PROTOTYPING Materi Program Ideation 2015
PROTOTYPING Testing demand with MVPs
Following the brainstorming, plenty of individual ideas bundle of ideas (a more complex solutions) Start by clustering similar ideas Building groups out of themes and patterns that are found Trying to find and ask questions on how the best elements of your thinking might live in a system
Pattern Recognition (1)
Pattern Recognition (2)
Design Principles (1)
Design Principles (2)
An example: Earthship Design Principles Earthship Biotecture menciptakan bangunan yang: • Menggunakan tenaga surya / termal yang dapat mengatur panas dan dingin secara dinamis • Mengumpulkan energi dari matahari dan angin • Mengumpulkan air dari hujan dan salju mencair • Mengolah limbah mereka sendiri • Menghasilkan makanan dalam jumlah yang signifikan • Memanfaatkan bahan yang produk sampingan masyarakat modern seperti kaleng, botol dan ban
Using the IDEO toolkit • Download your learning. Making sense of what have been gathered from field research •
• Share Inspiring Stories. Build a repository of stories for your team to draw from, tell, and retell • • Find themes. Have any patterns emerged? Is there a compelling insight you heard again and again? A consistent problem the people you’re designing for face? What feels significant? What surprised you? • • Design Principles. Design principles describe the most important elements of your solution and give integrity and form to what you’re designing. •
Road to a commercialized product: Product development
video ini menunjukkan bagaimana LUMIUM merancang produk dari awal hingga produk siap digunakan yang dapat dijadikan contoh tentang proses desain.
Road to a commercialized product: Product development
Model Lama
Inkubasi Tekn & Bisnis
Prototyping in product design and development
Direktur Industrial Design Consultancy (IDC) Stephen Knowles menjelaskan bagaimana prototyping dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat proses desain dan pengembangan produk. Termasuk informasi tentang bagaimana Rapid Prototyping dapat digunakan, dan demo mesin SLA Viper
Untuk siapa/apa
Contoh: Vita Mundo - UNICEF Challenge
Tim 'Vita Mundo' adalah mahasiswa Unite Lebanon Youth Project (ULYP) yang berpartisipasi dalam UNICEF Global Challenge, menciptakan solusi inovatif untuk masalah nyata yang dihadapi oleh orang-orang yang tinggal di wilayah berisiko di seluruh dunia. Proyek “Vita Mundo” adalah menciptakan mesin pemilahan sampah otomatis yang memverifikasi limbah secara efisien dalam lima kategori: besi, aluminium, kaca, plastik, dan bahan organik. Mesin pemilah sampah ini akan memberikan voucher kepada pengguna yang akan memungkinkan pengguna untuk menukarkannya dengan sejumlah uang.
Early and low-fi prototyping
To Inspire : a model or a role playing to act on what could be, what
should be , what would be
It enables you : To allow concept to be experienced To encourage feedback early and often To fail safely quickly and inexpensively
Some prototyping methods Create a model (use paper, cardboard, fabric).
Keep it rough and at a low fidelity to start
Create a mock up. Build mock ups of digital tools or website with simple sketches on paper
Create a role play. Try on the roles of the people that are part of the situation and uncover questions they might ask
Create a diagram. Map out the structure journey, or process of your idea in a way that will be easy for a potential customer to understand
Create a story. Tell the story of your idea from the future
Create an advertisement. Create a fake advertisement that promotes the best parts of your idea.
Concept model: ITU Rapid Prototyping Workshop
Storyboard: Prototype Video Storyboard
A diagram: Vitacleanse UNICEF Challenge
A mock up: 4 Simple Ways to Bring an Idea to Life Mock it up with Keynote
An advertisement: Packaging Prototypes: Make the Prototype, Make the Pitch, Make the Sale
Brian Taman (Chef Bobo Foods), Randy Golden (Kaleidoscope Foods), dan Jimmy Tsai (K-1 K-1 Packaging Group) menceritakan bagaimana Roland VersaUV's packaging prototyping solutions membantu mereka agar lebih efektif dan menjual produk makanan baru untuk pembeli ritel.
Developmental/technical prototypes: Contoh tes peledakan di tambang
Disability Experience & Exhibit Prototyping
Storyboards – Design Kit
For your case • Develop a plan to prototype your product • Develop a storyboard/user experience map (visualize what the user might experience with your product) • Develop a one minute video pitch
Latihan 1:
(20 Menit)
Determine what to prototype Which features to test? How to test?
Latihan 2: Capturing feedbacks Who, what, where Where did you go? Who did you test your idea with What were you testing for?
The good What did people value the most What got them excited What convinced them about the idea?
The bad What failed? Were there suggestions for improvement What needs further investigations?
The unexpected Did anything happen that you didn’t expect?