ReishiMax Dr. Josh Zhu
Senior Director, Clinical Pharmacology Affairs Beijing Clinical Pharmacology Center
Reishi Mushroom Jamur Reishi
• Ancient Chinese recognized health benefits of Reishi mushroom: enhancing our body's natural resistance and physical well being, resulting in optimum health and longevity. Cina Kuno mengenal manfaat kesehatan Jamur Reishi: meningkatkan ketahanan alami tubuh dan kondisi fisik, menghasilkan kesehatan optimal dan umur panjang.
• The records of medicinal use of Reishi can be traced back to 2300 years ago:
Catatan penggunaan medis Reishi dapat dilihat hingga 2300 tahun yang lalu:
Li Ji (300BC) Lv Shi Chun Qiu (239BC) Materia Medica Classics of Shennong (200BC) Ben Cao Gan Mu (1300AD)
Scientifically Proven Health Benefits
Manfaat Kesehatan Terbukti secara Ilmiah
• Supports healthy immune system functions* Mendukung kesehatan fungsi sistem kekebalan
• Stimulates proliferation of defensive immune cells in your body, including B cells, T cells, & NK cells* Merangsang pembelahan sel kekebalan tubuh, termasuk sel B, sel T dan sel NK
ReishiMax Sourcing Sumber ReishiMax Use of the best Lingzhi species: Menggunakan jenis Lingzhi terbaik:
Red Reishi or Ganoderma lucidum
Use of the best Lingzhi cultivation method: organic tree trunk cultivation
Menggunakan metoda pembiakan Lingzhi Terbaik: pembiakan pada batang pohon organik
Free of pesticides, free of heavy metals, and no unwanted microbial contamination Bebas pestisida, bebas logam berat dan tanpa kontaminasi mikroba yang tidak diinginkan
Use of Pharmanex' proprietary manufacturing process to extract active components from red Reishi (Lingzhi)
Menggunakan proses produksi Pharmanex yang dipatentkan untuk mengekstrak komponen aktif dari Reishi (Lingzhi)
Cracked Reishi Spores Spora Retakan Reishi
Reishi spores
100% Cracked spores
3000X magnification under an electronic microscope Pembesaran 3000 kali dengan mikroskop elektron
ReishiMax Reishi Extract Ekstrak Reishi
Cracked Reishi spores Spora Reishi Retakan
ReishiMax Standard – 6.0% Reishi Triterpenes –13.5% Reishi Polysaccharides
A third-party study: Comparing potency of Reishi products
Re ish iM ax
Do ub le
Cr a
Ur n Tw o
Jil an
Pl ac eb o BJ Zih an g Zh on gk e
Penelitian Pihak Ketiga: Membandingkan Potensi Produk-produk Reishi
Sliva,et al., J. Altern. Compl. Medicine 2003, 9(4):491-497
Comparisons of Reishi Triterpenes Perbandingan Triterpen Reishi
DAD1 D, Sig=252,16 Ref=off (E:\REISHI\03011309.D) mAU
0 0 10 20 30 DAD1 D, Sig=252,16 Ref=off (E:\HP1100~5\DATA\REISHI\02092903.D) mAU
Product A from Hongkong
0 0 10 20 30 DAD1 D, Sig=252,16 Ref=off (E:\HP1100~5\REISHI-1\03102102.D) mAU
Product B from China
0 0 10 20 30 DAD1 D, Sig=252,16 Ref=off (E:\HP1100~5\DATA\REISHI\02051607.D) mAU
Product C from Taiwan
0 0 10 20 DAD1 D, Sig=252,16 Ref=off (E:\REISHI\02122612.D)
Product D from Japan
mAU 0 0
Special Polysaccharides in ReishiMax Polisakarida Spesial dalam Reishimax
The 2 special polysaccharides showed immune regulatory activities Wang YY. Bioorgan Med Chem 2002;10:1057
2 jenis polisakarida spesial menunjukkan aktivitas pengaturan kekebalan tubuh
Fucose-containing Reishi Polysaccharides Polisakarida ReishiMax yang Mengandung Fukosa
Lot #
雙x靈固本散(Taiwan) 雙x靈芝 (Taiwan) 雙x靈芝 (new) (Taiwan) 綠x靈芝 (Shanghai) 鷹x靈芝x膠囊 靈芝x膠囊 中x破壁靈芝孢子膠囊 x航靈芝孢子粉 x破壁靈芝孢子
MG 23931 050803 31127 LAK 1128 030520 060209 021206 20061010 800190 0QN1027
