RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Talent Scouting untuk Dosen pada PTN Baru & PTN Di Indonesia Bagian Timur
Direktorat Kualifikasi Sumber Daya Manusia Ditjen Sumber Daya Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi & Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Riset, Teknologi & Pendidikan Tinggi 2016
Method & Methodology Do not confuse the terms "methods" and "methodology." As
Schneider notes, a method refers to the technical steps taken to do research. Descriptions of methods usually include defining them and stating why you have chosen specific techniques to investigate a research problem, followed by an outline of the procedures you used to systematically select, gather, and process the data [remember to always save the interpretation of data for the discussion section of your paper].
Methodology refers to a discussion of the underlying reasoning why particular methods were used. This discussion includes describing the theoretical concepts that inform the choice of methods to be applied, placing the choice of methods within the more general nature of academic work, and reviewing its relevance to examining the research problem. The discussion also includes a thorough review of the literature about methods other scholars have used to study the topic.
Source: Chinese Department, University of Leiden, Netherlands.
Methodology Methodology adalah kombinasi dari beberapa metoda yang digunakan untuk melaksanakan penelitian;
Ada keterkaitan erat pemahaman dasar tentang topik yang akan diteliti dengan metodologi penelitian yang dipilih.
How to Write Research Methodology ① How to carry out the research and why? ② Method used to collect data
must be logical and consistent
③ Decide which data/information should
be gathered
④ Steps taken to collect the data ⑤ How to analyse the data/information
being collected
ETIKA YANG HARUS DIJUNJUNG ① Menghargai jawaban/pendapat dari
para responden
② Hindari metoda yang bisa
menyebabkan SARA
③ Perlakukan para responden dengan
Type of Research Methods
Quantitative Method Qualitative Method Mixed Method
CONTOH: Penelitian Ethnography The methodology of ethnographic research: A variety of approaches are applied to in an attempt to gain an holistic as possible ‘picture’ of a particular society, group, institution, setting or situation
Metoda untuk penelitian etnografik: In-depth interview Participant observation Keeping field notes (field jottings, diary & log)
Source: A/Prof Rob Cavanagh, April 7, 2010. From Objectives to Methods
• Menguraikan paradigma/pendekatan/metode
yang akan dipergunakan pada penelitian. Uraian mencakup, tapi tidak terbatas pada, halhal sebagai berikut: – Uraian tentang rancangan penelitian yang dipilih – Prosedur pengambilan/pemilihan sampel dan penentuan unit analisis. – Sumber dan teknik pengumpulan data serta instrumen penelitian. – Pengolahan dan analisis data termasuk (uji) validitas data yang sesuai dengan rancangan penelitian yang diusulkan. – Lokasi dan waktu penelitian.
Tim Talent Scouting Iptek-Dikti
September 2016
Menguraikan metode penelitian yang dipergunakan, menjelaskan
mengapa metode tersebut dipergunakan, dan menguraikan : Paradigma penelitian, berupa penjelasan tentang cara peneliti memandang realitas/fenomena (aspek ontologis dan epistemologis). Metode penelitian dalam arti sempit, berisi penjelasan tentang macam studi yang (akan) dilaksanakan. Pemilihan sumber data yang berisi uraian tentang cara menentukan sumber data atau informan, lokasi, waktu pelaksanaan dan sebagainya. Tatacara atau teknik pengumpulan data, misalnya wawancara, observasi, telaah dokumen, dsb. Rencana analisis data, Uraian tentang bagaimana menjaga validitas/otentitas data.
Daftar Pustaka
Seluruh kepustakaan yang digunakan/dirujuk dalam teks. Cara penulisan mengacu ke gaya selingkung bidang ilmu.
Tim Talent Scouting Iptek-Dikti
September 2016
Qualitative vs Quantitative (Xavier University)
Tim Talent Scouting Iptek-Dikti
September 2016
Qualitative vs Quantitative (Xavier University)
Tim Talent Scouting Iptek-Dikti
September 2016
References Cavanagh, Rob, 2010. From Objectives to Methods: (d) Research methods.
Johnson, B., Christensen, L., 2008. Educational Research: quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches (p.34). Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
Schneider, Florian. “What's in a Methodology: The Difference between Method, Methodology, and Theory…and How to Get the Balance Right?” Chinese Department, University of Leiden, Netherlands.