Reported Speech Nepřímá řeč Pracovní list PhDr. Zuzana Žantovská
Období vytvoření: květen 2013 Ročník: 3. – 4. ročník SŠ Tematická oblast: Gramatika - slovesa Předmět: Anglický jazyk Výstižný popis způsobu použití výukového materiálu ve výuce: Praktické procvičení (případně opakování) použití nepřímých vět a otázek dle pravidel časové souslednosti v anglickém jazyce.
O b c h o d n í a k a d e m i e , L y s á n a d L a b e m , K o m e n s k é h o 1 5 3 4 – p ř í s p ě v k o v á o r g a n i z a c e S t ř e d o č e s k é h o k r a j e tel.: 325 553 021, tel./fax.: 325 552 143,
[email protected], IČ: 62444646, bank. spoj.: 0502000369/0800, www.oalysa.cz Název projektu: Jdeme do toho!, reg. č. projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.1070
1/ Report following statements 1. Jane: „I ´m going to Paris soon.“ __________________________________________________ 2. Tom: „I have moved recently.“ ______________ ____________________________________ 3. Jim: „It took me three hours to get there because the roads were flooded.“ ___________________________________________________ 4. Alice: „If you leave home at 6 o´clock, you will be here by seven.“ ____________________________________________________ 5. Carol: „Nobody knows why Helen didn´t accept the invitation.“ ____________________________________________________ 6. Terry: „I can´t use my printer because it still hasn´t been repaired.“ ____________________________________________________ 7. Jane: „I´ve always wanted to be a doctor.“ ____________________________________________________ 8. John and Sue: „We are going to get married in June.“ ____________________________________________________ 9. Goerge: „If it rains in the afternoon, it will be too wet to play the match.“ _____________________________________________________ 10. Bill: „I would ask you if I didn´t know.“ _____________________________________________________
2/ Use indirect questions. Start with: She asked me… 1. „Are you sorry for what you did?“ __________________________________ 2. „Could I use your pen?“ __________________________________________ 3. „Will they come?“ _______________________________________________ 4. „What country does he come from?“ _________________________________ 5. „Have you reserved the seats?“ _____________________________________ 6. „How long has it been raining?“ ____________________________________ 7. „Did you have to make a lot of changes?“ _____________________________ 8. „Was everything sold?“ ___________________________________________ 9. „Does he know where Angela is living?“ _____________________________ 10. „Why are there so many posters?“ __________________________________
O b c h o d n í a k a d e m i e , L y s á n a d L a b e m , K o m e n s k é h o 1 5 3 4 – p ř í s p ě v k o v á o r g a n i z a c e S t ř e d o č e s k é h o k r a j e tel.: 325 553 021, tel./fax.: 325 552 143,
[email protected], IČ: 62444646, bank. spoj.: 0502000369/0800, www.oalysa.cz Název projektu: Jdeme do toho!, reg. č. projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.1070
3/ Use infinitives to make indirect commands 1. Paul: „Go to the cinema with me, Jane.“ _____________________________________________________ 2. John: „Get out of my way!“ _____________________________________________________ 3. Father: „Peter, don´t spend all your money on records.“ _____________________________________________________ 4. Bob: „Write me soon, Andrea.“ _____________________________________________________ 5. Mr Smith: „Vince, don´t open the window.“ _____________________________________________________ 6. Mother: „Take a cold shower before breakfast, Mary.“ _____________________________________________________ 7. Ann: „Don´t wait for me if I am late.“ _____________________________________________________ 8. Police officer: „Don´t run across the road.“ _____________________________________________________ 9. Ray: „Don´t be so silly, Helen.“ _____________________________________________________ 10. Alice: „Take the meat out of the oven when the bell rings, Tom.“ _____________________________________________________
4/ Report following sentences. Use these verbs: invite, complain, order, ask, agree, suggest, offer, advise, deny, remind 1. „If I were you, I´d buy this house.“ He ____________________________ 2. „Don´t forget to write me soon.“ She _____________________________ 3. „ All right. See you on Saturday afternoon.“ Paul___________________________________ 4. „Call me back, please.“ Mum ___________________________________ 5. „You must be quiet here.“ The librarian ___________________________ 6. „ Come and join us for dinner.“ Our friends________________________ 7. „ I didn´t break your camera.“ She _______________________________ 8. „I´ll give you a lift if you want.“ Tim _____________________________ 9. „ We had terrible weather in France.“ They_______________________ 10. „Would you like to go the theatre with me on Sunday?“ O b c h o d n í a k a d e m i e , L y s á n a d L a b e m , K o m e n s k é h o 1 5 3 4 – p ř í s p ě v k o v á o r g a n i z a c e S t ř e d o č e s k é h o k r a j e tel.: 325 553 021, tel./fax.: 325 552 143,
[email protected], IČ: 62444646, bank. spoj.: 0502000369/0800, www.oalysa.cz Název projektu: Jdeme do toho!, reg. č. projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.1070
