f e b r ua r I 2011 18 th vo lum e ed I t I o n 2
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Inhoudsopgave | Colofon
Index Preface E di tor Fi duc i e
C a s p er Fr a n sz
Colofon Uitgever Financiële Studievereniging Amsterdam Redactie Casper Fransz (hoofdredacteur) Gabor Ruigrok Druk Grafiplan Nederland B.V. Opmaak Hetgasbedrijf B.V. Advertenties Fiducie verschijnt vier keer per jaar. Voor Advertenties kan contact worden opgenomen met de Financiele Studievereniging Amsterdam
Interviews: Sustainab il it y: verw even m et de kern van bu siness
Ra l p h T h u r m ( Del oi tte) Sustainabil it y assurance en de accountant
Peter Ei m er s ( PwC ) Articles: The evolution of sustainability reporting by
international firms 3
An s Kol k THE INTEGRAT I ON OF DECI SI ON MAK I NG AND RE PORTING 20 Br en d a n O ’Dw yer Sustai nabl e Insi g h t – Account i ng for Wat er
Pi eter va n ’t Hof f & Ba r en d va n Ber g en ( KPM G ) Dui senberg sch ool of f i nance – Ask an ex pert
Nor een a Her t z
© 2010 FSA Hoewel deze uitgave de uiterste zorg is nagestreefd kan voor de aanwezigheid van eventuele (druk)fouten en andersoortige onvolledigheden niet worden ingestaan en aanvaarden de auteur(s), redacteur(en) en uitgever in deze geen aansprakelijkheid. Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar worden gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen, of enig andere manier, zonder vooraf gaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever.
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31-01-11 12:36
We gaan geen penalty schieten of een balletje hooghouden, dus laat je voetbalschoenen maar thuis! We trappen de dagen af met een ‘warming-up’, in de vorm van een lunch, zodat je voldoende energie in huis hebt voor de afwisselende workshops. Uiteraard zorgen we ook dit jaar weer voor een originele afsluiting tijdens de verlenging! WIL JIJ OPGENOMEN WORDEN IN DE SELECTIE? Ga dan naar www.werkenbijbdo.nl en meld je aan vóór 15 maart a.s. Wil je eerst nog meer informatie? Neem dan contact op met Eveline Stam, recruiter, tel: (020) 543 21 00 of per e-mail: [email protected] BLIJF OP DE HOOGTE! Volg ons - @werkenbijbdo - op twitter #bdo12tje
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 4
31-01-11 12:36
Preface Editor Fiducie
Accounting for Sustainability In the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Professor Eimers of PwC and Thurm of Deloitte,
and as a result of the financial crisis the relevance
both specialists within sustainability assurance.
of social and environmental reporting has increased.
Both provide us with their view and experience
The public backlash after these catastrophes has
on developments within sustainability assurance.
been enormous and both the public and politicians
KPMG has contributed an article on water
demand more social and environmental awareness
accountancy. Professor O’Dwyer (UvA) contributes
from companies. It is not enough for firms to say
an article on the processes underlying sustainability
they are conscious of sustainability issues. They have
reporting at British Telecom and Professor Kolk
to proof it as well.
(UvA) provides an analysis on the evolution of sustainable reporting by the largest international
Each year Fiducie has an issue dedicated to
firms. Finally, Professor Hertz of the Duisenberg
accountancy. This year’s topic is Accounting for
school of finance elaborates on the general scope of
Sustainability. While the financial crisis and the BP
oil spill certainly have piqued interest for social and environmental reporting, the past decade has seen a
Fiducie, the academic journal of the Financial Study
steady increase in public awareness for sustainability
Association Amsterdam is published each quarter
and its relevance to firms. With the increased
presenting relevant developments related to business
relevance sustainability has to the public and firms,
and economics. I would like to thank you as reader
accountancy standards have been developed as well.
for your interest and hope you enjoy reading the
The field has developed tremendously the past years
and the Global Reporting Initiative has created the paradigm upon which most sustainability reports are build. However, sustainability is inherently qualitative in nature and context(or firm)-specific. Thus, the rules and regulations for sustainability assurance are not as fixed or rigid as those for financial reports. As sustainability reporting has such a large scope and is still very much in development,
Casper Fransz Head Editor Fiducie
both academics and specialists still have a lot of learning to do before there will be consensus on one generally accepted framework. This edition will cover aspects such as the way sustainability affects the role of the accountant, developments within sustainability accounting and case studies. We start with interviews with
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Sustainability: verweven met de kern van business
Ralph Thurm
Ralph Thurm is a leading professional in sustainability strategies, operational sustainability, sustainability change management and sustainability reporting. With more than 20 years experience working for major corporates, industry federations, governments and NGOs all over the world, Ralph adds value as a consultant, trainer, moderator or writer on a huge variety of sustainability topics. He is Interview by Casper Fransz
currently working as Director Sustainability Strategies at Deloitte in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Voordat u bij Deloitte werkte, werkte u bij het Global
als gevolg van deze transparantie. Reputatie
transparantie en de communitybuilding op internet.
Reporting Initiative (GRI). Zag u in die tijd een
aspecten naar de buitenwereld waren nu ook een
Ze maken daardoor op nieuwe manieren met diverse
tendens van bedrijven naar betere sustainability
stuk tastbaarder. Deze gevolgen leidde bij bedrijven
en andere stakeholders contact. Deze bedrijven zien
tot meer eminentie op het gebied van sustainability.
dat de huidige vorm van bedrijfsuitvoering een
Zeker. Voordat ik bij GRI werkte, werkte ik bij
gevaar is voor de toekomst van hun organisatie.
Siemens (rond 1998-1999) en was ik daar bezig
Momenteel zijn we qua kwaliteit van het
Bij sommige grote bedrijven wordt er ook gezegd:
met de sustainability strategie. Ik heb geholpen
sustainability management een stap verder dan
“shareholder value is leuk, maar wij willen over 20
met het opstellen van een vocabulaire op het
tien jaar geleden. Eerst was je een niche binnen
jaar nog wel bestaan”. Zij moeten daardoor veel meer
gebied van sustainability omdat het voor een
een bedrijf en moest je vechten tegen het stigma
weten dan wat er in het huidig jaarverslag staat en
bedrijf dat gevestigd is in 190 landen erg belangrijk
van windmolens. Nu is er een brede interesse bij
deze internalisatie van het probleem heeft ook
en noodzakelijk is om een gemeenschappelijke
bedrijven over het thema. Wat we nu zien is een
weerslag op het succes van het bedrijf. Accounting
taal te hebben. Daardoor was ik betrokken bij de
vorm van integratie over het thema binnen bedrijven
methoden zullen mee moeten ontwikkelen. Er
ontwikkeling van het GRI netwerk vanaf het
waarbij verschillende afdelingen betrokken zijn en
moet ingespeeld worden op alle succesfactoren
begin, al voordat ik ook daadwerkelijk een functie
andere vaardigheden nodig zijn. Dat verhoogt de
die er binnen een bedrijf zijn en hoe de huidige
bij het GRI vervulde. Ik heb de ontwikkelingen
samenwerking met betrekking tot sustainability.
ontwikkelingen de succeskansen van het bedrijf in
meegemaakt vanuit een grote onderneming die deze
Dat zie je met name in de trend naar integrated
de toekomst beïnvloeden. Dat is nu niet het geval.
guidelines zou kunnen gaan toepassen.
reporting. Dat zie ik dan ook als de ontwikkeling voor de komende vijf tot tien jaar. Ontwikkelingen
In een door u geschreven artikel (Two Worlds
In die tijd heb ik ook gezien hoe bedrijven het thema
beginnen daar al vorm te krijgen zonder dat er
Collide – One World to Emerge!) heeft u het erover
van sustainability reporting hebben omarmd. In de
extern normen zijn gesteld. Proactieve bedrijven
dat bedrijven in verslagen meer blijk moeten geven
begintijd was de environmental manager van een
gaan daarin voorop uit strategische behoefte om hun
van de positie die zij hebben, ook in verhouding
bedrijf vaak op zoek naar een uitbreiding van het
commitment te laten zien binnen een framework
tot concurrenten, ten op zichten van de belangrijke
thema binnen het bedrijf waarbij hij werkte. GRI
waar eigenlijk nog geen echte richtlijnen bestaan.
vraagstukken binnen hun industrie. Wat bedoelt u hier
speelde daar destijds op in. Ik zie sustainability ook,
De standaardzetters (waaronder GRI) kunnen op
precies mee?
en dat bedoel ik helemaal niet negatief, als een soort
heel goed profiteren van het werk dat trendzetters
In de toekomst zal de succesmeeting zoals we die nu
van Paard van Troje. In de zin dat extern van het
hebben verzet.
kennen, de financiële, slechts één onderdeel zijn van
bedrijf een bewustwording werd gecreëerd die intern
de totale succesmeting van een bedrijf. Daarnaast
zal moeten worden toegepast. De GRI gaf bedrijven
Wat is de belangrijkste oorzaak van de verschuiving
zal een bedrijf in de toekomst bovendien worden
de mogelijkheid om zich te vergelijken met elkaar en
in het belang voor bedrijven van sustainability
beoordeeld op basis van de profilering van andere
dat verhoogt de transparantie onderling. Ook zagen
aspecten die het succes van een bedrijf beïnvloeden.
bedrijven dat het mogelijk was om op bepaalde
Bedrijven krijgen steeds meer ervaring met grote
Daarbij moet men denken aan carbonaccounting, of
gebieden geld te besparen, efficiëntie te verhogen,
macro-economische trends die er bestaan, verhoogde
beter emissieaccounting, of het Ruggie Framework.
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“Bij sommige grote bedrijven wordt er ook gezegd: Shareholder value is leuk, maar wij willen over 20 jaar nog wel bestaan.” Die laatste houdt zich bezig met human rights due
korte termijn, terwijl de lange termijn vaak des te meer
u olieproducenten. Dit is een industrie waarbij het
diligence. Dit worden modules die een bedrijf in staat
interessant is omdat daar strategische beslissingen en
mogelijk is op een lange termijn voorspellingen te doen.
stellen beoordelingen te maken over de gevolgde
macro-economische zaken een rol spelen. Wie bepaalt
Hoe moeten bedrijven waar veranderingen gebeuren
strategie. Dus in hoeverre de verschillende aspecten
wat de belangrijkste punten zijn waarop bedrijven
op veel kortere termijn zulke lange termijn strategieën
van de bedrijfsstrategie van toegevoegde waarde zijn,
zich moeten richten?
of ze positief tegenover het vraagstuk staan of dat ze
Uit het proces wat ik ken van de GRI guidelines,
Er zijn volgens mij altijd macro-economische
wellicht een onderdeel van het probleem zijn.
die geen tick-the-box methode hanteren, komt
ontwikkelingen waar je op moet inspelen. Ook een
naar voren dat bedrijven uit een conversatie met
industrie waar veranderingen korte termijn zijn zoals
In de olie-industrie is duidelijk te zien dat de
alle stakeholders een zoektocht moeten voeren
de kledingbranche heeft op lange termijn een visie
opportuniteitskosten van het produceren van olie
naar relevante industriespecifieke problemen waar
nodig. Zo is er een schaarste aan mogelijkheden om
steeds hoger worden doordat olie niet onuitputtelijk
rekening mee moet worden gehouden. Samen
grondstoffen van kleding te krijgen. Daarnaast kan
is. Dit is onderdeel van een groter macro-
moeten zij bepalen wat de meest belangrijke
men zich afvragen hoe de productie van kleding in de
economisch probleem en zal de technologie erg gaan
punten zijn waarop gefocust moet worden. Dit
toekomst plaatsvindt, hoe het zit met merkenrecht,
beïnvloeden waarin oliemaatschappijen investeren
moet leiden tot een lijst met thema’s die bestaan of
transport of hoe het zit met de teruglevering van
om onafhankelijker te worden van olie. De vraag is
thema’s die op dat moment in ontwikkeling zijn.
kleding. Zo is er voor elke industrie een scala aan
nu, hoe gaan oliebedrijven op deze situatie reageren?
