y (
C *428*21.158o 1927.21 Oe0a653• G£tŒY3, le 20 septembre 1927,
3 nombres des exemplaires fies lois marquées x reous par le Secrétariat étant ]gLmité, ceux-ci ont été placés pour consultation à la bibliothèque de la Société des Nations.
only a limited number of copies of the laws marked x have teen*received in the Secretariat, they have been placed* in the library of the League of Nations for purposes of reference.
5TTr»/l*rj» i aEiV-u
Lav; No.2107, dated March 11th, 1920, prohibiting the cultivation, traae and consumption of Indian Heap. French Translation. x Law dated December 22nd, 1920, concerning the production of and trade in opium, morphine, cocaijae heroin and their respective salts. Circuler No.81,996, dated October 11th, 1921, from the Ministry of the Interior and of Agriculture. Loi sur l ’application du décret du 14 octobre 1925 concernant le monopole des drogues narcotiques. Translation.
Reglaméntase (18 de Marzo de 1922) el trafico deà Opio, Morfina, heroina y sus dérivadog y preparados cocaina y sus derivados y preparados, y dénias drogas peligrosas. Diario Oficial Numéro 63 de 1922. French and English translations.
Statute dated February 1, 1895, as amended on March 19th, 1922, relating to the sale of drugs and poisons. (English translation).
-» 2 -
SABT 3ntinuea)
Supplementary regulation of March 19th, 1922, relating to the sale of drugs by chemists. (English translation). x £ Act No.l, dated Januar2/ 9th, 1873, to amend the lav; relating to opium. Eu3.es and regulations under the Opium Act of 1878. 1» Government of India Notification - printed under (i) of P.ules and Regulations in Bengal. 2. Rules framed "by the Government of the Pul'jab under the Opium Act of 1878. x Appendix A %
Rules and regulations under the Opium Act of 1878, relating to the trada in opium in the following provinces i Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Punjab, Bihar and Orissa, Central Provinces, United Provinces, Burma, Assam, Aimer-Merwara, Baluchistan, Delhi, Coorg, North-West Frontier Province.
Appendix B.
Rules and regulations xinder the Opium Act of 1878 concerning the trade in morphia in the following provinces Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Pulljab , Bihar, & Orissa, Central Provinces, United Provinces, Burma, Assam, A jmer-Merwara, Baluchistan, Delhi, Coorg, North-West Frontier Province.
x Kachin Hill-Tribes Regulation H o .1 dated January 26th, 1895, to declare the lav/ applicable to the Hill-Tribes in the Kachin Hill-tracts of Upper Burma. x Act No. 3ÜÏÏ ef 1857, as amended up to August 1st, 1905, to consolidate and amend the law relating to the cultivation of the poppy and the manufacture of opium in the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal and the territories under the administration of the Chief Commissioner of Oudh. x The Opium Act of 1878 as modified in 1910. x Act N o .1, dated January 5th, 1911, to further amend the Opium Act of 1857. x Appendix C.
Extract from the Bengal Excise Act V of 1909. Extracts from the Bombay Abkari Act No,? of 1878. Extracts from the Madras Abkari Act ' No.I of 1885. Extracts from the Punjab Excise Act No.I of 1914c Extracts from the Bihar & Orissa Excise Act, No.II of 1915.
- s -
Appendix G. (continued)
Extracts from the Central Provinces Excise A c t , Ho.II ef 1915. Extracts from the United Provinces Excise Act, N o .IV of 1910 Extracts from the Burma Excise A c t , No,Y of 1917, Extracts from the Eastern Bengal and Assam Excise Act, No.l of 1910. Extracts from Regulation No,I of 1915, (A jmer-Merwara „) Extract from Regulation No.l of 1915. (Baluchistan). Extracts from the Punjab Excise A c t , 1914» (Delhi). Extracts from Resolution I of 1915. (Coorg) . Extracts from the Punjab Excise Act, 1914, (North-'Vest Frontier Province),
x Notification N o .562 S.R., dated March 2nd, 1918, under the Opium A c t , No.l of 1878. x Notification No.293 S.R., dated January 30th, 1920, under Rule 40 of the Bengal Opium Rules 1918. x Rules dated Hay 21st, 1921, made by Government of Bihar and Orissa under Sections 5 and 13 of the Opium A c t , 1878. x Regulations for the control of the cultivation and distribution of opium and dangerous drugs in the Hill States. x Law, Regulations and Rules (in force -from January 1st, 1925) relating to opium and intoxicating drugs. Kalat State (including Kharan). x Opium and Intoxicating Drugs Law, of the Kurundwad Senior State, 1923. x Law, Regulations and Rules relating to Opium and Intoxicating Drugs, passed by the Phalt 821 State. (In force from August 15th, 1923). x Jamkhandi State Law relating to Opium and intoxicat ing drugs (Jamkhandi State Act No.l of 1923) to gether with Rules and Regulations made thereunder, tin fijree from October 1st, 1923) . x Law, Retaliations and Rules relating to opium and intoxicating drugs, passed by the Aundh State, in force from June 1st, 1923. x Opium and Intoxicating Drugs Law, Sachin State, in force from August 1st, 1923. x Rules regulating manufacture and sale, etc., of opium and dangerous drugs in Eehri-Garhwal State, (undated).
