PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk
PANGGILAN RAPAT UMUM PEMEGANG SAHAM Guna memenuhi ketentuan Pasal 13 Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 32/POJK.04/2014 tentang Rencana dan Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perusahaan Terbuka tertanggal 8 Desember 2014, Direksi PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk ("Perseroan") dengan ini mengundang Para Pemegang Saham Perseroan untuk menghadiri Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (“RUPST”) yang akan diselenggarakan pada: Hari,Tanggal : Jum’at, 22 Mei 2015 Waktu : 14.00 - selesai WIB Tempat : Lippo Kuningan, Lantai 26 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-12, Karet Kuningan, Jakarta 12940 Dengan agenda sebagai berikut: 1. Persetujuan Laporan Tahunan dan Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian Perseroan Tahun Buku 2014 sekaligus pemberian pelunasan dan pembebasan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya (acquit et de charge) kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan atas tindakan pengurusan dan pengawasan yang telah dijalankan selama Tahun Buku 2014. Sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 9 ayat (4) dan (5) jo. Pasal 20 ayat (5) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan jo. Pasal 69 ayat (1) Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (“UUPT”), dimana persetujuan laporan tahunan termasuk pengesahan laporan keuangan tahunan serta laporan tugas pengawasan Dewan Komisaris ditetapkan oleh RUPS. 2. Penetapan penggunaan Laba Perseroan untuk Tahun Buku 2014. Sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 9 ayat (4) huruf c jo. Pasal 20 ayat (5) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan jo. Pasal 70 dan Pasal 71 UUPT, dimana penetapan penggunaan laba Perseroan diputuskan dalam RUPS. 3. Penetapan gaji, honorarium dan tunjangan lainnya bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris untuk Tahun Buku 2015. Sesuai ketentuan Pasal 14 ayat (14) dan Pasal 17 ayat (8) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan jo. Pasal 96 dan Pasal 113 UUPT, dimana ketentuan tentang besarnya gaji, honorarium, dan tunjangan lainnya bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris ditetapkan oleh RUPS. 4. Persetujuan Penunjukkan Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk memeriksa Laporan Keuangan Perseroan Tahun Buku 2015. Sesuai ketentuan Pasal 68 ayat (1) huruf c UUPT, dimana Laporan Keuangan untuk Perseroan Terbuka wajib diserahkan kepada akuntan publik untuk diaudit.
5. Persetujuan perubahan susunan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan. Sesuai ketentuan Pasal 17 ayat (2) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan jo. Pasal 111 ayat (1) UUPT, dimana anggota Dewan Komisaris diangkat oleh RUPS. 6. Persetujuan perubahan susunan Direksi Perseroan. Sesuai ketentuan Pasal 14 ayat (2) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan jo. Pasal 94 ayat (1) UUPT, dimana anggota Direksi diangkat oleh RUPS. 7. Persetujuan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan agar sesuai dengan Peraturan OJK No. 32/POJK.04/2014 tentang Rencana dan Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perusahaan Terbuka (“Peraturan OJK No. 32/2014”) dan Peraturan OJK No. 33/POJK.04/2014 Tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik (“Peraturan OJK No. 33/2014”). Perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dilakukan dalam rangka penyesuaian dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam Peraturan OJK No. 32/2014 dan Peraturan OJK No. 33/2014. Catatan: 1. Pengumuman ini berlaku sebagai undangan resmi kepada seluruh Pemegang Saham Perseroan. Perseroan tidak mengirimkan surat undangan tersendiri kepada Para Pemegang Saham; 2. Pemegang Saham yang berhak hadir atau diwakili dalam RUPST adalah: a. Pemegang Saham yang saham(-saham)nya belum didaftarkan secara elektronik ke dalam Penitipan Kolektip pada PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia ("PT KSEI"). Pemegang Saham yang dimaksud tersebut yaitu Pemegang Saham atau kuasanya yang terdaftar/tercatat dalam Daftar Pemegang Saham Perseroan pada hari Rabu, tanggal 29 April 2015, pukul 16.00 WIB di Biro Administrasi Efek Perseroan, PT Datindo Entrycom, Puri Datindo – Wisma Sudirman, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 34, Jakarta 10220, Telepon: (021) 570 9009, Fax : (021) 570 9026; b. Pemegang Saham yang saham(-saham)nya dititipkan pada Penitipan Kolektip PT KSEI. Pemegang Saham yang dimaksud tersebut yaitu pemegang rekening