WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness 6.1.1. surveys of oral history
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness
General description .................................................................................................................... 3 To-do/check-list ......................................................................................................................... 4 Data sheet for the Interview ....................................................................................................... 5 Questionnaire ............................................................................................................................. 6 Informations to the Questionnaire .............................................................................................. 9 Glossary.................................................................................................................................... 11 Summarized overview of the interviews .................................................................................. 13
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness
General description /At the beginning of the interviews we always talk about the project and our work on it./
The TransEcoNet-project deals with strategies of protection and restoration as well as ecologically-sound development of lost green landscapes and their degraded networks in Central Europe. This international project (where are 16 partner from 6 Central European countries) has a workpackage which focuses on the analysis of the relationship between local people and the environment, research of the history and development of the landscape. It is important to know the local people’s opinion about their landscape; how they perceive the present state, the past and changes of the landscape. They are special witnesses who can talk about their experiencies and give us informations what we couldn’t get from another sources.
The questionnaire has 3 main parts: -
the first one has questions related to the present state of the landscape,
the second one asks about the former state and the changes of the landscape,
and the third one is about the transboundary areas, the comparison of the both side of the state border.
The interview takes 1 – 1,5 hours, it depends on the interviewee too.
Interviews should be performed with people from several sectors and professions. The best result we can achieve if we try to represent the different actors, who has a different focus in the area (farmers, teachers, priests, mayors and people from the industry, tourism, other services, local authorities, nature conservation). In WP6.1 we would like to discover the perception of the landscape changes, so it is better to interview people above 40 years who were grown up, lived or worked most of their life in the area concerned. The number of interviews depends on the size of the area and the population number. As a first iteration we can expect 0,1-2% of the population number of the municipalities. It means that in a village of 200 inhabitants we can have 4 interviews and in a towns of 20 000 inhabitants about 20.
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness
Before the interview: -
promotions material: on your language, official TEN flyer, etc.
guidelines to the questionnaire
map: tracing-paper and pen
scanner/ camera
At the beginning of the interview: -
introduction, purpose of the interview (general description)
asking personal data (or at the end - optional)
permission of using the dictaphone
After the interview: -
collecting contacts of potential interviewees
collecting/recording old materials
ask if he/she wants to take a part on the workshop
check the post address and/or e-mail address of the interviewee!!
don’t forget the tools there! (maps, notes, dictaphone, etc.)
save the interview on the computer and write it into the table
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness
Data sheet for the Interview Place: Interviewer:
Personal data of the interviewee: Name:
How long have you/has your family been living in this area/settlement? Where did you live before you settled down here (settlement/county)?
Have you got any old local photographs, postcards, writings, documents? (collection of other material documents):
Would you like to take a part on the workshop? Other potential interviewee:
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness
Questionnaire I.
Personal data of the interviewee Name:
How long have you/has your family been living in this area/settlement? Where did you live before you settled down here (settlement/county)? II.
Present state and impacts on the landscape 1. Please draw the borders of the … landscape on the map! Mark the area what you know very well! 2. What are the unique characteristics of this area making it different from the surrounding landscapes? (natural and built elements) 3. What are you proud of in this landscape/What do you really like in this landscape? 4. What are you not proud of in this landscape/What do you not like in this landscape? 4.1. What is the most important cultural heritage or landmark of this landscape?
5. What is your favourite place in this landscape? What is the function of it in your life? Please describe and mark it on the map. 6. Are there any major parks or cemeteries in the area which are important for you? Why do you appreciate these? 7. What kind of gardens do people have in this area? Please describe these gardens! 8. Do you know any major landscape elements which could have positive or negative impact on nature? 9.
Do you know any environmental problems in the area?
10. Have you heard about the concept of ecological networks? (if he/she says no, continue with question III./1.) 10.1. How do you define the “ecological network” expression? 10.2. Do you know about activities related to it? 10.3. In your opinion, how is the ecological network functioning in this area? 10.4. What kind of problems do you know which are related to the ecological network?
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness III.
Former state and changes of the landscape (By the question about the changes we ask about the impact of the changes on the landscape)
1. Please describe the past landscape you can remember from the earliest period of your life here! (make sure which part and which period is described) 2. Do you know any old tale, story, myth which is connected to this place? 3. Are/were there traditions related to farming or nature, having the message of the respect and protection of nature? 4. Comparing the present and the past of the landscape, what are the major changes you notice? 4. 1. What kind of changes did you notice related to forests, lakes, rivers, pastures, orchards?