- 4 -
‘ i
Ministerial decree conceding a free warehouse to the Chamber of Commerce. January 22nd, 1877. x Disposition! die regolano il comraercio dei veleni. Testo unico delle leggi sanitaria 1° Agosto 1907. No,656. x Disposition! che regolano il funzionamentc dello officini farnaceutiche. Testo unico delle leggi sanitarie 1° Agosto 1907 , M o .636. x Regio decreto-legge 9 f ebtiraio 1922, n-335, che autorizza la emanazione delle disposizioni previste dalla convenzione internationale sullToppio, firmata allTAja il 23 'gannaio 1912(1). x Notice to Prefects of the Kingdom relevant to Article 9 of the International Opium Convention. August 7th, 1922. x Legge 18 fe"b"braio 1923, Ko .396, recente provvedimenti per la repressione della absu±vo comnercio di sostanze velenose aventi azioni stupefacente.
| jlPâlî
x Regio Decreto 9 novembre 1923 approvazione del reglamento No. 396 per 1 1esecuzione della legge 18th febbraio 1923. (Translation into French of part of this law). x Law No. 61, dated March 14th, 1889, re importation, transportation, etc. x Criminal Code of Japan, Chapter XIV-, regarding offences relating to prepared opium. x The Postal Law. Law No.54 (Extracts) dated March 12th, 1900, together with extracts from ChinoJapanese postal regulations and extracts from Notification 1139 of the Department of Communica tions . x Extracts from the Criminal Code concerning opium. Lav/ No. 45, 1907. Chapter XIV regarding offences relating to prepared opium. x Law N o .54, dated April 15th, 1910, re prohibition of importation. x Law No.10 of the year 1889 as amended by various laws from 189?, to 1910 concerning the regulations for the Bale ana handling of medicines, x Ordinance No.4, dated March 30th, 1897, as amended by various laws from 1899 to 1919, regarding the regulations for enforcing the opium law, x Law No.27, dated March 27th, 1898, as amended by laws of 1917 and 1919 concerning trade in opium.
r 5 -
ij ^tiaued)
x Orâins nee lîo »6, dated An/ust 14th.*) 1917, (Taisho 6) regarding the regulations for the sale of opium for pharmaconfc ical puri oses > x Ordinance N o <.41, dated December 6th, 1920, regard ing the ordinance relating to the regulations for the control of morphine, cocaine and their rospect-ive salts, x Departmental order, H o ,56, dated 27th December, 1921, Regulations for mail matters for foreign countries <, South Seas Bureau Ordinance, lîo»28, promulgated on Septemcer 4 t h , 1922; Regulations for the control of opium, morphine, cocaine and salts thereof» Ordinance Ho >89, dated June 28th, 1926, with regard to certain medical substances having the same effect as those substances provided for in Ordinance Ho, 41
AIîESE x Consular Ordinance for the control of opium, 3'uLA.TESmorphine, cocaine and syringes, CT-illA.
x Regulations issued by thfr Japanese consuls te at Liao-Yang for the control of morphine, cocaine, etc. Colonies, GH0SEIÎ
x Ordinance ITo.lt, dated February 5th, 1919, relating to regulations for the control of export of drugs, with supplementary rules. x Ordinance Ho.3, dated June 11th, 1919, relating to the enforcement of the Ordinance for the control of opium. x Ordinance Ho.15, dated June 19th, 1919, relating to the control of opium, x Ordinance No.194, dated December 23rd, 1920, relatin to regulations for the control of morphine, cocaine and their respective salts. Extract from Ordinance Ho,22, dated March, 1912, relating to the regulations for the control of drugs
x The Opium Ordinance Ho,2 of 1897. x Ordinance Ho,10 of March, 1898, containing regula tions for the enforcement of the Opium Ordinance of i8 9 7 « x Government General Ordinance Ho,. 17 of September, 1900, relating to the control of drugs.
** 6 *
[ontinued J
Colonies "[continued) FORMOSA (continued)
x ôrdinance No.184 of December, 1920, relating to the regulations for the control of morphine, cocaine and their respective salts.
x Ordinance N o «38 of 1907, concerning regulations for the Customs House.
TERRITORY. x Ordinance No.38 of 1908, relating to the regula tions for the sale and handling of drugs. x Ordinance No.5 of 1910 relating to postal regula tions for Manchuria. x Ordinance N o .3 of 1911 relating to the importation of morphine and morphine syringes into China. x Ordinance No.4 of 1911 relating to tfce importation of cocaine and cocaino syringes int# China. x Ordinance N o .17 of 1914 relating to the control of morphine and coôaine. * Ordinance No.5 of 1915 relating to the control of morphine and cocaine. x Ordinance No.10 of 1916, relating to confiscation of opium, morphine and cocaine.
Regulation dated January 23rd, 1920, concerning the sale of drugs. Druk. Valdibas Vestnesi No.20, 1920. English and French Translations. Loi en date du 9 mars 1925, relative à 1 Timportation, à 1 !exportation et au trafic de l'opium et d'autres drogues stupéfiantes. French translation.
x Loi du 5 août 1921, concernant la ratification de la Convention internationale de l'opium 1912. Mémorial No. 55 du 10 août 1921. Loi du 28 avril 1922, concernant la préparation et vente des médicaments et substances toxiques. Mémorial No.31 du 29 avril 1922.
Measures adopted concerning the cultivation and traffic In products which are liable to produce degeneration of the race. (Federal Executive Authorities, United States of Mexico, Department of Public Health). Published in Diario Oficial, March 15th, 1920.
