“Tawhidi Methodology and Its Empirical Application” Tawhid means Oneness of God (Allah) as the domain of complete, absolute and perfect knowledge and the divine law. Tawhid as the seat of the divine law in the Qur’an establishes a distinct methodology premised on its epistemology and ontology. This methodology in turn establishes the Tawhidi worldsystem with its character of unity of knowledge that is distinct from any other world-system. The Tawhidi methodology addresses the generality and specificity of issues and problem within its generalized systemic worldview of unity.
CALL FOR PAPERS Highly scholarly papers are invited for the above-mentioned conference in all areas of relevance to the theme of the conference. Particular emphasis, but open to other topics, will be placed on the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Tawhidi methodology as analytical worldview Tawhidi methodology applied to the theme of social, financial, and economic integration Trade cooperation Resource cooperation Development cooperation Economic and financial integration Institutional networking: Islamic banking and non-banking Macroeconomic policy coordination Shari’ah market and microenterprise development Human resource development cooperation
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Poverty alleviation and human empowerment Wellbeing index of sustainability and balance in economy and society Country studies Empirical studies Institutional case studies Panel of practitioners in the field of Islamic banking and non-banking activities Other
Keynote speech will be by Professor Dr. MasudulAlamChoudhury on Papers presented in the seminar will be refereed for publication in the scholarly Journal of Ethical Finance, and the Proceedings of the International Tawhidi 2014 and Second International Conference of the Centre of Interdisciplinary and Integrative Studies. The Journal of Ethical Finance is sponsored by the Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University Malaysia. JEF and the Proceedings are published and distributed by Cambridge Scholarly Publication, Cambridge, England. Deadline for completed papers with abstracts: September30, 2014.Send to Professor MasudulAlamChoudhury, Professorial Chair of Islamic Finance, Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University Malaysia, International Chair, Postgraduate Program in Islamic Economics and Finance, Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia;
[email protected] Contact emails:
[email protected];
[email protected] Phone : Fax. : Mobile :
+62 21 566 3232 Ext.8347 +62 21 566 9178 +62 21 4577 1997 +62 813 98 566 577 +62 857 1609 4577
Participants are asked to bear their own expenses. A block of reduced-rate rooms will be arranged in a designated hotel. These rooms need to be pre-booked. Local hospitality will be accorded by the conference organizers. Registration fee is waived for presenters.
I. The Time and Venue. The time and venue of the Conference will be as follows: • •
Date/Day Venue
: Monday– Tuesday, 24 - 25November 2014 : S Building, 8th Floor, TrisaktiUniversity Jl. Kyai Tapa No. 1, Grogol Jakarta 11440. Telp.: (62-21) 5663232, 0813 98 566 577
II. The Committees Advising Committe
Prof. Dr. Thoby Mutis Dr. Bambang Soedaryono
Steering Commitee
Prof. Dr. Masudul Alam Choudry Prof. Dr. Yuswar Z. Basri. Ak.MBA
Vice Chief Secretariate
Dr. Tatik Maryanti, MSi.
Dr. Rizqullah. MBA :
Hang Prayoga. SE Syakif Ahmad. SE
Adm. & Legal Coordinator
Dr. Rossje V Suryaputri Nurwahyudi. SPSi
Program Coodinator
Syakif Ahmad. SE Intan Cinderawaty. SE
Siti Maemunah. AMD
Mass Comunication
Slamet Wiharto. S.Kom. ME Syahrudin
Intan Cinderawaty. SE Faisal Akbar Sumantri. SE
Yolly. SPSi
III. The Participants The participants comprise government officials, practioners, academist, and others coming from overseas countries, such as Malaysia, Bangladesh, and others IV. The Conference Fees : 1. Trisakti University Student Bachelor Students/Mahasiswa S1 (On The Spot Bachelor Students/Mahasiswa S1) Post Graduate Students/Mahasiswa S2 Non Colloquium Post Graduate Students/MahasiswaS3 Non Colloquium Post Graduate Students/Mahasiswa S3 Colloquium
: IDR 75.000 : IDR 100.000 : IDR 200.000 : IDR 250.000 : IDR 1.000.000
2. Other Bachelor Students&Post Graduate Students Participants from Indonesia Participants from Other Countries
: IDR 500.000 : IDR 1.000.000 : USD 250
Notes: • 25% discounts will be granted for the first 50 participants enrolled. • 25% discounts for the second or third, and so forth from the institution which enroll the first participant. • No.Rek : a/n Prof. Yuswar.ZBasri QQ IEF. Bank SyariahMandiri (BSM).
V. The Closing Remarks We really hope that you would participate in this International Conference, and would welcome your contribution, in order to make this Conference run smoothly. Thank you very much for your contribution and kind attention.
Jakarta, Mei 25, 2014
Chief of The Organizing Committee,
Dr. Tatik Mariyanti, SE. MSi
Hang Prayoga. SE
Lampiran : Ketentuan Sponsorship
KeteranganHak Sponsor : I.
Sponsor dengannilailebih di atasRp. PLATINUM) akanmendapatkan :
25.000.000,-sampaidenganRp. 50.000.000,- (PAKET
a. Hakmenampilkan Logo dalamukuranbesar di media yang terkait, sepertibackdrop, tas seminar, spanduk, buku notes, CD/ kumpulanmakalah, danseluruh media yang terkaitdengankonferensi. b. Hakmenyebarkanbrosuratausampelprodukperusahaan di lokasi. c. Hakmendapatkanundangankonferensidanmembawaperwakilanperusahaansebanyak4
(empat) orang. II. Sponsor dengan nilai lebih di atas Rp. 15.000.000,- sampai dengan 25.000.000,- (PAKET GOLD) akan mendapatkan : a. Hak menampilkan Logo dalam ukuran sedang di media yang terkait, seperti backdrop, tas seminar, spanduk, buku notes, CD / kumpulan makalah, dan seluruh media yang terkait dengan konferensi. b. Hak menyebarkan brosur atau sampel produk perusahaan di lokasi. c. Hak mendapatkan undangan konferensi dan membawa perwakilan perusahaan
sebanyak 2 (dua) orang. III. Sponsor dengan nilai Rp. 10.000.000,- (PAKET SILVER) akan mendapatkan: a. Hak menampilkan Logo dalam ukuran kecil di media yang terkait, seperti backdrop, tas seminar, spanduk, buku notes, CD / kumpulan makalah, dan seluruh media yang terkait dengan konferensi. b. Hak menyebarkan brosur atau sampel produk perusahaan di lokasi. c. Hak mendapatkan undangan konferensi dan membawa perwakilan perusahaan
sebanyak 1 (satu) orang.