!Flits 26 DOCUMENTATIE Alle disciplines Wat ‘Health and Safety for Museum Professionals’, a book from AIC with a foreword by Monona Rossol. Info http://www.universityproducts.com/cart.php
INTERNET Alle disciplines Wat RE-LAUNCH OF COLLECTIONS LINK The Collections Trust is proud to announce the re-launch of Collections Link, the award-winning online platform for networking and professional development for anyone working with Collections. Following consultation with users, the website has been comprehensively updated with new features including improved support for online collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Info http://www.collectionslink.org.uk/
MEDEDELINGEN Alle disciplines Beste collega’s, De afgelopen 2,5 jaar heb ik als boek- en papier restaurator gewerkt bij het Legermuseum in Delft, daarvoor hebben velen van jullie me leren kennen tijdens de opleiding restauratoren van het ICN. Via deze weg wil ik jullie laten weten dat ik per 1 oktober zal verhuizen naar Japan. Mijn man heeft een baan gekregen in Tokyo en we verwachten ongeveer 3 jaar te blijven. Omdat veel restauratoren materialen en gereedschap gebruiken uit Japan, leek het me nuttig om jullie te laten weten dat jullie daar nu een collega hebben. Het lijkt me erg leuk om jullie te helpen met het vinden van Japanse materialen die misschien lastig via internet te bestellen zijn. Dus als jullie iets nodig hebben, neem dan gerust contact met me op. Ik ben van plan om me in Japan verder te ontwikkelen in het restauratie vak, vandaar dat ik nog op zoek ben naar een baan of stage in Tokyo. Als jullie Japanse boek – en papier restauratie connecties hebben die me verder kunnen helpen hoor ik dat heel graag. Jullie kunnen me blijven bereiken op mijn e-mail adres:
[email protected] Christi Westny-de Roo
BEURZEN Alle disciplines Wat Internship in Conservation of Egyptian Materials Icon is advertising an Internship in Examination & Conservation of Egyptian Coffins. Educational Bursary of £15,500 pa pro rata. Wanneer december 2011 – mei 2012 Waar Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Engeland Opgave Voor 10 oktober, zie de Icon website Info zie de Icon website Extra info Based with Julie Dawson ACR as supervisor, the Marlay Internship focuses on the investigation and conservation treatment of coffins and coffin parts from the Fitzwilliam Museum’s word-class collection of ancient Egyptian material. The intern will gain a wide range of skills and develop an excellent understanding of the complex materials that present challenging conservation issues. A recent, recognised qualification in objects conservation is essential for this internship. Experience with archaeological material as part of that qualification or through work experience to an equivalent level of understanding and practice is desirable. Boek en papier Wat Boekbindersbeurs Wanneer 23 oktober 11.00-17.00 uur Waar Werkstatt Palette - Lüderichstraße 8 - 51105 Keulen (Kalk), Duitsland Contact Ida Schrijver, Grindweg 130, 8485 JG Munnekeburen tel/fax: 0561.481823, email:
[email protected] Info http://www.boekbindbeurs.nl/html/keulen.html Extra info De vakbeurs en ontmoetingsplaats voor handboekbinders, restauratoren, papier- en schriftkunstenaars en alle andere geïnteresseerden.
BIJEENKOMSTEN EN SYMPOSIA Alle disciplines Wat NADFAS Conference - Why save anything ? Wanneer 21 oktober 10.30 - 15.30 Waar Tate Britain, Clore Auditorium, Londen, Engeland Kosten The conference is FREE, booking required Opgave +44 (0)20 7887 8888. Info http://young.tate.org.uk/events/nadfas-conference-why-saveExtra info In the shifting ground of culture, technology and contemporary art practices, why and how do we conserve art and culture? Through talks, discussion and practical workshops, this symposium explores the future and value of art and culture in the context of conservation in museums and galleries. Speakers from various disciplines, such as contemporary artists, conservators and curators give insight into their specialist practices, techniques, processes and theories related to historic and contemporary conservation.