Loi Ho.3 du 14 août 1918, concernant l ’importation, le commerce{ la détention et l ’usage des sub stances vénéneuses, notamment l ’opium, la morphine et la cocaine.
Wet. (Ho,61) van den lsten Juni 1865, regelende de uitoofening der artsenigbereidkunst. Wet- (ïïo„1420) van 4 October 1919, vaststelling van bepalingen betreifende het opium en andere verdooveude middelen^ Staatsblad Ho ,592. Bi^lage 1, S en 3 van de Opiumwet 1919» blad 59B,
Bealuit (Ho*64) van den 11 den Februari 1930, houder.de bepalingen nopens den docrvoer van opium en da&rvan afgeleide stoi’fen alsmede van cocaine. Bealuit (Hor290) van den lOden Juni 1920, depalendo de belceu'lnaking in het staatsblad van het International Opium verdrag van 23 Januari 1912. Besluit (Ho.770) van den 2den October 1920, tot vaatstelling van den dag met ingang waarvan de Opiumvvet in working treedt, x Resolutie van 6 October 1920, Ho.155. Netherlands Consulates in China«, Amoy. Politie-Reglement 1909, Ho.5, den 31sten December 1908. Politie-Reglement 1910, Ho.7, den 30sten Hovember 1910. Canton Politie-Reglement 1909, Ho.3, den 31sten December 1908, Politie-Reglement 1910, Ho.6, den 30sten November 1910. Shanghai. Politie-Reglement Ho.6, den 20 nten December, 190G. Politie-Reglement Ho=10, den len December, 1910. Tientsin. Politie-Reglement Ho.8 den 24sten December, 1908. Politie-Reglement Ho.9 den 17
November, 1910.
- 8 -
jrjBHLABDS Ôntinued) Colonies. CURACAO
x ,Verordnung No,45 des 4n Augusirus 1913, hcrud^ndo verbod van de teelt ran Papaver Soimli’ -ei'-um L en Cannabis I û ü c a L en regel ing van der inve-ej*, den verkoop of de aflevering en het "bezit van opium en eenige andere stoffen, x Article 4 of Trade Rules, regarding import of opium and poppy seeds into China.
x Wettelijke Bepalingen voor de Opiumregie. Deel III, 1916. Bepalingen, geldende uitsluitend roor de besittingen buiten Java en Madoera, met uifczondering van de residentie Lampongsohe Districten. (1) x Wettelijke Bepalingen voor de Opiumregie» Deel 1, 1918 » Bepalingèn, geldende voor geheel Nederlandsch-Indie. Twoede Druk. ^1) x Wettelijko Bepalingen voor de Opiumregie. Deel III, 1918. Bepalingen geldende uitsluitend vo or 5.e Gewesten buiten Java en Ma do era, met uitzoiider ing van de Residentie Lampongsohe Distrioten. ^1 ' x Staatsblad No.136 van 23 Maart 1921. Opium. Verb oden Kringen Madioen. Kediri . Nad ere wi jziging van artikel 1 van het besluit in Staatsblad 19C9 . No.597, houdende aanwijzing van ,Tverboden kriugen'7t ' x Staatsblad No. 137 van 23 Maart 1921. Opium. Verboden Kringen, Madioen Kediri. Wijziging van de bepalingen betreffende het bezit en vervoer van regie-opium en regie-djit jing in genoemde geWesten. (Staatsblad 1916 N o .491). H-) x Staatsblad No. 155 van 7 April 1921. Opium. Nieuwe bepalingen omtrent de verpakking en den verkoop van opium voor de Opiumregie in Nederlandsoh-Indie. (Opiumverpakkingsbepalingen.) vl) x Staatsblad No. 156 van 7 April 1921. Opium. Herziening van de bepalingen voor de Opium regie in eenige gewesten met het oog op madere te nemen maatregelen tot beperking van het op iumgebruik. (1)
of those laws were distributel to all Governments on June 13th, 1925, at the request of the Netherlands Government
^Sur le demande du gouvernement des Pays-Bas des exemplaire? de ces lois ont é t é communiqués à tous les gouvernement3 le 13 juin 1925.
- 9 -
r?HSBLANDS : ';0ritinue4) Colonies. ’(continued.) EAST INDIES (continue fl.)
x Staatsblad No,542 van 20 September 1921. Opium. Vorboden Kr ingen. Kedoe. Semarang. Soerakarts. Nader e wi jziging van artikel 1 van het besluit in Staats blad 1909 No, 597: houdende aanwijzing van "verboden kringen". (!) x Staatsblad No. 543 van 20 September 1921. Opium. Verboden kringen. Kedoe. Semarang. Soerakarta. Bepaling over het besit en vervoer «-an regie-opium en regie-djitjing in genoande gewesten. (!) x Staatsblad No. 194 van 22 April 1922. Opium, Riouw en onierhoorigheden Bali en Lombok. Wijziging van de bepalingen voor de opium-rcgie in gencemde gewesten. (1) x Staatsblad No. 494 van 24 July 1922. Opium. Morphine. Coeaine. Eueaine. Nadere herziening van de bepalingen tot tegengang van den uitr-)qv van ruw of bersid opium van morphine en andere vercloovende middelen alsook van spuitjes of andero gereedsohappen, bestemd voor het toedienen van onderhuidsche inspuitingen met dergelijke verdoovende middelen. (1)
^ ^ Copies of these laws were distributed to all Governments og. June 13th, 1925, at the request of the Netherlands Government. ^ ) Sur la demande du gouvernement des Pays-Bas des exemplaires de ces lois ont été communiqués àtous les gouvernements le 13 juin 1925.
