delft, 2009 S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
3.1 THE CONSTRUCTION MODEL (CM) ............................................... 44 3.1.1 Interaction Model (IAM) ........................................................ 44 3.1.2 Interstriction Model (ISM) ...................................................... 51 3.2
THE PROCESS MODEL (PM) .......................................................... 56
THE STATE MODEL (SM) .............................................................. 64
RESEARCH SURVEY .................................................... 69
4.1 SURVEY AND DATA PREPARATION ................................................ 69 4.1.1 Elimination of duplicates ........................................................ 70 4.1.2 Identification categories .......................................................... 70 4.1.3 Categorizing the findings into the categories .......................... 71 4.1.4 Identify the findings that could be eliminated with F-DEMO 72 4.1.5 Statement made in the survey ................................................ 76 4.1.6 Finishing the survey ................................................................ 77 4.2
RESULTS OF THE SURVEY .............................................................. 77
DISCUSSION PER TYPE ................................................................... 81
COMPARISON OF THE APPROACHES...................... 85
5.4 DESIGN PHASE ............................................................................... 88 5.4.1 Motivation using the Construction Model .............................. 88 5.4.2 Motivation to use the Process Model ...................................... 89 5.4.3 Motivation to use the State Model without Action Model...... 89 5.5
List of Figures Figure 1.1 Software development process [Davis, 2004] .............................. 20 Figure 1.2 DEMO recognized by ForMetis as the missing link .................. 23 Figure 1.3 Overview of the research approach ............................................ 26 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9
ForMetis methodology based on prototyping. ........................... 31 Joint Application Design meeting room .................................... 32 DTAP model for software implementation and distribution ..... 34 F-DEMO (ForMetis methodology extended with DEMO) ........ 36 Operation Axiom ....................................................................... 37 DEMO basic transaction pattern .............................................. 38 Distinction Axioms .................................................................... 39 Organization theorem supported by ICT-systems ..................... 40 Organization theorem and the aspect models of DEMO ........... 41
3.1 The Aspect Models of DEMO ................................................... 43 3.2 Performa-Informa-Forma analysis ............................................. 45 3.3 Legend of the ATD and some basic construct ........................... 46 3.4 Global ATD of the intermediary ............................................... 47 3.5 Detailed ATD of the intermediary ............................................ 49 3.6 Legend of the Actor Bank Diagram ........................................... 53 3.7 The OCD of the Intermediary ................................................... 55 3.8 Legend of the PSD .................................................................... 56 3.9 PSD of business process 8 .......................................................... 58 3.10 PSD of business process 1 ........................................................ 59 3.11 PSD of business process 2 ........................................................ 59 3.12 PSD of business process 3 ........................................................ 60 3.13 PSD of business process 4 ........................................................ 61 3.14 PSD of business process 5 ........................................................ 61 3.15 PSD of business process 6 ....................................................... 62 3.16 PSD of business process 7 ........................................................ 62 3.17 Legend of the OFD (part 1) .................................................... 64 3.18 Legend of the OFD (Part 2) .................................................... 65 3.19 The OFD of the intermediary .................................................. 66
4.1 Approach of the creation of the survey ..................................... 69 4.2 Occurrences by type given in percentages ................................. 72 4.3 Occurrences detected with F-DEMO per type........................... 74 4.4 Relative findings detected with F-DEMO per type ................... 74 4.5 Distribution of the filtered types ............................................... 75 4.6 Distribution of the findings that could not be filtered ............... 75 4.7 Occurrences detected with F-DEMO per type (in practice) ...... 79 4.8 Relative findings detected with F-DEMO per type (in practice)80 4.9 Distribution of the filtered types (in practice) ........................... 80 4.10 Distribution of not filtered findings (in practice) ..................... 81
Figure 5.1 Phases in ForMetis methodology (in detail) .............................. 85 Figure 5.2 Phases in F-DEMO (in detail)................................................... 86 Figure 5.3 AH-way to elaborate business processes .................................... 87 Figure 7.1 Importance of the project-planning phase ................................. 98 Figure 8.1 Two Peaks identified from survey results ................................. 101
TRT of the intermediary ............................................................ 50 Part of the Bank Content Table ................................................. 52 Composite Production Banks ..................................................... 53 Part of the IUT of the intermediary ........................................... 63 Part of the OPL of the intermediary .......................................... 65
Table Table Table Table Table
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
Different categories according to the type of finding .................. 71 Number of findings by category .................................................. 71 Type of occurrences after mapping ............................................. 73 Results of the survey .................................................................. 78 Number of findings given the overall improvement .................... 78
Table 5.1 Benefits and drawbacks of the ForMetis methodology ............... 90 Table 5.2 Benefits and drawbacks of the F-DEMO methodology ............... 91 Table 8.1 Difference improvement rate per group ..................................... 102
1.1 Background Information Nowadays software has an immense role in the financial industry. On the other hand companies in the financial industry has become complex and need a formal hbnjjjjjjjjj to guide them to re (-engineer) their business processes. More methodology specifically the development of tailor made information systems is complex in the area of financial applications. ForMetis Consultants BV has detected that the production of financial products are very inefficient in comparison with the production of tangible and material goods within other industries. Van Lanschot Chabot (intermediary) is a client of ForMetis who struggles with the problems described.
1.2 Research Goal Until now, ForMetis have done the modeling of the production of financial service with an ad-hoc approach. However, the use of a formal methodology can improve the problems mentioned. Therefore, the goal of this research is to analyze and design the financial services with DEMO. In addition, research how it helps to improve the quality of them.
1.3 Research Approach The research approach of this project is divided in three phases. In the first phase, an environment analysis of Van Lanschot Chabot and ForMetis is conducted. In addition, the proposal for this master thesis is written and the research is done in the ForMetis way of designing software. In the second phase, DEMO is used to model the whole intermediary and the models are validated. In the last phase, the result are evaluated with the use of a survey
1.4 Workload and Obstacles An extensive research was needed to write a specific master thesis proposal. To complete the project in an efficient way, awareness had to be created at ForMetis and the intermediary for the need of a formal methodology. Due to the financial crisis, the intermediary stops participating practically in the project, but they still granted permission to use their information. Therefore, extra interviews were needed with the employees of ForMetis who were involved in the software development project of the intermediary. Because of the fact that two students performed this thesis made the scope broader, and therefore the whole intermediary had to be modeled.
1.5 Document outline In chapter 1 an introduction is given. Chapter 2 specifies the methodologies to be inspected. In chapter 3, the DEMO methodology is applied. Chapter 4 shows the result obtained. In chapter 5, the two approaches are compared. Finally chapter 6 gives a conclusion, chapter 7 the recommendations and chapter 8 the discussion that is held.
Due to the financial crisis [Fratianni & Marchionne, 2009] many financial institutions need to change their business processes to get more transparency and to regain their trust from their customers. It is argued that with modern software and enterprise ontology approaches this can be accomplished. The software companies are specialized in implementing information systems that support business processes and the workflow of organizations with the aid of enterprise ontology. They claim to do it faster, less faulty, fewer costs and with the use of automated software. Mulder states that ontological approaches are a powerful concept to engineer organizations, because they are truthful and valuable [Mulder, 2006]. Many people agree that automation, speed, and perfection are key aspects that define the superiority of software development today. With increasing competition and demand of effectiveness, software development processes are getting more sophisticated with the combination of proven old and swift advanced technologies. Competition arises because of perfection and better services between companies and service providers. Moreover, to make a difference and be the favorite of customers, fast adapting the business strategy is needed to comply with the demands. Software companies need to change and invest in new software development methodologies to keep pace on the area of the business agility of the customers.
1.1 Background Information In the last decade, software has conquered an essential and critical role in the financial industry. Software development has become big business and so the emphasis to stay in business is put on high quality and shorter time to market of lower costs. The implementation of IT applications in organizations all over the world has improved the performance of their business processes, but still many software projects fail. The amounts of projects that fail are enormous [IT Cortex, 2001] [ZDNet, 2009]. More often, software projects fail or the budget costs and the resources needed are doubled because of a missing fundamental methodology for requirements gathering. Other reasons for failures of information systems that effect the implementation are political, functional, technical, and budgetary. [Kervel, 1999]. On the other hand, organizations and their way of working have become very complex so that their agility has come under pressure. It is known from the past that developing information systems is very difficult, because of its complexity and even harder when the right tools are missing. In addition, many mistakes are made when designing information systems. These mistakes are the cause of system changes and commotion for the system users. The law of Boehm [Boehm, 1981] says that a mistake that occurs in the beginning of a developing project will exponentially increase
the cost to repair the mistake in a later stadium. Recently, this statement was again confirmed [Jansen, 2003]. The most common problem here is that often the clients, who are asking for a software solution, do not know exactly what they exactly desire and how this could support their business [Davis, 2004]. This finding has increased the demand for a methodology that supports changing or merging enterprises in terms of their production design, their engineering and especially their IT applications. A criteria of this methodology is that it has to be scientific based and formal so that it is correct and can be verified on correctness. A methodology that satisfies these criteria‟ s can be used as a guide to limit the number of failures and cost when developing software solutions.
