ISBN: 978-979-17047-5-5
PROSIDING Seminar Nasional Teknologi Manufaktur 2014 (STEMAN 2014)
Tema: Teknologi Manufaktur Sebagai Pendorong Produk Industri Nasional
Bandung, 19-20 Agustus 2014 RINEKAMAYA Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung Jl. Kanayakan No. 21 Oago Bandung - 40135
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POLITEKNIK MANUFAKTUR NEGERI BANDUNG Jln. Kanayakan 21, Oago-Bandung 40135 Homepeqe http://www.polman-bandung.ac.id Telepon : (022) 250 0241, Fax: (022) 2502649 E-mail:
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ISBN: 978-979-17047-5-5
Seminar Nasional Teknologi Manufaktur 2014 (STEMAN 2014) Tema: Teknologi Manufaktur
Sebagai Pendorong
Produk Industri
Bandung, 19-20 Agustus 2014, Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung RINEKAMAYA
Editor: Siti Aminah, S.T., M.T. Nuryanti, S.T., M.Sc. Dewi Idamayanti, S.Sc., M.T.
Desain Sampul: Pramudiya Tri Hartadi
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ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
KATA PENGANT AR Prosiding ini berisi makalah-makalah yang dipresentasikan pad a STEMAN2014, yaitu seminar dalam rangka memperingati Dies Natalis ke-37 Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung (pOLMAN Bandung) dalam bidang Rekayasa dan Teknologi Manufaktur di Indonesia. STEMAN2014 memilih tema Teknologi Manufaktur Sebagai Produk Industri Nasional. Tujuan utama dari seminar ini adalah: 1. Meningkatkan kontribusi akademisi dan profesional dalam pengembangan rekayasa dan teknologi manufaktur. 2. Sebagai media diskusi dan pertukaran informasi dalam kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang rekayasa dan teknologi manufaktur. 3. Membangun komunikasi dan jaringan antara perguruan tinggi, industri, lembaga penelitian dan pihak lainnya yang terkait. Topik-topik yang dibahas di dalam seminar dan prosiding ini 1. Rekayasa dan Teknologi Manufaktur untuk Pertanian, Otomotif, Elektronika, Lingkungan, Mitigasi Bencana, Terbarukan, Industri Kecil, dll. 2. Perancangan dan Pengembangan Produk Manufaktur 3. Teknologi Material & Metalurgi 4. Proses dan Teknologi Manufaktur 5. Mesin dan Peralatan Industri Manufaktur 6. Sistem Manufaktur 7. Sistem Kendali dan Mekatronika Industri Manufaktur 8. Sosio-Manufaktur 9. Topik-topik lainnya yang terkait dengan rekayasa dan
meliputi: Pertambangan, Energi Alternatif
teknologi manufaktur
Seminar ini merupakan sarana diskusi ilmiah, komunikasi dan pertukaran informasi bagi para akaciemisi, peneliti, praktisi industri, pemerintah dan stakeholder lainnya dalam pengembangan rekayasa dan teknologi manufaktur. Panitia STEMAN 2014 menerima Extended Abstract sebanyak 75 hasil penelitian dari mahasiswa dan dosen Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung, Universitas Gajah Mada, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Universitas Syiah Kuala Aceh, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Politeknik Merlimau dan Kolej Komuniti Jasin, Malaysia, dan UPT. Balai Pengolahan Mineral Lampung-LiPI. Setelah melalui seleksi dan evaluasi oleh tim reviewer dan dewan editor, panitia memutuskan sebanyak 70 makalah dapat diterima untuk dipresentasikan dalam STEMAN2014. Hasil dari seminar nasional ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pemikiran untuk mendukung terbentuknya industri manufaktur nasional yang unggul dan meningkatnya daya saing bangsa.