Een thema dat nu naar voren komt is bijvoorbeeld
thema’s die relevant kunnen zijn, ook al zie je die in
Wat wordt de balans tussen de traditionele cashcows
human rights. Tien jaar geleden sprak niemand
eerste instantie niet per se.
en de nieuwe manieren waarop zij energie kunnen
daarover in bedrijfsverslagen. Het werd gezien als
opwekken? Er zijn bedrijven die zich hebben willen
een politiek spel en mensen wilden het daar graag
Wat helpt bij deze industrieën is om te kijken naar
profileren als een duurzaam bedrijf, terwijl er maar
houden. Echter, nu komen er steeds meer bedrijven
de volledige value chain of value cycle. Eigenlijk
een paar procent van de winst werd geïnvesteerd in
naar voren die duidelijk willen maken dat dit een
moet je dan vaststellen of er verliezers zijn in deze
onderzoek naar duurzaam produceren. Dat is een
belangrijke kwestie is voor hun.
keten en hoe je dit dan kan oplossen. De spelers in
enorme disbalans. Ze komen er nu achter dat deze
de industrieën moeten dan op hoger bestuurlijk
investeringen op grotere schaal hadden moeten
Je ziet momenteel ook een trend van Global Action
niveau bepalen welke maatregelen er moeten
plaatsvinden. Bedrijven moeten zichzelf de vraag
Networks, waarbij bedrijven opzoek gaan naar
worden genomen. Dit zal dan leiden tot een heel
stellen hoe zij over 20 jaar kunnen opereren, en of
antwoorden op problemen waar politici om een of
hoog niveau van transparantie.
zij überhaupt wel over 20 jaar kunnen bestaan. Als
andere reden geen oplossing op kunnen verzinnen.
bedrijf moet je op dat soort vragen een antwoord
De GRI valt ook onder deze noemer.
hebben want anders heb je geen echte visie.
Lange termijn statements zijn vaak kwalitatief van aard. In hoeverre is het dan mogelijk voor investeerders
U geeft als voorbeeld voor bedrijven die zich,
om grote groepen bedrijven met elkaar te vergelijken?
In uw artikel geeft u tevens aan dat de huidige
vrijwillig dan wel noodgedwongen, bezighouden
Als eerste is het belangrijk om type investeerders
verslaggeving van bedrijven zich teveel focust op de
met sustainability strategieën. Als voorbeeld gebruikte
te onderscheiden van elkaar. Een pensioenfonds
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Belangen afwegen… daar weten wij alles van. Hoe los je schijnbaar tegenstrijdige zaken op? Liever een biertje drinken met je vrienden of toch maar het tentamen voor morgen leren? Het lijkt misschien een makkelijke keuze, maar welke kant je ook kiest, beide kanten hebben gevolgen. Dilemma’s oplossen is bij het Rijk alledaagse kost. Je bent steeds weer bezig met het verenigen van belangen en het samenbrengen van (ogenschijnlijke) tegenstellingen, op elk terrein, voor de hele maatschappij. Bij het Rijk kun je dus alle kanten op. Zowel tussen de ministeries als binnen de ministeries. De beleidsterreinen bij het Rijk zijn enorm gevarieerd: veiligheid op straat, afvalbeheer, wachtlijsten, internetcriminaliteit, klimaatverandering, voedselveiligheid, infrastructuur en nog veel meer. Er werken onder meer economen, accountants, auditors, bedrijfskundigen, beleidsmedewerkers, controllers en financieel specialisten. Nieuwsgierig? Kijk dan op onze website wat je mogelijkheden zijn, bijvoorbeeld bij ‘stages/afstuderen’ of ‘vacatures’. Of word jij een van onze nieuwe rijkstrainees?
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“Als belegger kun je wel een risico aangaan dat je inmiddels niet of zelden terug kunt vinden in “Bedrijven moeten zichzelf de vraag stellen hoe zij Westerse markten“ over 20 jaar kunnen opereren, en of zij überhaupt wel over 20 jaar kunnen bestaan. Als bedrijf moet je op dat soort vragen een antwoord hebben want anders heb je geen echte visie.“ investeert met een andere doelstelling dan een
investeerders aan bedrijven om informatie vragen
obligatie-investeerder of assetmanager. Deze
en deze onderzoeken. In deze onderzoeken gaan
investeerders hebben allen verschillende behoeften.
miljarden dollars om. Er is dus wel degelijk interesse
Een interessante ontwikkeling is dat een groot
naar sustainability binnen de financiële wereld, ondanks
deel van de behoefte naar sustainability reporting
dat het wellicht niet wordt geuit door alle markt spelers.
of integrated reporting vanuit de financiële wereld komt. Er zullen altijd mensen zijn die niet naar deze
U heeft het over de relatie tussen de financiële
rapporten zullen kijken en handelen op basis van
wereld en sustainability experts. Deze relatie zou
de waan van de dag maar de grotere market players
kunnen worden versterkt door het hebben van één
hebben wel degelijk behoefte aan deze informatie.
gemeenschappelijke taal tussen alle experts. Denkt u
Ik geloof argumenten als “de markt wil maar een
dat er in dit opzicht nog veel vertaal problematiek is?
of twee indicatoren om daarop hun beslissing te
Het is erg wenselijk dat het vocabulaire wordt
nemen” niet, ik denk dat de markt juist heel veel meer
aangepast. Ik merk in de discussie tussen financiële
informatie wil hebben mits het de juiste informatie
markt spelers en niet-financiële markt spelers dat
is. Ik denk dat de nieuwe ontwikkeling naar de G4
er wel een soort van vergelijkbare opvatting is over
Guidelines van de GRI en de ontwikkeling naar
sustainability maar niet een gelijke mening en dat
integrated reporting eraan moeten bijdragen om
heeft nog heel vaak te maken met taalgebruik.
nuttige informatie te verschaffen aan de markt.
Terwijl wij nu op pad zijn naar integratie, denk ik
dat er nog voldoende huiswerk moet worden gedaan Naar mijn mening investeren investeerders niet per
op het gebied van taal. Bij de constructie van de
se in een bedrijf. Vaak zijn ze erg geïnteresseerd in
derde generatie GRI Guidelines zijn bijvoorbeeld
een bepaalde productlijn of onderdeel van een bedrijf.
financiële markt spelers uitgenodigd om deel te
Als een oliemaatschappij nu veel zou investeren
nemen. Het heeft echter wel lang geduurd, twee à
in duurzame energie, dan trekt dat investeerders
drie jaar, voordat de financiële sector ook echt wat
aan die anders wellicht niet in dit bedrijf zouden
heeft gedaan met deze guidelines en de taal die de
investeren. Door de informatie over deze aspecten
GRI ook gebruikt. Dit is echter een doorgaand
vrij te geven, kunnen andere types investeerders ook
proces waar ook in de toekomst aandacht aan zal
geïnteresseerd raken in het bedrijf.
moeten worden besteed. Het is daarom noodzaak om goed te kijken naar alle soorten taalgebruik om
Er zijn al heel veel netwerken binnen de financiële
achteraf frictie te vermijden.
wereld, waaronder de UN PRI en het Carbon Disclosure Project, die op grote schaal voor
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 9
For reactions, please mail to [email protected]
31-01-11 12:36
Sustainability assurance en de accountant
Peter Eimers
Peter Eimers is partner bij PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. Zijn deskundigheid ligt op het terrein van audit methodologie, audit innovatie en nieuwe assurance services. Peter is als directeur van PricewaterhouseCoopers Certification B.V. betrokken bij de verificatie van emissierechten. Hij is tevens hoogleraar Auditing aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam en vice-voorzitter van de Commissie Controlevraagstukken van het Koninklijk NIVRA en lid van de Commissie Eindtermen Interview by Casper Fransz
Accountantsopleiding (CEA).
Bent u het eens met de stelling dat sustainability
verandert nog steeds, maar de afhankelijkheid
assurance de belangrijkste ontwikkeling binnen
neemt enkel maar toe. Als die leverancier zijn
bijvoorbeeld de werkwijze van creditrating
accountancy wordt in de komende tien jaar?
afspraken niet nakomt, wat doe je dan om het op
agencies. De kritiek die je hoort is dat ze bijna
Ja, maar dat wordt tegelijkertijd ook al tien
te vangen? Je bent veel afhankelijker van elkaar.
onschendbaar zijn. Ze geven aan onafhankelijk
jaar geroepen. Accountants kunnen wel zeggen
Dan wil je zekerheid dat wat je aangeleverd krijgt
te zijn maar er is niemand die toezicht op hen
dat het relevant is en dat accountants de
betrouwbaar is, zeker als je aan elkaars systemen
heeft. Voor accountants staat onafhankelijk altijd
aangewezen personen zijn om dit te toetsen.
raakt. Iemand moet de zekerheid kunnen geven.
centraal. De regels van onafhankelijkheid van
Echter, accountants moeten die positie wel eerst
accountants zijn streng en als accountant ben je
veroveren; er moet wel vraag naar zijn. Destijds
In hoeverre ligt dat dan nog steeds binnen het
ook gewend om je daar constant van bewust te
met de internetbubble toen was er een product
gebied van accountancy?
zijn. Accountants hebben een robuust raamwerk
vanuit Amerika genaamd Webtrust. Accountants
Dat kan verschillende vormen hebben. De
op basis waarvan zij toetsen.
gaven dan een spreekwoordelijke stempel op een
accountant is van nature gewend om iets vast te
website dat de site betrouwbaar was. De redenering
stellen. Accountants hebben de reputatie opgebouwd
Ik merk dat klanten een afweging in maken rond
was dat accountants goed waren in IT en dat de
dat ze onafhankelijk en betrouwbaar zijn. Historisch
prijs en kwaliteit. De accountant is namelijk soms
maatschappij behoefte had aan zo’n waarmerk. .
gezien ging dat over jaarrekeningen. Maar die
duurder. Dat kan in prijs zijn, maar ook in het
Er gebeurde helemaal niks in die markt, want er
methodologie, dat denkkader van toetsen aan een
aantal dagen dat je bezig bent. Dat komt dan
bleek geen vraag om de betrouwbaarheid van
norm en vaststelling of die norm wel geschikt is, dat
doordat wij vinden dat wij een kwaliteitswaarborg
websites te laten testen door accountants.
is iets van accountants. Er zijn daarnaast bijvoorbeeld
moeten neerzetten om terecht die handtekening
ook ISO certificerings bedrijven. Echter, het is geen
te zetten. De waardering daarvoor is vaak
Daarnaast zijn bedrijven en instellingen de
gegeven dat zij met dezelfde diepgang toetsen als
wel aanwezig. Maar niet iedereen vindt die
afgelopen jaren enorm veranderd door de
accountants. Het is namelijk niet alleen toetsen of de
robuustheid even belangrijk. .
globalisering en digitalisering van de maatschappij.
norm wordt doorgevoerd zoals voorgeschreven. Een
Als je bijvoorbeeld tien jaar geleden aan een
accountant vraagt ook de vraag of het functioneel
Het is dus geen gegeven dat sustainability en de
koekjesfabrikant zou zeggen dat zijn zaak zou
is. Als Coca-Cola bijvoorbeeld een sustainability
toetsing daarvan bij accountants terecht komt?
veranderen door internet dan had die je raar
verslag uitgeeft over maar het woord water komt er
Als ik de CO2 markt waar ik zelf actief in ben
aangekeken. Maar elke markt is veranderd. Bakt
niet in voor, dan mist het relevantie. Een accountant
als voorbeeld neem, zie ik een gereguleerde markt
hij nog steeds wel koek? Is hij overgenomen? Welke
zou dan de vraag moeten stellen waarom er niets over
door de Europese wetgeving. Maar de generieke
klanten bedient hij – Nederland, wereldwijd? Hoe
water in het verslag staat. Het is de mindset waarbij
sustainability markt is op dit moment nog vrijwillig.
is zijn concurrentie veranderd? Hoe doet hij zaken –
de accountant zich afvraagt of de achterliggende
Er zijn daar wel aanvaarde verslaggevingregels door
waar komen zijn leveranciers vandaan? Die wereld
doelstelling wel bereikt wordt.