Figure 1.1 Software development process [Davis, 2004]
More specifically the development of tailor made information systems is complex in the area of financial applications. ForMetis Consultants BV [Formetis Consultants BV, 1998-2009] has found that the production of financial products is very inefficient in comparison with the production of tangible and material goods within other industries. Typical companies in the financial services industry are banks, insurance companies, stock brokerages, consumer finance companies, etc.). These companies run into specific problems when modeling the production of financial products such as loans, investments, insurance, etc. [Kervel, 1999]. Examples of these occurring problems are low service and quality levels to the customer, long
processing time of a financial product (even for simple productions), lack of management information, high production cost for a financial service (production per person per service is low), partial software solutions and long time-to-market for new products. The underlying reasons for these kinds of problems is that the production of financial services is difficult to model, because a service is a highly personalized and is a unique product that is produced in close collaboration with the client. This dependency makes the lifespan of such a service highly unpredictable and therefore very hard or even impossible to model. Kervel states that only fully predictable processes can be modeled in a formal way and these formally modeled processes can be automated with the traditional IT tools available. The main issues that lead to the problems distinguished earlier are a lack of predefined quality criteria and roles for persons responsible for the production of financial services, a lack of understanding between the balance of human and computer and a lack of a correct methodology for the production of financial services. The production of financial services is subjected to business rules and a strong interaction with a client who demands high service and quality levels. The information related to these services is typically stored in traditional legacy systems and electronic dossier systems. The electronic dossier system could contain information about business rules, information states and additional documents in many file formats. One of several software development projects that have been completed by ForMetis Consultants BV was a tailor made financial information system for a company called Van Lanschot Chabot [Van Lanschot Chabot, 2009]. This company is one of the largest financial companies in The Netherlands in which the earlier mentioned problems arise. In this matter this software development project will be used as a case study of this master thesis project.
1.1.1 The Software Organization ForMetis Consultants BV, from now on to be called ForMetis, is a company that designs information systems in their own specific way. They have been doing this since 1997 and are a solid partner of several client organizations that want to improve their information systems [Kervel, 1999]. In 1993, ForMetis founders started with Research & Development and in 1997, this Model Driven Architecture (MDA) based system went into production. For the construction of these tailor-made information systems a software design suite is used which is called DP (Don Paparassos) workbench (see Appendix E for a complete description of DP). The DP workbench is based on a philosophy called Don Paparassos, which gives a better understanding in organizing business. It consists of a software design suite, business methods to (re)design organization and business procedures to monitor organizations. Software is generated on the fly and is founded on a component-based framework. This means that an application is made by gathering readymade components and linking them together as a whole, in this way software applications could be made automatically without any programming [Gamma et al., 1994]. This approach is called Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and is introduced by the Object Management Group [OMG, 2008]. The components include workflow procedures, imaging functionality, text processing, generation of management information, agenda, deadlines, exception handling, interfaces to legacy applications and databases, embedding of standard windows applications, custom application development etc. DP is very flexible because applications can be modified at runtime, without interfere of the
users and letting the system to remain in a consistent state. These applications are built within a very short period (days instead of weeks or months) and in close interaction with the customer. These tailor made applications cost less than standard software packages. The information systems that are constructed with the use of DP are called “Slim Dossier”. The E-dossiers incorporated in “Slim Dossier” are intelligent, incorporate the knowledge of the production processes of the company and monitor them. The target industries of ForMetis are Insurance, Banking, Health Care and the Business service industry. ForMetis has a substantial record of accomplishment with an exceptionally high success rate in the banking and insurance world. ForMetis is located in Boxtel and counts about 10 employees in the Netherlands and Hungary and 2 interim students. ForMetis has the following philosophy: “Ambitious business targets can only be achieved if the
business strategy, the design of the organization, the design of the business processes and the information system are well understood, well balanced and well integrated.” [Kervel, 1999] The core business of ForMetis is to improve the production of financial services for their clients. Besides this, ForMetis disposes of a set of business methods, techniques and organization designing principles to produce, model and redesign services. During several workshops the products, production methods and processes of the clients are analyzed with interactive development and ad-hoc validation by knowledgeable users. This is conducted interactively with the customer, so that a working information system is designed and implemented on the fly with some working functionality. From this, the client can decide whether the system satisfies the requirements (considering production costs and quality) presented at the beginning of the workshops. In section 2.1 we go more deeply into the methodology used by ForMetis when retrieving the requirements of a new information system. After the requirements of the system are set, the implementation can proceed. If the client accepts the system, the information system is completed. ForMetis lacks a fundamental methodology that leads to the following issues: No shared identical concepts, each person has a subjective interpretation. No distinction between essential and non-essential. No modeling on transactions. No transaction processing and dynamic behavior analysis. Informal approval by participants of the DP application, followed by later change of interpretations from all people involved. “This is a typical example of a “best practice approach”
as we do not really understand what we are doing, but this seems to be the best way to do it. The implementation is the specification” Steven van Kervel, ForMetis Consultants BV. 1999 Despite of a high level of customer satisfaction, these problems were already recognized ten years ago and therefore ForMetis is strongly interested in the
ontological modeling methodology DEMO (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations)[Dietz, Enterprise Ontology, 2006]. The DEMO theory is discussed in Section 2.2.1. This methodology fits perfectly within the methodology of ForMetis. For this cause, ForMetis wanted to do research on how DEMO is usable for the modeling of financial services and their application development in the financial industry.
Software Organizations
Financial Organizations
Figure 1.2 DEMO recognized by ForMetis as the missing link Software organizations need to understand the business of the financial organizations to design high quality information systems. For the financial organizations on the other hand, it is necessary that they know what they expect from their information system to perform their business, this is not always the case. Most organizations do not know how to specify concrete process structures and requirements. If these process structures are specified in a concrete way, software organization will be able to translate these process structures and requirements in their language to implement the system. For this purpose, the software company needs to understand DEMO as well. The advantage of DEMO is that it specifies business processes and requirements in an unambiguous way and makes it understandable for everyone. Therefore, DEMO can be an aid for both organizations to help understand each other‟s business processes. DEMO is seen as the missing link between software and financial organizations.
1.1.2 The Intermediary As mentioned earlier Van Lanschot Chabot is used as a case study for this master thesis project. From now on Van Lanschot Chabot will be mentioned as the intermediary. The intermediary is one of the biggest intermediary insurance companies in the Netherlands. They work as a representative by selling several kinds of insurance products for several insurance companies. Some examples of these products are life insurance, pension insurance, health care insurance, vehicle and transport insurance, private damage insurance, fire insurance etc. The key value of such an intermediary is that it has expertise in giving advice to clients about insurance products that they are selling for the insurance companies. This aspect gives them the explicit disposal of expertise on the products that are available in this specific branch. When such an advice is given to a potential client, first an advice report is produced with the gathered information from a personal interview.
Based on the information stated in the advice report an offer is given to the client regarding the insurance that is discussed. The offer can be created by the intermediary or directly by the related insurance company, but in the second case, the intermediary remains to be the contact person of the potential client. When the potential client agrees to the offer, a policy is created either by the intermediary or by the related insurance company. Again, in the second case the intermediary remains to be the contact person. From this point on, we could speak of a client, earlier the potential client could not be seen as a client because in fact there was not yet a legal agreement between the intermediary and the potential client. This way of working is considered the core business of the intermediary. The processes based on the core business of the intermediary are modeled with a software tool called BWise [BWise, 2009]. BWise is a software tool that intents to help companies to forecast and give better perception of the consequences when (re-) engineering. BWise falls in the category compliance and risk management software, based on a fundament called Business Process Management (BPM). Processes, compatibility, performance management are the core business of BWise. Besides this, templates are designed which take into account guidelines and governance. The templates are seamlessly integrated into the BWise product suite. BWise is available in two versions, BWise Professional and BWise Expert. In contrary to BWise Professional when it is not necessary to be an IT expert, the second version gives the opportunity to define own processes. BWise saves the models of the described organization in a repository, which is based on Unified Modeling Language [Object Management Group, 2009]. However, the intermediary has the BWise models made they do not use it, because they find it to complicated and it does not provide any value to their business. In addition, when software development is needed, their IT department does not use these models, because the BWise models do not provide them with the needed information.
1.2 Research Goal In the past, and in their own specific way ForMetis has attempted to improve the production of financial services to make progress in the financial business. Based on their experience and the need to continue to make progress in this specific sector, they pose the following research question:
Are there models, methods or methodologies with which the quality of financial services modeling can be improved by ForMetis? For answer this question, ForMetis examined if DEMO [Dietz, Enterprise Ontology, 2006] is usable for the modeling of financial services and their application development in the financial industry. DEMO is a promising modeling paradigm to represent the essence of an organization. It is claimed by Mulder that the DEMO methodology is C4E (coherence, comprehensiveness, consistency, conciseness, and essence) certified and that any organization can be modeled with this methodology [Mulder, 2006]. It abstracts the activities of the organization at a high level, simply from the business domain and distinguishes between business, informational and documental actions. The concept provides four related aspect models, which are the construction model (represents the construction of an organization),
the process model (indicates the relations within the transactions), the action model (this includes all the business rules) and at last the state model (represents all the states of the production and de coordination world of the enterprise. When DEMO is compared with other process modeling techniques, such as Event Driven Process Chains (EPC), Petri Nets, Activity Diagrams and traditional flow charts, it can be stated that these other techniques do not define the business process well and do not distinguish the business and informational actions [Albani & Dietz, 2006] and lack a formal theory. Until now, the modeling of the production of financial services has been done with an ad-hoc approach by ForMetis. This is because financial services have several specific problems. They are difficult to mode, the execution is unpredictable, they are complex, they contain informal knowledge, etc. So the question that arises at this moment is; can it be done better? With better is meant: Can we improve the quality of these services with DEMO. Quality can be divided in modeling quality (only the essence is described), implementation quality (reducing processing time, faults reduction) and operation quality (production cost of a service). The research goal of this thesis is to answer the following main research question: “Can DEMO be used to analyze and design the services
within the intermediary insurance business and contribute to the service and product quality?” To answer this main research question, it can be divided into sub-questions that are listed below. 1. What do we understand by financial services within intermediary insurance company and how were they modeled when starting the construction of the information system? a. What are financial services and how do they relate to an intermediary and their customers? b. To which constraints is a financial service exposed in the insurance business? c. What were the exact findings (errors, bugs ambiguities) after launching the new software within the intermediary and how can they be categorized? d. Which quality aspects can be identified out of these services and to what extent can they be improved? e. What is the quality level at the intermediary at present and how is this measured? f. How are the financial services within the intermediary modeled nowadays? 2. How can the aspect models of the DEMO model, provide improvements to the modeling of financial services? a. What are the aspect models? b. How can the financial services be modeled with the aspect models? c. Which findings would not have been occurred after using DEMO modeling theory? d. To what extend do these models improve one or more quality aspects?
e. What are the efforts when a complete intermediary has to be modeled according to the DEMO methodology?