Lucy ___________________________________ 5/ Translate 1. Nemohl jsem uvěřit, že už je jedenáct hodin. __________________________________________________ 2. Rozhodli se, že to auto prodají. __________________________________________________ 3. Bylo jasné, že nemluvila pravdu. __________________________________________________ 4. Zeptal jsem se jí, proč musí jít. __________________________________________________ 5. Věděl jsem, že se mu to nebude líbit. __________________________________________________ 6. Souhlasili jsme, že bude lepší, když nic neřekneme. __________________________________________________ 7. Řekl, že mi zavolá, až se vrátí. __________________________________________________ 8. Chtěla vědět, zda známe její sestru. __________________________________________________ 9. Nedokázal pochopit, proč se maminka zlobí. __________________________________________________ 10. Zeptal jsem se jí, proč pláče? ___________________________________________________
O b c h o d n í a k a d e m i e , L y s á n a d L a b e m , K o m e n s k é h o 1 5 3 4 – p ř í s p ě v k o v á o r g a n i z a c e S t ř e d o č e s k é h o k r a j e tel.: 325 553 021, tel./fax.: 325 552 143,
[email protected], IČ: 62444646, bank. spoj.: 0502000369/0800, www.oalysa.cz Název projektu: Jdeme do toho!, reg. č. projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.1070
Správné odpovědi 1. Statements 1. Jane said that she was going to Paris soon. 2. Tom said that he had moved recently. 3. Jim told us that it had taken him three hours to get there because the roads had been flooded. 4. Alice told me that if I left home at 6, I would be there by seven. 5. Carol said that nobody knew why Helen hadn´t accepted the invitation. 6. Terry said that he couldn´t use his printer because it still hadn´t been repaired. 7. Jane said that she had always wanted to be a doctor. 8. John and Sue said that they were going to get married in June. 9. George said that if it rained in the afternoon, it would be too wet to play the match. 10. Bill said that he would ask me if he hadn´t known. 2/ Questions: She asked me… 1. …if I was sorry for what I had done. 2. …if she could use my pen. 3. … if they would come. 4. … what country he came from. 5. … if I had reserved the seats. 6. … how long it had been raining. 7. … if I had had to make a lot of changes. 8. … if everything had been sold. 9. … if he knew where Angela was living. 10. … why there were so many posters. 3/ Commands 1. Paul asked Jane to go to the cinema with him. 2. John told me to get out of his way. 3. Father told Peter not to spend all his money on records. 4. Bob asked Andrea to write him soon. 5. Mr Smith told Vince not to open the window. 6. Mother told Mary to take a cold shower before breakfast. 7. Ann told us not to wait for her if she was late. 8. Police officer told us not to run across the road. 9. Ray told Helen not to be so silly. 10. Alice told Tom to take the meat out of the over when the bell rang. 4/Reporting verbs 1. He advised me to buy this house. 2. She reminded me to write her soon. (not to forget to write her) 3. Paul agreed to see me on Saturday afternoon. 4. Mum asked me to call her back. 5. The librarian ordered us to be quiet there. 6. Our friends invited us to join them for dinner. 7. She denied she had broken my camera. 8. Tim offered me to give me a lift if I wanted. 9. They complained that they had had terrible weather in France. 10. Lucy suggested me to go to the theatre with her on Sunday. O b c h o d n í a k a d e m i e , L y s á n a d L a b e m , K o m e n s k é h o 1 5 3 4 – p ř í s p ě v k o v á o r g a n i z a c e S t ř e d o č e s k é h o k r a j e tel.: 325 553 021, tel./fax.: 325 552 143,
[email protected], IČ: 62444646, bank. spoj.: 0502000369/0800, www.oalysa.cz Název projektu: Jdeme do toho!, reg. č. projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.1070
5. Translation 1. I couldn´t believe that it was eleven o´clock. 2. They decided to sell the car. 3. It was clear that she hadn´t told the truth. 4. I asked her why she had to leave. 5. I knew that he wouldn´t like it. 6. We agreed that it would be better if we didn´t tell anything. 7. He said that he would call me when he came back. 8. She wanted to know if we knew her sister. 9. He couldn´t understand why his mum was angry. 10. I asked her why she was crying?
O b c h o d n í a k a d e m i e , L y s á n a d L a b e m , K o m e n s k é h o 1 5 3 4 – p ř í s p ě v k o v á o r g a n i z a c e S t ř e d o č e s k é h o k r a j e tel.: 325 553 021, tel./fax.: 325 552 143,
[email protected], IČ: 62444646, bank. spoj.: 0502000369/0800, www.oalysa.cz Název projektu: Jdeme do toho!, reg. č. projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.1070
Použité zdroje: MURPHY, Raymond. English grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, x, 350 s. ISBN 05-214-3680-X. BELÁN, Juraj. Grammar practice: a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers. Vyd. 1. Brno: Didaktis, 2001, 108 s. ISBN 80-862-8540-5.
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O b c h o d n í a k a d e m i e , L y s á n a d L a b e m , K o m e n s k é h o 1 5 3 4 – p ř í s p ě v k o v á o r g a n i z a c e S t ř e d o č e s k é h o k r a j e tel.: 325 553 021, tel./fax.: 325 552 143,
[email protected], IČ: 62444646, bank. spoj.: 0502000369/0800, www.oalysa.cz Název projektu: Jdeme do toho!, reg. č. projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.1070