Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava
PRAVIDLA přijímacího řízení ke studiu v doktorských studijních programech Ekonomické fakulty VŠB–TU Ostrava pro akademický rok 2008/2009
Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava
Systém managementu jakosti podle ČSN EN ISO 9001 VYHLÁŠKA EkF_VYH_08_003 děkana Ekonomické fakulty VŠB-Technické univerzity Ostrava REGULATIONS for Admission Proceedings to Study in Doctorate Programmes in English for the Academic Year 2008/2009
doc. Ing. Josef Fiala, CSc. děkan Ekonomické fakulty VŠB-TU Ostrava
Platnost od:
12. 2. 2008
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Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava
PRAVIDLA přijímacího řízení ke studiu v doktorských studijních programech Ekonomické fakulty VŠB–TU Ostrava pro akademický rok 2008/2009
REGULATIONS for Admission Proceedings to Study in Doctorate Programmes in English for the Academic Year 2008/2009
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Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava
PRAVIDLA přijímacího řízení ke studiu v doktorských studijních programech Ekonomické fakulty VŠB–TU Ostrava pro akademický rok 2008/2009
Regulations for Admission Proceedings to Study in Doctorate Programmes in English for the Academic Year 2008/2009 1. The admission in a doctorate programme is executed based on the admission proceedings, and preconditions for the study admission (hereinafter just the “study“) are set forth in § 48, Par.3, Act No.111/98 Coll. on Universities and amendments to other Acts (hereinafter just the “Act“, and the Study and Admission Code of VŠB-TUO. The study is provided in full-time and combined forms. 2. Admission preconditions for study programmes accredited in English: a. Successful passing of a university Master or equivalent programme. b. Successful passing of an entrance examination from a foreign (world)1 language, which is carried out at a level of a Doctorate language examination, and successful passing of a written test from another foreign (world) language, while English is one of foreign languages within the admission proceedings. If any of (world) foreign languages is a mother tongue of the applicant, the corresponding exam is not required. c. Successful passing of an entrance specialised examination taken place in form of a dialogue and which is oriented on economics and specialised issues of a chosen branch, assessment of preconditions of research work and discussion regarding a general theme of a dissertation thesis. d. Applicants will be admitted to a full-time study form depending on their previous weighed study average at the university, i.e. up to the average of 1.80 and, further, depending on results of previous state final examination and up to now research activity. 3. Study applicants can enrol to study in the following accredited programmes, which are further itemised to branches: Programme
Study branch Economics
Economic Theories
6201V004** Business Administration and Management
Economy and Management
Economic Policy and Administration
Finance 6202V010** Public Economics and Administration 6202V055* System Engineering
System Engineering and Informatics ** 1
6209V024** Managerial Informatics 6209V021**
Study branch code World language for the purpose of this document is one of the following: English, German, Spanish, French, Russian
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Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava
PRAVIDLA přijímacího řízení ke studiu v doktorských studijních programech Ekonomické fakulty VŠB–TU Ostrava pro akademický rok 2008/2009
4. The applicant will choose a general theme for the dissertation thesis in a chosen branch from an offer of themes for the academic year 2008/9. Then he/she should contact a particular supervisor to gain more detailed information and, those in full-time form, contact the Head of Department corresponding to the study branch and require her/his standpoint. 5. Study application forms are available to applicants at http://www.ekf.vsb.cz/prostudium/doktorke-studium/ds-zajemci and they should be delivered at the Institute of Doctoral Studies and MBA (Ms. Kamila Friedrichová) after completing until the deadline defined herein. The following documents should be enclosed: a. Document of previous study completion in a Master or equivalent level (notarised copy of the university diploma). If the applicant is a student of a Master programme who enrols immediately after the study completion, he/she should submit necessary documents in 4 working days after the graduation, b. Structured Curriculum Vitae, c. List of published and not published works and other outputs of his/her professional activity, d. General theme of his/her dissertation thesis under elaboration (the objective, frame curriculum, theoretical bases, applied methodology, literature) – min. 2 pages A4, e. Applicant enrolled to the full-time form should submit a summary of the average marks at previous study at particular years and the corresponding Department Head’s standpoint. f. A proof of payment of an admission fee of CZK 510. A failure to pay the fee is deemed to be a failure to meet preconditions for the admission proceedings and, therefore, an applicant cannot be admitted to an entrance examination. The fee can be covered by a bank transfer or postal money order type A (a variable symbol and transfer post office should be stated): Receiver´s account name: Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, tř. 