(Goiit inued)
S 5 t:t tiUlc.d IIo • y09 van 1 Jiiigust as 19 c-2 • OpiULi. Verboden Mringen , Batavia. Her zieninx van do bapalingen bat; re^ fonde hot bénit en vervoer van regie-opium an regio-djit Jing in geaaeiten van genoemd. g ewe st, (Staat ablad 1320, ilo .848)
oteatsbled No. bbl van 4 So at ember 1922. 0, iua. A ..vullande opiumragieorgonnantie B«it angewest en. jut '»eli jke Bujelingen voor de 0, iumregie. Duel III » Bujblingon, geldenu.e uitsluiûand voor de gewesten buiten Java on Mau.oera, met uit zona' ring van do ieeldentie Lumpongsche District en. 0Ailevaring IV de g e\vest en ^mboina, I«ieuwT Guinea en B xi en Lombok. "1 ri ;Vj.«.aigingen en A«nvullingen van de v/atteli jke Bcyalingen voor de Opiumregie. Duel I (ïweeue Druk) Bepalingen, geldende voor gehell lîederlandsch^I-die. 1922 .
Ver slag betroxfenda don dienst der 0,-iumregie over het jaaz 1922,
.vtt eli jke Bepalingen voor de Oyiumregia. Deal II 1923. Bepalingen, geldande uii; sluitond voor Java en L .j-oara en de Lampongscho Distrioten. Derco Lruk. i/atteli jke 3 -palingen voor de Oviumragie. Lee! III. 1925 , Bjpalingan, geldande uit sluitam voor de eweston buiten J .a yn LI ^oera , .jet uit sonde ring van le residentie L mpongscha List rioton. Ail eve ring I. de gewoston Bcukoelon, I M o m b a n g , jjuambi, B-i.ka en Qnderhoorighedon en Billiton.
Staatsblad Hu. 20x van 14 Hui 1925. Opium. LIorpMna. 0 cabine . 3*caine. Her zi ening van de morpi-inoordonnant!a (Staot sblaa 1911, Ha. 48b, )
Staatsblad i.V. 202 van 14 ia^i 1923» Opium. Morphine. Cocaine . Eue ai n e . Z< libosturan. Herziening van de O^ium-aanvoerordonnuntie. (Staatablad 1918 . lia. 34. )
Staotsblad ilo, 20o van 14 Mai 1925. 0. ium. Mar, hina. Cooaine. Euoaina. Invoarcertiiicat on voor opium, morphine en audere vardoovande miadelen.
Copies of tua se laws we re distributea îo ail Covjrnments on June 15 t n , 192b, at ûha request of üxi0
1%j u i i d z l s i 3d . s
G u V 'j r n m e i i t •
Sur la aemandc du g ou ver nemo nt aos ?..ys-jas des exemplaires de ces lois ont é t é communiqués à tous les gouvernements la 15 juin 1925.*
- 11 HEJHiSBLAfllfi E a S'I DEDIES (Continued) X
Pablioatie-Blad Ko. 49 van 14 Juli 1923. Bealiiit van den lOaen Juli 1923, ter uitvoaring van artiizel 2, dei’de lid, der Yerordaning van den 4den Augustus 1913 (P. 3. .n o . 45) ho ado n de ver bod van de teelt van Papaver Somnif'erum L. en Cunnabib Sutiva ‘ L. en regeling van dan invoer, den verkoop of de aflevering en het bazit van opium en eenige anders stoffen.
Staatsblad H u . 367 van 24 juli 1923. O-ium. llorphine. Cocaine. Eacaine. Aanvvi jzing van ^ersonen, bevoegd tot de afgiate van co'rtifioaten voor den invoer van opium en ànuera vordoovenda middelen.
Staatsblad Hu. 369 van 24 juli 1923. O^ium. Verooden Kringen. Lampongscha Diotricten. V^rbod tot het oezit en het vervoer van regieopium en reg.ie-d jit jing, acdera dan kractana een vergunning, voor geheel Juva en Madoera zoomade da residentie lampongsohe liatricten.
Siietitsblad Ko. 370 Vc^ 24 Juli 1923. Op-am. Verboden kringen. Lampongechs Districten. Hieune bepalingac op het bezit, M t vsrvoer en het gebruik van- regie-opium en regie-d jit jing op Java en li-doera en in de residentie L-mpongache Districten fAunvulxende Java t-ie-ordonnantie. f
Sùaét sblad 2iu. 371 van 24 Juli 1923. Oyium. Verboden ICringen. Intre.kid.tig van het basluit iti Staat soiad IZOv Ho. 597, houdende aanwi jziug van "verboden kringen". Staatsblad Ho. 394 van 17 Augustus 1923. dechtsvvezcn Opium en andero Yerdoovanue Hi ud el en. IZoninlijk besluit van 11 Juni 1923 Ho. 45, tot afwijking van de eerste acht tit ela van het Strafwetboek bij overtreuingen van de b e pd i ng e n omtrent opium on andere vordoovende middelen, Sii^bt sblad 11v. 395 van 17 n x ustua 1923 , i^-cutawezeb. Bdglementen Opium en A:.dere Vvxduovende Lliduelen. Kuninli jk besluit van 11 Juni 1923, Hu. 45, tot ruimere toepassing van de pi event ieve heontenia bi j overt redingeu v^n de be^j-ling an omtrent opium en andere verdoovenae middelen. Suo,,t£blad H u . 369 van 20 ü •.gastus 1924. 0_»ium. Sulobee en Vu^er^oorig^eden. Llunado. K ade re wi jziging van de* bapalingen voor de Oviumragie voor 7enoemde gewesten. (Staatsblad 1915. Ho.748.)