GRI, maar de normen die GRI heeft opgesteld zijn
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31-01-11 12:36
nogal high-level; de onderneming moet die verder
duurzaam bankieren dan heeft dat waarde. Het
gaan invullen. Vergeleken met bijvoorbeeld IFRS is
beïnvloedt de beslissing van consumenten positief.
het minder uitgekauwd en is er veel meer ruimte
Hoewel dat natuurlijk wel meer geldt voor het ene
voor eigen invulling. Elke ondernemer kan er dus
bedrijf dan voor het andere. Ook voor personeel kan
een andere kant ermee op. En dan wordt het lastig
het een reden zijn om voor jouw bedrijf te kiezen.
om bedrijven met elkaar te vergelijken. Bovendien
Omgekeerd zijn er ook bewegingen. Echter, de
is het minder makkelijk voor een accountant om het
drijvende factor voor zekerheid bij niet-financiële
afdwingbaar te maken.
is de enorme groei in onderlinge
afhankelijkheid tussen partijen waar ik het in mijn Het is dus belangrijk dat bedrijven meewerken.
eerste antwoord over had. Daardoor ontstaat er een
Maar waar zit de waarde dan in voor bedrijven
behoefte naar betrouwbare informatie. Dat kan op
om een sustainability rapport op te stellen?
individuele basis zijn waarbij een ondernemer zijn
Vertrouwen komt te voet en gaat te paard. Je kunt
uitbestede activiteiten en processen getoetst wil
niet enkel zeggen dat je goed voor je omgeving
hebben. Dat is dus tussen partijen en iets anders
bent, dat zal uit je daden moeten blijken. Als
dan een sustainability verslag voor het brede publiek
ondernemer zal je consistente signalen moeten
waar wij het zonet over hadden. Die algemene
opbouwen. En dan helpt het als je zowel intern
sustainability verslagen zijn wel een markt, maar er
als extern die consistentie een body geeft. Je
is veel meer. Denk bijvoorbeeld een telecombedrijf
geloofwaardigheid naar buiten toe wordt ook
dat moet rapporteren aan de OPTA waarbij de
bepaald door hoe je intern acteert. Een rapport
accountant een assurance rapport bij verstrekt.
helpt het bewustzijn in de onderneming en
Dat soort zaken zijn minder zichtbaar maar wel
als je dat ook laat toetsen is de kans dat het
relevant als je het hebt over ontwikkelingen binnen
daadwerkelijkheid zo wordt uitgevoerd als hoe
het management het aangeeft groter. Voor de buitenwereld help het in de geloofwaardigheid.
Doordat er zoveel behoefte is aan meer informatie zie je de jaarrekeningen nogal uitdijen. Er is
Waar zit dan het winstoogmerk?
daarom behoefte aan gecomprimeerde informatie
Dat heeft alles te maken met reputatie. Als
waarbij het niet alleen maar gaat over financiële
je bijvoorbeeld kijkt hoe Triodos bank enorm
cijfers, maar ook over het doen en laten op andere
gegroeid is de laatste jaren door de boodschap van
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 11
31-01-11 12:36
Eigen klanten is voor mij een uitdaging
We zijn de grootste zelfstandige accountants- en adviesorganisatie in Nederland en groeien nog steeds. Met ongeveer 1.600 medewerkers bedienen we vanuit 47 kantoren 44.000 cliënten. Wil jij een actieve bijdrage leveren aan die stijgende lijn? We bieden je graag alle kansen om je eigen koers te bepalen. En dat zeggen we niet zomaar. We streven naar innovatie, creativiteit en kennisontwikkeling. Eigenschappen als lef, gedrevenheid en puurheid kunnen we daarbij goed gebruiken. Overigens zorgen we niet alleen voor volop mogelijkheden om je ambities waar te maken, maar ook voor een gezonde balans tussen werken en vrije tijd.
www.werkenbijacconavm.nl Ruimte voor onder nemen ! 1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 12 104028 AcconAvm 210x297f Forfaitair Df.indd 1
31-01-11 12:36 24-02-2010 16:53:40
“Als belegger kun je wel een risico aangaan dat je inmiddels niet of zelden terug kunt vinden in Westerse markten“ “De groei van sustainability zit niet in de algemene sustainability, maar in het inspelen op de focusgebieden.“ Dat is dus wat bedoeld wordt met integrated
de vraag is of de maatschappij daar wel op zit te
wachten. Niet alles is wellicht in de toekomst
Ja. Neem bijvoorbeeld het jaarverslag van Van
relevant. Dus ik denk dat de aandacht zich meer
Gansewinkel Groep. Die heeft een verslag
zal richten op deelgebieden waar je anderen raakt.
gemaakt wat eigenlijk een directieverslag is met
Dat kan bijvoorbeeld een outsourcing partner zijn.
samengevatte financiële jaarcijfers. Daarbij vragen
Maar het kan ook komen doordat de politiek
zij zich af: wat is nu relevant voor de maatschappij?
een bepaald raakvlak belangrijk vindt. Denk
Ons doen en laten, dus een directieverslag inclusief
bijvoorbeeld aan een luchtvaartmaatschappij en
sustainability. Wat je dan in dit geval ziet is dat
CO2 emissies. Dat zijn elementen van schaarste,
sustainability heel centraal staat voor dit bedrijf,
van publieke belangen. Sustainability is wellicht
een afvalbedrijf. Afval bestaat niet is dan ook hun
te breed. De groei van sustainability zit niet in de
slogan. Qua mindset is dat een hele goede en dan
algemene sustainability, maar in het inspelen op
helpt het als je dit consistent uitdraagt.
de focusgebieden.
Ook in IFRS zie je steeds meer niet-financiële informatie
For reactions, please mail to [email protected]
risicoprofiel van je debiteuren. Dan kijk je naar de toekomst, terwijl de jaarrekening eigenlijk historisch is. In het jaarverslag staat een stuk over internal controls en governance. Dat zit niet in de jaarrekening en de vraag is dan of de accountant daar ook iets over moet zeggen. Dat hoeft dus niet, maar dat is wel gek. Wat je daarom ziet bij integrated reporting is dat al deze zaken in elkaar schuiven. Waar denkt u dat de komende jaren de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen zullen zijn binnen sustainability? Zoals sustainability tot nu toe werd neergezet is het hele doen en laten van de onderneming. Maar
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 13
31-01-11 12:36
the evolution of sustainability reporting by international firms Prof. dr. Ans Kolk
Ans Kolk is Full Professor at the University of Amsterdam Business School, the Netherlands. Her areas of research, teaching and publications are in corporate social responsibility and environmental management, especially in relation to the strategy and management of international business firms, and international policy. Professor Kolk has published in a range of international journals, including Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business and Harvard Business Review. She has also been involved in many international projects on strategy, organisation and disclosure
Ans Kolk
related to social and environmental issues, in cooperation with different private, public and civil society organisations (including the KPMG international surveys of environmental/sustainability reporting
Full Professor, University of Amsterdam Business
in 1998/1999, 2001/2002 and 2004/2005). She is also active in various roles for (non-)governmental
organisations, companies and academic networks in the Netherlands.
Attention to the social and environmental
firms: consistent reporters, late adopters, laggards,
frequently in stand-alone reports, but otherwise as
dimensions of business activities has increased
inconsistent reporters, and consistent non-reporters
part of financial reports (Kolk, 2005a). The labels
considerably, and is frequently linked to firms’
(for more details, see Kolk, 2010). Implications for
used for such reporting have varied considerably,
economic impact in the notion of sustainability or
research and practice are discussed.
triple bottom line (triple P) (Elkington, 1997), to
development to corporate (social) responsibility and
point to the need for managers to focus concurrently
Background on developments and drivers
on People (social), Planet (environmental) and
Attention to sustainability and the role of
Profit (economic). Current interest in the role that
multinationals is not an entirely new phenomenon.
Research on reporting has sometimes included both
firms (can) play to further sustainability has been
Already from the 1970s onwards at least, there have
environmental and social aspects as well, following
preceded by a period in which non-governmental
been considerable societal, policy and academic
the original approach from the field of environmental
organisations campaigned against the negative
concerns related to role of multinationals, at the
and social accounting (e.g. Gray et al., 1985). In many
implications of globalisation in general and the
time specifically in developing countries, and their
cases, however, studies have focused on one of the two,
power of multinational firms in particular. In this
environmental and social impact. The 1970s also
most often the environment, as also reflected in two
setting, multinationals started to increase their
witnessed a first wave of corporate accountability
review articles published in recent years (Berthelot et
accountability to stakeholders on environmental
in the form of so-called social reports published
al., 2003; Lee & Hutchison, 2005). Originating from
and social issues, most notably by publishing
by firms in the US and Western Europe, many
the accounting discipline, these two articles have
reports in which they expressed their commitment
of them multinationals. In the 1980s, however,
yielded an overview of aspects related to voluntary
and outlined activities undertaken to prevent
this social reporting lost momentum as it was not
disclosure by firms, including the factors that have
environmental pollution, human rights violations
institutionalised, and interest faded away (Dierkes
played a role in furthering the trend (see also Kolk,
and other ‘externalities’ of international trade and
& Antal, 1986; Kolk, 2005a).
2005a). It should be noted, however, that several
production. Nowadays, reporting by international
corporate citizenship.
interrelated aspects play a role, or as Deegan (2002,
firms about the social and environmental dimensions
In the late 1980s, non-financial reporting re-
p. 291) put it, ‘expecting that one motivation might
of their activities – alongside their economic impacts
emerged, but this time with a particular focus
dominate all others would be unrealistic’.
– has become rather common. In this article I give
on environmental issues (Berthelot et al., 2003),
a brief overview of the evolution and peculiarities
and disclosure has grown substantially since. In
Hence, publications have likewise distinguished
of sustainability reporting, and present five patterns
the past decades, it has broadened to cover social
a range of possible drivers at the firm, sector and
of reporting by the largest 250 international
(and increasingly some economic) aspects as well,
societal levels (Lee & Hutchison, 2005; cf. Berthelot
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 14
31-01-11 12:36
et al., 2003). A basic consideration has been that
In addition to cost-benefit frameworks, the objective
countries have, more generally, helped to further
firms balance internal and external pressures from
to keep and/or enhance legitimacy within society
disclosure (Kolk, 2005b; Lee & Hutchison, 2005).
a variety of stakeholders, some more powerful than
has motivated voluntary reporting (Deegan, 2002;
This greater likelihood also applies to firms in
others, to whom corporate information can be useful
cf. Berthelot et al., 2003). This can also be related to
more environmentally-sensitive (polluting) sectors,
in their decision-making and behaviour vis-à-vis the
impression management, according to which firms
with sector as a more important determinant for
firm. Firms and their managers thus seem to weigh
provide information to manage their reputation
explaining reporting than country, although the
perceived advantages and disadvantages (costs and
and the perceptions of key stakeholders, including
latter has increased in importance (Kolk, 2005b).
benefits) of voluntary reporting (cf. Martin & Hadley,
government (for example, to pre-empt disclosure
2008), although insight into firm-level specifics has
regulation). These externally-oriented theories
Sector-related, competitive factors have also come to
been lacking (cf. Berthelot et al., 2003). Various aspects
imply that the socio-political context, including for
the fore in a study on non-reporting, which explored
involved already emerged from a practitioner study
example the occurrence of environmental incidents
the relative importance of the aspects as also included
that requested firms to list reasons for publishing an
and targeted campaigns against particular firms,
in the bottom half of Table 1. To this end, Martin
environmental report – or not – a decade ago (see the
influences the extent of disclosure. The overviews of
and Hadley (2008) first conceptually grouped
overview compiled in Table 1, and also further below
relevant factors in this regard show that size matters,
several aspects into ‘competition’, ‘implementation’,
for the non-reporting aspects).
with large firms more likely to report, presumably
‘reputation/commitment’ and ‘repercussions’, and
due to greater visibility and exposure to media and
sent a survey to UK FTSE 350 firms. While
Table 1
non-governmental organisations’ attention – public
they only asked them to weigh the individual
Firms’ motivations for reporting or non-reporting
pressure and government stimuli in firms’ home
drawbacks to (environmental) reporting, if we,
Reasons for reporting
Reasons for not reporting
• Enhanced ability to track progress against specific targets
• Doubts about the advantages it would bring to the organisation
• Facilitating the implementation of the environmental strategy
• Competitors are neither publishing reports
• Greater awareness of broad environmental issues throughout the
• Customers (and the general public) are not interested in it, it will not
organisation • Ability to clearly convey the corporate message internally and externally • Improved all-round credibility from greater transparency
increase sales • The company already has a good reputation for its environmental performance
• Ability to communicate efforts and standards
• There are many other ways of communicating about environmental issues
• License to operate and campaign
• It is too expensive
• Reputational benefits, cost savings identification, increased efficiency,
• It is difficult to gather consistent data from all operations and to select
enhanced business development opportunities and enhanced staff morale
correct indicators • It could damage the reputation of the company, have legal implications or wake up ‘sleeping dogs’ (such as environmental organisations)
Source Compiled from Sustainability/UNEP (1998) and Kolk (2005a, p. 396)
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 15
31-01-11 12:36
taking their findings, add the factors mentioned by
it must be noted that significant increases can be
check their reports, while this is exceptional in the
non-reporting firms into groups again, competition
observed here as well. This means that differences
case of US firms, and Japanese firms are somewhere
(which included the fact that competitors do not
with (traditionally high reporting) sectors such
in between. In the early years most verification was
publish reports) and implementation (including data
as chemicals & pharmaceuticals, computers &
carried out by accounting firms, but this has been
collection problems) scored highest. Interestingly
electronics, automobiles, utilities, and oil & gas, are
declining since.
enough, reputational aspects were considered least
important, which seems to nuance the relevance of
Moving from general trends to those at the firm-
legitimacy and impression management frameworks.