Alle disciplines Wat Conservation Symposium 2011 - The challenges of the conservation of artworks in churches. Wanneer 11 oktober Waar Cheyneygates, Westminster Abbey, Londen, Engeland Kosten £ 100,– incl. BTW Info en http://www.icon.org.uk/index.php?option=com opgave Extra info The Church Buildings Council (Church of England) is organising an international forum to discuss the complex issues that impact on the conservation and display of unique artworks in churches. This event will allow the opportunity to reflect on conservation projects currently being carried out in various European countries. Alle disciplines herhaalde oproep Wat Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation - Symposium 2011 Wanneer 17-22 oktober Waar Ottawa, Canada Opgave http://www.cci-icc.gc.ca/symposium/2011 Info http://www.cci-icc.gc.ca/symposium/2011/index Extra info Adhesives and consolidants are an important component of almost every conservation treatment. Hosted by the Canadian Conservation Institute, Symposium 2011 will bring together scientists and conservators from around the world to share their practical and theoretical knowledge about the use of adhesives and consolidants on historic objects. Alle disciplines Wat De OSK sectiedag ‘Atelierpraktijken en geschiedenis van de kunstproductie’ met als thema: ‘Materiaaltechnisch onderzoek in het Ateliergebouw, Amsterdam’ Wanneer 28 oktober 9.30-17.00 Waar Rijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed (Kinderdijkzaal), Amersfoort Kosten € 15,- en € 10,- voor studenten Opgave
[email protected] (voor 19 oktober) Info http://www.onderzoekschoolkunstgeschiedenis.nl/site/index.php Boek en papier Wat Paper From the East Conference Wanneer 7 oktober Waar National Maritime Museum, Londen, Engeland Kosten Full: £99 | Student: £75 Prices are inclusive of lunch in the Queens House and am/pm tea and refreshments. Delegates will also be given a talk on the new NMM gallery Traders: the East India Company and Asia and have the opportunity to visit the new Traders gallery and the Sammy Ofer Wing Opgave
[email protected] or use the booking form: http://www.nmm.ac.uk/upload/doc/Booking_Form Info http://www.nmm.ac.uk/researchers/conferences http://www.nmm.ac.uk/upload/doc/Programme Extra info Looking at both conservation and the effect of East West trade the
conference will be essential for all those who care for or use oriental papers, whether as art or in manuscripts, in private or public hands. However, those interested in maritime history particularly the trade between Asia and Europe will also be attracted to the opportunity to learn from and meet respected scholars and experts in this area. ‘Paper from the East’ provides a rare opportunity to learn about the diverse papers from Korea, China and Japan; how they were used originally; and how they have been adapted for use outside their places of origin. Boek en papier Wat Icon Book and Paper Group Co-operative Training Register (CTR) Recreating the Medieval Palette. Pigments and Organic Colours used in Manuscripts from Armenia and Egypt and the Importance of Correct Identification and Treatment Options. Wanneer 19 oktober 18.30 uur Waar Street Lecture Theatre, London College of Communication, Elephant and Castle, Londen, Engeland. Kosten The lecture will be free of charge to members and students with relevant identification, and £5 to non-members. Opgave Places will be limited so please contact Victoria Stevens if you would like to attend, stating your Icon membership number if applicable. Info http://www.icon.org.uk/index.php?option=com Extra info Cheryl Porter, the course tutor on Recreating the Medieval Palette, has kindly agreed to present an illustrated lecture on Armenian and Egyptian pigments and organic colours for Icon members. The lecture will discuss the analysis techniques and interesting results following the examination of the colours and pigments used in Armenian and Egyptian manuscripts made between the 14th and 17th centuries. Erfgoed Wat Wanneer Waar Kosten en opgave Info Extra info
Industrial Heritage 2011: 5th European contact weekend for industrial heritage volunteers and associations 14 – 16 oktober Tilburg, in het Audax Textiel Museum, de Spoorwegzone en de Piushaven http://www.e-faith.org/home/?q=node/155 http://www.e-faith.org/home/?q=content/2011 After the succesfull meetings in Beringen, Kortrijk, Barcelona, and Calais each attended by representatives from a dozen countries, E-FAITH has organized a fifth European contact weekend for volunteers and non profit organisations that are engaged in the research, the preservation, the interpretation and/or the presentation of the industrial and technical heritage.
Erfgoed Wat Wanneer Waar Opgave Extra info
“I Know Where I'm Going”- Remote Access to World Heritage Sites from St Kilda to Uluru Conference 23-24 november Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB Scotland, UK
http://iknowwhereimgoing.eventbrite.com/?dm The conference will focus on the potential for new technologies to create high-quality, remote-access visitor experiences for World Heritage Sites and other sites of cultural, historical and natural significance where remote access is necessary.
