Bijlage 1 FINANCIELE BEPALINGEN EN VOORWAARDEN Financiële bepalingen en voorwaarden ten behoeve van de uitzendende organisatie zoals bedoeld in het kader van het Young Expert Programme. Artikel 1 Verantwoordelijkheid en veiligheid De uitzendende organisatie is te allen tijde verantwoordelijk voor de veiligheid en welzijn van de door haar uitgezonden Young Expert(s). Het Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) en het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken kunnen nimmer hiervoor aansprakelijk worden gesteld. Het advies van de ambassade ten aanzien van veiligheid wordt opgevolgd. Artikel 2 Verantwoording en verslaglegging door uitzendende partijen De periode waarop de Young Expert wordt ingezet binnen YEP is maximaal 2 jaar. Financiële ondersteuning vanuit YEP wordt onder voorbehoud van voldoende voortgang voor deze gehele periode verstrekt, en onder voorbehoud dat het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken voldoende middelen beschikbaar stelt ten behoeve van YEP. Op basis van de rapportage en verantwoording wordt de financiële bijdrage over deze periode definitief vastgesteld. Artikel 3 Specificatie van kosten voor inzet, uitzending en training Young Expert Hieronder worden de kosten per jaar voor inzet, uitzending en training van een Young Expert uiteengezet. JAAR OVERZICHT KOSTEN/ Financiële ondersteuning
Uitzendende organisatie
Inzet Nederlandse Young Expert: Personele kosten Young Expert (o.a. salaris, sociale lasten, ziektekosten, pensioen, etc.) Uitzendingskosten (o.a. reiskosten, verzekering, transport inboedel, verzekering, huisvesting, gastlandtoelage) Training en ontwikkeling (o.a. begeleiding, voorbereidingstraject, training & netwerkvorming, coaching) Bijdrage programmabureau (eenmalig)
N.v.t. € 30.000
€ 1.500 3
€ 40.000
Inzet lokale Young Expert:
Totale kosten
€ 10.000
Totale kosten
Personele kosten Young Expert (o.a. salaris en sociale premies) Training en ontwikkeling (o.a. begeleiding, voorbereidingstraject in Nederland, training & netwerkvorming, coaching)
€ 38.500
€ 40.000
Uitzendende organisatie
€ 10.000 €2.000
€ 12.000
€ 12.000
Artikel 4 Administratieve bescheiden De financiële zaken worden vastgelegd in de grootboekadministratie van de uitzendende organisatie. De grootboekadministratie wordt ingedeeld in overeenstemming met bovenstaande opbouw. Dit schema moet 1
Bedragen inclusief BTW Indicatie voor kosten werkgever aan salaris, werkgeverslasten, verzekeringen etc. 3 Maximale financiële ondersteuning (er kan maximaal 50% van het totaal aan kosten tot een maximum van €40.000 per jaar worden aangevraagd voor een Nederlandse Young Expert). 4 Maximale financiële ondersteuning (er kan maximaal 50% van het totaal aan kosten tot een maximum van €12.000 per jaar worden aangevraagd voor een lokale Young Expert). 2
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zodanig gedetailleerd zijn samengesteld als nodig is voor het verkrijgen van inzicht in de samenstellingen van kosten. Het rekeningschema volgt de begrotingsindeling. Het heeft de voorkeur in het grootboek te werken met kostenplaatsen. In dat geval kan aan het programma een eigen kostenplaatsnummer worden toegekend. Om een efficiënte interne controle en accountantscontrole mogelijk te maken, is het van belang dat een specificatie van de kosten beschikbaar is en de onderliggende (kopie)facturen en overige bescheiden in een projectdossier worden opgenomen. Tevens kan een gedetailleerde uitdraai uit de geautomatiseerde administratie volstaan als specificatie. Het projectdossier dient de volgende stukken te bevatten: Geautoriseerde kostenonderbouwing ( zowel factuur als betaalbescheiden) van deze kosten Getekend uitzend- of inhuurcontract Salarisstrook van de betreffende Young Expert van de maand indiensttreding dan wel start als Young Expert voor dit programma evenals een salarisstrook van de 12e maand, of van de laatste maand van inzet. Kopie ID bewijs Voeg specifiek voor de inzet van Nederlandse Young Experts ook