Pengemasan Pangan
Souvia Rahimah 2 Maret 2011 Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pangan FTIP – Univesitas Padjadjaran
Paper for Food Kira-kira 10 % kertas digunakan untuk bahan pengemas dan 50 %nya digunakan untuk industri makanan. Paten pertama untuk kertas sbg pengemas makanan : Charles Hildeyerd on 16th February 1665 for ‘The way and art of making blew paper used by sugar-bakers and others’ Uses can be found in packaging all the main categories of food such as: dry food products – cereals, biscuits, bread and baked products, tea, coffee, sugar, flour, dry food mixes etc. frozen foods, chilled foods and ice cream liquid foods and beverages – juice drinks, milk and milk derived products chocolate and sugar confectionery fast foods fresh produce – fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. Pengemasan Pangan
Latar Belakang Bahasa Yunani : Papyrus 3000 SM Tahun 105 : pembuatan kertas pertama di Cina (Dinasti Han) Tahun 1799 : pembuatan mesin kertas pertama secara modern Abad 19 : kertas sebagai pengemas (kertas dan kardus), penemuan karton beralur/bergelombang Abad 20 : penggunaan karton secara masal Bahan baku : - kayu lunak (pohon berdaun jarum) - kayu keras
Proses Pembuatan Pulp
Paper Recycling
Kelebihan Pengemas Kertas range of surfaces, in terms of colour and finish, available range of strength properties, in terms of fibre type, thickness and method of manufacture, available choice of functional coating, lamination, decoration, printing etc. ease of conversion into packages in terms of cutting, creasing, folding, gluing, locking, heat sealing etc. innovative machinery for conversion and packing. Pengemasan Pangan
Karakteristik Umum Kertas Dibuat dari selulosa kayu atau merang padi Diberi perlakuan kimia, dihancurkan, dipucatkan, dibentuk lapisan dan akhirnya dikeringkan Dua jenis kertas yang utama digunakan sekarang yaitu kertas kasar dan halus
Jenis Kertas Wet strength paper Microcreping Greaseproof Glassine Vegetable parchment Tissues Paper labels Bag papers Sack kraft Impregnated papers Laminating papers Solid bleached board (SBB) Solid unbleached board (SUB) Folding boxboard (FBB) White lined chipboard (WLC)
Pengemasan Pangan
Wet strength paper Paper sacks used in wet conditions need to retain at least 30% of their dry strength when saturated with water. To achieve wet strength, urea formaldehyde and melamine formaldehyde are added to the stock. These chemicals cross link during drying and are deposited on the surface of the cellulose fibres makingthem resistant to water absorption.
Microcreping Microcreping, e.g. as achieved by the Clupak process, builds an almost invisible crimp into paper during drying enabling paper to stretch up to 7% in the MD compared to a more normal 2%. When used in paper sacks this feature improves the ability of the paper to withstand dynamic stresses, such as occur when sacksare dropped. Pengemasan Pangan
Greaseproof The hydration (refining) of fibres at the stock preparation stage, already described, is taken much further than normal. It is carried out as a batch process and is known as beating. The fibres are treated (hydrated) so that they become almost gelatinous.
Glassine This is a supercalendered (SC) greaseproof paper. The calendering produces a very dense sheet with a high (smooth and glossy) finish. It is non-porous, greaseproof, can be laminated to board and can be silicone coated to facilitateproduct release. Glassine is also available in several colours. Pengemasan Pangan
Vegetable parchment Bleached chemical pulp is made into paper conventionally and then passed through a bath of sulphuric acid. Some of the surface cellulose is gelatinised on passing into water and redeposited between the surface fibres forming an impervious layer. This paper has high grease resistance and wet strength.
Tissues Neutral pH grades with low chloride and sulphate residues are laminated to aluminium foil. The grammages range from 17– 30 g/m2. Tea and coffee bag tissue is a special light weight tissue available either as a heat sealable product (containing a proportion of Polypropylene fibres), or as a non-heat sealable product, in grammages from 12–17 g/m2. It incorporates long fibres, such as those derived from manilla hemp which give a strong permeable sheet at the low grammages used. Pengemasan Pangan
Paper labels These may be MG (machine glazed), MF (machine finished) or calendered kraft papers (100% sulphate chemical pulp) in the grammage range 70–90g/m2. The paper may be coated onmachine or cast coated for the highest gloss in an off-machine or secondary process.