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
Ketua Anggota Tim Pengarah
Direktur POLMAN Para Wadir POLMAN :
Prof. Dr. Ir. Isa Setiasyah Toha, M.Sc. (Direktur POLMAN Bandung) Prof. Dr. Ir. Yatna Yuwana M. (Dekan FTMD - ITB) Prof. Dr. Ir. Tresna Priyana Soemardi, SE., M.S. (Universitas Indonesia) Dr. Zainal Arief, S.T., M.T. (Direktur PENS Surabaya) Tim Penelaah
Prof. Dr. Ir. Isa Setiasyah Toha, M.Sc. (pOLMAN Bandung/ITB) Prof. Dr. Ir. Yatna Yuwana M. (FTMD ITB) Engr. Dr. Md Saidin Wahab (UTHM - Malaysia) Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng., Ph.D. (PENS - Surabaya) Dr. Ismet P. Ilyas, BSMET, M.Eng.Sc. (pOLMAN Bandung) Dr. Carolus Bintoro, MT. (Politeknik Negeri Bandung) Dr. Ing. Yuliadi Erdani, M.Sc. (pOLMAN Bandung) Dr. Beny Bandanadjaya, ST., MT. (pOLMAN Bandung) Dr. Naval Lilansa, MT. (pOLMAN Bandung) Dr. Amang Sudarsono (PENS - Surabaya) Dr. Ali Ridho (PENS - Surabaya) Dr. Dipl. Ing. Ahmad Taqwa, MT. (POLSRI-Palembang) Pelaksana: Ketua Anggota
Emma Dwi Ariyani, S.Psi., M.Si. Adies Rahman Hakim, ST., MT. Agus Surjana Saefudin, ST., MT. Dewi Idamayanti, ST., MT. Nuryanti, S.T, M.Sc. Reza Yadi Hidayat, ST., MT. Rani Kusnowo, ST., Mr. Supriyadi Sadikin, S.IP., M.Si. Siti Aminah, ST., MT. Wiwik Purwadi, ST., MT. Yoyok Setiyo Pamuji, ST. Kiki Sri Nur Endah, ST. Ratih Suhartini, S.Pd. Yati Yulia, S.AP Elis Siti Munawaroh, S.AP Idan Sukmara Pramudiya Tri Hartadi Engkos Koswara
Alamat Sekretariat : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung Sdri. Ratih Suhartini Jl. Kanayakan No. 21 Dago Bandung - 40135 Tel. 022 - 2500241 ; Fax. 022 - 250 2649 Email:
[email protected] Homepage: steman .polman-bandung.ac. id
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
DAFTAR ISI Kata Pengantar
Susunan Panitia Daftar Isi.
ii .. .. . .
. . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .
Keynote Speaker Universitas Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ir. Tresna Priyana Soemardi, SE., M.S. Dirjen Kerjasama Industri Internasional Ir. Agus Tjahajana, SE., M.Sc.
Chief Operation Officer PT Astra Otoparts-Winteq Direktur - PT Federal Izumi Mfg. Reiza Treistanto Abstrak Makalah Peserta BIDANG KAJIAN : REKAYASA DAN TEKNOLOGI MANUFAKTUR UNTUK PERTANIAN, PERTAMBANGAN, OTOMOTIF, ELEKTRONIKA, DLL Aplikasi Metode Perancangan Pahl-Beitz pada Perancangan Lini Produksi Iman Apriana
Design for Sustainability (DFS) and Design for Environment Automotive industry SKH Muhammad Bin SKH Abd Rahim.
(DfE) Practices in
Pembuatan dan Pengujian Model Pahat Insert dari Baja 34CrNiMo6 Melalui Proses Pack Carburizing Umen Rumendi ,..... 15 Pengaruh Temperatur dan Dwell Time Degassing terhadap Porositas Gas pada Aluminium JIS AC4C dengan Metode Gravity Casting Balqis Mentari Efendi.
The Optimization Of Power Conversion From Wind Energy Norhana Binti Safee.
Modifikasi Vessel Nissan CWB45-ALDN45 untuk Peningkatan Kapasitas Angkut Unit Truck Herman Budi Harja. 32
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
Kajian Pengaruh Jenis Pasir, Temperatur Tuang, dan Jumlah Deoksidasi Alumunium terhadap Porositas Gas dalam Proses Gravity Sand Casting pada Nozzle Cup Material
13 Ade Rachman.
Pengembangan Sistem Pengendali Suhu pada Heater Reaktor Auger untuk Proses Pirolisis Cepat Cangkang Sawit Izarul Machdar
Perencanaan kebencanaan
Muhammad Dirhamsyah.......
Perancangan Ulang Tool Holder Menggunakan Metode DFMA
Untuk Alur Dovetail
Pada Ragum Polman
Perbaikan Bandung
,. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Roda Traktor-
Haris Sayoko, Isa Setiasyah Toha
Perancangan Coren-Baja Menggunakan Bantuan Perangkat Solidcast 8.2.5 Studi Kasus pada Produk Link Track
Beny Bandanadjaja
Lunak Simulasi
. . .. . . . . .. .
