A THESIS Presented as A Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) Degree in English Language Studies
by Lanoke Intan Paradita Students Number: 116332039
A THESIS Presented as A Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) Degree in English Language Studies
by Lanoke Intan Paradita Students Number: 116332039
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F. X. Muhrto. Ph.D.
Yog/alffit4 23*me 2016
Thesis Advisor
by Lanoke Intan P
Was Defended in front ofthe Thesis Committee and Declared Acceptable
[lrcsis Committee Chairperson: Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A
Secretary : F. X. Mukarto, Ph.D
: Jasglin Ikhsan, Ph.D
Member : Dr. J. Bismoko Yogyakarta 23lune20l6 The Graduate School Dilector
This is to certify that all the ideas, phrases, and sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else's idea, phrase, or sentence without a proper reference.
Yogyakarta, 23 June 2016
Lanoke Intan P
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswi Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama
: Lanoke Intan Paradita
Nomor Mahasiswa
: 116332039
Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul: STUDENT ENGAGEMENT IN EDMODO-FACILITATED ENGLISH CLASS Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberi royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 23 Juni 2016
Yang menyatakan,
Lanoke Intan P
ACKNOWLEDGMENT First and foremost, I must thank Allah SWT for His blessings and grace that I finally complete my thesis. My deepest gratitude also goes to the following people who have given encouragements, constructive feedback, and unending helps during the process of my thesis writing. I would like to send my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Bapak F. X. Mukarto, Ph.D. who never stops giving support and the one who always ensures me that I will reach this point. His feedback, guidance, and assistance were the most valuable parts of this thesis. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the lecturers of KBI who have spent their time reviewing the thesis and giving fruitful inputs to the betterment of my work. I am indebted to Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A., Dr. J. Bismoko, and Jaslin Ikhsan, Ph.D. I must thank my English teacher, Ibu Ismi Fajarsih, M.Pd for letting me conduct the research in her classes and also the students who became cooperative respondents for my research. My thankfulness also goes to Ibu Noor Qomaria, M.Hum as the Head of Language Training Center, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta who has given me permission to conduct my thesis and to leave work more than I should do. I would also like to send my appreciation to my colleagues in LTC UMY for giving me supports throughout the writing process and also to my co-workers at SAC UMY who are always full of creative muse and joy. This accomplishment of this thesis happens because of my family. Here, I would like to deeply thank my parents and my family for never lose faith on me. My thesis would be a lot harder to finish without the presence of my best friend, the Rye family: Ningsih, Stale, and Karl Noah. I must thank for the sanctuary they provide, eye-opening discussions, rich arguments, and positive feedback. My thankfulness is also for my SEAMOLEC friends, especially Daniel who fights along with me in managing the time for thesis writing. Also to Mbak Siska, Dias, Hebi, Pak Joko, Mbak Dita, and Risang who have spent time together with me during the study. Last, I would like to express my gratitude for Gagad-sensei who have been resourceful for my personal development both during training and outside the mats. . Lanoke Intan P
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ………….…………………………………………………...
APPROVAL PAGE ……..………………………………………………...
DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE .…………………………………………...
DEDICATION PAGE………………………………………………………
ACKNOLEDGEMENTS ………………………………………………..
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………...
LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………….
LIST OF FIGURES ………………………………………………………
LIST OF APPENDICES …………………………………………………
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………...
ABSTRAK ……………………………………………………………….
A. Background of the Study …………………………………………….
B. Problem Limitation …………………………………………………..
C. Problem Formulation ………………………………………………...
D. Research Objectives ………………………………………………….
E. Research Benefits ……………………………………………………
A. Student Engagement …………………………………………………
1. Definition of Student Engagement ………………………………..
2. The Three Dimensions of Student Engagement …………………..
3. Student Engagement and Motivation……………………………....
4. Measurement of Student Engagement……….. ……………………
B. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Online Learning
C. Edmodo……………………..………………….……………………..
1. The Basic Nature of Edmodo………………………………..………….
a. Interaction……………………………………………………………
b. Collaboration and Sharing………………………………………...
c. Monitoring and Encouragement……………………………….....
2. The Use of Edmodo and Its Features…………………………………
D. Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………
A. Research Methods ……………………………………………………
B. Research Setting and Participants …..…………………….………….
C. Data Gathering Techniques ……………………………...…………...
1. Questionnaire……………………………………………………..
2. Interview…………………………………………………………..
D. Data Analysis ………………………………………………………...
A. Findings………. ……………………………………………………...
1. Types of Student Engagement in Edmodo-Facilitated English Class…..............................................................................................
2. Edmodo learning environment…….………………….…………….
B. Discussions …………………………………………………………..
1. The Level of Engagement……………………………………………..
2. The Nature of Edmodo………………………………..……………….
a. Interaction among students and authentic audience …...……...
b. Sufficient time and feedback for student..………………………….
c. The ideal level of stress and anxiety..………………………………
d. The occurrence of learner autonomy.………………………………
A. Conclusion …………………………………………………………...
B. Suggestions …………………………………………………………..
BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………..
APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………
Questionnaire Blueprint………………………. …………
Table 3.1
The Conversion of Questionnaire Scale Value …………..
Table 3.2
The Categorization of the Statements in the Questionnaire
Table 3.3
The Mean Criteria…………………………………….…..
Table 4.1
Table 4.2
Engagement in Edmodo-facilitated English Class ……….
Sample of Interview Results ……………………………..
Teacher’s Home on Edmodo ………………………………
Figure 2.1
Badges Awarded from Teacher to Student ……………..…
Figure 2.2
Student’s Home on Edmodo ………………………….…...
Figure 3.1
Triangulation Model: Convergence Design (Creswell &
Figure 3.2
Plano Clark, 2011:63)……………………………………...
The Mean Criteria Formulation (Sudijono, 2009: 175)…...
Questionnaire for Student Engagement in EdmodoFacilitated English Class…….………………………....
Appendix 02.
Interview Guideline…….………………………...........
Appendix 03.
Questionnaire Blueprints…….………………………...
Appendix 04.
Interview Result (Mapped) in Bahasa Indonesia..……..
ABSTRACT Paradita, Lanoke Intan. 2016. Student engagement in Edmodo-facilitated English class. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies, Graduate Program of Sanata Dharma University. The prolific use of ICT has brought a significant change to the way students learn as well as at how the students are engaged to their learning. When engagement is believed as essential to students’ learning process (Reeve, 2002), a supporting learning environment becomes even more prominent to facilitate the development of student engagement. The abundant choice of technological tools that can be integrated into the learning process provides options for teacher to find a suitable device to be employed into the class. Edmodo is one of the learning platforms that is now widely chosen for its safety, interactivity, and collaboration among teachers, students, and parents. Edmodo is also used in this study for the same reasons. This study was to find out, among the three types of student engagement, which type of student engagement occurred most when Edmodo was integrated during the English learning process. It also aimed to find how Edmodo facilitated the engagement. Therefore, the formulated research questions were: 1) Which type of student engagement was supported most in Edmodo-facilitated English class? 2) How did Edmodo facilitated student engagement during the learning process? This study was a mix-method study employing a survey and interview in order to gather the quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were used to find the level of engagement which portrayed the type of engagement that occurred most. The qualitative data was employed in order to find out how the students were engaged while the English learning process incorporated Edmodo. The subjects of the study were 148 third grade high school science students who had their English class asynchronously. The result showed that students were engaged during Edmodo-facilitated English class in three ways that were behavioral engagement (x̄ = 3.14), emotional engagement (x̄ = 2.77), and cognitive engagement (x̄ = 2.75). Based on this result, it was seen that the students were mostly engaged behaviorally. From the interview, it was found out that Edmodo had created a learning environment needed by the students to a sustained engagement, not only within the online learning platform but also during the offline class. Edmodo facilitated the interactivity among students, teacher and the authentic audiences, and also the ideal level of stress and anxiety during the learning process. This study also found out that deadlines were not seen as burden that decreased enjoyment and engagement as proposed by Amabile (1976 in Gagne, 2003). Rather, the students found deadlines as the contributory factor to increase their engagement toward the learning process.
Keywords: student engagement, Edmodo, behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, cognitive engagement
ABSTRAK Paradita, Lanoke Intan. 2016. Keterlibatan Siswa di Kelas Bahasa Inggris yang Menggunakan Edmodo. Yogyakarta: Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sanata Dharma. Maraknya penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) membawa perubahan yang signifikan terhadap cara belajar siswa dan keterlibatannya dalam pembelajaran. Apabila keterlibatan siswa dipercaya sebagai hal yang penting dalam proses belajar siswa (Reeve, 2002), lingkungan belajar yang mendukung menjadi suatu hal yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk memfasilitasi terbentuknya keterlibatan siswa. Banyaknya pilihan alat teknologi yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran menawarkan pilihan bagi guru untuk menggunakanya di dalam kelas. Edmodo merupakan suatu platform pembelajaran yang telah dipakai secara luas karena aman, interaktif, dan fasilitatif terhadap interaksi antar guru, siswa, dan orang tua. Edmodo digunakan dalam penelitian ini karena memiliki alasan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis keterlibatan siswa yang paling sering terjadi, diantara tiga jenis keterlibatan siswa, pada saat Edmodo digunakan selama kelas Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menemukan cara siswa terlibat di dalam kelas. Untuk itu, pertanyaan penelitian yang dirumuskan adalah: 1) Apakah jenis keterlibatan siswa yang paling terfasilitasi di kelas Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan Edmodo? 2) Bagaimana Edmodo memfasilitasi terjadinya keterlibatan siswa selama proses belajar? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian campuran dengan menggunakan survei dan wawancara untuk mendapatkan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif digunakan untuk menemukan tingkat keterlibatan siswa yang mencerminkan jenis keterlibatan siswa yang paling sering terjadi. Data kualtatif dipakai untuk mengetahui cara siswa terlibat dalam proses belajar Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan Edmodo. Subjek atas penelitian ini adalah 148 siswa kelas tiga sekolah menengah atas dengan jurusan IPA yang melaksanakan kelas Bahasa Inggris secara tidak langsung (asynchronously). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe keterlibatan siswa pada saat Edmodo digunakan adalah keterlibatan sikap (behavioral engagement) sebesar x̄=3.14, keterlibatan emosi (emotional engagement) sebesar x̄=2.77 dan keterlibatan kognitif (cognitive engagement) sebesar x̄=2.75. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa paling terlibat dalam hal sikap. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, ditemukan bahwa Edmodo mampu membentuk lingkungan belajar yang dibutuhkan siswa untuk terus terlibat tidak hanya di dalam Edmodo pada saat online tetapi juga pada saat Edmodo tidak digunakan atau offline. Edmodo memberikan fasilitas yang menunjang interaksi, pembagian materi belajar, dan kolaborasi. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa batas waktu (deadline) tidak dianggap sebagai beban yang mengurangi kesenangan (dalam belajar) dan keterlibatan sebagaimana yang disampaikan oleh Amabile (1976, dalam Gagne, 2003). Sebaliknya, siswa menganggap batas waktu sebagai suatu faktor yang meningkatkan keterlibatan mereka dalam proses pembelajaran.
Kata kunci: keterlibatan siswa, Edmodo, keterlibatan sikap, keterlibatan emosi, keterlibatan kognitif
This chapter is to elaborate the background of the study which serves as the general overview of the issues discussed in this study. It also elaborates the justification of the subject taken based on the previous studies. Moreover, this chapter also provides the limitation of the study, problems formulation, research objectives, and the research benefits. A. Background of the Study Incorporating ICT in language teaching and learning process has brought significant results to students’ achievement since it was first employed. It offers the students with more opportunities to be more engaged in their learning through the facilities it provides such as quick access and affordable updated sources, information, and exercises. Through ICT, students are also able to find authentic resources related to their own need as well as to work based on their own pace (Rennie and Morrison, 2013; Floris, 2014) which impacts on students’ skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening (McGraill and Rozema, 2005 in Roblyer and Doering, 2010). The utilization of ICT is also proven to be able to motivate students, to make students and teachers work more productively, to enhance instruction and to help students learn and sharpen their information age skills (Roblyer and Doering, 2010; Hubbard, 2009). Moreover, it provides a vast opportunity for students to be independent that they are encouraged to control and manage their own learning (Lee and McLoughlin, 2011:28).
Moreover, the use of ICT is able to tap the needs of students who are characterized as digital natives or the net generations who learn differently when compared to those who are regarded as digital immigrants. Digital natives are the generations born and living in the digital era when technological tools are widely exposed and used including computer and internet. Consequently, they shape different ways to communicate, socialize, create, and learn (Helsper and Enyon, 2009). Prensky (2001 in Helsper and Enyon, 2009) concludes that the consequence mentioned above brings significant change to education since the students have different ways of thinking and learning. He argues that “digital natives are used to receiving information really fast. They like to parallel process and multi-task. They prefer their graphics before their text rather than the opposite. They prefer random access (like hypertext). They function best when networked. They thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards. They prefer games to “serious” work.” (pp. 1-2) From his argument, it is clear that students nowadays require different methods of learning in order to best accommodate their needs and to engage them in the learning process of which methods can be facilitated by the use of ICT. In Indonesia context, moreover, where English serves as a foreign language, the demand to make English classroom meet the students’ need is imperative. While English as a foreign language is only seen “as enrichment rather than a matter of crucial importance for academic success” (Roblyer and Doering, 2010), students are needed to be engaged so that they can experience the learning itself. ICT, therefore, is suitable to be incorporated within the learning process to cater the students’ characteristic in order to make the learning process can be best experienced.