" ^ C o p i e s of tiieae lTws were ai st ributea. to all Government a on June 13th, 1925, at tne request of the Netherlands Government. ^ ^ S u r le demande du gouvernement des Pays-Baa des exemplairea da ces lois ont ôte com^uni<^uaa à toua la a gouvernement s le 13». juin 1925.
r?LAUDS SA SI INDIES (Continued) Staatsblad îïo. 570 van £2 august as 19 £5. jtecnt swe zen. 0.;ium en andere verdoovende Miudelen. ,joglemente,.. Ti jdstip van in warkingt reiin ? van da Honir. kli jke besluiten in Indisch Staatsblad 1925 Eos. 394 en 395 onder sclieidenlijk tot afv/ijkicg van de oerste aoht tit els van het Straiwetbooi£ oil overtreaingen van ae bepalingen omtrent opium en andere verdoovende middelen en tot raimer a toepascing van de pre vent ieve necnteuis bi j overt redingen van die bepalingen. Awiiwijzing v^n desjundigan in za-van van overirouingen van maergenoomde bepalingen. Staatsblad 2Î0. 371 van £2 Augustus 1925. Bochtswezan. Opium. Herziening van de atrafbepalingen in versohilj-enue thans g eldenae opiumor donuanties in vurbscd met de ICtninkli jke besluiton in 1-oisoh Staatsblad 1923, Los. 334 en 335. Staatsblad No. >4£5 van 28 Augustus 1925. Opium. Verboden kringen. J-va en lledoera. '7ijziging van den staat behooren<_e boj de .aanvullende Java ïüùgie-ordonnantie. (Siwatsbiad 1923, liu. 370» x
Staatsblad Uo. 4£4. den 27sten Augustus 1925. Vundukantoren i?oglementen Oyium. pj/omien. vifijziging van het règlement op do opendare varkoopingen in 2suLurlandseh-I:-u.ie (Staatsblad 190u Bo. 1B'3) >;n de bepalingen op opiumpremien (Staatsblad 1916, Eu. 630). S ïaat sbl.-d Ile. 426 des 23sten Augustus 1925. Oj-iurn. VandukoKtcren. Instruotien ,»est-J~va. Ovordreoht van eenige bevoegdheaen inzake opiymbepalingcn en wljsiging van de lustructie voor de ambtenaron belast met de Soopassing van het lieglement op do oponbare varkoopingen in üvderlandschIudio (£;aetsblad 19Oc . Ko. 190). Bulletin des lois des li.aes néerlandaises do 1925, Mo. 592. (.division c omp lém eut aire dos dispositions pénales dans diverses ordonnances air l ’opium.) Staatsbli-jd Ko. 2£ don liden J.nuari 1926. Opium. Sumatra ,/astkust. Œapaneeli. VVijziging vsn de bepalingen dor ‘ ./u^tkust ivgi o or donne ntic (Staatsblad 1915 îïo*245) un der Taoanoeli iic,;io-, ordonnentie (Staatsblad 1916 Ko.556), in ver baud h^t de gowijzigda gctieds-indouling van genoumde gewesten.
Copies of these laws were distributed to all Governments on June I3t.a, 1925, at tno request oi tna Netherlands Government. Sur la demande du gouvernement des Jays-Bes des exemplaires de oes luis ont éïe communiqués à tous les gouvernements le 13 yuin 1925.
(CuBti nuod )
St «.atsblad Ho. 74 den 24sten Foor*9ri 1926. Ojiunu Morphine. Cocaine. Eueaine. Sy^fbestnren. VU jziging von de ordonnantia in Sfcaetsblad 1916 Ho. £ o 8 , tot versekering van de tcepesselijkheid in zelfbest uir end gebied van ver sohi 1 ietid e net de beat ri d jing van het opiumgebrulk vertand noudende regelingen en tot berechting van overtredingen van badoeldo vocrschriften an van do "OpiiimasttYQerordounfcntie" fStaatsblad 1918 Uo. 34.)~~ J3EW
x law Hu. 61, Articles LXZIY «nd L2XY.2 issued on March 14th, 1889 and effective since August 1899.
T.*ai 0,;ivua Act, Ho. 157, of 190c, to consolidate certain enactments relating to the importation and use of opium. T«a Puisons j,ot, He. 1-44 of 1908, to consolidate certain enactments relating to tha sale, importation and carriage of poisons.
Tii© Ovi-un Amendment Act , Ho. 30, dated Hovu^byr 21st, 1310, to amend the Opiuua Act of 1908. Order in Council dated July 25th, 1911, concerning articles or preparations m i c h msy be made aiitabie for anoking. Treaties of Putioe Act, Hu. £0, dated October 29th, 1919, to give effect to certain ïrouüies of the Puace I/.d Treaties of Peace Amendment Ace, Ho. Zt>, dated Ociiuber 13th, 1920, to extend the operation of the-Ireatie3 of Peace act, 1919. ïuô Treaties of Peace Extension Act, Ho. 7, dated October 28th, 1921, to extend the duration of the Treaties of Peace Act, 1919. degulatifins dated Januery 18th, 1921, made under the Opium ,sct of 1908 and the Treaties of peace aot oi 1919. x
Departmental Order, Ho. 56, issued by the Depart ment of Communioations, dated December 27th, ’1921, prohibiting the conveyance of certain articled as foreign mail matters. Order in Council dated July 31st, 1922, concerning the traffic in opium.
lov om ind- ug utf^rseiL av opium m.m. av 21 juni 1913
Plakat indeholdende forskrifter om ind- og utf^rsel av opium m.v. av 1 mai 1914.
