YMI 15th edition July 14, 2011 Enrol for the YMI-magazine at: Website: www.ymi.nu
“Promoting Young Potentials” For all those who feel passionate about the maritime sector, Welcome to the new edition of YMI! Young Maritime International is a new magazine that aims to provide youth in the maritime sector with the opportunity to publish their projects, innovative ideas, and graduation projects. Each edition will contain several projects of students worldwide. Two other topics that will be touched upon in the magazine are "From a legal point of view" and "History". The magazine is meant for youth and students in the maritime sector, maritime businesses, educational institutes, business schools, governmental institutes, and other interested parties. Daniëlla Vermeer
Richard van Meurs
Naam: Leeftijd: Opleiding: Ambities:
Richard van Meurs 18 jaar Zadkine, bankwerker las diploma halen, MIGMAG 3 NIL
Persoonlijke kwaliteiten zijn: serieus, betrouwbaar, enthousiast, vriendelijk en heel volhoudend. Werkzaamheden: testen, coderen en certificeren van ankers en kettingen, en het repareren van zwaar hijsmaterieel Passie voor dit werk: het creëren van iets wat nuttig, zinvol is van groot metaal Waarom deze baan: na het traineeship heb ik een baan aangeboden gekregen bij AKF. Het meest interessante aan het werk: Het bewerken van metaal vind ik heel leuk én bij AKF is er een geweldig leuk team en mogelijkheden om verder door te groeien.
AKF Damen is ontstaan in 1931 onder de naam AKF Anker Ketting Fabriek Schiedam. Er zijn een aantal zaken gepasseerd een verhuizing naar Vlaardingen. Toen onder de naam Vlaardingen Oost ankers en kettingen. Toen was ook al de afkorting AKF. Na de overnamen van Vlaardingen oost scheepsreparaties door Damen Shipyards Group, verhuisde AKF weer naar Schiedam, met de nieuwe naam Anchor & Chain Factory. AKF is nu gevestigd op de werft van Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam. Sinds 1998 is Damen Anker en Ketting fabriek gecertificeerd door LRQA met NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2000 kwaliteit management. We hebben verschillende werkzaamheden die wij bij AKF bedrijf doen en niet ieder ander bedrijf doet zoals: flikken, klinknagelen en testen. Maar ook het opknappen van de haken van de hoogovens en kettingen lassen.
Het flikken is een speciale manier om de schalm open te maken en daar dan bijvoorbeeld een grotere schalm in te leggen. Hoe werkt dit: • Je drukt eerst de dam uit de schalm. • Je brand de las van de schalm door. • Daarna verwarm je de schalm. • Dan druk je de schalm open. • Kijk je of de schalm niet krom is gedrukt zo ja druk je die eerst recht en dan zet je hem recht op onder de pers. • Dan hang je de bvb een grotere schalm in. • Druk je hem dicht. • Kijk je of alles recht is. • En daarna brand je er een x-naat in. • En dan kan die gelast worden. • Het klink nagelen is een vak apart als ik het zo mag zeggen. • Je hebt een stuk rond dat wordt opmaat gemaakt daar zit al een gedraaide kop aan. • Deze verwarm je tot het rood gloeiend is. • Steekt hem in het gat van onderen en zet deze vast met een pen. • Verwarm de uit einden van de pen tot die roodgloeiend is en sla hem dan zo plat mogelijk. • Het opknappen van de haken van de hoogovens. • Is niet zo veel aan te doen. • Bramen afslijpen soms scheurcontrole dat gebeurt als de lamelle van de haak krom zijn geweest en weer recht zijn gedrukt.
“Women in maritime field”
Indonesia is a country of thousands islands where shipping plays a very important role. Seafaring and maritime culture has been developed since years ago. Till the present day, the country keep delivering qualified seafarers and maritime officers to the world’s shipping and transport industry. Working in the shipping industry, in particular dealing with seafarers, which is mainly dominated by man, is quite a challenge. As a lecturer at Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang, Indonesia, having education at master level is important for me personally to increase my capacity and to take me to the level of expert in the sector. I think I made a right decision when I plot my heading to Master of Shipping & Transport at Netherlands Maritime University (NMU), Rotterdam. NMU introduced the best part of maritime industry, not only by touching upon the managerial perspective but also the operational side. At the beginning everything seemed difficult, but under guidance of experienced and qualified lecturers in the field, shipping and transport business has become more interesting. I really enjoy the time in simulators to exercise and put all theories into practice. I got a better understanding by doing operational parts in the simulators as a basis for decision making at managerial level.