As described above, ICT tool that is now becoming prolific is not only the use of computer but also its integration and connection to the internet. It enables a distance learning to happen in which students and teachers are not limited by time and space to interact and to conduct the learning process, either synchronously or asynchronously. Synchronous distance learning is “the situation where teacher and students meet at the same time but in different places”, while asynchronous distance learning is “the circumstances in which both time and place are different” (Newby et al, 2011:188). In conducting the distance learning, a Web 2.0 is now commonly used to support the learning process. Web 2.0 is “a term for second-generation Web technologies that allow for communication and collaboration of people in Webbased communities” (Newby et al, 2011:189). Lee and McLoughlin (2011:24-25) add that Web 2.0 is characterized by the lenience that the end-user get to access, create, disseminate, and share information. The features are most likely userfriendly and in an open environment. Also, it is usually built on simple software and free or very low cost of use. Some examples of Web 2.0 tools are blogs, wikis, social networking, multimedia archives, synchronous communication tools, 3-D virtual worlds, multiplayer games, mobile learning, and open content. In this research, the Web 2.0 tool mainly discussed is social networking which is generally defined as “a term for various Internet applications that allow individuals to share information and interests in an online community” (Newby et al, 2011:188). Social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, Tumblr, Path, Instagram and others allow the users to connect and to interact regardless the time and place, thus a room for discussion and
collaboration does always exist. It means that social networking sites or social media are potential to extend the learning process that the students can engage with the materials longer and have broader opportunity to relate them to the students’ daily life through discussion and sharing (Notley, 2009 in Collin et al, 2011:14). This, in turn, will enable the process of deeper learning to happen to the students. In addition, Boettcher (2007) in Rennie and Morrison (2011:6) mention that “Social networks are all excellent tools for allowing learners to clarify concepts, establish meaning links and relationships, and test their metal models. Furthermore, they provide a public forum in which the cumulative process of concept formation, refinement, application and refinement, application and revision is fully visible to student peers and teachers.” While learning, including language, is a matter of knowledge construction through interaction and collaboration, the integration of social network during the language learning process will highly facilitate the learning process to happen. However, the social network sites pose significant problem that include the security of the students in terms of bullying and exposure to advertisement and inproper info-sharing. For these reasons, a safer environment of the social network sites are needed to accommodate the learning process with less risk of the security issue (Education Week, June 15, 2011). One of many social network sites that is now becoming widely used by teachers is Edmodo which was established since 2008 and has been growing with more than 56 million members, including teachers, students and parents, around the world. Edmodo is the most used K-12 social learning network which dedicates itself in giving the opportunity for especially teachers and students to connect and to be accessible to the materials they need in developing their learning
( It is noted as one of the top twenty five educational networking platforms fostering “the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration” (Kongchan, 2012 in Al-Kathiri, 2015; Enriquez, 2014). One that is distinct from Edmodo, besides serving as a costless social learning platform, is that it strives in giving the security to its members that all activities are only accessible to the members registered on the classess. Each member is given particular entry codes to the classes so that it prevents outsiders to access the class. Besides ensuring the security for its members, Edmodo is designed to be user friendly. Its interfaces are similar to Facebook so that the users are easily familiar with the features. More importantly, the features provided by Edmodo are designed to promote the connection among teachers, students, and parents. The features enable the members to share contents that promote exploration and thus independent learning. This interaction will create a friendly environment for the members and reduce their anxiety level. The content sharing and room for discussion will encourage “affective support among peers to increase, especially, students’ motivation toward L2 learning” (Lee, 2005; Taylor & Parsons, 2008; Beer, Clark & Jones, 2010). The motivation created by these learning environments becomes the source of engagement (Reeve, 2012) which is essential to student learning process. Student engagement was an aspect which as a result would improve student participation at school and thus influence students’ outcome including “achievement, academic knowledge, and social behavior” (Mosher and MacGowan, 1985). Kuh (2003 in Kuh, 2009) explicitly proposed that
“engagement helps to develop habits of the mind and heart that enlarge the students’ capacity for continuous learning and personal development” since engagement is the key to lead the students to invest academically and socially to their subjects of learning, to the institutions, and to others they are working with. Student engagement involves various constructs which most of the time overlap one to another. Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004), however, propose that there are mainly three types of student engagement that are behavior engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement. Edmodo, in relation with student engagement, is seen as a tool which is potential to increase the level of engagement through the features it provides. It was proven by Sanders (2012) who examined student engagement and responsible learning in Edmodo. In his dissertation, Sanders aimed to determine whether a teaching strategy which incorporated Edmodo, which he categorized as an academic networking site, impacted on student engagement and responsible learning. His study was a mix method study which employed close ended survey for his quantitative data and open-ended survey questions and document analysis of student entries on Edmodo as his qualitative data. His research found out that particular features on Edmodo impacted on student engagement and responsible learning. He noted in his study that other research should be conducted to examine how Edmodo is used to encourage student engagement and responsible learning. The results of the research by Sanders were in line with Olson’s (2014) finding out that Edmodo was “a flexible and user-friendly environment that encourages student learning and engagement”. Olson examined one mixed-level ability of Environmental Science class in which Edmodo was used during the
teaching and learning process. He used students’ posts both quantitatively and qualitatively using three rubrics he adapted from varied existing rubrics. The data he collected were to answer how the students were engaged seen from the quality and quantity of the posts, to assess the usefulness of the rubrics, to find out students’ attitude while using Edmodo, and to see if the quantity and/or the quality of the posts correlate with students’ grade. As he analyzed, it was found out that the students had more diverse posts as Edmodo was used and the rubrics characterizing students’ posts were useful. Olson also found out that students’ had positive manner since they maintained their interest and engagement when Edmodo was used. The last, he discovered that students who posted more often with greatest variety of posts mostly got higher score than those who did not. As seen from the previous research by Sanders (2012) and Olson (2014), Edmodo significantly correlates to the students’ engagement to their learning. While student engagement is proven essential to bring positive impacts to the learning process and eventually the learning result, this research is to find out the types of engagement that occurred most in senior high school English classes and also to elaborate Edmodo engaged the students. B. Problem Limitation The notion of student engagement and also social network for learning platform comprises wide aspects and constructs. This research is limited in exploring the types of student engagement occurred when Edmodo was used in English class and the way Edmodo engaged the students during the learning process. The research was also conducted by involving only the third grade
students of senior high school in various level of English ability in which Edmodo was mainly used in distance learning for three weeks. C. Problem Formulation This research attempted to answer the following questions: 1. Which type of student engagement was supported most in Edmodo-facilitated English class? 2. How did Edmodo facilitate student engagement during the learning process? D. Research Objectives This research had two objectives. The first, it aimed to finding out the types of student engagement that were mostly facilitated while Edmodo was being utilized during English class. A questionnaire developed based on National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and Fredricks’s notions on student engagement was used to find out what types of student engagement that mostly occurred when the students used Edmodo. Second, this research aimed to find out how Edmodo facilitated the engagement in their learning process. It was done through depth interview with the students.
E. Research Benefits As it is has been noted previously, ICT is proven to significantly bring an increase to students’ learning process. Numerous researches have also examined how ICT tools, particularly social media, give impact to students’ outcome. Yet, the exploration of how students are engaged in the chosen ICT tool is still limitedly discussed. Because engagement will serve as a prior tenet to students’ learning outcome, even more to students which English only serves as a foreign
language, this research is expected to give both scientific and practical benefits for students and teachers. Scientifically, this research will enrich the discussion on how social media is potential to enhance students’ learning and bring positive outcomes to the students. Particularly in the use of Edmodo, this research will provide an explanation of what types of engagement that are mostly supported by Edmodo in English classroom. Practically, the result of this research will benefit not only students to how optimally use Edmodo to support their autonomous learning, but it will also beneficial to teachers and school administrators to gain a broader ideas on how to maximize the utilization of Edmodo in order to enhance students engagement that will help them to enrich their learning experience in improving their learning outcome. School administrator will also gain benefits in a way that it can build Edmodo as a platform that can be used as a learning tool for school-wide online learning.
This chapter is intended to discuss the theoretical basis used in this research. It covers the constructs of student engagement, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and online learning, and Edmodo. Besides the theoretical basis, this chapter also discusses the theoretical answer to the research questions through the theoretical framework. A. Student Engagement 1. Definition of Student Engagement Believed to be one significant factor to reduce school dropout rate, student engagement starts to receive more attentions. Schools begin to implement curriculum to improve the engagement. Recently, more studies focus not only in leveraging the dropout rate but also in examining and proofing that students’ attitude toward their learning process gives positive effect to the students’ involvement and achievement or in other way, to reach school completion (Christenson, Reschly & Wylie, 2012). Astin (1984) mentioned that student involvement, which later he mentioned as student engagement, has positive correlation to the student learning and personal development. It is also in line with Kuh (2009 in Junco, 2012) who asserts that student engagement expedite the desired outcomes of college education. In its early study, student engagement was closely linked to the frequency of students’ involvement in an effective educational practices and activities both inside and outside the classroom (Barkley, 2010:4-5). For this reason, student
engagement was formerly assessed based on student attendance (Douglass and Alemanne, 2008 in Beer, Clark, & Jones, 2010) which is one of its significant indicators to reflect students’ participation in class and school activities (Natriello, 1984 in Mosher and Gowan, 1985). However, it did not necessarily describe the quality of student participation that evidently is an important aspect of student engagement (Beer, Clark, & Jones, 2010). To provide a broader understanding on student engagement, Newmann (1992) defined it as the opposite of student disengagement and mentions that an engaged student makes psychological investment in learning “by putting efforts to their learning and aiming not only for grades but also to the understanding of the materials.” Yet psychological investment is mostly associated only with academic aspect while students are not engaged limitedly in term of cognitive engagement. When the students, for example, accomplish the tasks on time and never skip the class, it means that the students indicate positive attitude and behavior which is defined as being engaged behaviorally. In a more recent definition, Chapman (2003) proposes student engagement as a construct to depict “students’ willingness to participate in routine school activities, such as attending classes, submitting required work, and following teachers’ directions in class”. Moreover, Christenson, Reschly, and Wylie (2012:816-817) comprise the understanding of student engagement in a more complete constructs as follow: “Student engagement refers to the student’s active participation in academic and co-curricular or school-related activities, and commitment to educational goals and learning. Engaged students find learning meaningful, and are invested in their learning and future. It is a multidimensional construct that consists of behavioral (including academic), cognitive, and affective subtypes.
Student engagement drives learning; requires energy and effort; is affected by multiple contextual influences; and can be achieved for all learners.” Referring to the understanding above, student engagement is defined in three ways based on engagement constructs that are behavior engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris, 2004). While other scholars categorize student engagement into four constructs that are academic, professional, intellectual, and social engagement (Pittaway, 2012) or behavior, emotional, cognitive, and psychological engagement (Anderson, et al., 2004 in Parsons and Taylor, 2011), the frequently referred by most research and review on student engagement to define, understand, and measure student engagement is one proposed by Fredricks, Blumfeld, and Paris (Christenson, Reschly, and Wylie, 2012:813). 2. The Three Dimensions of Student Engagement In general, the term engagement is defined as commitment or investment of which level or degree of engagement may differ in quality along each component of engagement. Consequently, engagement is highly possible to vary in terms of intensity and duration. A student is possibly engaged for short term and situation specific or long term and stable (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris, 2004). In their review on student engagement, Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004) rationalize the concepts of student engagement which in fact is multidimensional and meta-constructs by comparing and evaluating the concepts with other overlapping concepts such as motivation and participation that are often used to describe engagement.
The first type of student engagement is behavioral engagement. This type of engagement is closely related to participation which includes the involvement in academic, social, or extracurricular activities. Behavioral engagement entails positive conduct such as following the rule, adhering to classroom norms, and avoiding disruptive behavior (skipping school and getting in trouble); behaviors such as effort, persistence, concentration, attention, asking questions, and contributing to class discussion (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris, 2004). Behavior engagement is considered crucial for achieving positive academic outcomes and preventing dropping out (Connell, 1990; Finn, 1989 in Fredricks, et al., 2003). The second type of student engagement is emotional engagement. This type of engagement includes students’ affective reactions both positive and negative reactions to the classroom covering interest, boredom, happiness, sadness, and anxiety (Connel and Wellborn, 1991; Skinner and Belmont, 1993 in Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris, 2004). It also includes their reaction towards their teachers and peers as well as their identification with school like and valuing. Belonging refers to the feeling of being important to the class or school and valuing is the appreciation of success in school-related outcome (Finn, 1989; Voekl, 1997 in Fredricks et al., 2003). The last type of student engagement is cognitive engagement. Cognitive engagement is often referred as academic investment during the learning process. It includes “being thoughtful, willing to exert the necessary effort for comprehension of complex ideas and mastery of difficult skills” (Corno and Mandinach, 1983; Newmann, Wehlage, and Lamborn, 1992 in Fredricks et al,
2003). The conceptualization of cognitive engagement also includes the flexible problem solving, psychological investment which draws similarly from the idea of motivation, and strategic or self-regulation (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris, 2004). 3. Student Engagement and Motivation In a learning process, both terms: motivation and student engagement are linked closely since both of them serve as a significant construct to keep the students to continue their learning. Studies have shown that students who are highly motivated and engaged most likely perform better achievement and are better learners (Schlechty, 2011; Woofolk & Margetts, 2007 in Saeed & Zyngier, 2012). To be motivated, according to Ryan and Deci (2000), means “to be moved to do something”. Further, they explain that motivated students are characterized by the energy and enthusiasm they perform toward an end (of a task or project). While students who are engaged are characterized such as by their effort in learning, involvement in their own learning, persistence to achieve goals in spite of the difficulties the students have, ability to work together and creatively solving problems (Newmann, 1992; Schlechty, 2001 in Saeed & Zyngier, 2012). In general, motivation becomes the source of student engagement while student engagement is an outcome of a motivational process (Reeve, 2012; Saeed & Zyngier, 2012). Reeve (2012), in detail, differentiates motivation and student engagement as a private and unobservable psychological, neural and biological process for the first one and an observable behavior that is performed publicly for the later construct.
4. Measurement of Student Engagement As mentioned in early part of this chapter, student engagement was primarily assessed based on students’ attendance to school and its activities, particularly their attitudes and involvement, because the measurement result was utilized to determine the actions to reduce school dropout. Since engagement has now covered not limitedly to students’ behavior, the concepts of emotion and cognitive aspects have to be included into the measurement of student engagement. The meta-construct of student engagement consequently defines on how it is measured. Therefore, it has to be noted that one concept of engagement may also describe the other type of engagement. For example, behavior engagement is observed through students’ positive behavior such as completing homework and adherence to school rules. Yet, it is also observed through students’ work-related behavior such as effort, attention, and persistence (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris, 2004). The measurement of emotional engagement is observed based on the students’ positive and negative feeling as well as their interaction toward the school, academics, teachers, and peers such as being happy, interested, sad, bored, frustrated, anxious, and angry. The measurement of this engagement often involves values and orientation toward school, whether the students are satisfied with their achievement and how they perceive the importance of the school subjects to their future (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris, 2004). Cognitive engagement, which notion is often overlap with intrinsic motivation, is conceptualized as psychological investment in learning. It is
observed through students’ flexible problem solving, willingness to comprehend complex ideas by implementing meta-cognitive strategy such as regulating attention, persistence, relating new information to existing knowledge, and actively monitoring comprehension, and self-regulation (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris, 2004; Fredricks and McColskey, 2012). There are various instruments that have been developed to measure student engagement with specific aims of measurement or emphasize on particular type of engagement, such as Engagement vs. Disaffection with Learning—Student Report and Identification with School Questionnaire (ISQ) or instruments which cover all constructs of engagement such as School Engagement Measure (SEM) and School Engagement Instrument (Fredricks and McColskey, 2012). The data are collected through various methods such as student and teacher report, observation, interview, questionnaire, experience sampling, and focus case studies (Chapman, 2003; Fredricks, and McColskey, 2012). One instrument that is broadly used and has served numerous schools and universities is NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) which survey is used to find data that educational institution may use to improve its students and institutional performances, to discover and to document effective educational practice, and to encourage the educational institutions to report their performance publicly (Kuh, 2009). Most of the instrument to measure student engagement is built for schoolwide engagement. Barkley (2010:5), however, mentioned that student engagement is very possible to be observed and measured in classroom wide of which result is used to create the best learning environment to improve the students’ performance in the subject learned. Moreover, student engagement is best analyzed within a
context. For this reason, the instruments to measure and analyze student engagement are often developed based on the specific information on learning, school, or family context (Christenson, Reschly, and Wylie, 2012). B. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Online Learning Computer Assisted Language Learning or briefly acknowledged as CALL is the use of computer in order to support the learning process. Computer, in this field, is not limited to only desktop and laptop devices but it also includes “the network connecting them, peripheral devices associated with them, and a number of other technological innovations such as PDAs, mp3 players, mobile phones, electronic whiteboards, and even DVD players which have a computer of sorts embedded in them” (Levy & Hubbard, 2005 in Hubbard, 2009). Generally, ICT is defined as “any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a result, improves his or her language” (Beatty, 2003 in Hubbard, 2009). The improvements are in terms of learning efficiency, learning effectiveness, access, convenience, motivation, and institutional efficiency (Hubbard, 2009). ICT promotes learning efficiency and effectiveness that the students may obtain language knowledge or skills faster or with less effort and make deeper associations thus retain the knowledge or skills longer. When ICT is used, the students have broader access to collect materials and to interact more. It is convenient since the students are in their own choice to learn in term of time and place. In integrating ICT for distance learning, there are two settings of ICT use for classroom communication that are synchronous and asynchronous setting. The first one is described as conducting the class in which “teacher and students meet
at the same time but in different place” while the second one is “the circumstances in which both time and place are different.” (Newby et al, 2011). Synchronous computer mediated communication (CMC) is noted to provide “more balanced participation than a face-to-face discussion” (Reed, 2003; Warschauer, 1995/1996 in Hubbard 2009) because the students do not have visual cues on who is holding the floor. It also happens because the students can type and review their messages before being sent which means that the students can participate in the discussion without having to interrupt or being interrupted. This situation allows the students to be less stressed thus supporting them to build a comfortable learning environment for them. In asynchronous class, the activities are mainly the use of email and discussion board. Since the students are given ‘a delay’ in sending the messages, they can be more reflective and create more complex discourse as well as focus on form and meaning rather than in fast-paced synchronous setting (Sotillo, 2000 in Hubbard, 2009). As previously mentioned, in order to promote student learning, CALL activities nowadays are not limited to the installed computers in the classroom, but it also incorporates mobile gadgets which both are connected to a network. This enables the teachers and students to have online classroom instruction and interaction “through the use of email, blogs, online social network, and other interactive website and services” (Beatty, 2010). Having the computer and other technological tools connected to the internet, students and teachers have a greater opportunity “to access learning materials; interact with the content, teachers, and to other learners and to obtain support during the learning process, in order to
acquire knowledge, to construct personal meaning, and to grow from the learning experience” which by Ally (2004) is explained as online learning. He further explains in his definition that online learning is meant to promote the quality of learning. When it is used alone, it serves only as the medium “to bring real-life models in which students can interact, link new info to old, and acquire meaningful knowledge” (Beatty, 2010). The tools that are utilized for the learning process, both offline and online, have to be intended to create a meaningful learning environment and to make sense and meaning of the curriculum being taught which facilitate the students to have “higher order, creative thinking skills”. The supporting environment will likely help the students to engage and optimize the knowledge acquisition (Jones, 2009). A meaningful learning environment in term of language learning, according to Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999), will occur within a classroom which complies with a general set of environment. The first is the opportunities to build interaction. Learning is believed to be a social process which means that interactions with others such as peers, teachers and experts are needed (Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999). Interaction will help the students to construct their knowledge and build their understanding. Interaction also means a good relationship among student-teacher which is needed by the students to develop their ability to survive in term of social relation and their own perception as a learner. Good interaction among students and teachers as well as positive classroom climate fosters the students’ social engagement that prevents dropout and “more likely increase students’ high level of interest, motivation, and enjoyment in learning” (Taylor & Parsons, 2011).