1.3 Research Approach The research approach used for this Master Thesis is illustrated in Figure 1.3. It consists of three phases: analysis, modeling and validation, and the evaluation phase. Every phase is subdivided into sub-phases to give a transparent view of the project planning and a fast overview of what was done in each separate phase.
Analysis •Environment Analysis at Van Lanschot Chabot •Environment Analysis at Formetis •Thesis Proposal •Research into Formetisway
Modeling and Validation •Research into DEMO way •Develop F-DEMO way •Applying F-DEMO way •Validating F-DEMO models
Evalutation •Comparison of F-DEMO and Formetis way •Improvements Suggestions
Figure 1.3 Overview of the research approach
1.3.1 Analysis phase During the analysis phase was studied what financial services of the intermediary exactly are, how they are documented for further use in the business and how they currently are designed. For this purpose, the intermediary uses BWise to describe their business processes in a nonformal way. The next step in this phase is getting a clear understanding on how ForMetis deals with a new development project in general and which kind of approaches they apply to develop these kinds of software applications.
1.3.2 Modeling and Validation phase In the modeling and validation phase, DEMO is applied to the software development case of the intermediary that was done by ForMetis. This is conducted based on a combination of interviews and on the reports generated from the workshops held by ForMetis at the intermediary. All the several aspect models of the DEMO methodology excluding the Action Model will be constructed, to create a good fundament for comparison with the ForMetis methodology. The models were validated by experts from the financial services industry.
1.3.3 Evaluation phase Within the evaluation phase, a survey is held with questions regarding the quality improvement on a new defined methodology based on DEMO applied by ForMetis. The focus of the survey will be on whether or not the modeling of financial services with DEMO can improve the quality of the financial information system. To determine this, a score will be assigned to every question based on the improvement that is gained with the use of DEMO. At this point all relevant data can be extracted from the survey
and assigned to each different part of the software development to give a better comparison of the current methodology of ForMetis and the new methodology based on DEMO.
1.4 Workload and Obstacles This section presents the workload and obstacles encountered by the executors of the project. The factors presented, may or may not have influenced the project directly, but they had an effect on the workload and/or total project time.
1.4.1 Research needed for the thesis proposal To find out what modifications were needed to improve the software development of ForMetis with the use of DEMO, an extensive research was needed in the analysis phase. Because of the fact that DEMO was never before introduced to the financial service industry, it made the research extra intensive to write a specific and concrete master thesis proposal.
1.4.2 Create awareness within ForMetis Consultants BV For creating awareness within ForMetis, many interviews and presentations were held with the employees. The development methods, problems during the production of financial information systems and new thoughts on the development of this were the main questions. In addition, the DEMO methodology was extensively presented to make them aware of the fundamentals on enterprise ontology and what the benefits are when applying it. In the modeling phase, first a part of the intermediary was modeled taking into account all three organization levels (the ontological, infological and datalogical level). This was done because the information technologists need to see these levels to identify themselves with them, because in practice they only recognize infological and datalogical steps. This was needed to show the power of the DEMO methodology to the experts and was applied to the global and detailed Action Transaction Diagram (ATD) and to the Transaction Result Table (TRT).
1.4.3 Create awareness within Van Lanschot Chabot For the modeling phase, an analysis of the financial services delivered by an intermediary and the related business process of these financial products was needed. For this purpose, Van Lanschot Chabot had to make aware of the fact that their company could be an excellent case study for this project. Presentations were given to the managers of the intermediary to state this need and the benefits of applying a fundamental methodology to their company. In the beginning, Van Lanschot Chabot was willing to participate actively into this project and gave permission to the fact that their company may be used as a case study, but when the effects of the earlier financial crisis appeared on the scene, they minimized their participation in this project, although the permission was still granted. Therefore, extra interviews were needed with the employees of ForMetis that were closely involved with the development of the information system developed for Van Lanschot Chabot, to retrieve knowledge for analyzing the business of the intermediary.
1.4.4 Research for the DEMO models To define DEMO transactions nearly 90 checklists (process descriptions) were analyzed to get a better view on how the intermediary executes their financial services. The intermediary makes use of BWise to model their business processes. To validate these checklists, 85 BWise diagrams were examined and analyzed. From all these checklists, BWise models and discussions with the experts, the transactions could be identified and specified.
1.4.5 Broader scope Because of the fact that two students performed the final thesis project, the scope had to be changed. So the scope was made broader from the modeling of two separate departments to the modeling of the complete insurance company.
1.4.6 Intensive survey In the evaluation phase, the F-DEMO methodology is evaluated with a survey. The survey is constructed by analyzing the 334 finding that was given by the users of the previously developed information system. All these findings had to be categorized and validated with the insurance expert at ForMetis who was in charge when developing the information system. For every interviewee, an introduction was given on how to fill in the survey. This was done by answering the first 25 question together with the interviewee. The total time needed for completing the survey was about 6 hours, this is to show how intensive the survey was for the participants.
1.5 Document outline In Chapter 2 the general methodology used by ForMetis for their software development trajectory is described. This provides a preview on the new methodology for designing information systems in which the DEMO methodology is used, and a brief introduction into the DEMO methodology. In Chapter 3 DEMO is applied to the intermediary as a case study. In this chapter DEMO aspect models are constructed, which are the Construction Model (Interaction Model and Interstriction Model), Process Model, the State Model and the Action Model. Chapter 4 provides the survey that is conducted with experts to evaluate the new methodology for the software development trajectory. It also provides the type of findings that were identified by the users of the system developed by ForMetis for the intermediary. The results on the improvement when using the new F-DEMO approach are also presented in this chapter. In Chapter 5, a comparison is made between the ForMetis methodology and the F-DEMO methodology. The comparison is made by researching the planning, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance phase of both approaches and by identifying the benefits and drawback of them. Finally, Chapter 6 will give a brief conclusion on this master thesis by answering the research questions stated in Chapter 1. Chapter 7 gives the recommendations on further steps and presents some of the future work needed. Chapter 8 embraces a small discussion about the result of the survey.
2.1 ForMetis methodology ForMetis is specialized in software development and therefore made its own methodology for that purpose. The ForMetis methodology consists of five phases. The first phase is the planning phase. The planning is done on an ad-hoc basis. In the second phase (analysis) workshop are conducted to retrieve requirements for the system. The workshops are based on the joint application design (JAD) method. In the design phase informal specification are made on large paper sheets. In the implementation phase, the system is implemented according the DTAP method. The implementation of the system is considered the specification of the system. In the last phase, the system is brought in production and is maintained.
2.2 F-DEMO (ForMetis methodology extended) In the F-DEMO methodology, the ForMetis methodology is extended with the DEMO methodology. The use of DEMO within the analysis and design phase of the ForMetis way will affect its software development methodology in a radical matter. The planning, implementation and system (maintenance) phase will be the same as in the old methodology of ForMetis. In the F-DEMO analyze phase enterprise ontology and the DEMO methodology is used to gather information to design the models for the system under consideration. This is still done in workshops together with the client. In this phase, an actor analysis is done and the business transactions of the intermediary are indentified. In the design phase the Construction Model, Process Model and State Model are constructed to retrieve the requirements for the system. This is done with the use of the operation, transaction, composition, distinction axiom and the organization theorem of the PSI theory. As an addition, the user interface requirements are specified in this phase.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Chapter 2.
Inspection of Methodologies
This chapter sets out two different kinds of development methodologies with respect to information systems. These types are the current methodology used by ForMetis and a new methodology that is extended with DEMO. Before a methodology in which DEMO is used could be described, it first has to be explained. The new methodology that is extended with DEMO will be referred as the F-DEMO methodology. Within the F-DEMO methodology, the relevant DEMO aspect models are used for the analysis and design phase. Note that the descriptions in this Chapter are brief and introductory. Chapter 3 will provide better insight into every aspect model with the use of applying these models to the intermediary case.
ForMetis methodology
ForMetis is specialized in software development and therefore made its own methodology for that purpose. The ForMetis methodology represents a software development methodology that is created, developed and used internally by ForMetis. It portrays a trajectory for the development of software applications. Figure 1.1 refers to the ForMetis methodology and depicts all different phases. As can be seen this way of software development is based on a phenomenon called prototyping. The prototyping method consists of the following phases: planning, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. At the beginning of the software development process a prototype is constructed as soon as possible. This prototype is a plain version of the actual product that has to be developed eventually. With rapid prototyping, 70 percent of the functionality is implemented within 5 days.
