Perpustakaan Unika
The Importance of Human Life in Paulo Coelho The Devil and Miss Prym
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment to obtain the Sarjana Sastra in the English Letters proggrams
by Padma Sari Dewi 02.80.0051
Faculty of Letters Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang 2006
Perpustakaan Unika
By Padma Sari Dewi Student Number: 02.80.0051
Approved by, G.M. Adhanggono SS, MA
November 3, 2006
Major Sponsor
Angelika Riyandari SS, MA
November 3, 2006
Co sponsor
Perpustakaan Unika
A thesis defended in front of the board examiners on November 3, 2006 and declared acceptable
Chair Person : G.M. Adhanggono SS, MA
: Angelika Riyandari SS, MA
: Dra. R.M. Sri Suryaningsih MA
Semarang, November 3, 2006 Faculty of Letters Soegijapranata Catholic University Dean,
Heny Hartono, SS, Mpd 058.1.1998.221
Perpustakaan Unika
First and foremost I would like to thank Christ Jesus for His blessing and kindness until now, let the honors and praises dedicated to You. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Mr. G.M. Adhanggono SS. MA. as my major sponsor and Mrs. Angelika Riyandari SS. MA. as co sponsor for their helps and guidance in finishing this thesis. For my beloved Mother, Father, little Brother and Meg (my lovely dog), thank you very much for always guide and encourage me all the time. All Hadi Kesuma family (my Uncle and Aunty, ko Ruby, ce Reny, ko Willy) who help and support me a lot, thank you very much for the support and help. For all my friends who always support and pray for me Gege, Lina, Shinta, Cing2, Hanna, Elvi, Prima, Tintin, Novi, Vivi, Erna, Sepsy, Nyo2 and all my friends in Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang thank you for always be there when I need you guys. All of you are the most important people in my life The last but not least, I would also thank every person that I cannot count one by one, thank you for the help and support. God bless us forever.
The writer
Perpustakaan Unika
PAGE OF TITLE ........................................................................................ PAGE OF APPROVAL ............................................................................. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................
i ii iv v vi vii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................
1.1. Background of the Study .................................................................. 1.2. Field of the Study ............................................................................. 1.3. Scope of the Study............................................................................. 1.4. Problem Formulation ........................................................................ 1.5. Objective of the Study ....................................................................... 1.6. Significance of the Study................................................................... 1.7. Definition of Terms ........................................................................... 1.1. Background of the Study .................................................................. 1.2. Field of the Study .............................................................................
1 4 5 5 5 5 6 1 4
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .........................................
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................
4.1. Character’s View about Human Life and Wealth ............................. 4.2. Moral Messages in the Novel ............................................................
14 32
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................
Perpustakaan Unika
ABSTRACT “The Devil and Miss Prym” is a novel written by Paulo Coelho that tells about life of ordinary people who find themselves confronted by love, death and power. Each character in this novel has different point of view about life and wealth but the writer focused the analysis on the major characters. The Viscos villagers who had traditional life were faced in a difficult situation to choose, ten gold bars or a life. There were group of people who considered that wealth is more important than life thus nothing was wrong if someone was murdered for the good sake of many people. There were people who waited and watched for what would happen, they were passive and did nothing. There were group of people who did not agree to sacrifice someone to get the gold. The writer is interested in finding different perspective about life and wealth. By using moral approach, the writer finds relation between morality ad major characters point of view. Because good or bad morality is not instantly gotten, it is gotten by process and affected by situation and people around. The morality affect people and it can be seen from the behavior. People should choose and decide something based on their thought and not always following others. Nothing is eternal in this world, thus people should experience many things and learn from those experiences. Keywords: Life, morality, wealth.
Perpustakaan Unika
ABSTRAK “The Devil and Miss Prym” adalah novel karangan Paulo Coelho yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan orang biasa yang menghadapi persoalan cinta, masalah kematian dan kekuasaan. Setiap karakter dalam novel ini mempunyai sudut pandang yang berbeda tentang kehidupan dan kekayaan tetapi penulis memfokuskan analisa pada karakter-karakter utama. Penduduk Viscos yang hidupnya sederhana dihadapkan pada situasi yang sulit untuk memilih, sepuluh batang emas atau sebuah nyawa. Ada sekelompok orang yang menganggap kekayaan lebih penting daripada nyawa. Jadi tidak ada yang salah jika seseorang dikorbankan demi kepentingan orang banyak. Ada orang-orang yang menunggu dan melihat apa yang akan terjadi, mereka hanya pasif dan tidak melakukan apa-apa. Ada sekelompok orang yang tidak setuju untuk mengorbankan nyawa seseorang untuk mendapatkan kekayaan. Penulis tertarik dalam mencari persepsi yang berbeda tentang kehidupan dan kekayaan. Dengan menggunakan moral approach, penulis menemukan hubungan antara moralitas dan sudut pandang dari karakter-karakter utama. Karena baik atau buruknya moralitas tidak didapatkan secara instan, itu didapatkan melalui proses dan dipengaruhi oleh situasi dan orang-orang sekitar. Moralitas mempengaruhi seseorang dan itu dapat dilihat dari tingkah laku nya. Setiap orang seharusnya memilih dan memutuskan sesuatu berdasarkan pikiran mereka dan tidak selalu harus mengikuti orang lain. Tidak ada yang abadi di dunia ini, maka manusia seharusnya mengalami banyak hal dan belajar dari pengalaman-pengalaman tersebut. Kata kunci: Kehidupan, moralitas, kekayaan.