Fucose % 0.34 0.15 0.09 0.10 0.07 0.14 0.15 0.20 0.06 0.04
A third-party study: Comparing potency of Reishi products
Re ish iM ax
Do ub le
Cr a
Ur n Tw o
Jil an
Pl ac eb o BJ Zih an g Zh on gk e
Penelitian Pihak Ketiga: Membandingkan Potensi Produk-produk Reishi
Sliva,et al., J. Altern. Compl. Medicine 2003, 9(4):491-497
Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immune Kekebalan Humoral dan Selular Humoral immune:
Kekebalan Humoral: Blocking and eliminating infectious agents via humoral molecules, such as Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Menghambat dan Memusnahkan agen-agen infeksi melalui molekul humoral, seperti Imunoglobulin G (IgG)
Cell-mediated Immune:
Kekebalan Selular: Blocking and eliminating infectious agents via immune cells, such as TLymphocytes Menghambat dan Memusnahkan agen-agen infeksi melalui sel-sel imun, seperti T-Limfosit
Serum IgG (mg/ml)
ReishiMax enhances humoral immune functions ReishiMax Meningkatkan Fungsi Kekebalan Humoral 1.6 p<0.01 by ANOVA 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8
0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
+25% p=0.01
0.585 (g/kg) 1.170 2.925 Placebo 0.585 Other ReishiMax GLP Reishi By Prof. Chiang, Medical Institute at National Taiwan University
T-Lymphocytes and Immunity T-Limfosit dan Kekebalan
Adapted: Abbas & Lichtman. Basic Immunology, Functions and Disorders of the Immune System. 2001
ReishiMax enhances cell-mediated immune functions
Interleukin-2 (pg/ml)
ReishiMax Meningkatkan Fungsi Kekebalan Selular 5000
p<0.001 by ANOVA
+822% +799%
3000 2000
+405% p=0.12
1000 0
1.170 2.925 Placebo 0.585 ReishiMax GLP
0.585 (g/kg) Other Reishi
By Prof. Chiang, Medical Institute at National Taiwan University
NK cells and Immunity Sel NK dan Kekebalan
NK cell recognizes infected cells
NK cell
Sel NK mengenali sel-sel terinfeksi
Eventially kills the infected cells Akhirnya membunuh sel-sel yang terinfeksi
Adapted: Abbas & Lichtman. Basic Immunology, Functions and Disorders of the Immune System. 2001
ReishiMax enhances the activity of NK cells Activities of NK Cells
ReishiMax Meningkatkan Aktivitas sel-sel NK 90
p<0.01 by ANOVA
85 80
75 70
+13.1% 65 60
Placebo 0.585
0.585 (g/kg) Other Reishi
By Prof. Chiang, Medical Institute at National Taiwan University
Interferon and Immunity Interferon dan Kekebalan After immune recognizing and activating, T and NK cells secret interferon Setelah Kekebalan mengenal dan mengaktifkan, sel T dan NK mensekresikan interferon
interferon participates in immune function interferon berpartisipasi dalam fungsi kekebalan
Adapted: Abbas & Lichtman. Basic Immunology, Functions and Disorders of the Immune System. 2001
ReishiMax promotes secretion of interferon ReishiMax meningkatkan sekresi interferon
Interferon (pg/ml)
p<0.05 by ANOVA
1500 1000
+745% +886%
+726% p=0.167
500 0
Placebo 0.585
0.585 (g/kg) Other Reishi
By Prof. Chiang, Medical Institute at National Taiwan University
ReishiMax: Immuno-Pharmacology ReishiMax maintains the healthy immune system: ReishiMax menjaga kesehatan sistem Kekebalan:
• Enhances the activity of macrophages Meningkatkan aktivitas makrofag
• Stimulates proliferation of B cells, and increases serum antibodies
Merangsang proliferasi sel B dan meningkatkan antibodi serum
• Stimulates proliferation of T cells, modulates T cell functions ( Th1, Th2)