Looking at the types of reports published by the
level, various patterns are possible. The most obvious
It should be noted, however, that the non-reporters
firms analysed, this clearly underlines the trend
ones are those in which a firm consistently publishes
were mostly firms outside the FTSE100, so this
towards sustainability reporting. While none of the
a report, or refrains from doing this, which can be
smaller size may have played a role, also regarding
1999 reports could be labelled as sustainability (triple
labelled as ‘consistent reporters’ and ‘consistent
implementation issues.
P), this has increased rapidly over the years and the
non-reporters’ respectively. Both accounted for a
share of environmental (sometimes combined with
considerable percentage of the sample (Kolk, 2010),
Trends in sustainability reporting
health and safety) reports had decreased accordingly.
respectively one third and one quarter. Another
Overall, based on an empirical study in which a
The emergence of sustainability reports mirrors the
category consists of those firms that started later,
panel of international firms was followed from
development in the field of voluntary standard-
that is they did not publish a report over 1998, but
1998 onwards (Kolk, 2010), reporting has grown
setting where the multi-stakeholder Global
adopted the practice afterwards. These ‘late adopters’
significantly over the years, and has increased in all
Reporting Initiative launched its first sustainability
encompassed 16% of the panel set. What could be
countries. Growth was particularly significant in
reporting guidelines in 1999; the second and third
called ‘laggards’ did not publish a sustainability
France, Germany, Japan and the UK. Concerning
versions were published in respectively 2002 and
report on the first two data points, but had one
the countries with larger numbers of firms, European
2006, and work on the fourth version is currently
subsequently – this applies to almost 20%. The final
and Japanese firms reported more than (the high)
under way for finalisation by the end of 2012.
group brings together ‘inconsistent reporters’, which
average for the largest 250 international firms, and
is the remainder (8%), and comprises firms that did
their US and South Korean counterparts consistently
An element that has received considerable attention
less. Growth obviously also prevails when the sample
in these guidelines has been external voluntary
is considered from a sector perspective. Industrial,
verification of report contents, as part of efforts to
The consistent reporters are leaders in sustainability
more ‘polluting’ sectors have traditionally been most
move towards assurance as provided for financial
reporting. US firms are relatively underrepresented
active in this regard, although the number of banks
reports – even though auditing of social and
in this group, and Japanese and European firms –
and insurance firms that publishes a sustainability
environmental information is still more complex.
except for France – overrepresented. Particularly
report has increasing and caught up most recently.
In the panel of firms studied, a clear increase in
Dutch firms, even though a small number in total,
Besides financial firms, other sectors which have
verification could be noted. This is particularly a
are notable, as a clear majority falls in this category.
traditionally reported less than average are trade &
European phenomenon, however, with almost half
As to sectors, particularly the underrepresentation
retail, services, and communications & media, but
of the European firms engaging external parties to
of banks and insurance firms stands out, as
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 16
not follow a clear pattern, publishing intermittently.
31-01-11 12:36
“In addition cost-benefit frameworks, the objective to keep and/or enhance legitimacy within society has motivated voluntary reporting” well as the overrepresentation of electronics &
category; Japanese firms are very underrepresented
would be worthwhile to trace further determinants
computers, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, and
here. The reporting hikes for Japanese and French
in a sector-specific setting in follow-up research.
automotive. Looking at the other extreme – the
firms in respectively 2002 and 2005 can be related
category consistent non-reporters – there hardly
to the institutional context (Kolk, 2005b; KPMG/
Discussion and conclusions
any European firm can be found, and US firms are
UNEP, 2006). In Japan, the government published
While the data has limitations, and more research can
overrepresented. There is a strong overrepresentation
rules and guidelines on environmental reporting
be done to obtain further insight, the findings might
of banks & insurance, and trade & retail, while
and accounting that have led many firms to start
already be helpful for practitioners, especially because
automotive, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, and
reporting; in France, legislation was adopted
the largest international firms have been much more
electronics & computers are fully absent here.
that obliges publicly-quoted firms to report on
active in sustainability reporting than other firms.
environmental and social issues. The influence of
This means that patterns noticeable amongst this set
Focusing on the category of consistent reporters,
country-of-origin factors also seems to have played
can help shed light on developments on the part of
they were – as could be expected in view of their
a role in the inconsistent reporters category, as it
early movers, as well as aspects and/or dilemmas that
leading role – early in adopting verification as a
noteworthy that they are characterised (like the
play a role more generally in sustainability reporting.
practice. Also noteworthy is that some firms stopped
non-reporters) by a large percentage of US firms.
The fact that, for example, one quarter consistently
external verification in 2005 after having pursued it
The litigious tradition, characterised by a formal
did not report suggests that there are disadvantages
in previous years; this included two US firms, leaving
legal approach and contestation (Kagan & Axelrad,
(or no perceived benefits) to sustainability reporting
none US firm in the set that had their report verified
2000), appears to have stimulated a compliance
as well, even for large well-known firms of which
for the full period. Amongst those that adhered to
orientation, in which voluntary reporting has
most peers have already engaged in it. However,
verification, we find especially UK and Dutch firms.
consequently made much less headway than in
as already indicated in this article, a recent study
Looking at the late adopters in terms of verification,
other countries, especially in comparison to Europe
on motivations for non-reporting showed that,
they are slightly more active here than average.
(Kolk, 2005b).
in addition to ‘competition’, ‘implementation’ also
Inconsistent reporters stand out for the fact that they never adopted verification.
scored high amongst the ‘smaller’ firm in the UK It is interesting to see that there are different
FTSE 350 (Martin & Hadley, 2008). This includes
dynamics in the various sectors. There are sectors
factors related to the difficulty of data collection and
As to further peculiarities of late adopters and
where reporting has become more or less established,
the choice of performance indicators as well as the
laggards, banks and insurance firms, while
in a few cases already before 1998, or in the period
cost and effort involved.
underrepresented in the late adopters category (like
covered in my research, and those (sub)sectors where
in the consistent reporters), are overrepresented
it is more emergent still. There are also differences
Obviously, implementation can be a clear barrier
amongst laggards. In addition, late adopters are
in terms of verification, with some sectors in which
to start reporting. However, given that a growing
characterised by an overrepresentation of Japanese
one UK or Dutch firm led the way, and others where
number of firms, frequently competitors in the
firms in particular, and by their French counterparts
only some European firms adopted the practice, or
same sector or corporate customers (for example,
to a lesser extent. French firms are even more
where it has not made headway so far. While sector
if firms supply to large multinationals), publishes
notable for their large presence in the laggards
and country differences seem to be important, it
reports, there is more knowledge available and more
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 17
31-01-11 12:36
opportunities to learn from others. Thus, while it
firms may be due to degree of stringency (and thus
with. As data show that a relatively small percentage
continues to be difficult to gather consistent data,
complexity) that the Big-4 applies post-Enron and
of firms publishes every now and then (inconsistent
particularly in the first year of publication, selection
since Sarbanes Oxley, as well as the costs involved.
reporters), seems to provide some support, but this
of indicators has been facilitated to some extent by
It may also be that the first verification experience
requires more in-depth, additional study.
the publication of guidelines and formats, such as
induced firms to choose another auditor next time.
those of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). On
This might be an interesting area for further research.
the other hand, the long list of possible indicators,
Hence, although reporting behaviour of firms is influenced by institutional factors, sector dynamics,
which has definitely increased over the years, for
In deciding about whether to report or not, there is
country and firm-specific factors related to
example via GRI which helped systematise them,
another dimension to be considered which is that
organisational structure as well as type and location
may also put off smaller firms in particular. Assessing
once a firm has started to publish a report, it runs
of markets, there is also considerable managerial
criteria and methods for inclusion of some topics
the risk that discontinuation may arouse negative
choice. This has to do with the aspiration, values and
and not others may be cumbersome, also because
publicity. In fact, rising expectations might result in
perceptions on the part of the managers involved,
guidelines stipulate that this requires a process of
the ‘paradox of information’: the more information
and adds the individual level to the equation. While
stakeholder dialogue. In addition, firms may be
firms supply, the higher the request for new data,
in some countries mandatory standards are in place,
hesitant to provide certain information as it might be
and the greater the likelihood that stakeholders ask
in most cases, particularly when smaller firms are
sensitive for reasons of competitiveness or because of
them to live up to their promises and guarantee the
involved, managers have options in terms of how
potential legal implications – the latter fear appears
accuracy and reliability of the data. Firms might
and what to report (or not), and it is up to them to
to have relevance mainly in the US.
end up supplying more information than originally
balance stakeholder expectations, organisational and
intended and turn to external experts for verification.
individual ambitions, costs, competitive pressures
The number of choices to be made for reporting has
Reporting may become an instrument for some
and overall trends, including those on the part of
also increased over the years in view of considerable
governments as well, aiming to check compliance
global peers.
diversity in types (environmental, social and
or the appropriateness of self-regulation. Although
sustainability reports), formats (stand-alone or
this could be associated with litigation, especially in
part of the financial report; targeted at specific
the US context, this development is not necessarily
Berthelot, S., Cormier, D., & Magnan, M. (2003).
stakeholder groups or generally), means (electronic
bad to firms. To the contrary, when ‘forced’ in this
Environmental disclosure research: review and
and/or on paper, one or multiple languages)
way to watch the validity, the whole management
synthesis. Journal of Accounting Literature, 22: 1-44.
and external involvement (from stakeholders,
system might be geared to providing the correct and
verification of data, and if so, by which party/parties).
relevant information, leading to an additional control
Deegan, C. (2002). The legitimising effect of social
Particularly verification also brings considerable
on efficiency and effectiveness. This ‘all or nothing’
and environmental disclosures - a theoretical
costs, which may be the reason why the majority
approach to sustainability reporting, which reflects a
foundation. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability
of even the largest multinationals still refrains from
certain path dependence as past decisions constrain
Journal, 15(3): 282-311.
it, and more so when they publish a report for the
subsequent choices, does not apply in all cases, but it
first time. Declining interest in hiring accounting
is a potential cycle that firms might want to reckon
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 18
31-01-11 12:36
Dierkes, M., & Antal, A.B. (1986). Whither
KPMG/UNEP (2006). Carrots and sticks for
corporate social reporting: is it time to legislate?
starters. Current trends and approaches in voluntary
California Management Review, XXVIII(3): 106-
and mandatory standards for sustainability reporting,
Parktown and Paris.
Elkington, J. (1997). Cannibals with forks. The triple
Lee, T.M., & Hutchison, P.D. (2005). The decision
bottom line of 21st century business. Oxford: Capstone.
to disclose environmental information: a research review and agenda. Advances in Accounting, 21: 83-
Gray, R., Kouhy, R., & Lavers, S. (1995).