One thing I like most are the excursions! In Rotterdam, I can see the essence of shipping and transport as a complete package. Visiting the port, shipping companies and maritime related industries, seeing big ships and watching how latest technologies in cargo handling are applied, has given me a thorough insight into the industry. Renowned as the largest and most versatile port in Europe, Rotterdam also has everything as a city. There is nothing like home, but here I feel like home even though the weather sometimes is not so friendly for tropical people like me. I have a lot of things to do instead of focusing my attention to study, by hanging around with friends, cooking, eating. Hmm… Dutch cheese and yoghurt are the best here. Another added values is international networking, since I have many friends of many nationalities now. And I can speak Dutch! Well…’een klein beetje’. Netherlands, Rotterdam, NMU has changed the shape and way of thinking as part of my evolution in life. All experiences I gained here, as a trigger, are inspiring my future to build up positive changes in career for the benefit of myself, my organization and my country. In perspective of gender issue, I think this is the time for women to participate more in maritime fields.
Merry Oktarina Student Netherlands Maritime University, class 10.09
Willem-Jan van Eijsden I work for Dutch P&I since 2008 and work as a specialized P&I broker for inland craft vessels and yachts. P&I is a liability insurance for vessels which is taken out by the owner of the vessel in most cases. Before I worked as a real estate agent and as a reason of worse results in this sector I decided to move to the exiting world of marine insurance. The P&I world is a niche market with a limited number of people involved, which makes it very interesting to work in as you can built-up long time relationships. In a normal business day you have a regularly contact with the clients, visiting clients, preparing quotations, solving insurance questions etc. My background/ education is International Business Studies and Real Estate Management and next to that I have the relevant insurance educations for this job.
Photographed by Daniëlla Vermeer in Liege
‘Salvagepiet’ sleepte terwijl de bommen vielen ‘Dat soort avontuurtjes doe ik niet meer’ Piet Sinke is een sleper en bergingswerker met als uitvalsbasis Singapore. Tussen de bedrijven door pent hij het ‘best gelezen maritieme dagblad ter wereld’ vol. ‘Vorig jaar heb ik geen dag gemist’. Piet Sinke (52) raakte besmet met het maritieme virus toen hij opgroeide langs de waterkant van Maassluis. Na de binnenvaartschool trad hij op zestienjarige leeftijd in dienst van Smit Internationale, het roemruchtige Rotterdamse slepers- en bergingsbedrijf. ‘Ik heb gewoon op de deur geklopt en werd aangenomen’. Bij zijn eerste reis op de Smit Londen was Piet meteen zes maanden van huis. Eerst heb ik vóór de mast gevaren’, vertelt hij. Vroeger sliepen de matrozen en dekjongens namelijk in het vooronder, want daar had je de meeste last van deining. ‘In 1983 behaalde ik mijn diploma aan de Hoge Zeevaartschool en werd ik aangesteld als tweede stuurman’ vertelt de zeebonk die tussen 1975 en 2008 alle functies bij het slepersbedrijf doorliep, alvorens hij naar Singapore verhuisde. Koerst ‘Salvagepiet’ is gek op zijn vak. ‘De kunst van het slepen is de ideale balans zoeken tussen snelheid en brandstofgebruik. Daarbij is het zaak gebruik te maken van de snelheid van de sleep zelf’, De vakfanaat werd overal ingezet door Smit. Als langdurige vrijgezel met een hang naar avontuur was hij een ideale werknemer. Zijn ‘vakantiehuis’ aan de Berghaven in Hoek van Holland is behangen met foto’s van hoogtepunten. Op een plaat overhandigt de Russische ambassadeur in Nederland namens president Poetin een medaille aan Piet voor zijn aandeel in de berging van de Koerst in de Barentszzee bij Moermansk.
