ACTIVE LEARNING Harsono Bagian Pendidikan Kedokteran / Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan Universitas Gadjah Mada
Tut wuri andayani Ki Hadjar Dewantara:
Tut wuri andayani berarti mengikuti di belakang
dengan wibawa Dengan sikap “tut wuri andayani”, ini sering terjadi, bahwa anak-anak kita berbuat suatu kesalahan, sebelum atau tanpa tindakan kita pada saatnya. Itu tidak mengapa, tiap kesalahan akan membawa pidananya sendiri; tiap kesalahan itu bersifat mendidik
Hakekat Active Learning Dari 7 (tujuh) azas Taman Siswa yang ditegaskan oleh Ki
Mangunsarkoro pada rapat pendirian Taman Siswa tanggal 3 Juli 1922, terdapat satu azas yang pada hakekatnya adalah jiwa SCL: “…..maka pengajaran berarti mendidik anak akan menjadi manusia yang merdeka batinnya, merdeka fikirannya dan merdeka tenaganya. Guru jangan hanya memberi pengetahuan yang perlu dan baik saja, akan tetapi harus juga mendidik si murid akan dapat mencari sendiri pengetahuan itu dan memakainya guna amal keperluan umum. Pengetahuan yang baik dan perlu yaitu yang manfaat untuk keperluan lahir dan batin dalam hidup bersama”
Background “I lecture, you listen” : 80% of time for lecturing minimal students activity students tend to be passive (receiver) students can not “think outside the box” students’ prior knowledge is not activated one way traffic of transferring knowledge no exploration, transformation and construction process
of knowledge teachers as the main resources of information materials are more conceptual rather than contextual students soft skills are not enhanced
Shifting paradigm: from TCL to SCL
Teacher-centered learning
Student-centered learning
A continuum approach
Shifting paradigm: from TCL to SCL
Pengajaran menjadi misi utama
Passive learning – the teacher as the “Sage on the Stage”
Instruction paradigm
Learning paradigm
Pembelajaran menjadi misi utama Active learning – the teacher as the “Guide on the Side”
Characteristics More mentally than physically Communication Interactive Cooperation Critical thinking Problem solving Creative Innovative
Active learning (Bonwell & Eison,1991) Students must do more than just listen They must read, write, discuss, or be engaged
solving problems.
Most important, to be actively involved, students
must engage in such higher order thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
students become involved in acquiring information and interpreting or transforming it
Active learning (cont’d) AL is any strategy that involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing (Bonwell & Eison,1991) AL is a method of educating students that allows them to participate in class (Lorenzen, 2002)
…….It takes them beyond the role of passive listener
and note taker and allows the student to take some direction and initiative during the class
An active learner decides what he/she wants to learn
compares new with old information monitors comprehension sets goals
considers what works and what does not work evaluates progress monitors retention – self-test reviews selects and transforms information, construct
hypothesis, and make decisions, relying on a cognitive structure to do so
a. Less complex processes Involving students in well structured question
and answer sessions in lecture classes Individual think and write exercises, such as the pause technique or one minute papers Pairing activities such as “think, pair, share” Interactive seminars Case studies Brainstorming
b. More complex processes Individual and group project based assignments
Students involvement in research Internship Practicum experiences Student teaching Simulation
c. Highest complexity Collaborative learning Cooperative learning Team learning Problem-based learning