The second environment to support language learning is an environment that supports the opportunities to interact with authentic audience with the target language. In building the interaction, students will need more than the opportunities to practice their language skill in the target language with their peers and teachers. It is also important for them to build purposeful social interaction “in the target language with a knowledgeable source” that will improve their language acquisition (Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999). The third environment is an environment where learners are involved in authentic task. Besides having authentic audience, the students also need authentic tasks in order to inspire them. The students are given the opportunities not to only interact with real audience but are also challenged to complete the tasks which require the students to perform authentic communication. Therefore, their learning experience becomes meaningful and relevant because the students are working within a context. This learning environment will engage the students as they most likely engaged in a way that they find their time and attention are worth spend to learn things that are relevant, meaningful, and authentic (Wills, et al, 2009 in Taylor & Parsons, 2011). The forth supporting environment for language learning is the exposure and encouragement for the learners to produce varied and creative language. Learners require the large amount and varied exposure in the target language in order to maximize their language acquisition. Therefore, it is not only authentic tasks that learners need but also a broad variety of language input. Given this opportunity, learners can be encouraged to produce output in the target language
in more varied styles, thus encouraging their creativity (Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999). The fifth is sufficient time and feedback for learners. In regard to learner differences such as in ability, motivation, learning style, anxiety and other factors that influence the process of learning, each learner may need different amount of time in order to complete the given tasks successfully. Therefore, flexibility of learning is required to cater the learners need. In addition, feedback is also helpful for learners’ process of learning to assist them in reaching the tasks’ goals (Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999). The sixth environment to support the language learning is an environment where learners are guided to attend mindfully to the learning process. In producing the outcome, the learners have to be mindful, that is being “motivated to take opportunities presented to them and to be cognitively engaged as they perform the production” (Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999). The learning environment has to be accommodative so that the learners are encouraged and guided to employ various meta-cognitive strategies during their learning process. The seventh environment is the atmosphere with ideal level of stress or anxiety. The ideal level of stress and anxiety should be first created before the learners are able to perform the mindful process of learning. This can be achieved by forming group discussion which provides the learners with the sense of control over their own learning. Besides, creating a student-centered learning environment is also required to keep the learners within their stress/anxiety level during their process of learning (Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999).
The eight is the support to the occurrence of learning autonomy. Learners’ autonomy means that the learners are given the ownership to devise their own learning including to plan and to solve problems of their learning task. Teacher’s presence is to challenge the students’ critical thinking and guide them to decide their own learning goal. Learning autonomy can occur when the learning environment supports the learner-centered class (Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999). C. Edmodo Edmodo is a private microblogging platform which is utilized to accommodate teaching and learning practices in order to foster the interactions among teachers and students. Edmodo as a microblogging platform, such as Twiter and Facebook, has been widely used by teachers to set up and manage their classes online, thus Edmodo is also classified as a Learning Management System (LMS) (Witherspoon, 2011 in Kongchan, 2012). Edmodo was invented by Jeff O’Hara and Nicolas Borg on 2008 who work for a different school as web administrator and web developer. They develop Edmodo as an educational technological tool to share with and engage the students online by posting resources, assignments, polls, and through other activities embedded in it. Edmodo is provided for free in the internet and is available for Android and iOS powered smartphones which eases both students and teachers with internet connectivity to access Edmodo at anywhere and at any time. Edmodo shares similar interfaces with Facebook so that it has familiar navigation features and easy-to-use design, yet it has a safer environment for the teachers and students
to interact and collaborate because it requires unique codes to sign up for every class and school, reducing outsiders from joining the network (Kumar, 2012). Moreover, Edmodo also allows parents to access the class to monitor the students’ progress. In its implementation, Edmodo promotes the application of social constructivism pedagogy where students are active in making meaning of their own learning through collaborating with their peers and with other teachers, authentic task in a meaningful context, internalize their knowledge from various resources, and teacher-student interaction; in which all aspects form a social activity which is the nature of learning (Fernandez-Ulloa, 2013). 1. The Basic Nature of Edmodo a. Interaction The most prominent functionality of Edmodo is its interactivity for teachers, students, and parents. Through Edmodo, all users may interact within one platform in any convenient time which can be both done synchronously and asynchronously. The interaction among students is done in the classroom wall or in a group created by the teacher therefore teachers can monitor the students’ interaction. Meanwhile, teachers can have direct interaction to each student. This encourages shy student who is not active in the classroom to be more active in online classes. b. Collaboration and Sharing Edmodo enables teachers and students to work on the same class and share ideas. On the class wall in Edmodo, teachers and students can post educational materials in a form of links, media, and documents that can be downloaded and
accessed by the other members of the class. The classroom wall also facilitates interactive discussion among students by enabling the students to give comment on others’ posts and comments. Moreover, teachers may network their classes to other teachers’ classes so that the students can work together with other teachers and students from other classes under the same topic. It also opens the opportunity for the students to get authentic or real audience in a safer environment. c. Monitoring and Encouragement Edmodo helps teachers to manage their online classes easily by providing the assignment tool which allow them to post quizzes and homework online. Teachers can grade the students’ works online, give feedback, post and manage the score, and at the same time monitor the submission of the works. Besides reducing the use of paper, it is easier for the teachers to keep and manage students’ work without losing them. The grading feature is therefore helpful for the parents to monitor the progress of their children. Edmodo also feature student badges that are created and given by the teachers for students’ achievement. Each student may receive the badges for any accomplishment they make. This encourages the students to work better on their projects or assignments. 2. The Use of Edmodo and Its Features Edmodo, as does other online learning platform, can be utilized for a distance
Asynchronous learning is often referred as a learning process which uses media such as video-conferencing and chat that enable teachers and learners to connect and communicate at a real time. Asynchronous learning, on the other hand, does not happen in a real time. Teacher and students may access the materials, post
questions and feedback and do other activities using the tools in their convenient time. Therefore, an asynchronous learning is mostly accommodated by tools such as email and discussion board (Harstinski, 2008). Edmodo is completed with features of which interface is intuitive (Thien et al., 2015) that most likely is because of its similar design with Facebook. It has a classroom wall that both teachers and students may share accessible contents that are downloadable for everyone. The formats of the content are also vary that are documents, audio, video, and also links. All posted contents are open for feedback which is publicly posted.
Figure 2.1. Teacher’s Home on Edmodo
Figure 2.2. Badges Awarded from Teacher to Student Figure 2.1. above shows the features that teacher can use in Edmodo. Teachers can create and send quizzes and assignments via “Quizzes” and “Assignment”, receive the completed assignments and grade the works that are transferrable to other format (.xlx) and can be directly posted to the parents via “Grade Book” represented by the icon of book in the top left corner. Teachers may also create polls via “Poll” and send notes also text (SMS) alerts to individual students or to the entire class, and maintain class calendar through “Planner” represented by the icon of calendar in the right side of the screen. The teacher can create and award badges to students based on challenges the students will also to receive award from Edmodo as seen in Figure 2.2. Teachers also have a great opportunity to connect with other teachers and educators in a larger community
and are able to access the contents when they are enrolled in teacher communities available in Edmodo.
Figure 2.3. Student’s Home on Edmodo Edmodo, however, has limited features for the students. Unlike teacher who can build the course by creating assignments, quizzes, and polls, the students are basically ‘users’ of what are designed by their teacher. The students do not have the feature that enables them to connect with other communities as teacher can do. One other limitation that Edmodo has for students is the less interactivity. While teacher has a broad connectivity with other teachers and interact, students on the other hand are able to limitedly interact with their teachers and classmates in the same class code. Unless sending messages to their teachers, the students cannot send private chat to other peers. This limitation is to prevent the students from cyber bullying since all posts can only be sent in classroom wall in which teacher can also manage and monitor what are posted by the students. In order to broaden students’ network, the teacher may connect their classes into one common wall. When the classes are joined, the students have more peers to share
with. The teacher may also connect the students to other teachers so that they may join other teacher’s classes. D. Theoretical Framework Based on the literature reviewed on the previous sections, this theoretical framework is to help answering the research questions on the types of engagement occurred during English class facilitated by Edmodo and how this online learning platform engaged the students during the learning process. As explained by Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004), student engagement consists of varied meta-constructs that they put into categories of behavior engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement. These types, in fact, are very likely to overlap because one construct of the type may derive from similar construct of the other type and all of the constructs are “dynamically embedded within a single individual and are not isolated processes” (Fredricks et al., 2003). Thus, the level of engagement for each type can be different even though two or more engagement types are processing in the same time. One type of engagement may be the result or consequence of the other type. The descriptions of the types of student engagement proposed by Fredricks, Blumenfeld and Paris are used as the main source to categorize the occurrence of student engagement in Edmodofacilitated English class. It is also used to help the researcher in analyzing how Edmodo engaged the students in the class and during the learning process. The categorization of the types of student engagement that was analyzed in this research was reflected in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1. Questionnaire Blueprint Type of Indicators Engagement Behavior Positive Engagement conduct
Work involvement
Emotional Engagement
Positive emotion and general feeling
Phenomena Gathering Items Q1. Saya selalu hadir di kelas Bahasa Inngris baik saat Edmodo digunakan atapun tidak. Q2. Saya selalu mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu pada saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q3. Saya berusaha keras untuk mengerjakan tugas saya saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q4. Saya bisa berkonsentrasi lebih baik saat belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q5. Saya mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan guru saat menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q6. Saya bertanya kepada guru atau teman lain untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak informasi saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q7. Saya lebih banyak terlibat dalam diskusi kelas baik saat Edmodo digunakan di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q8. Saya senang menggunakan Edmodo untuk membantu saya dalam belajar Bahasa 29
Q1. I always come to English class whenever or not Edmodo is used. Q2. I always submit any tasks on time whenever Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q3. I try hard to accomplish my assignment whenever Edmod is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q4. I can concentrate better when I am learning English with Edmodo both inside and outside the classroom.
Q5. I do the assignments given by my teachers when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q6. I ask the teacher or other friends to get more information when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q7. I involve myself in the discussion more when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q8. I love to use Edmodo as a tool to support my English learning when Edmodo is used both
Studentteacher relation
Orientation toward class
Cognitive Engagement
Flexible problem solving
Inggris, baik saat Edmodo digunakan di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q9. Saya merasa pelajaran Bahasa Inggris menjadi lebih mudah saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q10. Saya berkomunikasi lebih baik dengan guru dan teman saya saat Edmodo digunakan di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q11. Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Edmodo akan bermanfaat bagi masa depan saya. Q12. Saya merasa puas dengan hasil belajar saya saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q13. Saya menggunakan lebih banyak strategi belajar Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q14. Saya lebih mampu mengatasai kesulitan saya dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun diluar kelas. Q15. Saya lebih mampu memahami materi yang saya dapat saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q16. Saya selalu mencoba menyelesaikan tugas-tugas saya dengan lebih baik saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam 30
inside and outside the classroom.
Q9. I think learning English is easier when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q10. I can communicate better with the teacher and other friends when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q11. Learning English by using Edmodo will be useful for my future.
Q12. I am satisfied with my score when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q13. I employ more learning strategies in learning English when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q14. I can overcome my problems in learning English better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q15. I can understand the materials better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q16. I always try to accomplish my tasks better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom.
Quality of instruction
Selfregulation and learning strategy
maupun di luar kelas. Q17. Menurut saya, instruksi (pembelajaran) yang diberikan melalui Edmodo menjadi lebih jelas. Q18. Saya lebih mudah mengatur jam belajar Bahasa Inggris saya saat menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q19. Saya lebih banyak membuat rencana belajar Bahasa Inggris (secara pribadi dan berkelompok) pada saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q20. Saya mengulang kembali pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sudah diberikan saat Edmodo digunakan. Q21. Saya bertanya pada guru maupun teman sekelas pada saat saya tidak memahami pelajaran atau menemui kesulitan di kelas Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas.
Q17. I think the learning process is clearer when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q18. It is easier to manage the study time in learning English when Edmodo is used either inside or outside the class. Q19. I make more plans in English learning (individually and in group) when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q20. I repeat the English materials more often after I use Edmodo
Q21. I ask teacher or other friends when I do not understand the materials or when I find difficulties in learning English both when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom.
In order to answer the second question on how Edmodo engaged the students in a technology-rich English class, the researcher analyzed the features used by both the teacher and students during the class either offline or online. The features were analyzed based on primarily the theory of effective learning environment in ICT rich classroom by Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999).
Correlating the features and the learning environment that they could support and enforced, the possible type of engagement could also be analyzed.