5. What kind of changes did you notice related to the agriculture of the area? 6. What kind of changes did you notice related to the forestry? 7. What kind of changes did you notice related to hunting and fishing? 8. What kind of changes did you notice related to the tourism? 9. What kind of changes did you notice related to the traffic and the infrastructure of the area? 10. What kind of changes did you notice related to the character of the settlements and the buildings? What is your opinion on these changes? 11. What kind of changes did you notice related to the industrial activities in the area? 12. Do you know about any nature conservation activity in this area? What do you think about it? 13. What changes do you expect in the future in this landscape?
Please describe the ideal landscape you want to live in.
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness IV. Comparison of the situation on the both side of the state border 1. How often and where are you on the other side of the state border? Please mark on the map! 2. What do you think, how well do you know this area? 3. What differences do you see on the two sides of the state border? (present-pastchanging-future) 4. What could be the causes for these differences? 5. What kinds of common landscape elements do you notice on this side as well as on the other side of the state border? Do you know something of the origin of these similarities? 6. Do you still notice areas where the border-line is visible in the landscape? If yes, what kind of areas or features are representing the border? (Please try to mark them on the map! – if the interviewer doesn’t know, where it is) 7. How did the effect of the border change in this landscape? V. Collection of other material documents and closing the interview 1. Have you got any old local photographs, postcards, paintings, drawings or old maps of the landscape? 2. Have you got old writings, letters or any written documents, which could inform us about the past?
You can take photographs of the interviewees if they agree. Close the inquiry by asking if the interviewee is interested in further communication of the results and ask for other potential interviewees.
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness
Informations to the Questionnaire This questionnaire is just a catalogue of possible questions. You have some freedom by selecting of questions, but the most important questions are:
1., 2., 3., 4., 5.
1., 2., 3., 4., 12.
1., 2.
1., 2.
The subquestions might just help the interviewee by the main question, if they can’t answer it easily.
If you can see, that the interviewee doesn’t understand the question/ doesn’t see what we mean with this question, then let this question and continue with the next one!
Some other „extra” comments related to the different packages of questions:
I. -
At the beginning of the interview ask the interviewee if he/she is agreed with recording of the conversation and use it for the project.
If the interviewee says as a profession „retired”, please ask what was he/she before!
1. Please draw the borders of the … landscape on the map!
II. Please use here the
name of the landscape where you are with the interviewee! -
7. What kind of gardens do people have in this area? Please describe these gardens! With this question we want to get information about the function of gardens in the ecological networks: covering (grassy, digged, etc.), use (ornamental, utility, mixed), naturalness…
10. Have you heard about the concept of ecological networks? question can be answered only by experts.
Probably this
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness IV. -
This section of questions is for people who are often on the other side of the state border
Continue the interview with people who are often (several times per year) and on different places on the other side of the border!
Close the interview by asking if the interviewee -
is interested in further communication of the results (if yes, notice his/her (email/postal) address,
can provide further historical photos and other material,
and ask for other potential interviewees.
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness
Glossary To ensure a common understanding, we need a common glossary of terms used in the questionnaire, for that there is the LEcoPedia ( and some definitions you can find below in this document. Landscape "Landscape" means an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors. European Landscape Convention EC 2000. Landscapes are typically made up of discrete elements commonly termed patches, which can be defined as relatively homogeneous areas that differ from their surroundings (Forman 1995, Dennis at al. 2003). In general, patches have discernable boundaries and distinct spatial properties that can be described compositionally by internal variables (e.g. the density, species composition and height of trees within a woodland patch). The arrangement and number of different patches creates heterogeneity within landscapes Wiens 2002. This landscape heterogeneity, in particular the spatial distribution and arrangement of patches within landscapes (i.e. landscape pattern), is important because it affects interactions between/within species both within and between patches Wiens 2002. Nature vs. Landscape Nature is the whole biophysical system of the Universe and of the Earth. We can divide into subsystems like lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. Nature can be untouched e.g. wilderness, but also transformed to different level e.g. managed forests, grasslands, water surfaces. Konkoly-Gyuró, É. Landscape is complex territorial unit of the Earth consisting of a special, unique combination of natural and built elements. Konkoly-Gyuró, É.