Lova etc. 1911-1915 vedrerende Kongeriket Horgea Handel og Skibsfert m.m.
- 14 Hun dQkr :Vro 1s 3 fis àet kongeLige Sooialo og II02WAY x (continued) Industrie département. BcfitfiLïneleer angaannde tllvirkning m.v. do i lovons 2 cg 3 omhandlode gifter og spotokvarer. 19 mai 1916» PAILêMA
Le y 46 de 20 de Lie iombre de 1912 por la cual se est able can unas pcohibiclones.
Lev/ 19 de 22 de Hovi.s^bre de 19 lu pur la eu al se est ablacen reglas para el c cme.rcio y v ko de opio y sus c omponent e s , cocaine y sus similares,
Dccreto îïumero 65 de 5 de Junio de 1920 por el cual S3 dicton vavioa medicss relaci onadas c on la import ag ion y exportacion de opio y sua similares. Becret o Humero 25 de 27 de Marzo de 1922 ^cr el cusl se reglamenta le importacion de opio, sus sales y derivados de conlormidad con la Con vene! on de la Haye de 23 de '..nero de 1912 adopt ada per Panama ae ecuerdo con el articula 295 del uratado de /ersailles, del cual es signât aria» Ley 19 de 3 de Abril de 3.923 por la cual se règlemente la intreduction del op.lo, la cocaina y sus similares j se catiga el aso indebido de diohas sustenciss. Translation of decree made by Persian Government of April 19th., 1921, to regulate the importation and use of morphine, cocaine and their extracts.
Proyecto de ley presents a la consideracion de la Camara.
Codig o de aduanas de 19 20, ÛGZ2XVI, CC7JC31, )
Ley H u m . 4428 de 2b do Hoviemore de 1921.
(Art0. CCXJ-2IV.
Act Ho. 2-381, dated February 28th, 1914, restricting the lb e of ooium and repealing Act 1761.
G ;i.eral Orders, Ho. 22, dated Hovemoer 20th, 1918, in reference to enforcement of Act 2381.
Act H o . 3005, uated ii.rch 8th, 1922, to amend Section 7 of Act 235.1.
General Orders, Ho. 6, dated March 20th, 192^, under the provisions of Act 300u.
Executive order Ho. 20 dated May 19th. 1922, regarding disposal of seizures m d 1 ormat ion of Opium Commit teo,
General Orders, Ho. 14, dated July 15th, 1922, with referdV-oa to composition of Opium Committee.
- 15 ftlAHD
Prescriptions de le loi sur la prod.uo.tion et le commerce des articles prévus par la Convention de la Haye, 1320. Décret Mo. ’214 du 21 septembre 1922» eur les certificat s d'importations. Recueil des lois de la rtépubliqua de Pologne contenant 1 1ordonnance concernant les règles à appliquer pour l ‘importation et l 1exportât ion des substances stupéxiantes.
üo0ulament o djo 0 omar cio do opio aprovado pela portaria provincial Mo. 268 de 1916 con as modificaooes introduzidas pela poxtaria piovincia Mo. 60 de 1917. Lei Mu. 1687 do 6 de A:;.osto de 1923. Docree Mo. 12,^210, dated August 2nd, 1926, published by the Portuguese Government relative to illicit traffic.
Colonies. MACAO
Begulanento da 18- de Setoznbro de 1917, 2Î0.140, de Comercio do Opio aprovado pela portaria provincial No. 268 de 1915, com as modificaçoes introduzidas pela ^ortaria provincial Mo.60 de 1917.
* lOJltiMIA
Deeretul regal Mr. 2543, din 12 Iunio 1920. xiegulament pentru importul, f abricarea ,„ vanzares si exportul ppiului, a dérivâtelor sale, a cocainei si derivaletor sale.
Decret o do 29 da M~.yo de 1922, para la ratilicacion del Convention Internaoional del Opio.
Morphine and Cocaine Act, dated'October 1st, 1913. (B.E.2456.}
The Opium L.w, dated January 3rd, 1921. (B.E.2464.. )
Ministerial dugulations, dated January 3rd, 1921, issued under the Opium Law of 1921.
Sules of the Department of Public Health for thepossession and us.e of medicinal opium. (In accordance with the Opium Law, 3.E . 2464.)
Notification dated Jxue 9th, 1921, issued under Section 8 of the Opium Law, B.E.c464, exempting certain preparations containing opium from the provisions of that law.
Translation of the Harmful Hobit-forming Drugs Law, B.E.2465.
Translation,of the Ministerial regulations issued under the Harmiul Habit-forming Drugs Law, B.E.2465.