Merangsang proliferasi sel T, mengatur fungsi sel T ( Th1, Th2)
• Enhanced the NK cell functions Meningkatkan fungsi sel NK
• Increases secretion of Interferon Meningkatkan sekresi Interferon
ReishiMax Protects Liver ReishiMax Melindungi Hati Serum SGPT (U/L)
1100 1000
p<0.01 by ANOVA
900 800 700
500 400
1.664 (g/kg)
ReishiMax By Prof. Lin, Taiwan Chinese Medical Pharmaceutical University
ReishiMax increases insulin sensitivity Glucose-Insulin Index
ReishiMax Meningkatkan Sensitivitas Insulin 14 12 10 8 6
+85% p=0.049
4 2 0
150 mg/kg
ReishiMax By Beijing Clinical Pharmacology Center
ReishiMax lowers fasting blood glucose Fasting Blood Gucose (mmol/L)
ReishiMax menurunkan Gula Darah Puasa 30
p<0.05 by ANOVA
25 20
-7.6% 15 10
5 0
300 1000 Placebo Placebo ReishiMax normal Hyperglycemia FBG
By Beijing Clinical Pharmacology Center
ReishiMax improves glucose tolerance Blood Glucose (mmol/L)
ReishiMax memperbaiki Toleransi Glukosa 12 11 10 9 8
p<0.01 AUC: -15%
7 6 5 4 3
p<0.01 AUC: -12%
ReishiMax 500 mg/kg 0
Time (hours) By Beijing Clinical Pharmacology Center
ReishiMax’ Health Benefits Manfaat Kesehatan ReishiMax
ReishiMax maintains healthy immune functions ReishiMax menjaga kesehatan fungsi kekebalan
ReishiMax protects the liver ReishiMax melindungi hati
ReishiMax improves glucose metabolism, benefiting for prevention of diabetics and cardiovascular diseases ReishiMax memperbaiki metabolisme glukosa, bermanfaat untuk pencegahan diabetes dan penyakit jantung – pembuluh darah
Competitive Advantages Keunggulan Kompetitif
6S process Proses 6S
Best Red Reishi species Jenis Reishi Merah Terbaik
Organic cultivation Pengembangbiakan organik
Cracked spores Spora Retakan
Proprietary manufacturing technology Teknologi produksi milik sendiri
Highest level of actives on the market Bahan aktif tertinggi yang ada di pasaran
Scientifically proven Terbukti secara ilmiah
Green Tea: History Teh Hijau : Sejarah Green tea is one of the world’s most consumed beverages Teh hijau adalah salah satu minuman yang paling banyak dikonsumsi di seluruh dunia
Green tea is the best healthy beverage Teh hijau adalah minuman kesehatan terbaik
Thousands of research studies Ribuan penelitian ilmiah
Why Green Tea for Longevity? Kenapa Teh Hijau untuk Umur Panjang? OH
Contains Catechins (flavonoids)
Mengandung Katekin (flavonoid)
C, GC, EC, ECG, EGC, EGCg Very potent antioxidants Antioksidan yang sangat kuat
Reduce DNA damage
Mengurangi Kerusakan DNA
Pharmanex proprietary
extraction process
Proses ekstraksi yang dimiliki oleh Pharmanex
>97% polyphenols 65% Catechins (38% EGCg)
Eliminates virtually all the caffeine Membuang semua kandungan kafein
Assisted Apoptosis Mutant or Infected cell
Apoptosis yang dibantu
Sel mutasi atau terinfeksi
Normal healthy cell
Phagocytosis Fagositosis
Sel sehat yang normal
Apoptotic or Aged cell Apoptosis atau penuaan sel
Adapted and modified from: Science 296 (5566):300
To Examine Effects of Tegreen in Mutant Cell Apoptosis Menguji Efek Tegreen pada Apoptosis Sel Mutan
(Prof. Morre, Purdue Univ.)
+ Tegreen; 37 °C, 72 hours Normal cell MCF-10A + Tegreen; 37 °C, 72 hours Mutant cell BT-20 + Tegreen; 37 °C, 72 hours Mutant cell HeLa To observe Apoptosis Melihat Apoptosis
Tegreen promotes apoptosis of mutant cells Tegreen Meningkatkan Apoptosis pada Sel Mutan (Prof. Morre, Purdue Univ.)
