Conditions for admission to study in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes for the academic year 2015/2016 File no. 008/25910/14
Ref. no. OU-89249/25-2014
The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava under Section 49, Subsection 5, Act no. 111/1998 Sb. on universities, including amendments and additions to other Acts (the Universities Act), as subsequently amended; and under Article 2, Paragraph 1 of Appendix no. 2 of the Statutes of the University of Ostrava, the Regulations on Admissions Procedures; and under Article 18, Paragraph 3 and Article 28, Paragraph 1 of the Statutes of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava; hereby announces the regulations governing admission to study in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes for the academic year 2015/2016: Article 1 Applications to study 1.
A list of all degree programmes and degree subjects offered to applicants, including the available forms of study, is given in the Appendix.
The deadline for submission of applications to study is 28 February 2015.
Applications may only be submitted in electronic form (e-applications).
The application fee is 560 CZK (five hundred and sixty Czech crowns). This fee must be paid to account no. 931761/0710, payment reference number (“variabilní symbol”) 251011, specific payment code (“specifický symbol”) = a special number which is generated uniquely for each applicant when submitting the e-application.
To submit an e-application, follow the following procedure: a) go to the link “E-přihláška ke studiu na OU” on the homepage of the University of Ostrava; b) applicants enter their personal details and choose a degree subject (or combination of degree subjects), including the form of study (full-time studies = “prezenční”; part-distance studies = “kombinované”); c) the system generates a specific payment code (“specifický symbol”) for each applicant; this code must be entered when paying the application fee of 560 CZK; d) the application is only considered valid once the applicant has paid the abovementioned fee; in addition to the correct bank account number and payment reference number (“variabilní symbol”), the correct specific payment code (“specifický symbol”) must also be given when paying the fee in order for the application to be considered valid; e) applicants who have correctly submitted an e-application do not need to send any materials by post; this does not apply to applicants for the Bachelor’s degree subject Czech Language and Literature (“Český jazyk a literatura”), for which applicants must also send certified copies of the year-end reports from each year of their secondary school studies, including an extract from the mid-year report from the last year of their secondary school studies (see Appendix, explanatory note 2); it also does not apply to applicants for all combinations of the Master’s degree programme Teaching for Secondary Schools (“Učitelství pro střední školy”), who must send an expert logopedic and phoniatric report and (if applicable) a document proving that they have successfully completed the state final examination in pedagogy and psychology at a university, or a document proving that they
have successfully completed the courses which make up the block known as the pedagogical-psychological basics (“pedagogicko-psychologický základ”); see Article 4, Paragraph 5; f) applicants who pay the application fee from abroad must send a document proving payment to the Faculty’s Study Office (“Studijní oddělění”). 6.
All applicants must use the internet e-application system to check that the application fee has been credited to the University’s bank account. If the fee has not been credited to the University’s account, the applicant must pay the fee again in order that the fee is credited to the University’s account no later than 31 March 2015. If an applicant requests the reimbursement of a payment made in error, the University of Ostrava charges a cancellation fee of 100 CZK (one hundred Czech crowns). Any issues related to the submission of applications must be resolved no later than 31 March 2015. Any requests for the resolution of issues received after this date will be rejected. If the application is correctly submitted and the application fee correctly paid, applicants will receive a written application to the entrance examination (if the admissions procedure for the degree subject in question involves an entrance examination).
If an applicant applies for more than one degree subject (or combination of subjects), the applicant must complete a separate application for each subject/combination; each application must include all necessary particulars, and the application fee must be paid (N.B.: The stipulated application fee must be paid once for each application, i.e. one payment of the fee covers only one application). If the applicant fails to attend the entrance examination, the application fee will not be returned to the applicant. Applicants who submit more than one application accept the risk of a potential clash of entrance examination dates.
N.B.: It is not permitted to transfer one application to a different degree subject or form of study (i.e. full-time studies = “prezenční” or part-distance studies = “kombinované”). Article 2 Conditions for admission to a Bachelor’s degree programme
The conditions for admission to a Bachelor’s degree programme are as follows: a. completion of a full secondary (or secondary vocational) education, b. passing the entrance examination (if an entrance examination is required to study the chosen degree subject), c. proof of study results at secondary school – this applies only to the degree subject Czech Language and Literature (“Český jazyk a literatura”) subject to the provisions of Article 1, Paragraph 5e.
Completion of a full secondary (or secondary vocational) education is demonstrated by the submission of a certified copy of the school-leaving certificate (“maturitní vysvědčení”). Applicants must submit this document to the Faculty Study Office no later than 30 June 2015.
Applicants who completed their secondary education outside the Czech Republic must submit (by the date given in Paragraph 2) a certificate or document proving the nostrification (recognition) of their school-leaving certificate, i.e. confirming that the certificate is considered equivalent to a school-leaving certificate (“maturitní vysvědčení”) issued in the Czech Republic.