Met de Griekse tanker Glaros haalde hij in 1983 zelfs het Guiness Book of Records. De bemanning van de sleper de Noordzee sleepte de afgeschreven tanker van Piraeus naar Kaohsiung over een afstand van bijna 25.000 kilometer. Het was toen de langste onafgebroken zeereis ooit, meer dan vier maanden non-stop op zee. Driemaster In 2001 begon Piet met het versturen van maritieme knipsels aan drie vrienden. Nu verzorgt hij een dagelijkse knipselkrant voor 16.500 abonnees en een geschat bereik van 200.000 lezers. Ik krijg zo’n tweehonderd mailtjes per dag. ‘Twee uur doet Piet over zo’n editie en hij verzaakt geen dag. De foto’s zijn vaan van eigen makelij. ‘Eenmaal in de vier weken huur ik een bootje en fotografeer ik voor de kust van Singapore schepen’. Er liggen daar steevast honderden vaartuigen te wachten op een ligplaats of bunkerolie’. Dankzij sponsors, de vele fans en adverteerders bedruipt de knipselkrant zichzelf. Afgelopen juni heeft Piet ze meegenomen voor een vaartocht met De Eendracht. Dat doet hij graag, maar het is eigenlijk niet nodig want alle betrokkenen helpen hem. Het zijn allemaal maritieme liefhebbers en Maasmond Maritime is pure reclame voor de scheepvaart.
Bommen Als berger en sleper kent Piet het klappen van de zweep. Hij sleepte tankers tijdens de eerste Golfoorlog. Met zijn maten van Smit trok hij een olieleiding van de kust van Iran naar 21 kilometer verderop gelegen boeien terwijl om hen heen de Irakese bommen insloegen. ‘Leuk werk ondanks alle ellende’, vindt Piet nog steeds. Toch doet hij dit soort avontuurtjes niet meer. ‘Mijn zoon van elf kijkt ook tv. Het is niet fair tegenover hem en zijn moeder’. Drie jaar geleden nam Sinke afscheid van Smit en trad hij in dienst van T&T Bisso. Voor deze Amerikaanse maritieme dienstverlener zette hij samen met Richard van der Werf (ook ex Smit) een kantoor op in Singapore.
Piet is blij met de overstap. ‘Ik doe hetzelfde, maar op kleinere schaal’. Hij doelt op de twintig man personeel, want zijn werkterrein bestrijkt het gebied tussen Midden-Oosten en China. ‘Je krijgt alles voor elkaar als je het maar netjes vraagt’, luidt zijn motto. Piet houdt van de ‘after sales services’, het persoonlijk contact en heeft daarbij veel baat van zijn uit de hand gelopen hobby; zijn Maasmond Maritime.
www.maasmondmaritime.com Interview door Tie Schellekens, Port of Rotterdam Piet, jouw Clippingnews vinden wij geweldig, Groet van Joop & Daniëlla
Introduction World Port Days The Wereldhavendagen (World Port Days), a large, annual maritime event, is a festive and adventurous opportunity for its visitors to get a glimpse behind the scenes of the Port and Industrial area. Visitors are offered a wide range of activities, such as, ship tours, naval activities, demonstrations, seminars, excursions, exhibitions, music, preliminary work, to mention just a few. This annual maritime event is supported by the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the Municipality of Rotterdam. The World Port Days is a typical family event. The main goal of this event is to familiarise visitors with the port and to create a positive attitude towards the port and its surrounding maritime city. Word Port Days: 2, 3 and 4 September 2011 World Port Days in three core activities The port industry is a closed industry due to the nature of its activities. Many people are interested in this industry; however, they do not usually get the opportunity to inspect the port from close quarters. And …ignorance breeds contempt. The majority of the public often has a negative view of the port. Dirty, filthy and heavy work are just some of the remarks that are commonly heard. In some cases, they are even worried about a similar type of heavy industry in the proximity of a city. That is why aspects such as the environment, safety and labour market communication should all play a central role in the World Port Days event. The port of Rotterdam is a hub for the worldwide flow of goods, a centre for European distribution and a location for large-scale industry. In order to secure this position for the future too, Rotterdam is working on the quality of its ports. By doing this, the port is and will remain a world-class partner on a global level. Good staff is of vital importance in this endeavour.