atau kuasa pemegang rekening yang namanya terdaftar/tercatat sebagai Pemegang Saham Perseroan dalam rekening efek anggota Bursa/Bank Kustodian dan dalam Daftar Pemegang Saham Perseroan pada hari Rabu, tanggal 29 April 2015, pukul 16.00 WIB; 3. Pemegang Saham yang tidak dapat hadir dalam RUPST, dapat menunjuk seorang wakilnya yang sah dengan memberikan Surat Kuasa, dengan ketentuan bahwa bagi anggota Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan karyawan Perseroan dapat bertindak selaku kuasa Pemegang Saham dalam RUPST, namun suara mereka tidak dihitung dalam pemungutan suara; 4. Contoh/bentuk Surat Kuasa dapat diperoleh melalui Departemen Corporate Secretary Office Perseroan, beralamat di Gedung Lippo Kuningan Lantai 26, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-12, Karet Kuningan, Jakarta 12940, Telepon: (021) 2971 0170, Fax: (021) 2911 0320. Surat Kuasa yang telah secara sah ditandatangani di atas meterai Rp6.000,harus sudah diterima kembali oleh Perseroan melalui Departemen Corporate Secretary Office sekurang-kurangnya 3 (tiga) hari kerja sebelum tanggal RUPST; 5. Bahan RUPST tersedia di kantor Perseroan sejak tanggal panggilan ini sampai dengan RUPST diselenggarakan. Salinan dokumen fisik bahan RUPST tersebut dapat diperoleh pada jam kerja Perseroan dan atas permintaan tertulis dari Pemegang Saham.
6. Para Pemegang Saham atau kuasa mereka yang akan menghadiri RUPST dimohon untuk membawa dan menunjukkan kepada petugas pendaftaran Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) atau kartu identitas lainnya yang sah dan menyerahkan fotokopinya kepada petugas tersebut sebelum memasuki ruang RUPST. Bagi Pemegang Saham dalam bentuk badan hukum harus menyerahkan fotokopi anggaran dasar dan perubahan(perubahan)nya serta susunan Pengurus terakhir. Bagi Pemegang Saham dalam penitipan kolektip PT KSEI dimohon agar menunjukan konfirmasi tertulis untuk menghadiri rapat (KTUR) kepada petugas sebelum memasuki ruang RUPST; 7. Untuk mempermudah pengaturan dan tertibnya RUPST, Para Pemegang Saham atau kuasanya dimohon dengan hormat untuk hadir di tempat RUPST 30 (tigapuluh) menit sebelum RUPST dimulai.
Jakarta, 30 April 2015 PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk Direksi
PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk
In order to comply with the Article 13 of Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No. 32/POJK.04/2014 regarding the Planning and Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders by Public Companies dated 8 December 2014, the Board of Directors of PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk (the "Company") hereby invites the shareholders to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”), which will be held on: Day, Date Time Place
: Friday, 22 May 2015 : 02.00 p.m. - finish Western Indonesia Time : Lippo Kuningan, 26th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-12, Karet Kuningan, Jakarta 12940
With the following agenda: 1. The approval of the Company’s Annual Report and validation of the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements 2014 along with granting full release and discharge (acquit et de charge) to the Board of Directors from the management actions and to the Board of Commissioners from the supervisory actions carried out for the Financial Year 2014. In accordance to the Article 9 clause (4) and (5) jo. Article 20 clause (5) of the Company’s Articles of Association jo. Article 69 clause (1) of Law No. 40 of 2007 regarding the Limited Liability Company (the “Company Law”), the approval of the annual report including a validation of financial report and the Board of Commissioners’ supervisory report are determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders (“GMS”). 2. The determination of the use of the Company’s Profit for the Financial Year 2014. In accordance to the Article 9 clause (4) letter c jo. Article 20 clause (5) of the Company’s Articles of Association jo. Article 70 and Article 71 of the Company Law, the determination of the use of the Company’s profit is decided in the GMS. 3. The determination of the salary, remuneration, and the other allowance for the members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners for the Financial Year 2015. In accordance to the Article 14 clause (14) and Article 17 clause (8) of the Company’s Articles of Association jo. Article 96 and Article 113 of the Company Law, the determination of the salary, remuneration, and other allowance for the members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners are conducted by GMS.