Methodological themes. Constructing a research database of social and environmental reporting
Martin, A.D., & Hadley, D.J. (2008). Corporate
by UK companies. Accounting, Auditing and
environmental non-reporting - a UK FTSE 350
Accountability Journal, 8(2): 78-101.
perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment,
17(4): 245-259. Kagan, R.A., & Axelrad, L. (2000). Regulatory encounters. Multinational corporations and American
Sustainability/UNEP (1998). The non-reporting
adversarial legalism. Berkeley: University of
report. London.
California Press. Kolk, A. (2005a). Social and environmental
For reactions, please mail to [email protected]
accounting. In: C. Clubb (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management. Accounting. Malden, Oxford and Victoria: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 393-398. Kolk, A. (2005b). Environmental reporting by multinationals from the Triad: convergence or divergence? Management International Review, 45, 2005/1: 145-166. Kolk, A. (2010). Trajectories of sustainability reporting by MNCs. Journal of World Business, 45(4), 367-374.
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 19
31-01-11 12:36
the integration of decision making and reporting Prof. dr. Brendan O’Dwyer
Brendan O’Dwyer joined the Amsterdam Business School at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in November 2004. He previously worked at the Smurfit Graduate School of Business, University College Dublin (UCD) where he lectured extensively on MSc in Accountancy, MBA and executive education programmes as well as serving as Programme Director of the Master of Accounting. He also spent
Brendan O’Dwyer1
eight years working at Dublin City University Business School where he held a number of managerial roles including Programme Director of the Masters of Business Studies in Accounting. He has been
Professor of Accounting
Head of the Accounting Division in the Amsterdam Business School since March 2007 and was
Amsterdam Business School
interim Head for periods totalling six months between December 2004 and March 2007.
Article summary
BP oil spill off the U.S. coastline in 2010 have served
A potential landmark in the global expansion of
Drawing on a previously published case study
to further heighten this scrutiny. While the issue
accounting for sustainability was the establishment
(Unerman and O’Dwyer, 2010), this article explores
of sustainability may seem quite distant from the
in August 2010 of the International Integrated
some of the key processes underlying current
conventional concerns of the accounting profession,
Reporting Committee (IIRC) to create a globally
sustainability reporting practices at BT (British
agreed framework for accounting for sustainability.
Telecom) Group, the global telecommunications
accounting firms, and accounting and auditing
It has emerged at a time when sustainability
company. It examines how issues of business risk,
standard setters and regulators have been addressing
reporting is increasingly being subject to critical
commercial opportunities, and associated materiality
issues surrounding accounting for sustainability -
scrutiny given widespread claims that it is failing
have driven the evolution of ‘connected thinking’ at
the social, environmental and economic impacts
to increase the visibility of corporate social and
BT which underlies their sustainability reporting
of organisations’ activities -, with varying degrees
environmental impacts and largely represents a
practices. These ‘connected thinking’ processes seek
of intensity, for over two decades (Unerman et al.,
form of sophisticated corporate public relations
to embed sustainability considerations into decision-
2007) . The Netherlands has been at the forefront
exercise3. The IIRC’s proposed framework aims
making processes at all levels within BT by linking
of many of these developments in areas such as:
to bring together financial, environmental, social
economic, social and environmental considerations
corporate sustainability reporting; the development
and governance information in a clear, concise,
through the articulation of a business case for
of sustainability management accounting systems;
consistent and comparable - ‘integrated’ - format.
corporate responsibility. The article also illustrates
and the provision of external assurance on
It seeks to assist with the development of more
how the business case needs to be nuanced to make
sustainability reporting content. For example, the
comprehensive and understandable information
it an effective sustainability embedding mechanism
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) which developed
about an organization’s total performance, to meet
at different levels within BT; and how materiality
the main international standardised sustainability
the needs of what it sees as an emerging, more
issues central to the business case are used to help
reporting framework is based in Amsterdam, Royal
sustainable, global economic model:
determine the sustainability issues that are reported
Dutch Shell was one of the initial innovators in
within BT’s annual sustainability and financial
sustainability reporting in the 1990s, and Royal
“The goal of the IIRC is not to increase the reporting
reports. The article concludes with a review of key
NIVRA, the Dutch professional accounting body,
burden on companies and other entities. Rather, it is
aspects of BT’s approach to managing one of its key
recently issued one of the most authoritative
to help them and all their stakeholders make better
corporate responsibility risks – supply chain labour
standards on assurance on sustainability reporting
resource allocation decisions. All of us have a stake
practices – through its Sourcing with Human Dignity
content. Within UvA, in response to continuous
in a sustainable society. While integrated reporting
calls from international professional accounting
alone cannot ensure sustainability it is a powerful
bodies for accounting education to innovate and
mechanism to help us all make better decisions
address issues surrounding sustainability, the MSc
about the resources we consume and the lives we
Increasing attention at both the societal and
in Accountancy and Control at the Amsterdam
political level is being given to corporate social and
Business School recently developed and delivered
environmental activities and impacts particularly in
the first stand-alone, compulsory academic module
Ian Ball, CEO of the International Federation of
light of the global financial crisis. Events such as the
on sustainability accounting in The Netherlands.
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 20
31-01-11 12:36
Members of the IIRC include the president of the
insights into how one global business has attempted
reporting to foster sustainability awareness among
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the
to integrate sustainability issues into their decision
managers throughout the organization and thereby
chairmen of the International Accounting Standards
making and has ‘connected’ these processes with
seeking to influence managerial decision-making.
Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting
their external sustainability reporting.
Standards Board (FASB) and the chairpersons
Over the many years that BT have been engaged
and chief executives of several major professional
Risk, opportunity and the business case in
in sustainability reporting, the role and impact of
accounting firms and national accounting bodies.
embedding sustainability reporting at BT
reporting within BT has evolved considerably.
The IIRC emerged out of a major project established
BT Group plc is a global telecommunications
As there are currently many processes in place
by the Prince of Wales in the United Kingdom -
company, supplying a range of markets, services
within the company that embed sustainability
the Accounting for Sustainability project – which
and equipment in over 170 countries, and is the
considerations into decision-making at all levels,
aimed to develop practical tools and guidance
UK’s largest telecommunications supplier. BT
thinking in a connected way about the social,
to help businesses develop and report full and
published its first Environment Report in 1992.
environmental and economic impact of policies
complete information on their wider economic,
Over the ensuing years, as social and environmental
and practices is the norm and does not need to flow
social and environmental impacts (see Hopwood
reporting practices have evolved at BT, the company
from reporting practices. This means that the social,
et al., 2010). Given the widespread criticisms of
has been at the forefront of innovative developments
environmental and economic impacts, in terms of
the extent to which reporting companies have
in sustainability reporting, many of which have
opportunities and risks associated with strategic
actually integrated sustainability issues into their
subsequently been adopted by numerous other
and operational decisions, are currently identified
corporate decision making processes, a key aspect
and linked at the time decisions are made – and
of the project involved the production of a series
this will often be some time before the reporting
of case studies of organisations that had integrated
Reporting influences actions and actions influence
stage is reached. Therefore, for BT, the content
issues of sustainability into their decision making
of sustainability reporting now primarily reflects
and translated this integration into their external
A key issue that needs to be addressed by any
sustainability-related strategies and actions during
sustainability reporting. I jointly conducted one of the
organization when engaging in sustainability
the reporting period, rather than the reporting being
case studies within the global telecommunications
reporting is the degree to which reporting is an
a predominant driver of these strategies and actions.
company BT (British Telecom) Group plc, the
activity largely integrated with, or an activity isolated
One key exception to this prevailing direction of
largest telecommunication’s provider in the United
from, underlying organizational change processes.
causality is target setting (for example, through Key
Kingdom (see Unerman and O’Dwyer, 2010). The
It is common for many organizations that are just
Performance Indicators reported within the annual
remainder of this article reviews some of the key
starting to engage with issues of sustainability to
and sustainability reports), which is an overarching
findings of this case study in order to provide some
initially focus on sustainability reporting, often using
process integral both to the reporting process
1. Email: [email protected]; URL: http://www1.fee.uva.nl/pp/bodwyer/ 2. Sustainability reports refer to stand-alone reports in which companies disclose information on their economic, environmental and social activities and impacts. Reporting formats tend to vary but an increasing number of companies around the world now comply with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 reporting guidelines. These include categorisations comprising economic, environmental and social performance (labour practices and decent work, human rights, society, and product responsibility) indicators. 3. For more details on the IIRC and its aims and activities, please refer to: http://www.integratedreporting.org.
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 21
31-01-11 12:36
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1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 22
31-01-11 12:36
itself and to driving changes and improvements in
Exhibit 1 – The BT business case for corporate responsibility from the BT Group plc 2009 summary
sustainability practices.
Sustainability Review (p. 12)
Making the business case for consideration of sustainability - evolution of risk and opportunity considerations in sustainability decisions An important element that facilitated the evolution of a connected understanding of environmental, social and economic impacts, and embedding of this understanding within strategic and operational decision-making processes at BT, was the refining of the business case for corporate responsibility. Initially the business case was explicitly developed from about 2003 at the strategic level among senior executives. This involved articulating and partially quantifying the direct and indirect economic
impacts (for example related to risk, reputation, customer satisfaction, employee motivation, and so on) potentially flowing from a variety of major social and environmental issues. At present, the elements of the business case for corporate responsibility at this strategic level within BT are explained in BT’s 2009 Sustainability Review
The above factors indicate that both risks and commercial market opportunities
as comprising of: risk management and mitigation;
through sustainability of completely new products,
social and environmental issues, when managed
reputation; cost reduction; employee motivation and
services and markets. While the reputational
more sustainably, could contribute to achieving that
marketplace opportunities (see Exhibit 1).
impact helps distinguish BT from its competitors,
manager’s economic objectives. It also highlighted
identification of new markets contributes directly to
issues where there was a weaker economic case for
revenue generation.
improving environmental or social sustainability,
The above factors indicate that both risks and commercial market opportunities are important
such as situations where it could not be demonstrated
elements of BT’s business case for sustainability
Once the business case had been embedded
that customers or employees were really demanding
at the broad strategic level. From this perspective,
at the strategic level, the broader sustainability
action on the particular issue.
commercial opportunities arise primarily from BT’s
considerations at this level were divided into a series
good record on sustainability (in many areas) being
of component issues that could be embedded and
As an example of the more detailed operational
seen as a key reputational factor in distinguishing BT
enacted at a more operational level. Embedding
level sustainability tensions highlighted by the
from its competitors, thereby giving BT competitive
sustainability via the business case at this operational
business case, BT’s stringent carbon reduction
advantage. They also arise from identification
level helped highlight for individual managers that
targets require a highly energy efficient network,
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 23
31-01-11 12:36
and meeting these environmental targets with new
operational decisions by appealing to the business
for greater quantification in order to help embed
equipment has a clear financial benefit in reduced
case has shown that different approaches are needed
sustainability considerations into decision-making
energy bills. However, in a complex environment
at different levels of the organisation.
processes at operational levels.
equipment has been added and integrated with
At the senior executive and board levels,
At these middle management operational levels
existing equipment regularly over many years, the
sustainability is seen primarily in the strategic terms
it has been necessary to recognise differences
impact on service delivery of switching off some of
of its potential impact on, and risks to, BT’s social
between the personal, social, and environmental
the very old equipment will not always be known.
licence to operate (its ‘social contract’). Damage to
priorities of different individuals in seeking
Managers need to decide whether to invest finite
the social licence to operate from failing to address
to embed the business case. Where individual
resources into investigating the potentially complex
BT’s corporate sustainability values could negatively
managers have been personally deeply committed
engineering impact on individual customers of
affect BT’s brand and reputation. Conversely,
to principles underlying social and environmental
switching off old, possibly energy hungry, equipment
enhancing the social licence to operate through
sustainability, it has been relatively straightforward
within an exchange, or to focus on commissioning
meeting BT’s social values more effectively can
to embed sustainability considerations connecting
new equipment to meet new customer demands.
increase the economic value of BT’s brand and
social, environmental and economic outcomes.