No Tegreen MCF-10A (Normal Cell) BT-20 (Mutant Cell) HeLa (Mutant Cell)
+ Tegreen
A Third Party EGCG Study Penelitian EGCG oleh Pihak Ketiga
Placebo EGCG
Naasani, et al., Cancer Res. 2003, 63: 824-830
Assisted Apoptosis Apoptosis yang dibantu
Mutant or Infected cell Sel mutasi atau terinfeksi
Normal healthy cell Sel sehat yang normal
Phagocytosis Fagositosis
Apoptotic or Aged cell Apoptosis atau penuaan sel
ReishiMax enhances immune surveillance, recognizing abnormal cells ReishiMax meningkatkan pengawasan kekebalan, mengenal sel-sel yang tidak normal
Tegreen promotes apoptosis of abnormal cells Tegreen meningkatkan apoptosis sel-sel yang tidak normal
ReishiMax+Tegreen = eliminating of abnormal cells ReishiMax+Tegreen = membuang sel-sel yang tidak normal
The best combination for cell and immune health
Kombinasi Terbaik untuk Kesehatan Sel dan Kekebalan
+ Tegreen
A 3rd party study: The synergistic effects of ReishiMax and Tegreen in anti-cancer
Penelitian Pihak Ketiga: Efek Sinergis Anti Kanker ReishiMax dan Tegreen
Sliva, et al. Acta Pharmacol. Sinica, 2006; Suppl. 1: 314
Progression of cancer cells and cancers takes years
Perkembangan sel-sel kanker dan berbagai jenis kanker memakan waktu bertahun-tahun Introduction stage (stages of canceration)
Tahap Pengenalan (Tahap awal munculnya sel kanker)
Cancer in situ
Munculnya Kanker di tempat tertentu
15 - 30 yrs 5 - 10 yrs
Invasion period
1 - 5 yrs
Metastasis period
1 - 5 yrs
Masa Invasi
Masa Metastasis
Synergy of ReishiMax + Tegreen: postponing death of cancer mice
Sinergi ReishiMax + Tegreen: Memperlambat kematian mencit penderita kanker Kaplan-Meier Ln Cum. Hazard Plot for timeRM Censor Variable:
Grouping Variable: groupRM
Kaplan-Meier Ln Cum. Hazard Plot for timeRTM Censor Variable: Grouping Variable: groupRTM
ReishiMax 666 mg/kg
RM 333mg/kg TG 333mg/kg
Ln Time
Ln Time
Synergy of ReishiMax + Tegreen: inhibiting cancer growth in rats
Sinergi ReishiMax + Tegreen: Menghambat Perkembangan Kanker pada Tikus 2.8 2.4 2.2 2.0
p=0.024 - 45.2%
1.2 1.0
tumor weight (g)
0.2 0.8 ReishiMax
0.2 0.8 (g/kg) RM + TG
The Third Party (Dr. Sliva) Studies Penelitian Pihak Ketiga (Dr. Sliva)
In vitro: synergy of ReishiMax + Tegreen in anticancer In vitro: sinergi anti kanker ReishiMax + Tegreen
↓ cancer cell proliferation – Proliferasi sel kanker ↓ cancer cell invasion – Invasi sel kanker ↓ cancer cell metastasis – Metastasis sel kanker
In vivo: synergy of ReishiMax + Tegreen in anticancer in mice and rats In vivo: sinergi anti kanker Reishimax + Tegreen pada mencit dan tikus
↓ tumor growth in cancer rats
perkembangan tumor pada tikus penderita kanker
↑ survivor rat of cancer rats, delayed death
tikus penderita kanker yang bertahan hidup, memperlambat kematian Thyagarajan, Zhu and Sliva. International J Oncol 30: 963-970, 2007 Chen, et al., FASEB J 21(5): A1100, 2007
The best combination for cell and immune health
Kombinasi Terbaik untuk Kesehatan Sel dan Kekebalan
+ Tegreen
Recommended Usage Saran Penggunaan
Take twice daily with meals
Konsumsilah dua kali perhari bersama makanan
• 1 capsule each time for health maintenance 1 kapsul setiap kali untuk menjaga kesehatan
• 2 capsules each time for immune modulation 2 kapsul setiap kali untuk modulasi kekebalan
Tegreen 97 For healthy people:
Untuk orang yang sehat:
1-2 capsules daily with water 1-2 kapsul perhari dengan air