Implementasi ~urfaces 3D Scanner Menggunakan untuk Reverse Engineering Obyek Sederhana
dan Tesselation
Bolo Dwiartomo. Analisis Simulasi Reinforced Pendekatan Pipa Multilayer
Asep Indra Komara..
Thermoplastic Menggunakan
Pipe Dengan Metoda Elemen Perangkat Lunak Rekayasa
. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
Optimasi Bentuk Pisau Penghancur Lirnbah Tempurung Bertakik untuk Mendapatkan Berat Optimum
Aji Gumilar
Perancangan dan Pembuatan Keadaan Darurat Air
. . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . ..
Mesin Pengolah
Yuliar Yasin Erlangga....
Hingga Melalui
. .. .
.. .
Air Bersih Sistem Mobile
92 untuk
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
Perancangan Konstruksi Portable Bridge dan Alat Bantunya untuk Mobil Perkebunan (Wintor) dengan Mekanisme Lipat Adies Rahman Hakim "......... 105
Perbaikan Ketangguhan Meterial Baja Cor Paduan NI-CR-MO Melalui Proses Tempering Ganda Beny Bandanadjaja. 112 Simulasi Proses Perlakuan Panas Permukaan untuk Mendapatkan Waktu Pemanasan yang Sesuai Oyok Yudianto. 116
Pengaruh Laju Pendinginan dan Bahan Paduan terhadap Pembentukan Ketahanan Aus Besi Cor EN-JN2019 Kus Hanaldi.
Karbida M3Cdan 121
Kajian Faktor-Faktor yang Memberi Kesan Proses EDM terhadap AISI H13 Mohamad Shahril Bin Ibrahim.............................................................
A Study On Types Pineapple Leaf Fibers (PALF) Reinforced Polylactide Nurul Hayati Binti Jamil..
Analisis Struktur Mikro dan Kekerasan Permukaan Baja ST 37 Carburized melalui Proses Dekarburasi Oleh Air Muhammad Hilmi Wahhab................................................................. 137 Riserless Casting of FCD 500 in Green Sand Mold Wiwik Purwadi...............................................................................
Analisis Kakisan Air pada Logam dalam Sistem Aliran Dandang Noor Azlan Bin Ngasman
Kajian Prestasi Mata Alat Karbida Bersalut Semasa Melarik Keluli AISI H13 Menggunakan Bendalir Pemotong . Azlan Shah Bin Kamaruddin 158
Analisa Uji Keausan Material ST 37 Hasil Carburizing dan Hardening dengan Menggunakan Mesin Uji Keausan Horizontal Tri Sugeri Gumilar Permana. . .... .. . .... .. . .. ... ..... . . . ... . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .....
Analisa Perbandingan Kekerasan, Distribusi Kekerasan dan Struktur Mikro Material ST 37 pada Proses Karburasi dengan Metoda Single Quenching dan Direct Quenching Gerri Rinaldi................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . 169 VI
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
Kajian Pengaruh Aditif terhadap Pembentukan Nano Deposite Nikel pada Elektroplating Baja Karbon Rendah . Dew; Idamayanti 177
Optimalisasi Desain dan Simulasi pada Coran Blade Turgo- Turbine Rani Kusnowo......... ..... ... ............... .. ........ .... ... ....... .. ..... . ..... ..... ......
BIDANG KAJIAN : PROSESDAN TEKNOLOGI MANUFAKTUR Optimalisasi Proses Pemesinan (NC Milling 3 Axis dengan Menggunakan Metode Taguchi Benny Hadd/i lrawan..................................... .. 189
Pengaplikasian (AlP (Computer Aided Inspection Planning) pada Operasi OMM (On Machine Measurement) dengan Alat Ukur Probe: Sistem Global (AlP Yogi Muldani Hendrawan.. 195
Pengaplikasian (AlP (Computer Aided Inspection Planning) pada Operasi OMM (On Machine Measurement) dengan Alat Ukur Probe: Rekonstruksi Feature dengan Metode Perbandingan Antara Permukaan Yogi Muldani Hendrawan.. 202
Pengaruh Minyak Kelapa sebagai Dielektrik Alternatif pada Benda Kerja AISI P21 Tjun Mahsunadi..
terhadap Kinerja Edm Diesinking 208
3 Axis CNC Milling Tool Path Strategy for Machining Spherical Surface Liyana Biritt Norizan :.........................................................