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness Landscape element All natural or built elements occurring in a landscape. Konkoly-Gyuró, É. Individual components which make up the landscape, such as trees and hedges. Swanwick, C. et al 2002.
Each of the relatively homogeneous units, or spatial elements recognized at the scale of landscape mosaic. (This refers to each patch, corridor, and the area of matrix in the landscape). Forman 1995.
Natural elements Elements of the lithosphere (geological formations, soils), atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (surface and underground waters) and biosphere (flora, fauna - living creatures and their habitats) Konkoly-Gyuró, É.
Built elements Elements created by people: e.g buildings, settlements, infrastructure networks. Konkoly-Gyuró, É.
Ecological network Functioning territory of the biosphere. Networks of ecosystems and habitats where the living creatures exist spread or migrate. Konkoly-Gyuró, É. Nature conservation and nature protection are synonyms Swanwick, C. and Land Use Consultants 2002. Landscape Character Assessment: Guidance for England and Scotland, Countryside Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage.
Summarized overview of the interviews For summarizing the interview, please use an excel file! (see a model below) The excel file should not contain the whole text, only the important notes/records. Name Date and place of the interview Age Gender Profession Settlement How long have you/has your family been living in this area/settlement? Where did you live before you settled down here (settlement/county)? Please draw the borders of the … landscape on the map! Mark the area what you know very well
Müller Zsuzsanna 2010.02.18., Virágvölgy 68 nő főkönyvelő Sopron, Virágvölgy 68 éve -
What are the unique characteristics of this area making it different from the surrounding landscapes? (natural and built elements)
vizek, mocsaras, nádas rész, szőlészet, Virágvölgyi villák: faverandás házak a gyümölcsösökkel és dísznövényes kertekkel. Ezek a házak műemlékvédelem alatt is állnak.
What are you proud of in this landscape?
gazdag madárvilág --> „Róbert bácsi konyhája”: madarak megeszik az almát, magvakat.
What are you not proud of in this landscape? What is the most important cultural heritage or landmark of this landscape?
szőlők kivágása, alig maradt, beépítik ezeket a területeket
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness What is is your favourite place in this landscape? What is the function of it in your life? Please describe and mark it on the map.
A soproni Virágvölgy, itt nőtt fel. Ma már nem díszkertek, hanem gazdasági termelésbe bevont kertek vannak itt.
Are there any major parks or cemeteries in the area which are important for you? Why do you appreciate these?
Park: Illmitz mellett van egy nagyon szép park. (Akkor jártak arra, amikor a Hany-Istók legendáját követve akarták bejárni a területet.)
What kind of gardens do people have in this area? Please describe these gardens!
szántók, gyümölcsösök: alma, szilva, dió, szőlő (egyre kisebb területek, mert kivágják őket, majd egy ideig magára hagyják, aztán beépítik). Nincsenek a házaknál már konyhakertek. Előírják, hogy hány nm2re hány fát kell ültetni --> tujákat ültetnek végig.
Do you know any major landscape elements which could have positive or negative impact on nature?
A Hanságban a lecsapolás.
Nemigen vannak itt problémák, a levegő is tiszta. A csatornázottság kiépítése óta nincs már szennyvíz. Fával fűtenek. Ez a terület még mindig egy eléggé Do you know any environmental problems in the area? kieső/elzártabb rész, kevés behatással.
Have you heard about the concept of ecological networks? How do you define the “ecological network” expression? Do you know about activities related to it
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness In your opinion, how is the ecological network functioning in this area?
What kind of problems do you know which are related to the ecological network?
Please describe the past landscape you can remember from the earliest period of your life here!
Régebben még nem volt a Virágvölgyben ennyi ház, '96-ban a Róka utcánál egy sem. A gyerekkorában lovaskocsik és lócitrom volt mindenfele, nem voltak autók. A tehéncsorda mindig kijárt a Bécsi-dombra ('60-as években még volt). A kertekben villák voltak, melyekben csak nyáron lehetett kinn lenni: tégla fal, fa veranda. Kút volt a kertekben, ezek helyenként még ma is látszódnak.
Do you know any old tale, story, myth which is connected to this place?
Hany-Istók. Van egy emlékhely a Virágvölgyben, ahol mindig van virág, és kijártak az emberek imádkozni. (Az emléktáblán ott a Szent története)
Are/were there traditions related to farming or nature, having the message of the respect and protection of nature?