Bag papers For sugar or flour, coated or uncoated bleached kraft in the range 90–100 g/m2 is used. Imitation kraft is a term on which there is no universally agreed definition, it can be either a blend of kraft with recycled fibre or it can be 100% recycled. It is usually dyed brown. It has many uses for wrapping and for bags where it may have an MG and a ribbed finish. Thinner grades may be used for lamination with aluminium foil and PE for use on form/fill/seal machines. Pengemasan Pangan
Sack kraft Usually this is unbleached kraft (100% sulphate chemical) pulp, though there is some use of bleached kraft. The grammage range is 70–100 g/m2.
Impregnated papers Wax impregnated paper and fluorocarbon treatment for grease/fat resistance is produced on-machine.
Laminating papers These are coated and uncoated papers (40–80 g/m ) based on both kraft (sulphate) and sulphite pulps. These papers can be laminated to aluminium foil and extrusion coated with PE. The heavier weights can be PE laminated to plastic films and wax or glue laminated to unlined chipboard. 2
Pengemasan Pangan
Solid bleached board (SBB) Solid bleached board is made exclusively from bleached chemical pulp. It usually has a mineral pigment coated top surface and some grades are also coated on the back. The term SBS (solid bleached sulphate), derived from the method of pulp production, is sometimes used to describe this product.
Solid unbleached board (SUB) Solid unbleached board is made exclusively from unbleached chemical pulp The base board is brown in colour. This product is also known as solid unbleached sulphate. To achieve a white surface it can be coated with a white mineral pigment coating, sometimes in combination with a layer of bleached white fibres under the coating. Pengemasan Pangan
Jenis-jenis Kertas Kertas Kraft Kertas Glasin dan Kertas Tahan Minyak Kertas Perkamen Daluang (Containerboard) Kertas berlapis (laminated) Kertas tissue Karton (paperboard)
Kertas Kraft
Sangat kuat Warna kecoklatan Harga relatif murah Diproduksi sebagai lembaran satu lapis, berlapis-lapis dan bergelombang (corrugated) Ketebalan kertas 10 – 180 gr/m2 Dibuat melalui proses sulfat dan pemucatan (bleaching) Bentuk kemasan sak, kantung, pembungkus, tabung, kaleng komposit. Untuk mengemas bahan-bahan dengan BJ yang besar
Kraft Paper
Kertas Tahan Minyak (waxed Paper) dan Glassin (Glassine Paper) Berbagai warna dan sedikit tembus pandang Dibuat dengan proses sulfat dan calendering sehingga permukaannya licin Ketebalan 20 – 40 g/m2 Tahan terhadap minyak dan lemak. Untuk kemasan yang mengandung minyak dan lemak : mentega, keju, dll
Kertas perkamen (parchment)/baking paper Dibuat dengan proses sulfat Tahan terhadap lemak dan cukup kuat dalam keadaan basah Lebih keras dan kasar dibandingkan kertas minyak Digunakan untuk mengemas mentega, keju. Sering digunakan sebagai kertas label.
Karton (paperboard) Kertas yang paling tebal (lebih dari 0.3 mm) BJ 150 – 200 kg/m2 Menggunakan filler tanah liat Untuk box dalam berbagai bentuk Tipe : CCN (Clay Coated News) CKB (Coated Kraft Back) CNB (Coated News Back) CWTK (Coated White Top Kraft) FBB (Folding Boxboard) SBB (Solid Bleached Board) SBS (Solid Bleached Sulphate) SUB (Solid Unbleached Board) SUS (Solid Unbleached Sulphate) WLC (White Lined Chipboard) Pengemasan Pangan
Pengemasan Pangan
Kertas berlapis (laminated paper) Dilaminasi bahan lain seperti plastik, alumunium foil. Dibuat dalam berbagai bentuk Contoh Tetrapack yang terdiri dari lilin, karton alufo dan polietilen
Bahan Laminasi Polyethylene (PE) heat sealable moisture barrier. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) Easier heat sealing results when PE is modified with EVA (Ethylene vinyl acetate). Medium and high density PE has a higher temperature limit, better abrasion resistance and higher barrier properties than LDPE. Polypropylene (PP) heat sealable, moisture and fat barrier. It can withstand temperatures up to 140°C and is used for packing foods to be reheated in ovens up to this temperature. One and two side coatings are available. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) heat sealable, moisture and fat barrier. It can withstand temperatures up to 200°C and is dual ovenable (microwave and conventional ovens). It is coated only on the non-printing side. Pengemasan Pangan