Pengukuran kesesuaian produk terhadap spesifikasi untuk diameter pada bidang datar yang berbeda dan tidak sejajar Nandang Rusmana...
dan posisi lubang
Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Temperatur Media Quenching Pada Proses Hardening Terhadap Kekerasan Permukaan dan Tingkat Distorsi Baja AISI 1045 Fikry Fauzi Rachman........................................................................
The Study Of Mechanical Properties of Laminated Bamboo (Brnb) Strip/Epoxy Composites Muhammad Hafiz Bin Kamarudin
STEMAN 2014.
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
BIDANG KAJIAN : SISTEM MANUFAKTUR Metoda Overall Equipment Effectiveness Sebagai Ukuran Kinerja Strategis dalam Mengelola Fasilitas Pusat Unggulan Teknologi dan Inovasi Iwan Harianton.
Quality Issue As a Part Of PBE (Production Based Education) System in POLMAN Gamawan Ananto
Analisa Kuantitatif dengan Metoda BPR Membuka Kebuntuan Usaha Mengembalikan POLMANPada Performa Unggulnya Haris Sayoko 250 Optimasi Waktu Mesin Pouching Gel Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Simulasi Promodel Ruminto Subekti 262 Analisa Alternatif Periode Penjadwalan Perawatan Mesin dengan Metode Probabilitas Kerusakan pad a Mesin Bubut Schaublin 102N-VM dan Mesin Frais Aciera F3 di POLMAN Bandung Abidin Husein . 268 Rancang Bangun Welding Fixture untuk Modifikasi Tubular Propeller Shaft Otomotif Oedy Arietijanto :......... 274
BIDANG KAJIAN : SISTEM KENDAll Monitoring Temperatur Kontinue Nuryanti
dan Kendali Level Air pad a Sistem Pembangkit Uap Superheat 281
Rancang Bangun Piranti Akuisisi Data Mesin Uji Tarik Polimer Berbasis Mikrokontroller ATMEGA 16 Adhitya Sumardi Sunarya 288 Optimasi Zero Voltage Switching dan Buck Converter sebagai Pemanas Induksi untuk Pemasangan Bearing Ismail Rochim................................................................................ 294 Implementasi Teknologi GSM-SMSuntuk Kendali Mesin CNC dari Jarak Jauh Yuliadi Erdani
Rancang Bangun Stasi un Pemantau Cuaca Otomatis dengan Parameter Suhu, Kelembaban dan Kecepatan Angin Yuliadi Erdani
Pengendalian Kecepatan Motor DC dengan Logika Fuzi untuk Program Grafcet- PLC Ridwan 314
STEMAN 2014'
Perancangan Dan Implementasi Hopper Conveyor Plant Zaidir JamaL
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
Kendali Fuzzy Menggunakan Mikrokontroler
Otomasi dan Supervisi Web pada Proses Pemindahan Balok Menggunakan Overhead Cranes berbasis WebVue dan Google Web Toolkit Pipit Anggraeni 326
Low Cost Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Sistem SCADA Berbasis Android Hendy Rudiansyah...........................................................................
BIDANG KAJIAN : SOSIO-MANUFAKTUR Kajian Kecermatan Metode dalam Pengukuran Soft Skills Mahasiswa Menggunakan Soft Competency Questionnaire-Self Assessment Achmad Muhammad.
The Phenomena of Using Scientific Text Among Undergraduate Study Focused on Nominalisation in Scientific Texts) Fatonah Penguatan Sistem Manajamen Metoda Evaluasi Mutu Internal DI ERA GLOBAL /wan Harianton.
yang 341
Students (A _........
Mutu Pendidikan Berbasis Produksi dengan sebagai Usaha Membangun Keunggulan Institusi 354
The Importance of Oral Presentations for Engineering Students Dini Hadiani.................................................................................
BIDANG KAJIAN : TOPIK- TOPIK LAINNYA YANG TERKAIT DENGAN REKAYASA DAN TEKNOLOGIMANUFAKTUR Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Inventarisasi Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus Teknik Otomasi Manufaktur dan Mekatronika Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung) Siti Aminah
Ergonomics Bus Staircase Design for Elderly Nor Hisham bin SuLaiman..................................................................