This chapter is intended to elaborate how the research was carried out. It comprises the method and design of the research, the research setting and participants, the techniques to gather the data and the method in analyzing the data. A. Research Method This research was a mixed method research in which there were two types of data used to answer the research questions namely quantitative and qualitative data. Mixed method research is the combination of quantitative approach which data is usually numeric and quantitative approach which data is usually in a form of text that are collected either concurrently or sequentially to best understand research problems. The numerical information (quantitative data) can be obtained through traditional surveys and the text information (qualitative data) can be obtained from observation and interview (Creswell, 2012:18; Punch, 2009: 288289). Mixed method research is used when the researcher aims at confirming and explaining, verifying and generating theory, in one single study (Teddlie and Tashakkori, 2003 in Gorard & Taylor, 2004). Combining the methods is preferred because the quantitative data rest on measurement that would provide objectivity to the research and is open for generalization. The qualitative data, on the other hand, gives a holistic understanding upon an issue within a context. This approach is less formalized than that in quantitative approach, thus it is said flexible to study naturally occurring real-life situations. Qualitative approach also
accommodates local groundedness that is important to study an issue or cause embedded in its context deeper. Through qualitative approach, the researcher might find out the insider’s perspective or ‘actor’s definition on the situation’, the meaning people attached to things and events (Punch, 2009: 293-294). In this study, both qualitative and quantitative data were employed. The first was used because it would provide the objective measurement in a form of numerical data and the later would verify the quantitative data. The design of the data collection, analysis, and interpretation was a triangulation mixed method research design. Triangulation design is “a one-phase design in which researchers implements the quantitative and qualitative methods during the same timeframe and with equal weight” and it is used in order to directly compare and contrast quantitative statistical results with qualitative findings or to validate or expand quantitative results with qualitative data” (Creswell, 2012:63-64). It means that the qualitative and quantitative data in triangulation design are taken concurrently yet collected separately. Different with other type of mixed method research which puts one type of data to be the primary thus leaves the other secondary, triangulation design treats the data in equal weight. It is equal because it brings together different strengths of the quantitative and qualitative method; therefore both types of data complement one another. The quantitative data, in this study, was used to answer the first research question which sought for the type of engagement that is mostly facilitated in an English class employing Edmodo into the teaching-learning process. A measurement among the three types of student engagement proposed by Fredricks was needed to take one that stood out amongst all. Meanwhile, the qualitative data
collected through interview with the students were used to find out how Edmodo engaged the students. The qualitative data served as the validation and were to provide deeper understanding on the engagement. The triangulation design implemented in this study is described in the following figure:
Figure 3.1 Triangulation Model: Convergence Design (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011:63) As seen in Figure 3.1. there are five steps implemented in this research. The first was quantitative and qualitative data collection. The quantitative data was obtained through a survey to the entire population in order to “describe the attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or characteristics of the population” (Creswell, 2012). In the same time, interview was also conducted in order to collect the qualitative data. Then, both of the data were then analyzed separately. In the third step, the results and findings of quantitative and qualitative data were compared and contrasted. During this process, the qualitative findings were also used to validate, confirm, and corroborate the quantitative results (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011:65). The comparison of the data was used to produce the interpretation that would help the understanding on how Edmodo worked in relation to supporting student engagement. This is in line with the results of a triangulation mixed-method research design which would produce valid and well-
substantiated conclusions about a single phenomenon (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011:65). B. Research Setting and Participants The research was conducted at SMA 1 Kasihan, Bantul on the second semester of academic year 2014/2015. This research involved 5 classes or 148 students as the research participants to collect the quantitative data and involved 5 students (one per each class) to obtain the qualitative data. All of the participants were third grade students from science class. They were chosen since the English subject in their classes employed Edmodo as part of their learning process. During
asynchronously in which time and places of the teaching-learning process took place differently. The teacher played role as the first source of materials and follow up activities to be completed individually by the students. For the materials which were mostly reading, writing, and grammar were developed according to the topic and learning objectives intended for students’ preparation for the national exam. All materials, including the assessments, were available online and allowed the students to find out learning materials through independent learning or group. However, the materials were accessible only during the redular scheduled English class. Nevertheless, students were encouraged to be engaged in online and offline discussion at any convenient time in order to accomplish the tasks. The online activities, therefore, mainly consisted of content sharing, online discussion, teacher-student conversation, and task submission. Meanwhile, the offline activities were mostly independent work and group discussion.
C. Data Gathering Technique As aforementioned, in order to answer the research questions, this research employed two methods of data collection that were quantitative and qualitative method. The main data were collected quantitatively through a questionnaire which was used to answer the first question. The secondary data was collected qualitatively through an interview which was used to answer the second research question. 1. Questionnaire Questionnaire is “an instrument for collecting survey information, providing structured, often numerical data…and often being comparatively straightforward to analyze” (Wilson and McLean, 1994 in Cohen et al., 2007:317). The statements given in the questionnaire were constructed in relation to finding out what type of student engagement that is mostly supported in a classroom which learning process was supported by technology, specifically Edmodo. All statements were developed based on Fredrick’s notions on student engagement and were adjusted from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). There were 21 statements provided in the questionnaire which were distributed to 148 respondents. The statements in the questionnaire were written in Bahasa Indonesia in order to avoid misunderstanding and to ease the respondents in filling the questionnaire. The scale value of the questionnaire was based on Likert-scale which underwent adjustment so that it consisted only four scales with different values as described in the following table:
Table 3.1. The Conversion of Questionnaire Scale Value No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Responses Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Scale Value 4 3 2 1
Most Likert-scale values comprise 5 responses that are “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Undecided”, “Disagree” and “Strongly Disagree”. Yet, this research only provided 4 responses in the questionnaire by omitting “Undecided” in order to avoid the tendency of the participants to mostly answer this category. In order to check the clarity of the questionnaire, it was piloted for three times to one of the target classes. After the final revision, the questionnaire was then distributed to the all five classes. Below is the categorization of the statements in the questionnaire: Table 3.2. Categorization of the Statements in the Questionnaire Statement Item Types of No. Engagement I always come to English class whenever or not 1 Behavior Edmodo is used. engagement I always submit any tasks on time whenever 2 Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I try hard to accomplish my assignment whenever 3 Edmod is used both inside and outside the classroom. I can concentrate better when I am learning English 4 with Edmodo both inside and outside the classroom. I do the assignments given by my teachers when 5 Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I ask the teacher or other friends to get more 6 Emotional information when Edmodo is used both inside and engagement outside the classroom. I involve myself in the discussion more when 7 Edmodo is used both inside and outside the 38
classroom. I love to use Edmodo as a tool to support my English learning when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I think learning English is easier when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I can communicate better with the teacher and other friends when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Learning English by using Edmodo will be useful for my future. I am satisfied with my score when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I employ more learning strategies in learning English when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I can overcome my problems in learning English better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I can understand the materials better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I always try to accomplish my tasks better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I think the learning process is clearer when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I can manage my time in learning English better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom.. I make more plans in English learning (individually and in group) when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. I repeat the English materials more often after I use Edmodo I ask teacher or other friends when I do not understand the materials or when I find difficulties in learning English both when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom.
9 10
11 12 13
Cognitive engagement
15 16
20 21
2. Interview Interview is a research tool to gather data in which the interviewees are given spaces to discuss and express their opinions on particular issue. Through its flexibility, moreover, interview also provides the interviewer more opportunity to 39
dig information broader and deeper (Cohen, 2007:349). In this research, the information gathered from the interview was to provide the exploration of the first research question that would be answered by the quantitative data. The qualitative data was to help answering the second research question that aimed to find out how Edmodo engaged the students in some specific types of engagement as answered quantitatively. There were 5 students from 5 classes that were interviewed as the representative of their class. The interview served as an instrument exploring how the students were engaged in a classroom in which Edmodo was used as part of their learning process. The students were chosen by the teacher based on the students’ activeness both online and offline, cooperativeness in the classroom and also their overall English ability. After the interview was conducted, it was then transcribed to a dialog text to ease the categorization, coding and analysis process. D. Data Analysis As described in the previous sections, the data of this research are collected through two research instruments, namely questionnaire and interview. The first instrument was to find out the score which reflected what types of student engagement that was mostly facilitated when Edmodo was incorporated into the learning process. Meanwhile, the interview was used to find out how the students were engaged which at the same time reflected how Edmodo engaged them in certain type of engagement. The questionnaire was analyzed based on 4-value of Likert scale which primarily was used to find the mean of each statement that represented the construct of student engagement. Each construct was divided into some sub-
constructs written in each statement of the questionnaire. The mean score was used to evaluate the tendency of each statement which helped the interpretation of what type of student engagement that the students were mostly engaged in Edmodo-facilitated English class. In order to get the mean score, the total choice of each degree of agreement (“Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Disagree” and “Strongly Disagree”) for each statement was multiplied with the value of the degree of agreement (Strongly Agree = 4, Agree = 3, Disagree = 2, and Strongly Disagree = 1) which was put in tally chart. The score of the multiplication is then totaled to get the total frequency. To get the mean score, the score of the total frequency was divided with the total participants. The formula was described as follow: X = (f Ax4) + (f NSx3) + (f Dx2) + (f SDx1)
N Where: f SA A NS D SD N
: Frequency : Strongly Agree : Agree : Not Sure : Disagree : Strongly Disagree : Total of Respondents
After the mean score of each statement was obtained, it was then interpreted based on mean criteria to bring a clearer explanation on which type of student engagement that the students were engaged. The mean criteria was defined by calculating the ideal mean (Mi) and the ideal standard deviation (SDi). Ideal mean (Mi) is the total of maximum and minimum score of the value of the degree of agreement which is then divided by two. The ideal standard deviation (SDi) is the
subtraction of the maximum score and minimum score of the value of the degree of agreement which is then divided by six. The formula is described as follow:
Mi (ideal mean)
SDi (ideal standard deviation)
= = = = = =
1/2 (Maximum score + minimum score) 1/2 (4+1) 2.5 1/6 (Maximum score - minimum score) 1/6 (4-1) 0.5 (Munadi, 2014)
To get the mean criteria, the calculation of ideal mean (Mi) and ideal standard deviation (SDi) were converted into quantitative data conversion (Sudijono, 2009) as described in the following figure.
Very High Mi + 1.5 SDi High Mi + 0.5 SDi Fair Mi - 0.5 SDi Low Mi - 1.5 SDi Very Low Figure 3.1 The Mean Criteria Formulation (Sudijono, 2009: 175) The mean criteria for each statement, therefore, are described in the table below. Table 3.3 The Mean Criteria
Mi + 1.5 SDi
= 2.5+1.5 (0.5)
= 3.25
Mi + 0.5 SDi
= 2.5+0.5 (0.5)
= 2.75
Mi - 0.5 SDi
= 2.5-0.5 (0.5)
= 2.25
Mi - 1.5 SDi
= 2.5-1.5 (0.5)
= 1.75
Score Range
Very High
2.8 – 3.25
2.3 – 2.75
1.8 – 2.25
Very Low
The score range of the mean criteria above was used to interpret the tendency of each statement in the questionnaire which represents the indicators of student engagement in an Edmodo-facilitated English class. The criteria at the same time portray in which type of student engagement that the students are mostly engaged as indicated in each questionnaire statement. The “very high” criterion represented the most favorable opinion given by the participants which subsequently inferred that the students were highly engaged in the classroom under the indicators. The “fair” criterion indicated that the participants were not sure whether they were engaged under the indicators. The “low” criterion meant that the participants disagreed with the statement and indicated low engagement. The “very low” criterion represented that the participants were totally disagree with the statement which then also meant that the participants were not engaged. The interpretation of the numerical data was then described and triangulated with the qualitative data obtained from the interview. In order to triangulate the quantitative data, the interview was first transcribed and then categorized to make it into analyzable data. The interview transcript was categorized based on the construct of students’ engagement. It was made into categories which corresponded to the indicators of student engagement in a technology rich classroom. The category was then coded to ease the researcher in triangulating the quantitative and qualitative data.
This chapter is to elaborate the discussions based on the research questions. The first part presents the results obtained from survey which aims to find out the student engagement facilitated most when Edmodo is employed during the teaching-learning process. It also presents the interview result which is conducted in order to verify the survey result as well as to provide deeper explanation on how Edmodo engaged the students during English class. These results are then discussed based on the related theories and other similar research. A. Findings In order to present the results, this section is divided into two parts that are the type of student engagement based on survey result and the description of student engagement which occurred by the use of Edmodo which was resulted from the interview. The survey was conducted through questionnaire distribution into the students from all five classes employing Edmodo in their English learning. The interview, on the other hand, involved five students randomly selected by the teacher. There was one student selected from each class. 1. Type of student engagement in Edmodo-facilitated English class In conducting the survey, a questionnaire consisting of 21 sentences about student engagement and the use of Edmodo in English learning process was distributed to the students. There were 148 students who completely filled the questionnaire. There were four questionnaires that were not calculated since the answers were incomplete. This survey method was utilized because this research would like to figure out which type of student engagement among the three types
that was supported most in Edmodo-facilitated English class based on the opinion of the students. The responses of the questionnaire were calculated through a statistical computation. Each response of the statements in the questionnaire was given scale value based on Likert-scale values that were “Strongly agree” which value was 4, “Agree” which value was 3, “Disagree” which value was 2, and “Strongly disagree” which value was 1.The statements were categorized into the aspects of student engagement which fell into certain categories that were behavior engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement. After all aspects were calculated, the mean score from each type of engagement was obtained. The highest mean score reflected the type of engagement mostly facilitated in Edmodo-facilitated English class. According to the result seen in Table 4.1., the mean score for students’ behavior engagement was 3.14. Meanwhile, the mean score for emotional engagement was 2.77 and the mean score for emotional engagement was 2.75. It means that based on the survey result, behavior engagement was the type of engagement mostly supported in English class which employed Edmodo into the teaching learning process. Table 4.1. The Questionnaire Result on Types of Student Engagement in Edmodo-facilitated English Class Types of Engagement
Behavior engagement (3.14)
Class attendance Task submission punctuality Students’ effort Work involvem Better concentration ent Task accomplishment Participa Asking for information to tion other peers and teacher
Positive conduct
Item No.