As the latter will often generate additional revenue
reputation. As a demonstration of the strength of
However, as in any organization, some individual
with a reasonable degree of certainty, whereas
board-level buy-in to sustainability issues at BT, in
managers will not be so deeply personally aware or
the former will probably contribute no direct
2009/10 15% of board-level bonuses were awarded
committed to social and/or environmental issues.
revenue generation but may lead to disgruntled
for “each individual [director’s] contribution to the
To successfully embed sustainability considerations
customers (and thus a risk of lost revenue) if their
company’s environmental, social and governance
into the decisions taken by these managers, it is even
telecommunications service is disrupted through an
(ESG) objectives” (BT 2009 Annual Report, p.
more important to demonstrate to them effective
unforeseen problem from switching off an old piece
58), with this performance being assessed largely
business case benefits from taking sustainability
of equipment, business case reasoning in the context
issues seriously, in terms of how this will help them
like an individual telephone exchange, where new
of finite resources will almost inevitably lead to some
achieve their targets.
old equipment being left running, and continuing to
This predominantly qualitative assessment of
consume energy. However, through a combination
sustainability performance of board members and
A key problem that needed to be overcome in
of increased costs of energy, the need to address
senior executives is consistent with the partially
achieving embedding through the business case
climate change becoming a higher priority, and
qualitative nature of information used to help
at this middle-management level was linked to
tightened government regulation, the business case
make sustainability decisions at this strategic level.
many managerial targets being set in quantified
for investing resources in turning off old equipment
The semi-quantitative nature of sustainability
terms. To clearly demonstrate how addressing
has become even more compelling thus driving more
information used for decision-making at board level
sustainability issues could contribute to the
effective action.
is necessary to help set forward-looking strategic
achievement of these quantified managerial targets,
direction. By their nature, many innovative future
it was necessary to articulate sustainability business
Nuancing the business case: degrees of uncertainty
sustainability-related opportunities considered
case impacts through metrics. However, in many
and appealing to the interests of managers at different
at board level will not currently be amenable to
areas of sustainability for BT, several issues within
quantification that can ‘prove’ the business case.
sustainability cannot be readily or reliably captured
BT’s experience in seeking to successfully embed
This contrasts with the situation further down
in metrics. For other issues, quantification involves
sustainability considerations into strategic and
the organization, where there is a perceived need
an evolutionary process whereby the issue starts off
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 24
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“The IIRC’s proposed framework aims to bring together financial, environmental, social and governance information in a clear, concise, consistent and comparable – ‘integrated’ – format” being evaluated in qualitative terms and then metrics
messages around the negative impacts of issues such
actual internally used version of which would
evolve over a period. Even where metrics can be
as climate change and other social and environmental
show each sustainability issue as a data point). The
derived for an individual sustainability issue, these
matters tends to elicit a positive reaction.
internal perspective is primarily a combination of
metrics are often incompatible with those for other
the views of the managers within BT whose area
sustainability issues, so it is not possible to simply
Therefore there is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach
of responsibility encompasses the issue, along with
add the different sustainability metrics together for
to embedding sustainability, or to the articulation
quantified risk assessments undertaken in respect
an individual manager to derive a single metric to
of the business case, at BT. Rather, a wide variety of
of the issue. The external stakeholder perspective of
put on their scorecard.
different approaches have been found to be necessary
an issue’s significance is determined by reviewing
to change the culture in order to embed sustainability
an array of external information, including sources
Aside from developing the business case, there
considerations connecting social, environmental and
such as the media coverage devoted to the issue (not
can also be more subtle barriers that need to be
economic outcomes into strategic and day-to-day
just in respect of BT, but more broadly), investor
overcome in taking middle-level managers across
decisions and behaviour.
questionnaires, employee focus groups, questions in
large organizations like BT forward on the journey
the United Kingdom parliament about the type of
of embedding sustainability into their decision-
Materiality helping to determine the content of
making processes. For example, people tend to feel
connected sustainability reporting
more committed to solutions they, or their close
Having advanced the embedding of sustainability
colleagues, have developed, whereas embedding
considerations in decision-making at all levels, there
sustainability in the most effective manner will
is a considerable range of sustainability actions and
often involve innovative solutions and thinking
practices that occur within BT. Information about
developed in one department being disseminated
each of these issues could potentially be of interest
to other departments. So it is necessary to take
to a number of stakeholders, and could therefore
account of, and seek to overcome, the ‘not invented
form part of BT’s external connected sustainability
here’ syndrome in most large organizations like
reporting. Although the information exists internally
BT. Similarly, an overall sustainability gain to the
within BT about a wide range of sustainability issues,
organization as a whole can generate revenues or
choices have to be made regarding which of the
reduce costs in one department, while requiring
many issues should be reflected in BT’s sustainability
resources/investments in another department, and
reporting. The materiality, or significance, of
in decentralised organizations this can hinder cross-
individual corporate responsibility risks and
organization connected thinking on sustainability
opportunities is a key factor in deciding which of
these many sustainability strategies and actions are
issue, and so on. Exhibit 2 – Materiality identification graph from BT Group plc 2009 Introduction to detailed on-
line sustainability report (p. 7)
taken forward to BT’s external reports. At non-managerial levels within BT, where individual employees are not making strategic or
The relative materiality of each type of sustainability
tactical decisions, a ‘softer’ approach to embedding
issue is determined systematically on an annual basis
Once the significance of all the identified
sustainability has often found success. For example,
through plotting on a graph the internal BT view
sustainability issues has been plotted, a senior level
seeking to persuade employees to change their
on its significance against an external stakeholder
committee within BT then reviews the positioning
behaviour to a more sustainable basis by providing
perspective on its importance (see Exhibit 2, the
of each issue in terms of its internal significance,
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 25
31-01-11 12:36
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and can take a more holistic overview and adjust
processes is then used to determine whether and
the relative internal materiality of individual issues.
where each issue will be reported upon. Many of the
BT’s external Corporate Responsibility Leadership
actions taken by BT that contribute towards greater
Panel examines the relative external significance
social and environmental sustainability may not be
assigned to each issue, and has the ability to adjust
reflected anywhere in BT’s reports if they are not
this for each issue if it believes external stakeholders
judged to be sufficiently significant. Where issues
would consider an issue more or less significant than
are judged material or significant enough to BT to
BT’s initial evaluation suggested.
be reported in BT’s detailed on-line sustainability report, the person responsible for managing the issue
Through this process, in addition to quantification,
will be asked to write some relevant content for the
factors that may be held to reflect BT’s values as a
business can be brought to bear in determining the materiality of an issue. This is partially necessitated
In 2009, BT included in its annual report for the
because the potential impacts of many issues are
first time a summary table of the ‘Non-financial
not of the nature that can be quantified precisely in
corporate responsibility KPIs’ as a high level
monetary terms, so judgements of probability have to
connected reporting summary of the most material
come into the decision-making process. For example,
strategic sustainability issues (this table also appears
in energy saving initiatives, BT’s total energy costs in
in their summary Sustainability Review).
2009 amounted to £227 million. While this figure would be above the financial materiality threshold for
Although this KPI table was published in the
BT’s annual report, a percentage saving of this £227
Corporate Responsibility sub-section within the
million direct cost through energy efficiency initiatives
Business Review section of the annual report,
may well be below the threshold. However, in addition
discussion and explanation of the issues covered in
to using the direct cost saving from reduced energy
the KPI table is still located throughout the annual
bills in determining the materiality of energy saving
report. This is because BT believes that placing
as a corporate responsibility issue, BT will also take
all sustainability content in a separate section of
into account an evaluation of other possible (and often
the annual report would not reflect the company’s
more subjective) economic impacts indirectly flowing
embedding of considerations of these matters
from strong energy saving performance – such as the
throughout its business operations.
positive impact on BT’s reputation from leading on environmental initiatives, the extent to which major
The 2009 Non-financial corporate responsibility
business (such as large government contracts) may
KPIs table is reproduced in full in Exhibit 3 to
take account of sustainability performance in their
illustrate the issues it covers, and therefore the
procurement processes, and so on.
sustainability issues BT considered the most material and strategic in 2009, along with the non-financial
As can be seen from Exhibit 2, the materiality
and financial metrics (or indicators) used to evaluate
attributed to each issue as a result of the above
these issues.
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 27
31-01-11 12:36
Exhibit 3 – BT’s non-financial corporate responsibility KPIs table from the BT Group plc 2009 Annual Report (pp. 24-25)
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 28
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1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 29
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In addition to the non-financial corporate
across BT’s suppliers was therefore an ethical
Developments of metrics around the Sourcing with
responsibility KPI table in BT’s 2009 annual
concern that BT should take action to ensure that
Human Dignity initiative
report, the Corporate Responsibility sub-section
its suppliers were treating their workforces with
As in other areas of sustainability within BT, metrics
contained a brief narrative summary of the
dignity, not employing child labour, and so on.
are used where possible to help connect economic
following key issues (p. 23): BT’s community
to social impacts arising from the Sourcing with
support programmes and actions, both in the
The standard was initially applied to suppliers
Human Dignity initiative in making an effective
UK and worldwide; BT’s policies and actions
of clothing for BT employees and to suppliers
business case. The primary metrics used involve
to protect the environment; and a list of the six
of telephones. This was because it was felt that,
evaluation of risks to the value of the BT brand from
“most significant corporate responsibility risks”
given their location of manufacture, these areas
a negative incident leading to a potential loss of trust
as follows: breach of our code of business ethics;
of the supply chain had the highest risk of poor
in the brand, and the commercial opportunities for
climate change; diversity; health and safety;
employment practices, with the use of relatively
enhancing the BT brand value and sales though such
privacy; and supply chain working conditions.
unskilled workers in the manufacturing process.
corporate responsibility initiatives being a positive
Each of these risks has an owner and a mitigation
However, these areas were not highly strategic
differentiator for customers, employees and investors
strategy in place.
supply areas for BT at the time – partially because
in choosing to support BT.
there were many alternative suppliers that could
Supply chain initiatives – ‘Sourcing with Human
have been used if a problem had been found in
In evaluating and quantifying the economic risk
one supplier. The initiative was then rolled-out
around supply chain labour as part of evaluating a
The ‘significant’ corporate responsibility risk of
relatively quickly across other parts of the supply
connected business case, in common with other aspects
‘supply chain working conditions’ is managed
chain that, by their nature, were considered to
of BT’s corporate responsibility risks, a regular review
primarily through BT’s Sourcing with Human
be a lower risk in terms of poor employment
is undertaken that graphs the likely financial impact
Dignity initiative. This initiative was launched
practices but of much more strategic importance
to BT from a particular type of incident against the
as an internal BT Standard in 2001, having been
to BT – such as sourcing of network equipment
probability of that incident occurring (see Exhibit 4).
developed over the previous few years drawing on
which requires long-term commitments to a small
For each identified potential supply chain labour risk
insights from International Labour Organization
number of suppliers.
these evaluations take into account, for example, the
Standards and the UN Global Compact. As such,
costs of lost sales to customers who may stop buying
it does not seek to impose UK standards in other
Two important factors combined to facilitate the
from BT if a particular type of incident occurred, the
countries, but to use internationally recognised
embedding of the Sourcing with Human Dignity
fines that may be incurred, breaks in the supply of
initiative in BT. The first of these was that the
critical products at critical times, delays in supplies of
initiative, by its nature, could largely be owned
critical network equipment, and so on. Combining
A key impetus for development of this standard
and operationalized within BT’s procurement
all the identified potential risks from supply chain
within BT was media coverage in the late 1990s
operations, and there was therefore no need
labour incidents produces a ‘risk frontier’. Given the
of child labour in the clothing industry. Although
initially to take time selling the ideas underlying
size of BT, this risk frontier for supply chain labour
these stories did not involve BT, they led BT’s
the initiative to other areas within BT. The
issues (in common with the risk frontiers for other
senior procurement managers to question whether
second important factor was strong support and
key areas) shows a higher probability of incidents with
there was a risk of such human rights issues arising
leadership from successive Chief Procurement
relatively low potential financial impacts occurring
within BT’s supply chain. The early motivation
Officers helping to signal to all those within
and a much lower probability of an incident that
for this initiative being developed and rolled-out
procurement the importance of the initiative.
carries much greater financial implications occurring.