Analysis Design
System (prototype)
Figure 2.1 ForMetis methodology based on prototyping.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
2.1.1 Planning This phase is a general approach for organizing a project into activities. They help the project manager and his team to decide what work should be done and in what sequence. This phase should be seen as an aid to thinking, not rigid prescriptions of the way to do things – each project will end up with its own unique plan.
2.1.2 Analysis ForMetis makes use of several workshops based on an information-gathering technique called joint application design (JAD). These workshops are conducted with each department of the company that needs the new software tool. Workshops are chosen above interviews because it has the ability to lead to intense discussions and improvement on the relevant subject within a group of persons. The project team, users of the system and the management are considered to work together during the workshops to identify requirements for the system. It is often the most useful method for collecting information from users [Wood & Silver, 1989]. The workshops are accompanied by a chairperson who is skilled in these techniques. The chairperson is someone who sets up the meeting agenda and guides the debate, but does not join in the discussion as a participant. During the session, he does not provide any ideas or opinions on the discussed topics and is assumed to remain neutral. He also has to be an expert in both techniques, namely process techniques and information systems analysis and design techniques. In addition, computers and computer-aided software engineering tools are used to record information as the session proceeds. The JAD group meets for several hours, several days or even several weeks until all of the issues have been discussed and the needed information is collected. Most JAD sessions take place in a specially prepared meeting room, away from the participants‟ usual offices, so that they are not interrupted by their work. An example of how this meeting room is setup is given in Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2 Joint Application Design meeting room
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
At the front of the room, there is a whiteboard (that could be used as a background for a projector) and a flip chart. In front of this is where the facilitator leads the discussion. At the walls, there are enough flip charts where everyone could write on. During these workshops with each department the production methods, processes, and services of the client were analyzed. Some essential questions that have to be answered throughout the workshops are: What are the services of the company? Who are the clients? How can we make these clients happy? How do we manufacture these services now? How can we do better using electronic systems?
2.1.3 Design After the analysis phase is finalized, requirements of the financial services are gathered and written on large sheets of papers. This is conducted interactively with the customer, so that a working information system is designed on the fly containing some working functionalities. The simplest kind of requirement is a prototype of the user interface. This is a set of pictures of the system that are shown to customers and users in sequence, to give an indication on what would happen when the systems runs. It can often be a very powerful tool for eliciting ideas and feedback, and requires very little effort to create. Because paper prototypes are easy to create, they are ideal for parallel software development. A prototype is a rapidly implemented program that contains only a part (up to 70%) of the anticipated functionality of a complete system. Its purpose is to gather requirements by allowing software engineers to obtain early feedback about their ideas. The most common type of prototype within the ForMetis methodology is a “mock-up” of the system‟s user interface, created using a rapid prototyping language. Rapid prototyping in basic HTML allows you to create user interfaces very quickly to display the important parts of the system. Users can sometimes make actual use of a rapid prototype and often many modifications as necessary are made in response to satisfy the feedback from users. In addition to prototyping the user interface, sometimes the choice is made to prototype other aspects of a system, such as a database or an algorithm. As with all prototypes, the intent is to test and validate existing ideas, as well as to generate new ideas. . The analysis and the design phase are the most important phases of a software development project. In these phases, the requirements regarding the considered system are specified. Boehm describes that most of the fundamental mistakes are made in these phases. He also states that faults made in these stadia and discovered in a later stadium will increase the cost exponentially [Boehm, 1981]. From experience is shown that every mistake expressed in time costs thirty-two hours. Therefore, the importance of a fundamental method is needed to gather these requirements [Bergsma, 2007].
2.1.4 Implementation It is the desire of every end-user within the IT infrastructure to carry out his work without any form of interference caused by others. Emphatically the end-user does not want to be disturbed by computerization. For this cause, ForMetis uses an implementation based on a concept called DTAP (“OTAP” called in Dutch) for software implementation and distribution
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
[Bouwmeester & de Landsheer, 1997]. Within DTAP four independent environments could be identified, namely Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production. Also within the implementation phase, no cooking book exists that precisely describes how the implementation phase has to be done. In practice, every software development phase turns out to be a unique interaction between the computerization department and the end-users in compliance with infrastructural and organizational possibilities.
Figure 2.3 DTAP model for software implementation and distribution
The development and testing environments are the responsibility of ForMetis, but their client is accountable for the Acceptance and Production environments. This is because eventually the software has to run on their infrastructure. It is also explicitly necessary to make different use of both Testing and Acceptance environments. Within the Testing environment, the focus is on preventing the early appearances of bugs in the software and in the Acceptance environment, the focus lies on determination of the quality of the product. Obviously, the quality is what primary matters for the client. Additionally recovering the occurrences of any bug within the Acceptance is hard, the only thing that now could be determined is if the usability of the system is maintained. Not only the end-user, but also the system administrators have to notify ForMetis about their demands on the maintenance of the system. The development environment is an administration environment where the modifications and the new functionalities are designed and elaborated. The users of this environment are administrators (who prepare packages for distribution and installation), developers of various software distribution packages and developers of specific applications. According to the ideal DTAP model, the user from this environment should not have access to another environment. However, mostly in software distribution this is not the case because system administrators will be active within other environments. The test environment has as primary objective to test the modification that has been made in the development environment on functional,
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
technical, integral and especially procedural level. If necessary, measurements can be taken to analyze the impact of the modification made. The modifications are executed in the test environment on similar hardware that is used in the production environment. In this way, you stay clear of hardware specific problems. The modifications from the development environment are analyzed in the test environment. When a flaw is detected within the modification, it first has to be corrected in the development environment. Ad-hoc changes are not allowed in the test environment. ForMetis uses this environment in an additional way and they allow the users of the application to test the software. The findings during this testing are then passed on by the users to the developers. The acceptance environment is meant for the end users. The primary role of this environment is to monitor if the changes that were made can be handled by an environment that resembles the production environment at most. Hereby is assumed that the development and test environment are not for hundred percent configured as the production environment regarding high cost and investments. For this environment, the same holds when a modification has a flaw. It first has to be corrected in the development environment and tested before it can be analysed in the acceptance environment. The production environment is the actual environment of the end user. This environment supports the business process of the organization into consideration. When the changes that are made in the acceptance environment are fully agreed upon, it can be adopted in the production environment. It is of the most importance that failures do not occur within this environment. Since the changes of the packages have successfully completed in the development, test and acceptance phase, it can be installed on several workstations.
2.2 F-DEMO (ForMetis methodology extended) Investigating the methodology used by ForMetis one comes to several findings on the fundamentals that are used in every phase of the software development. First by the absence of a good software engineering practice, the great importance of working out the requirements and the design before any implementation is ignored. In addition, the use of this form of prototyped software engineering has its drawbacks. At first, it costs a lot of time because prototypes are rebuilt when the requirements are known. After the finishing of a prototype, the client may have the idea that the project is nearly finished while plenty of work still has to be done. Since there is no good plan designed in the planning phase there is nothing identified to aim towards. Since there is nothing to aim towards, ForMetis could never know if they are doing well or poorly. Therefore, the control of costs and schedule are not to be found. However, there is a vague consensus, because the development is faster than ever and the client is satisfied with the result. In the analysis phase, the use of JAD to acquire system requirements is a powerful tool. However JAD suffers from the traditional problems associated with groups, sometimes people are reluctant to challenge the opinions of others (particularly their boss), a few people often dominate the discussion, and not everyone participates. The consequence of not having a good design of the system has various weaknesses that limit their usefulness for creating the final version of complex systems. The weaknesses include inefficiency, and limitations on the ability to create robust and flexible designs. The internal quality of
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
software deteriorates faster if it is not well designed. Because in the ForMetis methodology the design phase is an ad-hoc activity, rapid deterioration of internal software quality is to be expected. The current use of prototyped user interfaces also fails, because there is often nothing much behind the user interface. It may not, for example, perform any computations, access any databases or interact with any other systems. However, not much effort is needed into designing its architecture, therefore it will become hard to maintain, and will contain many bugs. When in a later phase the requirements are reconsidered, making them undone is not easy because it takes more time for the programmer to modify the current software. Rebuilding new software is often easier. The design phase has a lack of modeling concepts which makes it harder for the programmer to get a clear vision on what the client really wants, and even harder to translate this vision into software. There is also no explicit recognition of the need for systematic testing and other forms of quality assurance. Many undetected defects therefore remain, giving rise to never-ending changes that make the system worse. As a result, the system most often collapse at some point and becomes unusable and irreparable. The only solution is then to rebuild the system from scratch (until it collapses again). The negative aspects make the cost of developing and maintaining software very high. Despite these negative aspects, it has to be said that ForMetis has never let a software project fail and the clients were always satisfied. The use of DEMO within the analysis and design phase of the ForMetis way will affect its software development methodology in a radical matter. As shown in Figure 2.4 the implementation phase is now done apart from the analysis and design. This is because with the use of DEMO all system requirements have to be described and modeled before any implementation is done. Additional it will have consequences for all different phases, the planning could now be better done because the whole system could be divided into independent software components; the analysis and design phases will result in better-defined requirements; before the implementation phase is reached, the analysis and design are finished. From this point, the programmer of the system only has to deal with programming errors, requirements are no longer his worst nightmare.