4. The approval of the Appointment of a Registered Public Accountants Firm to perform the audit on the Company’s Financial Statement for the Financial Year 2015. In accordance to the Article 68 clause (1) letter c of the Company Law, the Financial Report of Public Company must be given to Accountant Public to be audited. 5. The approval of changes Board of Commissioners’ composition. In accordance to the Article 17 clause (2) of the Company’s Articles of Association jo. Article 111 clause (1) of the Company Law, the members of the Board of Commissioners are appointed by GMS. 6. The approval of changes Board of Directors’ composition. In accordance to the Article 14 clause (2) of the Company’s Articles of Association jo. Article 94 clause (1) of the Company Law, the members of the Board of Directors are appointed by GMS. 7. The approval of the Amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association to conform with OJK Regulation No. 32/POJK.04/2014 regarding the Planning and Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders by Public Companies (“OJK Regulation No. 32/2014”) and OJK Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014 regarding the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of Public Companies (“OJK Regulation No. 33/2014”). The amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association are conducted to adjust with the provision of OJK Regulation No.32/2014 and OJK Regulation No. 33/2014.
Notes: 1. This announcement shall be deemed as an official invitation to the Shareholders of the Company. The Company does not send a separate invitation to each of its Shareholders. 2. Those Shareholders who are eligible to attend or be represented in the AGM: a. The Shareholders whose share(s) are not registered electronically at the Collective Depository in PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia ("PT KSEI"). Those Shareholders whose names or their attorneys are registered/recorded in the Company’s Register of Shareholders on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, at 04.00 p.m. Western Indonesia Time, at the Company’s Securities Administration Bureau, PT Datindo Entrycom, Puri Datindo – Wisma Sudirman, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 34, Jakarta 10220, Phone: (021) 570 9009, Fax : (021) 570 9026; b. The Shareholders whose share(s) are deposited at the Collective Depository of PT KSEI. Those Shareholders are the holder of the security sub account or their attorneys whose names are registered/recorded as the Company’s Shareholders in securities account of Stock Exchange/Custodian Bank and in the Company’s Register of Shareholders on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, at 04.00 p.m. Western Indonesia Time;
3. The Shareholders who are unable to attend the AGM, may be represented by their attorneys by presenting a Power of Attorney, provided that any members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and the employess of the Company may act as attorney of a Shareholder, however the votes that they cast as an attorney shall not be counted in the voting rights; 4. The form of Power of Attorney can be obtained by the Company’s Corporate Secretary Department, located at Lippo Kuningan 26th Floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-12, Karet Kuningan, Jakarta 12940, Phone: (021) 2971 0170, Fax: (021) 2911 0320. The Power of Attorney that has been signed on the materai Rp6.000,- must be received by the Company’s Corporate Secretary Department at the latest 3 (three) working days prior to the date of the AGM; 5. Materials of the AGM are available at the office of the Company starting the date of this invitation until the date of the AGM. The hardcopy materials can be obtained during the office hours of the Company and upon written request from the Shareholders. 6. The Shareholders or their attorneys who will attend the AGM are kindly requested to bring and show their official Identity Card (KTP) or other valid proof and to deliver such copy to the registry officials before entering the AGM’s room. Shareholders of legal entities are required to submit copy(ies) of their Articles of Association and any amendmends, together with the latest composition of management. For Shareholders whose shares are deposited in the Collective Depository of PT KSEI are kindly requested to submit their Written Confirmation to attend the Meeting (Konfirmasi Tertulis untuk Rapat/KTUR) to the registry official before entering the AGM’s room; 7. In order to conduct an orderly AGM, the Shareholders or their attorneys are kindly requested to be present at the venue of the AGM at least 30 (thirty) minutes before the AGM begins.
Jakarta, 30 April 2015 PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk Board of Directors