de volgende documenten toe: Jaaropgave (indien van toepassing) Loonbelastingverklaring (indien van toepassing) Verzekeringsbewijs SOS-verzekering inclusief repatriëringverzekering en molest van de Young Expert (alleen voor uitgezonden Young Experts) Het staat het YEP programmabureau vrij om een accountantscontrole bij de uitzendende organisatie uit te laten voeren. De kosten hiervan komen ten laste van YEP en worden niet bij de uitzendende organisatie in rekening of mindering gebracht. Artikel 5: Bevoorschotting Na ontvangst van alle bescheiden bij aanvang van de inzet van de Young Expert wordt het voorschot ( 95% van toegekende bijdrage voor het eerste jaar) overgemaakt. Indien de periode van inzet van de Young Expert langer dan één jaar bedraagt, wordt na één jaar een voortgangsrapportage ingediend. Na goedkeuring door het YEP programmabureau wordt het voorschot ( 95% van de toegekende bijdrage) voor jaar twee overgemaakt. Na vaststelling en goedkeuring van de afsluitende rapportage word het resterende bedrag overgemaakt. Alle betalingen geschieden in Euro. Totale voorschot voor Nederlandse Young Expert jaar 1 betreft € 27.000. Totale voorschot voor Nederlandse Young Expert jaar 2 betreft € 28.500. Zie onderstaande tabel voor de toelichting. Voorschotbedragen Nederlandse Young Expert
Jaar 1
Jaar 2
Toegekende bijdrage YEP (A)
€ 40.000
€ 40.000
Middelen beheerd door YEP t.b.v. training (B)
€ 10.000
€ 10.000
95% voorschot (A-B)*95%
€ 28.500
€ 28.500
Verrekening bijdrage programmabureau (eenmalig) Totaal voorschotbedrag Resterend bedrag ( Max. 5%)
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€ 1.500 € 27.000
€ 28.500 € 3000
Totale voorschot voor de inzet van een lokale Young Expert jaar 1 betreft € 10.365. Totale voorschot voor de inzet van een lokale Young Expert jaar 2 betreft € 9.675. Zie onderstaande tabel voor de toelichting. Voorschotbedragen lokale Young Expert
Jaar 1
Jaar 2
Toegekende bijdrage YEP (A)
€ 12.000
€ 12.000
Middelen beheerd door YEP t.b.v. training (B)
-€ 2.000
-€ 2.000
€ 9.500
€ 9.500
€ 490
€ 375
€ 175
€ 10.365
€ 9.675
95% voorschot (A-B) *95% Tegemoetkoming verblijfskosten in Nederland voor starttraining, o.b.v. € 70 per persoon per nacht (pppn) Tegemoetkoming onkostenvergoeding starttraining, uit te betalen door de organisatie Totaal voorschotbedrag
€ 1000
Resterend bedrag ( Max. 5%)
Artikel 6: Rapportage Indien de periode van inzet van de Young Expert langer dan één jaar bedraagt, wordt na één jaar een voortgangsrapportage ingediend. De voortgangsrapportage wordt vergezeld van alle administratieve bescheiden beschreven in artikel 4. Het format voor de voortgangsrapportage staat op de website Binnen 3 maanden na de in het contract genoemde einddatum dient de organisatie een verzoek in om vaststelling van de financiële ondersteuning. Dit verzoek gaat vergezeld van alle administratieve bescheiden zoals beschreven in artikel 4 met dien verstande dat van facturen van 2000 euro en hoger een kopie of afschrift wordt meegestuurd. Indien kopiebescheiden worden aangeleverd, levert de uitzendende organisatie hierbij een verklaring van authenticiteit. De uitzendende organisatie kan gevraagd worden om een zogenaamde Letter Of Representation (LOR). Het format hiervoor wordt aangeleverd door NWP. Artikel 7: Acceptatie voorwaarden en verplichtingen Met het door een rechtsgeldig vertegenwoordiger van de organisatie (en de penvoerder) te ondertekenen contract, verklaart de organisatie de criteria en voorwaarden YEP zoals in dit document vastgelegd, te hebben gelezen, begrepen en akkoord te gaan met de inhoud en de gestelde voorwaarden en verplichtingen. Artikel 8: Bij eerdere beëindiging van het dienstverband van de Young Expert om welke reden ook, wordt in overleg en in mate van redelijkheid een eindafrekening gemaakt op basis van werkelijk gemaakte kosten. Artikel 9: Het anti-corruptie en sanctiebeleid in bijlage 3 maakt integraal deel uit van het YEP. De organisatie bevestigt te kunnen voldoen aan het sanctiebeleid.