The provisions of Paragraph 3 do not apply if the Czech Republic has signed an intergovernmental agreement with the given country on the mutual recognition of educational certificates.
Article 3 Conditions for admission to a Master’s degree programme 1.
The conditions for admission to a Master’s degree programme are as follows: a. completion of studies in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme, b. passing the entrance examination (if an entrance examination is required to study the chosen degree subject), c. in the case of applications to study degree subjects for which entrance examinations are not required, the applicant’s previously completed degree subject must be adjudged to be sufficiently similar to the degree subject for which the application is submitted, in accordance with Section 49, Subsection 1 of the Universities Act; in cases of doubt, the examination board shall rule on the (dis)similarity of the degree subjects in question.
Completion of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme is demonstrated by the submission of a certified copy of a university diploma. Applicants must submit this document on the day of enrolment; the enrolment will take place in the first half of September 2015. Successful applicants will be informed of the precise date of enrolment by post, after the completion of the entrance examinations.
Applicants who completed a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme outside the Czech Republic must submit (by the date given in Paragraph 2) a certificate of nostrification (recognition) of their university education by the Czech Republic.
The provisions of Paragraph 3 do not apply if the Czech Republic has signed an intergovernmental agreement with the given country on the mutual recognition of educational certificates.
Article 4 Conditions for admission to all degree programmes 1.
Entrance examinations are based on a points total. The maximum score attainable by an applicant is 100 points per degree subject. (If an applicant applies for a combination of two degree subjects, the maximum score attainable by this applicant is 200 points; if an applicant applies for a combination of two degree subjects as part of the Master’s programme Teaching for Secondary Schools (“Učitelství pro střední školy”), the maximum score attainable is 300 points.)
If the number of applicants passing the entrance examination is higher than the admissions capacity of the given degree subject, the applicants shall be ranked in order of scores attained and the highest-ranking applicants shall be admitted.
Applicants applying to study in double-major programmes must pass the entrance examinations for both degree subjects in order to be admitted.
Applicants applying to study in double-major programmes as part of the Master’s programme Teaching for Secondary Schools (“Učitelství pro střední školy”) must pass the entrance examinations for both degree subjects and the entrance examination for pedagogy and psychology in order to be admitted.
Applicants applying to study in the Master’s programme Teaching for Secondary Schools (“Učitelství pro střední školy”) are not required to take the entrance examination in pedagogy and psychology (and will automatically receive 100 points for this examination) if they submit documents proving that: a. they have previously passed state final examinations in pedagogy and psychology as part of their previous university studies, or
b. they have successfully completed the courses making up the block known as the pedagogical-psychological basics (“pedagogicko-psychologický základ”), receiving at least 8 credits for these subjects. The above documentation must be submitted either when submitting the application to study or on the day of the entrance examination; it may not be submitted on any other date. Article 5 Entrance examinations 1.
The entrance examinations for individual degree subjects (including the form of examination) will take place as stated in the Appendix.
Date of the entrance examinations: 1 – 5 June 2015.
N.B.: There is only one alternative date for the entrance examinations (17 June 2015). This will be available to applicants only if there is a clash with the applicant’s school-leaving examination (“maturitní zkouška”) in the case of applicants to Bachelor’s degree programmes, or with the applicant’s Bachelor-level state final examination in the case of applicants to Master’s degree programmes. Applicants must submit a written request to take the entrance examination on this alternative date no later than 29 May 2015; the request must include a document issued by the applicant’s secondary school or university proving that the schoolleaving examination or Bachelor-level state final examination is scheduled to be held on the precise day for which the applicant’s entrance examination is scheduled. Incomplete requests, or requests submitted after the above-stated date, will be rejected.
Complete information on degree subjects, including the content of entrance examinations and the criteria for their evaluation, form an integral part of these Conditions and are published online at (link “Studium – Přijímací řízení – Nabízené obory”).
Article 6 Other regulations governing admissions 1.
Standard combinations of degree subjects in double-major studies (i.e. those combinations in which compulsory courses are timetabled according to the standard study plan) are as follows (for Bachelor’s degrees): English Language and Literature (Anglický jazyk a literatura) – Czech Language and Literature (Český jazyk a literatura), English Language and Literature (Anglický jazyk a literatura) – History (Historie), English Language and Literature (Anglický jazyk a literatura) – Psychology (Psychologie), English Language and Literature (Anglický jazyk a literatura) – Basics of Social Sciences (Základy společenských věd), Czech Language and Literature (Český jazyk a literatura) – History (Historie), Czech Language and Literature (Český jazyk a literatura) – Psychology (Psychologie), Czech Language and Literature (Český jazyk a literatura) – Basics of Social Sciences (Základy společenských věd), History (Historie) – Psychology (Psychologie), History (Historie) – Basics of Social Sciences (Základy společenských věd), Psychology (Psychologie) – Basics of Social Sciences (Základy společenských věd).