Inter pretat ion
1 2
3 4 5 6
3.2 2.8 3.5
Emotional engagement (2.77)
Positive emotion and general feeling Studentteacher relation Value
Flexible problem solving Cognitive engagement (2.75)
Selfregulatio n and learning strategy
Discussion involvement 7 Enjoyment in using 8 Edmodo English learning becomes 9 easier
Better communication 10 with peers and teacher
Positive perception on the utility of Edmodo for future Achievement satisfaction Various learning strategy Resilience towards problems in learning English Better time management More planning in learning Reviewing the materials outside the classroom Asking peers and teacher to overcome problems encountered while learning English
2.8 2.8 2.8
11 3.1 12 13 14
2.81 2.81 2.58
18 19 20
2.71 2.78 3
21 3.2
Behavior engagement is constituted from several aspects that are positive conduct (3.34), work involvement (3.2), and participation (2.9) of which all aspects are categorized as highly engaged. It means that based on the survey, the students never skip the class and always submit the tasks given by the teacher. They also try harder in accomplishing the tasks and have a better concentration while Edmodo is used during their learning process, either synchronously or asynchronously. The emotional engagement covers positive emotion and general feeling (2.8) which is categorized as fair, student-teacher relation (2.62) which is categorized as fair, and values (3.1) which is categorized as high. Based on the result, overall, the students are fairly engaged (2.77) in terms of emotional 46
engagement. This shows that the students are fairly happy in utilizing Edmodo and feel that English learning becomes relatively easier. The result also indicates that the students and the teacher are able to maintain their communication when they had to conduct the distance learning. The result also implies that the students are fairly satisfied with the results they get in English class while Edmodo is used. In addition, the data shows that students highly agree that learning English with Edmodo will contribute to the success of their future. In short, the students are fairly engaged in terms of emotional engagement. Cognitive engagement comprises two aspects that are flexible problem solving (2.7) which is categorized as fair and self-regulation and learning strategy (2.9) which is categorized as high. The total mean score for cognitive engagement (2.75) reflects that students’ ability to solve problems in English learning is fairly higher when they incorporate Edmodo in their learning. This ability is supported by more learning strategies that the students apply during the learning process and by their harder effort in accomplishing the tasks. Moreover, the students are more encouraged to ask their teacher and their peers when they do not understand the materials. The data also show that the students have better time management which in turn affects their self-management in learning English. In addition, the students are also encouraged to review their materials more often when Edmodo is used to support their English learning. Overall, it is seen that in term of cognitive engagement the students are fairly engaged. 2. Edmodo learning environment This section is to present the qualitative data findings which serve as a supporting evidence as well as to validate the findings from the survey. It
describes how Edmodo facilitated student engagement during the learning process. The qualitative data were obtained from the interview involving five students who were chosen as the representative of each class. The interview questions comprised all types of student engagement, that are behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement, with all its aspects. Table 4.2 below is the sample of interview results that show how students were engaged in each type of student engagement. Table 4.2 Sample of Interview Results Types of Engagement
Positive Conduct
Behavior Engagement
Work involvement
Interview Samples I am more diligent and on-time. There is a deadline, right so we have to submit before the deadline, so (the submission) on-time. (ED 04) Yes, I become more diligent. It is because there are deadlines, right? It is not only fast but also correct. It has to be done conscientiously. Mainly, Edmodo helps me to improve my discipline (since) it makes me do my tasks ontime. (SF 11) Well, honestly, whether we want it or not, we have to complete all tasks. Moreover, Mrs. Ismi always checked our works so we have to do the tasks, thus we have to study. We read new materials. We were given materials then did some exercises, materials then exercises. So, we have to read the materials first and eventually we become more diligent. (RI 08) I do (my task better) so that I am not embarrassed. (ED12) I concentrate better because we become.. ehm.. Edmodo is different with other sites. We can have conversation with other classes and Mrs. Ismi. So, the concentration in Edmodo is higher. Mrs. Ismi also frequently posted asking how school was, what things were unclear (about the materials), or other things. So we could concentrate on how to talk to her with a better and more correct grammar. (CN 21) The materials given in the classroom were spoken. And in the class, Mrs. Ismi was a
humorist teacher so the concentration was divided into the materials and communication. In Edmodo, Mrs. Ismi gave us clearer explanation. When given spoken, we found it hard to understand because we haven’t memorized so many vocabularies. (CN 42) Yes, we need conscientiousness in doing the tasks, to also check them. It’s unfortunate if we make mistakes because it is online. When (the tasks are) submitted, we could not retreat it. Or we have to redo it again. But we will do it twice. (SF 18) The benefits are besides making us discipline in submitting and doing the tasks, we can also make it to have online discussion, and it helps us to be meticulous in doing the task. It makes us more conscientious. We will not submit it carelessly. We have to smart in accomplishing the tasks as required. (SF 27) I am afraid that I will not be able to understand (the materials posted in Edmodo), so I study harder. Because the materials were new and Mrs. Ismi was not here. (MR 15) Yes, I posted comments in Edmodo. I asked Mrs. Ismi how to do this. (ED 40-41) I shared (materials). It was about tenses. (CN 10) Yes, it was like we wrote status and greeted our friends. The others will respond to the sentences, the sentences should be like this or that. (CN 13) (I involved in discussion) more often when I used Edmodo, whether inside or outside the class. (CN 24) We discussed to check our tasks. How do you do this? Did you do the task as I did? Is the task done as required or as written in the procedure? Do my friends have similar answers with me? If there are differences, what are the differences. (SF 19) (Before) we often discuss things but not too intents, not as intents as when Edmodo is used. (SF 21) If we don’t understand the materials, we discuss together. It is not necessarily a wholeclass discussion with one explaining in front of the class. But those who don’t understand ask the others. But technically, how we will send 49
Emotional Engagement
General feeling
the tasks, we agree on this based on class discussion so that there will be no one who is wrong or left behind. (MR 16-17) When we use Edmodo, (the discussion) becomes more often because Mrs. Ismi is not here. So we need to discuss. Those who (are smarter) can explain will explain to those who are less able (to do the task), therefore we have class discussion. So we have a class discussion about the materials. (RI 15) I am satisfied (with my score). (ED 25) (Edmodo) is important because we are now in globalization era. We have to be encouraged because we will compete with other countries who probably far more advanced than our country. (SF 28) I am satisfied (with my English ability). I had been once given materials in Edmodo and it was very new for me and I was confused. Finally I did some search and I could understand the materials. So, through Edmodo, I could add my knowledge. How can I say it? Because the materials are new and we understood nothing, and because Edmodo was online we could find references from the internet. It is beneficial. (RI 28) (It’s practical) when we do our tasks, such as we use computer, rather than doing our quizzes (printed), it does not interest me. So, I enjoy more when it is through Edmodo. (MR 21) Edmodo is efficient, we only need to click on the materials. (ED 51) (Edmodo) is more modern. (ED 52) It is easy to learn English (by using Edmodo) because we know our mistakes better. So, when we post something we can share our experiences. The posts were also read by Mrs. Ismi and she would correct us. So I can understand better when I write it on Edmodo. if it comes to speaking, I only understand at when it is used, after that I will forget. (CN 28) It is comfortable, because in Edmodo we learn English directly. We don’t learn by our own, we learn together with our friends in the class, even with some other friends from other classes who are online or with mrs. Ismi. So we could share things about English and the difficulties we face. So it is easier (to learn English) with 50
Flexible problem solving
Cognitive Engagement
Edmodo. (CN 45) I am more enthusiastic. Because there are deadlines. It is impossible for us (to submit tasks) more than the deadline. So, if it has to be now, I have to do it now. (SF 35) I am happy (in using Edmodo). I am more motivated in learning. I know the deadlines when I have to finish this and that. (SF 60) I fell more sophisticated because there are not many who use this. So I think, wow this is cool, we can use this to learn. The teacher is abroad but we can still get the materials. (MR 49) We get (additional information on) the materials from the internet. So we find other related materials. (ED 30) It’s rarely (to find other materials) before using Edmodo. (ED 31) If we learn by ourselves, we do not know what mistakes we make. In Edmodo, there are other friends and Mrs. Ismi so we can get the solution. (CN 39) Yes (I try to find other materials). Because the materials (for the 3rd grade) are a lot, from the 1st – 3rd grade. (MR 39) Yes, I have (discussion with the teacher). It was about discussion text. Discussion text is difficult to be differentiated with exposition. So I tried to search but I still didn’t understand. Finally, I asked Mrs. Ismi and she explained me what discussion text and exposition text is. Exposition text is from one point of view but discussion text has two points of view. (MR 37) Well, it’s kind of freer, but we have to be consequent. It is okay to be noisy. (ED 54) Me? Usually (I do the assignments) near the deadline. When Edmodo is used) several days before the due date, I will do it. (ED 58-59) Well, I have my concentration disturbed, but we have our deadline. It is two hours in the school (during English class), so before I open other links, I have to finish my tasks. When it is finished, I will open the other links. (CN 18) I review (the materials). I even did the task a night before the class if Mrs. Ismi had posted it. Sometimes, I read it and did it at home. Sometimes, I did it before I brought to the 51
class, so in the class I would have discussion with my friends. (MR 45) The interview sample above shows that the use of Edmodo helped the students to engage behaviorally, emotionally, and cognitively. Moreover, the interview results also provide the information on the description of how the students were engaged in using Edmodo in English class. The in-depth analysis on this online learning platform is provided in the discussion section. B. Discussion In this section, the results from the survey and interview data will be elaborated. The survey results will be used to discuss the first question addressing the type of student engagement that mostly facilitated when Edmodo was used. Meanwhile, the interview results will be used to verify and support the survey results. It is also employed to discuss how Edmodo as an online learning platform engaged the students during the English learning process. In presenting the discussion, this section will initially state which type of student engagement that facilitated most in Edmodo-facilitated English class. Subsequently, it will elaborate the discussion on the nature of Edmodo which create the environment supporting student engagement in English class. 1. The level of engagement According to Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris (2004), student engagement is defined in three ways that are behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement which have multifaceted nature. This means that the constructs which represent one type of engagement may also represent the other type. Besides, two or more types of engagement are possible to happen at the same time. When the engagement occurs, however, the level of each engagement type can be different.
The first aim of this research was to figure out the type of engagement that was mostly facilitated when Edmodo was employed in English class for high school students. The mean score for each construct obtained from the survey was found out that the mean score of behavior engagement was 3.14 (highly engaged), while the mean score of emotional engagement was 2.77 (fairly engaged) and cognitive engagement was 2.75 (fairly engaged). The highest mean score represented the type of engagement that was mostly facilitated by the use of Edmodo in the learning process. It can be concluded, therefore, that the students were mostly engaged behaviorally which covered positive conduct, active involvement and participation in the learning process. These aspects of behavior engagement were supported by the learning environment facilitated in Edmodo. The prominent learning environment this LMS in facilitating the students’ behavior engagement was the deadline of task assigned by the teacher. Different with the notion on deadline by Amabile et al (1976 in Gagne, 2003) who mentioned that deadline usually “decreased enjoyment and engagement”, the students were seemed to perceive the deadline set by teacher in Edmodo as a challenge to meet. Instead of postponing the task submission or even leaving them undone, the students were reported to manage their time in order to complete the tasks. This was in line with Gregory and Llyod’s (2010) report which stated that students were appeared to be on task when there was a time frame. He mentioned that “the closer the deadline was, the more on task the students appeared”. Below are the interview samples indicating that deadline served as a prominent factor to engage the students behaviorally also emotionally and cognitively.
“I am more diligent and on-time. There is a deadline, right so we have to submit before the deadline, so (the submission) on-time.” (ED 04) “Yes, I become more diligent. It is because there are deadlines, right? It is not only fast but also correct. It has to be done conscientiously. Mainly, Edmodo helps me to improve my discipline (since) it makes me do my tasks on-time.” (SF 11) “I am more enthusiastic. Because there are deadlines. It is impossible for us (to submit tasks) more than the deadline. So, if it has to be now, I have to do it now.” (SF 35) “I am happy (in using Edmodo). I am more motivated in learning. I know the deadlines when I have to finish this and that.” (SF 60) “Me? Usually (I do the assignments) near the deadline. When Edmodo is used) several days before the due date, I will do it.” (ED 58-59) “Well, I have my concentration disturbed, but we have our deadline. It is two hours in the school (during English class), so before I open other links, I have to finish my tasks. When it is finished, I will open the other links.” (CN 18)
From the interview results above, it can be concluded that deadlines motivated the students to accomplish the assignments. The students were motivated because the teacher may lock the submission date in Edmodo so that those who were late could not submit the task. The deadlines, in turn, encouraged the students to be able to manage their time, thus they might control their own pace of learning. The ownership to devise students’ own learning including to plan and to solve problems on the learning task would create a supporting learning environment (Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999). Given the deadlines, not only had the students to manage their time but also to employ the strategies in order to accomplish their tasks well. When managing their time, it included prioritizing the tasks which influenced their concentration. The concentration here meant to their
preference to engage on accomplishing the task rather than opening other websites when they were online. The planning and problem solving in order to meet the deadline were conducted through a discussion both with the teacher to clarify the tasks and to ask supporting information for task accomplishment as well as with their peers that mostly was conducted offline. This situation eventually created more interactions among students and student-teacher communication. This was reflected in the following interview samples: “Yes, I posted comments in Edmodo. I asked Mrs. Ismi how to do this”. (ED 40-41) “(I involved in discussion) more often when I used Edmodo, whether inside or outside the class.” (CN 24) “We discussed to check our tasks. How do you do this? Did you do the task as I did? Is the task done as required or as written in the procedure? Do my friends have similar answers with me? If there are differences, what are the differences.” (SF 19) “(Before) we often discuss things but not too intents, not as intents as when Edmodo is used.” (SF 21) “If we don’t understand the materials, we discuss together. It is not necessarily a whole-class discussion with one explaining in front of the class. But those who don’t understand ask the others. But technically, how we will send the tasks, we agree on this based on class discussion so that there will be no one who is wrong or left behind.” (MR 16-17) When the students were given sufficient opportunity to discuss, they were encouraged to be autonomous and responsible in their own learning, to participate more in the discussion, and to interact with their peers and teacher. Egbert & Hanson-Smith (2009) and Taylor & Parsons (2011) listed that interaction was the first factor to develop student engagement. It was due to the learning process which was by Vygotsky (1979 in Peyton, 1999) was called as social process since
all human learning was “mediated through interaction with others”. Social interaction within online learning was also mentioned essential to motivate and stimulate students (Moore & Kearsley, 2005 in Spears, 2012). Edmodo provided the space for the students to interact with the teacher regardless the time and place constraint in public or for private communication. Moreover, the interaction with more participants became more possible to happen since the teacher might combine all classes into one common “wall” in Edmodo. Therefore, all students were accessible to communicate with their peers who were not in the same class. In this study, however, it was found out that the students were actually had more offline discussion with their peers. They shared content on the tasks and performed peer-teaching practices during the discussion. Some students were also reported to share learning materials from other sources that they used to accomplish the tasks. Besides sharing the content, the students also made classroom agreement on how they should submit the tasks as well as to check others’ work preparation so that no one left behind. This interaction eventually created a sense of community in the classroom where students obtained the feeling of being supported by others. This sense of community was also found out by Gedera, Williams, & Wright (2015) who claimed that it was potential in developing students’ motivation in being more participative in a discussion. Moreover, Egbert & Hanson-Smith (1999) noted that the availability of learning community would lower the level of stress and anxiety where maximum learning environment could be created. As a result, the students would possibly be engaged and the learning process could take place.