Voor akkoord,
Namens NWP Ir. L.G. Silvis Directeur
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BIJLAGE 2 AANVULLENDE BEPALINGEN Aanvullende bepalingen tussen de uitzendende organisatie (hierna: werkgever) en de Nederlandse Young Expert (hierna werknemer) betreffende de uitzending van werknemer door werkgever in het kader van YEP. Artikel 1 Tussen werknemer en werkgever wordt een individuele (tijdelijke) aanstelling (uitzend- of inhuur of arbeidsovereenkomst) gesloten voor een fulltime inzet. Op deze arbeidsovereenkomst zijn de algemene arbeidswaarden of is de CAO van de werkgever van toepassing. De in dit document genoemde bepalingen zijn aanvullend op de CAO dan wel algemene arbeidsvoorwaarden en de individuele (arbeids)overeenkomst. Artikel 2 Bij eventuele conflicterende bepalingen tussen CAO/algemene arbeidsvoorwaarden en individuele uitzend- of inhuur of arbeidsovereenkomst enerzijds en deze aanvullende bepalingen anderzijds, prevaleren deze aanvullende bepalingen. Artikel 3 Alle rechten op het gebied van intellectueel eigendom, waaronder octrooi- en modelrechten en alle knowhow die de werknemer verkrijgt tijdens of dankzij of in het verlengde van het arbeids-, uitzend- of inhuurverband met de werkgever en de hiermee verband houdende uitzending als Young Expert in het kader van YEP, komen uitsluitend toe aan de werkgever en het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, behoudens andersluidende wetsbepalingen van dwingend recht. Artikel 4 Het Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) en het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken kunnen nimmer worden beschouwd als werkgever van de werknemer. De werkgever is te allen tijde de uitzendende organisatie en die is als zodanig verantwoordelijk voor het tijdig en juist afdragen van sociale premies en belastingen etc. en verantwoordelijk voor de veiligheid en welzijn van de werknemer. Het advies van de Nederlandse ambassade ten aanzien van de veiligheid wordt daarbij opgevolgd door werkgever en werknemer. Artikel 5 Uitzending en inzet van de Young Expert en deelname aan het YEP geschiedt voor de periode van maximaal 2 jaar. In voorkomende gevallen kan sprake zijn van veranderende omstandigheden waardoor deelname aan het YEP programma niet kan worden voortgezet. In dit geval treden uitzendende organisatie en YEP programmabureau in overleg. Artikel 6 Deelname aan YEP betekent dat de Young Expert deelneemt aan het YEP trainingsprogramma, bestaande uit een jaarlijkse training in Nederland, persoonlijke coaching, groepsopdrachten en online masterclasses. De tijdsbesteding gedurende het jaar bedraagt gemiddeld 1-2 dagen per maand. De werkgever stelt de Young Expert in staat om deel te nemen aan het gehele trainingsprogramma. Artikel 7 Met het ondertekenen van deze aanvullende bepalingen verklaren de werkgever en de werknemer kennis genomen te hebben van het hiervoor bepaalde, deze bepalingen te begrijpen en akkoord te gaan met deze bepalingen. De ondertekenaar namens de werkgever vertegenwoordigt de uitzendende organisatie rechtsgeldig. Artikel 8 Op deze bepalingen is het Nederlands recht van toepassing Voor akkoord, Naam YE
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Naam Organisatie Tekenbevoegde Functie
Bijlage 3 Anti corruptiebeleid
Anti-Corruption and Sanction policy Applicable on implementation of Young Expert Programme 1 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to describe preventive measures and a sanction policy in case an NWP staff member, a YEP partner or a Local counterpart is suspected of fraud, corruption, or other misuse of funds, including non-delivery of agreed deliverables. The aim is to prevent the abuse of money for personal or other aims over and above those agreed upon in the contracts with her partners. 2 Scope This policy applies to all NWP workforce members, including, but not limited to full-time employees, part-time employees, trainees, volunteers, contractors, and temporary workers. All workforce members and Partners are made aware of the existence of this anti-corruption and sanction policy. 3 Policy 3.1 NWP workforce members Abuse of Power Working in International Development is a delicate business; NWP wishes to be respected by its partners and intends to guarantee this by applying strong criteria. It is prohibited for staff members to abuse the power that is inherent to their position for their own advantage or for the advantage of their friends or relatives. No staff member of NWP will offer, nor seek, accept or get promised from other parties, for him or herself, or from any other party a remuneration, compensation or benefit of whatever type, that could be interpreted as an illegal or corrupt practice. Would any of these practices occur, it will be a reason for dismissal. Staff members are not allowed to accept any personal gifts from beneficiaries or partner organisations and their employees, in the form of money, goods or services that exceed the value of 50 Euros. Where contracts for services are realised with the input of staff members, they should be fair, in writing and in the standard NWP/YEP format, and signed by all parties involved.