Analysis (DEMO)
System (prototype)
Design (DEMO)
Figure 2.4 F-DEMO (ForMetis methodology extended with DEMO)
2.2.1 DEMO theory The DEMO methodology is developed at the Delft University of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ir. Jan L. G. Dietz [DEMO Knowledge Center, 2008]. DEMO is a methodology that is designed for (re)designing and (re)engineering of organizations and is based on a scientific fundamental theory called Ψ-theory (pronounced as PSI-theory
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
and stands for Performance in Social Interaction). The Ψ-theory states that organizations belong to the category of social systems. In these social systems, human beings have the ability to comply with commitments toward each other. This is called social interaction [Dietz, Enterprise Ontology, 2006]. Hence, there is an essential difference between organizations and other systems, like information systems. Information systems belong (only) to the category of rational systems. This implies that they do not make decisions, but only calculations, and in doing so only support decision making [Barjis et al., 2002]. The Ψ-theory at the same time also explains that applying information systems methods and techniques on organizations do not deal with problems like merging, splitting, designing, engineering etc. of enterprises. The Ψ-theory has four axioms and one theorem that will be described in the following sections. An axiom is a proposition that is not proven or demonstrated but is considered self-evident. Its truth is taken for granted, and serves as a starting point for deducing and inferring other (theory dependent) truths. Next, a theorem is derived from earlier accepted or established statements such as axioms.
2.2.2 Operation Axiom The first axiom is displayed in Figure 2.5. It represents the operation of an organization as a system that performs production acts and coordination acts, which results in production facts and coordination facts. This axiom is therefore commonly referred as the operation axiom. By performing production acts (P-acts), actors contribute directly to the realization of the function of the organization. P-acts may be material (storage e.g.) or immaterial (judging e.g.). With the performing of coordination acts (Cacts), actors enter into and comply with commitments about production acts. C-acts are called atoms of an organization because they are the units of action in which exactly one commitment concerning exactly one P-fact is brought about. Some examples of C-acts are requesting and promising. In DEMO, an actor is described as a subject in the fulfillment of its actor role [Dietz, Enterprise Ontology, 2006].
P-act Actors
C-world C-fact
P-world P-fact
Figure 2.5 Operation Axiom
2.2.3 Transaction Axiom The second axiom of Ψ-theory is the transaction axiom. This axiom states that C-acts and P-acts always and only occur in universal patterns, called (business) transactions [Dietz, Enterprise Ontology, 2006]. Transactions are called molecules of an organization, because they are composed out C-acts and P-facts that are atoms in an organization. Figure 2.6 shows that when
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
performing a transaction two actors are involved with it at all times. The person that starts the transaction and eventually completes it is called the initiator (customer), the other one, who actually performs the objective action, is called the executor (producer).
desired result
result requested O-phase
result promised
result accepted
R-phase result stated
result produced
Figure 2.6 DEMO basic transaction pattern
2.2.4 Composition Axiom The third axiom of the Ψ-theory states that transactions occur in a tree structure. This means that a transaction can be composed out of other transactions. An example of such a transaction can be found in the fast food industry. A hamburger is created when the bread is toasted, the meat is grilled and the bread is dressed with the ingredients. So for the creation of the hamburger, three transactions are needed: (1) toast bread, (2) grill meat and (3) dress bread. A transaction can be initiated in three different ways: as a self-activation transaction (for periodic actions), by an actor role in the environment and enclosed in another transaction. A transaction enclosed in another transaction is called an autonomous business process. In this way, periodic action can be conceived. Each tree of enclosed transactions is an instance of a business process under execution. Business processes form the fibers of organizations. As can be seen in Figure 2.6 a transaction consists of three phases. In the order (O-phase) the initiator and the executor are negotiating to reach an agreement about the result (P-fact) to be established (e.g. delivery of some performance). The basic C-acts here are the request and the promise. In the execution phase (E-phase), the executor produces the result of the Pfact that is agreed upon in the O-phase (e.g. deciding about some performance). In the result phase (R-phase), the initiator and the executor negotiate to reach an agreement about the established result. The R-phase starts with the statement by the executor, and ends with the acceptance by the initiator, or not. In this case, only the basic transaction pattern is
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
depicted. In a complete transaction pattern, which is often used in practice one will also find transactions with cancelation patterns (e.g., declining a request, rejecting a statement), but these will not be considered.
2.2.5 Distinction axiom The fourth axiom, the distinction axiom describes that in fulfilling actor roles three human abilities are involved in performing P-acts and C-acts: the ontological (performa), the infological (informa) and the datalogical (forma) capabilities (Figure 2.7). At the coordination side, the performa ability indicates that one is able to feel committed as performer or addressee of a coordination act. The informa ability at the coordination side describes that one has the ability to formulate and interpret thoughts. The forma ability at the coordination site point out that one is able to speak, write, listen and read. On the production side, the performa ability is producing a new P-fact, like deciding and judging. The informa ability at the production sides describes the act of doing something with the content of the information, like computing and reasoning. The forma ability at the production side concerns the ability of performing datalogical acts, like storing, transmitting etc.
2.2.6 Organization Theorem The Organization Theorem is the only theorem that exists in the Ψ-theory. This theorem states that the organization of an enterprise is a heterogeneous system that emerges from the layered integration of three homogeneous systems (Figure 2.8): the B-organization (B for business), the I-organization (I for Intellect) and the D-organization (D for document). It is allowed for the members of the organization to take part in all the three aspects organizations. Each of the three homogeneous systems represents a different aspect of the total organization. Moreover, each aspect contains a function and construction side. The construction of the D‐organization is supported by the function of hardware. The construction of the
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
I‐organization is supported by the function of the D‐organization. In addition, the construction of the B‐organization is supported by the function of the I‐organization. Depending on the task, an actor can take the shape of a B-, I- or D‐actor. On the production side, D‐applications are generic software such as text processors and database management systems. I‐applications are enterprise (type) ‐specific software such as accounting systems and human resource applications. B‐applications are decision support systems. On the coordination side, D‐applications are typically networking and e‐mail systems. I‐applications are workflow systems and B‐applications are process‐management systems.
Figure 2.8 Organization theorem supported by ICT-systems
2.2.7 Enterprise Ontology The ontology of an enterprise describes the construction and the operation of the B-organization as has been depicted in Figure 2.8. The ontological model of an enterprise shows only its essence, fully abstracted from realization and implementation. This is the strength of the DEMO methodology, in contrary to other approaches that firmly link the essence to the realization, implementation and operation. A complete ontological model consists of four aspects models, the Construction Model (CM), the Process Model (PM), the Action Model (AM) and the State Model (ST) (see section 0 for a complete description of these models). The Construction Model indentifies the actor roles, transaction types and the information links from actor roles to production or coordination banks [Dietz, Enterprise Ontology, 2006]. The Process Model specifies the causal and condition links between the transactions. The Action Model specifies the action rules that actors apply in carrying out transactions. The State Model exhibits the
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
object classes, fact types, and event types, as well as the existence and occurrence rule. The ontological model has proven to be an ideal beginning point in enterprise (re)engineering projects and it has been used in more than 100 projects. Ontological models are also used for the derivation of use cases, databases schemas and (business) components in a consistent and coherent way. As can be seen in Figure 2.9 the red expansion gives the ontological model for the B-organization. Not shown in the figure are a green expansion that represents an infological model and a blue expansion that stands for the datalogical model.
Figure 2.9 Organization theorem and the aspect models of DEMO
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 2. Inspection of Methodologies S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
3.1 The Construction Model (CM) The Construction Model (CM) of an organization specifies its composition, its environment and its structure. In this model, the identification of a business transaction is the most important step because they are the core entities on which an organization is build. The CM is divided in the InterAction Model (IAM) and the InterStriction Model (ISM). The Interaction Model focuses on the specification of the business transaction types that take place between the organization under examination and its environment, as well within the organization. Secondly, it specifies the actors between the boundaries of the organization with their initiation and execution roles. The IAM is expressed in an Actor Transaction Diagram (ATD) and a Transaction Result Table (TRT). The CM of the intermediary is constructed by analyzing several checklists of the intermediary and conducting interviews with experts. The complete IAM of the intermediary consist of five composite actor roles and three elementary actor roles. The intermediary counts eight transactions, which have to be fulfilled by the relevant actor roles.
3.2 The Process Model (PM) The Process Model provides the specification of the state space and the transition space of the coordination world. As it is known from the transaction axiom, the Cworld consists of the creation of a C-result and every transaction in the C-world exists of the creation of a C-result. So in fact, there is a one-to-one relationship between this C-result and the causing C-act. The PM of the intermediary is expressed in a Process Structure Diagram (PSD) and an Information Use Table (IUT). The PM also provides a full specification of the causal and conditional relationships between the business transactions. The PM of the intermediary consists of eight business processes. The most complex business process is the damage claim handling process. In the case of the intermediary, the PM can be very useful as the starting point for requirements engineering regarding information system. The PSD and the IUT contains all the information that is needed for a sensible discussion and leaves no room for unnecessary requirements.
3.3 The State Model (SM) The State Model (SM) provides a complete and precise specification of all the information that is created and/or used by the organization of the intermediary. The SM consists of object classes, fact types, result types and existential laws that hold. The fact types can be divided in derived or original facts. All the facts, whether it is an original or a derived fact, are results of the successful execution of the business transaction processes. For organizations and especially the intermediary, the SM is a proper model to gather information regarding requirements engineering. Due to the property that SM is structured in chunks around the main objects, it can be used to a business component-based design. This is for great importance in all Rapid Application Development (RAD) methods.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Chapter 3.