- 16 Suai Or den Circular- de 27 de febrero de 1916 disponiendo se' vigile el cumpliento de 1 prescrit o en el oapitulo 5° de las Ordenauzaz de Furmacia snbra la vent a de product os medic in al es y o uostaucias venenoses en las drogueries y fabric^s de product os quimicùs; que seen vigiladas por los Subdelegados las Farmaoias para cjue ne se expendan en allas sin recet a e so rit a y iirmade por un iiedico de medicament os narcoticos, anestesiantes y cusntos contengan substancias, venenosas, paqu.ptes, ca Jas de pildoras, pastillas, comprimidos, tuoos preparados para inyecciones, eue., que c ontengan reieridas suostancles toxic as, y que por la Polioie gubornativa se an per aequidas las casas de lenocinio, calés, bars y demas sitios de reunion en que iia^a sospecha de que se proporcionau dichas substeueias a los clientes.
Seglumento para el comercio y las subatancias toxicas, y en que e^ercen acoion narcotics, enest e-sics , aprobado por du-al Julio de 1918.
dispensacion de especial de las antiternica o Jecreto de ol de
noglamento para la elaboracion y venta de las especialidades Farnaceutioas, aprobado por Seal Becreto de 6 de Marzo de 1319. Real Or den Circular de 22 de i»bril de 1920, disponiendo se vigile cu id ado same nt e por lus A ut c-ridas iront erizas y les Inspect or es f arniaceut icos de las ^iuanas la or tac ion de Iss substanciss a que sa reiiere el Seglamento de 31 de Julio de 191b, y que por los Subdelegados de iarmaeia se compruebe si las Gcsas imp o rt ado ra s cumplen el art. 8° de cil ciio rieg lament o. Seal Or den de 19 de Octübre de 1920, aclarando en el sent ido que se publica los «rticuios 4° y 6° del J eg1anento para el cornerci fi y dispen sacion de suostancias toxicas, aprobado por Seal Becreto de 31 de J u l i o de 1918. x
Seal Orden Circular de 24 de i-nero de 1921, sobre la importacion del opio, morfina, eocaina y otras drogas analog es. Gaceta -iG Madrid de 27 de L'ner o de 1921. Seal Orden de 25 de Lnero ae 1923 sobre la importacion y venta de las drogas. Gaceta de Madrid de 26 de Bnero de 1^23.^
Décret du 6 axrri 1 1923, relatif au commerce de l ’opium et de certaines autres substances et préparations narcotiques.
- 17 SYflïZEBLAND B s s le.
Gaset z betreffend Ausftbung des Burm. a der Medi zinal-Parsonon, vom 26 M^i 1679, mit AbBn&erung vom 13 October 1838.
Verordnang liber don V^xkauf von Gixten una Arznei- und Geheimaitteln, vom 30 September 1899. In der F^Soung vom 31 Dezember 1907 und 18 Juli 190a.
Verordnung betreffond das A^othekemvasen, vom 14 October 1899.
Vu r ordnung 'bet r of fend A oëi.derung der Varordnung über don V.rkauf von Giftan und Arznei- und Geheimiiit ïcln vom 30 September 1893, vom 1 Mai 1919,
Genc vo. x
Loi sur l'cxeroioa de la Médecine, de le Gnirurgie et de le Pe&rmacia, du 23 mars 1892. Modifiée par la Loi du 11 octobre 190c, et collstionn.e en conformité de ladite loi.
Extraits du Bè'lemant d'exécution de la Loi du 11 octobre 190o, orogaant le Lui du L9 mai 1895 et modifiant la Loi du 23 mars 1895 skr l'exercice clo la médecine, de la chirurgie et de la pharmacie.
Loi du 28 Janvier 1922, concernant le comuarce, la detention et l'usage de stupéfiants.
Vaua. x
règlement du 9 mai 1921 concernent les pharmacies et la vante des poisons, ainsi que la préparation, les annonces publiques et la vente des remèdes sacrets et des sp&cieiiiiés pnarmac eut i qua s .
Loi du 1er décembre 1921, modifiant la loi du 14 septembre 1897, sur l'organisation sanitaire, en ce qui concerne la détention et l'usage de stupéfiant s.
Zürich. x
Verordnung betreffend die 9fientlicaen Apotheken und die Provat-Apotheken der üox'zte und ïierërzte, vom 5 Hornung 1857.
- 18 SWIT2K3LAED (Cont inuo d ) Ztlrich (Continued) Verordnang betroffend den Verkauf von Arzneimittein, Gift en, Chemikalien zu technischen Z.veckon, MireralwSssorn, Geheimmitteln und Medisinisohen SoecislitSt e n , etc., von 24 August 1911 (O.S.,2X17 209.) Ab’ ênderung der V--rordnung bet ref fend den Vurksuf von Arznoimmtteln, Giften, Chemikalien zu tecnnischen Zvvecken, Mineralv/asssrn, Goheimmitteln und mediziniscnen Spezialitëten, etc., vom 24 August 1911.' Vom 24 Mûrs 1917.
Loi Fédérale sur les stupéfiants du 2 octobre 1924. Ordonnance concernant le commerce des stupéfiants du 23 juin 1925. Circulaire du départomont fédéral ùe 1*intérieur aux gouvernements cantonaux concornent la mise en vigueur de la loi du 2 octobre 1924 et „e son ordonnance d'exécution du 23 juin 1925 (du 1 juillet 1925). UKIOH OF ■& SOUTH AFtflfiA x
.Regulations doted November 2nd, 1920, regarding opium, framed under Section 24 of Aot Ho. 9 of 1913. Proclamation llo. 142, dated Sept.ember 28th, 1921, relating to. the issue of permits to export ‘opium in any form or any derivative there of„ Draft Proclamation containing a schedule conaerning habit-forming drugs. Proclamation Ho. 181, dated November 7th, 1922, relating to Begulations concerning habit-forming drugs. Act No. 35 of 1922 to amend furtnor the tariffs of Customs and Excise in force in the Union, and to regulate and restrict the importation, exportation cr trafïic in habit-forming drugs and for purposes incidental thereto.
fi<sr or VTH fîlCl [ont.)