Keandalan Sistem Pelumas Tanker dengan Model Pengaturan Persyaratan Keandalan dan Metode Pemilihan Tindakan Manajemen Tungga Bhimadi 379 Kajian Penggunaan Multimeter terhadap Kompetensi Pelajar di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Politeknik Merlimau AinuL Azniza Binti Ahmad Zaini "." 387
STEMAN 2014-
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
(A Study focused on Nominalisations in Scientific Text) Fatonah Politehnik Manufaktur Negeri Bandung JI. Kanayakan No. 21 - Dago, Bandung - 40135 Phone/Fax: 022.25024112502649 Email: Gllol1~lb~[~tlOl1ab.0.y_~tllQ(~'!;i2m
ABSTRACT This paper reports the study of the use of language in scientific text. Some linguists argue that scientific text is difficult to read and to understand. Sometimes it demotivates students to read the text. A significant problem appears, enquiring the phenomena of using scientific text among under graduate students. This research was carried out among some Polytechnic students, majoring in engineering. In this study, qualitative approach was utilised even though some numerical data were also used. For the sake of triangulation the data were resulted by conducting an English test and interviewing some participants. The test, using a scientific reading text, was intended to see their understanding of nominalisation, since it characterises scientific text. The data were analysed using the framework of nominalysing metaphor. The findings reveal that their understanding was at the moderate level. In other words, it was a bit above the average. This study concludes that this level of understanding nominalisations is not high enough for undergraduate students to understand the text. That is why they meet some difficulties when reading scientific texts. This recommends that grammatical competence with the topic of nominalisation be given to Polytechnic students by practising an explicit teaching in English program. Key words: scientific text, nominalisation,
grammatical metaphor
scientific writing. The same idea is reported by Holtz (2009). She studies scientific discourse in abstracts and research articles, finding that the complexity in scientific language is achieved and reconstructed through nominalisation. Parallel to these findings is done by Yuliana (20 11) investigating grammatical metaphor in some postgraduate students' writing. She found that there is a high level of nominalisation in written academic texts.
1. Introduction It is said that language plays very strategic roles in educational process. It is also stated that all use of language embodies a great deal of metaphor, and that written language is associated with the use of grammatical metaphor. The grammatical metaphor that dominates the language of science is nominalisation. Moreover it is mentioned that scientific texts are found to be difficult to read, and this is said to be because they are written in 'scientific language'. (Halliday, 1992; Halliday & Martin, 2005). In addition, technical terms are very often metaphorical (Ravelli, 1999).
However, the use of nominalisation in scientific texts among undergraduate students has not been researched. That is the reason for the researcher to study this topic among Polytechnic students majoring in engineering.
There are some previous studies with the topic of nominalisation. Banks (2005) investigates the historical origins of nominalised process in scientific text. He found that nominalisation is an important feature of
The purpose of this research is to portray the phenomenon of understanding nominalisation, as the result of derivation, in scientific texts among undergraduate students. 347
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
for creating grammatical metaphor. In this case, Processes (as verbs) and Properties (as adjectives) are reworded metaphorically as nouns (Halliday, 1994), for example:
By understanding nominalisation well, it is assumed that the students will understand scientific text easier, as nominalisation dominates the language of science.
This paper is also intended to make the teachers aware that for most students scientific texts are difficult to read and to say. Because of that, the teachers should also realise that students need help to understand scientific texts, in which nominalisations and passive voices are mostly used, by giving their meanings and their basic forms.
Theyproduce this machine. Theproduction of this machine
2.2 Nominalisation Nominalisation derives from the word nominalise (verb), meaning 'to form a noun from a verb or adjective', for example 'truth' from 'true' (Hornby, 2010:1035). Nominalisation is defined as the process of turning words that are not normally nouns into nouns, like employ (verb) ~ employment (noun) (Knapp & Watkins, 2005).
This investigation is potential to contribute to the teachers of English, practically and professionally. Practically, the findings of this study might improve the educational practice, by implementing nominalisation into the teaching academic English. Professionally, the results of the study will not only improve the professional sources in the teaching profession in Polytechnic in particular, but also in teaching technical English in general.
Furthermore, it is said that nominalisation is a form of grammatical metaphor, read on two levels at once, a grammatical meaning and discourse semantic meaning. In addition, it is also argued that scientific writing becomes difficult in certain ways. The difficulties lie more with the grammar than with vocabulary. It is also stated that difficulties arise when Processes are nominalised so that activities are coded as if they were Things (Martin & Rose, 2007).
2. Theoretical Review The section is centered on the theories applied in this study, that is nominalisation. It involves a transference from a 'congruent' form of expression to a 'metaphorical', as mentioned by Veel (cited in Christie & Martin, 2000: 184). Therefore, the next theoretical review is the brief description on grammatical metaphor before describing nominalisation, as the main theory.