Applying DEMO to financial services
Before applying DEMO to financial services, the methodology had to be introduced to the insurance experts to let them have some understanding what it is. This was done by giving several presentations to ForMetis and to insurance experts of the intermediary about enterprise ontology and the notion of the DEMO methodology. In these presentations, the way of thinking and some examples of the use of DEMO were presented. To obtain experience and knowledge about the financial industry, more precisely about insurances and policies, the experts working at ForMetis were interviewed and desk research was done. In this chapter, the DEMO methodology is applied to the intermediary and its relevant aspect models as shown in Figure 3.1. The reason that the aspect models are placed in a triangle shape is because in this way it represents their mutual relationships. The Construction Model occupies the top of the triangle because it is the most concise model and represents the construction of the organization. This model consists of the Interaction Model and the Interstriction Model. The Process Model contains for every transaction type a transaction pattern (often called a business process). The State Model specifies all the information per state that is created or used by the system. Last of all models, is the Action Model that is positioned at the bottom of the triangle, because it gives the most detailed view of the organization. It specifies the action rules that serve as a guideline to execute the business process. Construction Model
Interaction Model
Interstriction Model IAM ISM
Process Model
State Model PSD IUT
Action Model
Figure 3.1 The Aspect Models of DEMO
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
3.1 The Construction Model (CM) According to Dietz, the Construction Model (CM) of an organization specifies its composition, its environment and its structure. In this model, the identification of a business transaction is the most important step because they are the core entities on which an organization is build. The CM leaves out issues of the process order and wraps the coordination and production facts and acts of each transaction into one package. This potential makes it the most concise and easily understood DEMO model. The environment and the composition are both considered a set of actor roles. By convention, the kernel of the intermediary is a composite actor role. This is generally conducted to identify the transactions between the kernel and the external actors. At the kernel of the intermediary, there exists elementary actor roles and therefore this more detailed model is called a detailed CM. The composite actor roles are separated from the elementary actor roles in the kernel by a boundary. The CM is divided in the InterAction Model (IAM) and the InterStriction Model (ISM). The IAM specifies the actor roles in the organization and the transactions that take place between them and the ISM specifies the relationship between the actor roles in the organization and the information banks used by them. In this chapter, the IAM and ISM of the intermediary will be discussed.
3.1.1 Interaction Model (IAM) The Interaction Model as stated by Dietz is a „timeless‟ representation of the transactional structure of an organization. By the term timeless is meant that the Interaction Model does not show the order or sequence in which the business transactions in an organization take place. The timeaspect is enclosed in the Process Model, which will be discussed in the next section. The Interaction Model focuses first on the specification of the business transaction types that take place between the organization under examination and its environment, as well within the organization. Secondly, it specifies the actors between the boundaries of the organization with their initiation and execution roles. The IAM is expressed in an Actor Transaction Diagram (ATD) and a Transaction Result Table (TRT). Since it is known that business transactions are the essential building blocks of an organization and by which business take place we first have to identify the transactions for the intermediary. After this, the actor roles have to be identified who are the initiators and executors of these transactions. To identify these transactions the checklists that represent the workflow have to be examined (see Appendix A for an example of a checklist) and interviews with insurance experts are needed of the intermediary. Figure 3.2 exhibits a section of a checklist with red colored (ontological) parts from which the business transaction “T01 product advice” is derived. The parts in the figure are colored according the Performa-Informa-Forma Analysis as described by Dietz. This analysis is based on the distinction axiom that makes a distinction between ontological, infological and datalogical transactions. The identified segments cannot be mapped directly one-to-one to transactions, because some segments relate to the same transaction. Therefore, in this case, the distinction axiom has been applied to identify unique transactions.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Checklist: Collective Pension Offer Part: Consultation Report and inventory Consultation Report is present After the consultation is complete, a report has to be enclosed to the file. Inventory form is present An inventory document (part of the consultation report) has been made. Excel document with data of the participants is present The data of the participants of the collective pension is stored in an Excel file Part: Offer traject The specialist has created an offer in the insurance software With the use of the software of the insurance company, the specialist has made an offer. The relevant pieces are send to the insurance company to receive an offer The insurance companies are asked for delivering an offer based on the client information. (Action: recall) The delivered offer has been checked The delivered offer has been checked. Advice is given with extra notes An advice is written and passed on to the consultant. Advice has been reviewed (four-eye principle) The advice has been reviewed according to the four-eye principle. (Action: send to the consultant) Advice has been sent to the client The advice is sent to the client and is guarded with the use of a recall of two weeks. (action: recall of two weeks) Consultant has visited the client The consultant has to visit the client to give advice on the given offer. For every visit, a recall date is set. (action: recall with date) Report of the meeting is made Report of the meeting is made. Business account manager is informed If the relation is business related then the involved account manager has to be informed. (action: send to account manager) Proposal of the service agreement is delivered The client received a copy of the service agreement.
Figure 3.2 Performa-Informa-Forma analysis To construct the ATD the actor roles that perform a business transaction were identified. For this cause, the Coordination-Actors-Production Analysis is used. This analysis is based on the operation axiom, which identifies several actor roles that are related to the business transactions as stated in the TRT [Dietz, Enterprise Ontology, 2006]. First, the global ATD is created to give a view of the existing external actors who are committed to the intermediary and are needed to do business. It is essential to comprehend the legend of the symbols that are used in the ATD to get a clear and concise understanding on the diagram. In Figure 3.3 the legend of the ATD is exhibited.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Figure 3.3 Legend of the ATD and some basic construct The global ATD of the intermediary consists of five composite actor roles: CA00 the Intermediary: fulfilled by the intermediary named Van Lanschot Chabot; CA01 the Potential Client: fulfilled by an individual person that wishes to start an individual policy with an insurance company, with the aid of the intermediary; CA02 the Insurance company: fulfilled by any external insurance company that delivers the policies to the client via the intermediary; CA03 the Client: fulfilled by the person that has an individual policy from the intermediary; this person is the insurant of the policy and optionally the insured of the policy; CA04 the Damage Expert: fulfilled by any external company that is specialized in damage assessment, which can be tangible or intangible. As a result they inform the intermediary that then can make the decision whether to pay out the claim; From the global ATD (see Figure 3.4) can be seen that the intermediary (kernel) is surrounded by four composite actor roles. In addition, the transactions that are executed by the intermediary can clearly be seen (displayed with the executor links). The transactions that are initiated and executed by the other composite actors are also depicted. For example transaction T01 (product advice) is initiated by composite actor Potential Client (CA01). This transaction is executed by the composite actor Intermediary kernel (CA00). In natural language, it can be said that actor CA01 is asking advice to actor CA00 about some insurance product. This is similar for all other transactions. Next, the detailed ATD of the
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
intermediary will be introduced. This ATD gives a more detailed view of the construction and the operation of the intermediary. INTEMEDIARY
CA01 T01
product advise
Potential Client
T02 offer delivery
T03 policy delivery
CA03 T04
Insurance z Company
policy termination Intemediary Kernel
T05 complaint handling T06 Client
certificate delivery
T07 policy continuation T09 T08
insurance damage claim
damage claim
CA04 T10
Damage Expert
damage expertise
Figure 3.4 Global ATD of the intermediary
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
The detailed ATD (see Figure 3.5) consists of the elementary actor roles within the intermediary. These actor roles are added to the list of actor list. The elementary actor roles within the kernel of the intermediary are the only internal actors that are added to the detailed ATD because the external actors are not interesting for the core business of the intermediary, these are: A01 Product Advisor: fulfilled by a person employed by the intermediary and that gives advice to a potential client; A05 Complaint Controller: fulfilled by a person employed by the intermediary and that handles complaints from the customers. A08 Damage Claimer: fulfilled by a person employed by the intermediary that claims the damage submitted by the clients.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
A01 T01
Product Advisor
product advise
Potential Client
T02 offer delivery
T03 policy delivery
CA03 T04
Insurance z Company
policy termination A05 T05
Complaint Controller
complaint handling T06 Client
transport certificate delivery T07 policy continuation T09 A08 T08
Damage Claimer
insurance damage claim
damage claim
CA04 T10
Damage Expert
damage expertise
Figure 3.5 Detailed ATD of the intermediary Table 3.1 depicts the transactions that the intermediary executes for its environment and initiates within its environment. On the left side of the table, the transaction type is described and on the right side, the result of the transaction is depicted. This is the result of the compliance with the customer (in this case the client) and the producer (in this case the intermediary).