"The Medical Dental and Pharmacy- AcC-^ dated January 1st, 1923, to consolidate and aaend the laws in force in the Union relating to iihdioal practitloners, dentists, pharmacists9 midwifes, trained nurses and other classed of parsons; the keeping and sale cf poisons ; the Importation, sale and use of habitforming drugs and as to .other matters connected there' with Qr relating thereto. Proclamation No,.38, dated February 4, 1924, attending the regulations contained in Proclamation No.181 of li<2 2 .
Opium and Narcotic Lav/s. Public No.. 47 (H0R„27427 ), An Act to prohibit the importation and use of opium for other than medicinal purposes. February 9,1909. Opium and Narcotic Laws. Publiç Mo.46. (H.R.1966). An Act to amend the Aot contained in Publio No.221 of 1909, January 17, 1914. Opium and Narcotia Laws. Public No.223. (H.R.1967). An Act regulating the manufacture of smoking opium within the United States and for other purposes.. January 17, 1914. ■Opium and N&rcotio Laws. Publio No„223. (H.R.62S2) . An Act to provide for the registration of, with collectors of internal revenue, and to impose a special tax upon all persons who produce, import, manufacture, compound, deal in, dispense, sell, dis tribu, re. or give away opium or coca leaves, their salts, derivatives, cr preparations, and for other purposes. December 17, 1914. Opium and Narcotic Laws. Extract Public No.254. Revenue A c t . February 24, 1919. Regulations No.35, dated November 24, 1919, relating to the importation, manufacture, production, compounding sale, dealing in, dispensing and giving away of opium or ooca leaves, their salts, derivatives or preparations thereof. x
Narcotl® Law. (T-.D.3020). Modification of Article 12. Regulations No.35, dated May 19, 1920.
Regulations for the control of traffic in narcotics. Washington, May 22, 1920.
Narcotic Law. cf IÎ3gulations compounding of dealers. June
(T.D.3034). Amendment to Article 25 No,35, paragraph 5, relating to the aqueous narcotic solutions by retail 21, 1920.
A Bill to amend Section 6 of the Opium and Narcotic LawsM Publio N o «.46, dated January 17, 1914. January 4, 1921. H.R.155. Narcotic L a w 0 (T.D.3139). Modification of Articles 6 and 11 of Regulations No.35. March 2, 1921.
A Bill to amend Soot ion 6 of the Opium End Narcotic Lavra Public No.46, da tad J&nunry 17, 1914, April 11, 1921. H.R.2Î93. Narcotic Law, (T.D.S201). Modification of Articles 24, 28, 69, 74 and 100 and addition of Articles 69^- to Regulations 35 of 1919. July 22, 1921. A Bill to aaend Section 6 of the Op rum and Narcotic Laws, Public No.46, dated January 17, 1914. March 27, 1922, The Jones-Miller Bill, dated May 26, 1922, concerning the traffic in narcotics. Public - No,227 - 67th Congress, (H.R.2193), dated May 26, 1922. An Act to amend the act entitled "An Act to prohibit the importation and use of opium for other than medicinal purposes". Approved February 9, 1909 as amended. Narcotic Luw. (T.D.3342. | Addition of Article 83^- and modification of Article 84 of the Regulations No.35 of 1919. June 7, 1922. Narcotic Drugs Inport and Export A c t . (T.D.39154) Public ing Act approved Kay 26, 1922, with emergency regulations approved by the Federal Narcotics Control Board and instructions to Customs Officers in accordance therewith. June 12, 1922. Narcotic Law. (T.D.3372). extended. July 19 „ 1922.
Effective date of T.D.3342
Narcotic Law. (T.D.3373. ) Addition of Article 111^-. July 19, 1922. Regulations of the Federal Narcotics Control Board re lating to the importation, exportation and transhipment of narcotic drugs. November 13, 1922. Regulations for the control of the traffic in narcotics. January 17, 1923. Public Resolution - No.96 - 67th Congress. (H» J,Res.453) relating to the unlawful use in the United States of America of opium end its .derivatives, cocaine and other preparations injurious to health and moral ity. Adopted March 2, 1923. The Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act and the Regula tions thereunder. May 1923. Extract from Public No.318, 67th Congress. (E.R.7456). An Act to provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to encourage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes. Public No.274 - 68th Congress. (H.R.7079), dated June 7, 1924. An Act prohibiting the importation of crude opium for the purpose of manufacturing heroin.
glTSD S53LTES 10BR1CA Sat .}
Execution Order, dated April 15, 1927, prescribing the manner in which nr.r-cotics may be obtained by practitioners end dealers under the Act of Congress approved January 22, 1927 and for other purposes.
Consulates in China.
Notice to Collectors of Customs , dated April 10, 1882, concerning Article 2 of the treaty with China relating to the importation of opium. Ah Act,to regulate the practice of pharmacy and the sale of ppip.cn in the consular dis tricts of the United States in China. March 3, 1915 »
Draft Law dated October 19, 1923, concerning the monopoly of coca, opium and their derivatives.
Reglamento soore la importscion, exportation y expendio del opio y sus alcaloïdes y de la cocaine..