Quay presentations The port companies are invited to present themselves on the quayside in the centre. As a result, a type of trading floor is created with various tents and demonstration areas. The participating port companies are encouraged to come to the quay, bringing attractive and appealing material. The public has free access to the enormous range of (working) ships on the quayside. These include inland vessels, tankers and tugboats, as well as floating sheer legs and vessels of the Port Authorities. On the quaysides along the Wilhelminapier and the Scheepvaartkwartier, you can see how the Rotterdam port companies are working together to provide a safe, clean, versatile, efficient and sustainable port. The port of Rotterdam: a dynamic place to work, live and stay. Excursions The excursions give an immediate and “on the spot” view of what is going on in the port. This part of the programme ties up very well with corporate social responsibility; it is an exquisite opportunity to generate more commitment among the members of the public and for companies to position themselves as an attractive employer. In 2009 we programmed for the first time several adventurous port excursions with an English speaking guide. As these turned out to be a great success, this part of the programme was increased in 2010 to eight different English excursions.
Nautical demonstrations Spectacular demonstrations on the water draw the attention of many visitors. During their continuous programme of spectacular presentations, port companies demonstrate exactly what their ships, sheer legs and other sailing equipment are capable of. Entertainment and information continuously alternate with each other. An extremely media-friendly component with outstanding opportunities for participating companies to bring activities and sailing vessels to the attention of the public.
Op vrijdag 2 september staan de Wereldhavendagen in het teken van de jongeren. Op het evenemententerrein naast de Erasmusbrug kunnen jongeren van 10.00 tot 16.00 uur interactief van alles te weten komen over de mogelijkheden van de haven. De Wereldhavendagen staan dit jaar in het teken van 'De haven smaakt naar meer'.
Programme 0-99 years Breathtaking stunts, spectacular action, pure power and nautical expertise. You can experience all this yourself from the Erasmus Bridge or from the grandstand on the Wilhelminakade. Rotterdam shows you just what it can do on water.
World Port Days 2, 3 and 4 September 2011 Rotterdam
Evenals in voorgaande jaren wordt op de vrijdag van de Wereldhavendagen een speciaal jongerenprogramma georganiseerd met onder andere havenmodules, een activiteitenroute, kadepresentaties, nautische demonstraties, excursies en museumbezoeken. Jongeren kunnen zich hiervoor in schoolverband inschrijven. Een uitgebreid programma is te vinden op de website www.wereldhavendagen.nl
De Schelde 136 jaar oud maar springlevend
Expositie: 7-7-2011 t/m 20-1-2012 Hoofdkantoor Damen Shipyards - Gorinchem
“Willem Ruys”, Grand Old Lady ….. Built: 1938 – 1947
Het bedrijf is op 8 oktober 1875 opgericht als NV Koninklijke Maatschappij De Schelde (KMS) nadat scheepsbouwer Arie Smit het voormalige Marine Etablissement, de marinewerf, had overgenomen. De Schelde hield zich in de loop der jaren naast scheepsbouw en scheepsreparatie ook bezig met de bouw van machines, ketels, motoren, stoomturbines, vliegtuigen en lichtmetalen producten. Sinds 1991 is de naam Koninklijke Schelde Groep BV (KSG). In 1965 besloot men tot een fusie met de NV Rotterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij (RDM) en de NV Motorenfabriek Thomassen in De Steeg. Op 4 maart 1966 resulteerde dit in het nieuwe bedrijf
Op 1 januari 1971 sloot, onder druk van de Nederlandse overheid, de Verolme Verenigde Scheepswerven NV zich hierbij aan en ontstond RijnSchelde-Verolme Machinefabrieken en Scheepswerven NV (RSV). Na de ondergang en de ontvlechting van dit concern in 1983 namen het Rijk en de Provincie Zeeland de aandelen over. In 2000 verkochten zij hun aandelen aan de Damen Shipyards Group te Gorinchem en werd de Koninklijke Schelde Groep BV één van de vele werkmaatschappijen van dit scheepbouwconglomeraat, met als specialisatie de bouw van grotere vaartuigen voor marine- en patrouilledoeleinden voor (semi-)overheden in de gehele wereld.