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Table 3.1 TRT of the intermediary
T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06
Transaction type product advice offer delivery policy delivery policy termination complaint handling transport certificate delivery
Result type R01 R02 R03 R04 R05
product advice A is delivered policy PO has been offered policy PO has been delivered policy PO has been terminated complaint C has been handled
transport certificate TC has been given
policy continuation
damage claim
insurance damage claim
damage expertise
continuation of policy P has been done for year Y claim CL has been handled insurance damage claim CL has been handled expertise of the damage of claim CL has been given
The actor who executes the business transaction actually gets the same name of the transaction. For example transaction T05 (complaint handling) is executed by the complaint controller and therefore gets the name A05. This is similar for transaction T08 (damage claim) and T01 (product advice). Designing the detailed ATD has led to discussion with the experts and to lots of confusion about what the core business is of the intermediary. From the diagram, it can easily be concluded that the intermediary only executes three ontological business transactions (T01, T05 and T08). Moreover, it initiates two business transactions that are done by the Damage Controller. These transactions are T09 (insurance damage claim) and T10 (damage expertise). The actor role CA01 (Potential Client) represents the persons who want advice from the intermediary. Obviously, it is the initiator of T01, T02 and T03. Actor role A01 is considered the executor of T01. Only advice is given to the potential clients, which can be individuals or companies. This is the first prominent transaction that is performed by the Intermediary. The actor role CA02 (Insurance Company) is for example the executor of transactions T02 (offer delivery) and T03 (policy delivery). CA01 can request an insurance offer from the Intermediary (CA00). The intermediary then can produce an insurance offer when they are fully authorized by the insurance company. When this is not the case, they have to send the complete request to the insurance company that will create an insurance offer for the potential client based on the supplied information. Then this offer is sent back to the intermediary and they depict of the offer satisfies their conditions. When the offer is accepted by the potential client, they can request an insurance policy from the intermediary. The intermediary can create an insurance policy for the potential client when they have the full authority from the insurance company to create policies. If this is not the case, the complete dossier with the request forms is submitted to the corresponding insurance company and they will perform this task. This pattern is similar for business transactions T04, T06 and T07. This explains why the five links go directly through the kernel of the intermediary to the insurance company. Actor role CA03 (Client) represents the persons who are already clients of the intermediary and can terminate or extend their insurance policies, submit complaints, apply for transport certificates or apply for damage claims. The execution of transaction T05 is the second most important
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
transaction that is performed by the intermediary. Elementary actor role A05 (Complaint Controller) represents the person who manages and handles the complaints which are submitted by the clients. CA03 is also considered the initiator of business transactions T04, T06, T07 and T08. From the detailed ATD can be depicted that composite actor role CA02 is the executor of transactions T04, T06, T07, T09, and that internal actor role A08 is the executor of transaction T08 (damage complaint). This actor represents the person, which claims the damages of the clients related to the intermediary. This is the third important business transaction that is performed by the intermediary. A08 is furthermore considered to be the initiator of transaction T09 (insurance damage claim.) and transaction T10 (damage expertise). Therefore, when a client submits a damage claim to the intermediary, the intermediary tries to find the cause of the damage the size of the damage (cost) and tries to answer the responsibility question. This is conducted by using a third party to examine the damage. Next, they request the insurance company to pay the claim for the damage that has occurred. CA04 represents the persons that inspect the damage and its size. From the description of the detailed ATD and the expert discussion, a conclusion can be made that the intermediary is no more than a servicehatch. This means that they purely gather information of their clients and pass it through to the insurance companies to create insurance policies. Alternatively, they can create it by themselves on behalf of the insurance company. Theoretically, it can be said and by considering DEMO (Organization Theorem and construction models), the intermediary is considered to be a combination of an I-organization and a D-organization. Therefore, they can only be seen as a performer of infological and datalogical transactions.
3.1.2 Interstriction Model (ISM) The interstriction model is necessary because the availability of information forms an important aspect for the continuation of business transactions. For the execution of business transactions at several occasions, information is needed to be accessible. In other words, the execution of many business transactions action cannot be progressed or be successful when the appropriate information is missing. A pizza-man can only promise to deliver a pizza if he knows the stock level of the ingredients for the pizza is satisfied. In our case, the intermediary cannot sell an insurance product if it is not known what the dependencies are. These important bits of information are gathered during so-called informative conversations. The ISM provides a model that identifies and specifies the informative conversations between actors and information banks of the system. The ISM is gathered from the Actor Bank Diagram (ABD) and the Bank Content Table (BCT). Instead of the ABD, we will provide the Organization Construction Diagram (OCD). The OCD gives all the information links that are added to de ATD. The legend for understanding and comprehending the OCD is exhibited in Figure 3.6. The interstriction relations of the intermediary that are represented by the dashed lines in fig 3.7 are mentioned in the BCT. The role of the BCT is to specify the fact banks in which the object classes, the instance of the fact types and the result types from the State Model exist. This model will be elaborated in section 3.3. The BCT is given in Table 3.2.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Table 3.2 Part of the Bank Content Table Objects class, fact type, or result type
PRODUCT ADVICE product advice A is delivered contact_person CLIENT client_date_of_birth
clientage clientadress clientbanknumber POLICY policy PO has been offered policy PO has been delivered policy PO has been terminated continuation of policy P has been done for year Y maximum_offer_period DAMAGE insurance damage claim CL has been handled damage_handling_deadline expertise of the damage of claim CL has been given CLAIM
PB05 PB06
claim_period claim_fee ERTIFICATE transport certificate TC has been given COMPLAINT complaint C has been handled YEAR current_date
PB07 PB08 CPB03
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Figure 3.6 Legend of the Actor Bank Diagram The following table depicts some important composite data banks. In this table, one can also see the contents of the banks and by which actor the information is accessed. Table 3.3 Composite Production Banks Bank nr.
Bank name
Bank contents
Insurance portfolio
Intermediary data General data
External expert information
Actor nr. CA01
General conditions Regulations
KVK number of organization and general regulations Cost claims CV‟s
Engage contracts
A08 A08
Actor name Potential client Product advisor Complaint Controller Product advisor The intermediary Damage claimer Damage claimer Damage expert
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
In Figure 3.7, the interstriction relations are represented by dashed lines. This figure also shows the Organization Construction Diagram of the intermediary. The executor link and the initiator link are not dashed, because of the readability of the diagram. The reader has to keep in mind that the solid lines cover the dashed lines and so the solid lines can be seen as information links. Equipped with the knowledge stated in the BCT and the given composite production banks, the information links in the OCD can be clarified. All the roles fulfilled by internal actors need access to one or more information items from the external production bank “general data” (CPB03). Drawing the information lines to all the actor roles would make the diagram unreadable and therefore its information link is linked to the boundary. The information stored at the production bank “insurance portfolio” CPB01 is more specific, because it contains information on specific insurances and services that can be given to the clients. In addition, the regulations hold by the production bank “intermediary data” (CPB02) are important for the actor role “Product advisor”. For the actor role “Complaint Controller” it is necessary to know why a policy is terminated (PB03, PB08) and who the clients of the intermediary are (PB02). In addition, the actor role “Damage Claimer” needs information about the damage and information from the expert (CPB04) to decide whether to pay out the damage to the clients. This actor also needs knowledge about the policies and offers to claim the damage for the client (PB02, PB03, PB05, and PB06). The relevance of the ISM for the intermediary is that it can give background information of the existing systems and other ICT applications used by the intermediary. In this way, the overlap of systems and blank spots can be found. With blank spots are meant activities that are not supported by a specific information system, but are essential for the operation. The ISM also provides a specification about which information is needed by which actor role and how this is provided to the relevant actor role. This idea improves the issue of data ownership and makes it transparent for all the actors involved.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Insurance portfolio
Intermediary data
general data
A01 T01
Product Advisor
product advise T02
Potential Client
offer delivery
T03 policy delivery
Intermediary data
CA03 T04
Insurance z Company
policy termination A05 T05
Complaint Control
complaint handling T06 Client
transport certificate delivery T07 policy continuation T09 A08 T08
Damage Claimer
insurance damage claim
damage claim
CA04 T10 general data
Damage Expert
damage expertise
External expert information
Figure 3.7 The OCD of the Intermediary
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
3.2 The Process Model (PM) The Interaction Model does not denote the order in which the identified business transactions are executed, although intuitively the order is known. To get the right order of the transactions the Process Model (PM) is developed. It provides the specification of the state space and the transition space of the coordination world. As it is known from the transaction axiom, the C-world consists of the creation of a C-result and every transaction in the C-world exists of the creation of a C-result. So in fact there is a one-toone relationship between this C-result and the causing C-act, these acts are also contained in the PM [Dietz, Enterprise Ontology, 2006]. A collective of a C-result and its causing C-act are called a process step by Dietz. The PM specifies for every process step the information that is needed to perform the step. This is of great importance for this project because in the evaluation phase the findings that were presented by the intermediary will be mapped to the information items from the process steps. This will be further elaborated in chapter 0. The PM of the intermediary is expressed in a Process Structure Diagram (PSD) and an Information Use Table (IUT). Practically the IUT cannot be produced before the State Model (SM) is finished. A part of it is shown in advance in this section. The whole IUT can be found in Appendix C. Figure 3.8 exhibits the legend of the PSD to read the diagram, which will be presented. The symbol of a C-fact type is represented by a disk and a C-act is represented by a small box. The disk is pushed onto the box, because of the one-to-one relationships between the C-result type and the C-act type. The same reasoning holds when pushing the small diamond of a P-fact type onto the small box of the P-act type. All these combined result types represents the process steps in the PSD.