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava – Poruba Account number: 100954151/0300 Variable symbol: 1001 Constant symbol: 0379 Bank name and address - ČSOB,a.s. branch Ostrava Poruba Hlavní třída 703, PSČ 708 39 IBAN: CZ51 0300 0000 0001 0095 4151 If the applicant form has any formal shortages, or if some data are not properly proved, the Institute of Doctorate Studies and MBA will ask the applicant to correct them and define a reasonable period for the remedy. If the shortages are not remedied within a defined period, the applicant will not be invited to an entrance examination. 6. The Entrance Examination Requirements and advance terms to exams from particular foreign languages could be reached at the Department of Foreign Languages, dr. Malého st. 15, Mr. Václav Kubečka, tel. +420597321716. An applicant is obliged to pass a doctorate entrance examination from a (world) foreign language. He/she is entitled to pass the examination in advance for a fee. An ordinary term for language examinations is stated below and it will be specified more precisely in the invitation © EkF VŠB-TU Ostrava
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Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava
PRAVIDLA přijímacího řízení ke studiu v doktorských studijních programech Ekonomické fakulty VŠB–TU Ostrava pro akademický rok 2008/2009
letter. An applicant will further pass a written test from another (world) foreign language. If any of (world) foreign languages is a mother tongue of the applicant, the corresponding exam is not required. a. A precondition for continuation in the admission proceedings is a successful passing of a doctorate language examination in an advanced term or ordinary term as a final chance to pass this examination. The Dean is entitled to permit the exclusion in extraordinarily justified cases. b. Further specialised examination is oriented on: - economics (micro-economics, macro-economics, international economy, history of economy) - specific problems of a chosen study branch, assessment of preconditions for research work and discussion to a general theme of the dissertation thesis. c. A time course and venue of the entrance examination will be specified in details in the invitation letter. 7. Terms within the Admission Proceedings • A term of the application form delivery or sending together with stated documents to the Institute of Doctorate Studies and MBA either personally or by mail (deadline date of the post stamp 30 May 2008) till 30/5/ 2008 • An applicant meeting the preconditions for admission will be sent an invitation letter to the entrance examination till 13/ 6/ 2008 • Term of ordinary language examinations on 24/6/ 2008 • Term of a specialised entrance examination on 25/6/ 2008 • A second term of entrance examinations for those who had serious reasons not enabling them to meet the previous procedure requires the application form delivery till 31 August 2007. 8. The regulations for admission proceedings to study in the doctorate programmes for the academic year 2008/2009 were approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics on 12. 2. 2008, in accordance with § 27 Par. 1 Letter e) Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Universities and amendments to some other Acts. 9. Results of Admission Proceedings The Admission Proceedings Commission will recommend the Dean either admission or rejection of particular applications based on evaluation of the admission proceedings preconditions. Applicants having participated in the admission proceedings will be sent a written decision of admission or rejection to study by the Dean of the Faculty. 10. Decision Review Having received a decision of admission/rejection, the applicant is entitled to file an application for review of the decision based on conditions set forth in the Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and amendments to some other Acts. 11. Tuition fee Tuition fee is stated in the contract between student and the University, currently it is worth of €3500 per academic year. Conditions of payment are specified in the contract.
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Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava
PRAVIDLA přijímacího řízení ke studiu v doktorských studijních programech Ekonomické fakulty VŠB–TU Ostrava pro akademický rok 2008/2009
12. The allocation of scholarships to students of Doctorate programmes will be governed by the Scholarship Order of the VSB – Technical University Ostrava and the corresponding Directive of the Dean no. 2/2007. 13. More detailed information is available at the Institute of Doctorate Studies and MBA, Havlickovo nabr. 38, in Ostrava, tel. +420 597322001, Ms. Kamila Friedrichová, Room No. E413, e-mail:
[email protected].
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