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driven by dedication
´For the time being, no more agreements about less CO-2 emission shipping industry´ Worldwide agreements to reduce CO-2 emission by the shipping industry are for the time being unattainable. This was claimed by the EU officials to the website EurActiv. The negotiations about emission by ships have been on-going for a while, but those involved directly now claim that an agreement is not to be expected soon. ´On a global level, we have achieved no results yet, and it is not realistic that we will in the coming two or three years´, according to one of the directly involved. ´On the other side, there are political agreements to solve the problem on a regional basis if it is not possible to do agree on a global level´. The international shipping industry produces approximately 4% of the yearly emission of CO2. This is a little more than the pollution caused by the worldwide aviation industry. In the absence of a global agreement, one of the possibilities to address the emission by the shipping industry ´locally´ is to class the shipping industry under the European emission trading system (ETS). Officials in Brussels have been discussing such possibilities already for a year.
However, many insiders do not think this is a viable solution. They refer to the long-lasting conflict in the international aviation sector. From January 1st 2012 onwards, airplanes from the whole world flying in Europe are obliged to buy pollution certificates classed under the emission trading system. There has been a lot of resistance against this measure in the aviation industry. Another possibility is that countries come to mutual agreements regarding the requirements that ships are to fulfil. In this light, a proposition of the Bahama’s will be discussed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) coming week. Although such an agreement would be weaker than a global agreement, it certainly has benefits according to specialists. One of the benefits is that the Americans do not have to attain approval of IMO rules and agreements by the Congress. Moreover, China would not lose any image in this kind of deal, in contrast to a forced agreement of emission reduction. At the same time, the World Bank is working on a proposal to tax the fuel for air planes and ships worldwide. article by: Wouter Keuning
The Shipping industry produces a little more CO2 emission than the aviation industry.
VISITHOR www.logeerboot.nl Staying in the Rotterdamnest location Party at the Water Sailing on a boat & celebrating a party The reasons: Marrying, business party, a 30-years jubilee, business meetings, birthdays, retirement, brainstorming, achievement of targets, ending the school year, welcoming foreign visitors, or any other social gatherings on the boat. The possibilities: Sailing, dancing, having a drink, a DJ, good music, excellent buffets, marriage ceremony on board and marrying Rotterdam-style, a continuously changing view, party in 80s-style or salsa workshop. Entry and departure is possible at different places and of course it is possible to leave the boat meanwhile for nice activities. Examples are the Euromast or “The Rotterdam”. It is possible to sail far away, but it is also possible to stay close to home if desired. If requested, it is also possible to bring a private catering firm.
The best way to experience the world's most beautiful harbour city is, of course, in the middle of the harbour. On a loftboat with 2 luxury apartments in the heart of the city. Staying at the Visithor is a very special Rotterdam and nautical experience. Sleep like a log on a boat that once hauled big logs through the docks of Rotterdam. Look out the big portholes and see the nostalgic boats in the harbour of the Nautical Museum next door. Shopping areas, museums, cinemas, restaurants and galeries are at walking distance. After a day wandering through the world's first harbour city you can relax and feel very much at home on your own boat apartment. This place, in the middle of the dynamic centre of Rotterdam is so quiet that you can listen to the water rippling and the coots calling while the boat moves very slowly up and down with the tide.