Figure 3.8 Legend of the PSD
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
The PM also provides a full specification of the causal and conditional relationships between the business transactions. Like the previous section, the intermediary case will be used to illustrate the process model of the intermediary. Causal relationships are relationships in which a transaction causes another transaction to start, during or at the completion of transaction. For example, consider the simple activity of buying a pizza from a pizzeria. Here a causal relationship between the delivery of the pizza and the payment of the pizza can be found. Because the successful delivery of the pizza causes the start of the business transaction, in which the delivery of the pizza is paid for. In our case, consider the activity of claiming damage for the client. This activity is shown in the PSD of business process 8 of the intermediary (see Figure 3.9). There exists a causal relationship between the claiming of the damage, the damage expertise carried out by the damage expert and the insurance company that pays out the damage claim. The successful execution of the damage expertise and the authorization by the intermediate to pay out the damage causes the start of the business transaction in which the client is paid. As one can see from the figure, the optional transactions T10 and T09 are enclosed in T08. These transactions are optional because when the intermediary has full authorization on the damage claim, business transaction T09 and T10 don not have to be carried out. The dashed lines in the figure represent the conditional relationships. The completion of one transaction phase forms the condition for the initiation or the completion of another transaction phase. This type of relationship is called a conditional relationship between the business transaction phases. Conditional relationships can only exist within a business process and never between distinct processes. The pizzeria provides us again with an illustrative example. Pizza dough is ordered from a factory and therefore, the delivery of the pizza to their customers can only be performed when the dough is delivered. In our case, the damage claim (T08) is not completed until the damage expertise (T10) has been conducted and the insurance company has agreed upon the payment of the claim (T09). The execution of the transaction T08 has to wait on the acceptance of transaction T09 and T10 before it can be completed.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
CA04 damage expertise
damage claim T08 rq
T08 pm
T10 rq
T10 pm
0..1 T10 ac
T10 st
CA02 0..1
insurance damage claim T09 rq
T09 pm
0..1 T08
T08 ac
T09 ac
T09 st
T08 st
Figure 3.9 PSD of business process 8
The PSD of business process 8 shows that there are two optional transactions (T10 and T09) enclosed in T08. The meaning of this is that if a client wants to claim damage (T08/rq), the responsible actor role A08 has to wait for the validation of the damage expertise, which is performed by the damage expert (this is the damage report created by the damage expert T10/ac). These steps are performed when the intermediary has full authorization for performing this transaction. However, when the intermediary do not have a full authorization it has to wait for the insurance company to complete this transaction (the conformation of the damage and the amount that have to be paid T09/ac).
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Now the other business process of the intermediary will be discussed and illustrated in a chronically way. The PSD of business process 1 is shown in Figure 3.10. As one can see from the figure, actor role CA01 performs the request of transaction T01. Because of the product advice that has to be given, actor role A01 has to perform two acts: T01/pm and T01/ex. The Potential Client can than perform the T01/ac or not. If the potential client does not accept the product advice, he/she will not become a client of the intermediary. An advice concerning a product can be given to anyone who wants an advice. CA01
A01 product advice
T01 rq
T01 pm
T01 ac
T01 st
Figure 3.10 PSD of business process 1 As soon as CA01 has accepted the advice, transaction T02 has to be started to obtain an offer. T02 is referred as the root of the business process 2 (see Figure 3.11). This business process is a shared process that is actually performed by the insurance company (or by the intermediary with the use of software of the insurance company when they are authorized to do so). CA01 performs T02/rq and T02/ac. The insurance company (CA02) performs two acts: T02/pm and T02/ex. CA01
CA02 offer delivery
T02 rq
T02 pm
T02 ac
T02 st
Figure 3.11 PSD of business process 2
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
After the offer is created and accepted by CA01, transaction T03 is initiated by CA01. This can be seen in the PSD of business process 3 (see Figure 3.12) of the intermediary. The policy offer of the Potential Client is created by a shared collaboration between the intermediary and the insurance company. Nevertheless, the insurance company still has the authority to create an offer for the requested policy, which is also the case for business process 2. As it is illustrated in the figure below, CA01 performs T03/pm and T03/ex. As soon as CA01 has accepted the policy offer of the insurance company in close collaboration with the intermediary, CA01 becomes a client of the intermediary and fulfills the role of CA03 (Client).
CA02 policy delivery
T03 rq
T03 pm
T03 ac
T03 st
Figure 3.12 PSD of business process 3
The PSD of business process 4 is shown in Figure 3.13. With this process actor role, CA03 can terminate a policy by performing a T04/rq. This request is granted by actor role CA02 by performing two acts: T04/pm and T04/ex. The acceptance (T04/ac) of the Client terminates the policy officially. This process is also a shared process, which is conducted in collaboration with the insurance company, because they still have the authority for terminating a policy.
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
CA02 policy termination
T04 rq
T04 pm
T04 ac
T04 st
Figure 3.13 PSD of business process 4
Complaints of the clients are processed in the business process 5 of the intermediary. This transaction is initiated by actor role CA03 by requesting (T05/rq). Actor role A05 is an elementary actor role within the intermediary and has the authority to examine these complaints. It therefore performs T05/pm and executes this transaction (T05/ex). After the execution, A05 states (T05/st) the result. The transaction is considered completed, when the result is accepted by CA03.
A05 complaint handling
T05 rq
T05 pm
T05 ac
T05 st
Figure 3.14 PSD of business process 5
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
With the use of business process 6 (see Figure 3.14), transport certificates are produced for the clients that desires one. Transport certificates are special certificates that one needs to transport goods or other specific tangible products from one place to another. To obtain such a certificate, actor CA03 has to initiate transaction T06 by performing the T06/rq. This certificate is produced by the insurance company in close collaboration with the intermediary and therefore has to perform two acts: T06/pm and T06/ex. CA03
T06 rq
CA02 transport certificate delivery
T06 pm
T06 ac
T06 st
Figure 3.15 PSD of business process 6 Business process 7 (see Figure 3.16) is produced to provide the possibility for the continuation of policies. By the law, this functionality has to be provided by an insurance company. Therefore, the client, which performs the role of CA03, has to request this annually by performing the T07/rq. The insurance company grants the continuation by performing two acts: T07/pm and T07/ex. CA03
CA02 policy continuation
T07 rq
T07 pm
T07 ac
T07 st
Figure 3.16 PSD of business process 7
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
The PM can be used for many applications. In the case of the intermediary, it can be very useful as the starting point for requirements engineering regarding information system. The PSD and the IUT contains all the information and leaves no room for unnecessary requirements that is needed for a good discussion. In addition, at the same time it guarantees that nothing will be forgotten. The process that we have identified focuses on the core of the organization. These are the ontological business processes. When one wishes a more detailed view of the organization, which is extremely useful for information system development, one can also identify the datalogical and infological processes. Datalogical processes are processes that describe how and where the data is saved. The writing of reports is also a datalogical process. Infological processes are more reasoning on the data that is stored and computed it so that it can be used to make decisions. This implies that the use of this methodology can improve the design of the dossier systems and that it can be an aid to improve the workflow of the financial services. One can make reasonable that the improvement of the workflow also contribute to the time aspect of the financial services so that they can be produced more rapidly. Table 3.4 exhibits a part of the UIT of the intermediary and contains the information of all business processes. Table 3.4 Part of the IUT of the intermediary Object Class, fact type, or result type PRODUCT P is the product in A clientdateof birth CLIENT clientage clientaddress clientbanknumber POLICY offertimeperiod clientpolicynumber #policiesofclient policytimeperiod policyfee CERTIFICATE TC is part of PO certificatefee DAMAGE #damageofclient claimclient CLAIM The claim of D is CL E is expertise of CL YEAR COMPLAINT
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
3.3 The State Model (SM) The State Model (SM) provides a complete and precise specification of all the information that is created and/or used by the organization of the intermediary. In other words, it provides a specification on the state of the production world. The SM consists of object classes, fact types, and result types and as well of the existential laws that hold. The Object Fact Diagram (OFD) is the graphical representation that is issued to represent the SM. The Object Property List (OPL) is an addition to the SM and specifies correct fact types, which can be mathematical functions. From which the range of the fact types is a set of values. The OFD is fully based on the World Ontology Specification Language (WOSL). The graphical notation that is applied to construct the OFD and supports the WOSL is the fact oriented conceptual modeling language ORM (Object Role Modeling). The legend of the OFD is presented partly in Figure 3.17 and Figure 3.18. Generally, two kinds of facts are known which can be derived or original. The derived facts are constructed by the means of logical deduction or by mathematical calculations. The results generated when executing business transactions are the original facts. This means that when a transaction process is successful completed, the predicate of the proposition becomes the fact. This states that all the facts, whether it is an original or a derived fact, are results of the successful execution of the business transaction processes. The facts as described above consist of original information and derived information that are considered in the State Model. Derived information is referred as information that is derived by derivation rules that state how the derived information is determined and what the original facts from the basic material for the derived information.
Figure 3.17 Legend of the OFD (part 1)
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Figure 3.18 Legend of the OFD (Part 2) In the OFD, the facts are stated as elementary natural language sentences. An elementary sentence is an object that has a property or has a relationship with other objects. These sentences cannot be divided in smaller parts without losing information. In DEMO, an elementary part is considered the smallest existing part. So the elementary natural language is considered as the smallest information unit. All the contents that can be expressed in the OFD and the OPL are fully determined by its Action Model (AM). Therefore, the SM is a truly objective model of an organization and only the relevant information items for the operation of the organization are presented. Table 3.5 shows the part of the OPL of the intermediary. Table 3.5 Part of the OPL of the intermediary property type clientdateof birth clientage(*) clientaddress clientbanknumber offertimeperiod clientpolicynumber #policiesofclient(*) policytimeperiod policyfee #damageofclient(*) claimclient certificatefee
DEMO introduced to financial services Chapter 3. Applying DEMO to financial services S.S.R.W. Algoe BSc. V.R.K. Boedhram BSc.
Three of the properties in the OPL, indicated by asterisks are derived fact types. The derivation rules of these properties are stated as follows: clientage(C) = currentdate - clientdateofbirth(C), converted for calendar #policiesofclient(P) = sum total of all the policies of C #damagedofclient(D) = sum total of all the damages of C Figure 3.19 shows that the intermediary has seven core categories, “CLIENT”, “PRODUCT ADVICE”, “CERTIFICATE”, “POLICY”, “CLAIM”, “DAMAGE” and “COMPLAINT”, of which instances are created by the intermediary. There are two external objects classes: PRODUCT and YEAR. The little diamonds that are connected to the categories represent the result types that are created within these states. From the diagram, one can see that a product advice is unique and that one product can have one or more unique advices. In addition, a product advice is given to a client and a client can get one or more unique advice for a product. F01