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Conflicts of interest Cases may occur where personal and professional (NWP) interests are in conflict with each other, especially in the area of service delivery and professional contracts: Staff members working for NWP are not allowed to negotiate and to sign contracts and agreements between their relatives and NWP. Staff members with their own business or financial interests in certain companies are not allowed to sign contracts between NWP and these companies under any circumstances. As soon as a staff member suspects that a possible conflict of interest may occur, this should be discussed with the supervisor. NWP will, while striving for fairness and impartiality, do everything in its power to prevent staff members from becoming (financially) harmed. Staff members are not allowed to maintain a conflict of interest. Corrective and Sanction policy (see procedures for details) When an NWP staff member would unwillingly or unknowingly get involved in corruptive activities, the supervisor will Support the staff member to remedy the situation. In case a staff member gets involved in corruption and his/her intentions are unclear, and/or there is no reason to assume he/she was getting involved unwillingly and unknowingly, the staff member will get an official warning from the Director(s). The staff member is obliged to formulate an action plan within one week, explaining what he/ she will do to remedy the situation and prevent repetition. In case the Director(s) agrees with the action, a check upon the realisation will be done by the direct supervisor. The agreed plan is filed in the H&R dossier of the staff member. The supervisor reports to the Director(s) on the process of implementation until full completion. In case the Director(s) has no confidence that possible repetition is sufficiently prevented, this leads to the dismissal of the staff member concerned. A second time of involvement in a proven corruptive activity will lead to immediate dismissal of the staff member concerned. 3.2 Local counterparts In the YEP programme, the local counterparts implement projects in the field of water and food security. The young experts are active in these projects. The relationship between NWP and the local counterparts runs through the YEP partner, who has a well-established working relationship with the local counterpart. If there is an issue with a local counterpart, the YEP partner is the first point of contact for NWP. The procedures which the YEP partner has in dealing with non-delivery, fraud and corruption will therefore be leading in dealing with issues with local counterparts. Preventive measures In most cases, NWP does not have a direct relationship with the local counterparts. Therefore, the most important prevention against untrustworthy Local counterparts is the selection of solid YEP Partners. In order to further guarantee the trustworthiness of the local counterparts, NWP uses the following criteria for local counterparts: A local counterpart has a YEP partner which approves and supports the implementation of its projects. A local counterpart is registered as a foundation, NGO, or other type of organisation. The local counterpart signs an agreement for the YEP position.