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 30
31-01-11 12:36
“a key issue that needs to be addressed by any organization when engaging in sustainability reporting is the degree to which reporting is an activity largely integrated with, or an activity isolated from, underlying organizational change processes” Having quantified the economic risk arising from
case needs to be clearly articulated at a strategic level
the social risks around supply chain labour issues in
uncomfortable bringing ethical issues to the fore in
and afforded top level support if it is to be embraced
this graphical manner, the economic paybacks from
decision processes. However, when the business case
substantively at an operational level. This articulation
lowering the risk frontier on both the likelihood and
connection was made between the economic and the
does not necessarily wholly require quantitative
financial impacts axes become much more readily
social dimensions, through bringing the real nature
indicators, which in many cases are not available, but
of business risks addressed by the initiative to the
a clear link to brand and reputational risk factors is
Exhibit 4 – BT’s Key Corporate Responsibility Risks Frontiers from the BT Group plc 2009 summary Sustainability Review (p. 5)
needed. Second, embedding practices throughout the organisation requires tailoring articulation of the business case to suit the specific needs of different internal constituencies. Third, the development of annual reports should clearly reflect the embeddedness of sustainability practices with sustainability as an issue being addressed throughout annual reports and not in an isolated fashion seemingly separate from core business concerns. Fourth, metrics in many areas of sustainability take time to evolve and their absence should not deter companies from addressing potential
risks and opportunities that may need addressing in the context of the companies’ strategic direction, nor from reporting these issues in their annual reports and in stand-alone sustainability reports. There have, however, been several challenges in
fore, there was much less reluctance from managers
embedding the Sourcing with Human Dignity
to engage with the issues. In all these aspects, it
Hopwood, A. Unerman, J. and Fries, J. (2010).
initiative. One such difficulty has been that many
has been necessary to appreciate that different
Accounting for Sustainability: Practical Insights.
of the issues are not clear-cut ‘right or wrong’ issues.
individuals will take different lengths of time to
London and Washington: Earthscan.
Rather they involve perhaps ‘softer’ qualitative
appreciate the real economic and social benefits
decisions across a range of possible issues. This has
delivered by the initiative, and each person needs to
Unerman, J. Bebbington, J. and O’Dwyer, B. (2010).
posed challenges to some procurement managers
be given the space and encouragement to develop
Sustainability Accounting and Accountability. London:
for whom problems portrayed in more definitive
their understanding of these benefits.
also demonstrates that for the initiative to work
Concluding comments
Unerman, J. and O’Dwyer, B. (2010). “Evolution
effectively involves a long-term engagement
The BT case study reveals a number of issues that
of Risk, Opportunity and the Business Case in
process with suppliers to systematically embed,
can inform the development of accounting for
Embedding Connected Reporting at BT”. In
within their management, pro-active thinking and
sustainability in other companies especially related
Hopwood, A. Unerman, J. and Fries, J. (Eds.).
action consistent with the ethos of ethical labour
to the integration of sustainability practices and
Accounting for Sustainability: Practical Insights.
integrated sustainability reporting. First, the business
London and Washington: Earthscan.
terms resonate better than softer issues. This
For reactions, please mail to [email protected]
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 31
31-01-11 12:36
Sustainable insight – accounting for Water
Pieter van ’t Hoff – Consultant KPMG Advisory
Sustainability professional with an educational background in financial as well as environmental management. Experience with international companies on nonfinancial assurance and sustainability advice on topics such as climate change, social issues and other corporate responsibility related developments.
Barend van Bergen – Partner KPMG Advisory
Barend van Bergen is director at KPMG Sustainability, which is advising (multi) national companies in the area of Sustainable Development (SD), including the management of environmental, health, safety, social issues and corporate
Pieter van ’t Hoff Barend van Bergen (KPMG)
oil and gas, food and beverages, construction and aviation.
Businesses are starting to recognise the
place for measuring water use and impacts, but
70 percent of available freshwater. However, this
moving forward they will need to be developed
assumes consumption patterns to remain constant.1
economic prosperity. There are many reasons
further in order to help identify risk, drive
why water usage has risen up the corporate
improvement, and meet the changing expectation
According to UN estimates human water use is
agenda. Megatrends such as population growth,
of stakeholders’ needs.
increasing at twice the rate of population growth –
philanthropy. His experience covers a range of sectors, including automotive, finance,
a trend which is being driven by economic growth
climate change are placing significant demands
This paper incorporates a survey of KPMG on
and global trends towards urbanization and social
on this finite resource, which has prompted
water accounting. This survey gives insight on the
unprecedented interest from a growing array
management and reporting on water of 105 large
of stakeholders, notably from the investment
The combination of these trends will exacerbate water stress in several countries.
Scarcity of Water Water scarcity presents four sets of risks to
Water is extraordinarily abundant on the surface
Climate Change and Water
businesses: financial; operational; reputational and
of the earth. With over 75 percent of the earth’s
Climate change will have a major impact on water
regulatory, and requires them to quantify their
surface covered in water, the world is indeed full
availability – both in terms of quality and quantity.
vulnerability across the extended supply chain.
of water. However, about 97.5 percent of it is salty,
Climate climatic conditions such as temperature and
whereas the economy requires mostly fresh water.
precipitation will alter weather patterns. The melting
The quantification of the total water exposure to
Of the 2.5 percent of water that is fresh, only a
of icecaps and glaciers will have a profound effect on
businesses – which includes not only a company’s
small fraction is economically accessible.
freshwater supplies.
the company’s extended supply chain – has proven
A number of global trends are converging which
Assessing Water Vulnerabilities
difficult. Experience has already shown that the
threaten the fragile supply of freshwater. Trends
The growing vulnerability of businesses to water
water usage, water impacts, and the risks that might
such as population growth, rapid industrialization
scarcity, flooding and polluting poses serious risks –
be implied by water in the supply chain are not
and climate change are impacting freshwater
prompting many investors to ask public companies
readily quantifiable in the way that for example
reserves at a much faster rate than natural
to disclose the material impact water shortages/
carbon exposure can be quantified.
interruptions could have, and to demonstrate their
direct usage of water but also the water usage of
management response. Developing effective business water accounting
Rising demand
methods will be critical for sustainable water
Research from the US Census bureau and the
The momentum building around the concept of
management. Presently there are a number of
German Ministry for Environment (2007) suggests
water accounting and risk is increasingly becoming
methods that exist which provide a good starting
that by 2025 population growth will account for
more mainstream. One of the problems in assessing
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vulnerability is that many companies tend to focus
reputation. Water scarcity will impact the
Accounting for Water
only on their own usage – at the operational level.
price volatility of raw materials/commodities
As understanding of the likelihood of water
Businesses should look up and down their extended
that are used as key inputs. Furthermore,
scarcity grows, a minority of companies have
supply chains in order to create a complete risk
energy costs and supply could become more
begun attempts assess their water risk exposure
profile. The main risk areas include:
volatile as a result of water shortages. (e.g. In
across the supply chain. Leaders in this area such
2003, a short-term ban on water resulted in
as SABMiller, Unilever and Dow Chemicals have
EDF having to shut down a number of power
made considerable progress in developing a total
plants – costing EDF €300 million2).
water accounting approach.
• Operational Risks Water availability is critical to many businesses: a sudden interruption of supply can have an immediate effect on production. Sectors most
Box 1 – Investors making a splash for water
Why has corporate water accounting proved so
at risk include food and beverage companies,
Another concern for businesses is the growing of investors in
difficult to accomplish? There are several possible
technology manufacturers, power generators,
water scarcity, which moving forward could restrict access
reasons for this. One is that water remains cheap.
extractives and metal producers.
to capital, and ultimately impact company evaluation.
Although water prices have risen somewhat in recent
Over the last year there has been significant interest from
years, they have not for example risen anything like
• Regulatory Risks
institutional investors on the subject. Investor backed
as much as energy costs, and thus have generated
As water stress intensifies, governmental
organizations such as CDP and CERES have expanded
the false impression that water will remain a low-
regulators will increasingly impose tighter
their programs and are encouraging mainstream businesses
cost input. The OECD and other multinational
controls on both water abstraction and waste
to actively report and provide disclosure on water risk.
bodies have argued recently that prices should in fact
water discharge. Industries that discharge large
rise much further to generate investment in water
volumes of water used in cooling such as power
Norges Bank Investment Management (NIBM), the
generators are particularly at risk. Longer-term
second largest Pension Fund, has expanded its exercise of
governments could price water to reflect its
ownership rights in relation to environmental issues to
A second challenge is data. The data required to
‘true cost’.
include responsible water management. In similar vein
create full water accounting is complex, extensive
the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s Climate
and typically not readily available. Initiatives like
Change Guidance is expected to spur increased scrutiny and
the CDP Water Disclosure will help improve access
disclosure of water risks in the supply chain.
to data as multinationals can exert their influence
• Reputational Risks As water plays a vital rule in sustaining life, there are significant reputational risks associated with
provision and reduce wastage.3
(purchasing power) across upstream suppliers.
the misuse of water – notably in parts of the world
From a financial perspective, water risks are disruptions,
where there is significant competition for water
costs, revenue losses, or growth constrains due to a lack
Despite the challenges, many companies are becoming
resources from the local community. For example,
of water. Water scarcity, water pollution, and water
increasingly aware of the calls from stakeholders to
Coca-Cola almost lost its social license in India
competition can all limit the growth of a company, and can
water accounting are growing. A recent survey of 100
as a result of its bottling operations in Kerala.
start to hurt asset performance and investments.
companies by CERES, a coalition of investors and
The Indian state shut down the production of a
public interest groups, together with UBS Investment
plant, blaming it for aggravating water scarcity for
To help investors and financial analysts understand these
Research, showed that the number of resolutions
neighboring villages and farmers.
risks and make a better investment decisions in the WRI,
tabled by shareholders on water issues has been on
Goldman Sachs & GE have developed a water risk index
a rising trend.4 KPMG believes that while data on
• Financial Risks
that will aggregate 20 weighted factors capturing water
corporate exposure to water-related risks may be
There are a number of potential financial
availability, regulations, water quality and reputational
inadequate, companies do have an understanding
impacts from water scarcity for a number
issues. The index has been designed to help investors and
of the potential risks associated water use and water
of high-risk sectors within three key areas:
financial analysts model the local nature of water-related
discharges in the total supply chain. The scope of this
raw material inputs, operating efficiency, and
risks and externalities.
issue will primarily focus on four main methods/tools,
1. Calvert White Paper: Unparalleled Challenge and Opportunity in Water, Sept 2008 2. Watching Water, JP Morgan, March 2008 3. Managing water for All: An OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing, OECD 2009
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31-01-11 12:36
as well as highlight a number of institutional-investor
Development, a CEO-led association of some 200
exclusively. Their strengths and weaknesses overlap,
backed reporting initiatives.
large companies. Unlike the Life Cycle Analysis
and different approaches can be used together –
or Water Footprinting approaches, the GWT
for example, several companies have combined
Two immediate problems present themselves in
is not an evaluative methodology, but rather an
the WBCSD Water Tool with the GEMI Water
achieving water accounting. One is the lack of
online tool rather like a water use spreadsheet that
Sustainability Tools to create a larger picture that
readily accessible databases on total supply chain
companies can use to develop a broader picture of
accounts for both water use in local context, and for
water exposure. The other is the absence of any single
their water withdrawals and discharges within a
business risks. But, as a survey of KPMG of 105
agreed methodology for water accounting. And
given watershed.
large companies reveals, a full accounting for water
GEMI Water Sustainability Tools
sustainability and business risk is still the exception,
This approach consists of two online tools developed
not the rule.
these two factors are linked: the absence of reliable and detailed data has led to multiple approaches. In practice, most companies attempting water accounting use a combination of methodologies, as no one formal approach offers a total solution. Therefore it is important that companies are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the main approaches to water accounting.
Life Cycle Analysis Water accounting is only one part of most Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) evaluations, which account for the input and output of a wide range of resources that affect the sustainability profile of a business. The LCA approach has numerous advantages. It is flexible in that the scope of analysis is open-ended (it can relate to one single business supply chain). Water Footprinting Water Footprinting (WF) is the leading waterspecific accounting tool, developed by the University of Twente in The Netherlands and managed by the Water Footprint Network. The WF approach focuses on the total volume of water used (known as ‘virtual water’ in the WF vocabulary) in any system or region, whether locally sourced or ‘imported’ in the form of goods that may not contain water but consumed water in their production. WBCSD Global Water Tool The Global Water Tool (GWT) was developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 34
by the Blobal Environmental Management Initiative (a corporate stewardship network) designed to
Disclosing on Water
evaluate water-related risks.