For the academic year 2015/2016 the Faculty plants to admit a number of applicants enabling the maximum number of students enrolled in Bachelor’s degree programmes to be 600 and the maximum number of students enrolled in Master’s degree programmes to be 200; these figures may be subject to change depending on the actual allocation of funding quotas by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to the University of Ostrava in 2015.
Approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, 27 September 2014. Ostrava, 1 October 2014
prof. PhDr. Aleš Zářický, Ph.D. Dean 1 appendix
List of degree subjects offered for the academic year 2015/2016 including forms of entrance examination Bachelor’s degree programmes (standard length of study 3 years) Degree subject
Form of study*
Form of entrance examination
SINGLE-MAJOR STUDIES PS Philology (Filologie)
PS, KS Philology (Filologie)
English Language and Literature (Anglický jazyk a literatura) English for Business (Angličtina ve sféře podnikání) Czech Language and Literature (Český jazyk a literatura) French for Business (Francouzština ve sféře podnikání) German for Business (Němčina ve sféře podnikání) Polish Language and Literature (Polský jazyk a literatura) Polish for Business (Polština ve sféře podnikání) Russian for Business (Ruština ve sféře podnikání) Spanish for Business (Španělština ve sféře podnikání) Philosophy (Filozofie) History (Historie) Czech and Czechoslovak History (České a československé dějiny) Art History Focusing on Heritage Management and Industrial Monuments (Dějiny umění se zaměřením na památkovou péči a technické památky) Psychology (Psychologie) Sociology (Sociologie)
Degree programme
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
PS, KS Philology (Filologie)
no exam
PS, KS Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
PS, KS Philology (Filologie)
PS, KS Philology (Filologie)
no exam
PS, KS Philosophy (Filozofie) PS Historical Sciences (Historické vědy) PS Historical Sciences (Historické vědy) PS General Theory of Art History and Culture (Obecná teorie a dějiny umění a kultury)
written written
Psychology (Psychologie) Sociology (Sociologie)
written no exam
written written
1 1
English Language and Literature (Anglický jazyk a literatura) Czech Language and Literature (Český jazyk a literatura) French Language and Literature (Francouzský jazyk a literatura) German Language and Literature (Německý jazyk a literatura) Polish Language and Literature (Polský jazyk a literatura) Russian Language and Literature (Ruský jazyk a literatura) Spanish Language and Literature (Španělský jazyk a literatura) Art History and Heritage Management (Dějiny umění a památková péče)
Philology (Filologie)
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Humanities (Humanitní studia)
no exam
History (Historie) Latin Language and Culture (Latinský jazyk a kultura) Basics of Social Sciences (Základy společenských věd) Psychology (Psychologie)
Humanities (Humanitní studia) Humanities (Humanitní studia)
written no exam
a a
Humanities (Humanitní studia)
Psychology (Psychologie)
* PS = “prezenční studium”, i.e. full-time studies; KS = “kombinované studium”, i.e. partdistance studies Master’s degree programmes (standard length of study 2 years) Degree subject
Form of study*
Degree programme
Form of entrance examination
English Language and Literature (Anglický jazyk a literatura) Czech Language and Literature (Český jazyk a literatura) German Language and Literature (Německý jazyk a literatura) Polish Language and Literature (Polský jazyk a literatura) Spanish Language and Literature (Španělský jazyk a literatura) Philosophy (Filozofie) History (Historie)
Philology (Filologie)
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
PS, KS Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philosophy (Filozofie) Historical Sciences (Historické vědy) Historical Sciences (Historické vědy)
oral oral
Historical Sciences (Historické vědy)
Historical Sciences (Historické vědy) Translation and Interpreting (Překladatelství a tlumočnictví) Translation and Interpreting (Překladatelství a tlumočnictví)
History and Conservation of Industrial Heritage (Historie a ochrana průmyslového dědictví) Modern Economic and Social History (Hospodářské a sociální dějiny novověku) Cultural History (Kulturní dějiny)
English for Translation (Angličtina pro překladatelskou praxi) French for Translation (Francouzština pro překladatelskou praxi) German for Translation (Němčina pro překladatelskou praxi) Polish for Translation (Polština pro překladatelskou praxi) Russian for Translation (Ruština pro překladatelskou praxi) Spanish for Translation (Španělština pro překladatelskou praxi)
Translation and Interpreting (Překladatelství a tlumočnictví) Translation and Interpreting (Překladatelství a tlumočnictví) Translation and Interpreting (Překladatelství a tlumočnictví) Translation and Interpreting (Překladatelství a tlumočnictví)
written written oral written oral written
* PS = “prezenční studium”, i.e. full-time studies; KS = “kombinované studium”, i.e. partdistance studies
Degree subject
Form of study*
Degree programme
Form of entrance examination
English Language and Literature (Anglický jazyk a literatura) Czech Language and Literature (Český jazyk a literatura) German Language and Literature (Německý jazyk a literatura) Polish Language and Literature (Polský jazyk a literatura) Spanish Language and Literature (Španělský jazyk a literatura) Russian Language and Literature (Ruský jazyk a literatura)