As reported in this study, the students were also noted as giving more efforts in completing the tasks. It conformed the indication of behaviorally engaged students as proposed by Birch & Ladd (1997), Finn et al. (1995), Skinner & Belmont (1993) in Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris (2004) who mentioned that a behaviorally engaged students were those who involved in learning and academic tasks that include effort, persistence, concentration, attention, asking questions, and contribution to class discussion. The efforts given by the students were reflected in the samples of interview below. “I do (my task better) so that I am not embarrassed.” (ED12) “I concentrate better because we become.. ehm.. Edmodo is different with other sites. We can have conversation with other classes and Mrs. Ismi. So, the concentration in Edmodo is higher. Mrs. Ismi also frequently posted asking how school was, what things were unclear (about the materials), or other things. So we could concentrate on how to talk to her with a better and more correct grammar.” (CN 21) “The materials given in the classroom were spoken. And in the class, Mrs. Ismi was a humorist teacher so the concentration was divided into the materials and communication. In Edmodo, Mrs. Ismi gave us clearer explanation. When given spoken, we found it hard to understand because we haven’t memorized so many vocabularies.” (CN 42) “I am afraid that I will not be able to understand (the materials posted in Edmodo), so I study harder. Because the materials were new and Mrs. Ismi was not here.” (MR 15)
From the interview result above, it was seen that Edmodo encouraged the students to do the task better because they would have their works published online and would have the works accessible to their friends in the same group which highly possible came from different classes. Ware (2004) in his study found out that one of students’ perception on online writing was their awareness of two layers audience: the teacher and peers and that they could be subject of
criticism. In this study, the students were likely to avoid careless completion upon tasks because they were aware of the presence of the audience, thus avoided the criticism which might lead them of being ashamed. Likewise, the students were reported to work harder because they should submit the works online of which files uploaded could not be retrieved once they were sent. They would need to refine the works, delete the previous one, and resend the files in submitting the tasks. This was considered ineffective for the students; therefore they put more efforts to accomplish the tasks so that what were sent were the best results of the works. The asynchronous learning apparently created an internal motivation to the students to participate more (Xie, Durrington, & Yen, 2011; Gedera, William, & Wright, 2015) and put more efforts in accomplishing the assignments. Facilitated by Edmodo, the students were enabled to communicate with the teacher regardless the time and place constraint. At the same time, they were also motivated to complete the assignments by first collecting the materials given by the teacher in Edmodo and actively involved in discussion both online and offline. This study reported that the offline discussion facilitated most in engaging the students behaviorally compared to the online discussion. It happened since they did not rely on the role of teacher when the discussions were conducted offline. It did not mean, however, the role of teacher was less important because the instructions were given by the teacher (Ally, 2004). 2. The nature of Edmodo in regard to student engagement As explained by Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris (2004), student engagement was a multifaceted construct where one or more types of engagement
were possibly to happen concurrently. When Edmodo facilitated the behavioral engagement during the English class, the students were reported to also emotionally and cognitively engaged. The students regarded Edmodo as a tool which fostered the efficiency of their works in terms of the tasks submission. The students mentioned that Edmodo allowed them to type rather than write and submitted online rather than through books or papers. Having this system established for task submission during the English class, the students found it effective and more enjoyable, thus they were engaged emotionally. Hubbard (2009:7) also reported the similar remarks from the students, that typing in the technological devices were more preferable to writing the tasks by hand. The students were also considered as cognitively engaged when they invested their psychological energy for academic purpose during their completion of their assignment. The students apparently regulated themselves in order to meet the deadline and applied various learning strategies in order to accomplish the assignments (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004; Fredricks and McColskey, 2012). The students were seen to take conscious control on their learning, plan and select strategy, and change learning behaviors and strategies when necessary that were the skills on metacognitive strategy (Ridley et al, 1992 in Grabinger & Dunlap, 1995) which is usually applied when the students were cognitively engaged (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004). This section is to provide the elaboration of the nature of Edmodo which facilitated the occurrence of the three types of student engagement based on the interview result. The discussion would also be based on the theory of meaningful learning environment which needed to be optimized in order to facilitate learning
within a technology-rich class proposed by Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999). They remarked that the general set of environment to support learning was the opportunities to build interaction among students, the opportunities to have interaction with authentic audiences, students’ involvement in authentic tasks, the exposure and encouragement for the students to produce varied and creative language, sufficient time and feedback for students, guidance to attend mindfully to the learning process, the ideal level of stress or anxiety, and the occurrence of learning autonomy. The implementation of Edmodo within the English class in the subject research was found out not to comply with all set of the ideal environment in facilitating the optimum learning and engagement. The discussion of the nature of Edmodo, therefore, would cover the environments which it facilitated throughout the three months of asynchronous class. The description and explanation presented in this section did not reflect the level of facilitation. a. Interaction among students and authentic audience An interaction within language learning is essential since it is part of human communication and that learning is a social construction (Vygotsky, 1979 in Peyton 1999). Moreover, in order to acquire the language, it is fundamental for the users to use the language in the target language (Holliday, 1999). The language acquisition, in this case, will be well accommodated by the interaction among students and teacher in which the negotiation of meaning occurred (Johnston, 1999:57). It was essential, though, to have authentic audience (Spolsky, 1989; Bakhtin, 1986 in Johnston, 1999) because “the speaker’s relation
to the addressee is a central concern in describing and understanding feature of language use” (Johnston, 1999:56). Edmodo provided environment which supported interaction. Similar to the other social media platform, students had the opportunity to involve in classroom discussion and to post comments and contents to the classroom wall—made it accessible to the other members of the group. The teacher was also able to connect more than two classes into one larger class and to control the comments and contents posted by the students by deleting improper postings. This enabled the students to communicate with a broader audience that was not limited to only their classmates yet within a safe and controlled environment. According to Johnston authentic audience is “an audience that is concerned exclusively with the meaning of the speaker’s message” (Johnston, 1999:60). In a classroom setting, the authentic audience is not necessarily the teacher. Authentic audience can be “classmates, students in other classes, parents, and members of community” (Johnston, 1999:58). The authentic audiences needed by the students to carry out the interaction to support their engagement were accommodated in Edmodo. The students were reported to build their interaction not only with their teacher and their classmates but also with the students in other classes as seen in the following excerpts. Yes, I posted comments in Edmodo. I asked Mrs. Ismi how to do this. (ED 40-41) Yes, it was like we wrote status and greeted our friends. The others will respond to the sentences, the sentences should be like this or that. (CN 13) (I involved in discussion) more often when I used Edmodo, whether inside or outside the class. (CN 24)
Through the utilization of Edmodo, students had the opportunity to interact with broader scope of (authentic) audience and, as reported, it motivated to produce well-structured sentences in their posts because they were aware of the existence of the audience. This was similar to Edelsky’s report (1991) which described the real language use in writing by involving not only the teacher as the reader but also the parents and students from other classes. Being aware of the audience, the students anticipated the feedback and were successful in producing the composition. In line with Edelsky’s report, during students’ interaction within Edmodo, they became more careful and reviewed their sentences more often before posting them to the classroom wall. The students avoided errors due to the online posts of which contents were accessible for all members of the group. For this reason, the students gave their best effort to produce well-structured sentences in the target language. I do (my task better) so that I am not embarrassed. (ED12) I concentrate better because we become.. ehm.. Edmodo is different with other sites. We can have conversation with other classes and Mrs. Ismi. So, the concentration in Edmodo is higher. Mrs. Ismi also frequently posted asking how school was, what things were unclear (about the materials), or other things. So we could concentrate on how to talk to her with a better and more correct grammar. (CN 21)
b. Sufficient time and feedback for students Feedback, in Hattie and Timperley (2007), was defined as “information provided by agent (e.g. teacher, peer, book, parent, self, experience) regarding aspects of one’s performance or understanding”. Each agent might give different type of feedback which was believed to give powerful impact to students’ learning which served as “one of the most important parts of assessment process” (Price et
al, 2010 in Hepplestone et al, 2011). Feedback given by teacher could be in a form of corrective information and peer feedback would likely to provide alternative strategy (Hattie and Timpeley, 2007) of which all feedback was directed to aid the students in achieving certain goals in their learning. The teacher could utilize feedback as a mean to fill the gap “between what was understood and what was aimed to be understood” (Sadler, 1989 in Hepplestone et al, 2011) which became the central function of feedback given by teacher. The feedback could be given through affective processes (e.g. motivation) and cognitive processes (e.g. restructuring understanding). Meanwhile, feedback given by peers tended to be more detail compared to the ones given by the teachers (Caulk, 1994 in Rollinson, 2005). In writing assignment, peer feedback could function as real audience which students target to write for. Subsequently, it could create dialog among students which was the result of their communication upon performances and standards (Falchikov, 2001 in Liu & Carless, 2006) and encouraged collaborative dialog which fostered “highly complex socio-cognitive interactions involving arguing, explaining, clarifying, and justifying” (Rollinson, 2005). Moreover, it was believed that feedback given by students’ peer were more sympathetic which then motivated them in revising the writing products. Based on its function, therefore, feedback became central in the process of learning and was one of the determining factors in maximizing supporting learning environment. Using Edmodo, students were able to obtain feedback from their teacher in private or public and from their peers who were not limited to their classmates. In this research, the students were reported to take benefit from the feedback as seen in the following excerpts.
It is easy to learn English (by using Edmodo) because we know our mistakes better. So, when we post something we can share our experiences. The posts were also read by Mrs. Ismi and she would correct us. So I can understand better when I write it on Edmodo. if it comes to speaking, I only understand at when it is used, after that I will forget. (CN 28) If we learn by ourselves, we do not know what mistakes we make. In Edmodo, there are other friends and Mrs. Ismi so we can get the solution. (CN 39) Yes, it was like we wrote status and greeted our friends. The others will respond to the sentences, the sentences should be like this or that. (CN 13) It is comfortable, because in Edmodo we learn English directly. We don’t learn by our own, we learn together with our friends in the class, even with some other friends from other classes who are online or with Mrs. Ismi. So we could share things about English and the difficulties we encounter. So it is easier (to learn English) with Edmodo. (CN 45) Actually it becomes more comfortable to learn English, when we use Edmodo we have longer time (to study and do the assignment) and we can open it at any time when the materials were too much. (RI 06)
The excerpts showed that the students obtained feedback from the teacher and their peers and did revision accordingly. In doing so, the students would likely be cognitively engaged by restructuring their understanding and confirming to the teacher or the peers whether they were correct or incorrect. Thus, they were focused on meaningful learning in which cognitive process was mostly involved. While taking the feedback, the students “paid attention to relevant incoming information, mentally organized incoming information into a coherent representation, and mentally integrated incoming information with existing knowledge (Mayer, 1999 in Mayer, 2002). When the feedback was provided online, the students became more flexible in term of accessibility for the materials and in giving and receiving feedback. As reported by Hepplestone et al, 2011), that the students could manage their time in
reading the feedback and were able to access the feedback at any convenient time and place since all written feedback in Edmodo was stored. Hepplestone et al (2011) also reported that students might also use these stored feedback to other relevant future assignment. Beside feedback, the synchronous and asynchronous setting of Edmodo was seen to facilitate students’ differences such as ability, motivation, learning style, anxiety and other factors that influence the process of learning. While each student had their own pace of learning, the students could devise and manage their own learning while using Edmodo. Students were highly possible to obtain immediate feedback in synchronous setting and could reflect on their writing before sending their posts in asynchronous setting. They could also refer back to the materials stored online and reread the comments given by their teacher and peers at anytime and anywhere. c. The ideal level of stress and anxiety As seen from the empirical data, safety in this study was referred as the privacy that the students had when they communicate with their teacher. It was reported that they became more courageous in initiating conversation to the teacher with less fear in making mistakes. Students often found that producing sentences in public such as classroom was frightening because the students were possible for being laughed at for the mistakes (Ellis and Rathbone, 1987 in Ellis, 2012:692). The fear blocked the language production thus deterred the process of language learning. (I rarely asked the teacher in the class), but in Edmodo we have our own privacy and we use our own account. In the class, we are with the others and the anxiety of making grammatical mistakes were high and it made
(me) less confident to talk with Mrs. Ismi in front of the classroom. (CN 22)
By having a private chat with the teacher, their anxiety was reduced because the students communicated privately with the teacher instead of performing in front of the public that often increased one’s anxiety (Ellis, 2012:691). The students were also kept away from negative evaluation in front of the classmates (Ellis, 2012:693). When students’ anxiety level was reduced, it would lead to more effort (Eysenck, 1979 in Ellis, 2012:694) which then motivated the students to try harder in their learning process. When the students were in their low level of anxiety, they were motivated to build their interest to have more communication with the teacher. This indicator showed that they were emotionally engaged to the learning process (Connel & Wellborn, 1991; Skinner & Belmont, 1993 in Fredricks et al, 2004). At the same time, moreover, the students were also behaviorally engaged since they actively maintained their communication with the teacher. As elaborated in the previous section, in regard to the possible mistakes the students may produce during their interaction in Edmodo, they were given more time to reflect to their writing before sending the post. Having them to reflect and review, the possibility to minimize their risks in making error was reduced and eventually lowered their level of anxiety (Ely, 1986a in Ellis, 2012:694). It meant that Edmodo created a learning environment where student could have ideal level of anxiety as well as enough time to produce in the target language.
d. The occurrence of learner autonomy Learning autonomy is not limitedly described as self-instructed learning and that there is an absence of the teacher. Little (2002 in Swarbrick 2002:81) described learner autonomy as “the learner’s psychological relation to the process and content of learning”. Learner autonomy was also defined as “the ability to take control over one’s learning” (Holec, 1988 in Hafner & Miller, 2011). In becoming an autonomous learner, students were responsible to their own learning by becoming the active agents who constructed the understanding and sought meaning. They were, therefore, continuously involved in a process of obtaining meaningful learning. Omaggio (1978 in Thanasoulas, 2000) underlined the attributes which characterized autonomous learner that were 1) the provision of insights into learner’s learning style and strategies, 2) the performance of active approach to the learning task at hand; 3) the willingness to take risks by communicating in the target language; 4) good guesser; 5) the attention to form and content (accuracy and appropriacy); 6) willingness to revise and reject hypotheses which do not apply; and 7) the flexible approach to the target language. Dam (1995 in Hafner & Miller, 2011) added that autonomous learners were characterized “by a readiness to take charge of one’s own learning in the service of one’s needs and purposes.” Autonomous learners would be willing to take action independently and build cooperation others. In this study, the opportunity for the students to become autonomous learners was supported by Edmodo where students were encouraged to be active learners who did not solely depend on the materials or knowledge provided by the
teacher. Rather, they were encouraged to seek for information by themselves or by negotiating meaning with their peers, thus they actively regulated their own learning and became responsible learners. Students were then observed as cognitively and behaviorally engaged when they performed as autonomous learners. They were cognitively engaged when they applied various strategies to solve problems (i.e. the assignments), related the new information they collected themselves with the existing ones, did revision on the works, reviewed the given materials, and reconstructed their understanding. The students were behaviorally engaged when they were actively involved in discussion whilst solving the problems. They also put more efforts in understanding the learning materials and accomplishing the tasks. They became less hesitant to ask the teachers and were motivated to seek for other information independently outside the class. These characteristics were seen in the following excerpts. I am satisfied (with my English ability). I had been once given materials in Edmodo and it was very new for me and I was confused. Finally I did some search and I could understand the materials. So, through Edmodo, I could add my knowledge. How can I say it? Because the materials are new and we understood nothing, and because Edmodo was online we could find references from the internet. It is beneficial. (RI 28) I prefer to have online learning because, let’s say, I have not yet understood the materials to the given tasks. I would browse for it. What is the material? For example expression. I will look for what expression is. I try to find other references. So, I do not only use the materials given in Edmodo. (RI 23) We get (additional information on) the materials from the internet. So we find other related materials. (ED 30) If I don’t understand (the materials) I am eager to ask. (ED 28) I found new strategies (to complete the tasks) (ED 29)
Based on the discussion above, Edmodo with its nature as a learning management system supported several conditions proposed by Egbert & HansonSmith (1999) in creating a supporting learning environment. This supporting learning environment fostered student engagement in its three types that were behavior engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement. Edmodo successfully facilitated the interaction among students and the teacher through the interactivity of boards that was the wall post and private chat (to the teacher). It provided sufficient time for students to rethinking on their writing and also to adjust their learning pace as well as feedback from their peers and teacher to help the students achieving their learning goals. It gave ideal level of stress and anxiety for the availability of private communication with the teacher and in relation with the sufficient time, the students were given enough time reread and revise their content before posting in order to minimize error that would probably embarrass them. Last, Edmodo encourage the occurrence of autonomous learning since it encouraged the students to be responsible to and to devise their own learning.
This chapter summarizes the empirical findings based on the previous chapters of this study as well as to provide suggestions regarding the use of Edmodo or other social networks in order to foster student engagement either in certain type or all types of engagement. A. CONCLUSION This study aimed to find out what type of student engagement facilitated most in Edmodo-facilitated English class and to describe how Edmodo facilitated the engagement during the learning process which incorporated Edmodo. The discussion was based on the types of engagement by Fredricks et al (2004) that were behavior engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement. This study also employed the learning environment for language acquisition by Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999) to describe how Edmodo engaged the students. While most previous studies discussed student engagement within one or two types and how to foster them, this study was mainly to discuss what engagement that would be best facilitated by Edmodo in an asynchronously setting class and how Edmodo worked in engaging the students. Therefore, basically, this study was to answer the following questions: 1) What type of student engagement is mostly facilitated by the use of Edmodo, and 2) How does Edmodo facilitate student engagement? Based on the empirical data discussed in the previous chapter, it was found out that all types of engagement that were behavior engagement, emotion
engagement, and cognitive engagement occurred during Edmodo-facilitated English class. However, the engagement level among the three types of engagement was different. Based on the statistical data, Edmodo facilitated the behavior engagement (x̄ = 3.14), emotion engagement (x̄ = 2.77), and cognitive engagement (x̄ = 2.75). From this result, it was seen that Edmodo mostly facilitated behavior engagement. Students’ behavior engagement, as reported in this study, was surprisingly due to the deadline set by the teacher. Unlike the general tenet that deadline most likely to deter students’ motivation, the students performed better in terms of efforts which also became attributable to their willingness to participate more to class discussion (both online and offline) and to find more strategies and gather more materials other than ones provided by the teacher to support their understanding. Thus they were indeed engaged in all types almost simultaneously. In addition, the setting of asynchronous learning also contributed to the engagement especially the way the students employed the strategies in accomplishing the tasks. Here Edmodo served as a device that connected the teacher and the students yet leaving the control of learning to the students. It did not mean, however, that the teacher had less significant role in the learning process. In fact, teacher’s control in terms of guiding and designing appropriate and suitable materials and tasks were important for the students to be critical and to develop as well as to control their learning in careful process. However, it had not yet been observed whether the use of Edmodo within a synchronous class setting and the use of other online learning platform would indicate the similar result.