A study by the CEO Water Mandate entitled Water Disclosure 2.0. concluded that there is a growing
Most companies currently attempting to account
trend for companies to choose to publicly report
fully for water do not use any one of these approaches
their water use and impacts in order to strengthen
31-01-11 12:36
“Water scarcity presents four sets of risks to businesses: financial; operational; reputational and regulatory, and requires themaangaan to quantify “Als belegger kun je wel een risico dattheir vulnerability across the extended supply chain” je inmiddels niet of zelden terug kunt vinden in communication with stakeholders and enhance
Westerse markten“
growing expectations a number of initiatives have
Cost Risk and the Potential for Disruption of
accountability to the public.5 Transparent disclosure
been developed.
Water Supply.
Firstly it builds trust between businesses and their
Carbon Disclosure Project Water Disclosure
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
stakeholders – helping to maintain their social license
CDP Water Disclosure will provide critical water-
Companies can also employ the GRI’s G3
to operate. Secondly it helps to identify business risks
related data from the world’s largest corporations
Guidelines which provide a set of indicators for
and opportunities to innovate or change behaviors.
to inform the global market place on investment
water measurement.
on water consumption offers two potential benefits.
risk and commercial opportunity. They will The water Disclosure 2.0. study assessed 110
request information on the risks and opportunities
These initiatives demonstrate the shift water
companies in relation to water-related reporting
companies face in relation to water; on water
accounting is undergoing – what was once an inward
and found that 62 percent were active across at least
usage and exposure to water stress in companies’
looking exercise is now viewed as an outward strategy
one element. Companies typically reported on water
own operations and in their supply chains; and
to support transparency – and further underlines
issues relating to their direct business operations. The
on companies’ water management plans and
that disclosure of water related risk is becoming an
diagram, which has been taken from the study, shows
governance. This data will provide valuable insight
expectation of stakeholders.
the degree of reporting across a number of elements.
into the strategies deployed by many of the largest KPMG Water Accounting Survey KPMG recently assessed business responses to the challenge of sustainable water usage. The purpose of the survey was to determine the extent
to which companies have the inclination, the data and the tools to determine and manage their total water footprint. The annual reports and corporate websites of 105 large multinationals were surveyed, roughly an equal split between manufacturers and retailers. The companies were assessed in terms of their To meet the growing interest of investors, businesses
companies in the world on water and will be used to
self-stated progress on management of water
need to provide greater levels of transparency and
help drive investment towards sustainable water use.
usage, and their use of targets of better water
disclosure on the risks and opportunities companies
sustainability. Across the three areas data was
face in relation to water usage and exposure to water
World Resources Institute(WRI) Water Risk Index
ranked according to whether companies were
stress across both their operations and extended
The WRI together with Goldman Sachs and GE
accounting solely for their own direct water usage
supply chains, and provide detailed water action plans.
have developed a set of quantified indicators that
in their extended supply chains.
measure “water risk” related to specific industries However, collecting and dissemination meaningful
in specific locations. The index produces map-
The results give a snapshot of how far companies
water-related information is a complicated and
based indicators of water risk categorized in three
progressed in identifying their total water
difficult undertaking. To help companies meet the
main groupings: Access or Growth Constrains,
exposure, and how they are managing the issue.
4. Corporate Reporting On Water Risk, Ceres 2010 5. Water Disclosure 2.0. UN CEO Water Mandate, March 2009
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31-01-11 12:36
w w w.g A A A n . n u
A n d e r h A l f u u r v o o r d e e i n d b e s p r e k i n g vA n d e j A A r r e k e n i n g vA n e e n g r o o t r e c l A m e b u r e A u
© 2010 KPMG N.V., alle rechten voorbehouden.
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 36
31-01-11 12:37
Although annual reports and web presentations
More than two thirds (69 percent) of all retailers are
measure water related risks, resulting in a relative
do not necessarily reveal in full detail every
not reporting at all.
low preparedness.
they do reveal what companies consider to be
Setting Standards
Water Is Everyone’s Business
their most important undertakings, and therefore
The setting of targets and accounting for the rate
Over the last years an increasing number of
depict what is and what is not at the top of the
of progress towards those targets should be an
companies have undertaken projects to measure,
corporate agenda.
essential component of strategic management of
manage and report on their water usage, to identify
water. However, KMPG’s survey shows that target
and develop mitigation strategies to address risks
setting is conspicuous by its absence in the majority
associated with water scarcity and pollution, as well
of corporate reports.
as to uncover opportunities for increased operational
strategic initiative that large companies undertake,
Managing Water Manufacturers
managing of water usage. Nine out of ten
efficiency and cost reduction.
manufacturing companies recognize that water
Overall, only around a third of companies surveyed
is a management issue. However, only three out
are setting any targets at all. Given the absence of
The KPMG survey showed that while understanding
of every ten respondents included risks across
detailed water usage reporting in around half of
the importance of sustainable water usage is
their extended supply chains. Recognition of
all companies studied, it is not entirely surprising.
improving it is not yet fully reflected in corporate
the issue is lower amongst retailers. Just over
However, where companies are setting targets, a
half of retailers said they are managing water in
significant number have targets that they cannot
according annual reports current in 2010. If annual
some way. Only 17 percent consider that water
or do not actually measure – for example, the
reports and corporate websites accurately reflect the
usage in the extended supply chain is relevant
stating of a broad target to ‘promote systems and
data in corporate hands, only around one percent
(and those that do are most likely to be food or
practices that conserve water’.
of companies have data that would allow them to
clothing retailers).
create a full accounting of water in their businesses. Where the targets are measurable, KPMG found
Reporting On Water
that many companies particularly retailers, do not
Companies should therefore concentrate on
Managing and reporting are different. Although a
attach any timeframe to the target. Furthermore,
water risk assessment as a first and essential step
clear majority of companies say they recognize water
the targets that are set are always direct water usage
in understanding their exposure to the changing
in some way, the number of companies that turn
targets – they never include the extended supply
pattern of water available and water regulation, and
management concern into detailed reporting is far
chain, although some companies do mention
in preparing responses tot stakeholders on an issue
making efforts to find solutions in dialogue with
that is likely to be of growing concern.
suppliers. Again, the manufacturers surveyed perform best:
Furthermore, to meet the water challenges in
over two thirds of them report in detail on their
Objective Standards
of the future will require collective action from
own water usage. But own water usage does not
Looking for companies using objective standards
governments, businesses, consumers and leading
amount to a full water account. A mere two percent
or guidelines to account for their water use, the
opinion formers – the big society working as one.
of manufacturers are quantifying their water
results show a 100 percent lack of an interpretive
consumption (and thus their risk) in detail across
framework for determining water usage and water
their total supply chain. For retailers, only three out
risk. Within the perspective that none of the
of ten are offering detailed reporting on their own
current approaches available offers a total solution
water usage, and no retailer reports on their water-
to the challenge, this result is not surprising.
related exposure across the extended supply chain.
However, it further underlines the lack of tools to
For reactions, please mail to [email protected]
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 37
31-01-11 12:37
Duisenberg school of finance - ask an expert accounting for Sustainability Prof. Dr. Noreena Hertz
Noreena Hertz holds the Chair of Globalisation, Sustainability and Finance at Duisenberg school of finance and is a professor at the Rotterdam School of Management at the Erasmus University. She is also based at the University of Cambridge. She Hertz has written several books (The Silent Takeover, The Debt Threat) and her op-ed pieces have been published in The Washington Post, New Statesman, The Observer, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Financial Times, and The Guardian, The Daily Beast and The Times of London.
Is sustainability merely a ‘green’ issue?
banks all felt that they had a safe capital cushion
I think it’s a very reductionist definition of
because they were just looking at this one number.
sustainability to think of it only in terms of green
And then they stopped thinking about what the
issues. The term has been used in a multiplicity of
number actually meant. So when we had multiple
ways. From a company’s point of view, sustainability
defaults, they were ill equipped. That’s a really clear
involves an understanding of what it takes to survive
example of why looking at numbers on their own
today, and in the future. That incorporates issues like
can really be inadequate.
the environment, but also things like labour relations,
human rights, employee discrimination, equal
The challenge for analysts, who normally do just
opportunity, and the company’s role in the society.
look at numbers and can extrapolate and create nice
In other words, what does it take for a company to
models, is, “How do I now mine qualitative data?
succeed today and in the future, beyond what one
How do I understand it? What do I ask? How do
would associate with a standard balance sheet or
I find out about it?”
profit and loss statement? If you don’t take these issues into account, you run Are shareholders interested in sustainability
the risk that you’re going to value a company in a
particular way and six months down the line there’s
I would argue that, actually, all of these issues are
going to be a lawsuit related to some aspect of their
issues that shareholders should be interested in. If
we take a case like BP and we look, with hindsight, at the company and how it works, we can see a host
There have been some innovations in this area over
of issues that analysts and institutional investors
the past decade, where we’ve seen things like political
should have been aware of and interested in: for
risk being introduced into assessments. We’re seeing
example, the discrepancy between a very strong
a company like Goldman Sachs now saying that it is
focus on personal accident safety reporting and a
conscientiously going to be looking for sustainable
lack of reporting on the safety of industrial core
factors in its analysis of a company. But it’s not going
to be as simple as being able to plug some numbers into a model.
Is it easy to quantify the degree of sustainability
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 38
of a company?
Smart investors realise that there’s a risk attached to
One of the challenges is that not everything can
only looking at an annual report. In fact, in a study by
be quantified. Relying purely on quantitative
Thomson Reuters that came out recently, only 12%
assessments can easily be to our peril. Take value at
of CEOs felt that annual reports actually provided
risk (VAR) measurements that became such a focus;
sufficient information.
31-01-11 12:37
What is the main difference between Corporate
in a period of recession. Governments are going
Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability?
to expect companies to be paying for many more
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities
things that were previously state-subsidised services.
have not traditionally been viewed as having
Responsibility will be pushed onto the private
a real impact on a company’s bottom line. The
sector. So I think banks need to be thinking about
part of CSR and sustainability that is about
sustainability really differently.
sponsoring a local community event, for example, is potentially something that will be rewarding for
Should sustainability be an integrated part of the
one’s employees and will create a sense of internal
curriculum of students?
cohesion. And there are studies that show that these
Yes and that’s a really important issue. At Duisenberg
sorts of projects do have a positive correlation with
school of finance, we, in conjunction with Holland
employee retention, with the positive feelings people
Financial Centre, are developing a finance and
associate with the companies that they work in. But,
sustainability programme which is going to be
I’m talking about something much bigger, which is
compulsory for all our Masters in Finance students
about how we actually value companies.
starting next year, whatever their actual specialisation within finance.
Sustainability is of a different order. In a report
D uis enberg s chool of
on corporate sustainability released in June by
In terms of the opportunities, there are all these
fi nance stand s for
Accenture and UN Global Compact, we see that
new markets to prepare students for: carbon
top educat ion and
whereas in 2007 around 70% of CEOs felt that
trading; funding the transition to a clean economy;
sustainability was an integral part of their business,
microfinance. All these new areas have the potential
97% now see that it needs to be woven into their
to be extremely lucrative. There are also issues around
law. A premier private
company’s operations. They see that there is a gap
valuation and risk where a better understanding of
between what they think is needed and where they
sustainability can have a real impact.
fi nance s chool located
are at.
res earch i n fi nance and
in Amsterdam with
One of the main issues identified as a challenge by
world-class faculty an d
There is a broad array of issues that I’m putting
the huge pool of CEOs that were studied in the UN
under the umbrella of sustainability – How do we
Global Compact report was being able to employ
di rec t li nks to indu stry
treat women? How do we treat minorities? What
students who are educated in these issues.
are we doing on the environmental front? Are we thinking about the big picture? Are we backing up a corrupt regime or not? What are the looming dangers in our markets? All this now matters more than ever for companies, especially as we are still
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 39
For reactions, please mail to [email protected]
leaders i n the world of f inance. For more information, go to www.d sf.nl.
31-01-11 12:37
Of heb jij een beter idee om direct op je plek te zijn?
© 2010 PricewaterhouseCoopers B.V. (KvK 3412089) Alle rechten voorbehouden.
1027-1071 FSA-Fiducie-1102-02.indd 40
31-01-11 12:37