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The selection procedure in the YEP programme includes judgement of relevance and quality of the projects. Aspects as CSR, the contribution of the project to society, economy and environment are included. Correction and sanction policy If a local counterpart cannot realise the activities or deliver the reports as agreed in the YEP project description and in the agreement with the YEP partner, the YEP partner will initiate a process to remedy this situation, according to its own procedures. If this process leads to a change in scope, schedule or budget, this will be communicated to NWP. If the proposed change in scope or planning is significant (a change of over 20%) or if the proposed change is to increase the budget, the change should be discussed with NWP. Significant changes to the scope and schedule of a project and any increase to the cost of a project can only be incorporated in the project description with the agreement of NWP. The YEP partner will supply a written explanation of any significant changes in scope, and schedule (changes of over 20%). If a change in scope results in a lower budget, the difference in funds will be reimbursed to NWP by the YEP partner. NWP will then redistribute the funds in accordance with the scope of the YEP programme. If, after the first change of scope, schedule or budget there are no improvements in realising the agreed activities or improving the administration within the period agreed between the YEP partner and the local counterpart for doing so, NWP will make a request to the YEP partner to claim back payments made, and reimburse to NWP that part of the payments that originated from funds collected by NWP. When there is a suspicion that the local counterpart is involved in fraud or corruption the NWP Director(s) immediately discusses the issue with the YEP Partner or the local counterpart. When fraud is suspected (fraud can involve one or all of the following: misrepresentation of facts, breach of contractual responsibilities, suppression of the truth, and omission of critical facts), the appropriate policy of the YEP partner for dealing with suspicion of fraud is followed. If the YEP partner decides not to initiate an external audit after a suspicion of fraud has arisen, NWP may initiate an external audit. As long as there is an ongoing fraud investigation, no payments are made. If the investigation shows that no fraud has been committed, payments can continue. When a fraud investigation shows that fraud has been committed the relationship between the local counterpart and NWP is immediately terminated and all running YEP positions with this local counterpart are cancelled. When this happens the findings of the investigation are communicated on the YEP programme website. The procedures of the YEP partner for claiming back previous payments are followed. The Director(s) of NWP immediately informs the Board. If a local partner has been shown to commit fraud, the YEP partner should demonstrate towards NWP that the YEP Partner had no knowledge of the fraud, and that it took all reasonable measures to prevent fraud. If the explanation provided by the YEP partner is deemed unsatisfactory by the NWP Director(s), NWP will terminate the relationship between NWP and the YEP partner. If the YEP partner does not agree with the decision of NWP, it can file a complaint or an appeal, which will be processed. 3.3 YEP partners Preventive measures
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The most important preventive measure is to ensure that a thorough investigation of the capacity of potential partners is carried out before deciding to enter into agreements with them. YEP partners are organisations that offer young experts the opportunity of working in international environment. The young experts will work with the YEP partners, on projects that are initiated or implemented by local counterparts. The YEP positions offered by the YEP partners are financially supported. During the selection procedure of the projects, NWP checks all YEP partners, projects and local counterparts against a list of criteria. These criteria will be determined with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To check the trustworthiness of YEP partners, projects and local counterparts, the following criteria can be included: A YEP partner is an organisation with professional staff, working on water and/or food projects. A YEP partner has a substantial track record of successful water and/or food projects. A YEP partner is embedded in international water and/or food networks and has multiple links with other professional organisations. A YEP partner is accredited by a national accrediting body which inspects public interest bodies (if this is available in the country), and ensures they meet high standards of management and integrity, awards public certificates confirming that the organisation is well-run and deserving of support. Funds received from the YEP programme are part of the financial administration and financial reporting of the YEP partner. YEP partners are obliged to present a signed declaration that the organizations follows OESO criteria. Correction and sanction policy If, at the end of a project the delivered actions and hardware are found to differ substantially from what was agreed in the project plan, the YEP partner will be asked to provide an explanation of the difference. If the explanation is deemed unsatisfactory by the NWP responsible staff, he/she will discuss this with the YEP partner. If this does not lead to a satisfactory solution, the YEP partner will be issued a letter of warning. If for a second time the delivered actions and hardware differ substantially from what was agreed in the project plan without a satisfactory explanation, NWP will terminate the relationship with the YEP partner. When there is a suspicion that a YEP partner is involved in fraud or corruption the NWP Director(s) immediately discusses the issue with the YEP partner. When fraud is suspected (fraud can involve one or all of the following: misrepresentation of facts, breach of contractual responsibilities, suppression of the truth, and omission of critical facts), payments are stopped immediately, and an external audit is initiated by NWP. As long as there is an ongoing fraud investigation no payments are made. If the investigation shows that no fraud has been committed, payments can continue. When a fraud investigation shows that fraud has been committed the relationship between the YEP partner and NWP is immediately terminated. When this happens the findings of the investigation are communicated on the YEP website. All previous payments are claimed back. The Director(s) of NWP immediately inform the Board. 4 Procedures 4.1 NWP workforce members When a NWP staff member would unwillingly or unconsciously get involved in corruptive activities, the supervisor of the staff member will take notice of this and discuss with the staff member the nature of the activities and the potential damage that the activities may inflict on the staff member and the organization. (in the specific case of possible corruption related to the Director(s) the