Polymethylpentene (PMP) moisture and fat barrier and not heat sealable. It is therefore used as flat sheets, deep drawn trays and trays with mechanically locked corners. It is coated only on the non-printing side. Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) and polyamide (PA) heat sealable, fat, oxygen and light barrier. Ionomer resin (Surlyn™), a polyolefin with high resistance to fat, including essential oils in citrus fruit, and moisture with very good sealing properties, is used as a tie layer on aluminium foil when applying PE to foil. Pengemasan Pangan
Proses Laminasi
Corrugated board Terdiri dari bagian bergelombang yang di kedua sisinya ditutup dengan lembaran karton yang direkatkan (linier) Konstruksi kelombang bertujuan untuk meredam getaran transport
Kotak Karton Bergelombang (KKG) Harga per unit yang rendah Bobot yang ringan dengan kekuatan yang tinggi Menghemat ruangan Mudah diangkut Melindungi benda-benda yang dikemas dengan aman Memiliki nilai promosi Dapat didaur ulang (recycle) Proses pembuatan cepat
Tipe Ukuran Karton Bergelombang
Flute shape
Flute pitch
Flute height
Coarse flute (A flute)
8.0 - 9.5 mm 4.0 - 4.9 mm
Medium flute (C flute) 6.8 - 8.0 mm 3.2 - 4.0 mm Fine flute (B flute)
5.5 - 6.5 mm 2.2 - 3.0 mm
Microflute (E flute)
3.0 - 3.5 mm 1.0 - 1.8 mm
PEMBUBURAN DALAM DIGESTER Proses : soda/sulfit/sulfat P = 5 kg/cm2
t = 1400C
Air : 96 %
Padat : 4 %
Pengemasan Pangan
Paper Making
Pengemasan Pangan
Step 1: Forestry Typically, trees used for papermaking are specifically grown and harvested like a crop for that purpose. To meet tomorrow's demand, forest products companies and private landowners in Wisconsin plant millions of new seedlings every year.
Pengemasan Pangan
Step 2: Debarking, Chipping and/or Recycling To begin the process, logs are passed through a debarker, where the bark is removed, and through chippers, where spinning blades cut the wood into 1" pieces. Those wood chips are then pressure-cooked with a mixture of water and chemicals in a digester.
Pengemasan Pangan
Step 3: Pulp Preparation The pulp is washed, refined, cleaned and sometimes bleached, then turned to slush in the beater. Color dyes, coatings and other additives are mixed in, and the pulp slush is pumped onto a moving wire screen.
Pengemasan Pangan
Step 4: Paper Formation As the pulp travels down the screen, water is drained away and recycled. The resulting crude paper sheet, or web, is squeezed between large rollers to remove most of the remaining water and ensure smoothness and uniform thickness. The semidry web is then run through heated dryer rollers to remove the remaining water. Waste water is carefully cleaned and purified before its release or reuse. Fiber particles and chemicals are filtered out and burned to provide additional power for the mill. Papermakers carefully test for such things as uniformity of color and surface, water resistance, and ink holding ability.
Pengemasan Pangan
Pengemasan Pangan
Jenis Kemasan Kertas Tea and coffee bags Paper bags and wrapping paper Sachets/pouches/overwraps Multiwall paper sacks Folding cartons iquid packaging cartons Rigid cartons or boxes
Pengemasan Pangan
Paper based tubes, tubs and composite containers Tubes Tubs Composite containers
Fibre drums Corrugated fibreboard packaging Moulded pulp containers Labels Sealing tapes Cushioning materials Cap liners (wads) and diaphragms Pengemasan Pangan
Contoh Jenis Kertas
A A. Kertas Glasin B. Kertas Perkamen C. Daluang (Container Board
Bentuk kemasan
Pengemasan Pangan
Bentuk kemasan
Bentuk dan Jenis Kemasan Amplop dan Kantung Karton Lipat dan Kardus : - Lipatan terbalik (reverse tuck) - Dasar menutup sendiri (auto-lock bottom) - Model pesawat terbang (airplane style) - Lipatan lurus - Model perekat ujung (seal end) - Model perkakas dasar (hardware bottom). Pengemasan Pangan
Standar Karton
Pengemasan Pangan
Pengemasan Pangan
Pengemasan Pangan
Pengemasan Pangan
A. Pola Dasar
C. Model Pesawat Terbang
E. Model Perekatan Ujung
B. Lipatan Terbalik
D. Lipatan Putus
F. Model Perkakas Dasar
PolaPola-pola dasar untuk membuat kemasan daluang lipat
Berbagai model kotak karton lipat