Philology (Filologie)
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Philology (Filologie)
no exam
Historical Sciences (Historické vědy)
Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ)
Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ)
no exam
Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ)
no exam
Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ) Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ)
no exam
History (Historie) Teaching English Language and Literature for Secondary Schools (Učitelství anglického jazyka a literatury pro SŠ) Teaching Czech Language and Literature for Secondary Schools (Učitelství českého jazyka a literatury pro SŠ) Teaching French Language and Literature for Secondary Schools (Učitelství francouzského jazyka a literatury pro SŠ) Teaching History for Secondary Schools (Učitelství historie pro SŠ) Teaching German Language and Literature for Secondary Schools (Učitelství německého jazyka a literatury pro SŠ) Teaching Polish Language and Literature for Secondary Schools (Učitelství polského jazyka a literatury pro SŠ) Teaching Psychology for Secondary Schools (Učitelství psychologie pro SŠ) Teaching Russian Language and Literature for Secondary Schools (Učitelství ruského jazyka a literatury pro SŠ) Teaching Spanish Language and Literature for Secondary Schools (Učitelství španělského jazyka a literatury pro SŠ) Teaching Basics of Social Sciences for Secondary Schools (Učitelství základů společenských věd pro SŠ) Entrance examination in pedagogy and psychology
Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ)
no exam
Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ) Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ)
no exam
Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ)
no exam
Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ)
Teaching for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pro SŠ)
* PS = “prezenční studium”, i.e. full-time studies; KS = “kombinované studium”, i.e. partdistance studies Explanatory notes 1.
The written examination will be taken on a computer.
Applicants will be evaluated based on their results achieved at secondary school. The grades obtained in the secondary school subject “Czech Language and Literature” (end of year 1, 2 and 3; middle of year 4) are converted into entrance examination points as follows: average 1.00 – 1.24 = 100 points average 1.25 – 1.49 = 90 points average 1.50 – 1.74 = 85 points average 1.75 – 1.99 = 80 points average 2.00 – 2.24 = 75 points average 2.25 – 2.49 = 70 points average 2.50 – 2.74 = 60 points average 2.75 – 2.99 = 55 points average 3.00 = 50 points average 3.01 and above = 40 points Applicants must send certified copies of the year-end reports from each year of their secondary school studies, including an extract from the mid-year report from the last year of their secondary school studies, as accompanying documents together with the short version of the e-application no later than 28. 2. 2015.
Students of Bachelor’s double-major degree programmes select a combination of any two of the degree subjects listed above (e.g. English Language and Literature – Czech Language and Literature, German Language and Literature – History, etc.). These combinations of degree subjects form part of the degree programmes Philology or Humanities. Students of Master’s double-major degree programmes for secondary school teaching select a combination of any two of the degree subjects listed above as part of the Teaching for Secondary Schools degree programme (e.g. Teaching English Language and Literature for Secondary Schools – Teaching Czech Language and Literature for Secondary Schools, Teaching German Language and Literature for Secondary Schools – Teaching History for Secondary Schools, etc.). The entrance examination in pedagogy and psychology forms an integral part of the entrance examination for the Master’s degree programme Teaching for Secondary Schools. The examination tests applicants’ knowledge of the courses which make up the block known as the pedagogical-psychological basics (“pedagogicko-psychologický základ”). Applicants can gain a maximum of 100 points from the entrance examination in pedagogy and psychology. Students of Master’s double-major degree programmes (not for secondary school teaching) select a combination of any two of the degree subjects listed above (e.g. English Language and Literature – Czech Language and Literature, German Language and Literature – History, etc.). These combinations of degree subjects form part of the degree programme Philology.
Degree subjects offered by the Faculty of Arts as part of combinations of two degree subjects in double-major programmes (Bachelor’s degree programmes or the Master’s degree programme Teaching for Secondary Schools) may also be studied in combination with selected degree subjects offered by the Faculty of Science (e.g. English Language and Literature – Informatics). These combinations form part of the range offered by the Faculty of Science. It is also possible to study one combination in conjunction with the Pedagogical Faculty as part of the Bachelor’s degree programme Pedagogy – Psychology (Pedagogika – Psychologie) and the Master’s degree programme Teaching Pedagogy – Teaching Psychology for Secondary Schools (Učitelství pedagogiky – Učitelství psychologie pro SŠ). These combinations form part of the range offered by the Pedagogical Faculty.