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chairman of the Board is considered as acting “supervisor” and will act accordingly). The supervisor will support the staff member to remedy the situation. In case a staff member got involved in corruption and his/her intentions are unclear, and/or there is no reason to assume he/she was getting involved unwillingly and unknowingly, the staff member will get an official warning from the Director(s). In that case, the staff member is obliged to formulate an action plan within one week, explaining what he/she will do to remedy the situation and prevent repetition. In case the Director(s) agrees with the action, a check upon the realisation will be done by the direct supervisor. The agreed plan is filed in the H&R dossier of the staff member. The supervisor reports to the Director(s) on the process of implementation until full completion. In case the Director(s) has no confidence that possible repetition is sufficiently prevented, this leads to the dismissal of the staff member concerned. A second time of involvement in a proven corruptive activity will lead to immediate dismissal of the staff member concerned. 4.2 Local counterparts In case of non-delivery If a Local counterpart cannot realise the activities or deliver the reports as agreed in the project description and in the agreement with the YEP partner, the YEP partner will initiate a process to remedy this situation, according to its own procedures. If this process leads to a change in scope, schedule or budget, this will be communicated to NWP. If the proposed change in scope or planning is significant (a change of over 20%) or if the proposed change is to increase the budget, the change should be discussed with NWP. Significant changes to the scope and schedule of a project and any increase to the cost of a project can only be incorporated in the project description with the agreement of NWP. The YEP partner will supply a written explanation of any significant changes in scope, and schedule (changes of over 20%), which will be published on the project webpage on the YEP website. If a change in scope results in a lower budget, the difference in funds will be reimbursed to NWP by the YEP partner. NWP will then redistribute the funds in accordance with the scope of the YEP programme. In case of suspicion of fraud When there is a suspicion that the Local counterpart is involved in fraud or corruption the NWP Director(s) immediately discusses the issue with the YEP partner of the Local counterpart. When fraud is suspected (fraud can involve one or all of the following: misrepresentation of facts, breach of contractual responsibilities, suppression of the truth, and omission of critical facts), the appropriate policy of the YEP partner for dealing with suspicion of fraud is followed. If the YEP partner decides not to initiate an external audit after a suspicion of fraud has arisen, NWP may initiate an external audit. As long as there is an ongoing fraud investigation, no payments are made. If the investigation shows that no fraud has been committed, payments can continue. In case of actual fraud When a fraud investigation shows that fraud has been committed the relationship between the Local counterpart and NWP is immediately terminated and all running projects with this Local counterpart are cancelled. When this happens the findings of the investigation are communicated on the YEP website.
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The procedures of the YEP partner for claiming back previous payments are followed. The Director(s) of NWP immediately inform the Board. If a Local counterpart has been shown to commit fraud, the YEP partner should demonstrate towards NWP that the YEP partner had no knowledge of the fraud, and that it took all reasonable measures to prevent fraud. If the explanation provided by the YEP partner is deemed unsatisfactory by the NWP Director(s), NWP will terminate the relationship between NWP and the YEP partner. If the YEP partner does not agree with the decision of NWP, it can file a complaint or an appeal, which will be processed according to the NWP Complaint Policy. 4.3 YEP partners In case of non-delivery If, at the end of a project the delivered actions and hardware differ substantially from what was agreed in the project plan, the YEP partner will be asked to provide an explanation of the difference. If the explanation is deemed unsatisfactory by the NWP responsible officer, he/she will discuss this with the YEP partner. If this does not lead to a satisfactory solution, the YEP partner will be issued a letter of warning. If for a second time the delivered actions and hardware differ substantially from what was agreed in the project plan without a satisfactory explanation, NWP will terminate the relationship with the YEP partner. If a problem with a Local counterpart results in NWP claiming back the payments from the Local counterpart, the YEP partner will take reasonable actions in support of claiming back payments and reimbursing them to NWP. In case of suspicion of fraud When there is a suspicion that a YEP partner is involved in fraud or corruption the NWP Director(s) immediately discusses the issue with the YEP partner. When fraud is suspected (fraud can involve one or all of the following: misrepresentation of facts, breach of contractual responsibilities, suppression of the truth, and omission of critical facts), payments are stopped immediately, and an external audit is started. As long as there is an ongoing fraud investigation no payments are made. If the investigation shows that no fraud has been committed, payments can continue. In case of actual fraud When a fraud investigation shows that fraud has been committed the relationship between the YEP partner and NWP is immediately terminated. The findings of the investigation are communicated on the YEP website. All previous payments are claimed back. The Director(s) of NWP immediately inform the Board.
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