Szőlőmúvelés: nem kordonos, hanem bokorművelés volt. 1 tőből 1 szál le volt hajlítva és ledugva a földbe, hogy onnan is szedjen fel tápanyagot. Nem permeteztek, csak rézgáliccal. Kénporral poroztak, hajnalban, amikor még nedvesek volt a szőlőlevél. Istállótrágya volt, nem műtrágya. Nem volt annyi kártevő sem.
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness Comparing the present and the past of the landscape, what are the major changes you notice?
A klímaváltozás hatása itt nem érezhető, nem lett szárazabb a terület. Talán kevesebb a zöld terület a beépítések miatt.
What kind of changes did you notice related to forests, lakes, rivers, pastures, orchards?
What kind of changes did you notice related to the agriculture of the area?
Nem permeteztek, csak rézgáliccal. Kénporral poroztak, hajnalban, amikor még nedvesek volt a szőlőlevél. Istállótrágya volt, nem műtrágya. Nem volt annyi kártevő sem. Nagy probléma, hogy sokan kárpótlási jegyekkel kaptak területeket, amiket teljesen magukra hagytak, sokszor azt sem tudják, hogy hol van. Így a szomszéd földeken sem lehet gazdálkodni. Ezeket a tulajokat sokszor megtalálni sem lehet. A '80-as években a Tómalommal szemközti területet még szőlőművelésre kiadták, de ma már ott is házak/beépítések vannak.
What kind of changes did you notice related to the forestry?
What kind of changes did you notice related to hunting and fishing?
Horgászat: Fertőn: ponty és garda, amiből ecetes halat csináltak. (Győr környéki recept)
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness
What kind of changes did you notice related to the tourism?
A Virágvölgy egy elszigetelt rész, nemigen járnak erre, egy turista út megy csak itt keresztül, ami elvisz a határig. A Hubertusz vendéglő azonban egy nagyon forgalmas hely, főleg külföldiek által látogatott hely. Néha bosszúságot okozva a környéken lakóknak.
What kind of changes did you notice related to the infrastructure of the area?
Csatornázottság: szennyvíz és víz kérdés megoldódott. Az elkerülő út megépítése nagyon jó volt. Több autó lett, régen lovaskocsik voltak, vagy biciklivel s gyalog jártak az emberek.
Azok a szép, tipikus Virágvölgyi villák (tégla fal, fa
What kind of changes did you notice related to veranda) sok helyen már eltüntek, és helyükbe the character of the settlements and the buildings? modern, sok esetben tájképbe nem illeszkedő családi What is your opinion on these changes? házak épültek. What kind of changes did you notice related to the industrial activities in the area?
Nemigen szennyeztek a régi ipari létesítmények.
Do you know about any nature conservation activity in this area? What do you think about it?
szemétszedés zsákokba. Ők maguk próbálnak környezetbarát módon élni, pl. ami éghető, azt a kazánban elégetik, ami bio, az megy a komposztba, a többit pedig összegyűjtik és beviszik a városba.
What changes do you expect in the future in this landscape?
A Bécsi-domb és Virágvölgy lakóövezet lesz és beépítik. Csorna és Hegyeshalom között út fog épülni.
WP6: Identities and strategies – raising awarness
Please describe the ideal landscape you want to live in.
Nagy-nagy park, zöld felület, sok madárral és virágokkal. A park egy részében állna egy ökoház, mely napenergiát, szélenergiát és a geotermikus energiát használná.
How often and where are you on the other side of the state border? Please mark on the map! What do you think, how well do you know this area?
What differences do you see on the two sides of the state border?
Az osztrák oldal rendezettebb, tisztább. A magyar oldal természetesebb, önálló növényzet és gazdagabb állatvilág van.
What could be the causes for these differences?
Az elzártságból és felfogásbeli különbségekből adódik.
What kinds of common landscape elements do you notice on this side as well as on the other side nádas, szőlőművelés a Fertő egyik oldalán, a másik of the state border? Do you know something of oldalán pedig a mezőgazdaság. (mind a magyar, the origin of these similarities? mind az osztrák oldalon) Do you still notice areas where the border-line is visible in the landscape? If yes, what kind of areas Már nem látszik annyira a határ, a nyomsáv heléyn út or features are representing the border? van, az igazi határt benőtte a növényzet. How did the effect of the border change in this landscape?
Sokkal könnyebb átjárni, most már mehetnek, ameddig akarnak. Az osztrákok is jönnek át kirándulni.