Etnografica Wat Colloquium: ‘The Life of Things - The Preservation of Ethnographic Objects and their Stories’. Wanneer 11 en 12 november Waar Stuttgart, Duitsland Opgave http://www.ethnographic-objects.abk-stuttgart.de/anmeldung Info http://www.ethnographic-objects.abk-stuttgart.de/ Extra info What are objects able to tell us? - About their makers and users, collectors, researchers and conservators, who have all left their marks. What do these tell us about people? In co-operation with the Linden-Museum and the German Conservators' Association (VdR) the State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart will deal with these questions, considering especially the contribution of conservators to the "life of things". Gebouwd erfgoed Wat Historic Interiors Group Tour Tour of the Kitchens - Hampton Court Palace Wanneer 13 oktober vanaf 10.30 uur Waar Hampton Court, Londen, Engeland Kosten £15 for Icon members and £20 for non-members (students £10). including tour and admission to Hampton Court Palace. Contact Please book early as places are limited. Lisa Oestreicher, Esher Lodge, Chaucer Road, Bath, BA2 4QY or by phone +44 1225 466 374 Info http://www.icon.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task Extra info The 2.5 hour tour is to be guided by the Historic Royal Palace archaeologist and food historian Marc Meltonville. Hout herhaalde oproep Wat Negende nationale symposium voor Hout- en Meubelrestauratie: Kleur bekennen. Conservering en restauratie van de kleur van houten meubels. Door wie Stichting Ebenist Wanneer 7 oktober Waar Podium Mozaïek, Bos en Lommerweg 191, 1055 DT Amsterdam Kosten € 85,– (€ 70,– voor studenten) Lunch, koffie en thee en de publicatie van de lezingen zijn inbegrepen. U dient het bedrag van te voren over te maken - de nodige gegevens ontvangt u per email na inschrijving. Het is niet mogelijk aan de deur te betalen. Opgave http://www.ebenist.org/pagina/aankomend_symposium/
Info Extra info Metaal Wat Wanneer Waar Kosten Opgave Contact Info Extra info
http://www.ebenist.org/pagina/aankomend_symposium/ Dekkende gekleurde afwerklagen zoals verf blijven deze keer nadrukkelijk buiten beschouwing. Icon Metals Group One Day Conference and AGM 18 oktober Wallace Collection, Londen, Engeland Students £30 Icon Members £40 Non members £50 to include refreshments and lunch. http://www.icon.org.uk/images/stories/registration_form
[email protected] http://www.icon.org.uk/index.php?option=com This one day conference will cover a diverse range of conservation techniques and studies, from the treatment of the damaged bronze on Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ to conservation work carried out on the Royal carriages at York.
OPLEIDINGEN EN CURSUSSEN Alle disciplines Wat CHEMIE, KUNST EN INDUSTRIE: EEN ONTMOETING Een bijeenkomst rond het thema chemie en restauratie van kunst. Wanneer 31 oktober 15.00 – 19.30 uur Waar Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29 Amsterdam. Opgave http://www.knaw.nl/smartsite.dws?ch=DEF&id=31518 Info http://www.knaw.nl/Pages/DEF/30/448.html Extra info Hoe ontwikkelt verf zich na verloop van tijd? Welke chemische processen spelen zich af in bijvoorbeeld (kunst)foto’s? En in kunststoffen en andere moderne materialen? En tot welke vragen leidt dat voor musea en conservatoren? Elk vak heeft op dit terrein zijn eigen expertise ontwikkeld, die de organisatoren KNAW en NWO graag bijeenbrengen in het Internationaal Jaar van de Chemie. Boek en papier Wat Introduction to Preservation Training Day Wanneer 25 oktober Waar British Library Centre for Conservation 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB, Engeland Info http://www.bl.uk/blpac/basics.html? Extra info Do you look after books and documents? Do you want to learn more about ways to protect and preserve them? This training day is aimed at those who are new to the preservation of library and archive collections and would like to learn more. Boek herhaalde oproep Wat Bosses and Clasps I - Metalworking Door wie prof. Hartwig Ullrich Wanneer 3 – 7 oktober Waar Horn, Oostenrijk. The venue is the Renaissance castle housing the European
Kosten Opgave Contact
Info Extra info
Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration. Accommodation in the Renaissance building of the school for four nights (in case of courses shorter than one week the number of nights is less) is included in the price of all courses and obligatory. € 1200,- + 10% BTW Maximum aantal deenemers 8 http://www.buchstadt.at/?id=168&L=3 Dr. Patricia Engel, European Research Centre for Book and Paper Wienerstrasse 2, 3580 Horn, Oostenrijk Tel.: +43(0) 2982 200 30 31 | Fax: +43(0) 2982 200 30 28 E-Mail:
[email protected] http://www.buchstadt.at/Bosses-and-clasps-I.165.0.html The course aims to enable both the book conservator and students in the field to treat and use the metals used for book furnishing properly. During the course the metals used for bosses and clasps are cut, polished and shaped. The participants will leave the course with the skills to enter course II
Boek herhaalde oproep Wat Bosses and Clasps II - Making Copies of Clasps and How to Install Them on the Book Door wie DI Manfred Mayer and Reinhard Erlacher Wanneer 10 – 14 oktober Waar Horn, Oostenrijk. Verder: zie hierboven. Kosten € 760.- + 10 % BTW Opgave Maximum aantal deelnemers 8 http://www.buchstadt.at/?id=169&L=3 Contact Dr. Patricia Engel (zie hierboven) Info http://www.buchstadt.at/Bosses-and-clasps-II.166.0.html Extra info The course aims to give skills in how to make copies of clasps in case the original ones are lost. To fix them on the book is the second part of the task. Not only the technical skills are used to come close to a historical furnishing but the ethics of conservation are applied too. Boek herhaalde oproep Wat Bosses and Clasps III - Basics in Clasps Conservation Door wie Mag. Elisabeth Krebs Wanneer 17-18 oktober Waar Horn, Oostenrijk. Verder: zie hierboven. Kosten € 400,- + 10% BTW Opgave Maximum aantal deelnemers 70 http://www.buchstadt.at/?id=170&L=3 Contact Dr. Patricia Engel (zie hierboven) Info http://www.buchstadt.at/Bosses-and-clasps-III.167.0.html Extra info The course aims to give an overview over the metals actually used for historical clasps and bosses and other book furnishing. Examples will provide the audience with ability to identify the various metals and alloys and results of other techniques. Furthermore exemples of damages are shown and explained and a brief introduction on how to react to them in the course of conservation is outlined.
Boek en papier Wat Identification of European Paper - you only see what you know Door wie Dipl. Ing. Gangolf Ulbricht Wanneer 31 oktober - 4 november Waar Horn, Oostenrijk. Verder: zie hierboven. Kosten € 700,- + 10% BTW, voor vrienden van het ERC € 600,- + 10% BTW. http://www.buchstadt.at/Become-a-friend.217.0.html?&L=3 Opgave Maximum aantal deelnemers 8. http://www.buchstadt.at/Registration-Ulbricht-I.210.0.html?&L=3 Contact Dr. Patricia Engel (zie hierboven) Info http://www.buchstadt.at/?id=208 Extra info Historic raw material and traditional techniques will give the starting topic to this course. Then paper samples are made. Thus knowledge about paper is gained and material for comparing is created. This step by step approach enables the participants to understanding the material and “read” the paper with simple methods. Boek en papier Wat Identification of Asian Paper - you only see what you know Door wie Dipl. Ing. Gangolf Ulbricht Wanneer 7-11 november Waar Horn, Oostenrijk. Verder: zie hierboven. Kosten € 700,- + 10% BTW, voor vrienden van het ERC € 600,- + 10% BTW. http://www.buchstadt.at/Become-a-friend.217.0.html?&L=3 Opgave Maximum aantal deelnemers 8. http://www.buchstadt.at/Registration-Ulbricht-I.211.0.html?&L=3 Contact Dr. Patricia Engel (zie hierboven) Info http://www.buchstadt.at/?id=209 Extra info The knowledge about various Asian papers is gained via understanding of the raw material, the procedure of paper making in Asia and due to own fibre-preparation and paper-making in Asian style. Gebouwd Erfgoed Wat S1: Philosophical Approaches to Conservation Wanneer 8 woensdagen 12.15 – 14.15 uur vanaf 19 oktober Waar King’s Manor, York, Engeland Kosten £350,– Contact Pam Ward at
[email protected], tel. +44 1904 433997 Info http://www.york.ac.uk/archaeology/short-courses/ Extra info The course aims to introduce the key precedents and approaches to the conservation of the built heritage and the ethics and philosophies which underlie them.
Via een klik op de verschillende ICOM-CC Working Groups (links op de kalender); hier kunt u zien wat voor u interessant is. http://www.icom-cc.org/12/calendar/
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[email protected]