Forming of Nominalisation Nominalisation is formed by using the present participle form of the verb, such as singing, cutting, or by adding suffixes: - ion; ment; -al (Knapp et aI., 2005). There are many ways used for forming nominalisations. Adjectives can be nominalised and turned into a noun form. For example: expensive~expense; unstabl~instability; tense+tension Many verbs can be changed into nouns.
2.1 Grammatical Metaphor Grammatical metaphor is one of the characteristics of scientific English (Halliday & Martin, 2005). It is the key for entering into knowledge that is discipline-based technical. By using grammatical metaphor, a text can be developed in ways that highlight technicality, that allow for clear structuring a text, and that present the writer's point of view as something objective, not subjective (Halliday, 1998 as cited by Schleppergrell in Ravelli & Ellis, 2004).
a. by changing the verb form: discuss-vdiscussion: identifY~indentity b. by using the verb+ing: her acting, an old ¥!J!i!lg Some verbs can be used as nouns without any change egothe cause, a visit, a struggle. In addition, Knapp et a1. (2005) argue that the process of nominalising can also be taught to students as an editing strategy. This is in line with Derewianka's (1998) opinion that because nominalisation tends to make text dense and
In addition, it is stated that grammatical metaphor that dominates the language of science is nominalisation (Halliday & Martin, 2005), because it is the most powerful resource 348
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
abstract, students still need assistance how to 'unpack' it.
Effects of Nominalisation
The realisation of nominalisation in written text causes the effects of creating abstract and technical terms, condensing, compacting the meaning into a simple sentence, and removing actors. They are elaborated as follows. Effect
Effect of Removing Actors and Time Norninalisation removes 'actors' or those responsible for action, evidense or argument (Droga et aI., 2011). On the other hand, Knapp et al. (2005:56) argue that "nominalisation clauses and verbs enable the removal of agency and time from processes," It is also called "a time less and agentless phenomenon", where the process of failing has become failure, a timeless, agentless phenomenon. They are indicated by the following examples:
Technical Terms Nominalisation tends to lead to more abstract texts, because concrete participants such as people tend to disappear from the text. Technical terms are introduced through nominalisation (Gerot et aI., 1995).
? Because the President failed to remove the troops, many deaths occured. ~ The failure to remove the troops resulted in many deaths.
Nominalisation is contributed both to technical terminology and to reasoned argument. It also sums up an explanation sequence or process and reports using a single technical term (Halliday & Martin, 2005). This is illustrated by Droga et a1. (2011): } ~
Level of difficulty The level of difficulty of. the scientific reading text used in the test is regarded moderate. This is viewed from many sources, including Ravelli's (1999) texts' lexical density (that is 7.2) and Halliday's (Halliday & Martin, 2005) argument that written language tends to have around four to six (4 - 6) lexical words per clause. In other occasion, he mentions that text's lexical density is between three and six (3 - 6) (Halliday, 1985, as cited in Yuliana, 2011). On the other hand, the lexical density of the reading text used in the test is 5.5. Therefore, based on these data, the scientific reading text has an appropriate level to be used by Polytechnic students in the Test.
Heatfrom the sun causes liquid water to become water vapour. This process is called evaporation. Effect of Condensing
Nominalisation condenses previous information into a single word that can be used to move the text along (Droga et aI., 2011.), like in following examples: ./ When the sun heats up the water, it evaporates into steam. ./ Evaporation causes the steam to rise into the air.
3. Consequently, the text becomes difficult to read and to say, because much of the explicit grammatical information is lost, the meaning becomes buried (Gerot et aI., 1995). Effect of Compacting
' When you heat a liquid it can change into a gas. When the gas cools it returns to a liquid. ' 'Vaporation isfollowed by condensation. '
Research Method
This study employs qualitative method, but in analyzing the data, quantitative criteria are used (Crocker, 2009). This study was conducted in a state-owned Polytechnic in Bandung, having Diploma III and IV, majoring in manufacturing engineering. Its participants were 20 students of year three.
With nominalisation, more and more information tends to become packed in nominal group within clauses rather than distributed over a number of clauses (Gerot et aI., 1995). Derewianka (1998) argues that one way of making a text more compact and 'written' is to change verbs (and other words) into nouns. Instead of saying, for examples:
In this study, a qualitative case study is applied for some reasons. First, the aim of this investigation is not to generalise or to test hypothesis, but rather to improve support for other students of the same campus. Second, the 349
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
(FrankIe & Wallen, 1996). The data resulted from the interview is inserted in the following section in the process of discussing the data resulted from the test.
rich data, deep analysis, and the long term contact with the cases afforded by the case study is better suited to this research interest than quantitative methods. Third, this study provides a framework for analysis such material (Hood, as cited in Heigham et al., 2009).