July 1, 2011
No. 12/2011
Safety alert
Overweight rescue boat – Norsafe Watercraft Hellas WHFRB 6.50 (MAIB Safety Bulletin 1/2011)
Shipowners and managers
Following the recent failure of a wire rope attached to a Norsafe fast rescue boat, which resulted in the loss of life of a seafarer, the UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has issued Safety Bulletin 1/2011 (attached to this Classification News). Although not a contributing factor to the incident, it was found during the investigation that the weight of the rescue boat was far greater than the weight to which it was certified, due to ingress of water which had saturated the buoyancy material. Although this water ingress was found on one particular type of rescue boat, owners and managers should be aware that any lifeboat or rescue boat built with integral polyurethane foam-filled compartments could be subject to this problem. Owners and managers should:
in the case of the Watercraft Hellas WHFRB 6.50 manufactured by Norsafe, follow the advice issued by the manufacturer in the Product Awareness Notice attached to this Classification News
be alert to the possibility of boats being heavier than designed and arrange for the boats to be weighed, or boat manufacturers contacted for advice, where doubt exists
inspect boats’ hulls and exposed decks for possible holes, cracks, or fittings through which water could penetrate*
ensure that drain plugs fitted to the hull are regularly opened
monitor boat performance for unusual characteristics that could be attributed to an increase in weight, for example the boat feeling ‘heavy’ or ‘sluggish’ when manoeuvring.
It is further recommended that all boats with integral polyurethane foam-filled compartments be weighed during the five-yearly overhaul examination. * Particular attention should be paid to the buoyancy cases. Water can seep into the cases and collect there, soaking the foam filler.
For further information, contact your local Lloyd’s Register Group office, or Sam James: T +44 (0)20 7423 2207 E
[email protected]
© 2011 Lloyd’s Register Services are provided by members of the Lloyd’s Register Group. For further details please see our website: www.lr.org/entities
July 5, 2011
No. 13/2011
Safety alert
Fake safety equipment – Unitor emergency escape breathing device (EEBD) sets
All shipbuilders, owners and operators
Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS), a manufacturer of EEBD-sets, has contacted Lloyd’s Register to advise that fake EEBD-sets have been found in service. On receipt of a batch of EEBD-sets for annual inspection, it was discovered that the bags and EEBD-sets were fake copies of the Unitor/MSA type Uniscape 15H. We have been further advised that the fakes do not work as they are supposed to and will create an extremely dangerous situation for the user when they are needed for escape. The following guidance has been provided to help owners and operators identify the fake EEBD-sets:
In the fakes which have been discovered, the hood is impossible to fit over a human head as the neck tightening rubber membrane is not flexible enough. The rubber membrane is sewed to the hood with a single seam whereas the original is welded.
Although the bag has similar print to the WWS original, the bag material is different. The bag material for the original is a shiny PVC whereas the fakes are a dull canvas-like material.
In the fakes, the zipper opens from right to left towards the cylinder valve. The originals open away from the cylinder valve in order to activate the air release line.
The fake sets which have been discovered to date have a company label/service tag with the following information: UNIscan Marine Products & Services Uniscan Middle East L.L.C. Shed No.: 71, Al Jadaf Dry Docking Yard P.O.Box 62487, Dubai, U.A.E.
Owners and operators are urged to verify any Unitor EEBD-sets on board their vessels. In addition, you are reminded to purchase safety equipment only from manufacturers or their authorised service stations/agents and to ensure that appropriate certification and documentation is supplied. Should you have any concerns regarding the authenticity of equipment or certification, please contact the equipment manufacturer or your local Lloyd’s Register office. WWS has provided a technical notification, issued with this Classification News, to help clients identify fake equipment.
For further information, contact your local Lloyd’s Register Group office, or Stephen Forster: T +44 (0)20 7423 2173 E
[email protected]
© 2011 Lloyd’s Register Services are provided by members of the Lloyd’s Register Group. For further details please see our website: www.lr.org/entities
Vlissingen Vlissingen (historical name in English: Flushing) is a municipality and a city in the southwestern Netherlands on the former island of Walcheren. With its strategic location between the Scheldt river and the North Sea, Vlissingen has been an important harbour for centuries. It was granted city rights in 1315. In the 17th century Vlissingen was a main harbour for ships of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). It is also known as the birthplace of Admiral Michiel de Ruyter.