In this research, it was also found out that Edmodo successfully facilitated behavior engagement because of its nature. While there were a set of general learning environment that had to be fulfilled in order to provide a maximum learning, the implementation of Edmodo in this study was reported to only comply with several learning environments. They were the interaction among students and teachers, interaction with authentic audience, the availability of sufficient time and feedback, the ideal level of stress and anxiety, and the occurrence of autonomous learning. B. SUGGESTION The best practices of how ICT and social media are utilized to support learning are needed for teachers and institutions in order to develop curriculum and program that will foster the learning itself and to prepare the students with the skills they need to meet the challenge after they graduate, other than only to seek for high academic achievement. In terms of student engagement, it is important for teachers and academic institutions to create the best learning environment that will accommodate the engagement. This study limitedly discussed the types of engagement occurred within the research area. It also limitedly described how Edmodo was utilized into the learning process and how the nature as well as its feature facilitated the creation of learning environment needed by the students to acquire language and knowledge. Yet, the study had not yet explored deeply on how the teacher gave the instructions and how the materials designed would possibly attributable to the engagement. Further research on Edmodo or other LMS and its relation to student engagement may also include the external factors from the students such as their
“origins”: personality, family background, school policies, etc. since it may give different point of view on how the students are engaged in their learning process. Further research may incorporate these origins to address the issues in student engagement.
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SURVEY STUDENT ENGAGEMENT (Keterlibatan Siswa) PADA KELAS BAHASA INGGRIS YANG MENGGUNAKAN EDMODO Terima kasih atas keikutsertaan Anda pada survey ini. Student Engagement adalah sebuah istilah yang sering diartikan sebagai “keterlibatan” atau “partisipasi”. Jawaban yang Anda berikan, berikut juga jawaban dari teman-teman lainnya di kuisioner ini akan memberikan gambaran akan peran teknologi, khususnya Edmodo yang digunakan di dalam dan di luar kelas, dalam meningkatkan partisipasi siswa dalam belajar serta peran Edmodo dalam membantu proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Mohon berikan tanda centang (√) pada kolom yang mencerminkan keadaan yang sesungguhnya dengan memilih satu dari empat pilihan: SS = Sangat Setuju S = Setuju TS = Tidak Setuju STS = Sangat Tidak Setuju
1. 2.
Pernyataan Saya tidak pernah membolos pelajaran Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo digunakan. Saya tidak terlambat mengumpulkan tugas pada saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Saya berusaha keras untuk mengerjakan tugas saya saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Saya bisa berkonsentrasi lebih baik saat belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Saya tidak keberatan mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan guru saat menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Saya bertanya kepada guru atau teman lain untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak informasi saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Saya lebih banyak terlibat dalam diskusi kelas baik saat Edmodo digunakan di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Saya merasa senang dan tertarik menggunakan Edmodo sebagai penunjang belajar Bahasa Inggris, baik saat Edmodo
APPENDIX 01 digunakan di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 9. Saya merasa pelajaran Bahasa Inggris menjadi lebih mudah saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 10. Saya berkomunikasi lebih baik dengan guru dan teman saya saat Edmodo digunakan di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 11. Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Edmodo akan bermanfaat bagi masa depan saya. 12. Saya merasa puas dengan hasil belajar saya saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 13. Saya menggunakan lebih banyak strategi belajar Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 14. Saya lebih mampu mengatasai kesulitan saya dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun diluar kelas. 15. Saya lebih mampu memahami materi yang saya dapat saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 16. Saya selalu mencoba menyelesaikan tugastugas saya dengan lebih baik saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 17. Menurut saya, instruksi (pembelajaran) yang diberikan melalui Edmodo menjadi lebih jelas. 18. Saya lebih mudah mengatur jam belajar Bahasa Inggris saya saat menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 19. Saya lebih banyak membuat rencana belajar Bahasa Inggris (secara pribadi dan berkelompok) pada saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 20. Saya menghubungkan pengetahuan yang saya miliki dengan pengetahuan baru saat belajar Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. 21. Saya mengulang kembali pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sudah diberikan saat Edmodo digunakan. 22. Saya bertanya pada guru maupun teman
APPENDIX 01 sekelas pada saat saya tidak memahami pelajaran atau menemui kesulitan di kelas Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Terima kasih!
APPENDIX 02 INTERVIEW GUIDELINE 1. How does Edmodo influence your English learning? 2. How do you compare your learning when you are using and not using Edmodo? 3. How do you feel of using Edmodo? 4. What do you think of the benefits of using Edmodo? 5. How do you usually study? 6. What do you think about the materials given through Edmodo? 7. What do you think and feel about the learning process by using Edmodo? 8. How do you manage your time in learning? 9. How does Edmodo influence your process of learning? 10. Do you review the materials at home when Edmodo is used?
APPENDIX 03 Questionnaire Blueprint Type of Indicators Engagem ent Behavior Positive conduct Engagem ent
Phenomena Gathering Items
Q1. Saya tidak pernah Q1. I never skip membolos pelajaran English class when Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo is used Edmodo digunakan. Q2. Saya tidak terlambat Q2. I never submit the mengumpulkan tugas assignments late pada saat Edmodo when Edmodo is digunakan baik di dalam used either inside maupun di luar kelas. or outside the class. Q3. Saya berusaha keras Q3. I try hard in Work untuk mengerjakan completing the involvement tugas saya saat assignment when Edmodo digunakan Edmodo is used baik di dalam maupun either inside or di luar kelas. outside the class. Q4. Saya bisa Q4. I can concentrate berkonsentrasi lebih better when I study baik saat belajar Bahasa English using Inggris dengan Edmodo either menggunakan Edmodo inside or outside baik di dalam maupun di the class. luar kelas. Q5. Saya tidak keberatan Q5. I do not mind to mengerjakan tugas yang complete the diberikan guru saat assignment given menggunakan Edmodo by my teacher baik di dalam maupun di when Edmodo is luar kelas. used either inside or outside the class. Q6. Saya bertanya Q6. I ask my teacher Participation kepada guru atau or friends to get teman lain untuk more information mendapatkan lebih when Edmodo is banyak informasi saat used either inside Edmodo digunakan or outside the baik di dalam maupun class. di luar kelas.
APPENDIX 03 Q7. Saya lebih banyak Q7. I am involve in a terlibat dalam diskusi class discussion kelas baik saat Edmodo more often when digunakan di dalam Edmodo is used maupun di luar kelas. either inside or outside the class. Emotional Positive emotion Q8. Saya merasa senang Q8. I am happy and dan tertarik excited in using Engagement and general menggunakan Edmodo as a feeling Edmodo sebagai supporting tool for penunjang belajar my English Bahasa Inggris, baik learning when it is saat Edmodo used either inside digunakan di dalam or outside the maupun di luar kelas. class. Q9. Saya merasa pelajaran Q9. I think English is Bahasa Inggris menjadi easier to study lebih mudah saat when Edmodo is Edmodo digunakan baik used either inside di dalam maupun di luar or outside the kelas. class. Saya Q10. I can Student-teacher Q10. berkomunikasi lebih communicate relation baik dengan guru dan better with my teman saya saat teacher and friends Edmodo digunakan di when Edmodo is dalam maupun di luar used either inside kelas. or outside the class. Q11. Belajar Bahasa Q11. Learning English Values Inggris dengan with Edmodo will menggunakan be beneficial for Edmodo akan my future. bermanfaat bagi masa depan saya. Q12. Saya merasa puas Q12. I am satisfied Orientation dengan hasil belajar with my result toward class saya saat Edmodo when Edmodo is digunakan baik di used either inside dalam maupun di luar or outside the kelas. class. Cognitive Flexible problem Q13. Saya menggunakan Q13. I apply more lebih banyak strategi learning strategies Engagem solving belajar Bahasa Inggris in studying English ent saat Edmodo when Edmodo is digunakan baik di used either inside
APPENDIX 03 dalam maupun di luar or outside the kelas. class. Q14. Saya lebih mampu Q14. I can handle the mengatasai kesulitan difficulties I find in saya dalam belajar leraning English Bahasa Inggris saat better when Edmodo digunakan baik Edmodo is used di dalam maupun diluar either inside or kelas. outside the class. Q15. Saya lebih mampu Q15. I understand the Goal memahami materi materials better yang saya dapat saat when Edmodo is Edmodo digunakan used either inside baik di dalam maupun or outside the di luar kelas. class. Q16. Saya selalu mencoba Q16. I always try to menyelesaikan tugascomplete my tugas saya dengan lebih assignment better baik saat Edmodo when Edmodo is digunakan baik di dalam used either inside maupun di luar kelas. or outside the class. Quality of Q17. Menurut saya, Q17. I think the instruksi instruction is given instruction (pembelajaran) yang clearer when diberikan melalui Edmodo is used. Edmodo menjadi lebih jelas. Q18. Saya lebih mudah Q18. It is easier to Self-regulation mengatur jam belajar manage the study and learning Bahasa Inggris saya time in learning strategy saat menggunakan English when Edmodo baik di Edmodo is used dalam maupun di luar either inside or kelas. outside the class. Q19. Saya lebih banyak Q19. I make study membuat rencana belajar plan (individually Bahasa Inggris (secara and in group) when pribadi dan Edmodo is used berkelompok) pada saat either inside or Edmodo digunakan baik outside the class. di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q20. Saya menghubungkan Q20. I connect my pengetahuan yang saya existing knowledge miliki dengan 87
APPENDIX 03 pengetahuan baru saat belajar Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q21. Saya mengulang kembali pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sudah diberikan saat Edmodo digunakan. Q22. Saya bertanya pada guru maupun teman sekelas pada saat saya tidak memahami pelajaran atau menemui kesulitan di kelas Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas.
with new information when Edmodo is used either inside or outside the class. Q21. I repeat the English lessons that have been given when I use Edmodo. Q22. I asked my teacher or my classmates when I do not understand the materials in English class incorporating Edmodo either it is used inside or outside the class.
APPENDIX 04 Interview Result (mapped based on constructs) Types of Engagement Behavior Engagement
Interview Samples
Positive Conduct
Tambah rajin, on time juga mbak, ada deadline kan mbak. Jadi, kita harus ngumpul sebelum deadline, jadi bisa on time. Iya, Alhamdulillah (mengumpulkan tugas selalu ontime). Ya, jadi tambah rajin. Soalnya itu kalau nggak salah ada deadlinenya kan… Bukan cuma secepatnya, tapi juga harus bener, harus, pokoknya harus teliti deh. Pokoknya, edmodo itu bisa ningkatin kedisiplinannya kita buat ngerjain tugas tepat waktu. On time (mengumpulkan tugas melalui edmodo) Selalu mengerjakan (tugas yang diberikan). Sebenernya, kalau jujur kan kasarnya kita mau nggak mau harus nggarap terus. Apalagi kalau mam Ismi kan terus dicek kan, jadi mau nggak mau kita harus mengerjakan dan mau nggak mau kita belajar juga, jadi baca materi baru. Kita baca materi baru, biasanya kan dikasihnya itu materi terus latihan soal, materi terus latihan soal, nah itu biasanya materi. Jadi, mau nggak mau baca materi dulu. Jadi, akhirnya rajin belajar juga. Ya, lebih baik (dalam mengerjakan tugas) biar nggak malu-maluin (karena tugas dikumpulkan via Edmodo dan dapat diakses oleh kelas lainnya). Lumayan tinggi sih, mbak. Soalnya kan kita jadi, apa ya, edmodonya itu berbeda dengan situs media lain. Sehinga kita bisa mengobrol dengan lain kelas dan
Work involvement
Codes ED 04
CN 17
SF 11
MR 10 RI 13 RI 08
CN 21
APPENDIX 04 mam Ismi. Jadi, konsentrasi ke edmodo lebih besar. Mam Ismi juga sering posting tentang gimana di sekolah, ada yang belum jelas atau apa, kayak gitu. Jadinya kita konsentrasinya harus lebih bisa ngobrol ke mam Ismi dengan bahasa yang baik dan benar. Kalau didalam kelas kan lisan. Kalau dikelas mam Ismi orangnya humoris, jadi terbagi-bagi konsentrasinya antara ke materi dan ke komunikasinya. Kalau di edmodo nanti mam Ismi ngasih materinya jelas. Kalau lisan kita belum mengerti karena hafalan kata-katanya belum banyak. Iya (lebih bersemangat dan lebih cepat dalam mengerjakan tugas) Bukan cuma secepatnya, tapi juga harus bener, harus, pokoknya harus teliti deh. Pokoknya, edmodo itu bisa ningkatin kedisiplinannya kita buat ngerjain tugas tepat waktu. Iya, soalnya kita butuh ketelitian buat, apa, neliti tugasnya juga kan. Jangan sampe ada satupun yang salah, gitu. Kalau misalnya ada yang salah kan sayang banget gitu kan, soalnya itu kan online. Kalau udah dikumpul kan udah nggak bisa diituin lagi. Kalau nggak kita nanti ngerjain ulang, gitu. Nanti kan ngerjainnya jadi dua kali. Manfaatnya ya itu tadi, selain bikin kita jadi displin dalam ngumpulin tugas, ngerjain tugas, terus kita juga bisa diskusi online, juga gitu bisa ningkatin ketelitian kita buat ngerjain tugasnya. Jadi, ehm, lebih teliti gitu lho. Jadi nggak yang asal ngumpul, yang kayak gitu nggak. Jadi kita tuh harus pinter-pinter lah pokoknya nyelesaiin tugasnya. Sesuai yang
CN 42
CN 43 SF 11
SF 18
SF 27
diminta sama tugasnya itu. Nambahnya jadi, apa ya, jadi semangat gitu lho ngerjainnya. Soalnya kan ada deadline-nya juga kan, jadi nggak mungkin dong kita lebih dari deadline itu. Jadi, harus sekarang ya, aku harus sekarang selesai, kayak gitu. Kalau aku pribadi iya sih, mbak. Cuma, soalnya kan kita belajarnya cuma sendiri mbak, jadi butuh konsentrasi yang tinggi. Cuma pas edmodo itu takutnya nggak ngerti-ngerti, jadi apa ya, coba memahaminya itu lebih keras gitu, soalnya itu materinya itu materi baru dan mam Ismi-nya nggak ada. Praktisnya jadi nggak usah, maksudnya, kan kalau kita punya tugas gitu, misalkan kita ngerjain secara lewat komputer kayanya itu lebih, daripada ngerjain kuis apa gimana itu kan males ya, mbak. Jadi, enakan pakai edmodo sih Ya, komen di post-nya. Tanya mam Ismi, ini gimana. Kemarin iya (sharing materi), pas tentang tenses. Iya, malah jadi seperti kita pasang status dan menyapa teman-teman. Nanti teman-teman yang lain pada respon kalimat itu seharusnya seperti ini dan seperti itu. Malah sering ketika memakai edmodo. Di dalam maupun di luar, iya. Diskusi ya buat nyocokkin, apa namanya, tugasnya itu. Kamu bener nggak? Kamu kayak gini nggak? Sesuai apa maksudnya, sesuai prosedurnya, apa tementemen udah sama kayak saya, apa masih ada yang beda, yang beda dimana? Kayak gitu. Sering diskusi tapi nggak terlalu intens, nggak terlalu banyak 91
SF 35
MR 14
MR 15
MR 21
ED 40 ED 41 CN 10 CN 13
CN 24
SF 19
SF 21
APPENDIX 04 kayak pas di edmodo. Pakai (lebih banyak berdiskusi pada saat menggunakan Edmodo). Soalnya itu, buat nyocokin. Apa namanya, kita udah sesuai belum sama prosedurnya ini, kayak gitu. Sama prosedurnya bab yang diminta sama edmodonya. Tentang konten dari babnya apa terus nanti prosedur tugasnya gimana, gitu. Diskusi ada, soalnya itu ada yang soal diskusi juga, cuma kayaknya kemarin itu malah semuanya kita diskusiin buat nyamain biar nggak beda-beda satu kelas ngartiin tugasnya itu gimana. Lebih sering yang edmodo, cuma, tetap diskusi, cuma kayaknya pas ada pakai edmodo jadi lebih sering.