Analysing data The framework of data analysis is a taxonomy of metaphor developed by Halliday & Matthiessen (1999. In Ravelli & Ellis, 2004) posted below.
In addition, Bogdam and Biklen (cited in Frankie & Wallen, 1996:442-443) propose the characteristics of qualitative research: (I) that the nature of setting is the direct resource of data, and the researcher is the key instrument in qualitative research, and (2) that data are collected in the fOnTISof words rather than numbers; (3) that qualitative researchers are concerned with process as well as product; (4) that qualitative researchers tend to analyse their data inductively. Those statements above can be inferred that in this study, students in Polytechnic are the direct resource of data, while the researcher has been teaching English there for years.
Table #1: Types ofNominalisation Ty
Semantic shift: from quality to entity
Collecting data III
There were two methods of data collection. The first one was by carrying out an English test, using a scientific reading text, following Droga & Humphrey's excercises (2011). The second one was by interviewing some participants, representing the high, the medium and the low achievers. The data in the fOnTISof scores (as test results) were triangulated by the data collected through interview. It was supposed to support and to improve the validity and realibility of the study (Alwasilah, 2011).
from process to entity from circumst ance to
entity IV
from relator to entity
Gramm atical shift: from adjectiv e to noun from verb to noun from adverb / prep. phrase to noun from conjucti on to noun
The society is stable. The stability of society . The driver drove the bus. The driving of the bus . The driver drove the bus very fast. The speed at which the driver drove the bus The driver drove the bus very fast, and so the brakefaailed. The result of fast driving is that the brake[ailed.
The procedure of analysing the data is as follows. First, the students' works of underlining nominalised words they found in the test paper were identified, continued with the unpacking task. Later the scores were given to the correct answers with the maximum scores of 22 for every task. After classifying the scores, they were transferred into percentages, as posted in Table#3. Next, those scores were categorised into very low, low, medium, high, and very high, as shown in Table#2. Finally, the results of conducting the test were interpreted.
The procedure of conducting the test (consist of underlining and unpacking tasks) is elaborated as follows. First, every participant was asked to read a scientific text entitled Technological Innovation (Dieter, 1991) given to them. The text for the test is attached on the Appendix. Later, they were ordered to underline the 22 nominalised words found in the text. After that, they were instructed to unpack the nominalisations they had underlined on the test paper. For instance, the nominalised word found in the text 'ability' (as a noun), was unpacked into 'able' (as an adjective)
4. Findings and Discussion
A semi-structured interview was conducted individually among some of the participants representing all participants, a few days after the test. This is verbal questionnaires consisting of questions designed to elicit specific answers
In average, Polytechnic students seem moderately understand nominalisation, supported by some findings. First, their ability 350
in identifying the nominalised word was higher than unpacking them. Second, they were 55% categorized low, 15 % medium, and 30% high. They are posted in Table #2 below. Table #2 : Ss' Levels of Understanding Score Interval
39- 50 51- 62 63-74 75 - 86 87 -98
2 9 3 5
1 n=20
Students with low scores The discussion of the findings is first focused on eleven participants, posted in Table #2, whose scores were below average. In the test, they could only find a small number of nominalisations, and even, they could not completely unpack the ones they had underlined. They were interpreted to experience some difficulties in understanding the application of nominalisation in the text.
10 45 15 25 5
very low Low Medium High very high
This case was revealed by some interview data as follows. The students recognised a certain word was nominalisation (e.g. calibration) but they did not know its root (e.g. calibrate). They often took it for granted when finding a nominalised word 'in a text (Baratta, 2010), particularly when learning engineering texts in Polytechnic. It happened because of the lacked of opportunity to learn or discuss about nominalised words. They also often made mistakes when' turning the nominalised word into its base form. For examples: *An operator maintenance the tools. It should be written: An operator
Table #3: The Results of the Test #
Percentages of Scores of Underlining Unpacking
P#1 P#2 P#3 P#4 P#5 P#6 P#7 P#8 P#9 P#lO P#ll P#12 P#13 P#14 P#15 P#16 P#17 P#18 P#19 P#20
45 64 73 82 95 64 86 59 55 73 59 77 59 77 86 77 73 64 64 77
41 59 55 73 95 55 86 59 23 68 45 73 59 68 82 41 45 59 50 73
Ave rage %
43 62 64 78 95 60 86 59 39 71 52 75 59 73 84 59 59 62 57 75 65
maintains the tools. This experience was openly acknowledged by some low achievers when interviewed, saying that they could not understand engineering textbook, like 'trigonometry', if not explained. Consequently, they were demotivated to read the textbook written in scientific language. Furthermore, their background of learning experience did support their achievement as argued that they did not take an English course because of no motivation to do it, and even they did not like it. This is in line with Droga & Humphrey's (2011: 100) statement that "texts that use a lot of nominalisations often appear very dense and can be difficult to read. This is because nominalisation changes the way to 'package' information in a clause". Furthermore, Halliday (cited in Halliday & Martin, 2005:76) argues some grammatical problems in scientific English that scientific texts are found to be difficult to read, because they are written in 'scientific language,' and that scientific forms are difficult to understand.