The Napoleonic Wars were particularly disastrous. After 1870, the economy revived after the construction of new docks and the Walcheren canal, the arrival of the railway and the establishment of the shipyard called De Scheldt. The Second World War interrupted this growth. The city was heavily damaged by shelling and inundation.
Vlissingen is mainly noted for the wharves on the Scheldt where most of the ships of the Royal Netherlands Navy (Koninklijke Marine) are built The fishermen’s hamlet that came into existence at the estuary of the Scheldt around AD 620 has grown over its 1,400-year history into the third-most important port of the Netherlands. The Counts of Holland and Zeeland had the first harbours dug. Over the centuries, Vlissingen developed into a hub for fishing, especially the herring fishery, commerce, privateering and the slave trade. During the heyday of the Dutch Golden Age, ships from Vlissingen set sail for the various outposts of the Dutch colonial empire and contributed to the world power of The Seven Provinces. The history of Vlissingen was also marked by invasion, oppression and bombardments. Because of its strategic position at the mouth of the Scheldt, the most important passageway to Antwerp, it has attracted the interest, at one time or another, of the British, the French, the Germans and the Spanish. Floods have also been a constant threat. Vlissingen declined during the 18th century.
Vlissingen from the sea, 1662
The city was rebuilt after the war. In the 1960s, the seaport and industrial area of Vlissingen-Oost developed and flourished. Now this area is the economic driving force behind central Zeeland, generating many thousands of jobs. Nowadays approx. 50,000 ships annually from all corners of the world pass through the Scheldt. Tourists are attracted to Vlissingen not just because of its history and maritime character, but also because nowhere else in the world do large ships pass this close to shore.
Wapen from Vlissingen
4th West journey 1962 The Karel Doorman used to be the English aircraft carrier Hs.Ms."Venerable". Around 1948, it was bought by the Royal Marine. Until September 1968, it has been operational. For 20 years long, it was the pride and the flagship of the Royal Marine.
January 15th 1962, the squadron 5 left The Netherlands for a journey to the West. The squadron consisted of the flagship Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman, the submarine hunters Hr.Ms. Limburg and Groningen, and the submarines Hr.Ms. Dolfijn and Zeeleeuw. Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman returned from the trip alone. The other shops left to Dutch New Guinea.
First operation: May 28, 1948 Last operation: October 8, 1968
The squaron 5 with Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman, both submarine hunters Hr.Ms. Limburg and Groningen, and the submarines Hr.Ms. Dolfijn and Zeeleeuw, arrival at Willemstad at Curaçao. The gun salutes of the Doorman were answered by a battery on the fort.
Name of the Ship The Royal Netherlands Navy tends to name her ships after the great admirals of the (long forgotten?) past. The most recent great admiral is Schout bij nacht (Rear Admiral) Doorman, the man who led the Dutch (later Allied) fleet in 1942 in a series of actions against the Japanese and finally into the battle of the Java Sea. However, this did not turn out to be a success, which certainly Schout bij nacht Doorman could not be blamed for. He just gave his life for his country, as he was ordered. His name for the carrier was not so much chosen for his actions in the war, as well for his strong efforts in the years just before the war to transform the Marine Luchtvaart Dienst (Naval Aviation Service) into a well equipped fighting and reconnaissance force, attached to the Royal Netherlands Navy in the East Indies.
HNLMS Karel Doorman (R81) was a Colossus-class aircraft carrier of the Royal Netherlands Navy. The ship was the British HMS Venerable before she was sold in 1948 to the Netherlands as a light attack carrier. In 1960 she was involved in the decolonization conflict in Western New Guinea with Indonesia. In the mid 60's the role was changed to anti-submarine warfare carrier and only ASW aircraft and helicopters were carried. An engine room fire took her out of service in 1968 and she was sold to Argentina.
“Promoting Young Potentials” Announcement for all students and educational institutes: To publish projects / thesis Send an email to:
[email protected]
Next edition: July 28th, 2011 All rights reserved. Reproductions in whole or in part without prior written permission from Young Maritime International is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2010 YMI. The texts in the magazine are composed by the authors themselves. The publication of all articles is authorised by them.