Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu EU peníze školám
Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3665
Jméno autora: Třída/ročník: Datum vytvoření:
č. materiálu:
Lenka Korenová Vestková V. 26.11. 2013
Vzdělávací oblast:
Cizí jazyk
Tematická oblast:
Pracovní list k 15.-19.lekci
Anglický jazyk
Výstižný popis způsobu
- odpovědi na otázky
využití, případně
- doplnění –ing tvarů
metodické pokyny:
- kresba podle článku - kroužkování správných tvarů/ slov
Klíčová slova:
Odpovědi, kresba,kroužkování
Druh učebního materiálu:
pracovní list
Soulad se ŠVP:
Je plně v souladu se ŠVP - Strom
Rozvíjené klíčové
Kompetence k učení, kompetence
k řešení problému, kompetence komunikativní, kompetence pracovní
Opakování 15. – 19. Lekce 1, Odpověz na otázky. Can you use a computer? ___________________________________________ Can you count from 1 to 20? _________________________________________ Can your mum speak English? _______________________________________ We need grey. How many colours do we need? _________________________ ________________________________________________________________ How can I make green? _____________________________________________ Mix red and blue. What colour is it? ___________________________________ Are you scared? ___________________________________________________ Where are you now? _______________________________________________ Have you got two bathrooms? _______________________________________ Do you live in a flat or in a house? ____________________________________ Where are you from? ______________________________________________ Do you sleep in the hall? ____________________________________________ Can dog swim? ___________________________________________________ Can cat play with a ball? ___________________________________________ Are you standing? _________________________________________________ Where do you cook? ______________________________________________
2, Ke slovesům připiš jeho – ing tvary. run ___________ do _______________ lie ____________ stand ____________
read _______________ sit _________________
3, Podle textu nakresli a vybarvi plánek bytu. There is a kitchen next to the hall on the left. The kitchen is yellow. The bathroom is next to the kitchen and between Mum nad Dad´s bedroom and kitchen. There is my bedroom next to Mum an Dad´s bedroom on the right. My bedroom is big and green.The living room is next to the toilet on the left and opposite the kitchen.The living room is orange. The toilet is between my bedroom and living room. Is white.
4, Vyber správný výraz (slovo) správný výraz zakroužkováním. I have/ has got a mouse. It is/are – she mouse. His/Her name is Mickey. She am/is one year old. She can/ can´t run and play. She can/ can´t swim. Are you jump/ jumping now? I cook in the kitchen/ hall. We play/ plays ball games in the park/ living room. Have/has you got a mobil phone? They live/ lives in a flat. Do you wash your hands in the bedroom/bathroom? Have/ has he got a small dog? No, he haven´t/hasn´t. Mum has/ have got a red dress. His/Her /its name is Lucy. He/She has got a small dog. Her/ His name is Black. He is/are funny. The car/cars is opposite the house. Where are/am I ? Where are/is they? I want to take a photo. I need a photo/ camera.
Draw. I need a book/ crayons.
Drink. I need a chair/ mug Řešení
1, Odpověz na otázky. Can you use a computer? ___Yes, I can/ No, I can´t.______________________ Can you count from 1 to 20? __Yes, I can/No, I can´t_____________________ Can your mum speak English? _Yes, she can./No, she can´t._______________ We need grey. How many colours do we need? _____We need two colours. ( Black and white.)________________________ How can I make green? ____Mix blue and yellow. _______________________ Mix red and blue. What colour is it? _____It is purple.____________________ Are you scared? __________Yes, I am/ No, I´m not._____________________ Where are you now? ______I´m ( I am) at school._______________________ Have you got two bathrooms? ____Yes, I have/ No I haven´t.______________ Do you live in a flat or in a house? __I live in a flat./I live in a house.________ Where are you from? ______I´m from the Czech Republic._______________ Do you sleep in the hall? ___No, I don´t._______________________________ Can dog swim? ___________Yes, it can._______________________________ Can cat play with a ball? ___ Yes, it can. ______________________________ Are you standing? ________No, I´m not. ______________________________ Where do you cook? ______I cook in the kitchen. ______________________
2, Ke slovesům připiš jeho – ing tvary. run _- running___ lie _- lying______
do __- doing______ stand _- standing___
read _- reading_______ sit _- sitting__________
3, Podle textu nakresli a vybarvi plánek bytu. There is a kitchen next to the hall on the left. The kitchen is yellow. The bathroom is next to the kitchen and between Mum nad Dad´s bedroom and kitchen. There is my bedroom next to Mum an Dad´s bedroom on the right. My bedroom is big and green.The living room is next to the toilet on the left and opposite the kitchen.The living room is orange. The toilet is between my bedroom and living room. Is white.
4, Vyber správný výraz (slovo) správný výraz zakroužkováním. I have/ has got a mouse. It is/are – she mouse. His/Her name is Mickey.She am/is one year old. She can/ can´t run and play. She can/ can´t swim. Are you jump/ jumping now? I cook in the kitchen/ hall. We play/ plays ball games in the park/ living room. Have/has you got a mobil phone? They live/ lives in a flat. Do you wash your hands in the bedroom/bathroom? Have/ has he got a small dog? No, he haven´t/hasn´t. Mum has/ have got a red dress. His/Her /Its name is Lucy. He/She has got a small dog. Her/ His name is Black. He is/are funny. The car/cars is opposite the house. Where are/am I ? Where are/is they?
I want to take a photo. I need a photo/ camera.Draw. I need a book/ crayons. Drink. I need a chair/ mug. Při tvorbě materiálu byly použity tyto zdroje: - Učebnice anglického jazyka pro 4. Ročník ZŠ ( Marie Zahálková, SPN a.s. 2007) ISBN 978-80-7235-363-7 , strany 32 – 41, Opakování lekcí 15 – 19.