Table #3 shows the students' ability in identifying and unpacking nominalisation resulted from the test. In average, the score of underlining task is 70. It is higher than the scores of unpacking task, it is 60. So, the total average score is 65. With this condition, it is interpreted that Polytechnic students' understanding of nominalisation is moderate, means not very high.
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
STEMAN' 2014
should manage time to discuss the application of nominalisation in scientific text to help the students have better understanding of the text. Hopefully, the improvement of the students' understanding on nominalisations may lead to better understanding of scientific text.
Students with high scores The next discussion is centered on nine participants having above average scores, indicated in Table #2. In the test, they were able to identify nearly all the nominalised words relatively well. Some students only failed to identify nominalised words like television and leadership which come from their roots televise and leader. They argued in the interview session that they only knew the word television as it was but did not learn its base form. Moreover, nominalisation suffix -ship is rarely used.
II] Alwasilah, A.c. (2011). Pokoknya Kualitatif, Dasar-dasar Merancang dan Melakukan Penelitian Kualitatif. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya. [2] Baratta, A.M. (2010). Nominalization Development Across an Undergraduate Academic Degree Program. Journal of Pragmatics, volume 42, Issue 4, April 2010, 1017-1036:
The high achievement of these participants is supported by their experience in learning English in many ways, in high school and Polytechnic, as frankly stated when interviewed. This is in line with Baratta's (2010) finding. He stated that an increase in nominalisation use may be based on the reading that the students have done throughout the three years of the degree.
[3] Banks, Origins Scientific
D. (2005). of
On the Historical
English for Scientific
Purposes, Volume> 24, Issue 3, 2005,
5. Conclusions and recommendations
Pages 347-357.
In average, Polytechnic students moderately understand nominalisations used in scientific text. Most students could identify (by underlining) nominalisations found in the text. Nevertheless, their ability of unpacking nominalisations was lower than underlining. They often failed to unpack the nominalised words they had identified.
[4] Christie, F. & Martin J.R. (2000). Genre and Institution. Social Processes in the Workplace and School. New York: Continuum. [5] Derewianka, B. (1998). A Grammar Companion for Primary Teachers. Erskineville: Star Printery. [6[ Dieter, G. E. (1991). Engineering Design, A Materials and Processing Approach. Second Edition. Singapore: McGraw - Hill Book Co.
Finally, it is concluded that the students' achievement in the test is not high enough for them to understand scientific text optimally. In other words, scientific text is difficult for them to understand. It occurs because of some reasons: that nominalisation dominates scientific language, that the topic of nominalisation is not given to them in English class, and that there is no opportunity for the students and teachers to discuss it in the classroom.
Droga, L. and Humphrey, S. (2011). Grammar and Meaning, An Introduction for Primary Teachers. Berry, New South Wales: Target Texts.
[8] Frankie & Wallen (1996). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. Sanfransisco: McGraw Hill Inc. [9] Gerot, L. & Wignell, P. (1995). MakingSense of Functional Grammar. An Introductory Book. Sydney: Gerd Stabler.
Based on the above elaboration, it is recommended (I) that grammatical competence, especially with the topic of nominalisation, be given to Polytechnic students by having explicit teaching in English class; and (2) that teachers 352
ISBN 978-979-17047-5-5
[10] Halliday, M.A.K. (1992). Spoken and Written Language. Oxford: OUP.
[11] Halliday, M.A.K. (1994). An Introduction to Functional Grammar. Second Edition. London: Edward Anorld.
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Oxford Advanced Oxford: Oxford
Genre and Second The University of
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