Emotional Engagement
SF 48 SF 49
SF 50
MR 05
MR 16
Dua-duanya. Kalau kita mau apa, MR17 kalau materinya nggak ngerti kita diskusi bareng, gitu. Tapi ya nggak benar-benar sekelas ada yang jelasin gitu nggak, cuma beberapa yang nggak tau nanya sini, nanya sana, gitu. Terus kalau soal teknisnya, ngirimnya kaya gimana, kita sepakati sekelas supaya nanti nggak ada yang salah, nggak ada yang ketinggalan, gitu. Puas, mbak. ED 25 Penting. Soalnya kan juga kita SF 28 udah masuk era globalisasi, kan. Jadi kita harus memacu gitu lho, soalnya kita nanti bersaing sama, apa namanya, negara-negara lain yang mungkin udah lumayan lebih jauh majunya daripada negara kita. Puas. Waktu itu soalnya sempat RI 28 dikasih materi lewat edmodo dan materinya benar-benar baru, jadi bingung. Akhirnya searching,
General feeling
terus baru ngerti. Jadi, lewat edmodo jadi nambah pengetahuan gitu lho. Gimana ya? Kan materinya baru. Kita belum dong apa-apa. Terus kita kan sekalian karena edmodo itu online, kita kan bisa nyari referensi dari internet. Nah, itu jadi bermanfaat. Ya, nyaman mbak (dalam menggunakan Edmodo). Efisien. Tinggal klik materinya, lebih efisien. Lebih modern, hehe. Agak bebas, tapi kita harus konsekuensi ngerjainnya, walaupun rame nggak apa-apa. Lebih gampang (dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris), mbak. Enggak nulis (pada saat harus mengumpulkan tugas, sehingga merasa lebih nyaman). Di edmodo kan benar-benar tertulis, kalau di kelas kan lisan. Pengaruhnya jadi lebih paham bahwa kalimat itu pakai tenses apa, termasuk kedalam kalimat apa, jadi lebih jelas. Iya, senang sekali (menggunakan Edmodo). Mudahnya (belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Edmodo) jadi lebih tahu kesalahan kita. Jadinya kalau kita memposting apa, bisa berbagi pengalaman, kan muncul di beranda mam Ismi juga, kemudian mam Ismi mengkoreksi. Jadi lebih dong kalau itu tertulis di edmodonya. Kalau secara lisan cuma saat itu dong-nya tapi kan setelah itu lupa lagi. Iya (belajar dengan menggunakan Edmodo menjadi lebih mudah) Nyaman sih, soalnya kalau di edmodo kita belajarnya langsung. Kita belajarnya enggak sendiri, kita belajarnya bareng-bareng 93
ED 50 ED 51 ED 52 ED 54
ED 67
ED 73
CN 16
CN 26 CN 28
CN 40 CN 45
APPENDIX 04 sekelas, bareng sama kelas lain yang mungkin lagi on atau dengan mam Ismi. Jadinya kita sharing tentang bahasa Inggris dan kesulitan yang kita dapatkan, jadinya lebih mudah pakai edmodo. Nambahnya jadi, apa ya, jadi semangat gitu lho ngerjainnya. Soalnya kan ada deadline-nya juga kan, jadi nggak mungkin dong kita lebih dari deadline itu. Jadi, harus sekarang ya, aku harus sekarang selesai, kayak gitu. Senang, hehe. Jadi lebih terpacu semangat belajarnya, hehe. Buat nyelesaiin tugas-tugas yang deadline-nya segini-segini. Buat nilai juga, buat diri sendiri, buat materi, buat kita belajar jadi ya nyaman-nyaman aja, cuman ya nggak nyamannya cuma dikit. Iya (menjadi lebih terpacu belajarnya). Bahasa Inggris tapi. Beda. Kadang yang lain itu, kalau ngerjain tugas itu ogah-ogahan gitu lho, mbak. Tapi kalau pakai edmodo yang tugasnya harus dikumpulin dalam jangka waktu sekian, kayaknya bakal lebih itu. Iya, soalnya kan kayaknya yang pakai itu belum banyak kan, mbak. Kayaknya, ih keren nih udah pakai kayak gini buat belajar, jadi gurunya di luar negeri tapi kita masih dapat materi. Kalau belajar bahasa Inggris sih sebenernya jadi lebih enak ya, misalkan kalau pakai edmodo materinya kalau panjang kan waktunya lengkap dan kita tinggal buka. Ya, overall sih senang aja sebenarnya.
SF 35
SF 60
MR 36
MR 46 MR 48
MR 49
RI 06
RI 19
Ya, kalau pakai edmodo kan jadi RI 20 itu tadi, kasarannya mau tidak mau membuka. Jadi, akhirnya 94
APPENDIX 04 belajar. Secara nggak sadar kita membaca materi supaya bisa nggarap tugasnya. Nah, itu ya mau nggak mau belajar to akhirnya.
Cognitive Engagement
(lebih mudah materinya) Saya lebih ke online, sih. Karena, misalkan materinya belum jelas tapi sudah dikasih latihan soal. Nah, itu biasanya sekalian browsing. Apa sih materinya? misalkan expression. Nanti nyari, apa sih expression? Nyari referensi lain. Jadi, tidak cuma dari materi yang dikasih di edmodo. Ya, jadi kalau metode pembelajaran sebenarnya sih jadi lebih mudah karena online. Jadi referensinya lebih banyak. Kalau buat kayak ditinggal-tinggal tadi jadi lebih mudah, jadi tetap terkontrol istilahnya. Terkontrol ngumpulin tugas, dsb, kan bisa lewat edmodo. Jadi lebih terkontrol gitulah, meskipun ditinggal kemana kita tetap buka. Karena ada tugas, kita belajar juga akhirnya. Ya, jadi lebih semangat (belajarnya) nih. Hehe. Flexible problem Kan kita ngambilnya dari internet, solving mbak. Kita cari-cari materi yang lain yang berhubungan dengan itu. Belajar materi dulu, terus kita latihan soal. Ya, kalau enggak tahu ya tanya, ini gimana. Menemukan (metode lain untuk belajar bahasa Inggris). Kan kita ngambilnya dari internet, mbak. Kita cari-cari materi yang lain yang berhubungan dengan itu. Jarang (mencari materi sendiri sebelum menggunakan Edmodo). Ya (mencari materi sendiri setelah menggunakan Edmodo). 95
RI 23
RI 26
RI 32 ED 30
ED 27 ED 28 ED 29 ED 30
ED 31 ED 32
Ask teacher Overlap with BE
Ya, semangat (belajar) Kalau enggak pakai (Edmodo) jarang belajar (Bahasa Inggris). Ya, gitulah. Paling cuma buka buku terus materinya kemarin apa, cuma gitu kalau enggak pakai edmodo. Ya, cari materi tambahan. Kalau belajar sendiri kan kita tidak tahu kesalahannya apa. Kalau di edmodo ada teman yang lain dan ada mam Ismi. Jadi, bisa langsung dapat solusinya. Kalau pakai edmodo jadi sering, karena waktu pakai edmodo itu kan ditinggal sama mam Ismi jadi kita mau enggak mau rembukan lah yang bisa jelasin yang nggak bisa, jadi kita diskusi satu kelas lah. Jadi, pada diskusi menjelaskan materinya, misalkan ada yang nggak dong yang bagian ini, nah itu dia jelasin ke yang nggak bisa. Agak bebas, tapi kita harus konsekuen ngerjainnya, walaupun rame nggak apa-apa. Kalau saya mbak? Biasanya kalau saya (mengerjakan tugas) akhirakhir banget. Iya, H-min berapa langsung ngerjain (apabila menggunakan Edmodo). Malemnya. Misalkan senin ada tugas mam Ismi, minggunya baru ingat terus langsung ngerjain (apabila tidak menggunakan Edmodo). Pernah sih (terganggu konsentrasinya), tapi kan kita di deadline jam pelajaran hanya dua jam pelajaran dan sebelum membuka link yang lain itu sebisa mungkin ngerjain yang itu dulu. Kalau sudah selesai baru buka yang lain. Iya (lebih sering berkomunikasi dengan guru). 96
ED 42 ED 43 ED 44
ED 45 CN 39
RI 15
ED 54
ED 58
ED 59
ED 60
CN 18
CN 23
APPENDIX 04 Malah sering ketika memakai edmodo. Didalam maupun diluar, iya. Cepet, sih. Kemarin setiap kali ada pelajaran edmodo langsung ke Lab. Kalau disana cuma download file tugasnya, lalu dikerjakan. Tapi kalau aku lebih sering download, lalu pahamin teksnya yang disuruh sama mam Ismi itu apa dan dikerjain. Habis itu untuk sisa waktunya aku lebih sering memposting kepada mam Ismi untuk menanyakan kabar. Jadi lebih ingin berkomunikasi daripada mengerjakan soalnya. Pakai edmodo. Kalau pakai edmodo, mam Ismi kan juga ngasih tugasnya nggak langsung semua. Sehingga mau nggak mau setelah download file itu ya harus dikerjain supaya nggak bertumpuk. Iya. (lebih baik dalam mengatur waktu) Iya (materi dipelajari lagi), soalnya bahasa Inggris itu yang penting ngerti artinya dan setiap satu kata itu maknanya berbedabeda. Jadinya kalau dirumah kita lebih sering ke contoh-contoh soalnya dan kita menganalisis. Seumpama mengenai tenses dan argumennya. Nggak sih, enggak. Saya kalau misalnya lagi tugas, ya tugas. Kalau misalnya mau browsing yang lain ya nanti ada waktunya sendiri, gitu. Sering diskusi tapi nggak terlalu intens, nggak terlalu banyak kayak pas di edmodo. Diulangin. Soalnya, apa ya, kalau disekolah itu ya apa yang aku dapet terus dirumah karena aku suka banget sama bahasa Inggris, jadi aku bakal ulang-ulang terus sampai aku ngerti, sampai aku 97
CN 24
CN 30
CN 46
CN 47 CN 49
SF 17
SF 21
SF 51
APPENDIX 04 tahu bedanya ini sama ini apa, atau sama yang lain itu apa, jadi sampai get itunya, apa namanya, intinya dari materinya itu apa sih, biar aku nggak kayak salah salah arah gitu lho, mbak. Kadang kan juga masih bingung kan, “lho yang itu kok jawabannya hampir sama sama ini?” kayak gitu. Bikin lebih rajin, soalnya itu ada batas waktu buat ngerjain, terus setiap hari materinya nggak ganti sih, cuma ada tugas lagi. Pernah, hehe. Pernah buka itu, apa namanya, google translate buat translate-in itu, itu doang sih mbak, cuma lainnya nggak. Soalnya, ehm, apa, takutnya ntar kalau disambi-sambi sama yang lainnya malah nggak selesaiselesai. Lebih sering yang edmodo, cuma, tetap diskusi, cuma kayaknya pas ada pakai edmodo jadi lebih sering. Cuma pas edmodo itu takutnya nggak ngerti-ngerti, jadi apa ya, coba memahaminya itu lebih keras gitu, soalnya itu materinya itu materi baru dan mam Ismi-nya nggak ada. Lebih sering yang edmodo, cuma, tetap diskusi, cuma kayaknya pas ada pakai edmodo jadi lebih sering. Dua-duanya. Kalau kita mau apa, kalau materinya nggak ngerti kita diskusi bareng, gitu. Tapi ya nggak benar-benar sekelas ada yang jelasin gitu nggak, cuma beberapa yang nggak tau nanya sini, nanya sana, gitu. Terus kalau soal teknisnya, ngirimnya kaya gimana, kita sepakati sekelas supaya nanti nggak ada yang salah, nggak ada yang ketinggalan, gitu. Pernah, pas itu discussion text.
MR 09
MR 13
MR 16
MR 15
MR 16
MR 37
APPENDIX 04 Discussion text kan susah, susah bedain antara discussion sama exposition. Habis itu aku searching tapi masih agak nggak ngerti juga. Akhirnya nanya mam Ismi. Terus dijelasin kalau discussion itu gini, kalau exposition itu Cuma dari satu sudut pandang, kalau discussion itu dua. Biasanya kayak gitu. Iya, (mencari materi) sendiri. Soalnya materinya udah banyak. Jadinya kelas tiga itu ngulangin materi dari awal, kelas satu sampe kelas tiga, jadi sering buka. Kalau bahasa Inggris iya, cuma yang lainnya nggak, hehe. Jadi, ehm, jadi kayak gimana ya, sebelum pas ada mata pelajaran bu Ismi selalu buka edmodo itu lho, mbak, buat nyari tugas. Terus kalau iya malemnya udah tak kerjain. Jadi, kadang kalau di sekolah nggak ngerjain lagi, tinggal memahami sama nyamain pengertian sama teman-teman. Jadi kalau belajarnya lebih sering sih. Ngulangin (materi) mbak, malah sebelum dikelasnya itu malamnya kalau udah dikirim sama mam Ismi udah di post, cuma mam Ismi ngaturnya kadang tak baca dulu, terus nanti ngerjainnya di rumah. Apa kadang tak kerjain dulu, nanti di sekolah tinggal diskusi sama teman-teman, kayak gitu. Goal – overlap Sebenernya, kalau jujur kan with positive kasarnya kita mau nggak mau conduct harus nggarap terus. Apalagi kalau mam Ismi kan terus dicek kan, jadi mau nggak mau kita harus mengerjakan dan mau nggak mau kita belajar juga, jadi baca materi baru. Kita baca materi baru, biasanya kan dikasihnya itu materi terus latihan soal, materi
MR 39
MR 42 MR 43
MR 45
RI 08
terus latihan soal, nah itu biasanya materi. Jadi, mau nggak mau baca materi dulu. Jadi, akhirnya rajin belajar juga. Ya, biasanya kalau misalkan kita belajar nggarap soal terus ada yang enggak ngerti. Misalkan expression-nya ini apa? Biasanya kan ditanyain disoal itu. Nah, itu bisa searching karena online. Kan kalau pakai edmodo dulu sering online. Jadi tambah enak aja kalau online itu jadi udah dapat gambaran, begini hasilnya. Karena dulu pakai edmodo sering searching, online, browsingbrowsing maksudnya. Kan kalau misalkan kita kan les segala gitu ya, ada deadline tugas dikumpul hari ini. Padahal kita habis ini harus ngapain? Jadi harus pinter manage lah istilahnya, manage waktu. Jadi, supaya pas mau malas-malasan gitu inget kalau ada tugas deadline, jadi nggarap. Ya, karena kalau dikasih tugas dari edmodo kita mau nggak mau buka lagi, buka lagi, gitu. Satu yang jelas deadline tugas. Paling ya, karena edmodo itu kan online jadi kita bisa sambil buka yang lain. Misalkan kita lagi jenuh, buka yang lain dulu. Nanti akhirnya kita balik lagi ke edmodo. Karena online kan enak. Jadi, enaknya kan online. Kalau saya sih gitu.
RI 30
RI 41
RI 43
RI 47